脱毛ワックスの世界市場規模、メーカー、サプライチェーン、販売チャネル、顧客、2022-2028年Global Depilatory Waxes Market Size, Manufacturers, Supply Chain, Sales Channel and Clients, 2022-2028 脱毛ワックスは、皮膚に負担をかけずに体毛を除去することができます。この粘着性があり無臭の物質は、脚や腕の毛を除去するために使用できますが、体の他の毛深い部分に適用することもできます。 ハイライト ... もっと見る
サマリー脱毛ワックスは、皮膚に負担をかけずに体毛を除去することができます。この粘着性があり無臭の物質は、脚や腕の毛を除去するために使用できますが、体の他の毛深い部分に適用することもできます。ハイライト COVID-19とロシア-ウクライナ戦争の影響による経済変化を考慮すると、脱毛ワックスの世界市場は、2023年から2028年の間に4.5%のCAGRで、2022年の推定8億3710万米ドルから2028年までに1億9010万米ドルに達すると予測されます。 脱毛ワックスの分類には冷凍ワックスとホットワックスがあり、冷凍ワックスの市場シェアは2019年に約69%となっています。 Reckitt Benckiser(Veet)、Marypei、Darent Waxなどが業界をリードしている。 レポート範囲 本レポートは、読者がビジネス/成長戦略の策定、市場競争状況の評価、現在の市場における自社のポジション分析、脱毛ワックスに関する十分な情報に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を行うことができるよう、脱毛ワックスの世界市場について定量・定性分析を交えて包括的に提示することを目的としています。 脱毛ワックスの市場規模、推計、予測は、2021年を基準年とし、2017年から2028年までの期間の履歴と予測データを考慮して、販売量(MT)および収益(百万ドル)で提供しています。本レポートでは、世界の脱毛ワックス市場を包括的に区分しています。また、タイプ別、用途別、プレイヤー別の製品に関する地域別市場規模も掲載しています。市場規模を推計する際には、COVID-19やロシア・ウクライナ戦争の影響も考慮しました。 市場をより深く理解するために、競合環境、主要な競合他社のプロファイル、それぞれの市場ランクを提供しています。また、技術動向や新製品開発についても考察しています。 本レポートは、脱毛ワックスメーカー、新規参入企業、産業チェーン関連企業に対して、市場全体およびサブセグメントにおける企業別、製品タイプ別、用途別、地域別の収益、販売量、平均価格に関する情報を提供し、同市場の発展に貢献するものである。 主要企業および市場シェアの洞察 本セクションでは、読者は競合する主要企業について理解を深めることができます。本レポートでは、革新的なトレンドと開発、製品ポートフォリオの強化、M&A、コラボレーション、新製品イノベーション、地域的拡大など、これらの参加企業がプレゼンスを維持するために行った主要な成長戦略を調査しています。事業戦略とは別に、本調査には現在の開発状況や主要財務情報も含まれています。読者はまた、期間2017-2022のメーカー別の世界収益、価格、売上高に関連するデータにアクセスすることができます。この包括的なレポートは、確かに更新を維持し、彼らのビジネスで効果的な意思決定を行うためにクライアントに役立つだろう。調査レポートでレビューされている著名なプレイヤーは以下の通りです。 レキットベンキーザー(ヴィート) Marypei ダーレントワックス ザニタリア ナッズコーポレーション エッジウェル・パーソナルケア プロクター・アンド・ギャンブル アメリカン・インターナショナル・インダストリーズ ロレアル・インターナショナル チャーチ・アンド・ドワイト ジョレン コロリス株式会社 ケラバン ワックス プロダクツ コスター・クーネン 製品タイプ別インサイト 脱毛ワックスの世界市場をタイプ別に、2028年までの成長予測とともに紹介します。売上高と収益の見積もりは、脱毛ワックスがメーカーから調達されるサプライチェーンにおける価格に基づいています。 本レポートでは、各セグメントを調査し、過去のデータを用いて市場規模を提示しています。彼らはまた、セグメントが将来的にもたらすかもしれない成長の機会について話しています。この研究は、タイプ別、および歴史的期間(2017-2022)と予測期間(2023-2028)の売上高と収益データを授けるものです。 脱毛ワックス タイプ別セグメント フローズンワックス ホットワックス アプリケーションインサイト 本レポートでは、過去期間(2017年~2022年)および予測期間(2023年~2028年)におけるアプリケーション別の市場規模(売上高・収益データ)を掲載しています。 また、脱毛ワックス市場に影響を与える各セグメントおよび消費者行動の市場動向と、これらが業界の将来にどのような影響を及ぼすかについて概説しています。本レポートは、Depilatory Waxes市場を牽引する関連市場および消費者動向の把握に役立ちます。 脱毛ワックスの用途別分類 オンライン小売 オフライン小売 地域別展望 本セクションでは、様々な地域と各地域で活動する主要企業に関する主要な洞察を提供します。特定の地域/国の成長を評価する際に、経済的、社会的、環境的、技術的、政治的な要因が考慮されています。読者はまた、2017年から2028年までの各地域と国の収益と売上データを手にすることができます。 市場は、北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、南米、中東&アフリカなど、さまざまな主要地域に区分されています。アメリカ、ドイツ、イギリス、イタリア、フランス、中国、日本、韓国、東南アジア、インドなどの主要国の詳細な分析は、地域セグメント内でカバーされる予定です。市場推定については、2021年を基準年としてデータを提供し、2022年の推定値と2028年の予測収益を提供する予定である。 北米 米国 カナダ 欧州 ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア ロシア 北欧諸国 ベネルクス その他の欧州地域 アジア太平洋地域 中国 日本 韓国 インド 東南アジア オーストラリア その他のアジア太平洋地域 中南米 メキシコ ブラジル アルゼンチン ラテンアメリカのその他 中近東・アフリカ トルコ サウジアラビア UAE その他の中東・アフリカ 主要なドライバーと障壁 本レポートでは、読者が一般的な開発を理解するのに役立つように、影響の大きいレンダリング要因とドライバーを調査しています。さらに、このレポートには、プレイヤーの道を阻むブロックとして機能する可能性のある抑制と課題も含まれています。これは、ユーザーが気を配り、ビジネスに関連する情報に基づいた意思決定を行うために支援します。専門家はまた、今後のビジネスの展望に彼らの焦点を置いています。 COVID-19とロシア・ウクライナ戦争影響力分析 このセクションの読者は、パンデミック、ポストパンデミック、ロシア-ウクライナ戦争中に脱毛ワックス市場のシナリオが世界中でどのように変化したかを理解することができます。この研究は、需要、消費、輸送、消費者行動、サプライチェーン管理、輸出入、生産などの側面における変化を視野に入れて行われます。また、業界の専門家は、今後数年間でプレイヤーに機会を創出し、業界全体を安定させるのに役立つ主要な要因を取り上げています。 本レポートを購入する理由 本レポートは、読者が産業内の競争と、潜在的な利益を高めるための競争環境に対する戦略を理解するのに役立ちます。また、世界の脱毛ワックス市場の競争環境に焦点を当て、主要企業の市場シェア、産業ランキング、競合他社のエコシステム、市場実績、新製品開発、経営状況、拡張、買収などを詳細に紹介し、読者が主要競合企業を特定し、市場の競争パターンを深く理解できるよう支援します。 本レポートは、脱毛ワックスの世界的な産業状況と動向を把握し、主要な市場促進要因、阻害要因、課題、機会に関する情報をステークホルダーに提供するのに役立ちます。 本レポートは、利害関係者が競合他社をより良く理解し、ビジネスにおける地位を強化するためのより多くの洞察力を得るのに役立つことでしょう。競争環境のセクションでは、市場シェアと順位(数量と金額)、競合のエコシステム、新製品開発、拡大、買収を含んでいます。 本レポートは、新規技術の統合、機能、市場の最新動向について常に更新しています。 本レポートは、利害関係者が脱毛ワックス業界におけるCOVID-19とロシア・ウクライナ戦争の影響力を理解するのに役立ちます。 本レポートは、利害関係者が世界的にどの地域をターゲットとすべきなのかを洞察するのに役立ちます。 本レポートは、利害関係者が脱毛ワックスの採用に関するエンドユーザーの認識について洞察するのに役立ちます。 本レポートは、利害関係者が市場における主要プレイヤーを特定し、その貴重な貢献度を理解するのに役立ちます。 目次1 Study Coverage1.1 Depilatory Waxes Product Introduction 1.2 Market by Type 1.2.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2017 VS 2021 VS 2028) 1.2.2 Frozen Wax 1.2.3 Hot Wax 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Market Size Growth Rate by Application (2017 VS 2021 VS 2028) 1.3.2 Online Retail 1.3.3 Offline Retail 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Market Size Estimates and Forecasts 2.1.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue 2017-2028 2.1.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales 2017-2028 2.2 Depilatory Waxes Market Size by Region: 2022 Versus 2028 2.3 Depilatory Waxes Sales by Region (2017-2028) 2.3.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales by Region: 2017-2022 2.3.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Forecast by Region (2023-2028) 2.3.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Market Share by Region (2017-2028) 2.4 Depilatory Waxes Market Estimates and Projections by Region (2023-2028) 2.4.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Region: 2017-2022 2.4.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Forecast by Region (2023-2028) 2.4.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Market Share by Region (2017-2028) 3 Global Depilatory Waxes by Manufacturers 3.1 Global Top Depilatory Waxes Manufacturers by Sales 3.1.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 3.1.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Market Share by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 3.2 Global Top Depilatory Waxes Manufacturers by Revenue 3.2.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 3.2.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Share by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 3.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Price by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 3.4 Competitive Landscape 3.4.1 Key Depilatory Waxes Manufacturers Covered: Ranking by Revenue 3.4.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) & (2017-2022) 3.4.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) 3.5 Global Depilatory Waxes Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Type 3.5.1 Depilatory Waxes Manufacturers Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters 3.5.2 Manufacturers Depilatory Waxes Product Type 3.5.3 Date of International Manufacturers Enter into Depilatory Waxes Market 3.6 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Company Profiles 4.1 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) 4.1.1 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Corporation Information 4.1.2 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Description, Business Overview 4.1.3 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.1.4 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.1.5 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.1.6 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.1.7 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.1.8 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Recent Developments 4.2 Marypei 4.2.1 Marypei Corporation Information 4.2.2 Marypei Description, Business Overview 4.2.3 Marypei Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.2.4 Marypei Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.2.5 Marypei Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.2.6 Marypei Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.2.7 Marypei Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.2.8 Marypei Recent Developments 4.3 Darent Wax 4.3.1 Darent Wax Corporation Information 4.3.2 Darent Wax Description, Business Overview 4.3.3 Darent Wax Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.3.4 Darent Wax Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.3.5 Darent Wax Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.3.6 Darent Wax Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.3.7 Darent Wax Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.3.8 Darent Wax Recent Developments 4.4 Xanitalia 4.4.1 Xanitalia Corporation Information 4.4.2 Xanitalia Description, Business Overview 4.4.3 Xanitalia Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.4.4 Xanitalia Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.4.5 Xanitalia Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.4.6 Xanitalia Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.4.7 Xanitalia Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.4.8 Xanitalia Recent Developments 4.5 Nads Corporation 4.5.1 Nads Corporation Corporation Information 4.5.2 Nads Corporation Description, Business Overview 4.5.3 Nads Corporation Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.5.4 Nads Corporation Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.5.5 Nads Corporation Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.5.6 Nads Corporation Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.5.7 Nads Corporation Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.5.8 Nads Corporation Recent Developments 4.6 Edgewell Personal Care 4.6.1 Edgewell Personal Care Corporation Information 4.6.2 Edgewell Personal Care Description, Business Overview 4.6.3 Edgewell Personal Care Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.6.4 Edgewell Personal Care Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.6.5 Edgewell Personal Care Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.6.6 Edgewell Personal Care Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.6.7 Edgewell Personal Care Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.6.8 Edgewell Personal Care Recent Development 4.7 Procter and Gamble 4.7.1 Procter and Gamble Corporation Information 4.7.2 Procter and Gamble Description, Business Overview 4.7.3 Procter and Gamble Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.7.4 Procter and Gamble Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.7.5 Procter and Gamble Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.7.6 Procter and Gamble Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.7.7 Procter and Gamble Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.7.8 Procter and Gamble Recent Development 4.8 American International Industries 4.8.1 American International Industries Corporation Information 4.8.2 American International Industries Description, Business Overview 4.8.3 American International Industries Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.8.4 American International Industries Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.8.5 American International Industries Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.8.6 American International Industries Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.8.7 American International Industries Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.8.8 American International Industries Recent Development 4.9 Loreal International 4.9.1 Loreal International Corporation Information 4.9.2 Loreal International Description, Business Overview 4.9.3 Loreal International Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.9.4 Loreal International Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.9.5 Loreal International Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.9.6 Loreal International Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.9.7 Loreal International Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.9.8 Loreal International Recent Development 4.10 Church and Dwight 4.10.1 Church and Dwight Corporation Information 4.10.2 Church and Dwight Description, Business Overview 4.10.3 Church and Dwight Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.10.4 Church and Dwight Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.10.5 Church and Dwight Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.10.6 Church and Dwight Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.10.7 Church and Dwight Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.10.8 Church and Dwight Recent Development 4.11 Jolen Inc. 4.11.1 Jolen Inc. Corporation Information 4.11.2 Jolen Inc. Description, Business Overview 4.11.3 Jolen Inc. Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.11.4 Jolen Inc. Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.11.5 Jolen Inc. Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.11.6 Jolen Inc. Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.11.7 Jolen Inc. Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.11.8 Jolen Inc. Recent Development 4.12 Coloris Ltd. 4.12.1 Coloris Ltd. Corporation Information 4.12.2 Coloris Ltd. Description, Business Overview 4.12.3 Coloris Ltd. Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.12.4 Coloris Ltd. Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.12.5 Coloris Ltd. Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.12.6 Coloris Ltd. Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.12.7 Coloris Ltd. Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.12.8 Coloris Ltd. Recent Development 4.13 Kera-Ban Wax Products 4.13.1 Kera-Ban Wax Products Corporation Information 4.13.2 Kera-Ban Wax Products Description, Business Overview 4.13.3 Kera-Ban Wax Products Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.13.4 Kera-Ban Wax Products Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.13.5 Kera-Ban Wax Products Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.13.6 Kera-Ban Wax Products Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.13.7 Kera-Ban Wax Products Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.13.8 Kera-Ban Wax Products Recent Development 4.14 Koster Keunen 4.14.1 Koster Keunen Corporation Information 4.14.2 Koster Keunen Description, Business Overview 4.14.3 Koster Keunen Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.14.4 Koster Keunen Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.14.5 Koster Keunen Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.14.6 Koster Keunen Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.14.7 Koster Keunen Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.14.8 Koster Keunen Recent Development 5 Breakdown Data by Type 5.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type (2017-2028) 5.1.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type (2017-2022) 5.1.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 5.1.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 5.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Forecast by Type (2017-2028) 5.2.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Type (2017-2022) 5.2.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 5.2.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 5.3 Depilatory Waxes Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2017-2028) 6 Breakdown Data by Application 6.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application (2017-2028) 6.1.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application (2017-2022) 6.1.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 6.1.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 6.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Forecast by Application (2017-2028) 6.2.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Application (2017-2022) 6.2.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 6.2.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 6.3 Depilatory Waxes Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2017-2028) 7 North America 7.1 North America Depilatory Waxes Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 7.2 North America Depilatory Waxes Market Facts & Figures by Country 7.2.1 North America Depilatory Waxes Sales by Country (2017-2028) 7.2.2 North America Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 7.3 North America Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type 7.4 North America Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application 8 Asia-Pacific 8.1 Asia-Pacific Depilatory Waxes Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 8.2 Asia-Pacific Depilatory Waxes Market Facts & Figures by Region 8.2.1 Asia-Pacific Depilatory Waxes Sales by Region (2017-2028) 8.2.2 Asia-Pacific Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Region (2017-2028) 8.3 Asia-Pacific Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type 8.4 Asia-Pacific Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application 9 Europe 9.1 Europe Depilatory Waxes Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 9.2 Europe Depilatory Waxes Market Facts & Figures by Country 9.2.1 Europe Depilatory Waxes Sales by Country (2017-2028) 9.2.2 Europe Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 9.3 Europe Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type 9.4 Europe Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application 10 Latin America 10.1 Latin America Depilatory Waxes Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 10.2 Latin America Depilatory Waxes Market Facts & Figures by Country 10.2.1 Latin America Depilatory Waxes Sales by Country (2017-2028) 10.2.2 Latin America Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 10.3 Latin America Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type 10.4 Latin America Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application 11 Middle East and Africa 11.1 Middle East and Africa Depilatory Waxes Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 11.2 Middle East and Africa Depilatory Waxes Market Facts & Figures by Country 11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Depilatory Waxes Sales by Country (2017-2028) 11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 11.3 Middle East and Africa Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type 11.4 Middle East and Africa Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application 12 Supply Chain and Sales Channel Analysis 12.1 Depilatory Waxes Supply Chain Analysis 12.2 Depilatory Waxes Key Raw Materials and Upstream Suppliers 12.3 Depilatory Waxes Clients Analysis 12.4 Depilatory Waxes Sales Channel and Sales Model Analysis 12.4.1 Depilatory Waxes Distribution Channel Analysis: Indirect Sales VS Direct Sales 12.4.2 Depilatory Waxes Distribution Channel Analysis: Online Sales VS Offline Sales 12.4.3 Depilatory Waxes Distributors 13 Market Dynamics 13.1 Depilatory Waxes Industry Trends 13.2 Depilatory Waxes Market Drivers 13.3 Depilatory Waxes Market Challenges 13.4 Depilatory Waxes Market Restraints 13.5 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 14 Research Findings and Conclusion 15 Appendix 15.1 Research Methodology 15.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 15.1.2 Data Source 15.2 Author Details 15.3 Disclaimer
SummaryDepilatory wax is a reliable method to remove body hair, which isn't harsh on the skin.This sticky and odor-free substance can be used to eliminate hair from the legs and arms; but can also be appled to other hairy areas of the body. Table of Contents1 Study Coverage1.1 Depilatory Waxes Product Introduction 1.2 Market by Type 1.2.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2017 VS 2021 VS 2028) 1.2.2 Frozen Wax 1.2.3 Hot Wax 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Market Size Growth Rate by Application (2017 VS 2021 VS 2028) 1.3.2 Online Retail 1.3.3 Offline Retail 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Market Size Estimates and Forecasts 2.1.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue 2017-2028 2.1.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales 2017-2028 2.2 Depilatory Waxes Market Size by Region: 2022 Versus 2028 2.3 Depilatory Waxes Sales by Region (2017-2028) 2.3.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales by Region: 2017-2022 2.3.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Forecast by Region (2023-2028) 2.3.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Market Share by Region (2017-2028) 2.4 Depilatory Waxes Market Estimates and Projections by Region (2023-2028) 2.4.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Region: 2017-2022 2.4.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Forecast by Region (2023-2028) 2.4.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Market Share by Region (2017-2028) 3 Global Depilatory Waxes by Manufacturers 3.1 Global Top Depilatory Waxes Manufacturers by Sales 3.1.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 3.1.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Market Share by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 3.2 Global Top Depilatory Waxes Manufacturers by Revenue 3.2.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 3.2.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Share by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 3.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Price by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 3.4 Competitive Landscape 3.4.1 Key Depilatory Waxes Manufacturers Covered: Ranking by Revenue 3.4.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) & (2017-2022) 3.4.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) 3.5 Global Depilatory Waxes Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Type 3.5.1 Depilatory Waxes Manufacturers Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters 3.5.2 Manufacturers Depilatory Waxes Product Type 3.5.3 Date of International Manufacturers Enter into Depilatory Waxes Market 3.6 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Company Profiles 4.1 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) 4.1.1 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Corporation Information 4.1.2 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Description, Business Overview 4.1.3 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.1.4 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.1.5 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.1.6 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.1.7 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.1.8 Reckitt Benckiser (Veet) Recent Developments 4.2 Marypei 4.2.1 Marypei Corporation Information 4.2.2 Marypei Description, Business Overview 4.2.3 Marypei Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.2.4 Marypei Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.2.5 Marypei Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.2.6 Marypei Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.2.7 Marypei Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.2.8 Marypei Recent Developments 4.3 Darent Wax 4.3.1 Darent Wax Corporation Information 4.3.2 Darent Wax Description, Business Overview 4.3.3 Darent Wax Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.3.4 Darent Wax Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.3.5 Darent Wax Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.3.6 Darent Wax Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.3.7 Darent Wax Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.3.8 Darent Wax Recent Developments 4.4 Xanitalia 4.4.1 Xanitalia Corporation Information 4.4.2 Xanitalia Description, Business Overview 4.4.3 Xanitalia Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.4.4 Xanitalia Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.4.5 Xanitalia Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.4.6 Xanitalia Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.4.7 Xanitalia Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.4.8 Xanitalia Recent Developments 4.5 Nads Corporation 4.5.1 Nads Corporation Corporation Information 4.5.2 Nads Corporation Description, Business Overview 4.5.3 Nads Corporation Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.5.4 Nads Corporation Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.5.5 Nads Corporation Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.5.6 Nads Corporation Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.5.7 Nads Corporation Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.5.8 Nads Corporation Recent Developments 4.6 Edgewell Personal Care 4.6.1 Edgewell Personal Care Corporation Information 4.6.2 Edgewell Personal Care Description, Business Overview 4.6.3 Edgewell Personal Care Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.6.4 Edgewell Personal Care Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.6.5 Edgewell Personal Care Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.6.6 Edgewell Personal Care Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.6.7 Edgewell Personal Care Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.6.8 Edgewell Personal Care Recent Development 4.7 Procter and Gamble 4.7.1 Procter and Gamble Corporation Information 4.7.2 Procter and Gamble Description, Business Overview 4.7.3 Procter and Gamble Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.7.4 Procter and Gamble Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.7.5 Procter and Gamble Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.7.6 Procter and Gamble Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.7.7 Procter and Gamble Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.7.8 Procter and Gamble Recent Development 4.8 American International Industries 4.8.1 American International Industries Corporation Information 4.8.2 American International Industries Description, Business Overview 4.8.3 American International Industries Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.8.4 American International Industries Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.8.5 American International Industries Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.8.6 American International Industries Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.8.7 American International Industries Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.8.8 American International Industries Recent Development 4.9 Loreal International 4.9.1 Loreal International Corporation Information 4.9.2 Loreal International Description, Business Overview 4.9.3 Loreal International Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.9.4 Loreal International Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.9.5 Loreal International Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.9.6 Loreal International Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.9.7 Loreal International Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.9.8 Loreal International Recent Development 4.10 Church and Dwight 4.10.1 Church and Dwight Corporation Information 4.10.2 Church and Dwight Description, Business Overview 4.10.3 Church and Dwight Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.10.4 Church and Dwight Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.10.5 Church and Dwight Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.10.6 Church and Dwight Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.10.7 Church and Dwight Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.10.8 Church and Dwight Recent Development 4.11 Jolen Inc. 4.11.1 Jolen Inc. Corporation Information 4.11.2 Jolen Inc. Description, Business Overview 4.11.3 Jolen Inc. Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.11.4 Jolen Inc. Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.11.5 Jolen Inc. Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.11.6 Jolen Inc. Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.11.7 Jolen Inc. Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.11.8 Jolen Inc. Recent Development 4.12 Coloris Ltd. 4.12.1 Coloris Ltd. Corporation Information 4.12.2 Coloris Ltd. Description, Business Overview 4.12.3 Coloris Ltd. Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.12.4 Coloris Ltd. Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.12.5 Coloris Ltd. Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.12.6 Coloris Ltd. Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.12.7 Coloris Ltd. Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.12.8 Coloris Ltd. Recent Development 4.13 Kera-Ban Wax Products 4.13.1 Kera-Ban Wax Products Corporation Information 4.13.2 Kera-Ban Wax Products Description, Business Overview 4.13.3 Kera-Ban Wax Products Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.13.4 Kera-Ban Wax Products Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.13.5 Kera-Ban Wax Products Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.13.6 Kera-Ban Wax Products Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.13.7 Kera-Ban Wax Products Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.13.8 Kera-Ban Wax Products Recent Development 4.14 Koster Keunen 4.14.1 Koster Keunen Corporation Information 4.14.2 Koster Keunen Description, Business Overview 4.14.3 Koster Keunen Depilatory Waxes Products Offered 4.14.4 Koster Keunen Depilatory Waxes Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 4.14.5 Koster Keunen Depilatory Waxes Sales by Product in 2021 4.14.6 Koster Keunen Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application in 2021 4.14.7 Koster Keunen Depilatory Waxes Sales by Geographic Area in 2021 4.14.8 Koster Keunen Recent Development 5 Breakdown Data by Type 5.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type (2017-2028) 5.1.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type (2017-2022) 5.1.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 5.1.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 5.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Forecast by Type (2017-2028) 5.2.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Type (2017-2022) 5.2.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 5.2.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 5.3 Depilatory Waxes Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2017-2028) 6 Breakdown Data by Application 6.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application (2017-2028) 6.1.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application (2017-2022) 6.1.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 6.1.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 6.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Forecast by Application (2017-2028) 6.2.1 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Application (2017-2022) 6.2.2 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 6.2.3 Global Depilatory Waxes Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 6.3 Depilatory Waxes Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2017-2028) 7 North America 7.1 North America Depilatory Waxes Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 7.2 North America Depilatory Waxes Market Facts & Figures by Country 7.2.1 North America Depilatory Waxes Sales by Country (2017-2028) 7.2.2 North America Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 7.3 North America Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type 7.4 North America Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application 8 Asia-Pacific 8.1 Asia-Pacific Depilatory Waxes Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 8.2 Asia-Pacific Depilatory Waxes Market Facts & Figures by Region 8.2.1 Asia-Pacific Depilatory Waxes Sales by Region (2017-2028) 8.2.2 Asia-Pacific Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Region (2017-2028) 8.3 Asia-Pacific Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type 8.4 Asia-Pacific Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application 9 Europe 9.1 Europe Depilatory Waxes Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 9.2 Europe Depilatory Waxes Market Facts & Figures by Country 9.2.1 Europe Depilatory Waxes Sales by Country (2017-2028) 9.2.2 Europe Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 9.3 Europe Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type 9.4 Europe Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application 10 Latin America 10.1 Latin America Depilatory Waxes Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 10.2 Latin America Depilatory Waxes Market Facts & Figures by Country 10.2.1 Latin America Depilatory Waxes Sales by Country (2017-2028) 10.2.2 Latin America Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 10.3 Latin America Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type 10.4 Latin America Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application 11 Middle East and Africa 11.1 Middle East and Africa Depilatory Waxes Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 11.2 Middle East and Africa Depilatory Waxes Market Facts & Figures by Country 11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Depilatory Waxes Sales by Country (2017-2028) 11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Depilatory Waxes Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 11.3 Middle East and Africa Depilatory Waxes Sales by Type 11.4 Middle East and Africa Depilatory Waxes Sales by Application 12 Supply Chain and Sales Channel Analysis 12.1 Depilatory Waxes Supply Chain Analysis 12.2 Depilatory Waxes Key Raw Materials and Upstream Suppliers 12.3 Depilatory Waxes Clients Analysis 12.4 Depilatory Waxes Sales Channel and Sales Model Analysis 12.4.1 Depilatory Waxes Distribution Channel Analysis: Indirect Sales VS Direct Sales 12.4.2 Depilatory Waxes Distribution Channel Analysis: Online Sales VS Offline Sales 12.4.3 Depilatory Waxes Distributors 13 Market Dynamics 13.1 Depilatory Waxes Industry Trends 13.2 Depilatory Waxes Market Drivers 13.3 Depilatory Waxes Market Challenges 13.4 Depilatory Waxes Market Restraints 13.5 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 14 Research Findings and Conclusion 15 Appendix 15.1 Research Methodology 15.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 15.1.2 Data Source 15.2 Author Details 15.3 Disclaimer
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