すぐに使えるグラウトと接着剤の市場調査:バイオベース製品への需要が高まるMarket Study on Ready-to-Use Grout and Adhesives: Demand for Bio-based Products to Increase すぐに使えるグラウトと接着剤の市場 - レポートの範囲 Persistence Market Research(PMR)はこのほど、世界の既製品のグラウトと接着剤市場に関する調査報告書を発行しました。本レポートでは、市場構造に関... もっと見る
サマリーすぐに使えるグラウトと接着剤の市場 - レポートの範囲Persistence Market Research(PMR)はこのほど、世界の既製品のグラウトと接着剤市場に関する調査報告書を発行しました。本レポートでは、市場構造に関する詳細な情報とともに、促進要因、動向、機会、阻害要因などの主要な市場ダイナミクスを詳細に評価しています。この市場調査レポートは、既製品のグラウトと接着剤市場が予測期間中にどのように成長するかについて、独自の事実と数字を示しています。 バリューチェーン分析やサプライチェーン、市場の複合年間成長率(CAGR)、前年比成長率(YoY)など、市場背景の主要指標は、PMRの調査において包括的に説明されています。これらの情報は、読者が予測期間における既製品のグラウトと接着剤市場の定量的な発展予測を理解するのに役立ちます。 本調査は、市場の関係者、メーカー、流通業者、サプライヤー、投資家にとって、市場で成長するための適用可能な戦略を理解するのに役立つため、関連性があります。既製グラウトと接着剤市場の関係者、投資家、業界専門家、研究者、ジャーナリスト、ビジネス研究者は、PMRの調査報告書に掲載されている情報と統計を活用することができます。 本レポートには、既製品のグラウトと接着剤市場の成長に影響を与えるマクロ経済要因だけでなく、マクロ経済要因に関連する事実&数値が含まれています。また、市場の将来動向に基づいた実用的な洞察も提供しています。さらに、既製グラウトおよび接着剤市場における地域プレイヤーや新規参入企業も、本レポートに掲載されている情報を利用してビジネス上の意思決定を行い、市場で勢いをつけることができます。 主要な市場セグメント PMRの調査による既製グラウトおよび接着剤市場は、製品タイプ、用途、最終用途、地域の4つの重要なセグメントに分かれています。本レポートでは、これらのカテゴリーに関連する重要な市場力学と成長パラメータに関する包括的なデータと情報を提供します。 製品タイプ グラウト 砂入りグラウト アンサンドグラウト エポキシ系グラウト アクリル系グラウト ウレタングラウト その他 接着剤 エポキシ系 ポリウレタン ポリイミド 用途 壁面 床面 カウンタートップ その他 エンドユーザー 住宅用 商業用 産業用 地域 北アメリカ 中南米 欧州 東アジア 南アジア・太平洋 中東・アフリカ 市場レポートで回答した主な質問 予測期間中に市場シェアを大きく伸ばすと予想される地域はどこか? 予測期間中、すぐに使えるグラウト剤と接着剤の需要を促進する主な推進要因は何ですか? 現在のトレンドはレディトゥユースグラウトと接着剤市場にどのような影響を与えるのか? 既製グラウト接着剤市場における重要な市場参入者は? 市場参入企業は、どのような戦略でこの市場でのポジションを高めているのか? 調査方法 PMRの調査レポートでは、既製グラウト・接着剤市場の発展に関する包括的な調査を実施し、市場の将来の成長要因に関する結論を得るために、独自の調査手法を活用しています。この調査手法では、結論の精度と信頼性を確保するために、アシスタントアナリストによる二次調査および一次調査が利用されます。 二次資料は、既製グラウトと接着剤市場調査の評価時にアナリストが参照したもので、世界銀行、IMF、米国エネルギー情報局、国際エネルギー機関、地方&地域政府のウェブサイト、白書、業界誌、外部・内部データベースの事実と数字で構成されています。アナリストは、営業担当者、営業オペレーションマネージャー、製品ポートフォリオマネージャー、シニアマネージャー、マーケットインテリジェンスマネージャー、マーケティング/プロダクトマネージャー、エンジニアリングマネージャー、生産マネージャーなど、業界の専門家に徹底的にインタビューし、洞察に満ちた情報を提供しました。 一次資料と二次資料から得た包括的な情報は、既製品のグラウト剤と接着剤市場で事業を展開している企業から検証し、既製品のグラウト剤と接着剤市場の成長見通しに関するPMRの予測をより正確で信頼できるものにしました。 目次1. Executive Summary1.1. Global Market Outlook 1.2. Market Share Analysis 1.3. Supply Side Trends 1.4. Demand Side Trends 1.5. Analysis and Recommendations 2. Market Overview 2.1. Market Coverage / Taxonomy 2.2. Market Definition / Scope / Limitations 3. Key Market Trends 3.1. Key Trends Impacting the Market 3.2. Product Innovation / Development Trends 4. Key Success Factors 4.1. Product Adoption / Usage Analysis 4.2. Product USPs / Features 4.3. Strategic Promotional Strategies 5. Global Market Demand Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast, 2023-2033 5.1. Historical Market Volume (Tons) Analysis, 2018-2022 5.2. Current and Future Market Volume (Tons) Projections, 2023-2033 5.3. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis 6. Global Market - Pricing Analysis 6.1. Regional Pricing Analysis 6.2. Global Average Pricing Analysis Benchmark 7. Global Market Demand (in Value or Size in US$ Mn) Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast, 2023-2033 7.1. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis, 2018-2022 7.2. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) Projections, 2023-2033 7.2.1. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis 7.2.2. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis 8. Market Background 8.1. Macro-Economic Factors 8.1.1. Global Economic Outlook 8.1.2. Global GDP Growth Outlook 8.1.3. Global Chemical Sales Overview 8.1.4. Global Chemical Industry Overview 8.1.5. Manufacturing Value-Added 8.1.6. Global Population Outlook 8.1.7. Industry Value Added by key Countries 8.1.8. Construction spending outlook 8.1.9. Parent Market Overview - Grouts 8.1.10. Parent Market overview - Adhesives 8.2. Forecast Factors - Relevance & Impact 8.2.1. Top Companies Historical Growth 8.2.2. Growth of End-Use Sector 8.2.3. GDP Growth forecast 8.2.4. Construction and infrastructure development 8.2.5. Housing and real estate markets 8.2.6. Technological advancements 8.2.7. Environmental regulations 8.2.8. Economic conditions 8.2.9. Market Competition 8.3. Value Chain 8.3.1. Raw Material Suppliers 8.3.2. Product Manufacturers Country-wise top 5-10 local players with their ranking 8.3.3. Probable End Users 8.4. COVID-19 Crisis - Impact Assessment 8.4.1. Current Statistics 8.4.2. Short-Mid-Long Term Outlook 8.4.3. Likely Rebound 8.5. Market Dynamics 8.5.1. Drivers 8.5.2. Restraints 8.5.3. Opportunity Analysis 8.6. Global Supply Demand Analysis 8.7. Technology Road Map 8.8. Patent Analysis 8.9. Key Developments 9. Global Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033, by Product Type 9.1. Introduction / Key Findings 9.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis By Product Type, 2018-2022 9.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Product Type, 2023-2033 9.3.1. Grouts Sanded Grouts Un-sanded Grouts Epoxy Grouts Acrylic Grouts Urethane Grouts Others 9.3.2. Adhesives Epoxy Polyurethane Polyimide 9.3.3. Others 9.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Product Type 10. Global Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033, by Application 10.1. Introduction / Key Findings 10.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis By Application, 2018-2022 10.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Application, 2023-2033 10.3.1. Walls 10.3.2. Floors 10.3.3. Countertops 10.3.4. Others 10.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Application 11. Global Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033, by End use 11.1. Introduction / Key Findings 11.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis By End use, 2018-2022 11.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By End use, 2023-2033 11.3.1. Residential 11.3.2. Commercial 11.3.3. Industrial 11.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By End use 12. Global Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033, by Region 12.1. Introduction 12.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis By Region, 2018-2022 12.3. Current Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Region, 2023-2033 12.3.1. North America 12.3.2. Latin America 12.3.3. Europe 12.3.4. Middle East and Africa (MEA) 12.3.5. East Asia 12.3.6. South Asia and Pacific 12.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Region 13. North America Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033 13.1. Introduction 13.2. Pricing Analysis 13.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018-2022 13.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2033 13.4.1. By Country U.S. Canada 13.4.2. By Product Type 13.4.3. By Application 13.4.4. By End use 13.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 13.5.1. By Country 13.5.2. By Product Type 13.5.3. By Application 13.5.4. By End use 13.6. Market Trends 13.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 14. Latin America Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033 14.1. Introduction 14.2. Pricing Analysis 14.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018-2022 14.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2033 14.4.1. By Country Brazil Mexico Costa Rica Panama Rest of Latin America 14.4.2. By Product Type 14.4.3. By Application 14.4.4. By End use 14.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 14.5.1. By Country 14.5.2. By Product Type 14.5.3. By Application 14.5.4. By End use 14.6. Market Trends 14.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 15. Europe Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033 15.1. Introduction 15.2. Pricing Analysis 15.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018-2022 15.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2033 15.4.1. By Country Germany Italy France U.K. Spain BENELUX Russia Rest of Europe 15.4.2. By Product Type 15.4.3. By Application 15.4.4. By End use 15.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 15.5.1. By Country 15.5.2. By Product Type 15.5.3. By Application 15.5.4. By End use 15.6. Market Trends 15.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 16. South Asia and Pacific Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033 16.1. Introduction 16.2. Pricing Analysis 16.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018-2022 16.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2033 16.4.1. By Country India Singapore Malaysia Philippines Australia and New Zealand Rest of South Asia & Pacific 16.4.2. By Product Type 16.4.3. By Application 16.4.4. By End use 16.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 16.5.1. By Country 16.5.2. By Product Type 16.5.3. By Application 16.5.4. By End use 16.6. Market Trends 16.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 17. East Asia Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033 17.1. Introduction 17.2. Pricing Analysis 17.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018-2022 17.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2033 17.4.1. By Country China Japan South Korea 17.4.2. By Product Type 17.4.3. By Application 17.4.4. By End use 17.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 17.5.1. By Product Type 17.5.2. By Application 17.5.3. By End use 17.6. Market Trends 17.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 18. Middle East and Africa Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033 18.1. Introduction 18.2. Pricing Analysis 18.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018-2022 18.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2033 18.4.1. By Country UAE Türkiye South Africa Kenya Rest of Middle East and Africa 18.4.2. By Product Type 18.4.3. By Application 18.4.4. By End use 18.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 18.5.1. By Country 18.5.2. By Product Type 18.5.3. By Application 18.5.4. By End use 18.6. Market Trends 18.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 19. Country-wise Market Analysis 2023-2033 19.1. U.S. Market Analysis 19.1.1. By Product Type 19.1.2. By Application 19.1.3. By End use 19.2. Canada Market Analysis 19.2.1. By Product Type 19.2.2. By Application 19.2.3. By End use 19.3. Mexico Market Analysis 19.3.1. By Product Type 19.3.2. By Application 19.3.3. By End use 19.4. Brazil Market Analysis 19.4.1. By Product Type 19.4.2. By Application 19.4.3. By End use 19.5. Germany Market Analysis 19.5.1. By Product Type 19.5.2. By Application 19.5.3. By End use 19.6. Italy Market Analysis 19.6.1. By Product Type 19.6.2. By Application 19.6.3. By End use 19.7. France Market Analysis 19.7.1. By Product Type 19.7.2. By Application 19.7.3. By End use 19.8. U.K. Market Analysis 19.8.1. By Product Type 19.8.2. By Application 19.8.3. By End use 19.9. Spain Market Analysis 19.9.1. By Product Type 19.9.2. By Application 19.9.3. By End use 19.10. BENELUX Market Analysis 19.10.1. By Product Type 19.10.2. By Application 19.10.3. By End use 19.11. Russia Market Analysis 19.11.1. By Product Type 19.11.2. By Application 19.11.3. By End use 19.12. China Market Analysis 19.12.1. By Product Type 19.12.2. By Application 19.12.3. By End use 19.13. Japan Market Analysis 19.13.1. By Product Type 19.13.2. By Application 19.13.3. By End use 19.14. South Korea Market Analysis 19.14.1. By Product Type 19.14.2. By Application 19.14.3. By End use 19.15. India Market Analysis 19.15.1. By Product Type 19.15.2. By Application 19.15.3. By End use 19.16. Singapore Market Analysis 19.16.1. By Product Type 19.16.2. By Application 19.16.3. By End use 19.17. Malaysia Market Analysis 19.17.1. By Product Type 19.17.2. By Application 19.17.3. By End use 19.18. Philippines Market Analysis 19.18.1. By Product Type 19.18.2. By Application 19.18.3. By End use 19.19. Australia and New Zealand Market Analysis 19.19.1. By Product Type 19.19.2. By Application 19.19.3. By End use 19.20. United Arab Emirates Market Analysis 19.20.1. By Product Type 19.20.2. By Application 19.20.3. By End use 19.21. Türkiye Market Analysis 19.21.1. By Product Type 19.21.2. By Application 19.21.3. By End use 19.22. Kenya Market Analysis 19.22.1. By Product Type 19.22.2. By Application 19.22.3. By End use 19.23. South Africa Market Analysis 19.23.1. By Product Type 19.23.2. By Application 19.23.3. By End use 20. Market Structure Analysis 20.1. Market Analysis by Tier of Companies (Market) 20.2. Market Share Analysis of Top Players 20.3. Production Capacity of Top Players 20.4. Key Brands Market Share 20.5. Market Presence Analysis 20.5.1. By Regional footprint of Players 20.5.2. Product foot print of Players 21. Competition Analysis 21.1. Competition Dashboard 21.2. Competition Benchmarking 21.3. Competition Deep Dive 21.3.1. LATICRETE International, Inc. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.2. Akrema (Bostik Smart Adhesives) Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.3. Sika AG Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.4. Henkel Group Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.5. BASF SE Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.6. MBCC Group (Master Builders Solutions) Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.7. Grupo Lamosa Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.8. Mapei SpA Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.9. Ardex Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.10. Saint-Gobain Weber Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.11. LITOKOL S.p.A. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.12. Pidillite Industries Ltd. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.13. CUSTOM Building Products Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.14. H.B. Fuller Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 22. Primary Survey Analysis 23. Assumptions and Acronyms Used 24. Research Methodology 図表リストTable 01: Global Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033Table 02: Global Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 03: Global Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 04: Global Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033 Table 05: Global Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Region, 2018-2033 Table 06: North America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Country, 2023-2033 Table 07: North America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 08: North America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 09: North America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 10: North America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033 Table 11: Latin America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Country, 2023-2033 Table 12: Latin America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 13: Latin America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 14: Latin America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 15: Latin America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033 Table 16: Europe Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Country, 2023-2033 Table 17: Europe Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 18: Europe Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 19: Europe Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 20: Europe Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033 Table 21: East Asia Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Country, 2023-2033 Table 22: East Asia Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 23: East Asia Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 24: East Asia Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 25: East Asia Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033 Table 26: South Asia & Pacific Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Country, 2023-2033 Table 27: South Asia & Pacific Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 28: South Asia & Pacific Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 29: South Asia & Pacific Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 30: South Asia & Pacific Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033 Table 31: Middle East & Africa Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Country, 2023-2033 Table 32: Middle East & Africa Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 33: Middle East & Africa Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 34: Middle East & Africa Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 35: Middle East & Africa Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033
SummaryReady-to-Use Grout and Adhesive Market - Report Scope Table of Contents1. Executive Summary1.1. Global Market Outlook 1.2. Market Share Analysis 1.3. Supply Side Trends 1.4. Demand Side Trends 1.5. Analysis and Recommendations 2. Market Overview 2.1. Market Coverage / Taxonomy 2.2. Market Definition / Scope / Limitations 3. Key Market Trends 3.1. Key Trends Impacting the Market 3.2. Product Innovation / Development Trends 4. Key Success Factors 4.1. Product Adoption / Usage Analysis 4.2. Product USPs / Features 4.3. Strategic Promotional Strategies 5. Global Market Demand Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast, 2023-2033 5.1. Historical Market Volume (Tons) Analysis, 2018-2022 5.2. Current and Future Market Volume (Tons) Projections, 2023-2033 5.3. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis 6. Global Market - Pricing Analysis 6.1. Regional Pricing Analysis 6.2. Global Average Pricing Analysis Benchmark 7. Global Market Demand (in Value or Size in US$ Mn) Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast, 2023-2033 7.1. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis, 2018-2022 7.2. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) Projections, 2023-2033 7.2.1. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis 7.2.2. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis 8. Market Background 8.1. Macro-Economic Factors 8.1.1. Global Economic Outlook 8.1.2. Global GDP Growth Outlook 8.1.3. Global Chemical Sales Overview 8.1.4. Global Chemical Industry Overview 8.1.5. Manufacturing Value-Added 8.1.6. Global Population Outlook 8.1.7. Industry Value Added by key Countries 8.1.8. Construction spending outlook 8.1.9. Parent Market Overview - Grouts 8.1.10. Parent Market overview - Adhesives 8.2. Forecast Factors - Relevance & Impact 8.2.1. Top Companies Historical Growth 8.2.2. Growth of End-Use Sector 8.2.3. GDP Growth forecast 8.2.4. Construction and infrastructure development 8.2.5. Housing and real estate markets 8.2.6. Technological advancements 8.2.7. Environmental regulations 8.2.8. Economic conditions 8.2.9. Market Competition 8.3. Value Chain 8.3.1. Raw Material Suppliers 8.3.2. Product Manufacturers Country-wise top 5-10 local players with their ranking 8.3.3. Probable End Users 8.4. COVID-19 Crisis - Impact Assessment 8.4.1. Current Statistics 8.4.2. Short-Mid-Long Term Outlook 8.4.3. Likely Rebound 8.5. Market Dynamics 8.5.1. Drivers 8.5.2. Restraints 8.5.3. Opportunity Analysis 8.6. Global Supply Demand Analysis 8.7. Technology Road Map 8.8. Patent Analysis 8.9. Key Developments 9. Global Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033, by Product Type 9.1. Introduction / Key Findings 9.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis By Product Type, 2018-2022 9.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Product Type, 2023-2033 9.3.1. Grouts Sanded Grouts Un-sanded Grouts Epoxy Grouts Acrylic Grouts Urethane Grouts Others 9.3.2. Adhesives Epoxy Polyurethane Polyimide 9.3.3. Others 9.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Product Type 10. Global Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033, by Application 10.1. Introduction / Key Findings 10.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis By Application, 2018-2022 10.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Application, 2023-2033 10.3.1. Walls 10.3.2. Floors 10.3.3. Countertops 10.3.4. Others 10.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Application 11. Global Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033, by End use 11.1. Introduction / Key Findings 11.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis By End use, 2018-2022 11.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By End use, 2023-2033 11.3.1. Residential 11.3.2. Commercial 11.3.3. Industrial 11.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By End use 12. Global Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033, by Region 12.1. Introduction 12.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis By Region, 2018-2022 12.3. Current Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Region, 2023-2033 12.3.1. North America 12.3.2. Latin America 12.3.3. Europe 12.3.4. Middle East and Africa (MEA) 12.3.5. East Asia 12.3.6. South Asia and Pacific 12.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Region 13. North America Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033 13.1. Introduction 13.2. Pricing Analysis 13.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018-2022 13.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2033 13.4.1. By Country U.S. Canada 13.4.2. By Product Type 13.4.3. By Application 13.4.4. By End use 13.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 13.5.1. By Country 13.5.2. By Product Type 13.5.3. By Application 13.5.4. By End use 13.6. Market Trends 13.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 14. Latin America Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033 14.1. Introduction 14.2. Pricing Analysis 14.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018-2022 14.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2033 14.4.1. By Country Brazil Mexico Costa Rica Panama Rest of Latin America 14.4.2. By Product Type 14.4.3. By Application 14.4.4. By End use 14.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 14.5.1. By Country 14.5.2. By Product Type 14.5.3. By Application 14.5.4. By End use 14.6. Market Trends 14.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 15. Europe Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033 15.1. Introduction 15.2. Pricing Analysis 15.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018-2022 15.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2033 15.4.1. By Country Germany Italy France U.K. Spain BENELUX Russia Rest of Europe 15.4.2. By Product Type 15.4.3. By Application 15.4.4. By End use 15.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 15.5.1. By Country 15.5.2. By Product Type 15.5.3. By Application 15.5.4. By End use 15.6. Market Trends 15.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 16. South Asia and Pacific Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033 16.1. Introduction 16.2. Pricing Analysis 16.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018-2022 16.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2033 16.4.1. By Country India Singapore Malaysia Philippines Australia and New Zealand Rest of South Asia & Pacific 16.4.2. By Product Type 16.4.3. By Application 16.4.4. By End use 16.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 16.5.1. By Country 16.5.2. By Product Type 16.5.3. By Application 16.5.4. By End use 16.6. Market Trends 16.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 17. East Asia Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033 17.1. Introduction 17.2. Pricing Analysis 17.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018-2022 17.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2033 17.4.1. By Country China Japan South Korea 17.4.2. By Product Type 17.4.3. By Application 17.4.4. By End use 17.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 17.5.1. By Product Type 17.5.2. By Application 17.5.3. By End use 17.6. Market Trends 17.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 18. Middle East and Africa Market Analysis 2018-2022 and Forecast 2023-2033 18.1. Introduction 18.2. Pricing Analysis 18.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018-2022 18.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2033 18.4.1. By Country UAE Türkiye South Africa Kenya Rest of Middle East and Africa 18.4.2. By Product Type 18.4.3. By Application 18.4.4. By End use 18.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 18.5.1. By Country 18.5.2. By Product Type 18.5.3. By Application 18.5.4. By End use 18.6. Market Trends 18.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 19. Country-wise Market Analysis 2023-2033 19.1. U.S. Market Analysis 19.1.1. By Product Type 19.1.2. By Application 19.1.3. By End use 19.2. Canada Market Analysis 19.2.1. By Product Type 19.2.2. By Application 19.2.3. By End use 19.3. Mexico Market Analysis 19.3.1. By Product Type 19.3.2. By Application 19.3.3. By End use 19.4. Brazil Market Analysis 19.4.1. By Product Type 19.4.2. By Application 19.4.3. By End use 19.5. Germany Market Analysis 19.5.1. By Product Type 19.5.2. By Application 19.5.3. By End use 19.6. Italy Market Analysis 19.6.1. By Product Type 19.6.2. By Application 19.6.3. By End use 19.7. France Market Analysis 19.7.1. By Product Type 19.7.2. By Application 19.7.3. By End use 19.8. U.K. Market Analysis 19.8.1. By Product Type 19.8.2. By Application 19.8.3. By End use 19.9. Spain Market Analysis 19.9.1. By Product Type 19.9.2. By Application 19.9.3. By End use 19.10. BENELUX Market Analysis 19.10.1. By Product Type 19.10.2. By Application 19.10.3. By End use 19.11. Russia Market Analysis 19.11.1. By Product Type 19.11.2. By Application 19.11.3. By End use 19.12. China Market Analysis 19.12.1. By Product Type 19.12.2. By Application 19.12.3. By End use 19.13. Japan Market Analysis 19.13.1. By Product Type 19.13.2. By Application 19.13.3. By End use 19.14. South Korea Market Analysis 19.14.1. By Product Type 19.14.2. By Application 19.14.3. By End use 19.15. India Market Analysis 19.15.1. By Product Type 19.15.2. By Application 19.15.3. By End use 19.16. Singapore Market Analysis 19.16.1. By Product Type 19.16.2. By Application 19.16.3. By End use 19.17. Malaysia Market Analysis 19.17.1. By Product Type 19.17.2. By Application 19.17.3. By End use 19.18. Philippines Market Analysis 19.18.1. By Product Type 19.18.2. By Application 19.18.3. By End use 19.19. Australia and New Zealand Market Analysis 19.19.1. By Product Type 19.19.2. By Application 19.19.3. By End use 19.20. United Arab Emirates Market Analysis 19.20.1. By Product Type 19.20.2. By Application 19.20.3. By End use 19.21. Türkiye Market Analysis 19.21.1. By Product Type 19.21.2. By Application 19.21.3. By End use 19.22. Kenya Market Analysis 19.22.1. By Product Type 19.22.2. By Application 19.22.3. By End use 19.23. South Africa Market Analysis 19.23.1. By Product Type 19.23.2. By Application 19.23.3. By End use 20. Market Structure Analysis 20.1. Market Analysis by Tier of Companies (Market) 20.2. Market Share Analysis of Top Players 20.3. Production Capacity of Top Players 20.4. Key Brands Market Share 20.5. Market Presence Analysis 20.5.1. By Regional footprint of Players 20.5.2. Product foot print of Players 21. Competition Analysis 21.1. Competition Dashboard 21.2. Competition Benchmarking 21.3. Competition Deep Dive 21.3.1. LATICRETE International, Inc. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.2. Akrema (Bostik Smart Adhesives) Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.3. Sika AG Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.4. Henkel Group Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.5. BASF SE Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.6. MBCC Group (Master Builders Solutions) Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.7. Grupo Lamosa Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.8. Mapei SpA Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.9. Ardex Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.10. Saint-Gobain Weber Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.11. LITOKOL S.p.A. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.12. Pidillite Industries Ltd. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.13. CUSTOM Building Products Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.14. H.B. Fuller Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 22. Primary Survey Analysis 23. Assumptions and Acronyms Used 24. Research Methodology List of Tables/GraphsTable 01: Global Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033Table 02: Global Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 03: Global Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 04: Global Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033 Table 05: Global Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Region, 2018-2033 Table 06: North America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Country, 2023-2033 Table 07: North America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 08: North America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 09: North America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 10: North America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033 Table 11: Latin America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Country, 2023-2033 Table 12: Latin America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 13: Latin America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 14: Latin America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 15: Latin America Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033 Table 16: Europe Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Country, 2023-2033 Table 17: Europe Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 18: Europe Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 19: Europe Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 20: Europe Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033 Table 21: East Asia Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Country, 2023-2033 Table 22: East Asia Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 23: East Asia Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 24: East Asia Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 25: East Asia Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033 Table 26: South Asia & Pacific Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Country, 2023-2033 Table 27: South Asia & Pacific Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 28: South Asia & Pacific Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 29: South Asia & Pacific Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 30: South Asia & Pacific Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033 Table 31: Middle East & Africa Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Country, 2023-2033 Table 32: Middle East & Africa Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 33: Middle East & Africa Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Product Type, 2018-2033 Table 34: Middle East & Africa Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by Application, 2018-2033 Table 35: Middle East & Africa Ready-to-use Grout and Adhesive Market Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Tons) Forecast by End Use, 2018-2033
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