![]() 超音速ジェット設計の世界市場インサイト、2029年までの予測Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Insights, Forecast to 2029 超音速機とは、超音速飛行が可能な航空機のことで、音速(マッハ数1)よりも速く飛行できる航空機のことである。超音速飛行の空気力学は、音よりも速く飛行する物体によって生じる衝撃波または「ソニックブーム」... もっと見る
サマリー超音速機とは、超音速飛行が可能な航空機のことで、音速(マッハ数1)よりも速く飛行できる航空機のことである。超音速飛行の空気力学は、音よりも速く飛行する物体によって生じる衝撃波または「ソニックブーム」に関連する圧縮のため、圧縮流と呼ばれる。マッハ5以上の速度で飛行する航空機は、しばしば極超音速機と呼ばれる。市場分析と洞察:超音速ジェット設計の世界市場 世界の超音速ジェット機設計市場は、COVID-19とロシア・ウクライナ戦争の二重の影響を受けた2022年の1億9,170万米ドルに比べ、2023年には1億9,390万米ドルに達すると予想され、%のプラス成長が見込まれている。川下産業からの需要増加を背景に、超音速ジェット設計産業は2029年に2億8130万米ドルに達すると評価されている。2023年から2029年までのCAGRは6.4%である。 世界的に、超音速ジェット設計の主要企業には、Boom Technology、Spike Aerospace, Inc.、Exosonic Supersonic Jet、宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)、ヴァージン・ギャラクティック超音速機、中国航空工業公司、ロシアのUnited Aircraft Corporation(UAC)、イーオン・エアロスペース、ロッキード・マーチンなどが含まれる。Boom Technology、Spike Aerospace, Inc.、Exosonic Supersonic Jetが上位3社であり、2022年には全体のシェアを占める。 消費地域を考慮すると、2022年の超音速ジェット設計の売上高は、北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋地域に販売された。アジア太平洋地域は、2023年から2029年までのCAGRが%で、2029年にはシェアが%になり、急成長を遂げると推定される。さらに、中国は超音速ジェット設計市場全体において重要な役割を担っており、業界関係者や投資家の注目を集めると推定される。 超音速ジェット設計は、超音速ビジネスジェット(SSBJ)と超音速輸送機(SST)などに分けられる。超音速ビジネスジェット(SSBJ)は市場の主流製品であり、2022年には世界の売上高シェアの%を占め、その割合は2029年には%となる。 超音速ジェット機は、企業、運輸、政府、その他など様々な分野で広く使用されている。企業は超音速ジェット設計産業の発展を最も支援している。2022年、超音速ジェット設計の世界売上高の%は企業向けであり、その割合は2029年には%に達するだろう。 レポートの対象 本レポートは、2018年から2029年までの世界の超音速ジェット設計市場の概要を紹介し、読者が世界の超音速ジェット設計市場を多角的に包括的に理解することを目的としています。2018年から2029年までの地域別収益、2018年から2023年までの企業の収益と粗利益率などの項目を分析しています。また、2018年から2029年までの各地域の製品タイプや用途の収益も取り上げています。 レポートに掲載されている企業、タイプ、アプリケーション、地域 企業別 ブームテクノロジー スパイクエアロスペース社 エクソソニック超音速ジェット 宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA) ヴァージン・ギャラクティック超音速機 中国航空工業公司 ロシアのユナイテッド・エアクラフト社(UAC) イーオン・エアロスペース ロッキード・マーチン BAEシステムズ エアバス ボーイング タイプ別セグメント 超音速ビジネスジェット(SSBJ) 超音速輸送機(SST) 用途別セグメント 企業 運輸 政府機関 その他 地域別 北米 米国 カナダ 欧州 ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア ロシア 北欧諸国 その他の欧州諸国 中国 アジア(中国を除く) 日本 韓国 中国 台湾 東南アジア インド ラテンアメリカ、中東、アフリカ ブラジル メキシコ トルコ イスラエル GCC諸国 章の概要 第1章:製品の定義、タイプ、用途の紹介 第2章 2018年から2029年までの地域別収益分析 第3章:製品名企業の競争環境、収益、市場シェア、業界ランキング、最新の開発計画、合併・買収情報などの詳細分析 第4章 2018年から2029年までの世界のタイプ別製品収益分析 第5章 世界の2018年から2029年までの用途別製品収益分析 第6章:2018年から2029年までの米国・カナダのタイプ別・用途別製品収益分析2018年から2029年までの米国&カナダにおける各国の製品収益分析 第7章:欧州における2018年から2029年までのタイプ別および用途別製品収益分析。2018年から2029年までの欧州における各国の製品収益分析 第8章:2018年から2029年までの中国のタイプ別および用途別製品収益分析。2018年から2029年までの中国の製品収益分析 第9章:2018年から2029年までのアジア(中国を除く)のタイプ別・用途別製品収益分析。2018年から2029年までのアジア(中国を除く)の各国の製品収益分析 第10章:2018年から2029年までの中東、アフリカ、ラテンアメリカにおけるタイプ別および用途別の製品収益分析。2018年から2029年までの中東、アフリカ、ラテンアメリカにおける各国の製品収益分析。 第11章:企業概要:企業の基本情報、主要事業、超音速ジェット設計の紹介など。2018年から2023年までの各社の超音速ジェット設計の売上高とグロスマージン 第12章:超音速ジェット機の設計に関するQYResearchの結論 第13章:QYResearchが採用した方法論とデータソース 目次1 Report Overview1.1 Study Scope 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1.2.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 1.2.2 Supersonic Business Jet (SSBJ) 1.2.3 Supersonic Transport (SST) 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 1.3.2 Corporate 1.3.3 Transportation 1.3.4 Government 1.3.5 Others 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 1.5 Study Objectives 1.6 Years Considered 2 Global Growth Trends 2.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Perspective (2018-2029) 2.2 Global Supersonic Jet Design Growth Trends by Region 2.2.1 Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 2.2.2 Supersonic Jet Design Historic Market Size by Region (2018-2023) 2.2.3 Supersonic Jet Design Forecasted Market Size by Region (2024-2029) 2.3 Supersonic Jet Design Market Dynamics 2.3.1 Supersonic Jet Design Industry Trends 2.3.2 Supersonic Jet Design Market Drivers 2.3.3 Supersonic Jet Design Market Challenges 2.3.4 Supersonic Jet Design Market Restraints 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players 3.1 Global Revenue Supersonic Jet Design by Players 3.1.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Revenue by Players (2018-2023) 3.1.2 Global Supersonic Jet Design Revenue Market Share by Players (2018-2023) 3.2 Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 3.3 Global Key Players of Supersonic Jet Design, Ranking by Revenue, 2021 VS 2022 VS 2023 3.4 Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Concentration Ratio 3.4.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 3.4.2 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Supersonic Jet Design Revenue in 2022 3.5 Global Key Players of Supersonic Jet Design Head office and Area Served 3.6 Global Key Players of Supersonic Jet Design, Product and Application 3.7 Global Key Players of Supersonic Jet Design, Date of Enter into This Industry 3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Supersonic Jet Design Breakdown Data by Type 4.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Historic Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 4.2 Global Supersonic Jet Design Forecasted Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 5 Supersonic Jet Design Breakdown Data by Application 5.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Historic Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 5.2 Global Supersonic Jet Design Forecasted Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 6 North America 6.1 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size (2018-2029) 6.2 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type 6.2.1 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 6.2.2 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 6.2.3 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 6.3 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application 6.3.1 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 6.3.2 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 6.3.3 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 6.4 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country 6.4.1 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 6.4.2 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 6.4.3 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 6.4.4 United States 6.4.5 Canada 7 Europe 7.1 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size (2018-2029) 7.2 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type 7.2.1 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 7.2.2 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 7.2.3 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 7.3 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application 7.3.1 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 7.3.2 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 7.3.3 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 7.4 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country 7.4.1 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 7.4.2 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 7.4.3 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 7.4.3 Germany 7.4.4 France 7.4.5 U.K. 7.4.6 Italy 7.4.7 Russia 7.4.8 Nordic Countries 8 China 8.1 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size (2018-2029) 8.2 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type 8.2.1 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 8.2.2 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 8.2.3 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 8.3 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application 8.3.1 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 8.3.2 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 8.3.3 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 9 Asia (excluding China) 9.1 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size (2018-2029) 9.2 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type 9.2.1 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 9.2.2 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 9.2.3 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 9.3 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application 9.3.1 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 9.3.2 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 9.3.3 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 9.4 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Region 9.4.1 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 9.4.2 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Region (2018-2023) 9.4.3 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Region (2024-2029) 9.4.4 Japan 9.4.5 South Korea 9.4.6 China Taiwan 9.4.7 Southeast Asia 9.4.8 India 9.4.9 Australia 10 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America 10.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size (2018-2029) 10.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type 10.2.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 10.2.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 10.2.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 10.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application 10.3.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 10.3.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 10.3.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 10.4 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country 10.4.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 10.4.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 10.4.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 10.4.4 Brazil 10.4.5 Mexico 10.4.6 Turkey 10.4.7 Saudi Arabia 10.4.8 Israel 10.4.9 GCC Countries 11 Key Players Profiles 11.1 Boom Technology 11.1.1 Boom Technology Company Details 11.1.2 Boom Technology Business Overview 11.1.3 Boom Technology Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.1.4 Boom Technology Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.1.5 Boom Technology Recent Developments 11.2 Spike Aerospace, Inc. 11.2.1 Spike Aerospace, Inc. Company Details 11.2.2 Spike Aerospace, Inc. Business Overview 11.2.3 Spike Aerospace, Inc. Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.2.4 Spike Aerospace, Inc. Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.2.5 Spike Aerospace, Inc. Recent Developments 11.3 Exosonic Supersonic Jet 11.3.1 Exosonic Supersonic Jet Company Details 11.3.2 Exosonic Supersonic Jet Business Overview 11.3.3 Exosonic Supersonic Jet Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.3.4 Exosonic Supersonic Jet Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.3.5 Exosonic Supersonic Jet Recent Developments 11.4 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) 11.4.1 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Company Details 11.4.2 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Business Overview 11.4.3 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.4.4 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.4.5 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Recent Developments 11.5 Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft 11.5.1 Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft Company Details 11.5.2 Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft Business Overview 11.5.3 Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.5.4 Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.5.5 Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft Recent Developments 11.6 Aviation Industry Corporation of China 11.6.1 Aviation Industry Corporation of China Company Details 11.6.2 Aviation Industry Corporation of China Business Overview 11.6.3 Aviation Industry Corporation of China Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.6.4 Aviation Industry Corporation of China Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.6.5 Aviation Industry Corporation of China Recent Developments 11.7 Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) 11.7.1 Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Company Details 11.7.2 Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Business Overview 11.7.3 Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.7.4 Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.7.5 Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Recent Developments 11.8 Eon Aerospace 11.8.1 Eon Aerospace Company Details 11.8.2 Eon Aerospace Business Overview 11.8.3 Eon Aerospace Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.8.4 Eon Aerospace Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.8.5 Eon Aerospace Recent Developments 11.9 Lockheed Martin 11.9.1 Lockheed Martin Company Details 11.9.2 Lockheed Martin Business Overview 11.9.3 Lockheed Martin Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.9.4 Lockheed Martin Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.9.5 Lockheed Martin Recent Developments 11.10 BAE Systems 11.10.1 BAE Systems Company Details 11.10.2 BAE Systems Business Overview 11.10.3 BAE Systems Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.10.4 BAE Systems Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.10.5 BAE Systems Recent Developments 11.11 Airbus S.A.S 11.11.1 Airbus S.A.S Company Details 11.11.2 Airbus S.A.S Business Overview 11.11.3 Airbus S.A.S Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.11.4 Airbus S.A.S Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.11.5 Airbus S.A.S Recent Developments 11.12 The Boeing Company 11.12.1 The Boeing Company Company Details 11.12.2 The Boeing Company Business Overview 11.12.3 The Boeing Company Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.12.4 The Boeing Company Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.12.5 The Boeing Company Recent Developments 12 Analyst's Viewpoints/Conclusions 13 Appendix 13.1 Research Methodology 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 13.1.2 Data Source 13.2 Disclaimer 13.3 Author Details
SummaryA supersonic aircraft is an aircraft capable of supersonic flight, which is an aircraft able to fly faster than the speed of sound (Mach number 1).The aerodynamics of supersonic flight is called compressible flow because of the compression associated with the shock waves or "sonic boom" created by any object travelling faster than sound.Aircraft flying at speeds above Mach 5 are often referred to as hypersonic aircraft. Table of Contents1 Report Overview1.1 Study Scope 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1.2.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 1.2.2 Supersonic Business Jet (SSBJ) 1.2.3 Supersonic Transport (SST) 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 1.3.2 Corporate 1.3.3 Transportation 1.3.4 Government 1.3.5 Others 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 1.5 Study Objectives 1.6 Years Considered 2 Global Growth Trends 2.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Perspective (2018-2029) 2.2 Global Supersonic Jet Design Growth Trends by Region 2.2.1 Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 2.2.2 Supersonic Jet Design Historic Market Size by Region (2018-2023) 2.2.3 Supersonic Jet Design Forecasted Market Size by Region (2024-2029) 2.3 Supersonic Jet Design Market Dynamics 2.3.1 Supersonic Jet Design Industry Trends 2.3.2 Supersonic Jet Design Market Drivers 2.3.3 Supersonic Jet Design Market Challenges 2.3.4 Supersonic Jet Design Market Restraints 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players 3.1 Global Revenue Supersonic Jet Design by Players 3.1.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Revenue by Players (2018-2023) 3.1.2 Global Supersonic Jet Design Revenue Market Share by Players (2018-2023) 3.2 Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 3.3 Global Key Players of Supersonic Jet Design, Ranking by Revenue, 2021 VS 2022 VS 2023 3.4 Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Concentration Ratio 3.4.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 3.4.2 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Supersonic Jet Design Revenue in 2022 3.5 Global Key Players of Supersonic Jet Design Head office and Area Served 3.6 Global Key Players of Supersonic Jet Design, Product and Application 3.7 Global Key Players of Supersonic Jet Design, Date of Enter into This Industry 3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Supersonic Jet Design Breakdown Data by Type 4.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Historic Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 4.2 Global Supersonic Jet Design Forecasted Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 5 Supersonic Jet Design Breakdown Data by Application 5.1 Global Supersonic Jet Design Historic Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 5.2 Global Supersonic Jet Design Forecasted Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 6 North America 6.1 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size (2018-2029) 6.2 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type 6.2.1 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 6.2.2 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 6.2.3 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 6.3 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application 6.3.1 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 6.3.2 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 6.3.3 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 6.4 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country 6.4.1 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 6.4.2 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 6.4.3 North America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 6.4.4 United States 6.4.5 Canada 7 Europe 7.1 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size (2018-2029) 7.2 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type 7.2.1 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 7.2.2 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 7.2.3 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 7.3 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application 7.3.1 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 7.3.2 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 7.3.3 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 7.4 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country 7.4.1 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 7.4.2 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 7.4.3 Europe Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 7.4.3 Germany 7.4.4 France 7.4.5 U.K. 7.4.6 Italy 7.4.7 Russia 7.4.8 Nordic Countries 8 China 8.1 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size (2018-2029) 8.2 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type 8.2.1 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 8.2.2 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 8.2.3 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 8.3 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application 8.3.1 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 8.3.2 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 8.3.3 China Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 9 Asia (excluding China) 9.1 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size (2018-2029) 9.2 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type 9.2.1 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 9.2.2 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 9.2.3 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 9.3 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application 9.3.1 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 9.3.2 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 9.3.3 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 9.4 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Region 9.4.1 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 9.4.2 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Region (2018-2023) 9.4.3 Asia Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Region (2024-2029) 9.4.4 Japan 9.4.5 South Korea 9.4.6 China Taiwan 9.4.7 Southeast Asia 9.4.8 India 9.4.9 Australia 10 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America 10.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size (2018-2029) 10.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type 10.2.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 10.2.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 10.2.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 10.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application 10.3.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 10.3.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 10.3.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 10.4 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country 10.4.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 10.4.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 10.4.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Supersonic Jet Design Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 10.4.4 Brazil 10.4.5 Mexico 10.4.6 Turkey 10.4.7 Saudi Arabia 10.4.8 Israel 10.4.9 GCC Countries 11 Key Players Profiles 11.1 Boom Technology 11.1.1 Boom Technology Company Details 11.1.2 Boom Technology Business Overview 11.1.3 Boom Technology Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.1.4 Boom Technology Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.1.5 Boom Technology Recent Developments 11.2 Spike Aerospace, Inc. 11.2.1 Spike Aerospace, Inc. Company Details 11.2.2 Spike Aerospace, Inc. Business Overview 11.2.3 Spike Aerospace, Inc. Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.2.4 Spike Aerospace, Inc. Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.2.5 Spike Aerospace, Inc. Recent Developments 11.3 Exosonic Supersonic Jet 11.3.1 Exosonic Supersonic Jet Company Details 11.3.2 Exosonic Supersonic Jet Business Overview 11.3.3 Exosonic Supersonic Jet Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.3.4 Exosonic Supersonic Jet Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.3.5 Exosonic Supersonic Jet Recent Developments 11.4 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) 11.4.1 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Company Details 11.4.2 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Business Overview 11.4.3 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.4.4 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.4.5 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Recent Developments 11.5 Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft 11.5.1 Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft Company Details 11.5.2 Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft Business Overview 11.5.3 Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.5.4 Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.5.5 Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft Recent Developments 11.6 Aviation Industry Corporation of China 11.6.1 Aviation Industry Corporation of China Company Details 11.6.2 Aviation Industry Corporation of China Business Overview 11.6.3 Aviation Industry Corporation of China Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.6.4 Aviation Industry Corporation of China Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.6.5 Aviation Industry Corporation of China Recent Developments 11.7 Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) 11.7.1 Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Company Details 11.7.2 Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Business Overview 11.7.3 Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.7.4 Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.7.5 Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Recent Developments 11.8 Eon Aerospace 11.8.1 Eon Aerospace Company Details 11.8.2 Eon Aerospace Business Overview 11.8.3 Eon Aerospace Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.8.4 Eon Aerospace Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.8.5 Eon Aerospace Recent Developments 11.9 Lockheed Martin 11.9.1 Lockheed Martin Company Details 11.9.2 Lockheed Martin Business Overview 11.9.3 Lockheed Martin Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.9.4 Lockheed Martin Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.9.5 Lockheed Martin Recent Developments 11.10 BAE Systems 11.10.1 BAE Systems Company Details 11.10.2 BAE Systems Business Overview 11.10.3 BAE Systems Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.10.4 BAE Systems Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.10.5 BAE Systems Recent Developments 11.11 Airbus S.A.S 11.11.1 Airbus S.A.S Company Details 11.11.2 Airbus S.A.S Business Overview 11.11.3 Airbus S.A.S Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.11.4 Airbus S.A.S Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.11.5 Airbus S.A.S Recent Developments 11.12 The Boeing Company 11.12.1 The Boeing Company Company Details 11.12.2 The Boeing Company Business Overview 11.12.3 The Boeing Company Supersonic Jet Design Introduction 11.12.4 The Boeing Company Revenue in Supersonic Jet Design Business (2018-2023) 11.12.5 The Boeing Company Recent Developments 12 Analyst's Viewpoints/Conclusions 13 Appendix 13.1 Research Methodology 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 13.1.2 Data Source 13.2 Disclaimer 13.3 Author Details
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