![]() インストルメントパネルの世界市場に関する洞察と2028年までの予測Global Instrument Panel Market Insights and Forecast to 2028 インストルメントパネルは、ダッシュボードとも呼ばれ、自動車や飛行機など自動運転する機械に搭載される各種計器類を保持する制御盤のこと。例えば、車速の検出、燃料の残量、高度の測定、飛行機の誘導、製品の... もっと見る
サマリーインストルメントパネルは、ダッシュボードとも呼ばれ、自動車や飛行機など自動運転する機械に搭載される各種計器類を保持する制御盤のこと。例えば、車速の検出、燃料の残量、高度の測定、飛行機の誘導、製品の欠陥の検出とバッチからの取り出し、あらかじめ設定されたプログラムによる炉内の温度の測定と調節など、さまざまな活動の監視と制御に役立っている。市場の分析と洞察。インストルメントパネルの世界市場 COVID-19の流行により、Instrument Panelの世界市場規模は2022年に百万米ドル相当と推定され、レビュー期間中にCAGR %で2028年までに百万米ドルに再調整されると予測されています。この健康危機による経済変化を十分に考慮し、2021年にインストルメントパネルの世界市場の%を占めるスピードメーターは、2028年までに百万米ドルを値し、ポストCOVID-19期間に改訂された%のCAGRで成長すると予測されます。自動車部門は、この予測期間を通して%CAGRに変更されている間。 世界的な人口の可処分所得の増加により、移動手段の変化、特に飛行機への嗜好の変化に伴い、乗用車の購入が急激に増加しています。このような力学の変化が、インストルメントパネルの消費量の増加をもたらしています。さらに、世界各国の防衛部門強化への関心の高まりから、戦闘機、貨物機、船舶の防衛ポートフォリオへの導入が進んでいます。このような変化は急速に進んでおり、先進国、途上国を問わず、インストルメントパネル市場に大きな可能性をもたらすと予想されます。 生産面では、2017年から2022年まで、2028年までの予測で、メーカー別、地域別(地域レベル、国レベル)のインパネ容量、生産量、成長率、市場シェアを調査しています。 販売面では、2017年から2022年までと2028年までの予測で、地域別(地域レベル、国レベル)、企業別、タイプ別、用途別のインパネの売上高を調査しています。 世界のインストルメントパネルの範囲とセグメント インストルメントパネル市場は、タイプ別、アプリケーション別に分類されています。インストルメントパネルの世界市場におけるプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、このレポートを強力な資料として利用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント別分析では、2017-2028年の期間において、タイプ別、アプリケーション別の生産能力、収益、予測に焦点を当てています。 タイプ別セグメント スピードメーター オドメーター タコメーター その他 用途別セグメント 自動車 航空宇宙・防衛 船舶 工業用 その他 会社別 カルソニックカンセイ株式会社 東風電子科技 フォルシア IACグループ合同会社 ジョンソンコントロールズ・インターナショナル・ピーエルシー レオンプラスチックス レイデル・オートモーティブSAS 豊田工機 ビステオン・コーポレーション 延豊汽車内飾件 地域別生産量 北米 欧州 中国 日本 地域別消費量 北アメリカ 米国 カナダ 欧州 ドイツ フランス イギリス イタリア ロシア アジア太平洋地域 中国 日本 韓国 インド オーストラリア 台湾 インドネシア タイ マレーシア フィリピン ベトナム 中南米 メキシコ ブラジル アルゼンチン 中東・アフリカ トルコ サウジアラビア U.A.E. 目次1 Study Coverage1.1 Instrument Panel Product Introduction 1.2 Market by Type 1.2.1 Global Instrument Panel Market Size by Type, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1.2.2 Speedometer 1.2.3 Odometer 1.2.4 Tachometer 1.2.5 Others 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Instrument Panel Market Size by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1.3.2 Automobile 1.3.3 Aerospace and Defense 1.3.4 Marine 1.3.5 Industrial 1.3.6 Others 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Global Instrument Panel Production 2.1 Global Instrument Panel Production Capacity (2017-2028) 2.2 Global Instrument Panel Production by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 2.3 Global Instrument Panel Production by Region 2.3.1 Global Instrument Panel Historic Production by Region (2017-2022) 2.3.2 Global Instrument Panel Forecasted Production by Region (2023-2028) 2.4 North America 2.5 Europe 2.6 China 2.7 Japan 3 Global Instrument Panel Sales in Volume & Value Estimates and Forecasts 3.1 Global Instrument Panel Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 3.2 Global Instrument Panel Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 3.3 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 3.4 Global Instrument Panel Sales by Region 3.4.1 Global Instrument Panel Sales by Region (2017-2022) 3.4.2 Global Sales Instrument Panel by Region (2023-2028) 3.5 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Region 3.5.1 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Region (2017-2022) 3.5.2 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Region (2023-2028) 3.6 North America 3.7 Europe 3.8 Asia-Pacific 3.9 Latin America 3.10 Middle East & Africa 4 Competition by Manufactures 4.1 Global Instrument Panel Production Capacity by Manufacturers 4.2 Global Instrument Panel Sales by Manufacturers 4.2.1 Global Instrument Panel Sales by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.2.2 Global Instrument Panel Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.2.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of Instrument Panel in 2021 4.3 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Manufacturers 4.3.1 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.3.2 Global Instrument Panel Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.3.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Instrument Panel Revenue in 2021 4.4 Global Instrument Panel Sales Price by Manufacturers 4.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 4.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 4.5.2 Global Instrument Panel Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 4.5.3 Global Instrument Panel Manufacturers Geographical Distribution 4.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 5 Market Size by Type 5.1 Global Instrument Panel Sales by Type 5.1.1 Global Instrument Panel Historical Sales by Type (2017-2022) 5.1.2 Global Instrument Panel Forecasted Sales by Type (2023-2028) 5.1.3 Global Instrument Panel Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 5.2 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Type 5.2.1 Global Instrument Panel Historical Revenue by Type (2017-2022) 5.2.2 Global Instrument Panel Forecasted Revenue by Type (2023-2028) 5.2.3 Global Instrument Panel Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 5.3 Global Instrument Panel Price by Type 5.3.1 Global Instrument Panel Price by Type (2017-2022) 5.3.2 Global Instrument Panel Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 6 Market Size by Application 6.1 Global Instrument Panel Sales by Application 6.1.1 Global Instrument Panel Historical Sales by Application (2017-2022) 6.1.2 Global Instrument Panel Forecasted Sales by Application (2023-2028) 6.1.3 Global Instrument Panel Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 6.2 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Application 6.2.1 Global Instrument Panel Historical Revenue by Application (2017-2022) 6.2.2 Global Instrument Panel Forecasted Revenue by Application (2023-2028) 6.2.3 Global Instrument Panel Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 6.3 Global Instrument Panel Price by Application 6.3.1 Global Instrument Panel Price by Application (2017-2022) 6.3.2 Global Instrument Panel Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 7 North America 7.1 North America Instrument Panel Market Size by Type 7.1.1 North America Instrument Panel Sales by Type (2017-2028) 7.1.2 North America Instrument Panel Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 7.2 North America Instrument Panel Market Size by Application 7.2.1 North America Instrument Panel Sales by Application (2017-2028) 7.2.2 North America Instrument Panel Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 7.3 North America Instrument Panel Sales by Country 7.3.1 North America Instrument Panel Sales by Country (2017-2028) 7.3.2 North America Instrument Panel Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 7.3.3 U.S. 7.3.4 Canada 8 Europe 8.1 Europe Instrument Panel Market Size by Type 8.1.1 Europe Instrument Panel Sales by Type (2017-2028) 8.1.2 Europe Instrument Panel Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 8.2 Europe Instrument Panel Market Size by Application 8.2.1 Europe Instrument Panel Sales by Application (2017-2028) 8.2.2 Europe Instrument Panel Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 8.3 Europe Instrument Panel Sales by Country 8.3.1 Europe Instrument Panel Sales by Country (2017-2028) 8.3.2 Europe Instrument Panel Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 8.3.3 Germany 8.3.4 France 8.3.5 U.K. 8.3.6 Italy 8.3.7 Russia 9 Asia Pacific 9.1 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Market Size by Type 9.1.1 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Sales by Type (2017-2028) 9.1.2 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 9.2 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Market Size by Application 9.2.1 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Sales by Application (2017-2028) 9.2.2 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 9.3 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Sales by Region 9.3.1 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Sales by Region (2017-2028) 9.3.2 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Revenue by Region (2017-2028) 9.3.3 China 9.3.4 Japan 9.3.5 South Korea 9.3.6 India 9.3.7 Australia 9.3.8 Taiwan 9.3.9 Indonesia 9.3.10 Thailand 9.3.11 Malaysia 9.3.12 Philippines 10 Latin America 10.1 Latin America Instrument Panel Market Size by Type 10.1.1 Latin America Instrument Panel Sales by Type (2017-2028) 10.1.2 Latin America Instrument Panel Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 10.2 Latin America Instrument Panel Market Size by Application 10.2.1 Latin America Instrument Panel Sales by Application (2017-2028) 10.2.2 Latin America Instrument Panel Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 10.3 Latin America Instrument Panel Sales by Country 10.3.1 Latin America Instrument Panel Sales by Country (2017-2028) 10.3.2 Latin America Instrument Panel Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 10.3.3 Mexico 10.3.4 Brazil 10.3.5 Argentina 11 Middle East and Africa 11.1 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Market Size by Type 11.1.1 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Sales by Type (2017-2028) 11.1.2 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 11.2 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Market Size by Application 11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Sales by Application (2017-2028) 11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 11.3 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Sales by Country 11.3.1 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Sales by Country (2017-2028) 11.3.2 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 11.3.3 Turkey 11.3.4 Saudi Arabia 11.3.5 U.A.E 12 Corporate Profiles 12.1 Calsonic Kansei Corporation 12.1.1 Calsonic Kansei Corporation Corporation Information 12.1.2 Calsonic Kansei Corporation Overview 12.1.3 Calsonic Kansei Corporation Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.1.4 Calsonic Kansei Corporation Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.1.5 Calsonic Kansei Corporation Recent Developments 12.2 Dongfeng Electronic Technology 12.2.1 Dongfeng Electronic Technology Corporation Information 12.2.2 Dongfeng Electronic Technology Overview 12.2.3 Dongfeng Electronic Technology Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.2.4 Dongfeng Electronic Technology Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.2.5 Dongfeng Electronic Technology Recent Developments 12.3 Faurecia 12.3.1 Faurecia Corporation Information 12.3.2 Faurecia Overview 12.3.3 Faurecia Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.3.4 Faurecia Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.3.5 Faurecia Recent Developments 12.4 IAC Group LLC 12.4.1 IAC Group LLC Corporation Information 12.4.2 IAC Group LLC Overview 12.4.3 IAC Group LLC Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.4.4 IAC Group LLC Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.4.5 IAC Group LLC Recent Developments 12.5 Johnson Controls International Plc 12.5.1 Johnson Controls International Plc Corporation Information 12.5.2 Johnson Controls International Plc Overview 12.5.3 Johnson Controls International Plc Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.5.4 Johnson Controls International Plc Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.5.5 Johnson Controls International Plc Recent Developments 12.6 Leon Plastics, 12.6.1 Leon Plastics, Corporation Information 12.6.2 Leon Plastics, Overview 12.6.3 Leon Plastics, Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.6.4 Leon Plastics, Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.6.5 Leon Plastics, Recent Developments 12.7 Reydel Automotive SAS 12.7.1 Reydel Automotive SAS Corporation Information 12.7.2 Reydel Automotive SAS Overview 12.7.3 Reydel Automotive SAS Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.7.4 Reydel Automotive SAS Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.7.5 Reydel Automotive SAS Recent Developments 12.8 Toyoda Machinery 12.8.1 Toyoda Machinery Corporation Information 12.8.2 Toyoda Machinery Overview 12.8.3 Toyoda Machinery Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.8.4 Toyoda Machinery Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.8.5 Toyoda Machinery Recent Developments 12.9 Visteon Corporation 12.9.1 Visteon Corporation Corporation Information 12.9.2 Visteon Corporation Overview 12.9.3 Visteon Corporation Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.9.4 Visteon Corporation Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.9.5 Visteon Corporation Recent Developments 12.10 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors 12.10.1 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors Corporation Information 12.10.2 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors Overview 12.10.3 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.10.4 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.10.5 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors Recent Developments 13 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 13.1 Instrument Panel Industry Chain Analysis 13.2 Instrument Panel Key Raw Materials 13.2.1 Key Raw Materials 13.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 13.3 Instrument Panel Production Mode & Process 13.4 Instrument Panel Sales and Marketing 13.4.1 Instrument Panel Sales Channels 13.4.2 Instrument Panel Distributors 13.5 Instrument Panel Customers 14 Market Drivers, Opportunities, Challenges and Risks Factors Analysis 14.1 Instrument Panel Industry Trends 14.2 Instrument Panel Market Drivers 14.3 Instrument Panel Market Challenges 14.4 Instrument Panel Market Restraints 15 Key Finding in The Global Instrument Panel Study 16 Appendix 16.1 Research Methodology 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 16.1.2 Data Source 16.2 Author Details 16.3 Disclaimer
SummaryInstrument panel, also known as the dash board, is the control panel that holds various instruments, in a car or an airplane or in any machine that operates automatically. It helps to monitor and control various activities, such as detection of the speed, amount of fuel left in a car, measurement of the altitude, navigation guidance for a plane, detection of the faults in a product and its removal from the batch, measurement and regulation of temperature inside a furnace by set of predefined programs, and others. Table of Contents1 Study Coverage1.1 Instrument Panel Product Introduction 1.2 Market by Type 1.2.1 Global Instrument Panel Market Size by Type, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1.2.2 Speedometer 1.2.3 Odometer 1.2.4 Tachometer 1.2.5 Others 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Instrument Panel Market Size by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1.3.2 Automobile 1.3.3 Aerospace and Defense 1.3.4 Marine 1.3.5 Industrial 1.3.6 Others 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Global Instrument Panel Production 2.1 Global Instrument Panel Production Capacity (2017-2028) 2.2 Global Instrument Panel Production by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 2.3 Global Instrument Panel Production by Region 2.3.1 Global Instrument Panel Historic Production by Region (2017-2022) 2.3.2 Global Instrument Panel Forecasted Production by Region (2023-2028) 2.4 North America 2.5 Europe 2.6 China 2.7 Japan 3 Global Instrument Panel Sales in Volume & Value Estimates and Forecasts 3.1 Global Instrument Panel Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 3.2 Global Instrument Panel Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 3.3 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 3.4 Global Instrument Panel Sales by Region 3.4.1 Global Instrument Panel Sales by Region (2017-2022) 3.4.2 Global Sales Instrument Panel by Region (2023-2028) 3.5 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Region 3.5.1 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Region (2017-2022) 3.5.2 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Region (2023-2028) 3.6 North America 3.7 Europe 3.8 Asia-Pacific 3.9 Latin America 3.10 Middle East & Africa 4 Competition by Manufactures 4.1 Global Instrument Panel Production Capacity by Manufacturers 4.2 Global Instrument Panel Sales by Manufacturers 4.2.1 Global Instrument Panel Sales by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.2.2 Global Instrument Panel Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.2.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of Instrument Panel in 2021 4.3 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Manufacturers 4.3.1 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.3.2 Global Instrument Panel Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.3.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Instrument Panel Revenue in 2021 4.4 Global Instrument Panel Sales Price by Manufacturers 4.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 4.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 4.5.2 Global Instrument Panel Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 4.5.3 Global Instrument Panel Manufacturers Geographical Distribution 4.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 5 Market Size by Type 5.1 Global Instrument Panel Sales by Type 5.1.1 Global Instrument Panel Historical Sales by Type (2017-2022) 5.1.2 Global Instrument Panel Forecasted Sales by Type (2023-2028) 5.1.3 Global Instrument Panel Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 5.2 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Type 5.2.1 Global Instrument Panel Historical Revenue by Type (2017-2022) 5.2.2 Global Instrument Panel Forecasted Revenue by Type (2023-2028) 5.2.3 Global Instrument Panel Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 5.3 Global Instrument Panel Price by Type 5.3.1 Global Instrument Panel Price by Type (2017-2022) 5.3.2 Global Instrument Panel Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 6 Market Size by Application 6.1 Global Instrument Panel Sales by Application 6.1.1 Global Instrument Panel Historical Sales by Application (2017-2022) 6.1.2 Global Instrument Panel Forecasted Sales by Application (2023-2028) 6.1.3 Global Instrument Panel Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 6.2 Global Instrument Panel Revenue by Application 6.2.1 Global Instrument Panel Historical Revenue by Application (2017-2022) 6.2.2 Global Instrument Panel Forecasted Revenue by Application (2023-2028) 6.2.3 Global Instrument Panel Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 6.3 Global Instrument Panel Price by Application 6.3.1 Global Instrument Panel Price by Application (2017-2022) 6.3.2 Global Instrument Panel Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 7 North America 7.1 North America Instrument Panel Market Size by Type 7.1.1 North America Instrument Panel Sales by Type (2017-2028) 7.1.2 North America Instrument Panel Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 7.2 North America Instrument Panel Market Size by Application 7.2.1 North America Instrument Panel Sales by Application (2017-2028) 7.2.2 North America Instrument Panel Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 7.3 North America Instrument Panel Sales by Country 7.3.1 North America Instrument Panel Sales by Country (2017-2028) 7.3.2 North America Instrument Panel Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 7.3.3 U.S. 7.3.4 Canada 8 Europe 8.1 Europe Instrument Panel Market Size by Type 8.1.1 Europe Instrument Panel Sales by Type (2017-2028) 8.1.2 Europe Instrument Panel Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 8.2 Europe Instrument Panel Market Size by Application 8.2.1 Europe Instrument Panel Sales by Application (2017-2028) 8.2.2 Europe Instrument Panel Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 8.3 Europe Instrument Panel Sales by Country 8.3.1 Europe Instrument Panel Sales by Country (2017-2028) 8.3.2 Europe Instrument Panel Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 8.3.3 Germany 8.3.4 France 8.3.5 U.K. 8.3.6 Italy 8.3.7 Russia 9 Asia Pacific 9.1 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Market Size by Type 9.1.1 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Sales by Type (2017-2028) 9.1.2 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 9.2 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Market Size by Application 9.2.1 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Sales by Application (2017-2028) 9.2.2 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 9.3 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Sales by Region 9.3.1 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Sales by Region (2017-2028) 9.3.2 Asia Pacific Instrument Panel Revenue by Region (2017-2028) 9.3.3 China 9.3.4 Japan 9.3.5 South Korea 9.3.6 India 9.3.7 Australia 9.3.8 Taiwan 9.3.9 Indonesia 9.3.10 Thailand 9.3.11 Malaysia 9.3.12 Philippines 10 Latin America 10.1 Latin America Instrument Panel Market Size by Type 10.1.1 Latin America Instrument Panel Sales by Type (2017-2028) 10.1.2 Latin America Instrument Panel Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 10.2 Latin America Instrument Panel Market Size by Application 10.2.1 Latin America Instrument Panel Sales by Application (2017-2028) 10.2.2 Latin America Instrument Panel Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 10.3 Latin America Instrument Panel Sales by Country 10.3.1 Latin America Instrument Panel Sales by Country (2017-2028) 10.3.2 Latin America Instrument Panel Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 10.3.3 Mexico 10.3.4 Brazil 10.3.5 Argentina 11 Middle East and Africa 11.1 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Market Size by Type 11.1.1 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Sales by Type (2017-2028) 11.1.2 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 11.2 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Market Size by Application 11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Sales by Application (2017-2028) 11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 11.3 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Sales by Country 11.3.1 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Sales by Country (2017-2028) 11.3.2 Middle East and Africa Instrument Panel Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 11.3.3 Turkey 11.3.4 Saudi Arabia 11.3.5 U.A.E 12 Corporate Profiles 12.1 Calsonic Kansei Corporation 12.1.1 Calsonic Kansei Corporation Corporation Information 12.1.2 Calsonic Kansei Corporation Overview 12.1.3 Calsonic Kansei Corporation Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.1.4 Calsonic Kansei Corporation Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.1.5 Calsonic Kansei Corporation Recent Developments 12.2 Dongfeng Electronic Technology 12.2.1 Dongfeng Electronic Technology Corporation Information 12.2.2 Dongfeng Electronic Technology Overview 12.2.3 Dongfeng Electronic Technology Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.2.4 Dongfeng Electronic Technology Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.2.5 Dongfeng Electronic Technology Recent Developments 12.3 Faurecia 12.3.1 Faurecia Corporation Information 12.3.2 Faurecia Overview 12.3.3 Faurecia Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.3.4 Faurecia Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.3.5 Faurecia Recent Developments 12.4 IAC Group LLC 12.4.1 IAC Group LLC Corporation Information 12.4.2 IAC Group LLC Overview 12.4.3 IAC Group LLC Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.4.4 IAC Group LLC Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.4.5 IAC Group LLC Recent Developments 12.5 Johnson Controls International Plc 12.5.1 Johnson Controls International Plc Corporation Information 12.5.2 Johnson Controls International Plc Overview 12.5.3 Johnson Controls International Plc Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.5.4 Johnson Controls International Plc Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.5.5 Johnson Controls International Plc Recent Developments 12.6 Leon Plastics, 12.6.1 Leon Plastics, Corporation Information 12.6.2 Leon Plastics, Overview 12.6.3 Leon Plastics, Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.6.4 Leon Plastics, Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.6.5 Leon Plastics, Recent Developments 12.7 Reydel Automotive SAS 12.7.1 Reydel Automotive SAS Corporation Information 12.7.2 Reydel Automotive SAS Overview 12.7.3 Reydel Automotive SAS Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.7.4 Reydel Automotive SAS Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.7.5 Reydel Automotive SAS Recent Developments 12.8 Toyoda Machinery 12.8.1 Toyoda Machinery Corporation Information 12.8.2 Toyoda Machinery Overview 12.8.3 Toyoda Machinery Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.8.4 Toyoda Machinery Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.8.5 Toyoda Machinery Recent Developments 12.9 Visteon Corporation 12.9.1 Visteon Corporation Corporation Information 12.9.2 Visteon Corporation Overview 12.9.3 Visteon Corporation Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.9.4 Visteon Corporation Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.9.5 Visteon Corporation Recent Developments 12.10 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors 12.10.1 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors Corporation Information 12.10.2 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors Overview 12.10.3 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors Instrument Panel Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.10.4 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors Instrument Panel Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.10.5 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors Recent Developments 13 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 13.1 Instrument Panel Industry Chain Analysis 13.2 Instrument Panel Key Raw Materials 13.2.1 Key Raw Materials 13.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 13.3 Instrument Panel Production Mode & Process 13.4 Instrument Panel Sales and Marketing 13.4.1 Instrument Panel Sales Channels 13.4.2 Instrument Panel Distributors 13.5 Instrument Panel Customers 14 Market Drivers, Opportunities, Challenges and Risks Factors Analysis 14.1 Instrument Panel Industry Trends 14.2 Instrument Panel Market Drivers 14.3 Instrument Panel Market Challenges 14.4 Instrument Panel Market Restraints 15 Key Finding in The Global Instrument Panel Study 16 Appendix 16.1 Research Methodology 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 16.1.2 Data Source 16.2 Author Details 16.3 Disclaimer
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