![]() 世界とヨーロッパの磁気センサーと安全センサー市場レポート&予測 2024-2030Global and Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Report & Forecast 2024-2030 世界の磁気センサーと安全センサーの収益は、2023年に13億9650万米ドルであり、レビュー期間(2024-2030年)のCAGRは5.82%で、2030年までに20億7432万米ドルの再調整規模になると予測されている。 欧州では、磁... もっと見る
サマリー世界の磁気センサーと安全センサーの収益は、2023年に13億9650万米ドルであり、レビュー期間(2024-2030年)のCAGRは5.82%で、2030年までに20億7432万米ドルの再調整規模になると予測されている。欧州では、磁気センサーと安全センサーの収益は2023年の3億8,068万米ドルから2030年には5億2,576万米ドルに成長し、予測期間中(2024-2030年)のCAGRは4.76%と予測されています。 この調査レポートは、世界とヨーロッパの磁気センサーと安全センサー市場に焦点を当て、地域レベルと郡レベルの他の地域のセグメントデータもカバーしています。 磁気センサーと安全センサーの世界的な主要企業には、SICK AG、Pepperl+Fuchs、オムロン、WEG、Rockwell、Keyence、Schmersal、Ifm Electronic、Telemecanique、Elobau GmbH、Pilz GmbH、Honeywell、ABB、Pizzato Elettrica、Hans Turck GmbH、Balluff GmbH、Baumer、Leuze Electronic GmbH、Carlo Gavazz、Bernstein、Banner、Celduc Relais、steute Technologiesなどがあります。2023年には世界5大プレイヤーが52.38%のシェアを占める。 磁気センサーと安全センサー市場は、地域別、国別、プレーヤー別、タイプ別、用途別に区分される。磁気センサーと安全センサーの世界市場における企業、利害関係者、その他の参加者は、本レポートを強力なリソースとして利用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント別分析では、タイプ別、用途別の売上高、収益、2019-2030年の予測に焦点を当てています。 欧州市場については、2019-2030年の磁気センサーと安全センサーの市場規模をプレイヤー別、タイプ別、用途別にフォーカスしています。主要プレイヤーには、欧州で重要な役割を果たすグローバルプレイヤーとローカルプレイヤーが含まれます。 市場区分 企業別 SICK AG ペッパール+フックス オムロン WEG ロックウェル キーエンス シュメアザール イフムエレクトロニック テレメカニック Elobau GmbH ピルツGmbH ハネウェル ABB Pizzato Elettrica ハンス・テュルクGmbH バルーフGmbH バウマー Leuze Electronic GmbH カルロ・ガヴァッツ ベルンシュタイン バナー Celduc Relais シュトイテテクノロジーズ メカン・コントロールズ オートニクス・コーポレーション セーフティシステム製品 タイプ別セグメント 磁気式 ホール効果 誘導型 その他 用途別セグメント 産業用途 建築 医療用 家庭用電化製品 その他 地域別 米州 米国 カナダ メキシコ ブラジル 中国 APAC(中国を除く) 日本 韓国 中国 台湾 東南アジア インド ヨーロッパ 欧州 中東 アフリカ 章の概要 第1章:磁気センサーと安全センサーの定義、世界売上高(数量と収益)、欧州市場規模、世界市場における欧州の割合を紹介します。また、市場ダイナミクス、市場の最新動向、市場の促進要因と制限要因、業界各社が直面する課題とリスク、業界の関連政策の分析を紹介します。 第2章:様々な市場セグメントをタイプ別に分析し、各市場セグメントの数量、価格、収益、発展可能性などを提供し、読者が異なる市場セグメントにおけるブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのに役立ちます。 第3章:読者が異なる下流市場でブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのを助けるために、各市場セグメントの収益、価格、数量、発展の可能性をカバーし、アプリケーション別に様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供します。 第4章:磁気センサーと安全センサー企業鈥の競争環境、収益、市場シェアと業界ランキング、最新の開発計画、合併・買収情報などの詳細分析。 第5章:磁気センサーと安全センサーの世界レベルと地域レベルの収益と数量。各地域の市場規模と発展の可能性を定量的に分析し、世界各国の市場発展、今後の発展見通し、市場スペース、生産能力などを紹介しています。 第6章:米州:タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別の売上高、収益。 第7章:EMEA:タイプ別、用途別、地域別、セグメント別の売上高、収益。 第8章:中国:タイプ別、用途別、セグメント別の売上高と収益。 第9章:APAC(中国を除く):タイプ別、アプリケーション別、地域別、セグメント別の売上高、収益。 第10章:主要企業のプロフィールを提供し、製品の説明と仕様、磁気センサーと安全センサーの売上高、収益、粗利益率、最近の開発など、市場の主要企業の基本的な状況を詳細に紹介する。 第11章:産業チェーン、販売チャネル、主要原材料、流通業者、顧客の分析。 第12章:調査結果と結論 目次1 Study Coverage 11.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Introduction 1 1.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Outlook 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 2 1.2.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in US$ Million for the Year 2019-2030 2 1.2.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume for the Year 2019-2030 3 1.3 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Outlook 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 4 1.3.1 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in US$ Million for the Year 2019-2030 4 1.3.2 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume for the Year 2019-2030 6 1.4 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size, Europe VS Global, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 7 1.4.1 The Market Share of Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors in Global, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 7 1.4.2 The Growth Rate of Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size, Europe VS Global, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 8 1.5 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Dynamics 9 1.5.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Industry Trends 9 1.5.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Drivers 10 1.5.3 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Challenges 11 1.5.4 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Restraints 11 1.6 Assumptions and Limitations 12 1.7 Study Objectives 13 1.8 Years Considered 13 2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors by Type 15 2.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market by Type 15 2.1.1 Magnetic 15 2.1.2 Hall Effect 15 2.1.3 Inductive 16 2.1.4 Others 16 2.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Type 17 2.2.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value, by Type (2019, 2023 & 2030) 17 2.2.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Type (2019, 2023 & 2030) 19 2.2.3 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2019, 2023 & 2030) 21 2.3 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Type 21 2.3.1 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value, by Type (2019, 2023 & 2030) 21 2.3.2 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Type (2019, 2023 & 2030) 24 2.3.3 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2019, 2023 & 2030) 26 3 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors by Application 27 3.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market by Application 27 3.1.1 Industrial Applications 27 3.1.2 Building Construction 28 3.1.3 Medical Applications 30 3.1.4 Domestic Appliances 31 3.1.5 Other Applications 33 3.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Application 33 3.2.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value, by Application (2019, 2023 & 2030) 33 3.2.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Application (2019, 2023 & 2030) 36 3.2.3 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2019, 2023 & 2030) 38 3.3 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Application 38 3.3.1 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value, by Application (2019, 2023 & 2030) 38 3.3.2 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Application (2019, 2023 & 2030) 41 3.3.3 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2019, 2023 & 2030) 43 4 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Competitor Landscape by Company 44 4.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Company 44 4.1.1 Global Key Manufacturers of Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors, Ranked by Revenue (2023) 44 4.1.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Revenue by Manufacturer (2019-2024) 45 4.1.3 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales by Manufacturer (2019-2024) 47 4.1.4 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Price by Manufacturer (2019-2024) 49 4.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Concentration Ratio (CR) 50 4.2.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Concentration Ratio (CR) (2019-2024) 50 4.2.2 Global Top 5 and Top 10 Largest Manufacturers of Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors in 2023 51 4.2.3 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 52 4.3 Global Key Manufacturers of Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors, Manufacturing Base Distribution and Area Served 53 4.4 Global Key Manufacturers of Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors, Found Date 54 4.5 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 55 4.6 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Company 55 4.6.1 Key Players of Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors in Europe, Ranked by Revenue (2023) 55 4.6.2 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Revenue by Players (2019-2024) 57 4.6.3 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales by Players (2019-2024) 59 5 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Region 62 5.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 62 5.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size in Volume by Region (2019-2030) 63 5.2.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume by Region: 2019-2024 63 5.2.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 63 5.3 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size in Value by Region (2019-2030) 64 5.3.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value by Region: 2019-2024 64 5.3.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value by Region: 2025-2030 65 6 Americas 66 6.1 Americas Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size YoY Growth 2019-2030 66 6.2 Americas Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Type (2023 & 2030) 68 6.3 Americas Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Application (2023 & 2030) 69 6.4 Americas Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Facts & Figures by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 69 6.4.1 Americas Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 70 6.4.2 Americas Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 71 6.4.3 United States 72 6.4.4 Canada 73 6.4.5 Mexico 74 6.4.6 Brazil 75 7 EMEA 76 7.1 EMEA Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size YoY Growth 2019-2030 76 7.2 EMEA Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Type (2023 & 2030) 78 7.3 EMEA Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Application (2023 & 2030) 79 7.4 EMEA Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Facts & Figures by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 79 7.4.1 EMEA Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 80 7.4.2 EMEA Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 80 7.4.3 Europe 81 7.4.4 Middle East 82 7.4.5 Africa 82 8 China 83 8.1 China Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size YoY Growth 2019-2030 83 8.2 China Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Type (2023 & 2030) 85 8.3 China Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Application (2023 & 2030) 86 9 APAC 87 9.1 APAC Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size YoY Growth 2019-2030 87 9.2 APAC Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Type (2023 & 2030) 89 9.3 APAC Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Application (2023 & 2030) 90 9.4 APAC Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Facts & Figures by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 90 9.4.1 APAC Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 91 9.4.2 APAC Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 92 9.4.3 Japan 93 9.4.4 South Korea 94 9.4.5 China Taiwan 95 9.4.6 Southeast Asia 96 9.4.7 India 97 10 Company Profiles 98 10.1 SICK AG 98 10.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 98 10.1.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 99 10.1.3 SICK AG Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 99 10.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview 100 10.2 Pepperl+Fuchs 100 10.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 100 10.2.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 101 10.2.3 Pepperl+Fuchs Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 102 10.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview 102 10.3 Omron 102 10.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 102 10.3.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 103 10.3.3 Omron Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 104 10.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview 104 10.4 WEG 105 10.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 105 10.4.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 105 10.4.3 WEG Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 106 10.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview 106 10.5 Rockwell 107 10.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 107 10.5.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 108 10.5.3 Rockwell Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 108 10.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview 108 10.6 Keyence 109 10.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 109 10.6.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 110 10.6.3 Keyence Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 110 10.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview 110 10.7 Schmersal 111 10.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 111 10.7.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 112 10.7.3 Schmersal Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 112 10.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview 113 10.8 Ifm Electronic 113 10.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 113 10.8.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 114 10.8.3 Ifm Electronic Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 114 10.8.4 Main Business/Business Overview 115 10.9 Telemecanique 115 10.9.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 115 10.9.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 116 10.9.3 Telemecanique Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 116 10.9.4 Main Business/Business Overview 117 10.10 Elobau GmbH 117 10.10.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 117 10.10.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 118 10.10.3 Elobau GmbH Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 118 10.10.4 Main Business/Business Overview 119 10.11 Pilz GmbH 119 10.11.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 119 10.11.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 120 10.11.3 Pilz GmbH Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 120 10.11.4 Main Business/Business Overview 121 10.12 Honeywell 121 10.12.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 121 10.12.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 122 10.12.3 Honeywell Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 123 10.12.4 Main Business/Business Overview 123 10.13 ABB 124 10.13.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 124 10.13.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 125 10.13.3 ABB Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 125 10.13.4 Main Business/Business Overview 126 10.14 Pizzato Elettrica 126 10.14.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 126 10.14.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 127 10.14.3 Pizzato Elettrica Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 128 10.14.4 Main Business/Business Overview 128 10.15 Hans Turck GmbH 128 10.15.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 128 10.15.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 129 10.15.3 Hans Turck GmbH Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 130 10.15.4 Main Business/Business Overview 130 10.16 Balluff GmbH 130 10.16.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 130 10.16.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 131 10.16.3 Balluff GmbH Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 132 10.16.4 Main Business/Business Overview 132 10.17 Baumer 132 10.17.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 132 10.17.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 133 10.17.3 Baumer Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 134 10.17.4 Main Business/Business Overview 135 10.18 Leuze Electronic GmbH 135 10.18.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 135 10.18.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 136 10.18.3 Leuze Electronic GmbH Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 136 10.18.4 Main Business/Business Overview 137 10.19 Carlo Gavazz 137 10.19.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 137 10.19.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 138 10.19.3 Carlo Gavazz Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 138 10.19.4 Main Business/Business Overview 139 10.20 Bernstein 139 10.20.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 139 10.20.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 140 10.20.3 Bernstein Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 140 10.20.4 Main Business/Business Overview 141 10.21 Banner 141 10.21.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 141 10.21.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 142 10.21.3 Banner Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 142 10.21.4 Main Business/Business Overview 143 10.22 Celduc Relais 143 10.22.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 143 10.22.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 144 10.22.3 Celduc Relais Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 144 10.22.4 Main Business/Business Overview 145 10.23 steute Technologies 145 10.23.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 145 10.23.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 146 10.23.3 steute Technologies Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 146 10.23.4 Main Business/Business Overview 147 10.24 Mechan Controls 147 10.24.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 147 10.24.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 148 10.24.3 Mechan Controls Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 148 10.24.4 Main Business/Business Overview 149 10.25 Autonics Corporation 149 10.25.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 149 10.25.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 150 10.25.3 Autonics Corporation Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 150 10.25.4 Main Business/Business Overview 151 10.26 Safety System Products 151 10.26.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 151 10.26.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 152 10.26.3 Safety System Products Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 153 10.26.4 Main Business/Business Overview 153 11 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 154 11.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Industry Chain Analysis 154 11.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Key Raw Materials 154 11.2.1 Key Raw Materials 154 11.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 156 11.3 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Production Mode & Process 157 11.4 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales and Marketing 158 11.4.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales Channels 158 11.4.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Distributors 159 11.5 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Customers 159 12 Research Findings and Conclusion 161 13 Appendix 162 13.1 Research Methodology 162 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 162 13.1.2 Data Source 165 13.2 Author Details 168 13.3 Disclaimer 168
SummaryThe global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors revenue was US$ 1,396.50 million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ 2,074.32 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 5.82% during the review period (2024-2030). Table of Contents1 Study Coverage 11.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Introduction 1 1.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Outlook 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 2 1.2.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in US$ Million for the Year 2019-2030 2 1.2.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume for the Year 2019-2030 3 1.3 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Outlook 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 4 1.3.1 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in US$ Million for the Year 2019-2030 4 1.3.2 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume for the Year 2019-2030 6 1.4 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size, Europe VS Global, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 7 1.4.1 The Market Share of Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors in Global, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 7 1.4.2 The Growth Rate of Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size, Europe VS Global, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 8 1.5 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Dynamics 9 1.5.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Industry Trends 9 1.5.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Drivers 10 1.5.3 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Challenges 11 1.5.4 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Restraints 11 1.6 Assumptions and Limitations 12 1.7 Study Objectives 13 1.8 Years Considered 13 2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors by Type 15 2.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market by Type 15 2.1.1 Magnetic 15 2.1.2 Hall Effect 15 2.1.3 Inductive 16 2.1.4 Others 16 2.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Type 17 2.2.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value, by Type (2019, 2023 & 2030) 17 2.2.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Type (2019, 2023 & 2030) 19 2.2.3 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2019, 2023 & 2030) 21 2.3 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Type 21 2.3.1 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value, by Type (2019, 2023 & 2030) 21 2.3.2 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Type (2019, 2023 & 2030) 24 2.3.3 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2019, 2023 & 2030) 26 3 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors by Application 27 3.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market by Application 27 3.1.1 Industrial Applications 27 3.1.2 Building Construction 28 3.1.3 Medical Applications 30 3.1.4 Domestic Appliances 31 3.1.5 Other Applications 33 3.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Application 33 3.2.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value, by Application (2019, 2023 & 2030) 33 3.2.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Application (2019, 2023 & 2030) 36 3.2.3 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2019, 2023 & 2030) 38 3.3 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Application 38 3.3.1 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value, by Application (2019, 2023 & 2030) 38 3.3.2 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Application (2019, 2023 & 2030) 41 3.3.3 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2019, 2023 & 2030) 43 4 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Competitor Landscape by Company 44 4.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Company 44 4.1.1 Global Key Manufacturers of Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors, Ranked by Revenue (2023) 44 4.1.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Revenue by Manufacturer (2019-2024) 45 4.1.3 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales by Manufacturer (2019-2024) 47 4.1.4 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Price by Manufacturer (2019-2024) 49 4.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Concentration Ratio (CR) 50 4.2.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Concentration Ratio (CR) (2019-2024) 50 4.2.2 Global Top 5 and Top 10 Largest Manufacturers of Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors in 2023 51 4.2.3 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 52 4.3 Global Key Manufacturers of Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors, Manufacturing Base Distribution and Area Served 53 4.4 Global Key Manufacturers of Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors, Found Date 54 4.5 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 55 4.6 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Company 55 4.6.1 Key Players of Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors in Europe, Ranked by Revenue (2023) 55 4.6.2 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Revenue by Players (2019-2024) 57 4.6.3 Europe Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales by Players (2019-2024) 59 5 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Region 62 5.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 62 5.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size in Volume by Region (2019-2030) 63 5.2.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume by Region: 2019-2024 63 5.2.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 63 5.3 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size in Value by Region (2019-2030) 64 5.3.1 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value by Region: 2019-2024 64 5.3.2 Global Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value by Region: 2025-2030 65 6 Americas 66 6.1 Americas Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size YoY Growth 2019-2030 66 6.2 Americas Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Type (2023 & 2030) 68 6.3 Americas Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Application (2023 & 2030) 69 6.4 Americas Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Facts & Figures by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 69 6.4.1 Americas Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 70 6.4.2 Americas Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 71 6.4.3 United States 72 6.4.4 Canada 73 6.4.5 Mexico 74 6.4.6 Brazil 75 7 EMEA 76 7.1 EMEA Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size YoY Growth 2019-2030 76 7.2 EMEA Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Type (2023 & 2030) 78 7.3 EMEA Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Application (2023 & 2030) 79 7.4 EMEA Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Facts & Figures by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 79 7.4.1 EMEA Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 80 7.4.2 EMEA Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 80 7.4.3 Europe 81 7.4.4 Middle East 82 7.4.5 Africa 82 8 China 83 8.1 China Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size YoY Growth 2019-2030 83 8.2 China Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Type (2023 & 2030) 85 8.3 China Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Application (2023 & 2030) 86 9 APAC 87 9.1 APAC Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Size YoY Growth 2019-2030 87 9.2 APAC Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Type (2023 & 2030) 89 9.3 APAC Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume, by Application (2023 & 2030) 90 9.4 APAC Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Market Facts & Figures by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 90 9.4.1 APAC Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Value by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 91 9.4.2 APAC Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales in Volume by Country (2019, 2023 & 2030) 92 9.4.3 Japan 93 9.4.4 South Korea 94 9.4.5 China Taiwan 95 9.4.6 Southeast Asia 96 9.4.7 India 97 10 Company Profiles 98 10.1 SICK AG 98 10.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 98 10.1.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 99 10.1.3 SICK AG Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 99 10.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview 100 10.2 Pepperl+Fuchs 100 10.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 100 10.2.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 101 10.2.3 Pepperl+Fuchs Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 102 10.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview 102 10.3 Omron 102 10.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 102 10.3.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 103 10.3.3 Omron Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 104 10.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview 104 10.4 WEG 105 10.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 105 10.4.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 105 10.4.3 WEG Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 106 10.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview 106 10.5 Rockwell 107 10.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 107 10.5.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 108 10.5.3 Rockwell Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 108 10.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview 108 10.6 Keyence 109 10.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 109 10.6.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 110 10.6.3 Keyence Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 110 10.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview 110 10.7 Schmersal 111 10.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 111 10.7.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 112 10.7.3 Schmersal Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 112 10.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview 113 10.8 Ifm Electronic 113 10.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 113 10.8.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 114 10.8.3 Ifm Electronic Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 114 10.8.4 Main Business/Business Overview 115 10.9 Telemecanique 115 10.9.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 115 10.9.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 116 10.9.3 Telemecanique Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 116 10.9.4 Main Business/Business Overview 117 10.10 Elobau GmbH 117 10.10.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 117 10.10.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 118 10.10.3 Elobau GmbH Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 118 10.10.4 Main Business/Business Overview 119 10.11 Pilz GmbH 119 10.11.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 119 10.11.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 120 10.11.3 Pilz GmbH Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 120 10.11.4 Main Business/Business Overview 121 10.12 Honeywell 121 10.12.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 121 10.12.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 122 10.12.3 Honeywell Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 123 10.12.4 Main Business/Business Overview 123 10.13 ABB 124 10.13.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 124 10.13.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 125 10.13.3 ABB Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 125 10.13.4 Main Business/Business Overview 126 10.14 Pizzato Elettrica 126 10.14.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 126 10.14.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 127 10.14.3 Pizzato Elettrica Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 128 10.14.4 Main Business/Business Overview 128 10.15 Hans Turck GmbH 128 10.15.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 128 10.15.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 129 10.15.3 Hans Turck GmbH Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 130 10.15.4 Main Business/Business Overview 130 10.16 Balluff GmbH 130 10.16.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 130 10.16.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 131 10.16.3 Balluff GmbH Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 132 10.16.4 Main Business/Business Overview 132 10.17 Baumer 132 10.17.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 132 10.17.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 133 10.17.3 Baumer Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 134 10.17.4 Main Business/Business Overview 135 10.18 Leuze Electronic GmbH 135 10.18.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 135 10.18.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 136 10.18.3 Leuze Electronic GmbH Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 136 10.18.4 Main Business/Business Overview 137 10.19 Carlo Gavazz 137 10.19.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 137 10.19.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 138 10.19.3 Carlo Gavazz Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 138 10.19.4 Main Business/Business Overview 139 10.20 Bernstein 139 10.20.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 139 10.20.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 140 10.20.3 Bernstein Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 140 10.20.4 Main Business/Business Overview 141 10.21 Banner 141 10.21.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 141 10.21.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 142 10.21.3 Banner Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 142 10.21.4 Main Business/Business Overview 143 10.22 Celduc Relais 143 10.22.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 143 10.22.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 144 10.22.3 Celduc Relais Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 144 10.22.4 Main Business/Business Overview 145 10.23 steute Technologies 145 10.23.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 145 10.23.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 146 10.23.3 steute Technologies Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 146 10.23.4 Main Business/Business Overview 147 10.24 Mechan Controls 147 10.24.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 147 10.24.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 148 10.24.3 Mechan Controls Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 148 10.24.4 Main Business/Business Overview 149 10.25 Autonics Corporation 149 10.25.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 149 10.25.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 150 10.25.3 Autonics Corporation Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 150 10.25.4 Main Business/Business Overview 151 10.26 Safety System Products 151 10.26.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 151 10.26.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Product Overview 152 10.26.3 Safety System Products Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million US$), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2019-2024) 153 10.26.4 Main Business/Business Overview 153 11 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 154 11.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Industry Chain Analysis 154 11.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Key Raw Materials 154 11.2.1 Key Raw Materials 154 11.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 156 11.3 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Production Mode & Process 157 11.4 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales and Marketing 158 11.4.1 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Sales Channels 158 11.4.2 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Distributors 159 11.5 Magnetic Sensors and Safety Sensors Customers 159 12 Research Findings and Conclusion 161 13 Appendix 162 13.1 Research Methodology 162 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 162 13.1.2 Data Source 165 13.2 Author Details 168 13.3 Disclaimer 168
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