![]() 世界および日本のPLAカップ市場の洞察、2027年までの予測Global and Japan PLA Cup Market Insights, Forecast to 2027 PLAプラスチック(ポリ乳酸)は、トウモロコシのデンプンを原料とした樹脂など、再生可能な原料から製造される、環境にやさしいバイオベースのプラスチックです。 市場分析と洞察。世界と日本のPLAカップ市場 ... もっと見る
サマリーPLAプラスチック(ポリ乳酸)は、トウモロコシのデンプンを原料とした樹脂など、再生可能な原料から製造される、環境にやさしいバイオベースのプラスチックです。市場分析と洞察。世界と日本のPLAカップ市場 本レポートは、世界と日本のPLAカップ市場に焦点を当てています。 2020年のPLAカップの世界市場規模はXX百万米ドルで、2021-2027年の間にXX%のCAGRで、2027年末にはXX百万米ドルに達すると予想されています。日本では、PLAカップの市場規模は、2020年のXX百万米ドルから2027年にはXX百万米ドルまで、予測期間中にXX%のCAGRで成長すると予測されています。 世界のPLAカップの範囲と市場規模 PLAカップ市場は、地域(国)別、プレイヤー別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別に分類されています。世界のPLAカップ市場に参加するプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、本レポートを強力なリソースとして活用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント分析では、2016年から2027年までの地域(国)別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別の売上高と予測に焦点を当てています。 日本市場では、2016-2027年のPLAカップの市場規模を、プレイヤー別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別に分析しています。主要プレイヤーには、日本で重要な役割を果たしているグローバルプレイヤーとローカルプレイヤーが含まれています。 タイプ別セグメント 10オンスまで 10~15オンス 15~20オンス 20~25オンス 用途別セグメント レストラン バー 喫茶店 その他 地域別 北アメリカ アメリカ カナダ ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス イギリス イタリア ロシア アジアパシフィック 中国 日本 韓国 インド オーストラリア 台湾 インドネシア タイ マレーシア フィリピン ベトナム ラテンアメリカ メキシコ ブラジル アルゼンチン 中近東・アフリカ トルコ サウジアラビア U.A.E. 会社別 Avani Eco Hub バイオパック セレブレーション・パッケージ ノボレックス グリーンペーパープロダクツ ベターアース 目次1 Study Coverage1.1 PLA Cup Product Introduction 1.2 Market by Type 1.2.1 Global PLA Cup Market Size Growth Rate by Type 1.2.2 Up to 10 oz 1.2.3 10 to 15 oz 1.2.4 15 to 20 oz 1.2.5 20 to 25 oz 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global PLA Cup Market Size Growth Rate by Application 1.3.2 Restaurants 1.3.3 Bars 1.3.4 Cafes 1.3.5 Others 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Global PLA Cup Market Size, Estimates and Forecasts 2.1.1 Global PLA Cup Revenue 2016-2027 2.1.2 Global PLA Cup Sales 2016-2027 2.2 Global PLA Cup, Market Size by Region: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 2.3 PLA Cup Historical Market Size by Region (2016-2021) 2.3.1 Global PLA Cup Retrospective Market Scenario in Sales by Region: 2016-2021 2.3.2 Global PLA Cup Retrospective Market Scenario in Revenue by Region: 2016-2021 2.4 PLA Cup Market Estimates and Projections by Region (2022-2027) 2.4.1 Global PLA Cup Sales Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 2.4.2 Global PLA Cup Revenue Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 3 Global PLA Cup Competitor Landscape by Players 3.1 Global Top PLA Cup Manufacturers by Sales 3.1.1 Global PLA Cup Sales by Manufacturer (2016-2021) 3.1.2 Global PLA Cup Sales Market Share by Manufacturer (2016-2021) 3.2 Global Top PLA Cup Manufacturers by Revenue 3.2.1 Key PLA Cup Manufacturers Covered: Ranking by Revenue 3.2.2 Global PLA Cup Revenue by Manufacturers (2016-2021) 3.2.3 Global PLA Cup Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2016-2021) 3.2.4 Global PLA Cup Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) (2016-2021) 3.2.5 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by PLA Cup Revenue in 2020 3.2.6 Global PLA Cup Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) 3.3 Global PLA Cup Price by Manufacturers 3.4 Global PLA Cup Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Types 3.4.1 PLA Cup Manufacturers Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters 3.4.2 Manufacturers PLA Cup Product Type 3.4.3 Date of International Manufacturers Enter into PLA Cup Market 3.5 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Breakdown Data by Type (2016-2027) 4.1 Global PLA Cup Market Size by Type (2016-2021) 4.1.1 Global PLA Cup Sales by Type (2016-2021) 4.1.2 Global PLA Cup Revenue by Type (2016-2021) 4.1.3 PLA Cup Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2016-2021) 4.2 Global PLA Cup Market Size Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 4.2.1 Global PLA Cup Sales Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 4.2.2 Global PLA Cup Revenue Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 4.2.3 PLA Cup Average Selling Price (ASP) Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 5 Breakdown Data by Application (2016-2027) 5.1 Global PLA Cup Market Size by Application (2016-2021) 5.1.1 Global PLA Cup Sales by Application (2016-2021) 5.1.2 Global PLA Cup Revenue by Application (2016-2021) 5.1.3 PLA Cup Price by Application (2016-2021) 5.2 PLA Cup Market Size Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 5.2.1 Global PLA Cup Sales Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 5.2.2 Global PLA Cup Revenue Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 5.2.3 Global PLA Cup Price Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 6 Japan by Players, Type and Application 6.1 Japan PLA Cup Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 6.1.1 Japan PLA Cup Sales YoY Growth 2016-2027 6.1.2 Japan PLA Cup Revenue YoY Growth 2016-2027 6.1.3 Japan PLA Cup Market Share in Global Market 2016-2027 6.2 Japan PLA Cup Market Size by Players (International and Local Players) 6.2.1 Japan Top PLA Cup Players by Sales (2016-2021) 6.2.2 Japan Top PLA Cup Players by Revenue (2016-2021) 6.3 Japan PLA Cup Historic Market Review by Type (2016-2021) 6.3.1 Japan PLA Cup Sales Market Share by Type (2016-2021) 6.3.2 Japan PLA Cup Revenue Market Share by Type (2016-2021) 6.3.3 Japan PLA Cup Price by Type (2016-2021) 6.4 Japan PLA Cup Market Estimates and Forecasts by Type (2022-2027) 6.4.1 Japan PLA Cup Sales Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 6.4.2 Japan PLA Cup Revenue Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 6.4.3 Japan PLA Cup Price Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 6.5 Japan PLA Cup Historic Market Review by Application (2016-2021) 6.5.1 Japan PLA Cup Sales Market Share by Application (2016-2021) 6.5.2 Japan PLA Cup Revenue Market Share by Application (2016-2021) 6.5.3 Japan PLA Cup Price by Application (2016-2021) 6.6 Japan PLA Cup Market Estimates and Forecasts by Application (2022-2027) 6.6.1 Japan PLA Cup Sales Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 6.6.2 Japan PLA Cup Revenue Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 6.6.3 Japan PLA Cup Price Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 7 North America 7.1 North America PLA Cup Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 7.2 North America PLA Cup Market Facts & Figures by Country 7.2.1 North America PLA Cup Sales by Country (2016-2021) 7.2.2 North America PLA Cup Revenue by Country (2016-2021) 7.2.3 U.S. 7.2.4 Canada 8 Asia Pacific 8.1 Asia Pacific PLA Cup Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 8.2 Asia Pacific PLA Cup Market Facts & Figures by Region 8.2.1 Asia Pacific PLA Cup Sales by Region (2016-2021) 8.2.2 Asia Pacific PLA Cup Revenue by Region (2016-2021) 8.2.3 China 8.2.4 Japan 8.2.5 South Korea 8.2.6 India 8.2.7 Australia 8.2.8 Australia 8.2.9 Indonesia 8.2.10 Thailand 8.2.11 Malaysia 8.2.12 Philippines 8.2.13 Vietnam 9 Europe 9.1 Europe PLA Cup Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 9.2 Europe PLA Cup Market Facts & Figures by Country 9.2.1 Europe PLA Cup Sales by Country (2016-2021) 9.2.2 Europe PLA Cup Revenue by Country (2016-2021) 9.2.3 Germany 9.2.4 France 9.2.5 U.K. 9.2.6 Italy 10 Latin America 10.1 Latin America PLA Cup Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 10.2 Latin America PLA Cup Market Facts & Figures by Country 10.2.1 Latin America PLA Cup Sales by Country (2016-2021) 10.2.2 Latin America PLA Cup Revenue by Country (2016-2021) 10.2.3 Mexico 10.2.4 Brazil 10.2.5 Argentina 11 Middle East and Africa 11.1 Middle East and Africa PLA Cup Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 11.2 Middle East and Africa PLA Cup Market Facts & Figures by Country 11.2.1 Middle East and Africa PLA Cup Sales by Country (2016-2021) 11.2.2 Middle East and Africa PLA Cup Revenue by Country (2016-2021) 11.2.3 Turkey 11.2.4 Saudi Arabia 11.2.5 U.A.E 12 Company Profiles 12.1 Avani Eco Hub 12.1.1 Avani Eco Hub Corporation Information 12.1.2 Avani Eco Hub Description and Business Overview 12.1.3 Avani Eco Hub PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.1.4 Avani Eco Hub PLA Cup Products Offered 12.1.5 Avani Eco Hub Recent Development 12.2 Biopac 12.2.1 Biopac Corporation Information 12.2.2 Biopac Description and Business Overview 12.2.3 Biopac PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.2.4 Biopac PLA Cup Products Offered 12.2.5 Biopac Recent Development 12.3 Celebration Packaging 12.3.1 Celebration Packaging Corporation Information 12.3.2 Celebration Packaging Description and Business Overview 12.3.3 Celebration Packaging PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.3.4 Celebration Packaging PLA Cup Products Offered 12.3.5 Celebration Packaging Recent Development 12.4 Novolex 12.4.1 Novolex Corporation Information 12.4.2 Novolex Description and Business Overview 12.4.3 Novolex PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.4.4 Novolex PLA Cup Products Offered 12.4.5 Novolex Recent Development 12.5 Green Paper Products 12.5.1 Green Paper Products Corporation Information 12.5.2 Green Paper Products Description and Business Overview 12.5.3 Green Paper Products PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.5.4 Green Paper Products PLA Cup Products Offered 12.5.5 Green Paper Products Recent Development 12.6 Betterearth 12.6.1 Betterearth Corporation Information 12.6.2 Betterearth Description and Business Overview 12.6.3 Betterearth PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.6.4 Betterearth PLA Cup Products Offered 12.6.5 Betterearth Recent Development 12.11 Avani Eco Hub 12.11.1 Avani Eco Hub Corporation Information 12.11.2 Avani Eco Hub Description and Business Overview 12.11.3 Avani Eco Hub PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.11.4 Avani Eco Hub PLA Cup Products Offered 12.11.5 Avani Eco Hub Recent Development 13 Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis 13.1 PLA Cup Industry Trends 13.2 PLA Cup Market Drivers 13.3 PLA Cup Market Challenges 13.4 PLA Cup Market Restraints 14 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 14.1 Value Chain Analysis 14.2 PLA Cup Customers 14.3 Sales Channels Analysis 14.3.1 Sales Channels 14.3.2 Distributors 15 Research Findings and Conclusion 16 Appendix 16.1 Research Methodology 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 16.1.2 Data Source 16.2 Author Details 16.3 Disclaimer
SummaryPLA plastic, or polylactic acid, is a bio-based plastic manufactured from renewable raw materials such as corn starch-based resin and is environment-friendly. Table of Contents1 Study Coverage1.1 PLA Cup Product Introduction 1.2 Market by Type 1.2.1 Global PLA Cup Market Size Growth Rate by Type 1.2.2 Up to 10 oz 1.2.3 10 to 15 oz 1.2.4 15 to 20 oz 1.2.5 20 to 25 oz 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global PLA Cup Market Size Growth Rate by Application 1.3.2 Restaurants 1.3.3 Bars 1.3.4 Cafes 1.3.5 Others 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Global PLA Cup Market Size, Estimates and Forecasts 2.1.1 Global PLA Cup Revenue 2016-2027 2.1.2 Global PLA Cup Sales 2016-2027 2.2 Global PLA Cup, Market Size by Region: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 2.3 PLA Cup Historical Market Size by Region (2016-2021) 2.3.1 Global PLA Cup Retrospective Market Scenario in Sales by Region: 2016-2021 2.3.2 Global PLA Cup Retrospective Market Scenario in Revenue by Region: 2016-2021 2.4 PLA Cup Market Estimates and Projections by Region (2022-2027) 2.4.1 Global PLA Cup Sales Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 2.4.2 Global PLA Cup Revenue Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 3 Global PLA Cup Competitor Landscape by Players 3.1 Global Top PLA Cup Manufacturers by Sales 3.1.1 Global PLA Cup Sales by Manufacturer (2016-2021) 3.1.2 Global PLA Cup Sales Market Share by Manufacturer (2016-2021) 3.2 Global Top PLA Cup Manufacturers by Revenue 3.2.1 Key PLA Cup Manufacturers Covered: Ranking by Revenue 3.2.2 Global PLA Cup Revenue by Manufacturers (2016-2021) 3.2.3 Global PLA Cup Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2016-2021) 3.2.4 Global PLA Cup Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) (2016-2021) 3.2.5 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by PLA Cup Revenue in 2020 3.2.6 Global PLA Cup Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) 3.3 Global PLA Cup Price by Manufacturers 3.4 Global PLA Cup Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Types 3.4.1 PLA Cup Manufacturers Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters 3.4.2 Manufacturers PLA Cup Product Type 3.4.3 Date of International Manufacturers Enter into PLA Cup Market 3.5 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Breakdown Data by Type (2016-2027) 4.1 Global PLA Cup Market Size by Type (2016-2021) 4.1.1 Global PLA Cup Sales by Type (2016-2021) 4.1.2 Global PLA Cup Revenue by Type (2016-2021) 4.1.3 PLA Cup Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2016-2021) 4.2 Global PLA Cup Market Size Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 4.2.1 Global PLA Cup Sales Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 4.2.2 Global PLA Cup Revenue Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 4.2.3 PLA Cup Average Selling Price (ASP) Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 5 Breakdown Data by Application (2016-2027) 5.1 Global PLA Cup Market Size by Application (2016-2021) 5.1.1 Global PLA Cup Sales by Application (2016-2021) 5.1.2 Global PLA Cup Revenue by Application (2016-2021) 5.1.3 PLA Cup Price by Application (2016-2021) 5.2 PLA Cup Market Size Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 5.2.1 Global PLA Cup Sales Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 5.2.2 Global PLA Cup Revenue Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 5.2.3 Global PLA Cup Price Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 6 Japan by Players, Type and Application 6.1 Japan PLA Cup Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 6.1.1 Japan PLA Cup Sales YoY Growth 2016-2027 6.1.2 Japan PLA Cup Revenue YoY Growth 2016-2027 6.1.3 Japan PLA Cup Market Share in Global Market 2016-2027 6.2 Japan PLA Cup Market Size by Players (International and Local Players) 6.2.1 Japan Top PLA Cup Players by Sales (2016-2021) 6.2.2 Japan Top PLA Cup Players by Revenue (2016-2021) 6.3 Japan PLA Cup Historic Market Review by Type (2016-2021) 6.3.1 Japan PLA Cup Sales Market Share by Type (2016-2021) 6.3.2 Japan PLA Cup Revenue Market Share by Type (2016-2021) 6.3.3 Japan PLA Cup Price by Type (2016-2021) 6.4 Japan PLA Cup Market Estimates and Forecasts by Type (2022-2027) 6.4.1 Japan PLA Cup Sales Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 6.4.2 Japan PLA Cup Revenue Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 6.4.3 Japan PLA Cup Price Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 6.5 Japan PLA Cup Historic Market Review by Application (2016-2021) 6.5.1 Japan PLA Cup Sales Market Share by Application (2016-2021) 6.5.2 Japan PLA Cup Revenue Market Share by Application (2016-2021) 6.5.3 Japan PLA Cup Price by Application (2016-2021) 6.6 Japan PLA Cup Market Estimates and Forecasts by Application (2022-2027) 6.6.1 Japan PLA Cup Sales Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 6.6.2 Japan PLA Cup Revenue Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 6.6.3 Japan PLA Cup Price Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 7 North America 7.1 North America PLA Cup Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 7.2 North America PLA Cup Market Facts & Figures by Country 7.2.1 North America PLA Cup Sales by Country (2016-2021) 7.2.2 North America PLA Cup Revenue by Country (2016-2021) 7.2.3 U.S. 7.2.4 Canada 8 Asia Pacific 8.1 Asia Pacific PLA Cup Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 8.2 Asia Pacific PLA Cup Market Facts & Figures by Region 8.2.1 Asia Pacific PLA Cup Sales by Region (2016-2021) 8.2.2 Asia Pacific PLA Cup Revenue by Region (2016-2021) 8.2.3 China 8.2.4 Japan 8.2.5 South Korea 8.2.6 India 8.2.7 Australia 8.2.8 Australia 8.2.9 Indonesia 8.2.10 Thailand 8.2.11 Malaysia 8.2.12 Philippines 8.2.13 Vietnam 9 Europe 9.1 Europe PLA Cup Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 9.2 Europe PLA Cup Market Facts & Figures by Country 9.2.1 Europe PLA Cup Sales by Country (2016-2021) 9.2.2 Europe PLA Cup Revenue by Country (2016-2021) 9.2.3 Germany 9.2.4 France 9.2.5 U.K. 9.2.6 Italy 10 Latin America 10.1 Latin America PLA Cup Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 10.2 Latin America PLA Cup Market Facts & Figures by Country 10.2.1 Latin America PLA Cup Sales by Country (2016-2021) 10.2.2 Latin America PLA Cup Revenue by Country (2016-2021) 10.2.3 Mexico 10.2.4 Brazil 10.2.5 Argentina 11 Middle East and Africa 11.1 Middle East and Africa PLA Cup Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 11.2 Middle East and Africa PLA Cup Market Facts & Figures by Country 11.2.1 Middle East and Africa PLA Cup Sales by Country (2016-2021) 11.2.2 Middle East and Africa PLA Cup Revenue by Country (2016-2021) 11.2.3 Turkey 11.2.4 Saudi Arabia 11.2.5 U.A.E 12 Company Profiles 12.1 Avani Eco Hub 12.1.1 Avani Eco Hub Corporation Information 12.1.2 Avani Eco Hub Description and Business Overview 12.1.3 Avani Eco Hub PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.1.4 Avani Eco Hub PLA Cup Products Offered 12.1.5 Avani Eco Hub Recent Development 12.2 Biopac 12.2.1 Biopac Corporation Information 12.2.2 Biopac Description and Business Overview 12.2.3 Biopac PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.2.4 Biopac PLA Cup Products Offered 12.2.5 Biopac Recent Development 12.3 Celebration Packaging 12.3.1 Celebration Packaging Corporation Information 12.3.2 Celebration Packaging Description and Business Overview 12.3.3 Celebration Packaging PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.3.4 Celebration Packaging PLA Cup Products Offered 12.3.5 Celebration Packaging Recent Development 12.4 Novolex 12.4.1 Novolex Corporation Information 12.4.2 Novolex Description and Business Overview 12.4.3 Novolex PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.4.4 Novolex PLA Cup Products Offered 12.4.5 Novolex Recent Development 12.5 Green Paper Products 12.5.1 Green Paper Products Corporation Information 12.5.2 Green Paper Products Description and Business Overview 12.5.3 Green Paper Products PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.5.4 Green Paper Products PLA Cup Products Offered 12.5.5 Green Paper Products Recent Development 12.6 Betterearth 12.6.1 Betterearth Corporation Information 12.6.2 Betterearth Description and Business Overview 12.6.3 Betterearth PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.6.4 Betterearth PLA Cup Products Offered 12.6.5 Betterearth Recent Development 12.11 Avani Eco Hub 12.11.1 Avani Eco Hub Corporation Information 12.11.2 Avani Eco Hub Description and Business Overview 12.11.3 Avani Eco Hub PLA Cup Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 12.11.4 Avani Eco Hub PLA Cup Products Offered 12.11.5 Avani Eco Hub Recent Development 13 Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis 13.1 PLA Cup Industry Trends 13.2 PLA Cup Market Drivers 13.3 PLA Cup Market Challenges 13.4 PLA Cup Market Restraints 14 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 14.1 Value Chain Analysis 14.2 PLA Cup Customers 14.3 Sales Channels Analysis 14.3.1 Sales Channels 14.3.2 Distributors 15 Research Findings and Conclusion 16 Appendix 16.1 Research Methodology 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 16.1.2 Data Source 16.2 Author Details 16.3 Disclaimer
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