アルミニウム圧延板の世界市場調査レポート2022年版Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Research Report 2022 市場の分析と洞察。アルミニウム圧延板の世界市場 世界経済は、各国のCOVID-19対策の進展や規制緩和などにより経済活動が正常化し、本年に入って回復の動きが広がっています。しかしながら、原材料価格の高騰、... もっと見る
サマリー市場の分析と洞察。アルミニウム圧延板の世界市場世界経済は、各国のCOVID-19対策の進展や規制緩和などにより経済活動が正常化し、本年に入って回復の動きが広がっています。しかしながら、原材料価格の高騰、半導体を中心とした部品不足による生産減、流通の停滞に加え、2月のロシアによるウクライナへの軍事行動により状況が緊迫化し、再び混乱が生じています。アルミニウム業界では、主要原材料であるアルミニウム地金などの価格が上昇を続けました。 世界のアルミニウム圧延板市場は、2021年に98,823.65百万米ドルとなり、2028年末には119,868.09百万米ドルに達し、2022年から2028年にかけて年平均1.76%の成長率で推移する見込みである。 業界では、世界のアルミニウム圧延板市場の主要なプレーヤーは、ノベリス、アルコニック、UACJ、Constellium、チナルコ、ムタルコ、コベルコ、南山、日本軽金属、マーデン、KUMZ、ALNAN、AMAG、Commonwealth、Grange、洛陽Wanji、中富産業、江蘇Dingsheng、カイザー、GLEICHなどのようなものです。2021年と近年はノベリスが最も多く出荷し、アルコニックとUACJは2位と3位にランクされている。過去3年間の市場集中度を見ると、上位5社で38.64%を占めている。2021年のAluminum Rolled Plateの売上高では、上位5社で市場の38.64%を占めた。 アジアは世界最大の輸出量とメーカーを有し、世界の主要企業はすべて中国に生産拠点を置いています。 2021年の初期には、COVID-19の大流行とウイルス対策として実施された制限の結果、アルミニウム圧延製品の需要が短期的に減少し、マイナスの影響を受けた。自動車、航空宇宙、および熱交換器や輸送などの一部の特殊市場などの業界では、より回復力のある飲料缶分野よりも需要の減少が急激でした。しかし、第2四半期にはほとんどの最終市場で需要が大幅に回復し、その後も好調に推移しました。 アルミニウム圧延板市場は、合金の種類によって1XXXシリーズ、2XXXシリーズ、3XXXシリーズ、5XXXシリーズ、6XXXシリーズ、7XXXシリーズ、8XXXシリーズに区分される。6xxxシリーズが最も大きなタイプで、2021年の販売量は9,118.82キロトンとなり、全体の約29.37%を占めている。アルミニウム圧延板の7xxxシリーズ、8xxxシリーズ、5xxxシリーズセグメントは、予測期間中に最も高いCAGRを記録すると予測される。 アルミ圧延板の最大の用途はフォイルストックと推定されます。航空宇宙は、今後数年間、アルミニウム圧延板市場で最も速い成長率を示すと予測されています。 COVID-19の影響を受け、小規模メーカーの稼働率が低下し、大規模メーカーのシェアが急速に高まっています。今後5年間は大手メーカーの生産能力拡大が続くと予想される。 2022年の市場成長率(数量ベース)は5.86%を超えると予想される。 アルミニウム圧延板市場は地域別に、アジア、ヨーロッパ、北米、中東、ユーラシア、中南米、アフリカ、オセアニアに区分されています。アジアは予測期間中、最大の市場になると予測されています。アルミニウム圧延板の需要は、中国やインドなどの発展途上国で高いです。高い成長率と技術革新、そして業界の統合が、この地域の市場を牽引すると予想されます。 生産面では、2017年から2022年まで、2028年までの予測として、アルミニウム圧延板の生産能力、生産量、成長率、メーカー別市場シェア、地域レベル、国レベルについて調査しています。 なお、本レポートにおける生産能力は主に銘板容量であり、メーカーの生産能力データには合弁会社の分も含まれています。 本レポートに記載されている収益市場規模は、アルミニウム圧延板の市場価格に従って計算された生産額を指していることに留意する必要があります。ほとんどのアルミ圧延板生産企業は川下の派生品製造事業を持っており、企業間で取引されるアルミ圧延板は通常、市場価格に基づいて引用され、処理手数料が追加されます。 本レポートでは、MTはメトリックトーンを指します。 販売面では、地域(国)別、企業別、進捗別、用途別のアルミ圧延板の販売に焦点を当て、2017年から2022年まで、2028年までの予測を掲載しています。 世界のアルミニウム圧延板市場は、市場力学、市場競争、地域成長、セグメント別分析、主要成長戦略に大きな焦点を当て、レポート内で徹底的に、正確に、包括的に評価されています。本レポートの購入者は、収益と数量における世界市場規模を含む、検証済みの市場数値にアクセスすることができます。生産分析の一環として、本レポートの著者は、世界のアルミニウム圧延板市場の進歩セグメント別の世界収益と数量について信頼性の高い推定と計算を提供しています。これらの数値は、2017-2028年の期間において、収益と数量の両方で提供されています。さらに、同期間における地域別の生産量についても、収益と数量の両面から正確な数字を提供しています。また、同期間の生産能力統計も掲載しています。 企業別 ノベリス アルコーニック UACJ コンステリウム チナルコ ムタルコ コベルコ 南山 日本軽金属 マーデン KUMZ ALNAN AMAG コモンウェルス グランズ 洛陽万治 中富工業 江蘇省定勝 カイザー グライヒ タイプ別セグメント 1xxxシリーズ 2xxxシリーズ 3xxxシリーズ 5xxxシリーズ 6xxxシリーズ 7xxxシリーズ 8xxxシリーズ 用途別セグメント パッケージ 自動車、トラック、船舶 建築・建設 工業用 航空宇宙 工具、モールドブロック 耐久消費財 フォイルストック その他 地域別売上高 アジア 欧州 北アメリカ 中近東 ユーラシア 中央・南アメリカ アフリカ オセアニア 中国 インド 日本 韓国 中国 台湾 ドイツ イタリア フランス スペイン ポーランド 英国 チェコ共和国 米国 メキシコ カナダ 目次1 ALUMINUM ROLLED PLATE MARKET OVERVIEW 11.1 Product Overview and Scope of Aluminum Rolled Plate 1 1.2 Aluminum Rolled Plate Segment by Type 3 1.2.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Size Growth Rate Analysis by Type: 2022 VS 2028 3 1.2.2 1xxx Series 4 1.2.3 2xxx Series 6 1.2.4 3xxx Series 7 1.2.5 5xxx Series 7 1.2.6 6xxx Series 8 1.2.7 7xxx Series 9 1.2.8 8xxx Series 10 1.3 Aluminum Rolled Plate Segment by Application 10 1.3.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Size Growth Rate Analysis by Application: 2022 VS 2028 10 1.3.2 Packaging 12 1.3.3 Automotive, Trucks, & Ships 13 1.3.4 Building & Construction 13 1.3.5 Industrial 14 1.3.6 Aerospace 14 1.3.7 Tooling & Mold Blocks 15 1.3.8 Consumer Durables 15 1.3.9 Foilstock 16 1.4 Global Market Growth Prospects 17 1.4.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 17 1.4.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 18 2 MARKET COMPETITION BY MANUFACTURERS 19 2.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 19 2.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 21 2.3 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 23 2.4 Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 25 2.5 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Average Price by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 26 2.6 Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Competitive Situation and Trends 27 2.6.1 Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Concentration Rate 27 2.6.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Aluminum Rolled Plate Players Market Share by Revenue 28 3 PRODUCTION CAPACITY BY REGION 29 3.1 Global Production Capacity of Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Share by Region (2017-2022) 29 3.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 30 4 ALUMINUM ROLLED PLATE CONSUMPTION BY REGION 31 4.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Consumption by Region 31 4.1.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Consumption by Region 31 4.1.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Consumption Market Share by Region 31 4.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue by Region 32 4.2.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue by Region 32 4.2.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue Market Share by Region 32 4.3 Asia 33 4.3.1 Asia Aluminum Rolled Plate Consumption by Region 34 4.3.2 China 34 4.3.3 India 35 4.3.4 Japan 35 4.3.5 South Korea 36 4.3.6 China Taiwan 36 4.4 Europe 37 4.4.1 Europe Aluminum Rolled Plate Consumption by Country 37 4.4.2 Germany 38 4.4.3 Italy 38 4.4.4 France 39 4.4.5 Spain 39 4.4.6 Poland 40 4.4.7 U.K. 40 4.5 North America 41 4.5.1 North America Aluminum Rolled Plate Consumption by Country 41 4.5.2 U.S. 42 4.5.3 Mexico 42 4.5.4 Canada 43 5 SEGMENT BY TYPE 44 5.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Market Share by Type (2017-2022) 44 5.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2022) 45 5.3 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Price by Type (2017-2022) 47 6 SEGMENT BY APPLICATION 48 6.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Market Share by Application (2017-2022) 48 6.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2022) 49 6.3 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Price by Application (2017-2022) 51 7 KEY COMPANIES PROFILED 52 7.1 Novelis (USA) 52 7.1.1 Novelis Corporation Information 52 7.1.2 Novelis Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 54 7.1.3 Novelis Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 55 7.1.4 Novelis Main Business and Markets Served 55 7.1.5 Novelis Recent Development and Updates 56 7.2 Arconic (USA) 58 7.2.1 Arconic Corporation Information 58 7.2.2 Arconic Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 59 7.2.3 Arconic Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 60 7.2.4 Arconic Main Business and Markets Served 60 7.2.5 Arconic Recent Development and Updates 60 7.3 UACJ (Japan) 61 7.3.1 UACJ Corporation Information 61 7.3.2 UACJ Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 62 7.3.3 UACJ Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 63 7.3.4 UACJ Main Business and Markets Served 63 7.3.5 UACJ Recent Development and Updates 64 7.4 Constellium (France) 65 7.4.1 Constellium Corporation Information 65 7.4.2 Constellium Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 66 7.4.3 Constellium Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 67 7.4.4 Constellium Main Business and Markets Served 67 7.4.5 Constellium Recent Development and Updates 68 7.5 Chinalco (China) 68 7.5.1 Chinalco Corporation Information 68 7.5.2 Chinalco Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 69 7.5.3 Chinalco Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 70 7.5.4 Chinalco Main Business and Markets Served 70 7.5.5 Chinalco Recent Development and Updates 71 7.6 Mtalco (China) 71 7.6.1 Mtalco Corporation Information 71 7.6.2 Mtalco Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 72 7.6.3 Mtalco Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 73 7.6.4 Mtalco Main Business and Markets Served 73 7.6.5 Mtalco Recent Development and Updates 74 7.7 Kobelco (Japan) 74 7.7.1 Kobelco Corporation Information 74 7.7.2 Kobelco Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 76 7.7.3 Kobelco Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 77 7.7.4 Kobelco Main Business and Markets Served 77 7.7.5 Kobelco Recent Development and Updates 78 7.8 Nanshan (China) 78 7.8.1 Nanshan Corporation Information 78 7.8.2 Nanshan Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 79 7.8.3 Nanshan Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 80 7.8.4 Nanshan Main Business and Markets Served 80 7.8.5 Nanshan Recent Development and Updates 81 7.9 Nippon Light Metal (Japan) 82 7.9.1 Nippon Light Metal Corporation Information 82 7.9.2 Nippon Light Metal Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 83 7.9.3 Nippon Light Metal Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 84 7.9.4 Nippon Light Metal Main Business and Markets Served 84 7.9.5 Nippon Light Metal Recent Development and Updates 84 7.10 Ma'aden 85 7.10.1 Ma'aden Corporation Information 86 7.10.2 Ma'aden Main Business and Markets Served 86 7.10.3 Ma'aden Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 87 7.10.4 Ma'aden Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 87 7.10.5 Ma'aden Recent Developments and Updates 88 7.11 KUMZ (Russia) 88 7.11.1 KUMZ Corporation Information 89 7.11.2 KUMZ Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 89 7.11.3 KUMZ Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 90 7.11.4 KUMZ Main Business and Markets Served 90 7.12 ALNAN (China) 91 7.12.1 ALNAN Corporation Information 91 7.12.2 ALNAN Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 92 7.12.3 ALNAN Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 92 7.12.4 ALNAN Main Business and Markets Served 92 7.13 AMAG (Austria) 93 7.13.1 AMAG Corporation Information 93 7.13.2 AMAG Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 94 7.13.3 AMAG Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 94 7.13.4 AMAG Main Business and Markets Served 95 7.13.5 AMAG Recent Development and Updates 95 7.14 Commonwealth 96 7.14.1 Commonwealth Corporation Information 96 7.14.2 Commonwealth Main Business and Markets Served 97 7.14.3 Commonwealth Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 98 7.14.4 Commonwealth Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 98 7.14.5 Commonwealth Recent Developments and Updates 99 7.15 Granges 99 7.15.1 Granges Corporation Information 99 7.15.2 Granges Main Business and Markets Served 100 7.15.3 Granges Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 101 7.15.4 Granges Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 102 7.15.5 Granges Recent Developments and Updates 102 7.16 Luoyang Wanji 103 7.16.1 Luoyang Wanji Corporation Information 103 7.16.2 Luoyang Wanji Main Business and Markets Served 104 7.16.3 Luoyang Wanji Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 104 7.16.4 Luoyang Wanji Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 104 7.17 Zhongfu Industrial 105 7.17.1 Zhongfu Industrial Corporation Information 105 7.17.2 Zhongfu Industrial Main Business and Markets Served 105 7.17.3 Zhongfu Industrial Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 106 7.17.4 Zhongfu Industrial Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 106 7.18 Jiangsu Dingsheng 107 7.18.1 Jiangsu Dingsheng Corporation Information 107 7.18.2 Jiangsu Dingsheng Main Business and Markets Served 108 7.18.3 Jiangsu Dingsheng Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 109 7.18.4 Jiangsu Dingsheng Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 109 7.18.5 Jiangsu Dingsheng Recent Developments and Updates 109 7.19 Kaiser (USA) 110 7.19.1 Kaiser Corporation Information 110 7.19.2 Kaiser Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 111 7.19.3 Kaiser Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 112 7.19.4 Kaiser Main Business and Markets Served 112 7.19.5 Kaiser Recent Development and Updates 113 7.20 GLEICH (Germany) 113 7.20.1 GLEICH Corporation Information 113 7.20.2 GLEICH Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 114 7.20.3 GLEICH Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 115 7.20.4 GLEICH Main Business and Markets Served 115 8 ALUMINUM ROLLED PLATE MANUFACTURING COST ANALYSIS 117 8.1 Aluminum Rolled Plate Key Raw Materials Analysis 117 8.1.1 Primary Aluminium Supply Analysis 117 8.1.2 Aluminium Price Trend 118 8.1.3 Key Suppliers of Primary Aluminium 119 8.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure 119 8.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Aluminum Rolled Plate 119 8.4 Aluminum Rolled Plate Industrial Chain Analysis 120 9 MARKETING CHANNEL, DISTRIBUTORS AND CUSTOMERS 122 9.1 Marketing Channel 122 9.2 Aluminum Rolled Plate Distributors 122 9.3 Aluminum Rolled Plate Customers 123 10 ALUMINUM ROLLED PLATE MARKET DYNAMICS 125 10.1 Aluminum Rolled Plate Industry Trends 125 10.2 Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Drivers 127 10.3 Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Challenges 128 10.4 Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Restraints 128 11 PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY FORECAST 131 12 CONSUMPTION AND DEMAND FORECAST 132 12.1 Asia Market Forecasted Consumption of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Region 132 12.2 Europe Market Forecasted Consumption of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Country 132 12.3 North America Forecasted Consumption of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Country 132 13 FORECAST BY TYPE AND BY APPLICATION 134 13.1 Global Production, Revenue and Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 134 13.1.1 Global Forecasted Production of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Type (2023-2028) 134 13.1.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Type (2023-2028) 134 13.1.3 Global Forecasted Price of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Type (2023-2028) 134 13.2 Global Production, Revenue and Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 135 13.2.1 Global Forecasted Production of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Application (2023-2028) 135 13.2.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Application (2023-2028) 135 13.2.3 Global Forecasted Price of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Application (2023-2028) 136 14 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION 137 15 APPENDIX 139 15.1 Methodology/Research Approach 139 15.1.1 Research Programs/Design 139 15.1.2 Market Size Estimation 139 15.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 141 15.2 Data Source 141 15.2.1 Secondary Sources 141 15.2.2 Primary Sources 142 15.3 Disclaimer 143 15.4 Author List 143
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Table of Contents1 ALUMINUM ROLLED PLATE MARKET OVERVIEW 11.1 Product Overview and Scope of Aluminum Rolled Plate 1 1.2 Aluminum Rolled Plate Segment by Type 3 1.2.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Size Growth Rate Analysis by Type: 2022 VS 2028 3 1.2.2 1xxx Series 4 1.2.3 2xxx Series 6 1.2.4 3xxx Series 7 1.2.5 5xxx Series 7 1.2.6 6xxx Series 8 1.2.7 7xxx Series 9 1.2.8 8xxx Series 10 1.3 Aluminum Rolled Plate Segment by Application 10 1.3.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Size Growth Rate Analysis by Application: 2022 VS 2028 10 1.3.2 Packaging 12 1.3.3 Automotive, Trucks, & Ships 13 1.3.4 Building & Construction 13 1.3.5 Industrial 14 1.3.6 Aerospace 14 1.3.7 Tooling & Mold Blocks 15 1.3.8 Consumer Durables 15 1.3.9 Foilstock 16 1.4 Global Market Growth Prospects 17 1.4.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 17 1.4.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 18 2 MARKET COMPETITION BY MANUFACTURERS 19 2.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 19 2.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 21 2.3 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 23 2.4 Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 25 2.5 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Average Price by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 26 2.6 Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Competitive Situation and Trends 27 2.6.1 Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Concentration Rate 27 2.6.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Aluminum Rolled Plate Players Market Share by Revenue 28 3 PRODUCTION CAPACITY BY REGION 29 3.1 Global Production Capacity of Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Share by Region (2017-2022) 29 3.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 30 4 ALUMINUM ROLLED PLATE CONSUMPTION BY REGION 31 4.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Consumption by Region 31 4.1.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Consumption by Region 31 4.1.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Consumption Market Share by Region 31 4.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue by Region 32 4.2.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue by Region 32 4.2.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue Market Share by Region 32 4.3 Asia 33 4.3.1 Asia Aluminum Rolled Plate Consumption by Region 34 4.3.2 China 34 4.3.3 India 35 4.3.4 Japan 35 4.3.5 South Korea 36 4.3.6 China Taiwan 36 4.4 Europe 37 4.4.1 Europe Aluminum Rolled Plate Consumption by Country 37 4.4.2 Germany 38 4.4.3 Italy 38 4.4.4 France 39 4.4.5 Spain 39 4.4.6 Poland 40 4.4.7 U.K. 40 4.5 North America 41 4.5.1 North America Aluminum Rolled Plate Consumption by Country 41 4.5.2 U.S. 42 4.5.3 Mexico 42 4.5.4 Canada 43 5 SEGMENT BY TYPE 44 5.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Market Share by Type (2017-2022) 44 5.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2022) 45 5.3 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Price by Type (2017-2022) 47 6 SEGMENT BY APPLICATION 48 6.1 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Market Share by Application (2017-2022) 48 6.2 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2022) 49 6.3 Global Aluminum Rolled Plate Price by Application (2017-2022) 51 7 KEY COMPANIES PROFILED 52 7.1 Novelis (USA) 52 7.1.1 Novelis Corporation Information 52 7.1.2 Novelis Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 54 7.1.3 Novelis Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 55 7.1.4 Novelis Main Business and Markets Served 55 7.1.5 Novelis Recent Development and Updates 56 7.2 Arconic (USA) 58 7.2.1 Arconic Corporation Information 58 7.2.2 Arconic Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 59 7.2.3 Arconic Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 60 7.2.4 Arconic Main Business and Markets Served 60 7.2.5 Arconic Recent Development and Updates 60 7.3 UACJ (Japan) 61 7.3.1 UACJ Corporation Information 61 7.3.2 UACJ Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 62 7.3.3 UACJ Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 63 7.3.4 UACJ Main Business and Markets Served 63 7.3.5 UACJ Recent Development and Updates 64 7.4 Constellium (France) 65 7.4.1 Constellium Corporation Information 65 7.4.2 Constellium Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 66 7.4.3 Constellium Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 67 7.4.4 Constellium Main Business and Markets Served 67 7.4.5 Constellium Recent Development and Updates 68 7.5 Chinalco (China) 68 7.5.1 Chinalco Corporation Information 68 7.5.2 Chinalco Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 69 7.5.3 Chinalco Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 70 7.5.4 Chinalco Main Business and Markets Served 70 7.5.5 Chinalco Recent Development and Updates 71 7.6 Mtalco (China) 71 7.6.1 Mtalco Corporation Information 71 7.6.2 Mtalco Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 72 7.6.3 Mtalco Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 73 7.6.4 Mtalco Main Business and Markets Served 73 7.6.5 Mtalco Recent Development and Updates 74 7.7 Kobelco (Japan) 74 7.7.1 Kobelco Corporation Information 74 7.7.2 Kobelco Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 76 7.7.3 Kobelco Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 77 7.7.4 Kobelco Main Business and Markets Served 77 7.7.5 Kobelco Recent Development and Updates 78 7.8 Nanshan (China) 78 7.8.1 Nanshan Corporation Information 78 7.8.2 Nanshan Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 79 7.8.3 Nanshan Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 80 7.8.4 Nanshan Main Business and Markets Served 80 7.8.5 Nanshan Recent Development and Updates 81 7.9 Nippon Light Metal (Japan) 82 7.9.1 Nippon Light Metal Corporation Information 82 7.9.2 Nippon Light Metal Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 83 7.9.3 Nippon Light Metal Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 84 7.9.4 Nippon Light Metal Main Business and Markets Served 84 7.9.5 Nippon Light Metal Recent Development and Updates 84 7.10 Ma'aden 85 7.10.1 Ma'aden Corporation Information 86 7.10.2 Ma'aden Main Business and Markets Served 86 7.10.3 Ma'aden Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 87 7.10.4 Ma'aden Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 87 7.10.5 Ma'aden Recent Developments and Updates 88 7.11 KUMZ (Russia) 88 7.11.1 KUMZ Corporation Information 89 7.11.2 KUMZ Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 89 7.11.3 KUMZ Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 90 7.11.4 KUMZ Main Business and Markets Served 90 7.12 ALNAN (China) 91 7.12.1 ALNAN Corporation Information 91 7.12.2 ALNAN Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 92 7.12.3 ALNAN Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 92 7.12.4 ALNAN Main Business and Markets Served 92 7.13 AMAG (Austria) 93 7.13.1 AMAG Corporation Information 93 7.13.2 AMAG Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 94 7.13.3 AMAG Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 94 7.13.4 AMAG Main Business and Markets Served 95 7.13.5 AMAG Recent Development and Updates 95 7.14 Commonwealth 96 7.14.1 Commonwealth Corporation Information 96 7.14.2 Commonwealth Main Business and Markets Served 97 7.14.3 Commonwealth Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 98 7.14.4 Commonwealth Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 98 7.14.5 Commonwealth Recent Developments and Updates 99 7.15 Granges 99 7.15.1 Granges Corporation Information 99 7.15.2 Granges Main Business and Markets Served 100 7.15.3 Granges Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 101 7.15.4 Granges Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 102 7.15.5 Granges Recent Developments and Updates 102 7.16 Luoyang Wanji 103 7.16.1 Luoyang Wanji Corporation Information 103 7.16.2 Luoyang Wanji Main Business and Markets Served 104 7.16.3 Luoyang Wanji Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 104 7.16.4 Luoyang Wanji Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 104 7.17 Zhongfu Industrial 105 7.17.1 Zhongfu Industrial Corporation Information 105 7.17.2 Zhongfu Industrial Main Business and Markets Served 105 7.17.3 Zhongfu Industrial Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 106 7.17.4 Zhongfu Industrial Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 106 7.18 Jiangsu Dingsheng 107 7.18.1 Jiangsu Dingsheng Corporation Information 107 7.18.2 Jiangsu Dingsheng Main Business and Markets Served 108 7.18.3 Jiangsu Dingsheng Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 109 7.18.4 Jiangsu Dingsheng Aluminum Rolled Plate Production Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 109 7.18.5 Jiangsu Dingsheng Recent Developments and Updates 109 7.19 Kaiser (USA) 110 7.19.1 Kaiser Corporation Information 110 7.19.2 Kaiser Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 111 7.19.3 Kaiser Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 112 7.19.4 Kaiser Main Business and Markets Served 112 7.19.5 Kaiser Recent Development and Updates 113 7.20 GLEICH (Germany) 113 7.20.1 GLEICH Corporation Information 113 7.20.2 GLEICH Aluminum Rolled Plate Product Portfolio 114 7.20.3 GLEICH Aluminum Rolled Plate Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 115 7.20.4 GLEICH Main Business and Markets Served 115 8 ALUMINUM ROLLED PLATE MANUFACTURING COST ANALYSIS 117 8.1 Aluminum Rolled Plate Key Raw Materials Analysis 117 8.1.1 Primary Aluminium Supply Analysis 117 8.1.2 Aluminium Price Trend 118 8.1.3 Key Suppliers of Primary Aluminium 119 8.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure 119 8.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Aluminum Rolled Plate 119 8.4 Aluminum Rolled Plate Industrial Chain Analysis 120 9 MARKETING CHANNEL, DISTRIBUTORS AND CUSTOMERS 122 9.1 Marketing Channel 122 9.2 Aluminum Rolled Plate Distributors 122 9.3 Aluminum Rolled Plate Customers 123 10 ALUMINUM ROLLED PLATE MARKET DYNAMICS 125 10.1 Aluminum Rolled Plate Industry Trends 125 10.2 Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Drivers 127 10.3 Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Challenges 128 10.4 Aluminum Rolled Plate Market Restraints 128 11 PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY FORECAST 131 12 CONSUMPTION AND DEMAND FORECAST 132 12.1 Asia Market Forecasted Consumption of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Region 132 12.2 Europe Market Forecasted Consumption of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Country 132 12.3 North America Forecasted Consumption of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Country 132 13 FORECAST BY TYPE AND BY APPLICATION 134 13.1 Global Production, Revenue and Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 134 13.1.1 Global Forecasted Production of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Type (2023-2028) 134 13.1.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Type (2023-2028) 134 13.1.3 Global Forecasted Price of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Type (2023-2028) 134 13.2 Global Production, Revenue and Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 135 13.2.1 Global Forecasted Production of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Application (2023-2028) 135 13.2.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Application (2023-2028) 135 13.2.3 Global Forecasted Price of Aluminum Rolled Plate by Application (2023-2028) 136 14 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION 137 15 APPENDIX 139 15.1 Methodology/Research Approach 139 15.1.1 Research Programs/Design 139 15.1.2 Market Size Estimation 139 15.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 141 15.2 Data Source 141 15.2.1 Secondary Sources 141 15.2.2 Primary Sources 142 15.3 Disclaimer 143 15.4 Author List 143
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