
ウォームギアの世界販売市場レポート 2022年

Global Worm Gearing Sales Market Report 2022

このレポートでは、ウォームギアにはウォームとウォームギアが含まれ、ウォームスクリュー、ウォームホイールとも呼ばれる。ウォームとウォームギアは、小さなフットプリントで高い減速度とトルクの増倍を実現す... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 言語
2022年8月12日 US$4,000







この市場は、産業、商業分野での需要の増加のために成長を目撃しています。大手企業によるWorm Gearingへの投資の増加は、予測期間中の市場成長に好影響を与えると予想されます。アジア太平洋地域は、予測期間中に最も急速に成長する市場であると予想されます。ウォームギヤは、新興市場においてより必要不可欠なものとなってきています。中国、インドなどのAPAC諸国は現在普及率が低いですが、この期間中にベンダーにとって魅力的な事業機会として出現することが予想されます。ウォームギア業界については、市場の集中度は低い。Franz Morat、Zahnradfertigung OTT、KHK Kohara Gear Industryが世界的なリーディングカンパニーであり、シェア拡大を図っている。本調査では、Worm Gearingの販売市場を5つの地理的地域に分けています。2019年の販売市場シェアは、アジア太平洋が41%で最大を占めた。次いで、ヨーロッパ、北米と続く。

世界のWorm Gearingの範囲と市場規模
世界のWorm Gearing市場は、企業別、地域(国)別、タイプ別、用途別に分類されています。世界のWorm Gearing市場におけるプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、このレポートを強力なリソースとして利用することで、優位に立つことができるようになることでしょう。セグメント分析では、2017年から2028年までの地域(国)別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別の売上、収益、予測に焦点を当てます。




Framo Morat
Zahnradfertigung OTT
WELTER Zahnrad
KG ストックギア



1 Worm Gearing Market Overview
1.1 Worm Gearing Product Scope
1.2 Worm Gearing Segment by Type
1.2.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales by Type (2017 & 2021 & 2028)
1.2.2 Single Envelope Worm Gear
1.2.3 Double Envelope Worm Gear
1.2.4 Non-enveloping Worm Gear
1.3 Worm Gearing Segment by Application
1.3.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Comparison by Application (2017 & 2021 & 2028)
1.3.2 Light Industry
1.3.3 Heavy Industry
1.3.4 Commercial
1.3.5 Automobile
1.3.6 Machine Tool
1.3.7 Medical
1.3.8 Ship (Marine Vessel)
1.3.9 Aerospace
1.3.10 Others
1.4 Worm Gearing Market Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028)
1.4.1 Global Worm Gearing Market Size in Value Growth Rate (2017-2028)
1.4.2 Global Worm Gearing Market Size in Volume Growth Rate (2017-2028)
1.4.3 Global Worm Gearing Price Trends (2017-2028)
2 Worm Gearing Estimates and Forecasts by Region
2.1 Global Worm Gearing Market Size by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
2.2 Global Worm Gearing Retrospective Market Scenario by Region (2017-2022)
2.2.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Market Share by Region (2017-2022)
2.2.2 Global Worm Gearing Revenue Market Share by Region (2017-2022)
2.3 Global Worm Gearing Market Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2023-2028)
2.3.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2023-2028)
2.3.2 Global Worm Gearing Revenue Forecast by Region (2023-2028)
2.4 Geographic Market Analysis: Market Facts & Figures
2.4.1 United States Worm Gearing Estimates and Projections (2017-2028)
2.4.2 Europe Worm Gearing Estimates and Projections (2017-2028)
2.4.3 China Worm Gearing Estimates and Projections (2017-2028)
2.4.4 Japan Worm Gearing Estimates and Projections (2017-2028)
2.4.5 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Estimates and Projections (2017-2028)
2.4.6 India Worm Gearing Estimates and Projections (2017-2028)
3 Global Worm Gearing Competition Landscape by Players
3.1 Global Top Worm Gearing Players by Sales (2017-2022)
3.2 Global Top Worm Gearing Players by Revenue (2017-2022)
3.3 Global Worm Gearing Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Worm Gearing as of 2021)
3.4 Global Worm Gearing Average Price by Company (2017-2022)
3.5 Manufacturers Worm Gearing Manufacturing Sites, Area Served, Product Type
3.6 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
4 Global Worm Gearing Market Size by Type
4.1 Global Worm Gearing Historic Market Review by Type (2017-2022)
4.1.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2022)
4.1.2 Global Worm Gearing Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2022)
4.1.3 Global Worm Gearing Price by Type (2017-2022)
4.2 Global Worm Gearing Market Estimates and Forecasts by Type (2023-2028)
4.2.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Forecast by Type (2023-2028)
4.2.2 Global Worm Gearing Revenue Forecast by Type (2023-2028)
4.2.3 Global Worm Gearing Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028)
5 Global Worm Gearing Market Size by Application
5.1 Global Worm Gearing Historic Market Review by Application (2017-2022)
5.1.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2022)
5.1.2 Global Worm Gearing Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2022)
5.1.3 Global Worm Gearing Price by Application (2017-2022)
5.2 Global Worm Gearing Market Estimates and Forecasts by Application (2023-2028)
5.2.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Forecast by Application (2023-2028)
5.2.2 Global Worm Gearing Revenue Forecast by Application (2023-2028)
5.2.3 Global Worm Gearing Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028)
6 United States Worm Gearing Market Facts & Figures
6.1 United States Worm Gearing Sales by Company
6.1.1 United States Worm Gearing Sales by Company (2017-2022)
6.1.2 United States Worm Gearing Revenue by Company (2017-2022)
6.2 United States Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type
6.2.1 United States Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022)
6.2.2 United States Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2023-2028)
6.3 United States Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application
6.3.1 United States Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022)
6.3.2 United States Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2023-2028)
7 Europe Worm Gearing Market Facts & Figures
7.1 Europe Worm Gearing Sales by Company
7.1.1 Europe Worm Gearing Sales by Company (2017-2022)
7.1.2 Europe Worm Gearing Revenue by Company (2017-2022)
7.2 Europe Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type
7.2.1 Europe Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022)
7.2.2 Europe Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2023-2028)
7.3 Europe Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application
7.3.1 Europe Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022)
7.3.2 Europe Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2023-2028)
8 China Worm Gearing Market Facts & Figures
8.1 China Worm Gearing Sales by Company
8.1.1 China Worm Gearing Sales by Company (2017-2022)
8.1.2 China Worm Gearing Revenue by Company (2017-2022)
8.2 China Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type
8.2.1 China Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022)
8.2.2 China Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2023-2028)
8.3 China Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application
8.3.1 China Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022)
8.3.2 China Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2023-2028)
9 Japan Worm Gearing Market Facts & Figures
9.1 Japan Worm Gearing Sales by Company
9.1.1 Japan Worm Gearing Sales by Company (2017-2022)
9.1.2 Japan Worm Gearing Revenue by Company (2017-2022)
9.2 Japan Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type
9.2.1 Japan Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022)
9.2.2 Japan Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2023-2028)
9.3 Japan Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application
9.3.1 Japan Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022)
9.3.2 Japan Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2023-2028)
10 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Market Facts & Figures
10.1 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales by Company
10.1.1 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales by Company (2017-2022)
10.1.2 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Revenue by Company (2017-2022)
10.2 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type
10.2.1 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022)
10.2.2 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2023-2028)
10.3 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application
10.3.1 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022)
10.3.2 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2023-2028)
11 India Worm Gearing Market Facts & Figures
11.1 India Worm Gearing Sales by Company
11.1.1 India Worm Gearing Sales by Company (2017-2022)
11.1.2 India Worm Gearing Revenue by Company (2017-2022)
11.2 India Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type
11.2.1 India Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022)
11.2.2 India Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2023-2028)
11.3 India Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application
11.3.1 India Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022)
11.3.2 India Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2023-2028)
12 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Worm Gearing Business
12.1 Framo Morat
12.1.1 Framo Morat Corporation Information
12.1.2 Framo Morat Business Overview
12.1.3 Framo Morat Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.1.4 Framo Morat Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.1.5 Framo Morat Recent Development
12.2 Zahnradfertigung OTT
12.2.1 Zahnradfertigung OTT Corporation Information
12.2.2 Zahnradfertigung OTT Business Overview
12.2.3 Zahnradfertigung OTT Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.2.4 Zahnradfertigung OTT Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.2.5 Zahnradfertigung OTT Recent Development
12.3 KHK Kohara Gear Industry
12.3.1 KHK Kohara Gear Industry Corporation Information
12.3.2 KHK Kohara Gear Industry Business Overview
12.3.3 KHK Kohara Gear Industry Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.3.4 KHK Kohara Gear Industry Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.3.5 KHK Kohara Gear Industry Recent Development
12.4 CAPT
12.4.1 CAPT Corporation Information
12.4.2 CAPT Business Overview
12.4.3 CAPT Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.4.4 CAPT Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.4.5 CAPT Recent Development
12.5 Designatronics
12.5.1 Designatronics Corporation Information
12.5.2 Designatronics Business Overview
12.5.3 Designatronics Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.5.4 Designatronics Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.5.5 Designatronics Recent Development
12.6 Renold
12.6.1 Renold Corporation Information
12.6.2 Renold Business Overview
12.6.3 Renold Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.6.4 Renold Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.6.5 Renold Recent Development
12.7 Yongxin Jixie
12.7.1 Yongxin Jixie Corporation Information
12.7.2 Yongxin Jixie Business Overview
12.7.3 Yongxin Jixie Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.7.4 Yongxin Jixie Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.7.5 Yongxin Jixie Recent Development
12.8 Shangwei Chuandong
12.8.1 Shangwei Chuandong Corporation Information
12.8.2 Shangwei Chuandong Business Overview
12.8.3 Shangwei Chuandong Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.8.4 Shangwei Chuandong Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.8.5 Shangwei Chuandong Recent Development
12.9 Dongguan Sanma
12.9.1 Dongguan Sanma Corporation Information
12.9.2 Dongguan Sanma Business Overview
12.9.3 Dongguan Sanma Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.9.4 Dongguan Sanma Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.9.5 Dongguan Sanma Recent Development
12.10 iHF
12.10.1 iHF Corporation Information
12.10.2 iHF Business Overview
12.10.3 iHF Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.10.4 iHF Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.10.5 iHF Recent Development
12.11 OGIC
12.11.1 OGIC Corporation Information
12.11.2 OGIC Business Overview
12.11.3 OGIC Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.11.4 OGIC Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.11.5 OGIC Recent Development
12.12 AmTech
12.12.1 AmTech Corporation Information
12.12.2 AmTech Business Overview
12.12.3 AmTech Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.12.4 AmTech Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.12.5 AmTech Recent Development
12.13 Essor Precision Machinery
12.13.1 Essor Precision Machinery Corporation Information
12.13.2 Essor Precision Machinery Business Overview
12.13.3 Essor Precision Machinery Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.13.4 Essor Precision Machinery Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.13.5 Essor Precision Machinery Recent Development
12.14 Gear Motions
12.14.1 Gear Motions Corporation Information
12.14.2 Gear Motions Business Overview
12.14.3 Gear Motions Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.14.4 Gear Motions Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.14.5 Gear Motions Recent Development
12.15 Martin Sprocket & Gear
12.15.1 Martin Sprocket & Gear Corporation Information
12.15.2 Martin Sprocket & Gear Business Overview
12.15.3 Martin Sprocket & Gear Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.15.4 Martin Sprocket & Gear Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.15.5 Martin Sprocket & Gear Recent Development
12.16 Precision Gears
12.16.1 Precision Gears Corporation Information
12.16.2 Precision Gears Business Overview
12.16.3 Precision Gears Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.16.4 Precision Gears Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.16.5 Precision Gears Recent Development
12.17 WELTER Zahnrad
12.17.1 WELTER Zahnrad Corporation Information
12.17.2 WELTER Zahnrad Business Overview
12.17.3 WELTER Zahnrad Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.17.4 WELTER Zahnrad Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.17.5 WELTER Zahnrad Recent Development
12.18 WM Berg
12.18.1 WM Berg Corporation Information
12.18.2 WM Berg Business Overview
12.18.3 WM Berg Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.18.4 WM Berg Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.18.5 WM Berg Recent Development
12.19 PIC Design
12.19.1 PIC Design Corporation Information
12.19.2 PIC Design Business Overview
12.19.3 PIC Design Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.19.4 PIC Design Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.19.5 PIC Design Recent Development
12.20.1 KG STOCK GEARS Corporation Information
12.20.2 KG STOCK GEARS Business Overview
12.20.3 KG STOCK GEARS Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.20.4 KG STOCK GEARS Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.20.5 KG STOCK GEARS Recent Development
13 Worm Gearing Manufacturing Cost Analysis
13.1 Worm Gearing Key Raw Materials Analysis
13.1.1 Key Raw Materials
13.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price Trend
13.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials
13.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure
13.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Worm Gearing
13.4 Worm Gearing Industrial Chain Analysis
14 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers
14.1 Marketing Channel
14.2 Worm Gearing Distributors List
14.3 Worm Gearing Customers
15 Market Dynamics
15.1 Worm Gearing Industry Trends
15.2 Worm Gearing Market Drivers
15.3 Worm Gearing Market Challenges
15.4 Worm Gearing Market Restraints
16 Research Findings and Conclusion
17 Appendix
17.1 Research Methodology
17.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach
17.1.2 Data Source
17.2 Author List
17.3 Disclaimer





In this report worm gearing includes worm and worm gears, also called worm screw and worm wheel. Worms and worm gears are gear sets that offer high gear reduction and torque multiplication with a small footprint. A worm drive is a cylindrical gear with a shallow spiral thread that engages the worm gear in a non-intersecting, perpendicular axes configuration. Efficiency of a worm drive is determined by the lead angle and the number of threads in contact with the worm gear. A high lead angle on the drive reduces frictional losses and heat. A low lead angle reduces gear speed while proportionally increasing torque. Friction is an issue with all worm sets; the worm gear cannot transfer motion back to the worm drive in most instances. Lubrication and ground teeth both contribute to the sets' overall silence while minimizing friction. Worm gear sets are usually produced in pairs due to their precision.

Market Analysis and Insights: Global Worm Gearing Market
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global Worm Gearing market size is estimated to be worth US$ 259.3 million in 2021 and is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ 259.3 million by 2028 with a CAGR of 3.6% during the review period. Fully considering the economic change by this health crisis, by Type accounting for % of the Worm Gearing global market in 2021, is projected to value US$ million by 2028, growing at a revised % CAGR in the post-COVID-19 period. While by Type segment is altered to an % CAGR throughout this forecast period.

This market has witnessed growth owing to increased demand in industrial, commercial fields. Increased investment in Worm Gearing by leading companies is expected to favourably impact market growth over the forecast period. The Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing market over the forecast period. Worm Gearing is becoming more indispensable in emerging markets. APAC countries such as China, India currently have a low penetration rate but are expected to emerge as an attractive opportunity for vendors to venture during this period. For the Worm Gearing industry, the market is low concentrated. Franz Morat, Zahnradfertigung OTT, KHK Kohara Gear Industry are the leading companies globally and are trying to expand their market share. In this study, the sales market for Worm Gearing was divided into five geographic regions. Asia-Pacific occupied the largest sales market share with 41% in 2019. It is followed by Europe and North America.

Global Worm Gearing Scope and Market Size
The global Worm Gearing market is segmented by company, region (country), by Type and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Worm Gearing market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on sales, revenue and forecast by region (country), by Type and by Application for the period 2017-2028.

Segment by Type
Single Envelope Worm Gear
Double Envelope Worm Gear
Non-enveloping Worm Gear

Segment by Application
Light Industry
Heavy Industry
Machine Tool
Ship (Marine Vessel)

By Region
United States
Southeast Asia
Other Regions

By Company
Framo Morat
Zahnradfertigung OTT
KHK Kohara Gear Industry
Yongxin Jixie
Shangwei Chuandong
Dongguan Sanma
Essor Precision Machinery
Gear Motions
Martin Sprocket & Gear
Precision Gears
WELTER Zahnrad
WM Berg
PIC Design


Table of Contents

1 Worm Gearing Market Overview
1.1 Worm Gearing Product Scope
1.2 Worm Gearing Segment by Type
1.2.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales by Type (2017 & 2021 & 2028)
1.2.2 Single Envelope Worm Gear
1.2.3 Double Envelope Worm Gear
1.2.4 Non-enveloping Worm Gear
1.3 Worm Gearing Segment by Application
1.3.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Comparison by Application (2017 & 2021 & 2028)
1.3.2 Light Industry
1.3.3 Heavy Industry
1.3.4 Commercial
1.3.5 Automobile
1.3.6 Machine Tool
1.3.7 Medical
1.3.8 Ship (Marine Vessel)
1.3.9 Aerospace
1.3.10 Others
1.4 Worm Gearing Market Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028)
1.4.1 Global Worm Gearing Market Size in Value Growth Rate (2017-2028)
1.4.2 Global Worm Gearing Market Size in Volume Growth Rate (2017-2028)
1.4.3 Global Worm Gearing Price Trends (2017-2028)
2 Worm Gearing Estimates and Forecasts by Region
2.1 Global Worm Gearing Market Size by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
2.2 Global Worm Gearing Retrospective Market Scenario by Region (2017-2022)
2.2.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Market Share by Region (2017-2022)
2.2.2 Global Worm Gearing Revenue Market Share by Region (2017-2022)
2.3 Global Worm Gearing Market Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2023-2028)
2.3.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2023-2028)
2.3.2 Global Worm Gearing Revenue Forecast by Region (2023-2028)
2.4 Geographic Market Analysis: Market Facts & Figures
2.4.1 United States Worm Gearing Estimates and Projections (2017-2028)
2.4.2 Europe Worm Gearing Estimates and Projections (2017-2028)
2.4.3 China Worm Gearing Estimates and Projections (2017-2028)
2.4.4 Japan Worm Gearing Estimates and Projections (2017-2028)
2.4.5 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Estimates and Projections (2017-2028)
2.4.6 India Worm Gearing Estimates and Projections (2017-2028)
3 Global Worm Gearing Competition Landscape by Players
3.1 Global Top Worm Gearing Players by Sales (2017-2022)
3.2 Global Top Worm Gearing Players by Revenue (2017-2022)
3.3 Global Worm Gearing Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Worm Gearing as of 2021)
3.4 Global Worm Gearing Average Price by Company (2017-2022)
3.5 Manufacturers Worm Gearing Manufacturing Sites, Area Served, Product Type
3.6 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
4 Global Worm Gearing Market Size by Type
4.1 Global Worm Gearing Historic Market Review by Type (2017-2022)
4.1.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2022)
4.1.2 Global Worm Gearing Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2022)
4.1.3 Global Worm Gearing Price by Type (2017-2022)
4.2 Global Worm Gearing Market Estimates and Forecasts by Type (2023-2028)
4.2.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Forecast by Type (2023-2028)
4.2.2 Global Worm Gearing Revenue Forecast by Type (2023-2028)
4.2.3 Global Worm Gearing Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028)
5 Global Worm Gearing Market Size by Application
5.1 Global Worm Gearing Historic Market Review by Application (2017-2022)
5.1.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2022)
5.1.2 Global Worm Gearing Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2022)
5.1.3 Global Worm Gearing Price by Application (2017-2022)
5.2 Global Worm Gearing Market Estimates and Forecasts by Application (2023-2028)
5.2.1 Global Worm Gearing Sales Forecast by Application (2023-2028)
5.2.2 Global Worm Gearing Revenue Forecast by Application (2023-2028)
5.2.3 Global Worm Gearing Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028)
6 United States Worm Gearing Market Facts & Figures
6.1 United States Worm Gearing Sales by Company
6.1.1 United States Worm Gearing Sales by Company (2017-2022)
6.1.2 United States Worm Gearing Revenue by Company (2017-2022)
6.2 United States Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type
6.2.1 United States Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022)
6.2.2 United States Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2023-2028)
6.3 United States Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application
6.3.1 United States Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022)
6.3.2 United States Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2023-2028)
7 Europe Worm Gearing Market Facts & Figures
7.1 Europe Worm Gearing Sales by Company
7.1.1 Europe Worm Gearing Sales by Company (2017-2022)
7.1.2 Europe Worm Gearing Revenue by Company (2017-2022)
7.2 Europe Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type
7.2.1 Europe Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022)
7.2.2 Europe Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2023-2028)
7.3 Europe Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application
7.3.1 Europe Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022)
7.3.2 Europe Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2023-2028)
8 China Worm Gearing Market Facts & Figures
8.1 China Worm Gearing Sales by Company
8.1.1 China Worm Gearing Sales by Company (2017-2022)
8.1.2 China Worm Gearing Revenue by Company (2017-2022)
8.2 China Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type
8.2.1 China Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022)
8.2.2 China Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2023-2028)
8.3 China Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application
8.3.1 China Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022)
8.3.2 China Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2023-2028)
9 Japan Worm Gearing Market Facts & Figures
9.1 Japan Worm Gearing Sales by Company
9.1.1 Japan Worm Gearing Sales by Company (2017-2022)
9.1.2 Japan Worm Gearing Revenue by Company (2017-2022)
9.2 Japan Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type
9.2.1 Japan Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022)
9.2.2 Japan Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2023-2028)
9.3 Japan Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application
9.3.1 Japan Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022)
9.3.2 Japan Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2023-2028)
10 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Market Facts & Figures
10.1 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales by Company
10.1.1 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales by Company (2017-2022)
10.1.2 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Revenue by Company (2017-2022)
10.2 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type
10.2.1 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022)
10.2.2 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2023-2028)
10.3 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application
10.3.1 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022)
10.3.2 Southeast Asia Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2023-2028)
11 India Worm Gearing Market Facts & Figures
11.1 India Worm Gearing Sales by Company
11.1.1 India Worm Gearing Sales by Company (2017-2022)
11.1.2 India Worm Gearing Revenue by Company (2017-2022)
11.2 India Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type
11.2.1 India Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022)
11.2.2 India Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Type (2023-2028)
11.3 India Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application
11.3.1 India Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022)
11.3.2 India Worm Gearing Sales Breakdown by Application (2023-2028)
12 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Worm Gearing Business
12.1 Framo Morat
12.1.1 Framo Morat Corporation Information
12.1.2 Framo Morat Business Overview
12.1.3 Framo Morat Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.1.4 Framo Morat Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.1.5 Framo Morat Recent Development
12.2 Zahnradfertigung OTT
12.2.1 Zahnradfertigung OTT Corporation Information
12.2.2 Zahnradfertigung OTT Business Overview
12.2.3 Zahnradfertigung OTT Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.2.4 Zahnradfertigung OTT Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.2.5 Zahnradfertigung OTT Recent Development
12.3 KHK Kohara Gear Industry
12.3.1 KHK Kohara Gear Industry Corporation Information
12.3.2 KHK Kohara Gear Industry Business Overview
12.3.3 KHK Kohara Gear Industry Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.3.4 KHK Kohara Gear Industry Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.3.5 KHK Kohara Gear Industry Recent Development
12.4 CAPT
12.4.1 CAPT Corporation Information
12.4.2 CAPT Business Overview
12.4.3 CAPT Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.4.4 CAPT Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.4.5 CAPT Recent Development
12.5 Designatronics
12.5.1 Designatronics Corporation Information
12.5.2 Designatronics Business Overview
12.5.3 Designatronics Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.5.4 Designatronics Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.5.5 Designatronics Recent Development
12.6 Renold
12.6.1 Renold Corporation Information
12.6.2 Renold Business Overview
12.6.3 Renold Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.6.4 Renold Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.6.5 Renold Recent Development
12.7 Yongxin Jixie
12.7.1 Yongxin Jixie Corporation Information
12.7.2 Yongxin Jixie Business Overview
12.7.3 Yongxin Jixie Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.7.4 Yongxin Jixie Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.7.5 Yongxin Jixie Recent Development
12.8 Shangwei Chuandong
12.8.1 Shangwei Chuandong Corporation Information
12.8.2 Shangwei Chuandong Business Overview
12.8.3 Shangwei Chuandong Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.8.4 Shangwei Chuandong Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.8.5 Shangwei Chuandong Recent Development
12.9 Dongguan Sanma
12.9.1 Dongguan Sanma Corporation Information
12.9.2 Dongguan Sanma Business Overview
12.9.3 Dongguan Sanma Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.9.4 Dongguan Sanma Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.9.5 Dongguan Sanma Recent Development
12.10 iHF
12.10.1 iHF Corporation Information
12.10.2 iHF Business Overview
12.10.3 iHF Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.10.4 iHF Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.10.5 iHF Recent Development
12.11 OGIC
12.11.1 OGIC Corporation Information
12.11.2 OGIC Business Overview
12.11.3 OGIC Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.11.4 OGIC Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.11.5 OGIC Recent Development
12.12 AmTech
12.12.1 AmTech Corporation Information
12.12.2 AmTech Business Overview
12.12.3 AmTech Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.12.4 AmTech Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.12.5 AmTech Recent Development
12.13 Essor Precision Machinery
12.13.1 Essor Precision Machinery Corporation Information
12.13.2 Essor Precision Machinery Business Overview
12.13.3 Essor Precision Machinery Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.13.4 Essor Precision Machinery Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.13.5 Essor Precision Machinery Recent Development
12.14 Gear Motions
12.14.1 Gear Motions Corporation Information
12.14.2 Gear Motions Business Overview
12.14.3 Gear Motions Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.14.4 Gear Motions Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.14.5 Gear Motions Recent Development
12.15 Martin Sprocket & Gear
12.15.1 Martin Sprocket & Gear Corporation Information
12.15.2 Martin Sprocket & Gear Business Overview
12.15.3 Martin Sprocket & Gear Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.15.4 Martin Sprocket & Gear Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.15.5 Martin Sprocket & Gear Recent Development
12.16 Precision Gears
12.16.1 Precision Gears Corporation Information
12.16.2 Precision Gears Business Overview
12.16.3 Precision Gears Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.16.4 Precision Gears Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.16.5 Precision Gears Recent Development
12.17 WELTER Zahnrad
12.17.1 WELTER Zahnrad Corporation Information
12.17.2 WELTER Zahnrad Business Overview
12.17.3 WELTER Zahnrad Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.17.4 WELTER Zahnrad Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.17.5 WELTER Zahnrad Recent Development
12.18 WM Berg
12.18.1 WM Berg Corporation Information
12.18.2 WM Berg Business Overview
12.18.3 WM Berg Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.18.4 WM Berg Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.18.5 WM Berg Recent Development
12.19 PIC Design
12.19.1 PIC Design Corporation Information
12.19.2 PIC Design Business Overview
12.19.3 PIC Design Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.19.4 PIC Design Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.19.5 PIC Design Recent Development
12.20.1 KG STOCK GEARS Corporation Information
12.20.2 KG STOCK GEARS Business Overview
12.20.3 KG STOCK GEARS Worm Gearing Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.20.4 KG STOCK GEARS Worm Gearing Products Offered
12.20.5 KG STOCK GEARS Recent Development
13 Worm Gearing Manufacturing Cost Analysis
13.1 Worm Gearing Key Raw Materials Analysis
13.1.1 Key Raw Materials
13.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price Trend
13.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials
13.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure
13.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Worm Gearing
13.4 Worm Gearing Industrial Chain Analysis
14 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers
14.1 Marketing Channel
14.2 Worm Gearing Distributors List
14.3 Worm Gearing Customers
15 Market Dynamics
15.1 Worm Gearing Industry Trends
15.2 Worm Gearing Market Drivers
15.3 Worm Gearing Market Challenges
15.4 Worm Gearing Market Restraints
16 Research Findings and Conclusion
17 Appendix
17.1 Research Methodology
17.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach
17.1.2 Data Source
17.2 Author List
17.3 Disclaimer






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