北米SBQ(特殊棒鋼)市場の洞察、2029年までの予測North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Insights, Forecast to 2029 北米のSBQ(特殊棒鋼品質)鋼市場は、2023年の83億2,700万米ドルから2029年には95億1,800万米ドルに成長すると予測されており、予測期間中の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は2.25%である。 北米におけるSBQ(特殊棒鋼品... もっと見る
サマリー北米のSBQ(特殊棒鋼品質)鋼市場は、2023年の83億2,700万米ドルから2029年には95億1,800万米ドルに成長すると予測されており、予測期間中の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は2.25%である。北米におけるSBQ(特殊棒鋼品質)鋼の主要メーカーには、Nucor Corporation、ICH、Gerdau SA、TimkenSteel、ArcelorMittal、Steel Dynamics Inc.などが含まれる。2022年、北米の上位5社の売上高シェアは約70.12%であった。 レポートの内容 SBQ(特殊棒鋼品質)鋼の北米市場の概要、売上高、収益、価格などを紹介しています。北米市場の動向を分析し、2018年~2022年の過去の市場収益/売上データ、2023年の予測、2029年までのCAGR予測を掲載しています。 本レポートでは、2018年から2023年のデータで、主要メーカーのSBQ(特殊棒鋼品質)鋼の売上高、収益、市場シェア、業界ランキングに焦点を当てています。北米のSBQ(特殊棒鋼品質)市場における主要な利害関係者を特定し、その競争環境と市場ポジショニングを最近の動向とセグメント別の収益に基づいて分析します。本レポートは、利害関係者が競争状況を理解し、より多くの洞察を得て、より良い方法で事業と市場戦略を位置づけるのに役立ちます。 本レポートでは、2018年から2029年までのタイプ別、用途別のセグメントデータ、売上高、収益、価格を分析しています。SBQ(特殊棒鋼品質)鋼の販売、予測成長動向、生産技術、用途、エンドユーザー産業の市場規模を評価・予測します。 タイプ別セグメント 丸棒 正方形 六角形 その他 用途別 自動車産業 エネルギー産業 運輸業界 その他 国別セグメント 米国 カナダ メキシコ 主要企業 Nucor Corporation ICH ゲルダウSA ティムケンスチール アルセロールミッタル スチールダイナミクス社 中信 チャーター・スチール マックス・アイヒャー SeAHベスティール アルトンスチール 目次1 STUDY COVERAGE 11.1 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Introduction 1 1.2 Market by Type 1 1.2.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 1 1.2.2 Rounds 3 1.2.3 Squares 4 1.2.4 Hexagons 4 1.2.5 Others 5 1.3 Market by Application 5 1.3.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 5 1.3.2 Automotive Industry 7 1.3.3 Energy Industry 7 1.3.4 Transportation Industry 8 1.3.5 Others 8 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 9 1.5 Study Objectives 10 1.6 Years Considered 10 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 12 2.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2018-2029 12 2.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Country 13 2.2.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 13 2.2.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Country (2018-2023) 15 2.2.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Country (2024-2029) 16 2.2.4 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue Market Share by Country (2018-2029) 16 2.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2018-2029 17 2.4 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Country 18 2.4.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 18 2.4.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Country (2018-2023) 19 2.4.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Country (2024-2029) 20 2.4.4 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Market Share by Country (2018-2029) 20 2.5 United States 21 2.6 Canada 22 2.7 Mexico 24 3 COMPETITION BY MANUFACTURERS 25 3.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Manufacturers 25 3.1.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 25 3.1.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 26 3.1.3 North America Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel in 2022 26 3.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Manufacturers 27 3.2.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 27 3.2.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 28 3.2.3 North America Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue in 2022 29 3.3 North America Key Players of SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel, Industry Ranking, 2021 VS 2022 VS 2023 30 3.4 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Price by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 30 3.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 31 3.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5) 31 3.5.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 32 3.6 North America Key Manufacturers of SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel, Manufacturing Base Distribution and Area Served 33 3.7 North America Key Manufacturers of SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel, Established Date 34 3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 34 4 MARKET SIZE BY TYPE 36 4.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Type 36 4.1.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Historical Sales by Type (2018-2023) 36 4.1.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Forecasted Sales by Type (2024-2029) 36 4.1.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 37 4.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Type 38 4.2.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Historical Revenue by Type (2018-2023) 38 4.2.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Forecasted Revenue by Type (2024-2029) 39 4.2.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 39 4.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Price by Type 40 4.3.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Price by Type (2018-2023) 40 4.3.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Price Forecast by Type (2024-2029) 41 5 MARKET SIZE BY APPLICATION 42 5.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Application 42 5.1.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Historical Sales by Application (2018-2023) 42 5.1.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Forecasted Sales by Application (2024-2029) 42 5.1.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 43 5.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Application 44 5.2.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Historical Revenue by Application (2018-2023) 44 5.2.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Forecasted Revenue by Application (2024-2029) 45 5.2.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 45 5.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Price by Application 46 5.3.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Price by Application (2018-2023) 46 5.3.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Price Forecast by Application (2024-2029) 47 6 UNITED STATES 48 6.1 United States SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size by Type 48 6.1.1 United States SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Type (2018-2029) 48 6.1.2 United States SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 49 6.2 United States SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size by Application 50 6.2.1 United States SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Application (2018-2029) 50 6.2.2 United States SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 51 7 CANADA 53 7.1 Canada SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size by Type 53 7.1.1 Canada SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Type (2018-2029) 53 7.1.2 Canada SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 54 7.2 Canada SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size by Application 55 7.2.1 Canada SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Application (2018-2029) 55 7.2.2 Canada SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 56 8 MEXICO 58 8.1 Mexico SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size by Type 58 8.1.1 Mexico SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Type (2018-2029) 58 8.1.2 Mexico SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 59 8.2 Mexico SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size by Application 60 8.2.1 Mexico SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Application (2018-2029) 60 8.2.2 Mexico SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 61 9 CORPORATE PROFILE 63 9.1 Nucor Corporation 63 9.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 63 9.1.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 64 9.1.3 Nucor Corporation SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 64 9.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview 65 9.2 ICH 65 9.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 65 9.2.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 66 9.2.3 ICH SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 67 9.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview 67 9.3 Gerdau SA 67 9.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 67 9.3.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 68 9.3.3 Gerdau SA SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 69 9.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview 69 9.4 TimkenSteel 70 9.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 70 9.4.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 71 9.4.3 TimkenSteel SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 71 9.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview 72 9.5 ArcelorMittal 72 9.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 72 9.5.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 73 9.5.3 ArcelorMittal SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 73 9.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview 74 9.6 Steel Dynamics Inc 74 9.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 74 9.6.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 75 9.6.3 Steel Dynamics Inc SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 75 9.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview 76 9.7 CITIC 76 9.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 76 9.7.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 77 9.7.3 CITIC SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 78 9.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview 78 9.8 Charter Steel 78 9.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 78 9.8.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 80 9.8.3 Charter Steel SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 81 9.8.4 Main Business/Business Overview 81 9.9 Max Aicher 81 9.9.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 81 9.9.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 82 9.9.3 Max Aicher SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 83 9.9.4 Main Business/Business Overview 83 9.10 SeAH Besteel 83 9.10.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 83 9.10.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 84 9.10.3 SeAH Besteel SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 85 9.10.4 Main Business/Business Overview 85 9.11 Alton Steel 86 9.11.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 86 9.11.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 87 9.11.3 Alton Steel SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 88 9.11.4 Main Business/Business Overview 88 10 INDUSTRY CHAIN AND SALES CHANNELS ANALYSIS 89 10.1 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Industry Chain Analysis 89 10.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Key Raw Materials 89 10.2.1 Key Raw Materials 89 10.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 90 10.3 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Production Mode & Process 91 10.4 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales and Marketing 92 10.4.1 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Channels 92 10.4.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Channels 92 10.4.3 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Distributors 93 10.5 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Customers 94 11 SBQ (SPECIAL BAR QUALITY) STEEL MARKET DYNAMICS 95 11.1.1 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Industry Trends 95 11.1.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Drivers 95 11.1.3 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Challenges 96 11.1.4 Porter's Five Forces Analysis 96 12 KEY FINDINGS IN THE NORTH AMERICA SBQ (SPECIAL BAR QUALITY) STEEL STUDY 98 13 APPENDIX 99 13.1 Research Methodology 99 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 99 13.1.2 Data Source 102 13.2 Author Details 105 13.3 Disclaimer 107
SummaryThe North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel market is projected to grow from US$ 8,327 million in 2023 to US$ 9,518 million by 2029, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 2.25% during the forecast period. Table of Contents1 STUDY COVERAGE 11.1 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Introduction 1 1.2 Market by Type 1 1.2.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 1 1.2.2 Rounds 3 1.2.3 Squares 4 1.2.4 Hexagons 4 1.2.5 Others 5 1.3 Market by Application 5 1.3.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 5 1.3.2 Automotive Industry 7 1.3.3 Energy Industry 7 1.3.4 Transportation Industry 8 1.3.5 Others 8 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 9 1.5 Study Objectives 10 1.6 Years Considered 10 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 12 2.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2018-2029 12 2.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Country 13 2.2.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 13 2.2.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Country (2018-2023) 15 2.2.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Country (2024-2029) 16 2.2.4 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue Market Share by Country (2018-2029) 16 2.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2018-2029 17 2.4 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Country 18 2.4.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 18 2.4.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Country (2018-2023) 19 2.4.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Country (2024-2029) 20 2.4.4 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Market Share by Country (2018-2029) 20 2.5 United States 21 2.6 Canada 22 2.7 Mexico 24 3 COMPETITION BY MANUFACTURERS 25 3.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Manufacturers 25 3.1.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 25 3.1.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 26 3.1.3 North America Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel in 2022 26 3.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Manufacturers 27 3.2.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 27 3.2.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 28 3.2.3 North America Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue in 2022 29 3.3 North America Key Players of SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel, Industry Ranking, 2021 VS 2022 VS 2023 30 3.4 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Price by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 30 3.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 31 3.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5) 31 3.5.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 32 3.6 North America Key Manufacturers of SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel, Manufacturing Base Distribution and Area Served 33 3.7 North America Key Manufacturers of SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel, Established Date 34 3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 34 4 MARKET SIZE BY TYPE 36 4.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Type 36 4.1.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Historical Sales by Type (2018-2023) 36 4.1.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Forecasted Sales by Type (2024-2029) 36 4.1.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 37 4.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Type 38 4.2.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Historical Revenue by Type (2018-2023) 38 4.2.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Forecasted Revenue by Type (2024-2029) 39 4.2.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 39 4.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Price by Type 40 4.3.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Price by Type (2018-2023) 40 4.3.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Price Forecast by Type (2024-2029) 41 5 MARKET SIZE BY APPLICATION 42 5.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Application 42 5.1.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Historical Sales by Application (2018-2023) 42 5.1.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Forecasted Sales by Application (2024-2029) 42 5.1.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 43 5.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Application 44 5.2.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Historical Revenue by Application (2018-2023) 44 5.2.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Forecasted Revenue by Application (2024-2029) 45 5.2.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 45 5.3 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Price by Application 46 5.3.1 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Price by Application (2018-2023) 46 5.3.2 North America SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Price Forecast by Application (2024-2029) 47 6 UNITED STATES 48 6.1 United States SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size by Type 48 6.1.1 United States SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Type (2018-2029) 48 6.1.2 United States SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 49 6.2 United States SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size by Application 50 6.2.1 United States SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Application (2018-2029) 50 6.2.2 United States SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 51 7 CANADA 53 7.1 Canada SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size by Type 53 7.1.1 Canada SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Type (2018-2029) 53 7.1.2 Canada SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 54 7.2 Canada SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size by Application 55 7.2.1 Canada SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Application (2018-2029) 55 7.2.2 Canada SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 56 8 MEXICO 58 8.1 Mexico SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size by Type 58 8.1.1 Mexico SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Type (2018-2029) 58 8.1.2 Mexico SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 59 8.2 Mexico SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Size by Application 60 8.2.1 Mexico SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales by Application (2018-2029) 60 8.2.2 Mexico SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 61 9 CORPORATE PROFILE 63 9.1 Nucor Corporation 63 9.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 63 9.1.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 64 9.1.3 Nucor Corporation SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 64 9.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview 65 9.2 ICH 65 9.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 65 9.2.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 66 9.2.3 ICH SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 67 9.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview 67 9.3 Gerdau SA 67 9.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 67 9.3.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 68 9.3.3 Gerdau SA SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 69 9.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview 69 9.4 TimkenSteel 70 9.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 70 9.4.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 71 9.4.3 TimkenSteel SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 71 9.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview 72 9.5 ArcelorMittal 72 9.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 72 9.5.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 73 9.5.3 ArcelorMittal SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 73 9.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview 74 9.6 Steel Dynamics Inc 74 9.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 74 9.6.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 75 9.6.3 Steel Dynamics Inc SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 75 9.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview 76 9.7 CITIC 76 9.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 76 9.7.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 77 9.7.3 CITIC SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 78 9.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview 78 9.8 Charter Steel 78 9.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 78 9.8.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 80 9.8.3 Charter Steel SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 81 9.8.4 Main Business/Business Overview 81 9.9 Max Aicher 81 9.9.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 81 9.9.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 82 9.9.3 Max Aicher SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 83 9.9.4 Main Business/Business Overview 83 9.10 SeAH Besteel 83 9.10.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 83 9.10.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 84 9.10.3 SeAH Besteel SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 85 9.10.4 Main Business/Business Overview 85 9.11 Alton Steel 86 9.11.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors 86 9.11.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Product Overview 87 9.11.3 Alton Steel SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales (Kiloton), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Ton) and Gross Margin (%) (2018-2023) 88 9.11.4 Main Business/Business Overview 88 10 INDUSTRY CHAIN AND SALES CHANNELS ANALYSIS 89 10.1 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Industry Chain Analysis 89 10.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Key Raw Materials 89 10.2.1 Key Raw Materials 89 10.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 90 10.3 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Production Mode & Process 91 10.4 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales and Marketing 92 10.4.1 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Channels 92 10.4.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Sales Channels 92 10.4.3 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Distributors 93 10.5 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Customers 94 11 SBQ (SPECIAL BAR QUALITY) STEEL MARKET DYNAMICS 95 11.1.1 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Industry Trends 95 11.1.2 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Drivers 95 11.1.3 SBQ (Special Bar Quality) Steel Market Challenges 96 11.1.4 Porter's Five Forces Analysis 96 12 KEY FINDINGS IN THE NORTH AMERICA SBQ (SPECIAL BAR QUALITY) STEEL STUDY 98 13 APPENDIX 99 13.1 Research Methodology 99 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 99 13.1.2 Data Source 102 13.2 Author Details 105 13.3 Disclaimer 107
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2024/12/27 10:26 159.18 円 166.34 円 202.23 円 |