![]() 2021-2027年 世界・地域のエレベーター・エスカレーター産業の現状と展望 専門家向け市場調査レポート 標準版2021-2027 Global and Regional Elevator and Escalator Industry Status and Prospects Professional Market Research Report Standard Version 市場の分析と洞察。エレベーターとエスカレーターの世界市場 COVID-19の流行により、エレベーターとエスカレーターの世界市場規模は2021年に367億9000万米ドルと推定され、レビュー期間中にCAGR3.4%で2028年ま... もっと見る
サマリー市場の分析と洞察。エレベーターとエスカレーターの世界市場COVID-19の流行により、エレベーターとエスカレーターの世界市場規模は2021年に367億9000万米ドルと推定され、レビュー期間中にCAGR3.4%で2028年までに468億9000万米ドルの再調整サイズになると予測されています。 エレベーターとエスカレーターの世界の主要メーカーは、オーティス、シンドラーグループ、ティッセンクルップ、コーネ、三菱電機、東芝、日立、フジテック、現代などである。2021年、世界6大メーカーの売上高シェアは約70.83%です。 北米のエレベーター・エスカレーター市場は2021年に12.7億米ドルと推定され、中国は2028年に302億米ドルに達すると予測される。中国の割合は2021年に60.68%で、2028年には64.42%に達すると予測され、分析期間を通じてCAGR4.26%で推移している。また、アジアではインドと東南アジアが注目され、今後6年間のCAGRはそれぞれ4.14%と2.94%である。 エレベーター(垂直型)は、2021年にエレベーターとエスカレーターの世界市場の82.31%を占め、2028年には397億1000万米ドルとなり、COVID-19以降の期間に改定されたCAGRで成長すると予測されます。一方、住宅地セグメントは、この予測期間を通して3.97%のCAGRに変更され、2028年には約64.23%のシェアを持つことになります。 世界のエレベーターとエスカレーターの範囲と市場規模 エレベーター・エスカレーターの世界市場は、地域(国)別、企業別、タイプ別、用途別に分類されています。エレベーターとエスカレーターの世界市場におけるプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、このレポートを強力な資料として利用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント別分析では、地域(国)別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別の生産量、収益、2017-2028年の予測に焦点を当てます。 会社別 オーティス シンドラーグループ ティッセンクルップ コネ 三菱電機 東芝 日立 フジテック ヒュンダイ ヨンテイエンジニアリング キャニーエレベータ フォルクスリフト サイニーエレベータ シーチャーエレベータ SJEC 広西エレベータ 杭州シャオリフト エドゥンバラ・エレベータ 蘇州迪亜 CNYD 美倫エレベーター IFEエレベーター Joyliveエレベーター 東南エレベータ タイプ別セグメント エレベーター(垂直) エスカレーター 動く歩道 用途別セグメント 住宅地 商業施設 交通拠点エリア 工業地域 地域別 北アメリカ 米国 カナダ アジア太平洋地域 中国 日本 韓国 インド 東南アジア オーストラリア ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア ロシア スペイン 目次1 Elevator and Escalator Market Overview 1 1.1 Elevator and Escalator Product Overview 1 1.2 Elevator and Escalator Market Segment by Type 3 1.2.1 Elevator (Vertical) 3 1.2.2 Escalator 5 1.2.3 Moving Walkway 6 1.3 Global Elevator and Escalator Market Size by Type 7 1.3.1 Global Elevator and Escalator Market Size Overview by Type (2017-2028) 8 1.3.2 Global Elevator and Escalator Historic Market Size Review by Type (2017-2022) 9 1.3.3 Global Elevator and Escalator Forecasted Market Size by Type (2023-2028) 10 1.4 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Type 12 1.4.1 North America Elevator and Escalator Production Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 12 1.4.2 Europe Elevator and Escalator Production Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 13 1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Production Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 15 2 Elevator and Escalator Market Competition by Company 18 2.1 Global Top Players by Elevator and Escalator Production (2017-2022) 18 2.2 Global Top Players by Elevator and Escalator Revenue (2017-2022) 20 2.3 Global Top Players by Elevator and Escalator Price (2017-2022) 22 2.4 Global Top Manufacturers Elevator and Escalator Manufacturing Base Distribution, Production Area, Product Type 23 2.5 Elevator and Escalator Market Competitive Situation and Trends 24 2.5.1 Elevator and Escalator Market Concentration Rate (2017-2022) 24 2.5.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Elevator and Escalator Production and Revenue in 2021 25 2.6 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Elevator and Escalator as of 2021) 26 2.7 Date of Key Manufacturers Established 27 2.8 Key Manufacturers Elevator and Escalator Product Offered 28 2.9 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 29 3 Elevator and Escalator Status and Outlook by Region 31 3.1 Global Elevator and Escalator Market Size and CAGR by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 31 3.2 Global Elevator and Escalator Historic Market Size by Region 31 3.2.1 Global Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Region (2017-2022) 31 3.2.2 Global Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Region (2017-2022) 32 3.2.3 Global Elevator and Escalator Production (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 32 3.3 Global Elevator and Escalator Forecasted Market Size by Region 33 3.3.1 Global Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Region (2023-2028) 33 3.3.2 Global Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Region (2023-2028) 33 3.3.3 Global Elevator and Escalator Production (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2023-2028) 34 4 Elevator and Escalator by Application 35 4.1 Elevator and Escalator Market Segment by Application 35 4.1.1 Residential Area 35 4.1.2 Commercial Office 36 4.1.3 Transportation Hub Area 36 4.1.4 Industrial Area 37 4.2 Global Elevator and Escalator Market Size by Application 38 4.2.1 Global Elevator and Escalator Market Size Overview by Application (2017-2028) 39 4.2.2 Global Elevator and Escalator Historic Market Size Review by Application (2017-2022) 40 4.2.3 Global Elevator and Escalator Forecasted Market Size by Application (2023-2028) 42 4.3 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Application 43 4.3.1 North America Elevator and Escalator Production Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 43 4.3.2 Europe Elevator and Escalator Production Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 45 4.3.3 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Production Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 47 5 North America Elevator and Escalator by Country 50 5.1 North America Elevator and Escalator Historic Market Size by Country 50 5.1.1 North America Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Country (2017-2022) 50 5.1.2 North America Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Country (2017-2022) 50 5.2 North America Elevator and Escalator Forecasted Market Size by Country 51 5.2.1 North America Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Country (2023-2028) 51 5.2.2 North America Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Country (2023-2028) 51 5.3 North America Elevator and Escalator Import and Export 52 6 Europe Elevator and Escalator by Country 53 6.1 Europe Elevator and Escalator Historic Market Size by Country 53 6.1.1 Europe Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Country (2017-2022) 53 6.1.2 Europe Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Country (2017-2022) 54 6.2 Europe Elevator and Escalator Forecasted Market Size by Country 54 6.2.1 Europe Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Country (2023-2028) 54 6.2.2 Europe Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Country (2023-2028) 55 6.3 Europe Elevator and Escalator Import and Export 56 7 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator by Region 57 7.1 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Historic Market Size by Region 57 7.1.1 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Region (2017-2022) 57 7.1.2 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Region (2017-2022) 58 7.2 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Forecasted Market Size by Region 59 7.2.1 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Region (2023-2028) 59 7.2.2 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Region (2023-2028) 60 7.3 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Import and Export 60 8 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Elevator and Escalator Business 62 8.1 Otis 62 8.1.1 Otis Corporation Information 62 8.1.2 Otis Introduction and Business Overview 62 8.1.3 Otis Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 63 8.1.4 Otis Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 63 8.1.5 Otis Recent Development 64 8.2 Schindler Group 65 8.2.1 Schindler Group Corporation Information 65 8.2.2 Schindler Group Introduction and Business Overview 65 8.2.3 Schindler Group Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 66 8.2.4 Schindler Group Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 66 8.2.5 Schindler Group Recent Development 67 8.3 ThyssenKrupp Elevator 68 8.3.1 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation Information 68 8.3.2 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 68 8.3.3 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 69 8.3.4 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 69 8.3.5 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Recent Development 70 8.4 Kone 70 8.4.1 Kone Corporation Information 70 8.4.2 Kone Introduction and Business Overview 71 8.4.3 Kone Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 71 8.4.4 Kone Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 72 8.4.5 Kone Recent Development 72 8.5 Mitsubishi Electric 73 8.5.1 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Information 73 8.5.2 Mitsubishi Electric Introduction and Business Overview 73 8.5.3 Mitsubishi Electric Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 74 8.5.4 Mitsubishi Electric Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 74 8.5.5 Mitsubishi Electric Recent Development 75 8.6 Toshiba 75 8.6.1 Toshiba Corporation Information 75 8.6.2 Toshiba Introduction and Business Overview 76 8.6.3 Toshiba Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 76 8.6.4 Toshiba Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 77 8.6.5 Toshiba Recent Development 78 8.7 Hitachi 78 8.7.1 Hitachi Corporation Information 78 8.7.2 Hitachi Introduction and Business Overview 79 8.7.3 Hitachi Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 80 8.7.4 Hitachi Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 80 8.7.5 Hitachi Recent Development 80 8.8 Fujitec 81 8.8.1 Fujitec Corporation Information 81 8.8.2 Fujitec Introduction and Business Overview 81 8.8.3 Fujitec Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 82 8.8.4 Fujitec Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 82 8.8.5 Fujitec Recent Development 83 8.9 Hyundai 83 8.9.1 Hyundai Corporation Information 83 8.9.2 Hyundai Introduction and Business Overview 83 8.9.3 Hyundai Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 84 8.9.4 Hyundai Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 84 8.9.5 Hyundai Recent Development 85 8.10 Yungtay Engineering 85 8.10.1 Yungtay Engineering Corporation Information 85 8.10.2 Yungtay Engineering Introduction and Business Overview 86 8.10.3 Yungtay Engineering Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 86 8.10.4 Yungtay Engineering Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 87 8.10.5 Yungtay Engineering Recent Development 88 8.11 Canny Elevator 88 8.11.1 Canny Elevator Corporation Information 88 8.11.2 Canny Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 88 8.11.3 Canny Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 89 8.11.4 Canny Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 89 8.11.5 Canny Elevator Recent Development 90 8.12 Volkslift 91 8.12.1 Volkslift Corporation Information 91 8.12.2 Volkslift Introduction and Business Overview 91 8.12.3 Volkslift Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 92 8.12.4 Volkslift Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 92 8.13 Syney Elevator 93 8.13.1 Syney Elevator Corporation Information 93 8.13.2 Syney Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 94 8.13.3 Syney Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 94 8.13.4 Syney Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 94 8.14 Sicher Elevator 95 8.14.1 Sicher Elevator Corporation Information 95 8.14.2 Sicher Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 96 8.14.3 Sicher Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 96 8.14.4 Sicher Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 97 8.15 SJEC 97 8.15.1 SJEC Corporation Information 97 8.15.2 SJEC Introduction and Business Overview 98 8.15.3 SJEC Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 98 8.15.4 SJEC Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 98 8.15.5 SJEC Recent Development 99 8.16 Guangri Elevator 99 8.16.1 Guangri Elevator Corporation Information 99 8.16.2 Guangri Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 100 8.16.3 Guangri Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 100 8.16.4 Guangri Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 100 8.16.5 Guangri Elevator Recent Development 101 8.17 Hangzhou XiOlift 102 8.17.1 Hangzhou XiOlift Corporation Information 102 8.17.2 Hangzhou XiOlift Introduction and Business Overview 102 8.17.3 Hangzhou XiOlift Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 103 8.17.4 Hangzhou XiOlift Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 103 8.18 Edunburgh Elevator 104 8.18.1 Edunburgh Elevator Corporation Information 104 8.18.2 Edunburgh Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 104 8.18.3 Edunburgh Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 105 8.18.4 Edunburgh Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 105 8.19 Suzhou Diao 106 8.19.1 Suzhou Diao Corporation Information 106 8.19.2 Suzhou Diao Introduction and Business Overview 106 8.19.3 Suzhou Diao Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 107 8.19.4 Suzhou Diao Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 107 8.20 CNYD 108 8.20.1 CNYD Corporation Information 108 8.20.2 CNYD Introduction and Business Overview 108 8.20.3 CNYD Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 109 8.20.4 CNYD Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 109 8.21 Meilun Elevator 109 8.21.1 Meilun Elevator Corporation Information 110 8.21.2 Meilun Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 110 8.21.3 Meilun Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 111 8.21.4 Meilun Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 111 8.21.5 Meilun Elevator Recent Development 112 8.22 IFE Elevators 112 8.22.1 IFE Elevators Corporation Information 112 8.22.2 IFE Elevators Introduction and Business Overview 112 8.22.3 IFE Elevators Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 113 8.22.4 IFE Elevators Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 113 8.22.5 IFE Elevators Recent Development 114 8.23 Joylive Elevator 115 8.23.1 Joylive Elevator Corporation Information 115 8.23.2 Joylive Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 115 8.23.3 Joylive Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 116 8.23.4 Joylive Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 116 8.24 Dongnan Elevator 117 8.24.1 Dongnan Elevator Corporation Information 117 8.24.2 Dongnan Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 118 8.24.3 Dongnan Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 118 8.24.4 Dongnan Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 118 9 Upstream, Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis 121 9.1 Elevator and Escalator Key Raw Materials 121 9.1.1 Key Raw Materials 121 9.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price 121 9.1.3 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 122 9.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure 123 9.2.1 Raw Materials 123 9.2.2 Labor Cost 123 9.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses 123 9.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Elevators and Escalators 124 9.4 Elevator and Escalator Market Dynamics 126 9.4.1 Elevator and Escalator Industry Trends 126 9.4.2 Elevator and Escalator Market Drivers 126 9.4.3 Elevator and Escalator Market Challenges 127 9.4.4 Elevator and Escalator Market Restraints 127 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors 128 10.1 Production Channel 128 10.2 Elevator and Escalator Distributors 129 10.3 Elevator and Escalator Downstream Customers 130 11 Research Findings and Conclusion 131 12 Appendix 132 12.1 Research Methodology 132 12.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 132 12.1.2 Data Source 135 12.2 Author Details 138 12.3 Disclaimer 138
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: Global Elevator and Escalator Market Table of Contents1 Elevator and Escalator Market Overview 1 1.1 Elevator and Escalator Product Overview 1 1.2 Elevator and Escalator Market Segment by Type 3 1.2.1 Elevator (Vertical) 3 1.2.2 Escalator 5 1.2.3 Moving Walkway 6 1.3 Global Elevator and Escalator Market Size by Type 7 1.3.1 Global Elevator and Escalator Market Size Overview by Type (2017-2028) 8 1.3.2 Global Elevator and Escalator Historic Market Size Review by Type (2017-2022) 9 1.3.3 Global Elevator and Escalator Forecasted Market Size by Type (2023-2028) 10 1.4 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Type 12 1.4.1 North America Elevator and Escalator Production Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 12 1.4.2 Europe Elevator and Escalator Production Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 13 1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Production Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 15 2 Elevator and Escalator Market Competition by Company 18 2.1 Global Top Players by Elevator and Escalator Production (2017-2022) 18 2.2 Global Top Players by Elevator and Escalator Revenue (2017-2022) 20 2.3 Global Top Players by Elevator and Escalator Price (2017-2022) 22 2.4 Global Top Manufacturers Elevator and Escalator Manufacturing Base Distribution, Production Area, Product Type 23 2.5 Elevator and Escalator Market Competitive Situation and Trends 24 2.5.1 Elevator and Escalator Market Concentration Rate (2017-2022) 24 2.5.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Elevator and Escalator Production and Revenue in 2021 25 2.6 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Elevator and Escalator as of 2021) 26 2.7 Date of Key Manufacturers Established 27 2.8 Key Manufacturers Elevator and Escalator Product Offered 28 2.9 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 29 3 Elevator and Escalator Status and Outlook by Region 31 3.1 Global Elevator and Escalator Market Size and CAGR by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 31 3.2 Global Elevator and Escalator Historic Market Size by Region 31 3.2.1 Global Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Region (2017-2022) 31 3.2.2 Global Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Region (2017-2022) 32 3.2.3 Global Elevator and Escalator Production (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 32 3.3 Global Elevator and Escalator Forecasted Market Size by Region 33 3.3.1 Global Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Region (2023-2028) 33 3.3.2 Global Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Region (2023-2028) 33 3.3.3 Global Elevator and Escalator Production (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2023-2028) 34 4 Elevator and Escalator by Application 35 4.1 Elevator and Escalator Market Segment by Application 35 4.1.1 Residential Area 35 4.1.2 Commercial Office 36 4.1.3 Transportation Hub Area 36 4.1.4 Industrial Area 37 4.2 Global Elevator and Escalator Market Size by Application 38 4.2.1 Global Elevator and Escalator Market Size Overview by Application (2017-2028) 39 4.2.2 Global Elevator and Escalator Historic Market Size Review by Application (2017-2022) 40 4.2.3 Global Elevator and Escalator Forecasted Market Size by Application (2023-2028) 42 4.3 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Application 43 4.3.1 North America Elevator and Escalator Production Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 43 4.3.2 Europe Elevator and Escalator Production Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 45 4.3.3 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Production Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 47 5 North America Elevator and Escalator by Country 50 5.1 North America Elevator and Escalator Historic Market Size by Country 50 5.1.1 North America Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Country (2017-2022) 50 5.1.2 North America Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Country (2017-2022) 50 5.2 North America Elevator and Escalator Forecasted Market Size by Country 51 5.2.1 North America Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Country (2023-2028) 51 5.2.2 North America Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Country (2023-2028) 51 5.3 North America Elevator and Escalator Import and Export 52 6 Europe Elevator and Escalator by Country 53 6.1 Europe Elevator and Escalator Historic Market Size by Country 53 6.1.1 Europe Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Country (2017-2022) 53 6.1.2 Europe Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Country (2017-2022) 54 6.2 Europe Elevator and Escalator Forecasted Market Size by Country 54 6.2.1 Europe Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Country (2023-2028) 54 6.2.2 Europe Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Country (2023-2028) 55 6.3 Europe Elevator and Escalator Import and Export 56 7 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator by Region 57 7.1 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Historic Market Size by Region 57 7.1.1 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Region (2017-2022) 57 7.1.2 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Region (2017-2022) 58 7.2 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Forecasted Market Size by Region 59 7.2.1 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Production in Volume by Region (2023-2028) 59 7.2.2 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Production in Value by Region (2023-2028) 60 7.3 Asia-Pacific Elevator and Escalator Import and Export 60 8 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Elevator and Escalator Business 62 8.1 Otis 62 8.1.1 Otis Corporation Information 62 8.1.2 Otis Introduction and Business Overview 62 8.1.3 Otis Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 63 8.1.4 Otis Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 63 8.1.5 Otis Recent Development 64 8.2 Schindler Group 65 8.2.1 Schindler Group Corporation Information 65 8.2.2 Schindler Group Introduction and Business Overview 65 8.2.3 Schindler Group Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 66 8.2.4 Schindler Group Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 66 8.2.5 Schindler Group Recent Development 67 8.3 ThyssenKrupp Elevator 68 8.3.1 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation Information 68 8.3.2 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 68 8.3.3 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 69 8.3.4 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 69 8.3.5 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Recent Development 70 8.4 Kone 70 8.4.1 Kone Corporation Information 70 8.4.2 Kone Introduction and Business Overview 71 8.4.3 Kone Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 71 8.4.4 Kone Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 72 8.4.5 Kone Recent Development 72 8.5 Mitsubishi Electric 73 8.5.1 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Information 73 8.5.2 Mitsubishi Electric Introduction and Business Overview 73 8.5.3 Mitsubishi Electric Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 74 8.5.4 Mitsubishi Electric Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 74 8.5.5 Mitsubishi Electric Recent Development 75 8.6 Toshiba 75 8.6.1 Toshiba Corporation Information 75 8.6.2 Toshiba Introduction and Business Overview 76 8.6.3 Toshiba Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 76 8.6.4 Toshiba Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 77 8.6.5 Toshiba Recent Development 78 8.7 Hitachi 78 8.7.1 Hitachi Corporation Information 78 8.7.2 Hitachi Introduction and Business Overview 79 8.7.3 Hitachi Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 80 8.7.4 Hitachi Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 80 8.7.5 Hitachi Recent Development 80 8.8 Fujitec 81 8.8.1 Fujitec Corporation Information 81 8.8.2 Fujitec Introduction and Business Overview 81 8.8.3 Fujitec Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 82 8.8.4 Fujitec Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 82 8.8.5 Fujitec Recent Development 83 8.9 Hyundai 83 8.9.1 Hyundai Corporation Information 83 8.9.2 Hyundai Introduction and Business Overview 83 8.9.3 Hyundai Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 84 8.9.4 Hyundai Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 84 8.9.5 Hyundai Recent Development 85 8.10 Yungtay Engineering 85 8.10.1 Yungtay Engineering Corporation Information 85 8.10.2 Yungtay Engineering Introduction and Business Overview 86 8.10.3 Yungtay Engineering Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 86 8.10.4 Yungtay Engineering Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 87 8.10.5 Yungtay Engineering Recent Development 88 8.11 Canny Elevator 88 8.11.1 Canny Elevator Corporation Information 88 8.11.2 Canny Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 88 8.11.3 Canny Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 89 8.11.4 Canny Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 89 8.11.5 Canny Elevator Recent Development 90 8.12 Volkslift 91 8.12.1 Volkslift Corporation Information 91 8.12.2 Volkslift Introduction and Business Overview 91 8.12.3 Volkslift Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 92 8.12.4 Volkslift Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 92 8.13 Syney Elevator 93 8.13.1 Syney Elevator Corporation Information 93 8.13.2 Syney Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 94 8.13.3 Syney Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 94 8.13.4 Syney Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 94 8.14 Sicher Elevator 95 8.14.1 Sicher Elevator Corporation Information 95 8.14.2 Sicher Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 96 8.14.3 Sicher Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 96 8.14.4 Sicher Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 97 8.15 SJEC 97 8.15.1 SJEC Corporation Information 97 8.15.2 SJEC Introduction and Business Overview 98 8.15.3 SJEC Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 98 8.15.4 SJEC Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 98 8.15.5 SJEC Recent Development 99 8.16 Guangri Elevator 99 8.16.1 Guangri Elevator Corporation Information 99 8.16.2 Guangri Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 100 8.16.3 Guangri Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 100 8.16.4 Guangri Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 100 8.16.5 Guangri Elevator Recent Development 101 8.17 Hangzhou XiOlift 102 8.17.1 Hangzhou XiOlift Corporation Information 102 8.17.2 Hangzhou XiOlift Introduction and Business Overview 102 8.17.3 Hangzhou XiOlift Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 103 8.17.4 Hangzhou XiOlift Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 103 8.18 Edunburgh Elevator 104 8.18.1 Edunburgh Elevator Corporation Information 104 8.18.2 Edunburgh Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 104 8.18.3 Edunburgh Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 105 8.18.4 Edunburgh Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 105 8.19 Suzhou Diao 106 8.19.1 Suzhou Diao Corporation Information 106 8.19.2 Suzhou Diao Introduction and Business Overview 106 8.19.3 Suzhou Diao Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 107 8.19.4 Suzhou Diao Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 107 8.20 CNYD 108 8.20.1 CNYD Corporation Information 108 8.20.2 CNYD Introduction and Business Overview 108 8.20.3 CNYD Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 109 8.20.4 CNYD Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 109 8.21 Meilun Elevator 109 8.21.1 Meilun Elevator Corporation Information 110 8.21.2 Meilun Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 110 8.21.3 Meilun Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 111 8.21.4 Meilun Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 111 8.21.5 Meilun Elevator Recent Development 112 8.22 IFE Elevators 112 8.22.1 IFE Elevators Corporation Information 112 8.22.2 IFE Elevators Introduction and Business Overview 112 8.22.3 IFE Elevators Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 113 8.22.4 IFE Elevators Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 113 8.22.5 IFE Elevators Recent Development 114 8.23 Joylive Elevator 115 8.23.1 Joylive Elevator Corporation Information 115 8.23.2 Joylive Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 115 8.23.3 Joylive Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 116 8.23.4 Joylive Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 116 8.24 Dongnan Elevator 117 8.24.1 Dongnan Elevator Corporation Information 117 8.24.2 Dongnan Elevator Introduction and Business Overview 118 8.24.3 Dongnan Elevator Elevator and Escalator Production, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 118 8.24.4 Dongnan Elevator Elevator and Escalator Products Offered 118 9 Upstream, Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis 121 9.1 Elevator and Escalator Key Raw Materials 121 9.1.1 Key Raw Materials 121 9.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price 121 9.1.3 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 122 9.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure 123 9.2.1 Raw Materials 123 9.2.2 Labor Cost 123 9.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses 123 9.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Elevators and Escalators 124 9.4 Elevator and Escalator Market Dynamics 126 9.4.1 Elevator and Escalator Industry Trends 126 9.4.2 Elevator and Escalator Market Drivers 126 9.4.3 Elevator and Escalator Market Challenges 127 9.4.4 Elevator and Escalator Market Restraints 127 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors 128 10.1 Production Channel 128 10.2 Elevator and Escalator Distributors 129 10.3 Elevator and Escalator Downstream Customers 130 11 Research Findings and Conclusion 131 12 Appendix 132 12.1 Research Methodology 132 12.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 132 12.1.2 Data Source 135 12.2 Author Details 138 12.3 Disclaimer 138
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