


Respiratory Care Devices Market, Size, Global Forecast 2024-2030, Industry Trends, Share, Growth, Insight, Impact of Inflation, Company Analysis

Renub Researchによると、呼吸ケア機器市場規模は2030年までに387億6000万米ドルに成長すると予測されている。呼吸ケア機器は、呼吸状態の治療と管理に使用される臨床機器である。これらの機器は、呼吸器疾患の患... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2024年1月1日 US$2,490
お問合わせください 220 英語



Renub Researchによると、呼吸ケア機器市場規模は2030年までに387億6000万米ドルに成長すると予測されている。呼吸ケア機器は、呼吸状態の治療と管理に使用される臨床機器である。これらの機器は、呼吸器疾患の患者を助け、呼吸機能を改善し、呼吸サポートを提供するように設計されている。呼吸ケア機器は、呼吸疾患のリスクを抱える高齢者人口、機器設計を強化する技術の進歩、医療支出の増加など、多くの要因によって成長している。







人工知能のテクノロジーとアップグレードは、ヘルスケア分野を劇的に変化させている。様々な市場企業が呼吸装置の進歩に投資し、技術革新を行っている。例えば、2022年11月、Xplore Health Technologies社は、Airofit Proとして知られる初のタイプの呼吸訓練(RMT)装置を発表した。この製品はデンマークのAirofit社との共同開発によるものである。この製品は、422.74米ドルで販売される、事実を押し進めた最初の現代的な呼吸教育システムのひとつとなった。Airofit Proは、顧客の呼吸トレーニングをパーソナライズし、呼吸筋組織をより強力に、より速く、より効率的にする。したがって、呼吸器デバイスのこのような技術的強化により、市場は今後持続的に発展すると予想される。呼吸ケア機器市場は2023年に223億2,000万米ドル。



この重要な分野が進歩するにつれ、ヘルスケア業界の企業やバイヤーに有望な可能性を提供している。例えば、clinicaltrials.Gov, RaydiantOximetry, Inc.をサポートした調査は2022年7月に開始し、2023年12月に終了すると予測されている。Lumerahとして知られるRaydiantOximetryセンシングシステムは、安全で非侵襲的な経腹近赤外分光法を介して胎児の動脈酸素飽和度を測定するために設計された非侵襲的胎児パルスオキシメータである。











競争環境は、Medtronic p.C.、Koninclick-Phillips、General Electric Company、Masimo Corporation、ResMed Inc.、Becton Dickinson、Chart Industries Inc.、Gettinge AB、Inogen Inc.


Renub Researchの調査レポート「呼吸ケア機器市場、デバイスタイプ別(治療、モニタリング、診断、消耗品、アクセサリ)、製品タイプ別(呼吸器消耗品、ネブライザ、酸素濃縮器、睡眠ポリグラフ装置、パルスオキシメータ、機械式人工呼吸器、スパイロメータ、その他)、用途別(慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)、閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群、喘息、呼吸窮迫症候群、嚢胞性線維症、その他)、地域(北米(米国、カナダ)、南米(メキシコ、ブラジル)、欧州(英国、ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、オランダ)、アジア太平洋(中国、日本、インド、韓国、オーストラリア)、中東・アフリカ(アラブ首長国連邦、南アフリカ)、その他の地域)、企業分析(Medtronic Plc、Koninklijke Philips、General Electric Company、Masimo Corporation、ResMed Inc.,Becton Dickinson、Chart Industries Inc.、Getinge AB、InogenInc) "を掲載しています。呼吸ケア機器市場の詳細な分析を提供します。







エンドユーザー - 市場は3つの視点からカバーされている


国別 - この調査レポートは18ヶ国の呼吸ケア機器市場を対象としています。


1.1 米国
1.2 カナダ


2.1 メキシコ
2.2 ブラジル


3.1 イギリス
3.2 ドイツ
3.3 フランス
3.4 イタリア
3.5 スペイン
3.6 オランダ


4.1 中国
4.2 日本
4.3 インド
4.4 韓国
4.5 オーストラリア


5.1 アラブ首長国連邦
5.2 南アフリカ



- 事業概要
- 最近の展開
- 販売分析









4.1 推進要因
4.2 阻害要因



6.1 アプリケーション別
6.2 デバイスタイプ別
6.3 製品タイプ別
6.4 エンドユーザー別
6.5 国別


7.1 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)
7.2 閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群
7.3 喘息
7.4 呼吸窮迫症候群
7.5 嚢胞性線維症
7.6 その他

8.呼吸ケアデバイスの世界市場 - デバイスタイプ

8.1 治療機器
8.2 モニタリング機器
8.3 診断機器
8.4 消耗品・アクセサリー


9.1 呼吸器用消耗品
9.2 ネブライザー
9.3 酸素濃縮器
9.4 睡眠ポリグラフ装置
9.5 パルスオキシメータ
9.6 人工呼吸器
9.7 スピロメーター
9.8 その他

10.呼吸ケア機器の世界市場 - エンドユーザー

10.1 病院
10.2 在宅医療
10.3 外来医療


11.1 北米

11.1.1 米国
11.1.2 カナダ

11.2 ラテンアメリカ

11.2.1 メキシコ
11.2.2 ブラジル

11.3 ヨーロッパ

11.3.1 イギリス
11.3.2 ドイツ
11.3.3 フランス
11.3.4 イタリア
11.3.5 スペイン
11.3.6 オランダ

11.4 アジア太平洋

11.4.1 中国
11.4.2 日本
11.4.3 インド
11.4.4 韓国
11.4.5 オーストラリア

11.5 中東・アフリカ

11.5.1 アラブ首長国連邦
11.5.2 南アフリカ

11.6 その他の地域


12.1 買い手の交渉力
12.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
12.3 ライバルの度合い
12.4 新規参入の脅威
12.5 代替品の脅威


13.1.1 強み
13.1.2 弱点
13.1.3 機会
13.1.4 脅威


14.1 メドトロニック社

14.1.1 概要
14.1.2 最近の開発
14.1.3 収益

14.2 Koninklijke Philips

14.2.1 概要
14.2.2 最近の開発
14.2.3 収益

14.3 ゼネラル・エレクトリック社

14.3.1 概要
14.3.2 最近の開発
14.3.3 収益

14.4 マシモ株式会社

14.4.1 概要
14.4.2 最近の開発
14.4.3 収益

14.5 レスメド社

14.5.1 概要
14.5.2 最近の開発
14.5.3 収益

14.6 ベクトン・ディッキンソン

14.6.1 概要
14.6.2 最近の開発
14.6.3 収益

14.7 チャート・インダストリーズ社

14.7.1 概要
14.7.2 最近の発展
14.7.3 収益

14.8 ゲティンゲAB

14.8.1 概要
14.8.2 最近の開発
14.8.3 収益

14.9 イノジェン社

14.9.1 概要
14.9.2 最近の開発
14.9.3 収益








Respiratory Care Devices Market size is anticipated to grow to US$ 38.76 Billion by 2030, according to Renub Research. Respiratory care devices are clinical devices used for treating and managing breathing conditions. These devices are designed to help patients with respiratory diseases, improve respiratory features, and offer respiratory support. Respiratory care devices is growing due to numerous factors, including an old populace at risk of respiration diseases, technological advancements that enhance device design, and increased healthcare spending.

Respiratory care devices intention to address numerous factors, together with an getting old populace at risk of respiration sicknesses, technological advancements that decorate tool design, and increased healthcare spending. By that specialize in those regions, those gadgets can assist enhance the superiority of respiration ailments and offer higher take care of needy patients. Respiratory care devices diagnose, monitor, and deal with respiration diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary ailment (COPD), bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. These devices offer enhanced care to patients with acute and persistent respiratory diseases.

The growing prevalence of respiration diseases drives the respiration care device market share, the growingold populace, and the growing demand for home care settings. The rising incidence of respiratory diseases, which includes chronic obstructive pulmonary ailment, allergies, and sleep apnea, drives demand for respiration care devices. With the worldwide populace's aging and environmental factors impacting respiration health, the demand for efficient breathing care solutions is at the upward push.

Respiratory Care Device market is predicted to develop at a CAGR of 8.20% from 2024 to 2030

In October 2022, according to WHO, 30 nations with a high TB burden accounted for 87% of the latest TB instances. The number of recent TB cases in the WHO South-East Asian Region, with 46% new instances, was observed in the WHO African Region, with 23% new instances, and the WHO Western Pacific, with 18%. Such a surge in TB cases leads to rising breathing demand, driving the market growth.

The increasing growing old populace has a higher incidence of breathing conditions amongst aged people. Elderly individuals are more susceptible to respiration diseases, which encompass continual obstructive pulmonary ailment, pneumonia, and sleep apnea. According to World Health Organization records, more than 2 billion people will probably be 60 and older by 2050. This drives the demand for respiratory care devices to maintainadequate respiration and ensure most advantageous respiratory characteristic. Thus, the respiration care device market is predicted to grow in the upcoming years. As the number of humans identified with respiration illnesses will increase, the demand for respiratory care devices is predicted to grow.

The Global Respiratory care devices marketplace requires a dependable and efficient infrastructure for low-earning individuals or healthcare centers. The inadequate infrastructure and training distribution need to be progressed, which can also moreover restrict the increase of the respiration care device market. Also, cost constraints may additionally create challenges for demanding situations for manufacturers of respiratory care devices and end-users.

Technology and upgrades in artificial intelligence have dramatically modified the healthcare sector. Various marketplace companies are making an investment and innovating in the advancement of breathing devices. For example, in November 2022, Xplore Health Technologies released a first-of-its-type breathing training (RMT) device known as Airofit Pro. The product comes from a collaboration with Airofit, Denmark. It became one of the first facts-pushed modern breathing education system priced at USD 422.74. Airofit Pro personalizes respiratory training for customers and makes their respiratory muscle tissues more potent, faster, and greater efficient. Therefore, with such technological enhancements in respiratory devices, the market is expected to develop in the upcoming duration. The Respiratory Care Device market was US$ 22.32 Billion in 2023.

The pulse oximetry market is projected to grow in the upcoming years

The Respiratory Care Device Market is segmented by Application into Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Asthma, Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, and Others. The pulse oximetry market is poised for enduring expansion in healthcare technology because it traverses the forecast period. This sector plays a pivotal role in monitoring oxygen levels in patients, with its demand displaying no signs of slowing down. The continual growth displays the growing importance of pulse oximeters in clinical and home settings, as they offer essential data for respiratory health.

As this vital sector progresses, it offers promising potentialities for companies and buyers within the healthcare industry. As an instance, consistent with records from clinicaltrials. Gov, the study supported RaydiantOximetry, Inc., which started in July 2022 and is projected to conclude in December 2023. The RaydiantOximetry Sensing System, known as Lumerah, is a non-invasive fetal pulse oximeter designed for measuring fetal arterial oxygen saturation via secure and non-invasive transabdominal close-to-infrared spectroscopy.

Therapeutic respiratory devices are vital in treating respiration situations, presenting crucial remedies, and raising patients' standard, high-quality lifestyles

By Device Types, the Respiratory care device market is divided into Therapeutic, Monitoring, Diagnostic, Consumables, and accessories. Therapeutic respiratory devices stand as indispensable equipment in the management of respiratory conditions. These devices play a pivotal role in alleviating breathing problems, imparting a lifeline to people grappling with chronic obstructive pulmonary sickness (COPD), bronchial asthma, or even acute respiratory distress. These treatments facilitate stepped-forward airflow through mechanisms like nebulizers, inhalers, and acceptable airway pressure devices, making each breath more effortless. This, in turn, translates into a remarkable enhancement in the overall quality of lifestyles for patients, letting them interact in day-by-day activities with increased comfort and independence, a true testament to the importance of these life-enhancing medical devices.

Oxygen Concentrates thrive in the respiratory care device market

By Product Types, the Respiratory care device market is classified into Respiratory Consumables, Nebulizers, Oxygen Concentrators, Polysomnography Devices, Pulse oximeters, Mechanical Ventilators, Spirometers, and Others. The Oxygen Concentrators market is a pivotal sector within the expansive realm of the Respiratory Care Device industry. These devices have profoundly impacted the lives of individuals with numerous respiratory situations, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and many more.

Oxygen concentrators are instrumental in delivering reliable and continuous oxygen to patients, changing the need for traditional oxygen tanks. Their convenience, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability make them increasingly essential in healthcare settings and at home. With the prevalence of respiration illnesses growing, the oxygen concentrator market is poised for continued demand, promising improved quality of life for countless patients.

The healthcare facility sector, particularly hospitals, held the predominant market share in the Respiratory Care Device industry

By End Users, the Respiratory care device market is broken up into Hospitals, Home Care, and Ambulatory Care. In the dynamic landscape of the Respiratory Care Device industry, hospitals emerged as the undisputed leaders, commanding the market with authority. Their dominance is rooted in their pivotal role as primary healthcare providers, where various respiratory conditions are diagnosed and treated. Hospitals utilize an array of respiratory care devices, from ventilators to oxygen concentrators, to ensure the well-being of patients. This extensive application of respiratory care technology solidifies their prominence. Furthermore, their advanced infrastructure, skilled healthcare professionals, and comprehensive approach to respiratory health cement hospitals as the industry's epicenter of innovation and care.

The United Statеs is declaring its market dominance, driven by the upward thrust in respiratory diseases consisting of COPD, tuberculosis, asthma, and slееp apnеa

The market for respiratory care devices is increasing unexpectedly in diverse countries, inclusive of North America (United States, Canada), Europe (United States, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Netherlands), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, and Australia), South America (Mexico, Brazil), Middle East & Africa (South Africa, United Arab Emirates) and Rest of the World. The United States of America has the biggest market proportion because of the excessive occurrence of conditions inclusive of COPD, tuberculosis, allergies and sleep apnea. For example, consistent with the CDC’s 2022 document, 4.6% of adults aged 18 years and older in the U.S. will be afflicted by COPD, emphysema, or continual obstructive pulmonary disease through 2021, that is driving market growth. The market enlargement is also driven with the aid of advanced research and improvement, that is creating innovative devices. In 2022, funding has been allotted in the U.S. for respiratory disease R&D, along with US$ 150 million for COPD, US$ 328 million for bronchial asthma, US$ 621 million for tuberculosis, and US$ 515 million for sleep arena research. This investment is expected to cause the enhancement of new device. Additionally, the increase of the market is projected to be contributed through the strategic initiatives, product launches, and activities of the market players in India.

Key Player

The competitive landscape consists of Medtronic p.C, Koninclick-Phillips, General Electric Company, Masimo Corporation, ResMed Inc., Becton Dickinson, Chart Industries Inc., Gettinge AB, Inogen Inc.

Vitalograph, a company that creates respiratory diagnostic devices, released the VitaloPFT Pulmonary Function Testing Series in March 2023. This series is designed for use in secondary care.

Renub Research report titled “Respiratory Care Devices Market, Global Forecast by Device Type (Therapeutic, Monitoring, Diagnostic, Consumables, and accessories), Product Type (Respiratory Consumables, Nebulizers, Oxygen Concentrators, Polysomnography Devices, Pulse oximeters, Mechanical Ventilators, Spirometers, and Others), Application (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Asthma, Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, and Others), Regions (North America (United States, Canada), South America (Mexico, Brazil), Europe (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, and Australia), Middle East & Africa (United Arab Emirates, South Africa) and Rest of the World), Company Analysis (Medtronic Plc, Koninklijke Philips, General Electric Company, Masimo Corporation, ResMed Inc., Becton Dickinson, Chart Industries Inc., Getinge AB, and InogenInc)” Provides a detailed analysis of Respiratory Care Devices Market.

Device Type – Market has been covered from 4 viewpoints

1. Therapeutic Devices
2. Monitoring Devices
3. Diagnostic Devices
4. Consumables & Accessories

Products – Market has been covered from 8 viewpoints

1. Respiratory Consumables
2. Nebulizers
3. Oxygen Concentrators
4. Polysomnography Devices
5. Pulse Oximeter
6. Mechanical Ventilators
7. Spirometers
8. Others

Application – Market has been covered from 6 viewpoints

1. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea
3. Asthma
4. Respiratory Distress Syndrome
5. Cystic Fibrosis
6. Others

End Users – Market has been covered from 3 viewpoints

1. Hospitals
2. Home Care
3. Ambulatory Care

Country – This report covers the 18 countries Respiratory Care Devices Market

1. North America

1.1 United States
1.2 Canada

2. Latin America

2.1 Mexico
2.2 Brazil

3. Europe

3.1 United Kingdom
3.2 Germany
3.3 France
3.4 Italy
3.5 Spain
3.6 Netherlands

4. Asia Pacific

4.1 China
4.2 Japan
4.3 India
4.4 South Korea
4.5 Australia

5. Middle East & Africa

5.1 United Arab Emirates
5.2 South Africa

6. Rest of the World

All the companies have been studied from 3 points

• Business Overview
• Recent Development
• Sales Analysis

Company Analysis

1. Medtronic Plc
2. Koninklijke Philips
3. General Electric Company
4. Masimo Corporation
5. ResMed Inc.
6. Becton Dickinson
7. Chart Industries Inc.
8. Getinge AB
9. InogenInc


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Drivers
4.2 Restraints

5. Global Respiratory Care Devices Market

6. Market Share Analysis – Global Respiratory Care Devices Market

6.1 By Application
6.2 By Device Types
6.3 By Product Type
6.4 By End Users
6.5 By Country

7. Application – Global Respiratory Care Devices Market

7.1 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
7.2 Obstructive Sleep Apnea
7.3 Asthma
7.4 Respiratory Distress Syndrome
7.5 Cystic Fibrosis
7.6 Others

8. Device Type – Global Respiratory Care Devices Market

8.1 Therapeutic Devices
8.2 Monitoring Devices
8.3 Diagnostic Devices
8.4 Consumables & Accessories

9. Product Type – Global Respiratory Care Devices Market

9.1 Respiratory Consumables
9.2 Nebulizers
9.3 Oxygen Concentrators
9.4 Polysomnography Devices
9.5 Pulse Oximeter
9.6 Mechanical Ventilators
9.7 Spirometers
9.8 Others

10. End Users – Global Respiratory Care Devices Market

10.1 Hospitals
10.2 Home Care
10.3 Ambulatory Care

11. Country – Global Respiratory Care Devices Market

11.1 North America

11.1.1 United States
11.1.2 Canada

11.2 Latin America

11.2.1 Mexico
11.2.2 Brazil

11.3 Europe

11.3.1 United Kingdom
11.3.2 Germany
11.3.3 France
11.3.4 Italy
11.3.5 Spain
11.3.6 Netherlands

11.4 Asia Pacific

11.4.1 China
11.4.2 Japan
11.4.3 India
11.4.4 South Korea
11.4.5 Australia

11.5 Middle East & Africa

11.5.1 United Arab Emirates
11.5.2 South Africa

11.6 Rest of the World

12. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis – Global Respiratory Care Devices Market

12.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
12.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
12.3 Degree of Rivalry
12.4 Threat of New Entrants
12.5 Threat of Substitutes

13. SWOT Analysis – Global Respiratory Care Devices Market

13.1.1 Strength
13.1.2 Weakness
13.1.3 Opportunity
13.1.4 Threat

14. Company Analysis – Global Respiratory Care Devices Market

14.1 Medtronic Plc

14.1.1 Overview
14.1.2 Recent Development
14.1.3 Revenue

14.2 Koninklijke Philips

14.2.1 Overview
14.2.2 Recent Development
14.2.3 Revenue

14.3 General Electric Company

14.3.1 Overview
14.3.2 Recent Development
14.3.3 Revenue

14.4 Masimo Corporation

14.4.1 Overview
14.4.2 Recent Development
14.4.3 Revenue

14.5 ResMedInc

14.5.1 Overview
14.5.2 Recent Development
14.5.3 Revenue

14.6 Becton Dickinson

14.6.1 Overview
14.6.2 Recent Development
14.6.3 Revenue

14.7 Chart Industries Inc

14.7.1 Overview
14.7.2 Recent Development
14.7.3 Revenue

14.8 Getinge AB

14.8.1 Overview
14.8.2 Recent Development
14.8.3 Revenue

14.9 Inogen Inc.

14.9.1 Overview
14.9.2 Recent Development
14.9.3 Revenue


List of Tables/Graphs

Table-01: Global – Respiratory Care Devices Market Share by Application (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-02: Global – Forecast for Respiratory Care Devices Market Share by Application (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-03: Global – Respiratory Care Devices Market Share by Device Type (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-04: Global – Forecast for Respiratory Care Devices Market Share by Device Type (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-05: Global – Respiratory Care Devices Market Share by Product Type (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-06: Global – Forecast for Respiratory Care Devices Market Share by Product Type (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-07: Global – Respiratory Care Devices Market Share by End User (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-08: Global – Forecast for Respiratory Care Devices Market Share by End User (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-09: Global – Respiratory Care Devices Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-10: Global – Forecast for Respiratory Care Devices Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2024 – 2030





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2025/01/17 10:27

156.25 円

161.50 円

193.96 円
