ファブレスIC設計の世界市場インサイト、2030年までの予測Global Fabless IC Design Market Insights, Forecast to 2030 世界のファブレスIC設計市場は、2024年の2,586億米ドルから2030年には5,469億米ドルに成長すると予測されており、予測期間中の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は13.29%である。 企業の本社所在地に基づくと、2023年の世... もっと見る
サマリー世界のファブレスIC設計市場は、2024年の2,586億米ドルから2030年には5,469億米ドルに成長すると予測されており、予測期間中の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は13.29%である。企業の本社所在地に基づくと、2023年の世界ファブレスIC市場では米国企業が約71%のシェアを占めており、米国の主要ICデザインハウスは、NVIDIA、Qualcomm、Broadcom、Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.(AMD)、Marvell Technology Group、Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.(MPS)、Cirrus Logic, Inc.、Synaptics、Allegro MicroSystems、Semtechなどである。中国台湾のICデザインハウスは2023年に約14.5%のシェアを持ち、主要企業にはMediaTek、Novatek Microelectronics Corp.、Realtek Semiconductor Corporation、Himax Technologies、Global Unichip Corporation (GUC)、Silicon Motion、Raydium、Silergy、Alchip Technologies、FocalTech、Elite Semiconductor Microelectronics Technologyなどが含まれる。中国のファブレスICデザインハウスも重要な役割を果たしており、2023年には中国に本社を置く企業が世界の約7%を占める。 ファブレスIC設計の世界主要企業には、NVIDIA、Qualcomm、Broadcom、Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.(AMD)、MediaTek、Marvell Technology Group、Novatek Microelectronics Corp、Tsinghua Unigroup、Realtek Semiconductor Corporationなどが含まれる。2023年、世界のファブレスIC設計企業上位35社の売上高シェアは約90%であった。 レポートの内容 本レポートでは、ファブレスIC設計の世界市場規模について概観します。2019年~2023年の過去の市場収益データ、2024年の推定値、2030年までのCAGR予測による世界市場動向の分析。 ファブレスIC設計の主要生産者を調査し、主要地域と国の収益も掲載しています。ファブレスIC設計の今後の市場ポテンシャルと、この市場を様々なセグメントとサブセグメントに予測するための主要地域/国の注目点のハイライト。米国、カナダ、メキシコ、ブラジル、中国、日本、韓国、東南アジア、インド、ドイツ、英国、イタリア、中東&アフリカ、その他の国々の国別データと市場価値分析。 本レポートでは、2019年から2024年までのデータで、ファブレスIC設計の収益、市場シェア、主要企業の業界ランキングに焦点を当てています。世界のファブレスIC設計市場における主要なステークホルダーを特定し、その競争環境と市場ポジショニングを最近の動向とセグメント別の収益に基づいて分析します。本レポートは、関係者が競争状況を理解し、より多くの洞察を得て、より良い方法で事業や市場戦略を位置づけるのに役立ちます。 本レポートでは、2019年から2030年までのタイプ別、用途別のセグメントデータ、収益、成長率を分析しています。ファブレスIC設計の収益、予測成長動向、生産技術、用途、エンドユーザー産業の市場規模を評価・予測します。 NVIDIA、Qualcomm、Broadcom、Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.(AMD)、MediaTek、Marvell Technology Group、Novatek Microelectronics Corp.、Tsinghua Unigroup、Realtek Semiconductor Corporationなど、世界の主要プレイヤーの詳細な企業プロフィール。 市場区分 企業別 エヌビディア クアルコム ブロードコム アドバンスト・マイクロ・デバイス(AMD) メディアテック マーベル・テクノロジー・グループ ノバテック・マイクロエレクトロニクス 清華ユニグループ リアルテック・セミコンダクター・コーポレーション オムニビジョン・テクノロジー モノリシック・パワー・システムズ(MPS) シーラス・ロジック ソシオネクスト LXセミコン ハイシリコンテクノロジーズ シナプティクス アレグロ・マイクロシステムズ ハイマックス・テクノロジーズ セムテック グローバル・ユニチップ・コーポレーション(GUC) ハイゴンインフォメーションテクノロジー ギガデバイス シリコン・モーション インジェニック・セミコンダクター レイディウム グディックス・リミテッド シトロニクス ノルディックセミコンダクター サイラジー 上海復旦マイクロエレクトロニクス アルチップ・テクノロジーズ フォーカルテック メガチップス エリート半導体 SGMICRO タイプ別セグメント アナログIC ロジックIC マイクロコントローラ/マイクロプロセッサIC メモリーIC アプリケーション別 モバイル機器 パソコン 自動車 産業・医療 サーバー ネットワーク・インフラ 家電/消費財 その他 地域別 北米 アメリカ カナダ アジア太平洋 中国 日本 韓国 東南アジア インド その他のアジア ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア 北欧諸国 その他のヨーロッパ ラテンアメリカ メキシコ ブラジル 中東・アフリカ トルコ 各章の概要 第1章:報告書のスコープ、各市場セグメント(製品タイプ、用途など)の市場規模、将来の発展可能性などのエグゼクティブサマリーを紹介。市場の現状と短期・中期・長期的な発展可能性についてハイレベルな見解を提供しています。 第2章 ファブレスIC設計の世界・地域別収益各地域とその主要国の市場規模と発展の可能性を定量的に分析し、世界各国の市場発展、今後の発展見通し、市場スペース、生産能力などを紹介しています。また、市場動態、市場の最新動向、市場の推進要因と制限要因、業界企業が直面する課題とリスク、業界の関連政策の分析などを紹介します。 第3章:ファブレスIC設計企業の競争環境、収益、市場シェアと業界ランキング、最新の開発計画、合併・買収情報などを詳しく分析します。 第4章:各種市場セグメントをタイプ別に分析し、各市場セグメントの収益、発展可能性などをカバーし、読者が各市場セグメントのブルーオーシャン市場を見つけやすくします。 第5章:アプリケーション別の様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供し、各市場セグメントの収益、発展の可能性をカバーし、読者が異なる下流市場のブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのを助ける。 第6章:北米(米国・カナダ):タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別の収益。 第7章:ヨーロッパ:タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別収益。 第8章:中国:タイプ別、用途別、セグメント別収益。 第9章:アジア(中国を除く):タイプ別、用途別、地域別、各セグメントの収益。 第10章:中東・アフリカ:タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別収益。 第11章:主要企業のプロフィールを提供し、製品の説明と仕様、ファブレスIC設計の収益、粗利益率、最近の開発など、市場の主要企業の基本状況を詳しく紹介する。 第12章 アナリストの視点/結論 目次Table of Contents1 Report Overview 1 1.1 Study Scope 1 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Fabless IC Design Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 1 1.2.2 Analog ICs 3 1.2.3 Logic ICs 4 1.2.4 Microcontroller and Microprocessor ICs 5 1.2.5 Memory ICs 5 1.3 Market by Application 6 1.3.1 Global Fabless IC Design Market Share by Application: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 6 1.3.2 Mobile Devices 8 1.3.3 PCs 9 1.3.4 Automotive 9 1.3.5 Industrial & Medical 10 1.3.6 Servers 11 1.3.7 Network Infrastructure 11 1.3.8 Appliances/Consumer Goods 12 1.3.9 Others 13 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 13 1.5 Study Objectives 14 1.6 Years Considered 15 2 Global Growth Trends 16 2.1 Global Fabless IC Design Market Perspective (2019-2030) 16 2.2 Global Fabless IC Design Growth Trends by Region 17 2.2.1 Global Fabless IC Design Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 18 2.2.2 Fabless IC Design Historic Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 19 2.2.3 Fabless IC Design Forecasted Market Size by Region (2025-2030) 19 2.3 Global Fabless IC Design Revenue by Region (by Location of Company Headquarters) 20 2.3.1 Global Fabless IC Design Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 (by Location of Company Headquarters) 21 2.3.2 Fabless IC Design Historic Market Size by Region (by Location of Company Headquarters) & (2019-2024) 23 2.3.3 Fabless IC Design Forecasted Market Size by Region (2025-2030) & (by Location of Company Headquarters) 24 2.4 Fabless IC Design Market Dynamics 25 2.4.1 Fabless IC Design Industry Trends 25 2.4.2 Fabless IC Design Market Drivers 28 2.4.3 Fabless IC Design Market Challenges 29 2.4.4 Fabless IC Design Market Restraints 30 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players 31 3.1 Global Revenue Fabless IC Design by Players 31 3.1.1 Global Fabless IC Design Revenue by Players (2019-2024) 31 3.1.2 Global Fabless IC Design Revenue Market Share by Players (2019-2024) 32 3.2 Global Fabless IC Design Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 36 3.3 Global Fabless IC Design Market Concentration Ratio 37 3.3.1 Global Fabless IC Design Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 37 3.3.2 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Fabless IC Design Revenue in 2023 39 3.4 Global Key Players of Fabless IC Design Head office and Area Served 39 3.5 Global Key Players of Fabless IC Design, Product and Application 42 3.6 Global Key Players of Fabless IC Design, Establish Year 46 3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 48 4 Fabless IC Design Breakdown Data by Type 50 4.1 Global Fabless IC Design Historic Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 50 4.2 Global Fabless IC Design Forecasted Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 51 5 Fabless IC Design Breakdown Data by Application 52 5.1 Global Fabless IC Design Historic Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 52 5.2 Global Fabless IC Design Forecasted Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 53 6 North America 55 6.1 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size (2019-2030) 55 6.2 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type 55 6.2.1 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 55 6.2.2 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 56 6.2.3 North America Fabless IC Design Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 56 6.3 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application 57 6.3.1 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 57 6.3.2 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 57 6.3.3 North America Fabless IC Design Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 58 6.4 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country 59 6.4.1 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 59 6.4.2 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 59 6.4.3 North America Fabless IC Design Market Share by Country (2025-2030) 60 6.4.4 United States 61 6.4.5 Canada 61 7 Europe 62 7.1 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size (2019-2030) 62 7.2 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type 62 7.2.1 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 62 7.2.2 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 63 7.2.3 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 63 7.3 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application 64 7.3.1 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 64 7.3.2 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 64 7.3.3 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 65 7.4 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country 65 7.4.1 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 65 7.4.2 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 66 7.4.3 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2025-2030) 66 7.4.4 Germany 68 7.4.5 France 68 7.4.6 U.K. 69 7.4.7 Italy 69 7.4.8 Netherlands and Switzerland 70 7.4.9 Nordic Countries 71 8 Asia Pacific 72 8.1 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size (2019-2030) 72 8.2 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type 72 8.2.1 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 72 8.2.2 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 73 8.2.3 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 73 8.3 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application 74 8.3.1 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 74 8.3.2 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 74 8.3.3 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 75 8.4 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Region 76 8.4.1 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 76 8.4.2 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 76 8.4.3 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Region (2025-2030) 77 8.4.4 China 78 8.4.5 Japan 78 8.4.6 South Korea 79 8.4.7 China Taiwan 80 8.4.8 Southeast Asia 80 8.4.9 India 81 9 South America 82 9.1 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size (2019-2030) 82 9.2 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type 82 9.2.1 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 82 9.2.2 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 83 9.2.3 South America Fabless IC Design Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 83 9.3 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application 84 9.3.1 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 84 9.3.2 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 84 9.3.3 South America Fabless IC Design Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 85 9.4 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country 85 9.4.1 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 85 9.4.2 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 86 9.4.3 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2025-2030) 86 9.4.4 Brazil 87 10 Middle East & Africa 88 10.1 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size (2019-2030) 88 10.2 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type 88 10.2.1 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 88 10.2.2 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 89 10.2.3 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 90 10.3 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application 90 10.3.1 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 90 10.3.2 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 91 10.3.3 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 92 10.4 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country 92 10.4.1 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 92 10.4.2 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 93 10.4.3 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2025-2030) 93 10.4.4 Turkey 94 10.4.5 Israel 95 11 Key Players Profiles 96 11.1 NVIDIA 96 11.1.1 NVIDIA Company Details 96 11.1.2 NVIDIA Business Overview 96 11.1.3 NVIDIA Fabless IC Design Introduction 98 11.1.4 NVIDIA Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 99 11.2 Qualcomm 100 11.2.1 Qualcomm Company Details 100 11.2.2 Qualcomm Business Overview 100 11.2.3 Qualcomm Fabless IC Design Introduction 103 11.2.4 Qualcomm Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 106 11.3 Broadcom 106 11.3.1 Broadcom Company Details 106 11.3.2 Broadcom Business Overview 107 11.3.3 Broadcom Fabless IC Design Introduction 109 11.3.4 Broadcom Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 114 11.3.5 Broadcom Recent Development 114 11.4 Advanced Micro Device (AMD) 114 11.4.1 Advanced Micro Device (AMD) Company Details 114 11.4.2 Advanced Micro Device (AMD) Business Overview 115 11.4.3 Advanced Micro Device (AMD) Fabless IC Design Introduction 117 11.4.4 Advanced Micro Device (AMD) Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 119 11.4.5 Advanced Micro Device (AMD) Recent Development 119 11.5 MediaTek 120 11.5.1 MediaTek Company Details 120 11.5.2 MediaTek Business Overview 120 11.5.3 MediaTek Fabless IC Design Introduction 123 11.5.4 MediaTek Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 124 11.6 Marvell Technology Group 124 11.6.1 Marvell Company Details 124 11.6.2 Marvell Business Overview 125 11.6.3 Marvell Fabless IC Design Introduction 126 11.6.4 Marvell Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 128 11.6.5 Marvell Recent Development 129 11.7 Novatek Microelectronics Corp. 129 11.7.1 Novatek Microelectronics Company Details 129 11.7.2 Novatek Microelectronics Business Overview 130 11.7.3 Novatek Microelectronics Fabless IC Design Introduction 130 11.7.4 Novatek Microelectronics Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 132 11.8 Tsinghua Unigroup (Unisoc, Guoxin Micro) 132 11.8.1 Tsinghua Unigroup Company Details 132 11.8.2 Tsinghua Unigroup Business Overview 133 11.8.3 Tsinghua Unigroup Semiconductor Manufacturing Introduction 134 11.8.4 Tsinghua Unigroup Revenue in Semiconductor Manufacturing Business (2019-2024) 135 11.9 Realtek Semiconductor 135 11.9.1 Realtek Semiconductor Company Details 136 11.9.2 Realtek Semiconductor Business Overview 136 11.9.3 Realtek Semiconductor Fabless IC Design Introduction 137 11.9.4 Realtek Semiconductor Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 139 11.10 OmniVision Technology, Inc (Will Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Shanghai) 139 11.10.1 OmniVision Technology, Inc Company Details 139 11.10.2 OmniVision Technology, Inc Business Overview 140 11.10.3 OmniVision Technology, Inc Fabless IC Design Introduction 141 11.10.4 OmniVision Technology, Inc Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 143 11.11 Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. (MPS) 143 11.11.1 MPS Company Details 143 11.11.2 MPS Business Overview 144 11.11.3 MPS Semiconductor Manufacturing Introduction 144 11.11.4 MPS Revenue in Semiconductor Manufacturing Business (2019-2024) 146 11.11.5 MPS Recent Development 146 11.12 Cirrus Logic, Inc. 146 11.12.1 Cirrus Logic, Inc. Company Details 147 11.12.2 Cirrus Logic, Inc. Business Overview 147 11.12.3 Cirrus Logic, Inc. Semiconductor Manufacturing Introduction 148 11.12.4 Cirrus Logic, Inc. Revenue in Semiconductor Manufacturing Business (2019-2024) 149 11.12.5 Cirrus Logic, Inc. Recent Development 150 11.13 Socionext 150 11.13.1 Socionext Company Details 150 11.13.2 Socionext Business Overview 151 11.13.3 Socionext Fabless IC Design Introduction 152 11.13.4 Socionext Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 153 11.14 LX Semicon 154 11.14.1 LX Semicon Company Details 154 11.14.2 LX Semicon Business Overview 154 11.14.3 LX Semicon Fabless IC Design Introduction 155 11.14.4 LX Semicon Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 157 11.15 HiSilicon Technologies (HUAWEI) 157 11.15.1 HiSilicon Technologies (HUAWEI) Company Details 157 11.15.2 HiSilicon Technologies (HUAWEI) Business Overview 158 11.15.3 HiSilicon Technologies (HUAWEI) Fabless IC Design Introduction 160 11.15.4 HiSilicon Technologies (HUAWEI) Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 161 11.16 Synaptics 162 11.16.1 Synaptics Company Details 162 11.16.2 Synaptics Business Overview 162 11.16.3 Synaptics Fabless IC Design Introduction 164 11.16.4 Synaptics Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 166 11.16.5 Synaptics Recent Development 166 11.17 Allegro MicroSystems 167 11.17.1 Allegro MicroSystems Company Details 167 11.17.2 Allegro MicroSystems Business Overview 168 11.17.3 Allegro MicroSystems Fabless IC Design Introduction 169 11.17.4 Allegro MicroSystems Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 171 11.17.5 Allegro MicroSystems Recent Development 171 11.18 Himax 171 11.18.1 Himax Company Details 171 11.18.2 Himax Business Overview 172 11.18.3 Himax Fabless IC Design Introduction 173 11.18.4 Himax Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 175 11.19 Semtech 175 11.19.1 Semtech Company Details 176 11.19.2 Semtech Business Overview 176 11.19.3 Semtech Fabless IC Design Introduction 179 11.19.4 Semtech Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 180 11.20 Global Unichip Corporation (GUC) 181 11.20.1 Global Unichip Corporation (GUC) Company Details 181 11.20.2 Global Unichip Corporation (GUC) Business Overview 181 11.20.3 Global Unichip Corporation (GUC) Fabless IC Design Introduction 183 11.20.4 Global Unichip Corporation (GUC) Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 184 11.21 Hygon Information Technology 184 11.21.1 Hygon Information Technology Company Details 184 11.21.2 Hygon Information Technology Business Overview 185 11.21.3 Hygon Information Technology Fabless IC Design Introduction 186 11.21.4 Hygon Information Technology Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 187 11.22 GigaDevice 188 11.22.1 GigaDevice Company Details 188 11.22.2 GigaDevice Business Overview 188 11.22.3 GigaDevice Fabless IC Design Introduction 189 11.22.4 GigaDevice Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 191 11.23 Silicon Motion 191 11.23.1 Silicon Motion Company Details 191 11.23.2 Silicon Motion Business Overview 192 11.23.3 Silicon Motion Fabless IC Design Introduction 193 11.23.4 Silicon Motion Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 195 11.24 Ingenic 195 11.24.1 Ingenic Company Details 195 11.24.2 Ingenic Business Overview 196 11.24.3 Ingenic Fabless IC Design Introduction 197 11.24.4 Ingenic Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 199 11.25 Raydium 199 11.25.1 Raydium Company Details 199 11.25.2 Raydium Business Overview 200 11.25.3 Raydium Fabless IC Design Introduction 201 11.25.4 Raydium Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 202 11.26 Goodix 202 11.26.1 Goodix Company Details 202 11.26.2 Goodix Business Overview 203 11.26.3 Goodix Fabless IC Design Introduction 205 11.26.4 Goodix Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 206 11.27 Sitronix 207 11.27.1 Sitronix Company Details 207 11.27.2 Sitronix Business Overview 207 11.27.3 Sitronix Fabless IC Design Introduction 208 11.27.4 Sitronix Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 209 11.28 Nordic Semiconductor 209 11.28.1 Nordic Semiconductor Company Details 209 11.28.2 Nordic Semiconductor Business Overview 210 11.28.3 Nordic Semiconductor Fabless IC Design Introduction 211 11.28.4 Nordic Semiconductor Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 213 11.28.5 Nordic Semiconductor Recent Development 213 11.29 Silergy 214 11.29.1 Silergy Company Details 214 11.29.2 Silergy Business Overview 215 11.29.3 Silergy Fabless IC Design Introduction 216 11.29.4 Silergy Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 217 11.30 Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group 217 11.30.1 Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Company Details 217 11.30.2 Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Business Overview 218 11.30.3 Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Fabless IC Design Introduction 218 11.30.4 Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 220 11.31 Alchip Technologies 220 11.31.1 Alchip Technologies Company Details 220 11.31.2 Alchip Technologies Business Overview 221 11.31.3 Alchip Technologies Fabless IC Design Introduction 222 11.31.4 Alchip Technologies Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 222 11.32 FocalTech 222 11.32.1 FocalTech Company Details 222 11.32.2 FocalTech Business Overview 223 11.32.3 FocalTech Fabless IC Design Introduction 224 11.32.4 FocalTech Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 226 11.33 MegaChips 226 11.33.1 MegaChips Company Details 226 11.33.2 MegaChips Business Overview 227 11.33.3 MegaChips Fabless IC Design Introduction 228 11.33.4 MegaChips Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 229 11.33.5 MegaChips Recent Development 230 11.34 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology 230 11.34.1 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Company Details 230 11.34.2 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Business Overview 231 11.34.3 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Fabless IC Design Introduction 232 11.34.4 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 233 11.35 SGMICRO 233 11.35.1 SGMICRO Company Details 233 11.35.2 SGMICRO Business Overview 234 11.35.3 SGMICRO Fabless IC Design Introduction 235 11.35.4 SGMICRO Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 236 12 Analyst's Viewpoints/Conclusions 237 13 Appendix 238 13.1 Research Methodology 238 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 238 13.1.2 Data Source 241 13.2 Author Details 244 13.3 Disclaimer 245
SummaryThe global Fabless IC Design market is projected to grow from US$ 258.6 billion in 2024 to US$ 546.9 billion by 2030, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 13.29% during the forecast period. Table of ContentsTable of Contents1 Report Overview 1 1.1 Study Scope 1 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Fabless IC Design Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 1 1.2.2 Analog ICs 3 1.2.3 Logic ICs 4 1.2.4 Microcontroller and Microprocessor ICs 5 1.2.5 Memory ICs 5 1.3 Market by Application 6 1.3.1 Global Fabless IC Design Market Share by Application: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 6 1.3.2 Mobile Devices 8 1.3.3 PCs 9 1.3.4 Automotive 9 1.3.5 Industrial & Medical 10 1.3.6 Servers 11 1.3.7 Network Infrastructure 11 1.3.8 Appliances/Consumer Goods 12 1.3.9 Others 13 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 13 1.5 Study Objectives 14 1.6 Years Considered 15 2 Global Growth Trends 16 2.1 Global Fabless IC Design Market Perspective (2019-2030) 16 2.2 Global Fabless IC Design Growth Trends by Region 17 2.2.1 Global Fabless IC Design Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 18 2.2.2 Fabless IC Design Historic Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 19 2.2.3 Fabless IC Design Forecasted Market Size by Region (2025-2030) 19 2.3 Global Fabless IC Design Revenue by Region (by Location of Company Headquarters) 20 2.3.1 Global Fabless IC Design Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 (by Location of Company Headquarters) 21 2.3.2 Fabless IC Design Historic Market Size by Region (by Location of Company Headquarters) & (2019-2024) 23 2.3.3 Fabless IC Design Forecasted Market Size by Region (2025-2030) & (by Location of Company Headquarters) 24 2.4 Fabless IC Design Market Dynamics 25 2.4.1 Fabless IC Design Industry Trends 25 2.4.2 Fabless IC Design Market Drivers 28 2.4.3 Fabless IC Design Market Challenges 29 2.4.4 Fabless IC Design Market Restraints 30 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players 31 3.1 Global Revenue Fabless IC Design by Players 31 3.1.1 Global Fabless IC Design Revenue by Players (2019-2024) 31 3.1.2 Global Fabless IC Design Revenue Market Share by Players (2019-2024) 32 3.2 Global Fabless IC Design Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 36 3.3 Global Fabless IC Design Market Concentration Ratio 37 3.3.1 Global Fabless IC Design Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 37 3.3.2 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Fabless IC Design Revenue in 2023 39 3.4 Global Key Players of Fabless IC Design Head office and Area Served 39 3.5 Global Key Players of Fabless IC Design, Product and Application 42 3.6 Global Key Players of Fabless IC Design, Establish Year 46 3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 48 4 Fabless IC Design Breakdown Data by Type 50 4.1 Global Fabless IC Design Historic Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 50 4.2 Global Fabless IC Design Forecasted Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 51 5 Fabless IC Design Breakdown Data by Application 52 5.1 Global Fabless IC Design Historic Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 52 5.2 Global Fabless IC Design Forecasted Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 53 6 North America 55 6.1 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size (2019-2030) 55 6.2 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type 55 6.2.1 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 55 6.2.2 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 56 6.2.3 North America Fabless IC Design Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 56 6.3 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application 57 6.3.1 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 57 6.3.2 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 57 6.3.3 North America Fabless IC Design Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 58 6.4 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country 59 6.4.1 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 59 6.4.2 North America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 59 6.4.3 North America Fabless IC Design Market Share by Country (2025-2030) 60 6.4.4 United States 61 6.4.5 Canada 61 7 Europe 62 7.1 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size (2019-2030) 62 7.2 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type 62 7.2.1 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 62 7.2.2 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 63 7.2.3 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 63 7.3 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application 64 7.3.1 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 64 7.3.2 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 64 7.3.3 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 65 7.4 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country 65 7.4.1 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 65 7.4.2 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 66 7.4.3 Europe Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2025-2030) 66 7.4.4 Germany 68 7.4.5 France 68 7.4.6 U.K. 69 7.4.7 Italy 69 7.4.8 Netherlands and Switzerland 70 7.4.9 Nordic Countries 71 8 Asia Pacific 72 8.1 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size (2019-2030) 72 8.2 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type 72 8.2.1 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 72 8.2.2 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 73 8.2.3 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 73 8.3 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application 74 8.3.1 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 74 8.3.2 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 74 8.3.3 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 75 8.4 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Region 76 8.4.1 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 76 8.4.2 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 76 8.4.3 Asia Pacific Fabless IC Design Market Size by Region (2025-2030) 77 8.4.4 China 78 8.4.5 Japan 78 8.4.6 South Korea 79 8.4.7 China Taiwan 80 8.4.8 Southeast Asia 80 8.4.9 India 81 9 South America 82 9.1 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size (2019-2030) 82 9.2 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type 82 9.2.1 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 82 9.2.2 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 83 9.2.3 South America Fabless IC Design Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 83 9.3 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application 84 9.3.1 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 84 9.3.2 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 84 9.3.3 South America Fabless IC Design Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 85 9.4 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country 85 9.4.1 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 85 9.4.2 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 86 9.4.3 South America Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2025-2030) 86 9.4.4 Brazil 87 10 Middle East & Africa 88 10.1 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size (2019-2030) 88 10.2 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type 88 10.2.1 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 88 10.2.2 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 89 10.2.3 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 90 10.3 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application 90 10.3.1 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 90 10.3.2 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 91 10.3.3 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 92 10.4 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country 92 10.4.1 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 92 10.4.2 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 93 10.4.3 Middle East & Africa Fabless IC Design Market Size by Country (2025-2030) 93 10.4.4 Turkey 94 10.4.5 Israel 95 11 Key Players Profiles 96 11.1 NVIDIA 96 11.1.1 NVIDIA Company Details 96 11.1.2 NVIDIA Business Overview 96 11.1.3 NVIDIA Fabless IC Design Introduction 98 11.1.4 NVIDIA Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 99 11.2 Qualcomm 100 11.2.1 Qualcomm Company Details 100 11.2.2 Qualcomm Business Overview 100 11.2.3 Qualcomm Fabless IC Design Introduction 103 11.2.4 Qualcomm Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 106 11.3 Broadcom 106 11.3.1 Broadcom Company Details 106 11.3.2 Broadcom Business Overview 107 11.3.3 Broadcom Fabless IC Design Introduction 109 11.3.4 Broadcom Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 114 11.3.5 Broadcom Recent Development 114 11.4 Advanced Micro Device (AMD) 114 11.4.1 Advanced Micro Device (AMD) Company Details 114 11.4.2 Advanced Micro Device (AMD) Business Overview 115 11.4.3 Advanced Micro Device (AMD) Fabless IC Design Introduction 117 11.4.4 Advanced Micro Device (AMD) Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 119 11.4.5 Advanced Micro Device (AMD) Recent Development 119 11.5 MediaTek 120 11.5.1 MediaTek Company Details 120 11.5.2 MediaTek Business Overview 120 11.5.3 MediaTek Fabless IC Design Introduction 123 11.5.4 MediaTek Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 124 11.6 Marvell Technology Group 124 11.6.1 Marvell Company Details 124 11.6.2 Marvell Business Overview 125 11.6.3 Marvell Fabless IC Design Introduction 126 11.6.4 Marvell Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 128 11.6.5 Marvell Recent Development 129 11.7 Novatek Microelectronics Corp. 129 11.7.1 Novatek Microelectronics Company Details 129 11.7.2 Novatek Microelectronics Business Overview 130 11.7.3 Novatek Microelectronics Fabless IC Design Introduction 130 11.7.4 Novatek Microelectronics Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 132 11.8 Tsinghua Unigroup (Unisoc, Guoxin Micro) 132 11.8.1 Tsinghua Unigroup Company Details 132 11.8.2 Tsinghua Unigroup Business Overview 133 11.8.3 Tsinghua Unigroup Semiconductor Manufacturing Introduction 134 11.8.4 Tsinghua Unigroup Revenue in Semiconductor Manufacturing Business (2019-2024) 135 11.9 Realtek Semiconductor 135 11.9.1 Realtek Semiconductor Company Details 136 11.9.2 Realtek Semiconductor Business Overview 136 11.9.3 Realtek Semiconductor Fabless IC Design Introduction 137 11.9.4 Realtek Semiconductor Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 139 11.10 OmniVision Technology, Inc (Will Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Shanghai) 139 11.10.1 OmniVision Technology, Inc Company Details 139 11.10.2 OmniVision Technology, Inc Business Overview 140 11.10.3 OmniVision Technology, Inc Fabless IC Design Introduction 141 11.10.4 OmniVision Technology, Inc Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 143 11.11 Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. (MPS) 143 11.11.1 MPS Company Details 143 11.11.2 MPS Business Overview 144 11.11.3 MPS Semiconductor Manufacturing Introduction 144 11.11.4 MPS Revenue in Semiconductor Manufacturing Business (2019-2024) 146 11.11.5 MPS Recent Development 146 11.12 Cirrus Logic, Inc. 146 11.12.1 Cirrus Logic, Inc. Company Details 147 11.12.2 Cirrus Logic, Inc. Business Overview 147 11.12.3 Cirrus Logic, Inc. Semiconductor Manufacturing Introduction 148 11.12.4 Cirrus Logic, Inc. Revenue in Semiconductor Manufacturing Business (2019-2024) 149 11.12.5 Cirrus Logic, Inc. Recent Development 150 11.13 Socionext 150 11.13.1 Socionext Company Details 150 11.13.2 Socionext Business Overview 151 11.13.3 Socionext Fabless IC Design Introduction 152 11.13.4 Socionext Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 153 11.14 LX Semicon 154 11.14.1 LX Semicon Company Details 154 11.14.2 LX Semicon Business Overview 154 11.14.3 LX Semicon Fabless IC Design Introduction 155 11.14.4 LX Semicon Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 157 11.15 HiSilicon Technologies (HUAWEI) 157 11.15.1 HiSilicon Technologies (HUAWEI) Company Details 157 11.15.2 HiSilicon Technologies (HUAWEI) Business Overview 158 11.15.3 HiSilicon Technologies (HUAWEI) Fabless IC Design Introduction 160 11.15.4 HiSilicon Technologies (HUAWEI) Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 161 11.16 Synaptics 162 11.16.1 Synaptics Company Details 162 11.16.2 Synaptics Business Overview 162 11.16.3 Synaptics Fabless IC Design Introduction 164 11.16.4 Synaptics Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 166 11.16.5 Synaptics Recent Development 166 11.17 Allegro MicroSystems 167 11.17.1 Allegro MicroSystems Company Details 167 11.17.2 Allegro MicroSystems Business Overview 168 11.17.3 Allegro MicroSystems Fabless IC Design Introduction 169 11.17.4 Allegro MicroSystems Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 171 11.17.5 Allegro MicroSystems Recent Development 171 11.18 Himax 171 11.18.1 Himax Company Details 171 11.18.2 Himax Business Overview 172 11.18.3 Himax Fabless IC Design Introduction 173 11.18.4 Himax Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 175 11.19 Semtech 175 11.19.1 Semtech Company Details 176 11.19.2 Semtech Business Overview 176 11.19.3 Semtech Fabless IC Design Introduction 179 11.19.4 Semtech Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 180 11.20 Global Unichip Corporation (GUC) 181 11.20.1 Global Unichip Corporation (GUC) Company Details 181 11.20.2 Global Unichip Corporation (GUC) Business Overview 181 11.20.3 Global Unichip Corporation (GUC) Fabless IC Design Introduction 183 11.20.4 Global Unichip Corporation (GUC) Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 184 11.21 Hygon Information Technology 184 11.21.1 Hygon Information Technology Company Details 184 11.21.2 Hygon Information Technology Business Overview 185 11.21.3 Hygon Information Technology Fabless IC Design Introduction 186 11.21.4 Hygon Information Technology Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 187 11.22 GigaDevice 188 11.22.1 GigaDevice Company Details 188 11.22.2 GigaDevice Business Overview 188 11.22.3 GigaDevice Fabless IC Design Introduction 189 11.22.4 GigaDevice Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 191 11.23 Silicon Motion 191 11.23.1 Silicon Motion Company Details 191 11.23.2 Silicon Motion Business Overview 192 11.23.3 Silicon Motion Fabless IC Design Introduction 193 11.23.4 Silicon Motion Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 195 11.24 Ingenic 195 11.24.1 Ingenic Company Details 195 11.24.2 Ingenic Business Overview 196 11.24.3 Ingenic Fabless IC Design Introduction 197 11.24.4 Ingenic Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 199 11.25 Raydium 199 11.25.1 Raydium Company Details 199 11.25.2 Raydium Business Overview 200 11.25.3 Raydium Fabless IC Design Introduction 201 11.25.4 Raydium Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 202 11.26 Goodix 202 11.26.1 Goodix Company Details 202 11.26.2 Goodix Business Overview 203 11.26.3 Goodix Fabless IC Design Introduction 205 11.26.4 Goodix Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 206 11.27 Sitronix 207 11.27.1 Sitronix Company Details 207 11.27.2 Sitronix Business Overview 207 11.27.3 Sitronix Fabless IC Design Introduction 208 11.27.4 Sitronix Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 209 11.28 Nordic Semiconductor 209 11.28.1 Nordic Semiconductor Company Details 209 11.28.2 Nordic Semiconductor Business Overview 210 11.28.3 Nordic Semiconductor Fabless IC Design Introduction 211 11.28.4 Nordic Semiconductor Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 213 11.28.5 Nordic Semiconductor Recent Development 213 11.29 Silergy 214 11.29.1 Silergy Company Details 214 11.29.2 Silergy Business Overview 215 11.29.3 Silergy Fabless IC Design Introduction 216 11.29.4 Silergy Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 217 11.30 Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group 217 11.30.1 Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Company Details 217 11.30.2 Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Business Overview 218 11.30.3 Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Fabless IC Design Introduction 218 11.30.4 Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 220 11.31 Alchip Technologies 220 11.31.1 Alchip Technologies Company Details 220 11.31.2 Alchip Technologies Business Overview 221 11.31.3 Alchip Technologies Fabless IC Design Introduction 222 11.31.4 Alchip Technologies Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 222 11.32 FocalTech 222 11.32.1 FocalTech Company Details 222 11.32.2 FocalTech Business Overview 223 11.32.3 FocalTech Fabless IC Design Introduction 224 11.32.4 FocalTech Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 226 11.33 MegaChips 226 11.33.1 MegaChips Company Details 226 11.33.2 MegaChips Business Overview 227 11.33.3 MegaChips Fabless IC Design Introduction 228 11.33.4 MegaChips Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 229 11.33.5 MegaChips Recent Development 230 11.34 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology 230 11.34.1 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Company Details 230 11.34.2 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Business Overview 231 11.34.3 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Fabless IC Design Introduction 232 11.34.4 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 233 11.35 SGMICRO 233 11.35.1 SGMICRO Company Details 233 11.35.2 SGMICRO Business Overview 234 11.35.3 SGMICRO Fabless IC Design Introduction 235 11.35.4 SGMICRO Revenue in Fabless IC Design Business (2019-2024) 236 12 Analyst's Viewpoints/Conclusions 237 13 Appendix 238 13.1 Research Methodology 238 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 238 13.1.2 Data Source 241 13.2 Author Details 244 13.3 Disclaimer 245
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