![]() 硬化ブラダーの世界市場調査レポート2022年版 - カスタマイズ版Global Curing Bladder Market Research Report 2022 - Customized Version 本レポートでは、世界および主要地域の硬化ブラダー市場の現状と展望を、プレイヤー、地域、製品タイプ、最終産業の角度から調査し、世界および主要地域のトッププレイヤーを分析するとともに、硬化ブラダー市場... もっと見る
サマリー本レポートでは、世界および主要地域の硬化ブラダー市場の現状と展望を、プレイヤー、地域、製品タイプ、最終産業の角度から調査し、世界および主要地域のトッププレイヤーを分析するとともに、硬化ブラダー市場を製品タイプおよび用途・最終産業別に分割しています。硬化ブラダーの世界市場は、2021年に5億946万米ドルと評価され、2022年から2028年の間に年平均成長率4.56%で成長し、2028年末には6億8714万米ドルに達すると予測されます。 アジア太平洋地域は、特に中国と、急成長中のインド、東南アジア地域で、今後数年間はより多くの市場シェアを占めると予想されます。 北米、特に米国は、今後も無視できない重要な役割を果たすと思われます。米国のいかなる変化もCuring Bladderの開発トレンドに影響を与える可能性があります。 ヨーロッパも世界市場で重要な役割を果たしており、2021年の市場規模は1億4360万ドル、2028年には1億8505万ドルとなり、CAGRは3.96%に達する見通しです。 硬化ブラダーの世界市場における主なプレイヤーは以下の通りです。 ランクセス コンチネンタル ポリマーインダストリアルプロダクツ 山東西匯永儀橡膠 Sntai 倫通橡膠 大金タイヤ 興源集団 大王金泰集団 南京雅通橡塑有限公司 本レポートは、地理的にいくつかの主要地域に区分され、2017年から2022年(予測)にかけて、これらの地域における硬化ブラダーの売上、収益、市場シェア(%)、成長率(%)が網羅されています。 北アメリカ ヨーロッパ アジア太平洋 南米 中東およびアフリカ 製品別では、養生用ブラダー市場は主に以下の製品に分けられます。 バイアスタイヤ用養生ブラダー ラジアルタイヤ養生用ブラダー その他 エンドユーザー/用途別では、以下のものを含みます。 自動車 自動二輪車 エンジニアリングビークル その他 目次1 Curing Bladder Market Overview 11.1 Curing Bladder Product Overview 1 1.2 Curing Bladder Segment by Types (Product Category) 2 1.2.1 Global Curing Bladder Market by Types (2017-2028) 2 1.2.2 Global Curing Bladder Revenue Market Share (%) by Types in 2021 3 1.2.3 Bias Tyre Curing Bladder 3 1.2.4 Radial Tyre Curing Bladder 4 1.3.5 Others 4 1.3 Global Curing Bladder Segment by Applications 4 1.3.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) Comparison by Applications (2017-2028) 4 1.3.2 Automobile 5 1.3.3 Motorcycle 6 1.3.4 Engineering Vehicle 6 1.3.5 Others 7 1.4 Global Curing Bladder Market by Regions (2017-2028) 7 1.4.1 Global Curing Bladder Market Size and Growth (%) Comparison by Regions (2017-2028) 7 1.4.2 North America Curing Bladder Status and Prospect (2017-2028) 8 1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Curing Bladder Status and Prospect (2017-2028) 9 1.4.4 Europe Curing Bladder Status and Prospect (2017-2028) 10 1.4.5 South America Curing Bladder Status and Prospect (2017-2028) 11 1.4.6 Middle East and Africa Curing Bladder Status and Prospect (2017-2028) 12 1.5 Global Curing Bladder Market Size (2017-2028) 12 1.5.1 Global Curing Bladder Revenue (Million USD) Status and Outlook (2017-2028) 12 1.5.2 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) Status and Outlook (2017-2028) 13 2 Global Curing Bladder Market Competition by Manufacturers/Brand 14 2.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) and Share by Manufacturers (2019-2022) 14 2.2 Global Curing Bladder Revenue (Million USD) and Share by Manufacturers (2019-2022) 16 2.3 Global Curing Bladder Average Price (USD/Unit) by Manufacturers (2019-2022) 18 2.4 Manufacturers Curing Bladder Headquarters Distribution and Founded Time 19 2.5 Curing Bladder Market Competitive Situation and Trends 20 2.5.1 Curing Bladder Market Share (%) of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers in 2021 20 2.5.2 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 21 3 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD) by Regions (2017-2022) 22 3.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) and Market Share (%) by Regions (2017-2022) 22 3.2 Global Curing Bladder Revenue (Million USD) and Market Share (%) by Regions (2017-2022) 24 3.3 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2017-2022) 26 3.4 North America Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2017-2022) 26 3.5 Europe Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2017-2022) 27 3.6 Asia-Pacific Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2017-2022) 27 3.7 South America Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (2017-2018) 28 3.8 Middle East and Africa Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2017-2022) 28 4 Global Curing Bladder Sales, Revenue, Price Trend by Types 29 4.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) and Market Share (%) by Type (2017-2022) 29 4.2 Global Curing Bladder Revenue and Market Share (%) by Type (2017-2022) 31 4.3 Global Curing Bladder Price (USD/Unit) by Type (2017-2022) 32 4.4 Global Curing Bladder Sales Growth by Type (2018-2022) 32 5 Global Curing Bladder Market Analysis by Applications 33 5.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) and Market Share (%) by Applications (2017-2022) 33 5.2 Global Curing Bladder Sales Growth Rate (%) by Applications (2018-2022) 35 6 Global Curing Bladder Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis 36 6.1 Lanxess 36 6.1.1 Company Basic Information 36 6.1.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 37 6.1.3 Lanxess Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 37 6.2 Continental 39 6.2.1 Company Basic Information 39 6.2.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 39 6.2.3 Continental Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 41 6.3 Polymer Industrial Products 42 6.3.1 Company Basic Information 42 6.3.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 43 6.3.3 Polymer Industrial Products Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 44 6.4 Shandong Xishui Yongyi Rubber 46 6.4.1 Company Basic Information 46 6.4.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 47 6.4.3 Shandong Xishui Yongyi Rubber Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 48 6.5 Sntai 50 6.5.1 Company Basic Information 50 6.5.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 50 6.5.3 Sntai Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 52 6.6 Runtong Rubber 54 6.6.1 Company Basic Information 54 6.6.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 55 6.6.3 Runtong Rubber Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 55 6.7 Dajin Tyre 57 6.7.1 Company Basic Information 57 6.7.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 58 6.7.3 Dajin Tyre Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 58 6.8 Xing Yuan Group 60 6.8.1 Company Basic Information 60 6.8.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 61 6.8.3 Xing Yuan Group Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 62 6.9 Dawang Jintai Group 63 6.9.1 Company Basic Information 63 6.9.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 64 6.9.3 Dawang Jintai Group Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 65 6.10 Nanjing Yatong Rubber Plastic 67 6.10.1 Company Basic Information 67 6.10.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 68 6.10.3 Nanjing Yatong Rubber Plastic Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 69 7 Curing Bladder Manufacturing Cost Analysis 71 7.1 Curing Bladder Key Raw Materials Analysis 71 7.1.1 Key Raw Materials 71 7.1.2 Price Trend of Key Raw Materials 72 7.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials 73 7.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure 74 7.2.1 Raw Materials 74 7.2.2 Labor Cost 74 7.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses 75 8 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers 76 8.1 Curing Bladder Industrial Chain Analysis 76 8.2 Upstream Raw Materials Sourcing 76 8.3 Raw Materials Sources of Curing Bladder Major Manufacturers in 2021 77 8.4 Downstream Buyers 77 9 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders 80 9.1 Marketing Channel 80 9.1.1 Direct Marketing 80 9.1.2 Indirect Marketing 81 9.1.3 Marketing Channel Development Trend 82 9.2 Market Positioning 83 9.2.1 Pricing Strategy 83 9.2.2 Brand Strategy 84 9.2.3 Target Client 84 9.3 Distributors/Traders List 85 10 Market Effect Factors Analysis 86 10.1 Technology Progress/Risk 86 10.1.1 Radial Tire Curing Bladder Production Technology 86 10.1.2 Technology Progress of Tire Industry 88 10.2 Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change 90 10.3 Economic/Political Environmental Change 90 11 Global Curing Bladder Market Forecast (2023-2028) 93 11.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD) Forecast (2023-2028) 93 11.1.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) and Growth Rate (%) Forecast (2023-2028) 93 11.1.2 Global Curing Bladder Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (%) Forecast (2023-2028) 94 11.1.3 Global Curing Bladder Price and Trend Forecast (2023-2028) 95 11.2 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) and Revenue (Million USD) Forecast by Regions (2023-2028) 95 11.3 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 97 11.4 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 98 12 Research Findings and Conclusion 100 13 Methodology and Data Source 101 13.1 Methodology/Research Approach 101 13.1.1 Research Programs/Design 101 13.1.2 Market Size Estimation 102 1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 103 13.2 Data Source 104 13.2.1 Secondary Sources 104 13.2.2 Primary Sources 105 13.3 Disclaimer 106 13.4 Author List 107
SummaryThis report studies the Curing Bladder market status and outlook of global and major regions, from angles of players, regions, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top players in global and major regions, and splits the Curing Bladder market by product type and applications/end industries. Table of Contents1 Curing Bladder Market Overview 11.1 Curing Bladder Product Overview 1 1.2 Curing Bladder Segment by Types (Product Category) 2 1.2.1 Global Curing Bladder Market by Types (2017-2028) 2 1.2.2 Global Curing Bladder Revenue Market Share (%) by Types in 2021 3 1.2.3 Bias Tyre Curing Bladder 3 1.2.4 Radial Tyre Curing Bladder 4 1.3.5 Others 4 1.3 Global Curing Bladder Segment by Applications 4 1.3.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) Comparison by Applications (2017-2028) 4 1.3.2 Automobile 5 1.3.3 Motorcycle 6 1.3.4 Engineering Vehicle 6 1.3.5 Others 7 1.4 Global Curing Bladder Market by Regions (2017-2028) 7 1.4.1 Global Curing Bladder Market Size and Growth (%) Comparison by Regions (2017-2028) 7 1.4.2 North America Curing Bladder Status and Prospect (2017-2028) 8 1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Curing Bladder Status and Prospect (2017-2028) 9 1.4.4 Europe Curing Bladder Status and Prospect (2017-2028) 10 1.4.5 South America Curing Bladder Status and Prospect (2017-2028) 11 1.4.6 Middle East and Africa Curing Bladder Status and Prospect (2017-2028) 12 1.5 Global Curing Bladder Market Size (2017-2028) 12 1.5.1 Global Curing Bladder Revenue (Million USD) Status and Outlook (2017-2028) 12 1.5.2 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) Status and Outlook (2017-2028) 13 2 Global Curing Bladder Market Competition by Manufacturers/Brand 14 2.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) and Share by Manufacturers (2019-2022) 14 2.2 Global Curing Bladder Revenue (Million USD) and Share by Manufacturers (2019-2022) 16 2.3 Global Curing Bladder Average Price (USD/Unit) by Manufacturers (2019-2022) 18 2.4 Manufacturers Curing Bladder Headquarters Distribution and Founded Time 19 2.5 Curing Bladder Market Competitive Situation and Trends 20 2.5.1 Curing Bladder Market Share (%) of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers in 2021 20 2.5.2 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 21 3 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD) by Regions (2017-2022) 22 3.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) and Market Share (%) by Regions (2017-2022) 22 3.2 Global Curing Bladder Revenue (Million USD) and Market Share (%) by Regions (2017-2022) 24 3.3 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2017-2022) 26 3.4 North America Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2017-2022) 26 3.5 Europe Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2017-2022) 27 3.6 Asia-Pacific Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2017-2022) 27 3.7 South America Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (2017-2018) 28 3.8 Middle East and Africa Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (%) (2017-2022) 28 4 Global Curing Bladder Sales, Revenue, Price Trend by Types 29 4.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) and Market Share (%) by Type (2017-2022) 29 4.2 Global Curing Bladder Revenue and Market Share (%) by Type (2017-2022) 31 4.3 Global Curing Bladder Price (USD/Unit) by Type (2017-2022) 32 4.4 Global Curing Bladder Sales Growth by Type (2018-2022) 32 5 Global Curing Bladder Market Analysis by Applications 33 5.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) and Market Share (%) by Applications (2017-2022) 33 5.2 Global Curing Bladder Sales Growth Rate (%) by Applications (2018-2022) 35 6 Global Curing Bladder Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis 36 6.1 Lanxess 36 6.1.1 Company Basic Information 36 6.1.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 37 6.1.3 Lanxess Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 37 6.2 Continental 39 6.2.1 Company Basic Information 39 6.2.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 39 6.2.3 Continental Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 41 6.3 Polymer Industrial Products 42 6.3.1 Company Basic Information 42 6.3.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 43 6.3.3 Polymer Industrial Products Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 44 6.4 Shandong Xishui Yongyi Rubber 46 6.4.1 Company Basic Information 46 6.4.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 47 6.4.3 Shandong Xishui Yongyi Rubber Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 48 6.5 Sntai 50 6.5.1 Company Basic Information 50 6.5.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 50 6.5.3 Sntai Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 52 6.6 Runtong Rubber 54 6.6.1 Company Basic Information 54 6.6.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 55 6.6.3 Runtong Rubber Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 55 6.7 Dajin Tyre 57 6.7.1 Company Basic Information 57 6.7.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 58 6.7.3 Dajin Tyre Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 58 6.8 Xing Yuan Group 60 6.8.1 Company Basic Information 60 6.8.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 61 6.8.3 Xing Yuan Group Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 62 6.9 Dawang Jintai Group 63 6.9.1 Company Basic Information 63 6.9.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 64 6.9.3 Dawang Jintai Group Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 65 6.10 Nanjing Yatong Rubber Plastic 67 6.10.1 Company Basic Information 67 6.10.2 Curing Bladder Product Picture and Specification 68 6.10.3 Nanjing Yatong Rubber Plastic Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2019-2022) 69 7 Curing Bladder Manufacturing Cost Analysis 71 7.1 Curing Bladder Key Raw Materials Analysis 71 7.1.1 Key Raw Materials 71 7.1.2 Price Trend of Key Raw Materials 72 7.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials 73 7.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure 74 7.2.1 Raw Materials 74 7.2.2 Labor Cost 74 7.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses 75 8 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers 76 8.1 Curing Bladder Industrial Chain Analysis 76 8.2 Upstream Raw Materials Sourcing 76 8.3 Raw Materials Sources of Curing Bladder Major Manufacturers in 2021 77 8.4 Downstream Buyers 77 9 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders 80 9.1 Marketing Channel 80 9.1.1 Direct Marketing 80 9.1.2 Indirect Marketing 81 9.1.3 Marketing Channel Development Trend 82 9.2 Market Positioning 83 9.2.1 Pricing Strategy 83 9.2.2 Brand Strategy 84 9.2.3 Target Client 84 9.3 Distributors/Traders List 85 10 Market Effect Factors Analysis 86 10.1 Technology Progress/Risk 86 10.1.1 Radial Tire Curing Bladder Production Technology 86 10.1.2 Technology Progress of Tire Industry 88 10.2 Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change 90 10.3 Economic/Political Environmental Change 90 11 Global Curing Bladder Market Forecast (2023-2028) 93 11.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units), Revenue (Million USD) Forecast (2023-2028) 93 11.1.1 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) and Growth Rate (%) Forecast (2023-2028) 93 11.1.2 Global Curing Bladder Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (%) Forecast (2023-2028) 94 11.1.3 Global Curing Bladder Price and Trend Forecast (2023-2028) 95 11.2 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) and Revenue (Million USD) Forecast by Regions (2023-2028) 95 11.3 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 97 11.4 Global Curing Bladder Sales (K Units) Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 98 12 Research Findings and Conclusion 100 13 Methodology and Data Source 101 13.1 Methodology/Research Approach 101 13.1.1 Research Programs/Design 101 13.1.2 Market Size Estimation 102 1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 103 13.2 Data Source 104 13.2.1 Secondary Sources 104 13.2.2 Primary Sources 105 13.3 Disclaimer 106 13.4 Author List 107
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