![]() 世界の細胞診・HPV検査産業調査レポート、成長動向と競争分析 2023-2029Global Cytology and HPV Testing Industry Research Report, Growth Trends and Competitive Analysis 2023-2029 COVID-19のパンデミックにより、細胞診およびHPV検査の世界市場規模は2022年に40億6901万米ドルでしたが、2023年から2029年の予測期間中にCAGR7.52%で2029年までに67億5393万米ドルの再調整規模になると予測され... もっと見る
サマリーCOVID-19のパンデミックにより、細胞診およびHPV検査の世界市場規模は2022年に40億6901万米ドルでしたが、2023年から2029年の予測期間中にCAGR7.52%で2029年までに67億5393万米ドルの再調整規模になると予測されます。この健康危機による経済変化を十分に考慮し、2022年に細胞診およびHPV検査の世界市場の34.69%を占めた機器は、2029年までに21億6,307万米ドルの価値を持ち、2023年から2029年までのCAGRは6.41%で成長すると予測しています。一方、病院・クリニック分野は、この予測期間を通じて7.88%のCAGRに変化しています。細胞診・HPV検査の世界の主要企業は、Thermo Fisher Scientific、Roche Diagnostics、QIAGEN、Bio-rad、Hologic、BD、Hybribio、KingMed Diagnostics、Abbott、bioMérieux、Cepheid、BGI Group、Seegene、Daan Gene等です。2022年、世界の上位5社は収益ベースで約49.18%のシェアを占めています。 2022年の米国細胞診・HPV検査市場規模は16億3055万米ドル、中国規模は4億7293万米ドルであった。米国の割合は2022年に39.41%、中国の割合は11.62%で、中国のシェアは2029年に13.62%に達し、分析期間を通じてCAGR 10.04%をたどると予測されています。欧州の細胞診およびHPV検査については、ドイツが2029年までに4億8,274万米ドルに達すると予測されています。また、アジアでは、インドと東南アジアが注目され、今後6年間のCAGRはそれぞれ10.63%と9.36%である。 本市場調査レポートは、メーカー、関係者、意思決定者、その他の市場関係者が、世界の細胞診およびHPV検査市場の成長に影響を与えるあらゆる要因に精通するのに役立つ非常に有用な資料となります。本レポートを執筆したアナリストは、世界の細胞診およびHPV検査市場のトッププレイヤーが採用する主要戦略を綿密に調査しています。本レポートには、世界の細胞診およびHPV検査市場の重要な側面を明確かつ深く理解するためのSWOT、およびその他の市場分析が含まれています。本レポートの読者は、世界の細胞診およびHPV検査市場の現在および将来の動向と、それらが予測期間中の市場成長にどのような影響を与えるかについて情報を得ることができます。 会社別 サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック ロシュ・ダイアグノスティックス キアゲン バイオラッド ホロジック BD ハイブリバイオ キングメッドダイアグノスティックス アボット ビオメリュー ケフェイド BGIグループ シージーン ダーン・ジーン タイプ別セグメント 楽器 消耗品 サービス内容 用途別セグメント 病院・クリニック ラボラトリーズ その他 地域別 北アメリカ ユーエスエー カナダ アジア太平洋 中国 日本 南朝鮮 インド オーストラリア 東南アジア ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス イギリス イタリア ロシア ラテンアメリカ メキシコ ブラジル アルゼンチン コロンビア 中近東・アフリカ トルコ サウジアラビア UAE 章立て 第1章:報告書のスコープ、異なる市場セグメント(製品タイプ、アプリケーションなど)のエグゼクティブサマリー、各市場セグメントの市場規模、将来の発展可能性などを紹介します。 第2章:世界および地域レベルでの細胞診およびHPV検査の収益。 第3章:細胞診・HPV検査企業鈥の競争環境、収益、市場シェア、業界ランキング、最新の開発計画、M&A情報などの詳細分析。 第4章:各種市場セグメントをタイプ別に分析し、各市場セグメントの収益、発展可能性をカバーし、読者が異なる市場セグメントでブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのに役立ちます。 第5章:アプリケーション別の様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供し、各市場セグメントの収益、開発可能性をカバーし、読者が異なる下流市場でのブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのに役立ちます。 第6章:北米(米国・カナダ)タイプ別、アプリケーション別、国別、各セグメント別の収益。 第7章:ヨーロッパ:タイプ別、アプリケーション別、国別、各セグメント別収益。 第8章:アジア太平洋地域:タイプ別、アプリケーション別、地域別、各セグメント別収益 第9章:中南米:タイプ別、アプリケーション別、国別、各セグメントごとの収益。 第10章 中東・アフリカ:タイプ別、アプリケーション別、国別、セグメント別収益。 第11章:主要企業のプロフィールを提供し、製品の説明や仕様、細胞診とHPV検査の収益、粗利益率、最近の開発など、市場の主要企業の基本状況を詳細に紹介する。 第12章:市場力学、市場の最新動向、市場の推進要因と制限要因、業界メーカーが直面する課題とリスク、業界の関連政策の分析などを紹介します。 第13章 研究成果および結論 目次1 Report Overview 11.1 Study Scope 1 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 1 1.2.2 Instruments 3 1.2.3 Consumables 4 1.2.4 Services 5 1.3 Market by Application 6 1.3.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Growth by Application: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 6 1.3.2 Hospitals & Clinics 9 1.3.3 Laboratories 10 1.3.4 Others 10 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 11 1.5 Study Objectives 12 1.6 Years Considered 13 2 Market Perspective 14 2.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Size 2018-2029 14 2.2 Cytology and HPV Testing Market Size across Key Geographies Worldwide: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 15 2.3 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Size by Region (2018-2023) 17 2.4 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Size Forecast by Region (2024-2029) 18 2.5 Global Top 10 Cytology and HPV Testing Countries Ranking by Market Size 19 3 Cytology and HPV Testing Competition by Company 22 3.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Players 22 3.1.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Players (2018-2023) 22 3.1.2 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Share by Players (2018-2023) 23 3.2 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 24 3.3 Company Covered: Ranking by Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue 25 3.4 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Concentration Ratio 26 3.4.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Concentration Ratio (CR5) 26 3.4.2 Global Top 3 and Top 5 Companies by Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue in 2022 27 3.5 Global Key Players of Cytology and HPV Testing Head office and Area Served 28 3.6 Global Key Players of Cytology and HPV Testing, Product Type 29 3.7 Global Key Players of Cytology and HPV Testing, Establish Date 29 3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 30 4 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Breakdown Data by Type 32 4.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Historic Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 32 4.2 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Forecasted Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 33 5 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Breakdown Data by Application 34 5.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Historic Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 34 5.2 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Forecasted Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 35 6 North America 36 6.1 North America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 36 6.2 North America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 37 6.3 North America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 38 6.4 North America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 39 6.4.1 United States 41 6.4.2 Canada 41 7 Europe 42 7.1 Europe Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 42 7.2 Europe Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 43 7.3 Europe Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 44 7.4 Europe Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 45 7.4.1 Germany 47 7.4.2 France 48 7.4.3 U.K. 48 7.4.4 Italy 49 7.4.5 Russia 49 8 Asia Pacific 50 8.1 Asia Pacific Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 50 8.2 Asia Pacific Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 51 8.3 Asia Pacific Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 52 8.4 Asia Pacific Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Region (2018-2029) 53 8.4.1 China 55 8.4.2 Japan 56 8.4.3 South Korea 56 8.4.4 India 57 8.4.5 Australia 57 8.4.6 Southeast Asia 58 9 Latin America 59 9.1 Latin America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 59 9.2 Latin America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 60 9.3 Latin America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 61 9.4 Latin America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 62 9.4.1 Mexico 64 9.4.2 Brazil 65 9.4.3 Argentina 65 9.4.4 Colombia 66 10 Middle East and Africa 67 10.1 Middle East and Africa Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 67 10.2 Middle East and Africa Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 68 10.3 Middle East and Africa Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 69 10.4 Middle East and Africa Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 70 10.4.1 Turkey 72 10.4.2 Saudi Arabia 73 10.4.3 UAE 73 11 Company Profiles 74 11.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific 74 11.1.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Company Details 74 11.1.2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Business Overview 74 11.1.3 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 75 11.1.4 Thermo Fisher Scientific Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 76 11.1.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 77 11.2 Roche Diagnostics 78 11.2.1 Roche Diagnostics Company Details 78 11.2.2 Roche Diagnostics Business Overview 79 11.2.3 Roche Diagnostics Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 79 11.2.4 Roche Diagnostics Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 82 11.2.5 Roche Diagnostics Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 82 11.3 QIAGEN 83 11.3.1 QIAGEN Company Details 83 11.3.2 QIAGEN Business Overview 84 11.3.3 QIAGEN Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 84 11.3.4 QIAGEN Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 87 11.3.5 QIAGEN Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 88 11.4 Bio-rad 89 11.4.1 Bio-rad Company Details 89 11.4.2 Bio-rad Business Overview 90 11.4.3 Bio-rad Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 91 11.4.4 Bio-rad Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 92 11.4.5 Bio-rad Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 93 11.5 Hologic 94 11.5.1 Hologic Company Details 94 11.5.2 Hologic Business Overview 94 11.5.3 Hologic Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 95 11.5.4 Hologic Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 97 11.5.5 Hologic Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 97 11.6 BD 98 11.6.1 BD Company Details 98 11.6.2 BD Business Overview 99 11.6.3 BD Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 99 11.6.4 BD Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 101 11.6.5 BD Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 102 11.6.6 BD Recent Development 103 11.7 Hybribio 103 11.7.1 Hybribio Company Details 103 11.7.2 Hybribio Business Overview 104 11.7.3 Hybribio Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 106 11.7.4 Hybribio Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 109 11.7.5 Hybribio Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 109 11.8 KingMed Diagnostics 110 11.8.1 KingMed Diagnostics Company Details 110 11.8.2 KingMed Diagnostics Business Overview 111 11.8.3 KingMed Diagnostics Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 112 11.8.4 KingMed Diagnostics Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 114 11.8.5 KingMed Diagnostics Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 115 11.9 Abbott 116 11.9.1 Abbott Company Details 116 11.9.2 Abbott Business Overview 117 11.9.3 Abbott Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 117 11.9.4 Abbott Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 119 11.9.5 Abbott Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 119 11.9.6 Abbott Recent Development 120 11.10 bioMérieux 121 11.10.1 bioMérieux Company Details 121 11.10.2 bioMérieux Business Overview 121 11.10.3 bioMérieux Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 122 11.10.4 bioMérieux Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 124 11.10.5 bioMérieux Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 125 11.11 Cepheid 126 11.11.1 Cepheid Company Details 126 11.11.2 Cepheid Business Overview 127 11.11.3 Cepheid Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 127 11.11.4 Cepheid Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 129 11.11.5 Cepheid Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 130 11.11.6 Cepheid Recent Development 131 11.12 BGI Group 131 11.12.1 BGI Group Company Details 132 11.12.2 BGI Group Business Overview 132 11.12.3 BGI Group Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 133 11.12.4 BGI Group Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 134 11.12.5 BGI Group Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 135 11.13 Seegene 136 11.13.1 Seegene Company Details 136 11.13.2 Seegene Business Overview 137 11.13.3 Seegene Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 137 11.13.4 Seegene Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 139 11.13.5 Seegene Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 140 11.14 Daan Gene 141 11.14.1 Daan Gene Company Details 141 11.14.2 Daan Gene Business Overview 142 11.14.3 Daan Gene Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 142 11.14.4 Daan Gene Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 144 11.14.5 Daan Gene Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 145 12 Cytology and HPV Testing Market Dynamics 147 12.1 Cytology and HPV Testing Industry Trends 147 12.2 Cytology and HPV Testing Market Drivers 147 12.3 Cytology and HPV Testing Market Challenges 148 12.4 Cytology and HPV Testing Market Restraints 149 13 Research Findings and Conclusion 150 14 Appendix 152 14.1 Research Methodology 152 14.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 152 14.1.2 Data Source 155 14.2 Author Details 158 14.3 Disclaimer 161
SummaryDue to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global Cytology and HPV Testing market size was US$ 4,069.01 million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ 6,753.93 million by 2029 with a CAGR of 7.52% during the forecast period 2023-2029. Fully considering the economic change by this health crisis, Instruments accounting for 34.69% of the Cytology and HPV Testing global market in 2022, is projected to value US$ 2,163.07 million by 2029, growing at a revised 6.41% CAGR from 2023 to 2029. While Hospitals & Clinics segment is altered to a 7.88% CAGR throughout this forecast period. Table of Contents1 Report Overview 11.1 Study Scope 1 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 1 1.2.2 Instruments 3 1.2.3 Consumables 4 1.2.4 Services 5 1.3 Market by Application 6 1.3.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Growth by Application: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 6 1.3.2 Hospitals & Clinics 9 1.3.3 Laboratories 10 1.3.4 Others 10 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 11 1.5 Study Objectives 12 1.6 Years Considered 13 2 Market Perspective 14 2.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Size 2018-2029 14 2.2 Cytology and HPV Testing Market Size across Key Geographies Worldwide: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 15 2.3 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Size by Region (2018-2023) 17 2.4 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Size Forecast by Region (2024-2029) 18 2.5 Global Top 10 Cytology and HPV Testing Countries Ranking by Market Size 19 3 Cytology and HPV Testing Competition by Company 22 3.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Players 22 3.1.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Players (2018-2023) 22 3.1.2 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Share by Players (2018-2023) 23 3.2 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 24 3.3 Company Covered: Ranking by Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue 25 3.4 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Concentration Ratio 26 3.4.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Market Concentration Ratio (CR5) 26 3.4.2 Global Top 3 and Top 5 Companies by Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue in 2022 27 3.5 Global Key Players of Cytology and HPV Testing Head office and Area Served 28 3.6 Global Key Players of Cytology and HPV Testing, Product Type 29 3.7 Global Key Players of Cytology and HPV Testing, Establish Date 29 3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 30 4 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Breakdown Data by Type 32 4.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Historic Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 32 4.2 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Forecasted Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 33 5 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Breakdown Data by Application 34 5.1 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Historic Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 34 5.2 Global Cytology and HPV Testing Forecasted Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 35 6 North America 36 6.1 North America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 36 6.2 North America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 37 6.3 North America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 38 6.4 North America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 39 6.4.1 United States 41 6.4.2 Canada 41 7 Europe 42 7.1 Europe Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 42 7.2 Europe Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 43 7.3 Europe Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 44 7.4 Europe Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 45 7.4.1 Germany 47 7.4.2 France 48 7.4.3 U.K. 48 7.4.4 Italy 49 7.4.5 Russia 49 8 Asia Pacific 50 8.1 Asia Pacific Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 50 8.2 Asia Pacific Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 51 8.3 Asia Pacific Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 52 8.4 Asia Pacific Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Region (2018-2029) 53 8.4.1 China 55 8.4.2 Japan 56 8.4.3 South Korea 56 8.4.4 India 57 8.4.5 Australia 57 8.4.6 Southeast Asia 58 9 Latin America 59 9.1 Latin America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 59 9.2 Latin America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 60 9.3 Latin America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 61 9.4 Latin America Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 62 9.4.1 Mexico 64 9.4.2 Brazil 65 9.4.3 Argentina 65 9.4.4 Colombia 66 10 Middle East and Africa 67 10.1 Middle East and Africa Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 67 10.2 Middle East and Africa Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 68 10.3 Middle East and Africa Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 69 10.4 Middle East and Africa Cytology and HPV Testing Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 70 10.4.1 Turkey 72 10.4.2 Saudi Arabia 73 10.4.3 UAE 73 11 Company Profiles 74 11.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific 74 11.1.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Company Details 74 11.1.2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Business Overview 74 11.1.3 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 75 11.1.4 Thermo Fisher Scientific Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 76 11.1.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 77 11.2 Roche Diagnostics 78 11.2.1 Roche Diagnostics Company Details 78 11.2.2 Roche Diagnostics Business Overview 79 11.2.3 Roche Diagnostics Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 79 11.2.4 Roche Diagnostics Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 82 11.2.5 Roche Diagnostics Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 82 11.3 QIAGEN 83 11.3.1 QIAGEN Company Details 83 11.3.2 QIAGEN Business Overview 84 11.3.3 QIAGEN Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 84 11.3.4 QIAGEN Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 87 11.3.5 QIAGEN Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 88 11.4 Bio-rad 89 11.4.1 Bio-rad Company Details 89 11.4.2 Bio-rad Business Overview 90 11.4.3 Bio-rad Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 91 11.4.4 Bio-rad Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 92 11.4.5 Bio-rad Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 93 11.5 Hologic 94 11.5.1 Hologic Company Details 94 11.5.2 Hologic Business Overview 94 11.5.3 Hologic Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 95 11.5.4 Hologic Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 97 11.5.5 Hologic Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 97 11.6 BD 98 11.6.1 BD Company Details 98 11.6.2 BD Business Overview 99 11.6.3 BD Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 99 11.6.4 BD Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 101 11.6.5 BD Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 102 11.6.6 BD Recent Development 103 11.7 Hybribio 103 11.7.1 Hybribio Company Details 103 11.7.2 Hybribio Business Overview 104 11.7.3 Hybribio Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 106 11.7.4 Hybribio Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 109 11.7.5 Hybribio Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 109 11.8 KingMed Diagnostics 110 11.8.1 KingMed Diagnostics Company Details 110 11.8.2 KingMed Diagnostics Business Overview 111 11.8.3 KingMed Diagnostics Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 112 11.8.4 KingMed Diagnostics Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 114 11.8.5 KingMed Diagnostics Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 115 11.9 Abbott 116 11.9.1 Abbott Company Details 116 11.9.2 Abbott Business Overview 117 11.9.3 Abbott Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 117 11.9.4 Abbott Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 119 11.9.5 Abbott Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 119 11.9.6 Abbott Recent Development 120 11.10 bioMérieux 121 11.10.1 bioMérieux Company Details 121 11.10.2 bioMérieux Business Overview 121 11.10.3 bioMérieux Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 122 11.10.4 bioMérieux Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 124 11.10.5 bioMérieux Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 125 11.11 Cepheid 126 11.11.1 Cepheid Company Details 126 11.11.2 Cepheid Business Overview 127 11.11.3 Cepheid Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 127 11.11.4 Cepheid Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 129 11.11.5 Cepheid Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 130 11.11.6 Cepheid Recent Development 131 11.12 BGI Group 131 11.12.1 BGI Group Company Details 132 11.12.2 BGI Group Business Overview 132 11.12.3 BGI Group Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 133 11.12.4 BGI Group Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 134 11.12.5 BGI Group Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 135 11.13 Seegene 136 11.13.1 Seegene Company Details 136 11.13.2 Seegene Business Overview 137 11.13.3 Seegene Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 137 11.13.4 Seegene Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 139 11.13.5 Seegene Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 140 11.14 Daan Gene 141 11.14.1 Daan Gene Company Details 141 11.14.2 Daan Gene Business Overview 142 11.14.3 Daan Gene Cytology and HPV Testing Products and Servicess and Services 142 11.14.4 Daan Gene Revenue in Cytology and HPV Testing Business (2018-2023) 144 11.14.5 Daan Gene Cytology and HPV Testing SWOT Analysis 145 12 Cytology and HPV Testing Market Dynamics 147 12.1 Cytology and HPV Testing Industry Trends 147 12.2 Cytology and HPV Testing Market Drivers 147 12.3 Cytology and HPV Testing Market Challenges 148 12.4 Cytology and HPV Testing Market Restraints 149 13 Research Findings and Conclusion 150 14 Appendix 152 14.1 Research Methodology 152 14.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 152 14.1.2 Data Source 155 14.2 Author Details 158 14.3 Disclaimer 161
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