![]() 世界のアクロレイン・ジエチルアセタール販売市場レポート2023年版Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Market Report 2023 COVID-19の流行により、世界のアクロレイン・ジエチルアセタールの市場規模は2022年に184万米ドル、予測期間2023-2029年にCAGR5.25%で2029年までに268万米ドルの再調整規模になると予測されます。 アクロレイン... もっと見る
サマリーCOVID-19の流行により、世界のアクロレイン・ジエチルアセタールの市場規模は2022年に184万米ドル、予測期間2023-2029年にCAGR5.25%で2029年までに268万米ドルの再調整規模になると予測されます。アクロレイン・ジエチルアセタールの世界の主要メーカーは、Hubei Xinjing New Material、Hubei Jinghong Chemical、などです。2022年、世界の上位2社は収益ベースで約92.03%のシェアを占めた。 世界のアクロレイン・ジエチルアセタールのスコープとマーケットサイズ アクロレイン・ジエチルアセタールの世界市場は、企業別、地域(国)別、用途別に分類されています。世界のアクロレインジエチルアセタール市場のプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、このレポートを強力なリソースとして利用することで、優位に立つことができるようになるでしょう。セグメント別分析では、地域(国)別、アプリケーション別の売上高、収益、2018-2029年の予測に焦点を当てます。 会社別 湖北新京新材料 湖北精宏化学 アプリケーション別セグメント 製薬業界 その他 地域別 ユーエスエー ヨーロッパ 中国 日本 東南アジア インド その他の地域 目次1 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Overview 11.1 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Product Scope 1 1.2 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal by Application 1 1.3 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Estimates and Forecasts (2018-2029) 3 1.3.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Size in Value Growth Rate (2018-2029) 3 1.3.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Size in Volume Growth Rate (2018-2029) 5 1.3.3 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Price Trends (2018-2029) 6 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 6 2 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Forecasts by Region 9 2.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Size by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 9 2.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Retrospective Market Scenario by Region (2018-2023) 11 2.2.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Market Share by Region (2018-2023) 11 2.2.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue Market Share by Region (2018-2023) 11 2.3 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2024-2029) 13 2.3.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2024-2029) 13 2.3.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue Forecast by Region (2024-2029) 14 2.4 Geographic Market Analysis: Market Facts & Figures 15 2.4.1 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Projections (2018-2029) 15 2.4.2 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Projections (2018-2029) 16 2.4.3 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Projections (2018-2029) 17 2.4.4 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Projections (2018-2029) 18 2.4.5 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Projections (2018-2029) 19 2.4.6 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Projections (2018-2029) 20 3 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Competition Landscape by Players 22 3.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Players (2018-2023) 22 3.2 Global Top Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Players by Revenue (2018-2023) 23 3.3 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Acrolein Diethyl Acetal as of 2022) 24 3.4 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Average Price by Company (2018-2023) 25 3.5 Global Key Manufacturers of Acrolein Diethyl Acetal, Manufacturing Sites & Headquarters 25 3.6 Global Key Manufacturers of Acrolein Diethyl Acetal, Date of Established 26 4 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Size by Application 27 4.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Historic Market Review by Application (2018-2023) 27 4.1.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Application (2018-2023) 27 4.1.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Application (2018-2023) 27 4.1.3 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Price by Application (2018-2023) 29 4.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Estimates and Forecasts by Application (2024-2029) 29 4.2.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Forecast by Application (2024-2029) 29 4.2.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue Forecast by Application (2024-2029) 30 4.2.3 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Price Forecast by Application (2024-2029) 31 5 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Facts & Figures 32 5.1 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company 32 5.1.1 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company (2018-2023) 32 5.1.2 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 32 5.2 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application 33 5.2.1 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2018-2023) 33 5.2.2 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2024-2029) 33 6 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Facts & Figures 35 6.1 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company 35 6.1.1 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company (2018-2023) 35 6.1.2 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 35 6.2 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application 36 6.2.1 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2018-2023) 36 6.2.2 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2024-2029) 36 7 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Facts & Figures 38 7.1 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company 38 7.1.1 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company (2018-2023) 38 7.1.2 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 38 7.2 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application 39 7.2.1 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2018-2023) 39 7.2.2 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2024-2029) 39 8 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Facts & Figures 41 8.1 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company 41 8.1.1 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company (2018-2023) 41 8.1.2 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 41 8.2 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application 42 8.2.1 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2018-2023) 42 8.2.2 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2024-2029) 42 9 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Facts & Figures 44 9.1 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company 44 9.1.1 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company (2018-2023) 44 9.1.2 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 44 9.2 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application 45 9.2.1 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2018-2023) 45 9.2.2 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2024-2029) 45 10 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Facts & Figures 47 10.1 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company 47 10.1.1 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company (2018-2023) 47 10.1.2 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 47 10.2 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application 48 10.2.1 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2018-2023) 48 10.2.2 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2024-2029) 48 11 Company Profiles and Key Figures 50 11.1 Hubei Xinjing New Material 50 11.1.1 Hubei Xinjing New Material Company Information 50 11.1.2 Hubei Xinjing New Material Business Overview 50 11.1.3 Hubei Xinjing New Material Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 51 11.1.4 Hubei Xinjing New Material Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Products Offered 52 11.2 Hubei Jinghong Chemical 52 11.2.1 Hubei Jinghong Chemical Company Information 52 11.2.2 Hubei Jinghong Chemical Business Overview 53 11.2.3 Hubei Jinghong Chemical Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 54 11.2.4 Hubei Jinghong Chemical Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Products Offered 54 12 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Manufacturing Cost Analysis 55 12.1 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Key Raw Materials Analysis 55 12.1.1 Key Raw Materials 55 12.1.2 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials 56 12.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure 57 12.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Acrolein Diethyl Acetal 57 12.4 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Industrial Chain Analysis 59 13 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers 60 13.1 Marketing Channel 60 13.2 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Distributors List 61 13.3 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Customers 62 14 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Dynamics 63 14.1 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Industry Trends 63 14.2 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Drivers 64 14.3 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Challenges 64 14.4 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Restraints 65 15 Research Findings and Conclusion 66 16 Appendix 67 16.1 Research Methodology 67 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 67 16.1.2 Data Source 70 16.2 Author Details 73 16.3 Disclaimer 75
SummaryDue to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal market size was US$ 1.84 million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ 2.68 million by 2029 with a CAGR of 5.25% during the forecast period 2023-2029. Table of Contents1 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Overview 11.1 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Product Scope 1 1.2 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal by Application 1 1.3 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Estimates and Forecasts (2018-2029) 3 1.3.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Size in Value Growth Rate (2018-2029) 3 1.3.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Size in Volume Growth Rate (2018-2029) 5 1.3.3 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Price Trends (2018-2029) 6 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 6 2 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Forecasts by Region 9 2.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Size by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 9 2.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Retrospective Market Scenario by Region (2018-2023) 11 2.2.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Market Share by Region (2018-2023) 11 2.2.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue Market Share by Region (2018-2023) 11 2.3 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2024-2029) 13 2.3.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2024-2029) 13 2.3.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue Forecast by Region (2024-2029) 14 2.4 Geographic Market Analysis: Market Facts & Figures 15 2.4.1 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Projections (2018-2029) 15 2.4.2 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Projections (2018-2029) 16 2.4.3 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Projections (2018-2029) 17 2.4.4 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Projections (2018-2029) 18 2.4.5 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Projections (2018-2029) 19 2.4.6 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Estimates and Projections (2018-2029) 20 3 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Competition Landscape by Players 22 3.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Players (2018-2023) 22 3.2 Global Top Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Players by Revenue (2018-2023) 23 3.3 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Acrolein Diethyl Acetal as of 2022) 24 3.4 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Average Price by Company (2018-2023) 25 3.5 Global Key Manufacturers of Acrolein Diethyl Acetal, Manufacturing Sites & Headquarters 25 3.6 Global Key Manufacturers of Acrolein Diethyl Acetal, Date of Established 26 4 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Size by Application 27 4.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Historic Market Review by Application (2018-2023) 27 4.1.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Application (2018-2023) 27 4.1.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Application (2018-2023) 27 4.1.3 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Price by Application (2018-2023) 29 4.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Estimates and Forecasts by Application (2024-2029) 29 4.2.1 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Forecast by Application (2024-2029) 29 4.2.2 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue Forecast by Application (2024-2029) 30 4.2.3 Global Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Price Forecast by Application (2024-2029) 31 5 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Facts & Figures 32 5.1 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company 32 5.1.1 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company (2018-2023) 32 5.1.2 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 32 5.2 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application 33 5.2.1 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2018-2023) 33 5.2.2 United States Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2024-2029) 33 6 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Facts & Figures 35 6.1 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company 35 6.1.1 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company (2018-2023) 35 6.1.2 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 35 6.2 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application 36 6.2.1 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2018-2023) 36 6.2.2 Europe Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2024-2029) 36 7 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Facts & Figures 38 7.1 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company 38 7.1.1 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company (2018-2023) 38 7.1.2 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 38 7.2 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application 39 7.2.1 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2018-2023) 39 7.2.2 China Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2024-2029) 39 8 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Facts & Figures 41 8.1 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company 41 8.1.1 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company (2018-2023) 41 8.1.2 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 41 8.2 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application 42 8.2.1 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2018-2023) 42 8.2.2 Japan Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2024-2029) 42 9 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Facts & Figures 44 9.1 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company 44 9.1.1 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company (2018-2023) 44 9.1.2 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 44 9.2 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application 45 9.2.1 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2018-2023) 45 9.2.2 Southeast Asia Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2024-2029) 45 10 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Facts & Figures 47 10.1 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company 47 10.1.1 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales by Company (2018-2023) 47 10.1.2 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 47 10.2 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application 48 10.2.1 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2018-2023) 48 10.2.2 India Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales Breakdown by Application (2024-2029) 48 11 Company Profiles and Key Figures 50 11.1 Hubei Xinjing New Material 50 11.1.1 Hubei Xinjing New Material Company Information 50 11.1.2 Hubei Xinjing New Material Business Overview 50 11.1.3 Hubei Xinjing New Material Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 51 11.1.4 Hubei Xinjing New Material Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Products Offered 52 11.2 Hubei Jinghong Chemical 52 11.2.1 Hubei Jinghong Chemical Company Information 52 11.2.2 Hubei Jinghong Chemical Business Overview 53 11.2.3 Hubei Jinghong Chemical Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 54 11.2.4 Hubei Jinghong Chemical Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Products Offered 54 12 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Manufacturing Cost Analysis 55 12.1 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Key Raw Materials Analysis 55 12.1.1 Key Raw Materials 55 12.1.2 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials 56 12.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure 57 12.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Acrolein Diethyl Acetal 57 12.4 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Industrial Chain Analysis 59 13 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers 60 13.1 Marketing Channel 60 13.2 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Distributors List 61 13.3 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Customers 62 14 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Dynamics 63 14.1 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Industry Trends 63 14.2 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Drivers 64 14.3 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Challenges 64 14.4 Acrolein Diethyl Acetal Market Restraints 65 15 Research Findings and Conclusion 66 16 Appendix 67 16.1 Research Methodology 67 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 67 16.1.2 Data Source 70 16.2 Author Details 73 16.3 Disclaimer 75
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