住宅用リニアシャワードレイン - 世界市場シェア・ランキング、全体売上高・需要予測 2024-2030Residential Linear Shower Drains - Global Market Share and Ranking, Overall Sales and Demand Forecast 2024-2030 リニアシャワー排水溝は、トレンチドレインまたはリニアドレインとも呼ばれ、シャワーから流出する水を効率的かつ美的に管理するために、モダンなバスルームデザインに使用される特殊な排水システムです。従来の... もっと見る
サマリーリニアシャワー排水溝は、トレンチドレインまたはリニアドレインとも呼ばれ、シャワーから流出する水を効率的かつ美的に管理するために、モダンなバスルームデザインに使用される特殊な排水システムです。従来の中央に配置された円形の排水溝とは異なり、リニアシャワー排水溝は長方形または細長い形状をしており、シャワーエリアの端または壁に沿って配置されます。デザイン、機能性、アクセシビリティの面でいくつかの利点があります。住宅用リニアシャワードレインの世界市場は、2023年には1億9700万米ドル規模と推定され、2024-2030年の予測期間中の年平均成長率は5.1%で、2030年には2億7900万米ドルに再調整されると予測されている。 美観とモダンデザイン:リニアシャワーの排水管は、バスルームのデザインに洗練されたモダンな外観を提供する。すっきりとしたラインとミニマルな外観が住宅所有者やインテリアデザイナーに好まれ、バスルーム全体の美的魅力を高めている。 現代的なバスルームのトレンド:現代的なバスルームデザインのトレンドは、オープンコンセプトレイアウトやスパのような体験に傾いているため、リニア排水口はこれらの嗜好によく合っています。 資産価値の向上:リニアシャワーの排水口のようなモダンで効率的な機能を取り入れることで、住宅の再販価値を高め、アップグレードされたバスルーム設備を高く評価する潜在的な購入者を惹きつけることができます。 コスト:リニアシャワーの排水溝は、排水溝自体や設置費用の点で、従来の円形の排水溝よりも高価であることがよくあります。これは、タイトな予算で住宅所有者の制限要因となる可能性があります。 市場の認知度:リニア・シャワードレンの認知度は高まっているが、住宅所有者や施工業者の中には、従来の円形ドレンの方がなじみがある人もおり、採用率が鈍化している可能性がある。 レポートの範囲 本レポートでは、住宅用リニアシャワードレインの世界市場について、地域別・国別、タイプ別、販売チャネル別の分析とともに、総販売量、販売収益、価格、主要企業の市場シェア、ランキングに焦点を当て、包括的に紹介することを目的としています。 住宅用リニアシャワーの排水口市場規模、推計、予測は、2023年を基準年とし、2019年から2030年までの期間の履歴データと予測データを売上数量(Kユニット)と売上収益(百万ドル)で提供します。定量分析および定性分析により、読者がビジネス/成長戦略を策定し、市場競争状況を評価し、現在の市場における自社のポジションを分析し、住宅用リニアシャワーの排水管に関する情報に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を行うのに役立ちます。 市場区分 企業別 ゲベリット シュルーターシステムズ アリアクシス ワッツ・ウォーター・テクノロジーズ BLSインダストリーズ ACO 北京倫徳紅豆 マクウェイン スー・チーフ製造 ジェイ・R・スミス ケッセルAG ザーン・インダストリーズ ユニドレインA/S TECE OMPティー フェルプラスト社 ヴィエガ ESS グリッドアイアン ジョムー AWI カッジャティ・マウリツィオ タイプ別セグメント ブラッシュドステンレスタイプ ガラス・タイルタイプ 販売チャネル別 オンライン オフライン 地域別 北米 米国 カナダ ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア ロシア アジア太平洋 中国 日本 韓国 中国 台湾 東南アジア インド ラテンアメリカ メキシコ ブラジル アルゼンチン 中東・アフリカ トルコ サウジアラビア アラブ首長国連邦 各章の概要 第1章: レポートの対象範囲、世界の総市場規模(バルブ、数量、価格)を紹介。また、市場力学、市場の最新動向、市場の推進要因と制限要因、業界のメーカーが直面する課題とリスク、業界の関連政策の分析を提供します。 第2章:住宅用リニアシャワーの排水口メーカーの競争環境、価格、売上高、市場シェア、最新の開発計画、合併・買収情報などを詳細に分析。 第3章:タイプ別に様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供し、各市場セグメントの市場規模と発展可能性をカバーし、読者が異なる市場セグメントでブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのに役立ちます。 第4章:読者が異なる川下市場のブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのを助けるために、各市場セグメントの市場規模と発展の可能性をカバーし、販売チャネル別に様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供します。 第5章:地域レベルでの住宅用リニアシャワーの排水溝の売上、収益。各地域の市場規模と発展可能性を定量的に分析し、世界各国の市場発展、将来発展展望、市場空間、市場規模を紹介しています。 第6章 国別住宅用リニアシャワードレンの販売、収益。国・地域別にタイプ別、販売チャネル別のシグメイトデータを掲載しています。 第7章:主要企業のプロファイルを提供し、製品の売上高、収益、価格、売上総利益率、製品紹介、最近の開発など、市場の主要企業の基本的な状況を詳細に紹介します。 第8章:産業の上流と下流を含む産業チェーンの分析。 第9章:結論 目次1 Market Overview1.1 Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Introduction 1.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Size Forecast 1.2.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value (2019-2030) 1.2.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume (2019-2030) 1.2.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Price (2019-2030) 1.3 Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Trends & Drivers 1.3.1 Residential Linear Shower Drains Industry Trends 1.3.2 Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Drivers & Opportunity 1.3.3 Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Challenges 1.3.4 Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Restraints 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 1.5 Study Objectives 1.6 Years Considered 2 Competitive Analysis by Company 2.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Players Revenue Ranking (2023) 2.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Revenue by Company (2019-2024) 2.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Players Sales Volume Ranking (2023) 2.4 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Company Players (2019-2024) 2.5 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Average Price by Company (2019-2024) 2.6 Key Manufacturers Residential Linear Shower Drains Manufacturing Base Distribution and Headquarters 2.7 Key Manufacturers Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offered 2.8 Key Manufacturers Time to Begin Mass Production of Residential Linear Shower Drains 2.9 Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Competitive Analysis 2.9.1 Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Concentration Rate (2019-2024) 2.9.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Residential Linear Shower Drains Revenue in 2023 2.9.3 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Residential Linear Shower Drains as of 2023) 2.10 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 3 Segmentation by Type 3.1 Introduction by Type 3.1.1 Brushed Stainless Steel Type 3.1.2 Glass and Tile Type 3.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type 3.2.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 3.2.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, by Type (2019-2030) 3.2.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, by Type (%) (2019-2030) 3.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Type 3.3.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 3.3.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume, by Type (2019-2030) 3.3.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume, by Type (%) (2019-2030) 3.4 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Average Price by Type (2019-2030) 4 Segmentation by Sales Channel 4.1 Introduction by Sales Channel 4.1.1 Online 4.1.2 Offline 4.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel 4.2.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 4.2.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, by Sales Channel (2019-2030) 4.2.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, by Sales Channel (%) (2019-2030) 4.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Sales Channel 4.3.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Sales Channel (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 4.3.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume, by Sales Channel (2019-2030) 4.3.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume, by Sales Channel (%) (2019-2030) 4.4 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Average Price by Sales Channel (2019-2030) 5 Segmentation by Region 5.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Region 5.1.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 5.1.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Region (2019-2024) 5.1.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Region (2025-2030) 5.1.4 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Region (%), (2019-2030) 5.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Region 5.2.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 5.2.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Region (2019-2024) 5.2.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Region (2025-2030) 5.2.4 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Region (%), (2019-2030) 5.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Average Price by Region (2019-2030) 5.4 North America 5.4.1 North America Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.4.2 North America Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.5 Europe 5.5.1 Europe Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.5.2 Europe Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.6 Asia Pacific 5.6.1 Asia Pacific Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.6.2 Asia Pacific Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.7 South America 5.7.1 South America Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.7.2 South America Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.8 Middle East & Africa 5.8.1 Middle East & Africa Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.8.2 Middle East & Africa Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 6 Segmentation by Key Countries/Regions 6.1 Key Countries/Regions Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value Growth Trends, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 6.2 Key Countries/Regions Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value 6.2.1 Key Countries/Regions Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.2.2 Key Countries/Regions Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume, 2019-2030 6.3 United States 6.3.1 United States Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.3.2 United States Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.3.3 United States Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 6.4 Europe 6.4.1 Europe Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.4.2 Europe Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.4.3 Europe Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 6.5 China 6.5.1 China Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.5.2 China Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.5.3 China Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 6.6 Japan 6.6.1 Japan Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.6.2 Japan Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.6.3 Japan Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 6.7 South Korea 6.7.1 South Korea Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.7.2 South Korea Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.7.3 South Korea Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 6.8 Southeast Asia 6.8.1 Southeast Asia Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.8.2 Southeast Asia Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.8.3 Southeast Asia Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 6.9 India 6.9.1 India Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.9.2 India Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.9.3 India Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 7 Company Profiles 7.1 Geberit 7.1.1 Geberit Company Information 7.1.2 Geberit Introduction and Business Overview 7.1.3 Geberit Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.1.4 Geberit Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.1.5 Geberit Recent Development 7.2 Schluter-Systems 7.2.1 Schluter-Systems Company Information 7.2.2 Schluter-Systems Introduction and Business Overview 7.2.3 Schluter-Systems Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.2.4 Schluter-Systems Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.2.5 Schluter-Systems Recent Development 7.3 Aliaxis 7.3.1 Aliaxis Company Information 7.3.2 Aliaxis Introduction and Business Overview 7.3.3 Aliaxis Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.3.4 Aliaxis Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.3.5 Aliaxis Recent Development 7.4 Watts Water Technologies 7.4.1 Watts Water Technologies Company Information 7.4.2 Watts Water Technologies Introduction and Business Overview 7.4.3 Watts Water Technologies Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.4.4 Watts Water Technologies Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.4.5 Watts Water Technologies Recent Development 7.5 BLS Industries 7.5.1 BLS Industries Company Information 7.5.2 BLS Industries Introduction and Business Overview 7.5.3 BLS Industries Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.5.4 BLS Industries Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.5.5 BLS Industries Recent Development 7.6 ACO 7.6.1 ACO Company Information 7.6.2 ACO Introduction and Business Overview 7.6.3 ACO Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.6.4 ACO Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.6.5 ACO Recent Development 7.7 Beijing Runde Hongtu 7.7.1 Beijing Runde Hongtu Company Information 7.7.2 Beijing Runde Hongtu Introduction and Business Overview 7.7.3 Beijing Runde Hongtu Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.7.4 Beijing Runde Hongtu Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.7.5 Beijing Runde Hongtu Recent Development 7.8 McWane 7.8.1 McWane Company Information 7.8.2 McWane Introduction and Business Overview 7.8.3 McWane Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.8.4 McWane Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.8.5 McWane Recent Development 7.9 Sioux Chief Mfg 7.9.1 Sioux Chief Mfg Company Information 7.9.2 Sioux Chief Mfg Introduction and Business Overview 7.9.3 Sioux Chief Mfg Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.9.4 Sioux Chief Mfg Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.9.5 Sioux Chief Mfg Recent Development 7.10 Jay R. Smith Mfg 7.10.1 Jay R. Smith Mfg Company Information 7.10.2 Jay R. Smith Mfg Introduction and Business Overview 7.10.3 Jay R. Smith Mfg Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.10.4 Jay R. Smith Mfg Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.10.5 Jay R. Smith Mfg Recent Development 7.11 KESSEL AG 7.11.1 KESSEL AG Company Information 7.11.2 KESSEL AG Introduction and Business Overview 7.11.3 KESSEL AG Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.11.4 KESSEL AG Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.11.5 KESSEL AG Recent Development 7.12 Zurn Industries 7.12.1 Zurn Industries Company Information 7.12.2 Zurn Industries Introduction and Business Overview 7.12.3 Zurn Industries Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.12.4 Zurn Industries Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.12.5 Zurn Industries Recent Development 7.13 Unidrain A/S 7.13.1 Unidrain A/S Company Information 7.13.2 Unidrain A/S Introduction and Business Overview 7.13.3 Unidrain A/S Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.13.4 Unidrain A/S Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.13.5 Unidrain A/S Recent Development 7.14 TECE 7.14.1 TECE Company Information 7.14.2 TECE Introduction and Business Overview 7.14.3 TECE Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.14.4 TECE Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.14.5 TECE Recent Development 7.15 OMP Tea 7.15.1 OMP Tea Company Information 7.15.2 OMP Tea Introduction and Business Overview 7.15.3 OMP Tea Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.15.4 OMP Tea Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.15.5 OMP Tea Recent Development 7.16 Ferplast Srl 7.16.1 Ferplast Srl Company Information 7.16.2 Ferplast Srl Introduction and Business Overview 7.16.3 Ferplast Srl Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.16.4 Ferplast Srl Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.16.5 Ferplast Srl Recent Development 7.17 Viega 7.17.1 Viega Company Information 7.17.2 Viega Introduction and Business Overview 7.17.3 Viega Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.17.4 Viega Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.17.5 Viega Recent Development 7.18 ESS 7.18.1 ESS Company Information 7.18.2 ESS Introduction and Business Overview 7.18.3 ESS Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.18.4 ESS Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.18.5 ESS Recent Development 7.19 Gridiron SpA 7.19.1 Gridiron SpA Company Information 7.19.2 Gridiron SpA Introduction and Business Overview 7.19.3 Gridiron SpA Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.19.4 Gridiron SpA Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.19.5 Gridiron SpA Recent Development 7.20 Jomoo 7.20.1 Jomoo Company Information 7.20.2 Jomoo Introduction and Business Overview 7.20.3 Jomoo Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.20.4 Jomoo Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.20.5 Jomoo Recent Development 7.21 AWI 7.21.1 AWI Company Information 7.21.2 AWI Introduction and Business Overview 7.21.3 AWI Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.21.4 AWI Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.21.5 AWI Recent Development 7.22 Caggiati Maurizio 7.22.1 Caggiati Maurizio Company Information 7.22.2 Caggiati Maurizio Introduction and Business Overview 7.22.3 Caggiati Maurizio Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.22.4 Caggiati Maurizio Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.22.5 Caggiati Maurizio Recent Development 8 Industry Chain Analysis 8.1 Residential Linear Shower Drains Industrial Chain 8.2 Residential Linear Shower Drains Upstream Analysis 8.2.1 Key Raw Materials 8.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 8.2.3 Manufacturing Cost Structure 8.3 Midstream Analysis 8.4 Downstream Analysis (Customers Analysis) 8.5 Sales Model and Sales Channels 8.5.1 Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Model 8.5.2 Sales Channel 8.5.3 Residential Linear Shower Drains Distributors 9 Research Findings and Conclusion 10 Appendix 10.1 Research Methodology 10.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 10.1.2 Data Source 10.2 Author Details 10.3 Disclaimer
SummaryLinear shower drains, also known as trench drains or linear drains, are specialized drainage systems used in modern bathroom designs to efficiently and aesthetically manage water runoff from showers. Unlike traditional center-located circular drains, linear shower drains are rectangular or elongated in shape and are positioned along one edge or wall of the shower area. They offer several benefits in terms of design, functionality, and accessibility. Table of Contents1 Market Overview1.1 Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Introduction 1.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Size Forecast 1.2.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value (2019-2030) 1.2.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume (2019-2030) 1.2.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Price (2019-2030) 1.3 Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Trends & Drivers 1.3.1 Residential Linear Shower Drains Industry Trends 1.3.2 Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Drivers & Opportunity 1.3.3 Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Challenges 1.3.4 Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Restraints 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 1.5 Study Objectives 1.6 Years Considered 2 Competitive Analysis by Company 2.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Players Revenue Ranking (2023) 2.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Revenue by Company (2019-2024) 2.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Players Sales Volume Ranking (2023) 2.4 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Company Players (2019-2024) 2.5 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Average Price by Company (2019-2024) 2.6 Key Manufacturers Residential Linear Shower Drains Manufacturing Base Distribution and Headquarters 2.7 Key Manufacturers Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offered 2.8 Key Manufacturers Time to Begin Mass Production of Residential Linear Shower Drains 2.9 Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Competitive Analysis 2.9.1 Residential Linear Shower Drains Market Concentration Rate (2019-2024) 2.9.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Residential Linear Shower Drains Revenue in 2023 2.9.3 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Residential Linear Shower Drains as of 2023) 2.10 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 3 Segmentation by Type 3.1 Introduction by Type 3.1.1 Brushed Stainless Steel Type 3.1.2 Glass and Tile Type 3.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type 3.2.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 3.2.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, by Type (2019-2030) 3.2.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, by Type (%) (2019-2030) 3.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Type 3.3.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 3.3.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume, by Type (2019-2030) 3.3.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume, by Type (%) (2019-2030) 3.4 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Average Price by Type (2019-2030) 4 Segmentation by Sales Channel 4.1 Introduction by Sales Channel 4.1.1 Online 4.1.2 Offline 4.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel 4.2.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 4.2.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, by Sales Channel (2019-2030) 4.2.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, by Sales Channel (%) (2019-2030) 4.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Sales Channel 4.3.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Sales Channel (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 4.3.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume, by Sales Channel (2019-2030) 4.3.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume, by Sales Channel (%) (2019-2030) 4.4 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Average Price by Sales Channel (2019-2030) 5 Segmentation by Region 5.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Region 5.1.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 5.1.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Region (2019-2024) 5.1.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Region (2025-2030) 5.1.4 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Region (%), (2019-2030) 5.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Region 5.2.1 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 5.2.2 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Region (2019-2024) 5.2.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Region (2025-2030) 5.2.4 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume by Region (%), (2019-2030) 5.3 Global Residential Linear Shower Drains Average Price by Region (2019-2030) 5.4 North America 5.4.1 North America Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.4.2 North America Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.5 Europe 5.5.1 Europe Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.5.2 Europe Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.6 Asia Pacific 5.6.1 Asia Pacific Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.6.2 Asia Pacific Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.7 South America 5.7.1 South America Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.7.2 South America Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.8 Middle East & Africa 5.8.1 Middle East & Africa Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.8.2 Middle East & Africa Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 6 Segmentation by Key Countries/Regions 6.1 Key Countries/Regions Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value Growth Trends, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 6.2 Key Countries/Regions Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value 6.2.1 Key Countries/Regions Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.2.2 Key Countries/Regions Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Volume, 2019-2030 6.3 United States 6.3.1 United States Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.3.2 United States Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.3.3 United States Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 6.4 Europe 6.4.1 Europe Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.4.2 Europe Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.4.3 Europe Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 6.5 China 6.5.1 China Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.5.2 China Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.5.3 China Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 6.6 Japan 6.6.1 Japan Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.6.2 Japan Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.6.3 Japan Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 6.7 South Korea 6.7.1 South Korea Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.7.2 South Korea Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.7.3 South Korea Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 6.8 Southeast Asia 6.8.1 Southeast Asia Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.8.2 Southeast Asia Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.8.3 Southeast Asia Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 6.9 India 6.9.1 India Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.9.2 India Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.9.3 India Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Value by Sales Channel, 2023 VS 2030 7 Company Profiles 7.1 Geberit 7.1.1 Geberit Company Information 7.1.2 Geberit Introduction and Business Overview 7.1.3 Geberit Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.1.4 Geberit Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.1.5 Geberit Recent Development 7.2 Schluter-Systems 7.2.1 Schluter-Systems Company Information 7.2.2 Schluter-Systems Introduction and Business Overview 7.2.3 Schluter-Systems Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.2.4 Schluter-Systems Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.2.5 Schluter-Systems Recent Development 7.3 Aliaxis 7.3.1 Aliaxis Company Information 7.3.2 Aliaxis Introduction and Business Overview 7.3.3 Aliaxis Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.3.4 Aliaxis Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.3.5 Aliaxis Recent Development 7.4 Watts Water Technologies 7.4.1 Watts Water Technologies Company Information 7.4.2 Watts Water Technologies Introduction and Business Overview 7.4.3 Watts Water Technologies Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.4.4 Watts Water Technologies Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.4.5 Watts Water Technologies Recent Development 7.5 BLS Industries 7.5.1 BLS Industries Company Information 7.5.2 BLS Industries Introduction and Business Overview 7.5.3 BLS Industries Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.5.4 BLS Industries Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.5.5 BLS Industries Recent Development 7.6 ACO 7.6.1 ACO Company Information 7.6.2 ACO Introduction and Business Overview 7.6.3 ACO Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.6.4 ACO Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.6.5 ACO Recent Development 7.7 Beijing Runde Hongtu 7.7.1 Beijing Runde Hongtu Company Information 7.7.2 Beijing Runde Hongtu Introduction and Business Overview 7.7.3 Beijing Runde Hongtu Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.7.4 Beijing Runde Hongtu Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.7.5 Beijing Runde Hongtu Recent Development 7.8 McWane 7.8.1 McWane Company Information 7.8.2 McWane Introduction and Business Overview 7.8.3 McWane Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.8.4 McWane Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.8.5 McWane Recent Development 7.9 Sioux Chief Mfg 7.9.1 Sioux Chief Mfg Company Information 7.9.2 Sioux Chief Mfg Introduction and Business Overview 7.9.3 Sioux Chief Mfg Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.9.4 Sioux Chief Mfg Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.9.5 Sioux Chief Mfg Recent Development 7.10 Jay R. Smith Mfg 7.10.1 Jay R. Smith Mfg Company Information 7.10.2 Jay R. Smith Mfg Introduction and Business Overview 7.10.3 Jay R. Smith Mfg Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.10.4 Jay R. Smith Mfg Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.10.5 Jay R. Smith Mfg Recent Development 7.11 KESSEL AG 7.11.1 KESSEL AG Company Information 7.11.2 KESSEL AG Introduction and Business Overview 7.11.3 KESSEL AG Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.11.4 KESSEL AG Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.11.5 KESSEL AG Recent Development 7.12 Zurn Industries 7.12.1 Zurn Industries Company Information 7.12.2 Zurn Industries Introduction and Business Overview 7.12.3 Zurn Industries Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.12.4 Zurn Industries Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.12.5 Zurn Industries Recent Development 7.13 Unidrain A/S 7.13.1 Unidrain A/S Company Information 7.13.2 Unidrain A/S Introduction and Business Overview 7.13.3 Unidrain A/S Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.13.4 Unidrain A/S Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.13.5 Unidrain A/S Recent Development 7.14 TECE 7.14.1 TECE Company Information 7.14.2 TECE Introduction and Business Overview 7.14.3 TECE Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.14.4 TECE Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.14.5 TECE Recent Development 7.15 OMP Tea 7.15.1 OMP Tea Company Information 7.15.2 OMP Tea Introduction and Business Overview 7.15.3 OMP Tea Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.15.4 OMP Tea Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.15.5 OMP Tea Recent Development 7.16 Ferplast Srl 7.16.1 Ferplast Srl Company Information 7.16.2 Ferplast Srl Introduction and Business Overview 7.16.3 Ferplast Srl Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.16.4 Ferplast Srl Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.16.5 Ferplast Srl Recent Development 7.17 Viega 7.17.1 Viega Company Information 7.17.2 Viega Introduction and Business Overview 7.17.3 Viega Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.17.4 Viega Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.17.5 Viega Recent Development 7.18 ESS 7.18.1 ESS Company Information 7.18.2 ESS Introduction and Business Overview 7.18.3 ESS Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.18.4 ESS Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.18.5 ESS Recent Development 7.19 Gridiron SpA 7.19.1 Gridiron SpA Company Information 7.19.2 Gridiron SpA Introduction and Business Overview 7.19.3 Gridiron SpA Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.19.4 Gridiron SpA Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.19.5 Gridiron SpA Recent Development 7.20 Jomoo 7.20.1 Jomoo Company Information 7.20.2 Jomoo Introduction and Business Overview 7.20.3 Jomoo Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.20.4 Jomoo Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.20.5 Jomoo Recent Development 7.21 AWI 7.21.1 AWI Company Information 7.21.2 AWI Introduction and Business Overview 7.21.3 AWI Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.21.4 AWI Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.21.5 AWI Recent Development 7.22 Caggiati Maurizio 7.22.1 Caggiati Maurizio Company Information 7.22.2 Caggiati Maurizio Introduction and Business Overview 7.22.3 Caggiati Maurizio Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.22.4 Caggiati Maurizio Residential Linear Shower Drains Product Offerings 7.22.5 Caggiati Maurizio Recent Development 8 Industry Chain Analysis 8.1 Residential Linear Shower Drains Industrial Chain 8.2 Residential Linear Shower Drains Upstream Analysis 8.2.1 Key Raw Materials 8.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 8.2.3 Manufacturing Cost Structure 8.3 Midstream Analysis 8.4 Downstream Analysis (Customers Analysis) 8.5 Sales Model and Sales Channels 8.5.1 Residential Linear Shower Drains Sales Model 8.5.2 Sales Channel 8.5.3 Residential Linear Shower Drains Distributors 9 Research Findings and Conclusion 10 Appendix 10.1 Research Methodology 10.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 10.1.2 Data Source 10.2 Author Details 10.3 Disclaimer
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