

China Vaccine Market, Size, Forecast 2023-2027, Industry Trends, Growth, Impact of Inflation, Opportunity Company Analysis

Renub Researchによると、中国のワクチン市場は2027年までに年平均成長率11.97%で121億6000万米ドルを突破する。中国では、年間約7億回分のワクチンが生産されており、世界最大のワクチン生産国の一つとなってい... もっと見る



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Renub Research
2023年1月1日 US$2,990
170 英語



Renub Researchによると、中国のワクチン市場は2027年までに年平均成長率11.97%で121億6000万米ドルを突破する。中国では、年間約7億回分のワクチンが生産されており、世界最大のワクチン生産国の一つとなっています。そのため、中国はワクチン産業において代表的な役割を果たすべく、大きな注目を集めています。また、中国は閉鎖的な市場であり、現地のワクチン産業がしっかりしているため、欧米のプレーヤーにとってアクセスは困難な状況です。






製品別では、本レポートに含まれる製品は以下の通りです:MCV4、MPSV4、MCV2-Hib、MCV2、MPSV2およびMen A、PCV13、PPV23です。PCV13は、中国ワクチン市場で最大のシェアを占めています。したがって、予測期間中もPCV13はトップの座を維持すると予測されます。また、中国は世界で最も顕著なワクチン消費国です。その結果、中国の住民はその影響から予防医療に対する意識が非常に高くなり、それがワクチン接種率も押し上げています。


本レポートでカバーする主要なプレーヤーは、Sinopharm Group、Hualan Biological Engineering Inc、Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Ltd、Walvax Biotechnology Co Ltd、Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Corp Ltd、Sinovac Biotech、および Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co Ltd です。また、COVID-19ワクチンが蓄積した研究開発、臨床、商業化の経験は、中国国内の優秀なワクチン企業群の雪辱につながるだろう。このような背景から、中国のワクチン産業は黄金期を迎えると予想されます。次の10年は、中国のバイオ医薬品が、中国ワクチン産業の「黄金の10年」をキャッチアップから凌駕するための10年となる。

2022年5月、Walvax Biotechnology Co、Ltd.と共同開発しました。は、中国の乳児を対象に、生後3、4、5カ月に乳児シリーズとして投与し、生後12~15カ月にブースター投与した13価肺炎球菌多糖体結合ワクチンPCV13の免疫原性および安全性プロファイルについて、ランダム化試験の一環として結果を発表した、PCV13は、肺炎球菌7価結合型ワクチン(ジフテリアCRM197蛋白質)(以下、PCV7)と比較して、免疫反応と安全性が劣っていないことを証明するため、中国で多施設二重盲検陽転対照第3相臨床試験を実施しました。

Renub Researchの調査レポート「中国ワクチン市場・用量予測:セクター別(民間、公共)、疾患タイプ別(髄膜炎菌髄膜炎、肺炎球菌、DTP、エボラ、狂犬病、その他)、製品別(MCV4、MPSV4、MCV2-Hib、MCV2、MPSV2およびメンA、PCV13、PPV23、その他)、企業(Sinopharm Group、Hualan Biological Engineering Inc、Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Ltd、Walvax Biotechnology Co Ltd、Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Corp Ltd、Sinovac Biotech、および Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co Ltd.)」は、中国ワクチン市場の完全な分析を提供します。

分野別 - 中国におけるワクチン市場・投与量

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- プライベート






- 概要
- 最近の開発状況
- ワクチンパイプライン
- 収益分析


7.深圳康泰生物製品有限公司(Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co.



1. Introduction

2. Research & Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges
4.3 Opportunities

5. China Vaccine Market

5.1 Public
5.2 Private

6. China Vaccine Doses

6.1 Public
6.2 Private

7. China Vaccine Share Analysis

7.1 By Sectors Market Share
7.2 By Sectors Vaccine Doses Share
7.3 By Products Type Market Share
7.4 By Disease Type Market Share

8. Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine Market & Doses Analysis

8.1 Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine

8.1.1 Public
8.1.2 Private

8.2 Meningococcal Meningitis Doses

8.2.1 Public
8.2.2 Private

9. Pneumococcal Vaccines Market & Doses Analysis

9.1 Pneumococcal Vaccines
9.2 Pneumococcal Vaccines Doses

10. DTP Vaccine Market & Doses Analysis

10.1 DTP Vaccine Market

10.1.1 DTaP
10.1.2 DTcP

10.2 DTP Vaccine Doses

10.2.1 Public
10.2.2 Private

11. Rabies Vaccine Market

12. Ebola Vaccine Market

13. Product - China Vaccine Market

13.1 MCV4
13.2 MPSV4
13.3 MCV2-Hib
13.4 MCV2
13.5 MPSV2 and Men A
13.6 PCV13
13.7 PPV23
13.8 Others

14. The Vaccine Regulatory Authority of China

15. Required and Recommended Vaccinations for China Travel

16. Mergers & Acquisitions

17. Company Sales

17.1 Sinopharm Group (China National Biotec Group Company Limited)

17.1.1 Overview
17.1.2 Recent Initiatives
17.1.3 Net Sales

17.2 Hualan Biological Engineering Inc

17.2.1 Overview
17.2.2 Recent Initiatives
17.2.3 Net Sales

17.3 Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Ltd

17.3.1 Overview
17.3.2 Recent Initiatives
17.3.3 Net Sales

17.4 Walvax Biotechnology Co Ltd

17.4.1 Overview
17.4.2 Recent Initiatives
17.4.3 Net Sales

17.5 Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Corp Ltd

17.5.1 Overview
17.5.2 Recent Initiatives
17.5.3 Net Sales

17.6 Sinovac Biotech

17.6.1 Overview
17.6.2 Recent Initiatives
17.6.3 Net Sales

17.7 Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co Ltd

17.7.1 Overview
17.7.2 Recent Initiatives
17.7.3 Net Sales



Table-01: China – Vaccine Market Share by Sectors (Percent), 2017 – 2021
Table-02: China – Forecast for Vaccine Market Share by Sectors (Percent), 2022 – 2027
Table-03: China – Vaccine Doses Share by Sectors (Percent), 2017 – 2021
Table-04: China – Forecast for Vaccine Doses Share by Sectors (Percent), 2022 – 2027
Table-05: China – Vaccine Market Share by Products Type (Percent), 2017 – 2021
Table-06: China – Forecast for Vaccine Market Share by Products Type (Percent), 2022 – 2027
Table-07: China – Vaccine Market Share by Disease Type (Percent), 2017 – 2021
Table-08: China – Forecast for Vaccine Market Share by Disease Type (Percent), 2022 – 2027





China Vaccine Market will surpass US$ 12.16 Billion by 2027 at a CAGR of 11.97 Percent according to Renub Research. Annually in China, approx. 700 million vaccine doses are produced; China is one of the world's largest producers of vaccines. As a result, China has drawn significant attention to the vaccine industry to play a representative role. In addition, it is a closed market with a solid local vaccine industry, access to which is challenging for Western players.

Category 1 & 2 Vaccines in China

In China, Vaccines are available through the government's Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) at no charge for aged 14 years of children. These government-purchased vaccines are called Category 1 under the Regulations on the Administration of Vaccines and Vaccination. In contrast, private-sector also known as Category 2 vaccines, such as rabies vaccine, influenza vaccine (InfV), and Haemophilus influenza type b vaccine (Hib), are available but are usually paid for out-of-pocket, as they are included in neither the EPI system nor government health insurance. According to our research findings, the China Vaccine market was US$ 6.91 Billion in 2022.

Disease Type: Pneumococcal, Meningococcal Meningitis, and DTP Vaccines Controls Significant Portion of China Vaccines Industry

Meningococcal Meningitis, Pneumococcal, and DTP Vaccine market are expected to control a significant portion of China's vaccine market. The vaccine market in China is segmented into Meningococcal meningitis, Pneumococcal, DTP, Ebola, Rabies & Others. In Aug 2021, China formally revised its laws to allow parents to have up to three children to boost the birth rate. In part, thanks to the loosening of the second-child policy in China, the number is expected to increase. China’s vaccine industry has always been more petite and less mature than it’s US, European, or Indian counterparts. However, over the past decades, it has rapidly grown to become one of the only developing countries able to manufacture and supply most vaccines used in its domestic immunization program.

Product Insight: PCV13 has Highest Share in the Chinese Vaccine Industry

In terms of products, the Products included in this report are as follows: MCV4, MPSV4, MCV2-Hib, MCV2, MPSV2 and Men A, PCV13, and PPV23. PCV13 holds the maximum share of the China vaccine market. Therefore, it is predicted that PCV13 will also maintain its top place during the forecasting period. In addition, China is the most prominent vaccine consumer in the world. As a result, Chinese residents have become much more aware of preventive health care due to its impact, which has also driven the vaccination rate.

Key Company Insights

The major players covered in the report are Sinopharm Group, Hualan Biological Engineering Inc, Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Ltd, Walvax Biotechnology Co Ltd, Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Corp Ltd, Sinovac Biotech, and Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co Ltd. In addition, the R&D, clinical, and commercialization experience accumulated by the COVID-19 vaccine would help a group of outstanding domestic Chinese vaccine company’s snowball. Against this backdrop, the Chinese vaccine industry is expected to usher in a golden period. The next decade will be for China's biopharmaceuticals to move from catching up to surpassing a 'golden decade' for the Chinese vaccine industry.

May 2022, Walvax Biotechnology Co., Ltd. announced the results for the immunogenicity and safety profile of PCV13, the 13-valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine, administered as an infant series at 3, 4, and 5 months of age and a booster dose at 12-15 months of age in Chinese infants as part of the randomized, multi-center, double-blind, and positive-controlled phase 3 clinical trial in China to demonstrate the non-inferior immune responses and safety of PCV13 as compared to Pneumococcal 7-valent Conjugate Vaccine [Diphtheria CRM197 Protein] ("PCV7").

Renub Research report titled “China Vaccine Market & Doses Forecast By Sector (Private, Public), Disease Type (Meningococcal Meningitis, Pneumococcal, DTP, Ebola, Rabies, Others), Products (MCV4, MPSV4, MCV2-Hib, MCV2, MPSV2 and Men A, PCV13, PPV23, Others), Company (Sinopharm Group, Hualan Biological Engineering Inc, Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Ltd, Walvax Biotechnology Co Ltd, Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Corp Ltd, Sinovac Biotech, and Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co Ltd.)” provides a complete analysis of China Vaccine Market.

Sectors – Vaccine Market & Doses in China

• Public
• Private

Diseases –

1. Meningococcal Meningitis
2. Pneumococcal
3. DTP
4. Ebola
5. Rabies
6. Others

Products –

1. MCV4
2. MPSV4
3. MCV2-Hib
4. MCV2
5. MPSV2 and Men A
6. PCV13
7. PPV23

All the companies covered in the report has been covered from the following points

• Overview
• Recent Development
• Vaccine Pipeline
• Revenue Analysis

Key Company Covered

1. Sinopharm Group (China National Biotec Group Company Limited)
2. Hualan Biological Engineering Inc
3. Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Ltd
4. Walvax Biotechnology Co Ltd
5. Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Corp Ltd
6. Sinovac Biotech
7. Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co Ltd


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research & Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges
4.3 Opportunities

5. China Vaccine Market

5.1 Public
5.2 Private

6. China Vaccine Doses

6.1 Public
6.2 Private

7. China Vaccine Share Analysis

7.1 By Sectors Market Share
7.2 By Sectors Vaccine Doses Share
7.3 By Products Type Market Share
7.4 By Disease Type Market Share

8. Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine Market & Doses Analysis

8.1 Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine

8.1.1 Public
8.1.2 Private

8.2 Meningococcal Meningitis Doses

8.2.1 Public
8.2.2 Private

9. Pneumococcal Vaccines Market & Doses Analysis

9.1 Pneumococcal Vaccines
9.2 Pneumococcal Vaccines Doses

10. DTP Vaccine Market & Doses Analysis

10.1 DTP Vaccine Market

10.1.1 DTaP
10.1.2 DTcP

10.2 DTP Vaccine Doses

10.2.1 Public
10.2.2 Private

11. Rabies Vaccine Market

12. Ebola Vaccine Market

13. Product - China Vaccine Market

13.1 MCV4
13.2 MPSV4
13.3 MCV2-Hib
13.4 MCV2
13.5 MPSV2 and Men A
13.6 PCV13
13.7 PPV23
13.8 Others

14. The Vaccine Regulatory Authority of China

15. Required and Recommended Vaccinations for China Travel

16. Mergers & Acquisitions

17. Company Sales

17.1 Sinopharm Group (China National Biotec Group Company Limited)

17.1.1 Overview
17.1.2 Recent Initiatives
17.1.3 Net Sales

17.2 Hualan Biological Engineering Inc

17.2.1 Overview
17.2.2 Recent Initiatives
17.2.3 Net Sales

17.3 Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Ltd

17.3.1 Overview
17.3.2 Recent Initiatives
17.3.3 Net Sales

17.4 Walvax Biotechnology Co Ltd

17.4.1 Overview
17.4.2 Recent Initiatives
17.4.3 Net Sales

17.5 Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Corp Ltd

17.5.1 Overview
17.5.2 Recent Initiatives
17.5.3 Net Sales

17.6 Sinovac Biotech

17.6.1 Overview
17.6.2 Recent Initiatives
17.6.3 Net Sales

17.7 Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co Ltd

17.7.1 Overview
17.7.2 Recent Initiatives
17.7.3 Net Sales


List of Tables/Graphs

Table-01: China – Vaccine Market Share by Sectors (Percent), 2017 – 2021
Table-02: China – Forecast for Vaccine Market Share by Sectors (Percent), 2022 – 2027
Table-03: China – Vaccine Doses Share by Sectors (Percent), 2017 – 2021
Table-04: China – Forecast for Vaccine Doses Share by Sectors (Percent), 2022 – 2027
Table-05: China – Vaccine Market Share by Products Type (Percent), 2017 – 2021
Table-06: China – Forecast for Vaccine Market Share by Products Type (Percent), 2022 – 2027
Table-07: China – Vaccine Market Share by Disease Type (Percent), 2017 – 2021
Table-08: China – Forecast for Vaccine Market Share by Disease Type (Percent), 2022 – 2027





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