
自己免疫疾患診断薬の世界市場レポート:国別・企業別分析 2025-2033

自己免疫疾患診断薬の世界市場レポート:国別・企業別分析 2025-2033

Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market Global Report: Country and Company Analysis 2025-2033

自己免疫疾患診断薬の世界市場規模 自己免疫疾患診断市場は、2024年の57.0億米ドルから2033年には106.3億米ドルに拡大し、2025年から2033年までの年平均成長率は7.17%と予測される。自己免疫疾患の患者数の増... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2025年1月1日 US$2,990
3営業日程度 210 英語































英国の自己免疫疾患診断薬市場は、主に自己免疫疾患の有病率の増加と早期かつ正確な診断への注目の高まりにより成長している。関節リウマチ、ループス、多発性硬化症などの病気にかかる人が増えるにつれ、血液検査、画像診断、バイオマーカー分析などの高度な診断ツールに対する需要が高まっている。英国の確立された医療インフラ、診断技術の進歩、患者の意識の高まりが市場を牽引している。また、診断ソリューションの継続的な研究と革新が市場の成長をさらに高めると期待されている。2024年7月、体外診断薬のグローバル企業であるAliveDx社は、自動免疫蛍光アッセイソリューションであるLumiQ™を発売した。この開発によりAliveDx社は、LumiQ IFAと革新的なMosaiQプラナー・マイクロアレイ技術に基づき、自己免疫診断のための差別化されたすぐに使えるソリューションを提供できるようになった。


インドの自己免疫疾患診断市場は、関節リウマチ、ループス、多発性硬化症などの自己免疫疾患の有病率の増加により成長している。健康意識は年々高まっており、特に都市部では血液検査、バイオマーカー、高度な画像診断技術などの正確な検査が求められている。さらに、医療インフラの増加、医療サービスへのアクセス向上のための政府制度、個別化医療の採用増加がこの成長に寄与している。市場に投入された手頃な診断技術も、インドにおける自己免疫疾患診断の需要増加を支えている。2022年6月、診断薬企業のQuotient Limitedは、自己免疫疾患の診断にQuotientのMosaiQプラットフォームを使用することを改善するために、自己免疫疾患検査のリーダーであるTheradiagと協力した。



製品 - 3つの視点からの市場細分化

タイプ別 - 2つの視点からの市場区分:

適応症 - 5つの視点による市場細分化:

End-Users - 3つの視点からの市場細分化:

国別 - 25カ国の視点から市場を分析:
1.1 米国
1.2 カナダ
2.1 フランス
2.2 ドイツ
2.3 イタリア
2.4 スペイン
2.5 イギリス
2.6 ベルギー
2.7 オランダ
2.8 トルコ
3.1 中国
3.2 日本
3.3 インド
3.4 韓国
3.5 タイ
3.6 マレーシア
3.7 インドネシア
3.8 オーストラリア
3.9 ニュージーランド
4.1 ブラジル
4.2 メキシコ
4.3 アルゼンチン
5.1 サウジアラビア
5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
5.3 南アフリカ

- 概要
- 最近の動向
- 収益分析







4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題


6.1 製品別
6.2 タイプ別
6.3 適応症別
6.4 エンドユーザー別
6.5 国別

7.1 治療・モニタリング機器
7.2 診断機器
7.3 医薬品

8.1 全身性
8.2 局所型

9.1 リウマチ性疾患
9.2 糖尿病
9.3 多発性硬化症
9.4 炎症性腸疾患
9.5 その他

10.1 病院
10.2 診断センター
10.3 その他

11.1 北米

11.1.1 アメリカ合衆国
11.1.2 カナダ

11.2 ヨーロッパ

11.2.1 フランス
11.2.2 ドイツ
11.2.3 イタリア
11.2.4 スペイン
11.2.5 イギリス
11.2.6 ベルギー
11.2.7 オランダ
11.2.8 トルコ

11.3 アジア太平洋

11.3.1 中国
11.3.2 日本
11.3.3 インド
11.3.4 韓国
11.3.5 タイ
11.3.6 マレーシア
11.3.7 インドネシア
11.3.8 オーストラリア
11.3.9 ニュージーランド

11.4 ラテンアメリカ

11.4.1 ブラジル
11.4.2 メキシコ
11.4.3 アルゼンチン

11.5 中東・アフリカ

11.5.1 サウジアラビア
11.5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
11.5.3 南アフリカ

12.1 買い手の交渉力
12.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
12.3 ライバルの度合い
12.4 新規参入の脅威
12.5 代替品の脅威

13.1 強み
13.2 弱点
13.3 機会
13.4 脅威

14.1 アボット研究所

14.1.1 概要
14.1.2 最近の開発
14.1.3 ファイナンシャル・インサイト

14.2 バイオ・ラッド・ラボラトリーズ

14.2.1 概要
14.2.2 最近の開発
14.2.3 財務的洞察

14.3 ロシュ・ダイアグノスティックス

14.3.1 概要
14.3.2 最近の開発
14.3.3 財務的洞察

14.4 シーメンス・ヘルスィニアス

14.4.1 概要
14.4.2 最近の発展
14.4.3 ファイナンシャル・インサイト

14.5 ビオメリューSA

14.5.1 概要
14.5.2 最近の開発
14.5.3 財務的洞察

14.6 ミリアド・ジェネティクス社

14.6.1 概要
14.6.2 最近の開発
14.6.3 財務的洞察

14.7 クエスト・ダイアグノスティックス

14.7.1 概要
14.7.2 最近の開発
14.7.3 財務的洞察

14.8 サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック

14.8.1 概要
14.8.2 最近の開発
14.8.3 財務的洞察





Global Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market Size

The Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market is expected to expand from US$5.70 billion in 2024 to US$10.63 billion by 2033 at a CAGR of 7.17% between 2025 and 2033. The rising cases of autoimmune diseases, progress in diagnostic technologies, and an increased awareness of the early detection of the conditions fuel this growth. Rising demands for more precise, tailored diagnostic tests spur on the market, especially within the expanding healthcare infrastructure across different regions.

Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Industry Overview

Autoimmune disease diagnostics is the process of detecting and diagnosing autoimmune disorders, which occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells. These diseases include conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and Type 1 diabetes. Diagnosing autoimmune diseases is essential to ensure proper treatment and management because their symptoms are similar to many other diseases and cannot easily be pinpointed to identify the root cause.

Diagnostic tools used in the detection of autoimmune diseases include blood tests, ELISA, and immunofluorescence assays, which detect specific antibodies, markers, or proteins associated with autoimmune diseases. Other diagnostic techniques include imaging tests and tissue biopsies to assess organ involvement. The use of autoimmune disease diagnostics has increased due to the rising prevalence of these conditions, which are often chronic and require long-term management. Early detection through these diagnostic methods helps manage symptoms, prevent complications, and improve patients' quality of life. Advanced technologies have also enabled more accurate and personalized diagnostics for autoimmune diseases.

Growth Drivers in the Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market

Increasing Prevalence of Autoimmune Diseases

The growing incidence of autoimmune diseases is one of the major drivers for the autoimmune disease diagnostics market. With conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Type 1 diabetes being more common, there is a higher demand for accurate and early diagnostic tools. The awareness about autoimmune diseases and the better diagnostic capabilities encourage people to seek early detection, further contributing to market growth and the adoption of advanced diagnostic technologies in healthcare settings.

Advances in diagnostic technology

Advances in technology include highly precise and automated diagnostic tests. Other improved diagnostic tools, for instance, advanced blood tests, increased sensitivity, and specificity offer higher detection and sensitivity biomarker methods. These increase earlier and more accurate detection, which is followed by a more informed treatment plan. Improvements in the speed and accuracy of detection in cases of autoimmune diseases due to inclusion of artificial intelligence and machine learning in diagnostic tools hasten the growth rate.

Rising Healthcare Awareness and Early Detection

Growing health consciousness, particularly toward earlier detection, is the greatest driving force behind the market for autoimmune disease diagnostics. A better understanding of the risks and symptoms of autoimmune diseases raises the chances of patients coming forward for diagnostic tests. The early detection of disease often translates into more effective treatment because the chances of complications would be minimal. With increasing healthcare systems focusing on preventative care and early intervention, the demand for advanced solutions for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases will increase.

Challenges in the Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market

High Cost of Diagnostic Tests

The main challenge in the autoimmune disease diagnostics market is the high price of advanced diagnostic tests. Many of the newer technologies are expensive, such as genetic and high-end blood tests. This makes them inaccessible in low-income regions, hence delaying diagnosis and treatment, especially among patients with inadequate insurance coverage or access to healthcare facilities that offer such tests, thereby hindering market growth.

Lack of Standardized Testing Methods

Another challenge in the market of autoimmune disease diagnostics is that the testing methods in various regions are not standardized. Autoimmune diseases are complex and overlapping with other diseases. So, their diagnosis becomes complicated. In the absence of universally accepted and standardized diagnostic criteria, variations in test results are common, and a delayed diagnosis can occur. Also, lack of uniformity in diagnostic procedures from different healthcare providers complicates the accurate detection and management of autoimmune diseases.

Autoimmune Therapeutic and Monitoring Equipment Market

The growth of Autoimmune Therapeutic and Monitoring Equipment Market is due to the increase in prevalence cases with autoimmune diseases that require an active management process and monitoring process. Devices include therapeutic apparatuses like infusion pumps, biologic therapies, as well as monitoring equipment such as monitors for blood pressure, in addition to diagnostic equipment in terms of tracking the course of a disease. Drivers in the market are advancements in personalized medicine and the increasing demand for monitoring at home. Additionally, better and more precise treatments create the need for improved healthcare systems. Increasing awareness and improvement in diagnostic capabilities enhance growth in the market.

Localized Autoimmune Diseases Market

The Localized Autoimmune Diseases Market deals with autoimmune diseases mainly affecting specific organs or tissues, such as localized scleroderma or autoimmune thyroid disorders. These conditions require specific treatments involving the usage of immunosuppressants, biologics, and local interventions-corticosteroid injections, in certain cases. Market research into these diseases has further witnessed a surge owing to increases in prevalence rates, better and faster emerging targeted therapy results, and increasing knowledge levels around the presence of an auto immune condition.

Diabetes Diagnostic Tests Market

The Diabetes Diagnostics Market is the fastest growing segment in the global healthcare industry, supported by a rising prevalence of diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, and the need for early detection and management. Diagnosing and managing diabetes require a number of diagnostic tools including glucose meters, continuous glucose monitoring systems, and A1C testing kits. This kind of monitoring can better track blood glucose, hence help patients and providers better manage the disease. Another advancement that drives the market includes the development of non-invasive glucose monitoring devices, as well as point-of-care testing solutions. Expanding knowledge about diabetes complications and global healthcare spending also expand the market for diabetes diagnostics.

Hospitals Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market

The hospital is emerging as an autoimmune disease diagnostic market as it remains one of the major diagnostic centers of autoimmune diseases through modern diagnostic technologies. With the increase in autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis, more accurate testing techniques, like blood tests, biopsy procedures, and imaging techniques, are being used in hospitals. The need for hospitals to use advanced equipment in diagnosing autoimmune diseases through specialized diagnostic equipment and well-developed health infrastructure promotes the growth of autoimmune disease diagnostics. Accurate tests for early detection further increase the chances of effective treatments, thus further propelling the market.

Canada Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market

The Canada Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market is increasing due to increased prevalence of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Type 1 diabetes. High demand for early and accurate diagnosis has led to increasing usage of advanced diagnostic tools such as blood tests, biomarkers, and imaging techniques. Canada has one of the world's most advanced health systems with personalized medicine and precision diagnostics now gaining increased prominence. This, along with increasing knowledge on the existence of auto-immunity and diagnostic technological innovations is also further pushing up the demand in this market. May 2024, Augurex and New Day Diagnostics are proud to partner on SPINEstatTM, a next generation, multiplex biomarker assay designed to change how ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is managed.

United Kingdom Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market

The UK's Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market is growing, primarily due to the growing prevalence of autoimmune diseases and increasing focus on early and accurate diagnosis. As more people fall victim to diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis, demand for advanced diagnostic tools, including blood tests, imaging techniques, and biomarker analysis, is rising. The UK's well-established healthcare infrastructure, advancements in diagnostic technologies, and rising patient awareness are driving the market forward. In addition, ongoing research and innovation in diagnostic solutions are expected to enhance the market's growth further. July 2024, AliveDx, a global in vitro diagnostics company, has launched LumiQ™, an automated immunofluorescence assay solution. This development enables AliveDx to offer a differentiated, ready-to-go solution for autoimmune diagnostics, based on LumiQ IFA and innovative MosaiQ planar microarray technology.

India Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market

The India Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market is growing due to the growing prevalence of autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. Health awareness has grown over the years, particularly in urban areas, demanding the need for accurate tests of blood tests, biomarkers, and advanced imaging techniques. Furthermore, an increase in health infrastructure, government schemes for better access to health services, and increased adoption of personalized medicine are contributing to this growth. Affordable diagnostic technologies launched in the market have also supported the increasing demand for autoimmune disease diagnostics in India. June 2022, Quotient Limited, a diagnostics company, collaborated with Theradiag, the leader in autoimmune disease testing, to improve the use of Quotient's MosaiQ platform for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases.

Saudi Arabia Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market

The Saudi Arabia Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market is expanding as the incidence of autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, increases in the country. The growing awareness of these diseases and innovative diagnostic technologies are increasing demand for more accurate and sensitive early detection methods. Saudi Arabia has a well-developed infrastructure of healthcare, and changing trends toward advanced diagnostic technology, such as biomarkers and imaging, further increase market growth. Government efforts to better access and quality of care also contribute to the growth of autoimmune disease diagnostics in the country.

Product – Market breakup in 3 viewpoints:
1. Therapeutic & Monitoring Equipment
2. Diagnostics Equipment
3. Drugs

Types – Market breakup in 2 viewpoints:
1. Systemic
2. Localized

Indication – Market breakup in 5 viewpoints:
1. Rheumatic Disease
2. Diabetes
3. Multiple Sclerosis
4. Inflammatory Bowel Disease
5. Others

End-Users – Market breakup in 3 viewpoints:
1. Hospitals
2. Diagnostics Centers
3. Others

Countries – Market breakup from 25 Country viewpoints:
1. North America
1.1 United States
1.2 Canada
2. Europe
2.1 France
2.2 Germany
2.3 Italy
2.4 Spain
2.5 United Kingdom
2.6 Belgium
2.7 Netherlands
2.8 Turkey
3. Asia Pacific
3.1 China
3.2 Japan
3.3 India
3.4 South Korea
3.5 Thailand
3.6 Malaysia
3.7 Indonesia
3.8 Australia
3.9 New Zealand
4. Latin America
4.1 Brazil
4.2 Mexico
4.3 Argentina
5. Middle East & Africa
5.1 Saudi Arabia
5.2 UAE
5.3 South Africa

All the Key players have been covered from 3 Viewpoints:
• Overview
• Recent Developments
• Revenue Analysis

Company Analysis:
1. Abbott Laboratories
2. Bio-Rad Laboratories
3. Roche Diagnostics
4. Siemens Healthineers
5. Bio Merieux SA
6. Myriad Genetics, Inc.
7. Quest Diagnostics Incorporated
8. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market

6. Market Share
6.1 By Product
6.2 By Type
6.3 By Indication
6.4 By End Users
6.5 By Country

7. Product
7.1 Therapeutic & Monitoring Equipment
7.2 Diagnostics Equipment
7.3 Drugs

8. Type
8.1 Systemic
8.2 Localized

9. Indication
9.1 Rheumatic Disease
9.2 Diabetes
9.3 Multiple Sclerosis
9.4 Inflammatory Bowel Disease
9.5 Others

10. End Users
10.1 Hospitals
10.2 Diagnostics Centers
10.3 Others

11. Country
11.1 North America

11.1.1 United States
11.1.2 Canada

11.2 Europe

11.2.1 France
11.2.2 Germany
11.2.3 Italy
11.2.4 Spain
11.2.5 United Kingdom
11.2.6 Belgium
11.2.7 Netherlands
11.2.8 Turkey

11.3 Asia Pacific

11.3.1 China
11.3.2 Japan
11.3.3 India
11.3.4 South Korea
11.3.5 Thailand
11.3.6 Malaysia
11.3.7 Indonesia
11.3.8 Australia
11.3.9 New Zealand

11.4 Latin America

11.4.1 Brazil
11.4.2 Mexico
11.4.3 Argentina

11.5 Middle East & Africa

11.5.1 Saudi Arabia
11.5.2 UAE
11.5.3 South Africa

12. Porter’s Five Analysis
12.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
12.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
12.3 Degree of Rivalry
12.4 Threat of New Entrants
12.5 Threat of Substitutes

13. SWOT Analysis
13.1 Strength
13.2 Weakness
13.3 Opportunity
13.4 Threat

14. Companies Analysis
14.1 Abbott Laboratories

14.1.1 Overview
14.1.2 Recent Development
14.1.3 Financial Insights

14.2 Bio-Rad Laboratories

14.2.1 Overview
14.2.2 Recent Development
14.2.3 Financial Insights

14.3 Roche Diagnostics

14.3.1 Overview
14.3.2 Recent Development
14.3.3 Financial Insights

14.4 Siemens Healthineers

14.4.1 Overview
14.4.2 Recent Development
14.4.3 Financial Insights

14.5 BioMerieux SA

14.5.1 Overview
14.5.2 Recent Development
14.5.3 Financial Insights

14.6 Myriad Genetics, Inc.

14.6.1 Overview
14.6.2 Recent Development
14.6.3 Financial Insights

14.7 Quest Diagnostics Incorporated

14.7.1 Overview
14.7.2 Recent Development
14.7.3 Financial Insights

14.8 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.

14.8.1 Overview
14.8.2 Recent Development
14.8.3 Financial Insights





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2025/03/07 10:26

149.07 円

161.21 円

194.79 円
