
真空不活性ガス噴霧(VIGA)処理技術の世界市場レポート、歴史と予測 2018-2029

真空不活性ガス噴霧(VIGA)処理技術の世界市場レポート、歴史と予測 2018-2029

Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Report, History and Forecast 2018-2029

世界経済が回復するにつれて、真空不活性ガス噴霧装置の2022年の成長は前年から大きく変化するだろう。世界の真空不活性ガス噴霧化装置販売台数は2018年の36台から2022年には61台に増加し、2018年から2022年のCAG... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2023年7月4日 US$3,350
5-7営業日 英語





世界経済が回復するにつれて、真空不活性ガス噴霧装置の2022年の成長は前年から大きく変化するだろう。世界の真空不活性ガス噴霧化装置販売台数は2018年の36台から2022年には61台に増加し、2018年から2022年のCAGRは14.1%である。真空不活性ガス噴霧化装置の世界販売台数は、2029年には146ユニットに達し、分析期間のCAGRは13.3%で成長する。VIGA装置の市場促進要因と成長機会は、先端材料需要、技術進歩、進化する産業要件、積層造形と粉末冶金産業の拡大によってもたらされる。VIGA装置のメーカーやサプライヤーは、さまざまな産業や用途の特定のニーズを満たす、革新的で信頼性が高く、カスタマイズ可能なソリューションを提供することで、これらのトレンドを活用することができる。南北アメリカの真空不活性ガス噴霧装置市場は、2022年に3,196万米ドルの価値が見込まれ、レビュー期間中に約12%のCAGRで成長すると予測されている。南北アメリカは世界の真空不活性ガス噴霧化装置市場の45.2%を占め、2029年には9,013万米ドルに達する。欧州の真空不活性ガス噴霧装置の展望としては、ドイツは2029年までに1,383万米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間中のCAGRは7.7%である。APACでは、他の注目すべき市場(中国)の成長率は、今後5年間でそれぞれ19%になると予測されている。Alの生産量は100トン/年をはるかに超え、おそらく200トン/年であり、多種多様な用途に使用されている。亜鉛の生産量はさらに多いが、亜鉛粉末市場は(逆説的だが)小さい。ほとんどの亜鉛パウダーは亜鉛製錬所内で生産され、亜鉛を電解精製する硫酸亜鉛液の精製に使用される。世界の主な真空不活性ガス噴霧装置メーカーは、ALD、Consarc、PSI、SMS Group、Arcast、Topcast、Avimetal、VMP、ACME、Zhuzhou ShuangLing、Hunan Skyline、Zhuzhou Hanheなどである。レポートのスコープ本レポートは、真空不活性ガス噴霧化(VIGA)処理技術の世界市場を定量的・定性的分析の両面から包括的に紹介し、読者がビジネス/成長戦略を策定し、市場競争状況を評価し、現在の市場における自社のポジションを分析し、真空不活性ガス噴霧化(VIGA)処理技術に関する十分な情報に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を行えるようにすることを目的としています。真空不活性ガス噴霧化(VIGA)処理技術の市場規模、推計、予測は、2022年を基準年として、2018年から2029年までの期間の履歴データと予測データを考慮し、販売量(ユニット)と収益(百万ドル)で提供されます。本レポートは、世界の真空不活性ガス噴霧(VIGA)処理技術市場を包括的に区分しています。タイプ別、用途別、プレイヤー別の製品に関する地域別市場規模も掲載しています。市場規模を推計する際には、COVID-19とロシア・ウクライナ戦争の影響を考慮した。市場をより深く理解するために、本レポートでは競合環境、主要競合企業のプロフィール、それぞれの市場ランクを掲載している。また、技術動向や新製品開発についても論じています。本レポートは、読者が潜在的な利益を高めるために、業界内の競争や競争環境に対する戦略を理解するのに役立ちます。また、世界の真空不活性ガス噴霧(VIGA)処理技術市場の競争環境に焦点を当て、主要企業の市場シェア、業界ランキング、競合エコシステム、市場実績、新製品開発、経営状況、事業拡大、買収などを詳細に紹介し、読者が主要な競合企業を特定し、市場の競争パターンを深く理解するのに役立ちます。市場細分化当レポートでは、真空不活性ガス噴霧(VIGA)処理技術について、メーカー別、タイプ別、用途別、地域別、国別のセグメントをカバーし、2022年を基準年とした過去と予測期間(2018-2022年、2023-2029年)の市場規模(金額、数量、平均価格)とCAGRを掲載しています。さまざまなセグメントにわたる潜在的な収益機会を解明し、この市場の魅力的な投資提案マトリクスを解説しています。企業別セグメントALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH SMS Group GmbH Arcast Retech Systems Atomising Systems Consarc Avimetal PSI Topcast VMP ACME Zhuzhou Shuangling Hunan Skyline Zhuzhou Hanheタイプ別セグメントSmall VIGA Systems (<50 kg) Medium VIGA Systems (50~250 kg) Large VIGA Systems (≥250 kg)用途別セグメント金属粉末メーカー大学・研究機関地域別セグメントアメリカ 米国 カナダ メキシコ ブラジル アジアPacific China Japan India South Korea Europe Germany Italy United Kingdom France Austria Belgium Middle East & Africa IsraelCore Chapters第1章:本レポートの調査範囲、タイプ別市場セグメントの概要、北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、ラテンアメリカ、中東&アフリカの市場規模セグメントを紹介します。第二章:真空不活性ガス噴霧(VIGA)処理技術メーカーの競争環境、価格、売上高、市場シェアとランキング、最新の開発計画、合併、買収情報などの詳細分析第三章:真空不活性ガス噴霧(VIGA)処理技術メーカーの競争環境、価格、売上高、市場シェアとランキング、最新の開発計画、合併、買収情報などの詳細分析:第三章:真空不活性ガス噴霧(VIGA)加工技術の地域別売上高、収益。第四章:用途別市場セグメント、北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中南米、中東&アフリカの市場規模セグメントを紹介:第5章、第6章、第7章、第8章、第9章:北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、ラテンアメリカ、中東&アフリカ、国別の売上高と収益:第十一章:主要企業のプロフィールを提供し、製品の売上高、収益、価格、粗利益率、製品紹介、最近の開発など、市場の主要企業の基本的な状況を詳細に紹介する:産業チェーン、主要原材料、製造コスト、市場力学の分析。市場力学、市場の最新動向、市場の推進要因と制限要因、業界のメーカーが直面する課題とリスク、業界の関連政策の分析を紹介する:第13章:販売チャネル、流通業者、顧客の分析調査結果と結論。



1 VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY MARKET OVERVIEW 1 1.1 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Product Overview 1 1.2 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market by Type 5 1.2.1 Small VIGA Systems (<50 kg) 5 1.2.2 Medium VIGA Systems (50~250 kg) 6 1.2.3 Large VIGA Systems (≥250 kg) 8 1.3 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size by Type 9 1.3.1 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size Overview by Type (2018-2029) 10 1.3.2 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size Review by Type (2018-2023) 11 1.3.3 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 13 2 VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY MARKET COMPETITION BY COMPANY 14 2.1 Global Top Players by Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales (2018-2023) 14 2.2 Global Top Players by Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Revenue (2018-2023) 15 2.3 Global Top Players by Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Price (2018-2023) 17 2.4 Global Top Manufacturers Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area, Product Type 18 2.5 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Competitive Situation and Trends 18 2.5.1 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Concentration Rate (2018-2023) 18 2.5.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales and Revenue in 2022 20 2.6 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology as of 2022) 20 2.7 Date of Key Manufacturers of Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Founded 21 2.8 Key Manufacturers Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Product Offered 22 3 VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY STATUS AND OUTLOOK BY REGION 23 3.1 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size and CAGR by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 23 3.2 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size by Region 23 3.2.1 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Region (2018-2023) 23 3.2.2 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Region (2018-2023) 24 3.2.3 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 25 3.3 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Region 25 3.3.1 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Region (2024-2029) 25 3.3.2 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Region (2024-2029) 25 3.3.3 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2024-2029) 26 4 VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY BY APPLICATION 27 4.1 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market by Application 27 4.1.1 Metal Powder Manufacturer 27 4.1.2 Universities and Research Institutes 29 4.2 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size by Application 30 4.2.1 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size Overview by Application (2018-2029) 31 4.2.2 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size Review by Application (2018-2023) 32 4.2.3 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 33 5 AMERICAS VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY BY COUNTRY 35 5.1 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size by Country 35 5.1.1 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size Growth Rate (CAGR) by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 35 5.1.2 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Country (2018-2023) 35 5.1.3 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Country (2018-2023) 36 5.2 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Country 37 5.2.1 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Country (2024-2029) 37 5.2.2 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Country (2024-2029) 37 6 EUROPE VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY BY COUNTRY 38 6.1 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size by Country 38 6.1.1 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size Growth Rate (CAGR) by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 38 6.1.2 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Country (2018-2023) 38 6.1.3 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Country (2018-2023) 39 6.2 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Country 40 6.2.1 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Country (2024-2029) 40 6.2.2 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Country (2024-2029) 40 7 ASIA-PACIFIC VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY BY REGION 42 7.1 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size by Region 42 7.1.1 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size Growth Rate (CAGR) by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 42 7.1.2 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Region (2018-2023) 42 7.1.3 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Region (2018-2023) 43 7.2 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Region 44 7.2.1 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Region (2024-2029) 44 7.2.2 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Region (2024-2029) 44 8 MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY BY COUNTRY 45 8.1 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size by Country 45 8.1.1 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size Growth Rate (CAGR) by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 45 8.1.2 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Country (2018-2023) 45 8.1.3 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Country (2018-2023) 46 8.2 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Country 46 8.2.1 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Country (2024-2029) 46 8.2.2 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Country (2024-2029) 47 9 COMPANY PROFILES 48 9.1 ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH 48 9.1.1 ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH Company Information 48 9.1.2 ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH Introduction and Business Overview 50 9.1.3 ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 51 9.1.4 ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 51 9.1.5 ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH Recent Development 52 9.2 SMS Group GmbH 53 9.2.1 SMS Group GmbH Company Information 53 9.2.2 SMS Group GmbH Introduction and Business Overview 54 9.2.3 SMS Group GmbH Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 54 9.2.4 SMS Group GmbH Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 55 9.2.5 SMS Group GmbH Recent Development 56 9.3 Arcast 57 9.3.1 Arcast Company Information 57 9.3.2 Arcast Introduction and Business Overview 57 9.3.3 Arcast Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 58 9.3.4 Arcast Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 58 9.3.5 Arcast Recent Development 60 9.4 Retech Systems 61 9.4.1 Retech Systems Company Information 61 9.4.2 Retech Systems Introduction and Business Overview 62 9.4.3 Retech Systems Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 63 9.4.4 Retech Systems Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 63 9.4.5 Retech Systems Recent Development 64 9.5 Atomising Systems 65 9.5.1 Atomising Systems Company Information 65 9.5.2 Atomising Systems Introduction and Business Overview 66 9.5.3 Atomising Systems Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 66 9.5.4 Atomising Systems Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 66 9.5.5 Atomising Systems Recent Development 67 9.6 Consarc 68 9.6.1 Consarc Company Information 68 9.6.2 Consarc Introduction and Business Overview 69 9.6.3 Consarc Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 70 9.6.4 Consarc Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 70 9.6.5 Consarc Recent Development 72 9.7 Avimetal 72 9.7.1 Avimetal Company Information 72 9.7.2 Avimetal Introduction and Business Overview 74 9.7.3 Avimetal Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 75 9.7.4 Avimetal Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 75 9.7.5 Avimetal Recent Development 77 9.8 PSI 79 9.8.1 PSI Company Information 79 9.8.2 PSI Introduction and Business Overview 80 9.8.3 PSI Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 81 9.8.4 PSI Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 81 9.8.5 PSI Recent Development 83 9.9 Topcast 84 9.9.1 Topcast Company Information 84 9.9.2 Topcast Introduction and Business Overview 85 9.9.3 Topcast Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 86 9.9.4 Topcast Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 86 9.9.5 Topcast Recent Development 88 9.10 VMP 89 9.10.1 VMP Company Information 89 9.10.2 VMP Introduction and Business Overview 90 9.10.3 VMP Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 90 9.10.4 VMP Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 91 9.10.5 VMP Recent Development 92 9.11 ACME 92 9.11.1 ACME Company Information 93 9.11.2 ACME Introduction and Business Overview 93 9.11.3 ACME Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 94 9.11.4 ACME Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 94 9.11.5 ACME Recent Development 96 9.12 Zhuzhou Shuangling 97 9.12.1 Zhuzhou Shuangling Company Information 97 9.12.2 Zhuzhou Shuangling Introduction and Business Overview 98 9.12.3 Zhuzhou Shuangling Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 98 9.12.4 Zhuzhou Shuangling Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 98 9.12.5 Zhuzhou Shuangling Recent Development 99 9.13 Hunan Skyline 100 9.13.1 Hunan Skyline Company Information 100 9.13.2 Hunan Skyline Introduction and Business Overview 101 9.13.3 Hunan Skyline Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 101 9.13.4 Hunan Skyline Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 102 9.13.5 Hunan Skyline Recent Development 103 9.14 Zhuzhou Hanhe 104 9.14.1 Zhuzhou Hanhe Company Information 104 9.14.2 Zhuzhou Hanhe Introduction and Business Overview 104 9.14.3 Zhuzhou Hanhe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 105 9.14.4 Zhuzhou Hanhe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 105 9.14.5 Zhuzhou Hanhe Recent Development 107 10 UPSTREAM, OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES, RISKS AND INFLUENCES FACTORS ANALYSIS 108 10.1 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Key Raw Materials 108 10.1.1 Product Manufacturing Process 108 10.1.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 109 10.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure 109 10.2.1 Raw Materials 109 10.2.2 Labor Cost 110 10.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses 110 10.3 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Dynamics 110 10.3.1 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Industry Trends 110 10.3.2 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Drivers 112 10.3.3 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Challenges & Risks 113 11 MARKETING STRATEGY ANALYSIS, DISTRIBUTORS 115 11.1 Sales Channel 115 11.2 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Downstream Customers 115 12 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION 117 13 APPENDIX 119 13.1 Research Methodology 119 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 119 13.1.2 Data Source 122 13.2 Author Details 124 13.3 Disclaimer 127





As the global economy mends, the 2022 growth of Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization Equipment will have significant change from previous year. Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization Equipment sales volume increased to 61 Units in 2022 from 36 Units in 2018, with a CAGR of 14.1% between 2018 and 2022. The global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization Equipment sales will reach to 146 Units in 2029, growing at a CAGR of 13.3% over the analysis period.The market drivers and growth opportunities for VIGA equipment are driven by the demand for advanced materials, technological advancements, evolving industry requirements, and the expansion of additive manufacturing and powder metallurgy industries. Manufacturers and suppliers of VIGA equipment can capitalize on these trends by offering innovative, reliable, and customizable solutions that meet the specific needs of different industries and applications.The Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization Equipment market is expected at value of US$ 31.96 million in 2022 and grow at approximately 12% CAGR during review period. Americas constitutes a 45.2% market for the global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization Equipment market, reaching US$ 90.13 million by the year 2029. As for the Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization Equipment landscape, Germany is projected to reach US$ 13.83 million by 2029 trailing a CAGR of 7.7% over the forecast period. In APAC, the growth rates of other notable markets (China) are projected to be at 19% respectively for the next 5-year period.Air atomisation is currently used very widely for Al and Zn powder production. Al volumes total well over 100, probably 200 kt/year, and are used for a huge variety of applications. Zinc volumes are even bigger, but the Zn powder market is (paradoxically) smaller. Most zinc powder is produced inside zinc smelters for use in the purification of the zinc sulphate liquor from which zinc is electrowon. Some 13 Mt/year of zinc is produced, the vast majority by electrowinning, and such smelters typically use 2鈥5% of their production as powder in purification, suggesting a volume of 260鈥600 kt/year is being atomised.Global main Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization Equipment players cover ALD, Consarc, PSI, SMS Group, Arcast, Topcast, Avimetal, VMP, ACME, Zhuzhou ShuangLing, Hunan Skyline, and Zhuzhou Hanhe, etc. In terms of revenue, the global largest three manufacturers occupy a share nearly 55.2% in 2022.Report ScopeThis report aims to provide a comprehensive presentation of the global market for Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology, with both quantitative and qualitative analysis, to help readers develop business/growth strategies, assess the market competitive situation, analyze their position in the current marketplace, and make informed business decisions regarding Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology.The Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology market size, estimations, and forecasts are provided in terms of sales volume (Units) and revenue ($ millions), considering 2022 as the base year, with history and forecast data for the period from 2018 to 2029. This report segments the global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology market comprehensively. Regional market sizes, concerning products by Type, by Application, and by players, are also provided. The influence of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine War were considered while estimating market sizes.For a more in-depth understanding of the market, the report provides profiles of the competitive landscape, key competitors, and their respective market ranks. The report also discusses technological trends and new product developments.This report will help the readers to understand the competition within the industries and strategies for the competitive environment to enhance the potential profit. The report also focuses on the competitive landscape of the global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology market, and introduces in detail the market share, industry ranking, competitor ecosystem, market performance, new product development, operation situation, expansion, and acquisition. etc. of the main players, which helps the readers to identify the main competitors and deeply understand the competition pattern of the market.Market SegmentationThis report covers the Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology segments by manufacturers, by Type, by Application, by region and country, and provides market size (value, volume and average price) and CAGR for the history and forecast period (2018-2022, 2023-2029), considering 2022 as the base year. It elucidates potential revenue opportunities across different segments and explains attractive investment proposition matrices for this market.By Company ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH SMS Group GmbH Arcast Retech Systems Atomising Systems Consarc Avimetal PSI Topcast VMP ACME Zhuzhou Shuangling Hunan Skyline Zhuzhou HanheSegment by Type Small VIGA Systems (<50 kg) Medium VIGA Systems (50~250 kg) Large VIGA Systems (≥250 kg)Segment by Application Metal Powder Manufacturer Universities and Research InstitutesBy Region Americas United States Canada Mexico Brazil Asia-Pacific China Japan India South Korea Europe Germany Italy United Kingdom France Austria Belgium Middle East & Africa IsraelCore ChaptersChapter One: Introduces the study scope of this report, executive summary of market segments by Type, market size segments for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa.Chapter Two: Detailed analysis of Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology manufacturers competitive landscape, price, sales, revenue, market share and ranking, latest development plan, merger, and acquisition information, etc.Chapter Three: Sales, revenue of Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology in regional level. It provides a quantitative analysis of the market size and development potential of each region and introduces the future development prospects, and market space in the world.Chapter Four: Introduces market segments by Application, market size segment for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa.Chapter Five, Six, Seven, Eight and Nine: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa, sales and revenue by country.Chapter Ten: Provides profiles of key players, introducing the basic situation of the main companies in the market in detail, including product sales, revenue, price, gross margin, product introduction, recent development, etc.Chapter Eleven: Analysis of industrial chain, key raw materials, manufacturing cost, and market dynamics. Introduces the market dynamics, latest developments of the market, the driving factors and restrictive factors of the market, the challenges and risks faced by manufacturers in the industry, and the analysis of relevant policies in the industry.Chapter Twelve: Analysis of sales channel, distributors and customers.Chapter Thirteen: Research Findings and Conclusion.


Table of Contents

1 VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY MARKET OVERVIEW 1 1.1 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Product Overview 1 1.2 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market by Type 5 1.2.1 Small VIGA Systems (<50 kg) 5 1.2.2 Medium VIGA Systems (50~250 kg) 6 1.2.3 Large VIGA Systems (≥250 kg) 8 1.3 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size by Type 9 1.3.1 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size Overview by Type (2018-2029) 10 1.3.2 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size Review by Type (2018-2023) 11 1.3.3 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 13 2 VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY MARKET COMPETITION BY COMPANY 14 2.1 Global Top Players by Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales (2018-2023) 14 2.2 Global Top Players by Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Revenue (2018-2023) 15 2.3 Global Top Players by Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Price (2018-2023) 17 2.4 Global Top Manufacturers Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area, Product Type 18 2.5 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Competitive Situation and Trends 18 2.5.1 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Concentration Rate (2018-2023) 18 2.5.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales and Revenue in 2022 20 2.6 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology as of 2022) 20 2.7 Date of Key Manufacturers of Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Founded 21 2.8 Key Manufacturers Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Product Offered 22 3 VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY STATUS AND OUTLOOK BY REGION 23 3.1 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size and CAGR by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 23 3.2 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size by Region 23 3.2.1 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Region (2018-2023) 23 3.2.2 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Region (2018-2023) 24 3.2.3 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 25 3.3 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Region 25 3.3.1 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Region (2024-2029) 25 3.3.2 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Region (2024-2029) 25 3.3.3 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2024-2029) 26 4 VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY BY APPLICATION 27 4.1 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market by Application 27 4.1.1 Metal Powder Manufacturer 27 4.1.2 Universities and Research Institutes 29 4.2 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size by Application 30 4.2.1 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size Overview by Application (2018-2029) 31 4.2.2 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size Review by Application (2018-2023) 32 4.2.3 Global Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 33 5 AMERICAS VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY BY COUNTRY 35 5.1 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size by Country 35 5.1.1 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size Growth Rate (CAGR) by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 35 5.1.2 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Country (2018-2023) 35 5.1.3 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Country (2018-2023) 36 5.2 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Country 37 5.2.1 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Country (2024-2029) 37 5.2.2 Americas Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Country (2024-2029) 37 6 EUROPE VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY BY COUNTRY 38 6.1 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size by Country 38 6.1.1 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size Growth Rate (CAGR) by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 38 6.1.2 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Country (2018-2023) 38 6.1.3 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Country (2018-2023) 39 6.2 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Country 40 6.2.1 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Country (2024-2029) 40 6.2.2 Europe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Country (2024-2029) 40 7 ASIA-PACIFIC VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY BY REGION 42 7.1 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size by Region 42 7.1.1 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size Growth Rate (CAGR) by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 42 7.1.2 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Region (2018-2023) 42 7.1.3 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Region (2018-2023) 43 7.2 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Region 44 7.2.1 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Region (2024-2029) 44 7.2.2 Asia-Pacific Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Region (2024-2029) 44 8 MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA VACUUM INERT GAS ATOMIZATION (VIGA) PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY BY COUNTRY 45 8.1 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Historic Market Size by Country 45 8.1.1 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Size Growth Rate (CAGR) by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 45 8.1.2 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Country (2018-2023) 45 8.1.3 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Country (2018-2023) 46 8.2 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Forecasted Market Size by Country 46 8.2.1 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Volume by Country (2024-2029) 46 8.2.2 Middle East and Africa Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales in Value by Country (2024-2029) 47 9 COMPANY PROFILES 48 9.1 ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH 48 9.1.1 ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH Company Information 48 9.1.2 ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH Introduction and Business Overview 50 9.1.3 ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 51 9.1.4 ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 51 9.1.5 ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH Recent Development 52 9.2 SMS Group GmbH 53 9.2.1 SMS Group GmbH Company Information 53 9.2.2 SMS Group GmbH Introduction and Business Overview 54 9.2.3 SMS Group GmbH Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 54 9.2.4 SMS Group GmbH Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 55 9.2.5 SMS Group GmbH Recent Development 56 9.3 Arcast 57 9.3.1 Arcast Company Information 57 9.3.2 Arcast Introduction and Business Overview 57 9.3.3 Arcast Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 58 9.3.4 Arcast Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 58 9.3.5 Arcast Recent Development 60 9.4 Retech Systems 61 9.4.1 Retech Systems Company Information 61 9.4.2 Retech Systems Introduction and Business Overview 62 9.4.3 Retech Systems Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 63 9.4.4 Retech Systems Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 63 9.4.5 Retech Systems Recent Development 64 9.5 Atomising Systems 65 9.5.1 Atomising Systems Company Information 65 9.5.2 Atomising Systems Introduction and Business Overview 66 9.5.3 Atomising Systems Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 66 9.5.4 Atomising Systems Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 66 9.5.5 Atomising Systems Recent Development 67 9.6 Consarc 68 9.6.1 Consarc Company Information 68 9.6.2 Consarc Introduction and Business Overview 69 9.6.3 Consarc Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 70 9.6.4 Consarc Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 70 9.6.5 Consarc Recent Development 72 9.7 Avimetal 72 9.7.1 Avimetal Company Information 72 9.7.2 Avimetal Introduction and Business Overview 74 9.7.3 Avimetal Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 75 9.7.4 Avimetal Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 75 9.7.5 Avimetal Recent Development 77 9.8 PSI 79 9.8.1 PSI Company Information 79 9.8.2 PSI Introduction and Business Overview 80 9.8.3 PSI Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 81 9.8.4 PSI Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 81 9.8.5 PSI Recent Development 83 9.9 Topcast 84 9.9.1 Topcast Company Information 84 9.9.2 Topcast Introduction and Business Overview 85 9.9.3 Topcast Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 86 9.9.4 Topcast Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 86 9.9.5 Topcast Recent Development 88 9.10 VMP 89 9.10.1 VMP Company Information 89 9.10.2 VMP Introduction and Business Overview 90 9.10.3 VMP Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 90 9.10.4 VMP Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 91 9.10.5 VMP Recent Development 92 9.11 ACME 92 9.11.1 ACME Company Information 93 9.11.2 ACME Introduction and Business Overview 93 9.11.3 ACME Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 94 9.11.4 ACME Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 94 9.11.5 ACME Recent Development 96 9.12 Zhuzhou Shuangling 97 9.12.1 Zhuzhou Shuangling Company Information 97 9.12.2 Zhuzhou Shuangling Introduction and Business Overview 98 9.12.3 Zhuzhou Shuangling Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 98 9.12.4 Zhuzhou Shuangling Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 98 9.12.5 Zhuzhou Shuangling Recent Development 99 9.13 Hunan Skyline 100 9.13.1 Hunan Skyline Company Information 100 9.13.2 Hunan Skyline Introduction and Business Overview 101 9.13.3 Hunan Skyline Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 101 9.13.4 Hunan Skyline Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 102 9.13.5 Hunan Skyline Recent Development 103 9.14 Zhuzhou Hanhe 104 9.14.1 Zhuzhou Hanhe Company Information 104 9.14.2 Zhuzhou Hanhe Introduction and Business Overview 104 9.14.3 Zhuzhou Hanhe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 105 9.14.4 Zhuzhou Hanhe Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Products Offered 105 9.14.5 Zhuzhou Hanhe Recent Development 107 10 UPSTREAM, OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES, RISKS AND INFLUENCES FACTORS ANALYSIS 108 10.1 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Key Raw Materials 108 10.1.1 Product Manufacturing Process 108 10.1.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 109 10.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure 109 10.2.1 Raw Materials 109 10.2.2 Labor Cost 110 10.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses 110 10.3 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Dynamics 110 10.3.1 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Industry Trends 110 10.3.2 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Drivers 112 10.3.3 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Market Challenges & Risks 113 11 MARKETING STRATEGY ANALYSIS, DISTRIBUTORS 115 11.1 Sales Channel 115 11.2 Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA) Processing Technology Downstream Customers 115 12 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION 117 13 APPENDIX 119 13.1 Research Methodology 119 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 119 13.1.2 Data Source 122 13.2 Author Details 124 13.3 Disclaimer 127






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