世界および米国の自動光学検査(AOI)装置の市場レポートと予測 2022-2028年Global and United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Report & Forecast 2022-2028 市場分析とインサイト。世界と米国の自動光学検査(AOI)装置市場 当レポートでは、世界と米国の自動光学検査(AOI)装置市場に焦点を当て、その他の地域の地域レベル、郡レベルのセグメントデータもカバーして... もっと見る
サマリー市場分析とインサイト。世界と米国の自動光学検査(AOI)装置市場当レポートでは、世界と米国の自動光学検査(AOI)装置市場に焦点を当て、その他の地域の地域レベル、郡レベルのセグメントデータもカバーしています。 COVID-19のパンデミックにより、自動光学検査(AOI)機器の世界市場規模は2022年に13億4,000万米ドルと推定され、検討期間中のCAGRは10.63%で2028年には24億5,000万米ドルに再調整されると予測されています。この健康危機による経済変化を十分に考慮し、タイプ別では、インラインAOI機器が2021年の自動光学検査(AOI)機器世界市場の69.46%を占め、2028年には17.7億米ドルの規模になり、ポストCOVID-19期間のCAGRは11.35%に修正されると予測されています。アプリケーション別では、PCB産業が主要セグメントで、2021年の市場シェアは約67.85%を占めており、この予測期間中のCAGRは6.45%に変化しています。 米国では、自動光学検査(AOI)装置の市場規模は、2021年の1億6,482万米ドルから、2028年には2億9,132万米ドルへと、予測期間中に8.80%のCAGRで成長すると予想されています。 世界の自動光学検査(AOI)装置の範囲と市場規模 自動光学検査(AOI)装置市場は、地域および国レベルで、プレーヤー別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別に分類されています。世界の自動光学検査(AOI)装置市場のプレーヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、本レポートを強力なリソースとして活用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント別分析では、2017年から2028年の期間におけるタイプ別、アプリケーション別の売上高、収益、予測に焦点を当てています。 米国市場では、2017年から2028年の期間で、プレーヤー別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別の自動光学検査(AOI)装置の市場規模に焦点を当てています。主要なプレイヤーには、アメリカ合衆国で重要な役割を果たす世界的なプレイヤーと地域のプレイヤーが含まれます。 企業別 オルボテック株式会社(Orbotech Ltd.(KLA) オムロン株式会社 ウーハン・ジンセ・エレクトロニック ノードソンYESTECH コーヨンテクノロジー テストリサーチ社 Utechzone Viscom AG Machvision Inc. サキコーポレーション CIMS MEK マランツ・エレクトロニクス社 JUTZE Intelligence Technology Co.,Ltd. サイバーオプティクス株式会社 ViTrox Corporation Berhad マイクロニック 株式会社マーテック マシンビジョン・プロダクツ社 神州ビジョンテクノロジー(ALEADER) タカノ パーミ社 ZhenHuaXing Technology (ShenZhen) Co, Ltd. GÖPEL エレクトロニックGmbH タイプ別セグメント インラインAOI装置 オフラインAOI機器 アプリケーション別セグメント PCB産業 パネルディスプレイ業界 その他 地域別 北アメリカ アメリカ カナダ アジア太平洋 中国 日本 韓国 台湾 東南アジア その他のアジア太平洋地域 ヨーロッパ ドイツ イギリス フランス イタリア ロシア その他のヨーロッパ諸国 南米 メキシコ ブラジル アルゼンチン その他の南アメリカ諸国 中近東・アフリカ 中近東 アフリカ 目次1 Study Coverage 11.1 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Product Introduction 1 1.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Outlook 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 2 1.2.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in US$ Million for the Year 2017-2028 2 1.2.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume for the Year 2017-2028 4 1.3 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Outlook 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 4 1.3.1 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in US$ Million for the Year 2017-2028 4 1.3.2 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume for the Year 2017-2028 6 1.4 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size, United States VS Global, 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 7 1.4.1 The Market Share of United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment in Global, 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 7 1.4.2 The Growth Rate of Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size, United States VS Global, 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 8 1.5 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Dynamics 8 1.5.1 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Industry Trends 8 1.5.2 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Drivers 10 1.5.3 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Challenges 10 1.5.4 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Restraints 11 1.6 Study Objectives 11 1.7 Years Considered 12 2 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment by Type 13 2.1 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Segment by Type 13 2.1.1 Inline AOI Equipment 13 2.1.2 Offline AOI Equipment 14 2.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Type 14 2.2.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Value, by Type (2017, 2022 & 2028) 14 2.2.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume, by Type (2017, 2022 & 2028) 17 2.3 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Type 18 2.3.1 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Value, by Type (2017, 2022 & 2028) 18 2.3.2 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume, by Type (2017, 2022 & 2028) 21 3 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment by Application 23 3.1 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Segment by Application 23 3.1.1 PCB Industry 23 3.1.2 Panel Display Industry 24 3.1.3 Others 24 3.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Application 25 3.2.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Value, by Application (2017, 2022 & 2028) 25 3.2.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume, by Application (2017, 2022 & 2028) 27 3.3 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Application 28 3.3.1 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Value, by Application (2017, 2022 & 2028) 28 3.3.2 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume, by Application (2017, 2022 & 2028) 30 4 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Competitor Landscape by Company 31 4.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Company 31 4.1.1 Top Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Manufacturers Ranked by Revenue (2021) 31 4.1.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Revenue by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 32 4.1.3 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 34 4.1.4 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Price by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 36 4.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Concentration Ratio (CR) 37 4.2.1 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Concentration Ratio (CR) (2017-2022) 37 4.2.2 Global Top 5 and Top 10 Largest Manufacturers of Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment in 2021 38 4.2.3 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 38 4.3 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Regions 39 4.3.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Manufacturers, Headquarters and Distribution of Producing Region 39 4.3.2 Manufacturers Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales Regions 40 4.4 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Company 42 4.4.1 Top Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Players in United States, Ranked by Revenue (2021) 42 4.4.2 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Revenue by Players (2020, 2021 & 2022) 42 4.4.3 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales by Players (2020, 2021 & 2022) 44 5 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Region 46 5.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 46 5.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size in Volume by Region (2017-2028) 46 5.2.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume by Region: 2017-2022 46 5.2.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume Forecast by Region (2023-2028) 47 5.3 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size in Value by Region (2017-2028) 47 5.3.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Value by Region: 2017-2022 47 5.3.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Value by Region: 2023-2028 48 6 Segment in Regional Level & Country Level 49 6.1 North America 49 6.1.1 North America Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 49 6.1.2 North America Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 50 6.1.3 United States 52 6.1.4 Canada 53 6.2 Europe 54 6.2.1 Europe Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 54 6.2.2 Europe Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 55 6.2.3 Germany 57 6.2.4 France 58 6.2.5 UK 59 6.2.6 Russia 60 6.2.7 Italy 61 6.3 Asia Pacific 62 6.3.1 Asia Pacific Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 62 6.3.2 Asia Pacific Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 63 6.3.3 China 65 6.3.4 Japan 66 6.3.5 Korea 67 6.3.6 Taiwan 68 6.3.7 Southeast Asia 69 6.4 South America 70 6.4.1 South America Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 70 6.4.2 South America Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 71 6.4.3 Mexico 73 6.4.4 Brazil 74 6.4.5 Argentina 75 6.5 Middle East and Africa 76 6.5.1 Middle East and Africa Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 76 6.5.2 Middle East and Africa Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 77 6.5.3 Middle East 79 6.5.4 Africa 80 7 Company Profiles 81 7.1 Orbotech Ltd. (KLA) 81 7.1.1 Orbotech Ltd. (KLA) Corporation Information 81 7.1.2 Orbotech Ltd. (KLA) Description and Business Overview 81 7.1.3 Orbotech Ltd. (KLA) Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 82 7.1.4 Orbotech Ltd. (KLA) Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 82 7.2 Wuhan Jingce Electronic 83 7.2.1 Wuhan Jingce Electronic Corporation Information 83 7.2.2 Wuhan Jingce Electronic Description and Business Overview 83 7.2.3 Wuhan Jingce Electronic Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 84 7.2.4 Wuhan Jingce Electronic Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 84 7.3 Nordson YESTECH 84 7.3.1 Nordson YESTECH Corporation Information 84 7.3.2 Nordson YESTECH Description and Business Overview 85 7.3.3 Nordson YESTECH Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 86 7.3.4 Nordson YESTECH Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 86 7.4 Koh Young Technology 87 7.4.1 Koh Young Technology Corporation Information 87 7.4.2 Koh Young Technology Description and Business Overview 88 7.4.3 Koh Young Technology Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 88 7.4.4 Koh Young Technology Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 88 7.5 Omron Corporation 89 7.5.1 Omron Corporation Corporation Information 89 7.5.2 Omron Corporation Description and Business Overview 90 7.5.3 Omron Corporation Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 90 7.5.4 Omron Corporation Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 91 7.6 Test Research, Inc. 91 7.6.1 Test Research, Inc. Corporation Information 91 7.6.2 Test Research, Inc. Description and Business Overview 92 7.6.3 Test Research, Inc. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 92 7.6.4 Test Research, Inc. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 93 7.7 Utechzone 94 7.7.1 Utechzone Corporation Information 94 7.7.2 Utechzone Description and Business Overview 94 7.7.3 Utechzone Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 94 7.7.4 Utechzone Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 95 7.8 Viscom AG 96 7.8.1 Viscom AG Corporation Information 96 7.8.2 Viscom AG Description and Business Overview 96 7.8.3 Viscom AG Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 97 7.8.4 Viscom AG Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 97 7.9 Machvision Inc. 98 7.9.1 Machvision Inc. Corporation Information 98 7.9.2 Machvision Inc. Description and Business Overview 98 7.9.3 Machvision Inc. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 99 7.9.4 Machvision Inc. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 99 7.10 Saki Corporation 99 7.10.1 Saki Corporation Corporation Information 99 7.10.2 Saki Corporation Description and Business Overview 100 7.10.3 Saki Corporation Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 100 7.10.4 Saki Corporation Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 101 7.11 CIMS 102 7.11.1 CIMS Corporation Information 102 7.11.2 CIMS Description and Business Overview 102 7.11.3 CIMS Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 103 7.11.4 CIMS Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 103 7.12 MEK Marantz Electronics Ltd. 103 7.12.1 MEK Marantz Electronics Ltd. Corporation Information 103 7.12.2 MEK Marantz Electronics Ltd. Description and Business Overview 104 7.12.3 MEK Marantz Electronics Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 104 7.12.4 MEK Marantz Electronics Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 105 7.13 JUTZE Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. 106 7.13.1 JUTZE Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 106 7.13.2 JUTZE Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. Description and Business Overview 106 7.13.3 JUTZE Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 107 7.13.4 JUTZE Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 107 7.14 Cyberoptics Corporation 107 7.14.1 Cyberoptics Corporation Corporation Information 107 7.14.2 Cyberoptics Corporation Description and Business Overview 108 7.14.3 Cyberoptics Corporation Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 109 7.14.4 Cyberoptics Corporation Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 109 7.15 ViTrox Corporation Berhad 110 7.15.1 ViTrox Corporation Berhad Corporation Information 110 7.15.2 ViTrox Corporation Berhad Description and Business Overview 111 7.15.3 ViTrox Corporation Berhad Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 111 7.15.4 ViTrox Corporation Berhad Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 112 7.16 Mycronic 113 7.16.1 Mycronic Corporation Information 113 7.16.2 Mycronic Description and Business Overview 113 7.16.3 Mycronic Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 114 7.16.4 Mycronic Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 114 7.17 Mirtec Co., Ltd. 115 7.17.1 Mirtec Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 115 7.17.2 Mirtec Co., Ltd. Description and Business Overview 116 7.17.3 Mirtec Co., Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 116 7.17.4 Mirtec Co., Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 116 7.18 Machine Vision Products, Inc. 117 7.18.1 Machine Vision Products, Inc. Corporation Information 117 7.18.2 Machine Vision Products, Inc. Description and Business Overview 118 7.18.3 Machine Vision Products, Inc. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 118 7.18.4 Machine Vision Products, Inc. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 119 7.19 Shenzhou Vision Technology (ALEADER) 120 7.19.1 Shenzhou Vision Technology (ALEADER) Corporation Information 120 7.19.2 Shenzhou Vision Technology (ALEADER) Description and Business Overview 121 7.19.3 Shenzhou Vision Technology (ALEADER) Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 121 7.19.4 Shenzhou Vision Technology (ALEADER) Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 121 7.20 Takano 122 7.20.1 Takano Corporation Information 122 7.20.2 Takano Description and Business Overview 122 7.20.3 Takano Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 123 7.20.4 Takano Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 123 7.21 Parmi Corp 123 7.21.1 Parmi Corp Corporation Information 123 7.21.2 Parmi Corp Description and Business Overview 124 7.21.3 Parmi Corp Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 124 7.21.4 Parmi Corp Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 125 7.22 ZhenHuaXing Technology (ShenZhen) Co., Ltd. 125 7.22.1 ZhenHuaXing Technology (ShenZhen) Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 125 7.22.2 ZhenHuaXing Technology (ShenZhen) Co., Ltd. Description and Business Overview 126 7.22.3 ZhenHuaXing Technology (ShenZhen) Co., Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 126 7.22.4 ZhenHuaXing Technology (ShenZhen) Co., Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 127 7.23 GÖPEL electronic GmbH 127 7.23.1 GÖPEL electronic GmbH Corporation Information 127 7.23.2 GÖPEL electronic GmbH Description and Business Overview 128 7.23.3 GÖPEL electronic GmbH Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 128 7.23.4 GÖPEL electronic GmbH Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 129 8 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 131 8.1 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Industry Chain Analysis 131 8.2 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Key Raw Materials 131 8.3 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Cost Structure 132 8.4 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales and Marketing 132 8.5 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Customers 133 9 Research Findings and Conclusion 134 10 Appendix 136 10.1 Research Methodology 136 10.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 136 10.1.2 Data Source 139 10.2 Author Details 142 10.3 Disclaimer 142
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: Global and United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Table of Contents1 Study Coverage 11.1 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Product Introduction 1 1.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Outlook 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 2 1.2.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in US$ Million for the Year 2017-2028 2 1.2.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume for the Year 2017-2028 4 1.3 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Outlook 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 4 1.3.1 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in US$ Million for the Year 2017-2028 4 1.3.2 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume for the Year 2017-2028 6 1.4 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size, United States VS Global, 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 7 1.4.1 The Market Share of United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment in Global, 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 7 1.4.2 The Growth Rate of Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size, United States VS Global, 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 8 1.5 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Dynamics 8 1.5.1 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Industry Trends 8 1.5.2 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Drivers 10 1.5.3 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Challenges 10 1.5.4 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Restraints 11 1.6 Study Objectives 11 1.7 Years Considered 12 2 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment by Type 13 2.1 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Segment by Type 13 2.1.1 Inline AOI Equipment 13 2.1.2 Offline AOI Equipment 14 2.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Type 14 2.2.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Value, by Type (2017, 2022 & 2028) 14 2.2.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume, by Type (2017, 2022 & 2028) 17 2.3 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Type 18 2.3.1 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Value, by Type (2017, 2022 & 2028) 18 2.3.2 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume, by Type (2017, 2022 & 2028) 21 3 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment by Application 23 3.1 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Segment by Application 23 3.1.1 PCB Industry 23 3.1.2 Panel Display Industry 24 3.1.3 Others 24 3.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Application 25 3.2.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Value, by Application (2017, 2022 & 2028) 25 3.2.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume, by Application (2017, 2022 & 2028) 27 3.3 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Application 28 3.3.1 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Value, by Application (2017, 2022 & 2028) 28 3.3.2 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume, by Application (2017, 2022 & 2028) 30 4 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Competitor Landscape by Company 31 4.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Company 31 4.1.1 Top Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Manufacturers Ranked by Revenue (2021) 31 4.1.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Revenue by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 32 4.1.3 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 34 4.1.4 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Price by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 36 4.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Concentration Ratio (CR) 37 4.2.1 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Concentration Ratio (CR) (2017-2022) 37 4.2.2 Global Top 5 and Top 10 Largest Manufacturers of Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment in 2021 38 4.2.3 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 38 4.3 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Regions 39 4.3.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Manufacturers, Headquarters and Distribution of Producing Region 39 4.3.2 Manufacturers Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales Regions 40 4.4 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Company 42 4.4.1 Top Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Players in United States, Ranked by Revenue (2021) 42 4.4.2 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Revenue by Players (2020, 2021 & 2022) 42 4.4.3 United States Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales by Players (2020, 2021 & 2022) 44 5 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Region 46 5.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 46 5.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size in Volume by Region (2017-2028) 46 5.2.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume by Region: 2017-2022 46 5.2.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Volume Forecast by Region (2023-2028) 47 5.3 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size in Value by Region (2017-2028) 47 5.3.1 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Value by Region: 2017-2022 47 5.3.2 Global Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales in Value by Region: 2023-2028 48 6 Segment in Regional Level & Country Level 49 6.1 North America 49 6.1.1 North America Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 49 6.1.2 North America Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 50 6.1.3 United States 52 6.1.4 Canada 53 6.2 Europe 54 6.2.1 Europe Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 54 6.2.2 Europe Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 55 6.2.3 Germany 57 6.2.4 France 58 6.2.5 UK 59 6.2.6 Russia 60 6.2.7 Italy 61 6.3 Asia Pacific 62 6.3.1 Asia Pacific Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 62 6.3.2 Asia Pacific Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 63 6.3.3 China 65 6.3.4 Japan 66 6.3.5 Korea 67 6.3.6 Taiwan 68 6.3.7 Southeast Asia 69 6.4 South America 70 6.4.1 South America Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 70 6.4.2 South America Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 71 6.4.3 Mexico 73 6.4.4 Brazil 74 6.4.5 Argentina 75 6.5 Middle East and Africa 76 6.5.1 Middle East and Africa Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 76 6.5.2 Middle East and Africa Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 77 6.5.3 Middle East 79 6.5.4 Africa 80 7 Company Profiles 81 7.1 Orbotech Ltd. (KLA) 81 7.1.1 Orbotech Ltd. (KLA) Corporation Information 81 7.1.2 Orbotech Ltd. (KLA) Description and Business Overview 81 7.1.3 Orbotech Ltd. (KLA) Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 82 7.1.4 Orbotech Ltd. (KLA) Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 82 7.2 Wuhan Jingce Electronic 83 7.2.1 Wuhan Jingce Electronic Corporation Information 83 7.2.2 Wuhan Jingce Electronic Description and Business Overview 83 7.2.3 Wuhan Jingce Electronic Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 84 7.2.4 Wuhan Jingce Electronic Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 84 7.3 Nordson YESTECH 84 7.3.1 Nordson YESTECH Corporation Information 84 7.3.2 Nordson YESTECH Description and Business Overview 85 7.3.3 Nordson YESTECH Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 86 7.3.4 Nordson YESTECH Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 86 7.4 Koh Young Technology 87 7.4.1 Koh Young Technology Corporation Information 87 7.4.2 Koh Young Technology Description and Business Overview 88 7.4.3 Koh Young Technology Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 88 7.4.4 Koh Young Technology Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 88 7.5 Omron Corporation 89 7.5.1 Omron Corporation Corporation Information 89 7.5.2 Omron Corporation Description and Business Overview 90 7.5.3 Omron Corporation Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 90 7.5.4 Omron Corporation Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 91 7.6 Test Research, Inc. 91 7.6.1 Test Research, Inc. Corporation Information 91 7.6.2 Test Research, Inc. Description and Business Overview 92 7.6.3 Test Research, Inc. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 92 7.6.4 Test Research, Inc. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 93 7.7 Utechzone 94 7.7.1 Utechzone Corporation Information 94 7.7.2 Utechzone Description and Business Overview 94 7.7.3 Utechzone Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 94 7.7.4 Utechzone Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 95 7.8 Viscom AG 96 7.8.1 Viscom AG Corporation Information 96 7.8.2 Viscom AG Description and Business Overview 96 7.8.3 Viscom AG Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 97 7.8.4 Viscom AG Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 97 7.9 Machvision Inc. 98 7.9.1 Machvision Inc. Corporation Information 98 7.9.2 Machvision Inc. Description and Business Overview 98 7.9.3 Machvision Inc. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 99 7.9.4 Machvision Inc. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 99 7.10 Saki Corporation 99 7.10.1 Saki Corporation Corporation Information 99 7.10.2 Saki Corporation Description and Business Overview 100 7.10.3 Saki Corporation Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 100 7.10.4 Saki Corporation Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 101 7.11 CIMS 102 7.11.1 CIMS Corporation Information 102 7.11.2 CIMS Description and Business Overview 102 7.11.3 CIMS Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 103 7.11.4 CIMS Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 103 7.12 MEK Marantz Electronics Ltd. 103 7.12.1 MEK Marantz Electronics Ltd. Corporation Information 103 7.12.2 MEK Marantz Electronics Ltd. Description and Business Overview 104 7.12.3 MEK Marantz Electronics Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 104 7.12.4 MEK Marantz Electronics Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 105 7.13 JUTZE Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. 106 7.13.1 JUTZE Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 106 7.13.2 JUTZE Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. Description and Business Overview 106 7.13.3 JUTZE Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 107 7.13.4 JUTZE Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 107 7.14 Cyberoptics Corporation 107 7.14.1 Cyberoptics Corporation Corporation Information 107 7.14.2 Cyberoptics Corporation Description and Business Overview 108 7.14.3 Cyberoptics Corporation Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 109 7.14.4 Cyberoptics Corporation Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 109 7.15 ViTrox Corporation Berhad 110 7.15.1 ViTrox Corporation Berhad Corporation Information 110 7.15.2 ViTrox Corporation Berhad Description and Business Overview 111 7.15.3 ViTrox Corporation Berhad Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 111 7.15.4 ViTrox Corporation Berhad Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 112 7.16 Mycronic 113 7.16.1 Mycronic Corporation Information 113 7.16.2 Mycronic Description and Business Overview 113 7.16.3 Mycronic Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 114 7.16.4 Mycronic Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 114 7.17 Mirtec Co., Ltd. 115 7.17.1 Mirtec Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 115 7.17.2 Mirtec Co., Ltd. Description and Business Overview 116 7.17.3 Mirtec Co., Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 116 7.17.4 Mirtec Co., Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 116 7.18 Machine Vision Products, Inc. 117 7.18.1 Machine Vision Products, Inc. Corporation Information 117 7.18.2 Machine Vision Products, Inc. Description and Business Overview 118 7.18.3 Machine Vision Products, Inc. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 118 7.18.4 Machine Vision Products, Inc. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 119 7.19 Shenzhou Vision Technology (ALEADER) 120 7.19.1 Shenzhou Vision Technology (ALEADER) Corporation Information 120 7.19.2 Shenzhou Vision Technology (ALEADER) Description and Business Overview 121 7.19.3 Shenzhou Vision Technology (ALEADER) Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 121 7.19.4 Shenzhou Vision Technology (ALEADER) Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 121 7.20 Takano 122 7.20.1 Takano Corporation Information 122 7.20.2 Takano Description and Business Overview 122 7.20.3 Takano Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 123 7.20.4 Takano Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 123 7.21 Parmi Corp 123 7.21.1 Parmi Corp Corporation Information 123 7.21.2 Parmi Corp Description and Business Overview 124 7.21.3 Parmi Corp Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 124 7.21.4 Parmi Corp Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 125 7.22 ZhenHuaXing Technology (ShenZhen) Co., Ltd. 125 7.22.1 ZhenHuaXing Technology (ShenZhen) Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 125 7.22.2 ZhenHuaXing Technology (ShenZhen) Co., Ltd. Description and Business Overview 126 7.22.3 ZhenHuaXing Technology (ShenZhen) Co., Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 126 7.22.4 ZhenHuaXing Technology (ShenZhen) Co., Ltd. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 127 7.23 GÖPEL electronic GmbH 127 7.23.1 GÖPEL electronic GmbH Corporation Information 127 7.23.2 GÖPEL electronic GmbH Description and Business Overview 128 7.23.3 GÖPEL electronic GmbH Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 128 7.23.4 GÖPEL electronic GmbH Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Products Offered 129 8 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 131 8.1 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Industry Chain Analysis 131 8.2 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Key Raw Materials 131 8.3 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Cost Structure 132 8.4 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Sales and Marketing 132 8.5 Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Equipment Customers 133 9 Research Findings and Conclusion 134 10 Appendix 136 10.1 Research Methodology 136 10.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 136 10.1.2 Data Source 139 10.2 Author Details 142 10.3 Disclaimer 142
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