5G用液晶ポリマー(LCP)の世界市場調査レポート 2023年Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Research Report 2023 世界の5G向け液晶ポリマー(LCP)市場は、2022年に2億2,483万米ドルと評価され、2023年から2029年にかけて年平均成長率22.95%で成長し、2029年末までに11億1,486万米ドルに達すると予測されている。 5G用液晶ポ... もっと見る
サマリー世界の5G向け液晶ポリマー(LCP)市場は、2022年に2億2,483万米ドルと評価され、2023年から2029年にかけて年平均成長率22.95%で成長し、2029年末までに11億1,486万米ドルに達すると予測されている。5G用液晶ポリマー(LCP)樹脂の主要メーカーは、セラニーズ、ポリプラスチックス、住友化学の3社である。5G用液晶ポリマー(LCP)フィルムの主要メーカーは、クラレ、千代田インテグレ、村田製作所である。 レポートの範囲 本レポートは、5G向け液晶ポリマー(LCP)の世界市場を定量的・定性的分析の両面から包括的に紹介し、読者がビジネス/成長戦略を策定し、市場競争状況を評価し、現在の市場における自社のポジションを分析し、5G向け液晶ポリマー(LCP)に関する十分な情報に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を行えるようにすることを目的としています。 市場をより深く理解するために、本レポートでは競合状況、主要競合企業のプロフィール、それぞれの市場ランクを掲載しています。また、技術動向や新製品開発についても論じています。 本レポートは、5G向け液晶ポリマー(LCP)メーカー、新規参入企業、本市場における産業チェーン関連企業に対し、市場全体および企業別、タイプ別、用途別、地域別の各セグメントにまたがるサブセグメントの収益、生産量、平均価格に関する情報を提供します。 企業別 セラニーズ ポリプラスチックス 住友化学 キングファ ソルベイ 上野ファインケミカル セヤンポリマー 上海プレトコンポジット 寧波朱家新材料 東レ 深圳五手先進材料 クラレ 千代田インテグレ 村田製作所 ユーウェイ レギオン複合材料 タイプ別 LCPフィルム LCP樹脂 用途別 家電 基地局 その他 地域別生産量 中国 米国 日本 その他 地域別消費 北米 米国 カナダ メキシコ アジア太平洋 中国 日本 韓国 中国 台湾 その他 欧州 ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア その他のヨーロッパ 南米 ブラジル その他の南米諸国 中東・アフリカ 目次1 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Overview 11.1 Product Definition 1 1.2 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Value Growth Rate Analysis by Type: 2022 VS 2029 2 1.2.2 LCP Film 2 1.2.3 LCP Resin 3 1.3 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G by Application 4 1.3.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Value Growth Rate Analysis by Application: 2022 VS 2029 4 1.3.2 Consumer Electronics 5 1.3.3 Base Station 5 1.3.4 Others 6 1.4 Global Market Growth Prospects 6 1.5 Assumptions and Limitations 7 2 Market Competition by Manufacturers 10 2.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Resin for 5G Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 10 2.1.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Resin for 5G Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 10 2.1.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Resin for 5G Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 11 2.1.3 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Resin for 5G Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 13 2.1.4 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Resin for 5G Average Price by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 14 2.1.5 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Resin for 5G Market Competitive Situation and Trends 14 2.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Film for 5G Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 15 2.2.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Film for 5G Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 15 2.2.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Film for 5G Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 16 2.2.3 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Film for 5G Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 18 2.2.4 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Film for 5G Average Price by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 19 2.2.5 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Film for 5G Market Competitive Situation and Trends 19 2.3 Global Key Manufacturers of Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Headquarter 20 2.4 Global Key Manufacturers of Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product Type 21 3 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Production Value by Regions 22 3.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Production Value Estimates and Forecasts by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 22 3.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Production Value by Region (2018-2029) 22 3.2.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Production Value by Region (2018-2029) 22 3.2.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Forecasted Production Value by Region (2024-2029) 23 4 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Consumption by Region 24 4.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Estimates and Forecasts by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 24 4.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Region (2018-2029) 24 4.2.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Market Share by Region (2018-2023) 24 4.2.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G by Region (2024-2029) 25 4.3 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Consumption and Value, Year-over-Year Growth 26 4.3.1 North America Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2018-2029) 26 4.3.2 Europe Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2018-2029) 27 4.3.3 Asia Pacific Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2018-2029) 28 4.3.4 South America Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2018-2029) 29 4.3.5 Mideast & Africa Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2018-2029) 30 5 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Countries 31 5.1 North America 31 5.1.1 North America Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 31 5.1.2 North America Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 31 5.1.3 U.S. 33 5.1.4 Canada 34 5.1.5 Mexico 35 5.2 Europe 35 5.2.1 Europe Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 35 5.2.2 Europe Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 36 5.2.3 Germany 38 5.2.4 U.K. 39 5.2.5 France 40 5.2.6 Italy 41 5.3 Asia Pacific 41 5.3.1 Asia Pacific Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 41 5.3.2 Asia Pacific Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Region (2018-2029) 42 5.3.3 China 44 5.3.4 Japan 45 5.3.5 South Korea 46 5.3.6 China Taiwan 47 5.4 South America, Middle East & Africa 47 5.4.1 South America Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 47 5.4.2 South America Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 48 5.4.3 Brazil 49 5.4.4 Middle East & Africa Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 49 5.4.5 Middle East & Africa Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 50 6 Segment by Type 51 6.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Type (2018-2023) 51 6.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Type (2024-2029) 51 6.3 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 51 7 Segment by Application 53 7.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Application (2018-2023) 53 7.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Application (2024-2029) 53 7.3 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 53 8 LCP Film for 5G Manufacturers Profiles 55 8.1 Kuraray 55 8.1.1 Kuraray Details 55 8.1.2 Kuraray Major Business 55 8.1.3 Kuraray Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 56 8.1.4 Kuraray Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 58 8.2 Chiyoda Integre 58 8.2.1 Chiyoda Integre Details 58 8.2.2 Chiyoda Integre Major Business 59 8.2.3 Chiyoda Integre Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 59 8.2.4 Chiyoda Integre Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 60 8.3 Murata 61 8.3.1 Murata Details 61 8.3.2 Murata Major Business 61 8.3.3 Murata Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 62 8.3.4 Murata Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 63 8.4 Shanghai PRET 63 8.4.1 Shanghai PRET Details 63 8.4.2 Shanghai PRET Major Business 64 8.4.3 Shanghai PRET Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 64 8.4.4 Shanghai PRET Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 65 8.5 Ningbo Jujia 65 8.5.1 Ningbo Jujia Details 65 8.5.2 Ningbo Jujia Major Business 66 8.5.3 Ningbo Jujia Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 66 8.5.4 Ningbo Jujia Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 67 8.6 Youwei Juhe 67 8.6.1 Youwei Juhe Details 68 8.6.2 Youwei Juhe Major Business 68 8.6.3 Youwei Juhe Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 69 8.6.4 Youwei Juhe Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 69 8.7 Legion Compound Material 69 8.7.1 Legion Compound Material Details 70 8.7.2 Legion Compound Material Major Business 70 8.7.3 Legion Compound Material Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 71 8.7.4 Legion Compound Material Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 72 9 LCP Resin for 5G Manufacturers Profiles 73 9.1 Celanese 73 9.1.1 Celanese Details 73 9.1.2 Celanese Major Business 74 9.1.3 Celanese Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 74 9.1.4 Celanese Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 74 9.2 Polyplastics 75 9.2.1 Polyplastics Details 75 9.2.2 Polyplastics Major Business 76 9.2.3 Polyplastics Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 76 9.2.4 Polyplastics Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 77 9.3 Sumitomo Chemical 77 9.3.1 Sumitomo Chemical Details 77 9.3.2 Sumitomo Chemical Major Business 78 9.3.3 Sumitomo Chemical Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 79 9.3.4 Sumitomo Chemical Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 79 9.4 Kingfa 80 9.4.1 Kingfa Details 80 9.4.2 Kingfa Major Business 80 9.4.3 Kingfa Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 81 9.4.4 Kingfa Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 81 9.5 Solvay 82 9.5.1 Solvay Details 82 9.5.2 Solvay Major Business 83 9.5.3 Solvay Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 84 9.5.4 Solvay Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 85 9.6 Ueno Fine Chemicals 85 9.6.1 Ueno Fine Chemicals Details 85 9.6.2 Ueno Fine Chemicals Major Business 86 9.6.3 Ueno Fine Chemicals Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 86 9.6.4 Ueno Fine Chemicals Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 87 9.7 Seyang Polymer 87 9.7.1 Seyang Polymer Details 87 9.7.2 Seyang Polymer Major Business 88 9.7.3 Seyang Polymer Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 89 9.7.4 Seyang Polymer Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 89 9.8 Shanghai PRET 90 9.8.1 Shanghai PRET Details 90 9.8.2 Shanghai PRET Major Business 90 9.8.3 Shanghai PRET Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 91 9.8.4 Shanghai PRET Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 93 9.9 Ningbo Jujia 94 9.9.1 Ningbo Jujia Details 94 9.9.2 Ningbo Jujia Major Business 94 9.9.3 Ningbo Jujia Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 95 9.9.4 Ningbo Jujia Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 96 9.10 Shenzhen Wote Advanced Materials 96 9.10.1 Shenzhen Wote Advanced Materials Details 96 9.10.2 Shenzhen Wote Advanced Materials Major Business 97 9.10.3 Shenzhen Wote Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 98 9.10.4 Shenzhen Wote Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 99 10 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 100 10.1 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Industry Chain Analysis 100 10.2 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Key Raw Materials 100 10.2.1 Key Raw Materials 100 10.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 101 10.3 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Production Mode & Process 101 10.4 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales and Marketing 102 10.4.1 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Channels 102 10.4.2 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Distributors 102 10.5 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Customers 104 11 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Dynamics 105 11.1 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Industry Trends 105 11.2 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Drivers 105 11.3 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Challenges 106 12 Research Findings and Conclusion 107 13 Methodology and Data Source 108 13.1 Methodology/Research Approach 108 13.1.1 Research Programs/Design 108 13.1.2 Market Size Estimation 109 13.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 110 13.2 Data Source 111 13.2.1 Secondary Sources 111 13.2.2 Primary Sources 112 13.3 Author List 113 13.4 Disclaimer 115
SummaryThe global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G market was valued at USD 224.83 million in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 1,114.86 million by the end of 2029, growing at a CAGR of 22.95% between 2023 and 2029. Table of Contents1 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Overview 11.1 Product Definition 1 1.2 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Value Growth Rate Analysis by Type: 2022 VS 2029 2 1.2.2 LCP Film 2 1.2.3 LCP Resin 3 1.3 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G by Application 4 1.3.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Value Growth Rate Analysis by Application: 2022 VS 2029 4 1.3.2 Consumer Electronics 5 1.3.3 Base Station 5 1.3.4 Others 6 1.4 Global Market Growth Prospects 6 1.5 Assumptions and Limitations 7 2 Market Competition by Manufacturers 10 2.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Resin for 5G Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 10 2.1.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Resin for 5G Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 10 2.1.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Resin for 5G Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 11 2.1.3 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Resin for 5G Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 13 2.1.4 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Resin for 5G Average Price by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 14 2.1.5 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Resin for 5G Market Competitive Situation and Trends 14 2.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Film for 5G Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 15 2.2.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Film for 5G Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 15 2.2.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Film for 5G Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 16 2.2.3 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Film for 5G Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 18 2.2.4 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Film for 5G Average Price by Manufacturers (2020-2023) 19 2.2.5 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Film for 5G Market Competitive Situation and Trends 19 2.3 Global Key Manufacturers of Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Headquarter 20 2.4 Global Key Manufacturers of Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product Type 21 3 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Production Value by Regions 22 3.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Production Value Estimates and Forecasts by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 22 3.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Production Value by Region (2018-2029) 22 3.2.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Production Value by Region (2018-2029) 22 3.2.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Forecasted Production Value by Region (2024-2029) 23 4 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Consumption by Region 24 4.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Estimates and Forecasts by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 24 4.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Region (2018-2029) 24 4.2.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Market Share by Region (2018-2023) 24 4.2.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G by Region (2024-2029) 25 4.3 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Consumption and Value, Year-over-Year Growth 26 4.3.1 North America Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2018-2029) 26 4.3.2 Europe Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2018-2029) 27 4.3.3 Asia Pacific Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2018-2029) 28 4.3.4 South America Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2018-2029) 29 4.3.5 Mideast & Africa Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2018-2029) 30 5 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Countries 31 5.1 North America 31 5.1.1 North America Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 31 5.1.2 North America Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 31 5.1.3 U.S. 33 5.1.4 Canada 34 5.1.5 Mexico 35 5.2 Europe 35 5.2.1 Europe Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 35 5.2.2 Europe Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 36 5.2.3 Germany 38 5.2.4 U.K. 39 5.2.5 France 40 5.2.6 Italy 41 5.3 Asia Pacific 41 5.3.1 Asia Pacific Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 41 5.3.2 Asia Pacific Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Region (2018-2029) 42 5.3.3 China 44 5.3.4 Japan 45 5.3.5 South Korea 46 5.3.6 China Taiwan 47 5.4 South America, Middle East & Africa 47 5.4.1 South America Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 47 5.4.2 South America Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 48 5.4.3 Brazil 49 5.4.4 Middle East & Africa Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 49 5.4.5 Middle East & Africa Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 50 6 Segment by Type 51 6.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Type (2018-2023) 51 6.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Type (2024-2029) 51 6.3 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 51 7 Segment by Application 53 7.1 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Application (2018-2023) 53 7.2 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue by Application (2024-2029) 53 7.3 Global Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Revenue Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 53 8 LCP Film for 5G Manufacturers Profiles 55 8.1 Kuraray 55 8.1.1 Kuraray Details 55 8.1.2 Kuraray Major Business 55 8.1.3 Kuraray Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 56 8.1.4 Kuraray Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 58 8.2 Chiyoda Integre 58 8.2.1 Chiyoda Integre Details 58 8.2.2 Chiyoda Integre Major Business 59 8.2.3 Chiyoda Integre Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 59 8.2.4 Chiyoda Integre Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 60 8.3 Murata 61 8.3.1 Murata Details 61 8.3.2 Murata Major Business 61 8.3.3 Murata Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 62 8.3.4 Murata Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 63 8.4 Shanghai PRET 63 8.4.1 Shanghai PRET Details 63 8.4.2 Shanghai PRET Major Business 64 8.4.3 Shanghai PRET Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 64 8.4.4 Shanghai PRET Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 65 8.5 Ningbo Jujia 65 8.5.1 Ningbo Jujia Details 65 8.5.2 Ningbo Jujia Major Business 66 8.5.3 Ningbo Jujia Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 66 8.5.4 Ningbo Jujia Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 67 8.6 Youwei Juhe 67 8.6.1 Youwei Juhe Details 68 8.6.2 Youwei Juhe Major Business 68 8.6.3 Youwei Juhe Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 69 8.6.4 Youwei Juhe Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 69 8.7 Legion Compound Material 69 8.7.1 Legion Compound Material Details 70 8.7.2 Legion Compound Material Major Business 70 8.7.3 Legion Compound Material Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Product and Services 71 8.7.4 Legion Compound Material Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Films Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 72 9 LCP Resin for 5G Manufacturers Profiles 73 9.1 Celanese 73 9.1.1 Celanese Details 73 9.1.2 Celanese Major Business 74 9.1.3 Celanese Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 74 9.1.4 Celanese Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 74 9.2 Polyplastics 75 9.2.1 Polyplastics Details 75 9.2.2 Polyplastics Major Business 76 9.2.3 Polyplastics Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 76 9.2.4 Polyplastics Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 77 9.3 Sumitomo Chemical 77 9.3.1 Sumitomo Chemical Details 77 9.3.2 Sumitomo Chemical Major Business 78 9.3.3 Sumitomo Chemical Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 79 9.3.4 Sumitomo Chemical Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 79 9.4 Kingfa 80 9.4.1 Kingfa Details 80 9.4.2 Kingfa Major Business 80 9.4.3 Kingfa Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 81 9.4.4 Kingfa Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 81 9.5 Solvay 82 9.5.1 Solvay Details 82 9.5.2 Solvay Major Business 83 9.5.3 Solvay Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 84 9.5.4 Solvay Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 85 9.6 Ueno Fine Chemicals 85 9.6.1 Ueno Fine Chemicals Details 85 9.6.2 Ueno Fine Chemicals Major Business 86 9.6.3 Ueno Fine Chemicals Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 86 9.6.4 Ueno Fine Chemicals Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 87 9.7 Seyang Polymer 87 9.7.1 Seyang Polymer Details 87 9.7.2 Seyang Polymer Major Business 88 9.7.3 Seyang Polymer Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 89 9.7.4 Seyang Polymer Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 89 9.8 Shanghai PRET 90 9.8.1 Shanghai PRET Details 90 9.8.2 Shanghai PRET Major Business 90 9.8.3 Shanghai PRET Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 91 9.8.4 Shanghai PRET Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 93 9.9 Ningbo Jujia 94 9.9.1 Ningbo Jujia Details 94 9.9.2 Ningbo Jujia Major Business 94 9.9.3 Ningbo Jujia Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 95 9.9.4 Ningbo Jujia Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 96 9.10 Shenzhen Wote Advanced Materials 96 9.10.1 Shenzhen Wote Advanced Materials Details 96 9.10.2 Shenzhen Wote Advanced Materials Major Business 97 9.10.3 Shenzhen Wote Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Product and Services 98 9.10.4 Shenzhen Wote Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Quantity, Average Price, Revenue, Gross Margin (2020-2023) 99 10 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 100 10.1 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Industry Chain Analysis 100 10.2 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Key Raw Materials 100 10.2.1 Key Raw Materials 100 10.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 101 10.3 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Production Mode & Process 101 10.4 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales and Marketing 102 10.4.1 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Sales Channels 102 10.4.2 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Distributors 102 10.5 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Customers 104 11 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Dynamics 105 11.1 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Industry Trends 105 11.2 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Drivers 105 11.3 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) for 5G Market Challenges 106 12 Research Findings and Conclusion 107 13 Methodology and Data Source 108 13.1 Methodology/Research Approach 108 13.1.1 Research Programs/Design 108 13.1.2 Market Size Estimation 109 13.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 110 13.2 Data Source 111 13.2.1 Secondary Sources 111 13.2.2 Primary Sources 112 13.3 Author List 113 13.4 Disclaimer 115
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