後天性希少血液疾患に関する市場調査。北米が世界市場の3分の1を超えるシェアを獲得Market Study on Acquired Orphan Blood Disease: North America to Account for Over One-third Global Market Share 後天性希少血液疾患市場。レポート範囲 世界の後天性希少血液疾患市場に関するPersistence Market Researchの最新市場レポートは、機会と現在の市場シナリオを評価し、2022年から2032年の予測期間において市場... もっと見る
サマリー後天性希少血液疾患市場。レポート範囲世界の後天性希少血液疾患市場に関するPersistence Market Researchの最新市場レポートは、機会と現在の市場シナリオを評価し、2022年から2032年の予測期間において市場に関与する対応するセグメントに関する洞察と最新情報を提供します。主要な市場力学の詳細な評価と、市場構造に関する包括的な情報を提供しています。2022-2032年の予測期間中に市場がどのように成長すると予想されるかについての詳細な洞察が含まれています。 本レポートの主要目的は、後天性希少血液疾患に関連するグローバルビジネスの転換を支えている市場の機会に関する洞察を提供することです。常に揺れ動く経済において、読者が市場の分析と評価をより良く理解し、この空間における有利な機会を発見できるよう、全体予測における複合年間成長率(CAGR)に加えて、推定(Y-O-Y)対前年成長率を提供することは非常に重要であることを考慮する必要があります。 また、本レポートでは、市場規模の推定とそれに対応する絶対額での収益予測も行っています。また、市場の将来的な動向に基づいた実用的な洞察も提供しています。さらに、世界の後天性希少血液疾患市場における新規および新興プレイヤーは、効果的なビジネス上の意思決定のために本調査で提示された情報を利用することができ、これにより、世界市場だけでなく、自社の事業にも勢いを与えることができます。 本調査は、後天性希少血液疾患市場のメーカー、サプライヤー、販売業者、投資家に関連するものです。すべての関係者、業界専門家、研究者、ジャーナリスト、ビジネス研究者は、本レポートで表現された情報とデータを活用することができます。 主な市場セグメント Persistence Market Research社の調査レポート「後天性希少血液疾患の世界市場」は、治療、疾患適応症、流通チャネル、地域の4つのセグメントに分けて情報を提供しています。 治療法 遺伝子組換え因子製剤 免疫グロブリン輸液療法 活性化プロトロンビン複合体濃縮製剤 トロンボポエチン受容体作動薬 その他 疾患別適応症 後天性無顆粒球症 後天性血友病 後天性Von Willebrand症候群 発作性夜間血色素尿症(PNH) 骨髄異形成症候群 その他 販売チャネル 病院薬局 小売店 その他 地域別 北アメリカ 欧州 中南米 東アジア 中近東・アフリカ 南アジア・太平洋地域 本調査で回答した主な質問 予測期間中に最も高い市場シェアを占めるのはどの地域か? 最も高い成長(CAGR)を遂げているのはどの地域か? 世界の後天性希少血液疾患産業に影響を及ぼしている要因は何か? 市場に影響を及ぼしている世界的なトレンドは何か? 市場の様々な地域で機会を獲得するために、新興プレイヤーはどのような戦略を採用しなければならないか? 世界の後天性希少血液疾患市場の構造はどのようなものか? 調査方法 Persistence Market Research社は、お客様に偏りのない市場調査ソリューションを提供することに努めています。同社は、本レポートに含まれるデータの控除について、堅牢な方法論に従っています。世界の後天性希少血液疾患市場に関する広範な調査を実施し、市場の将来の成長要因に関する結論を得るために、独自の調査手法を活用しています。調査手法は、一次調査手法と二次調査手法の組み合わせで構成されており、本レポートの結論の正確性と信頼性を保証しています。 需要サイドのアプローチで対象製品の売上高を推定し、次に供給サイドのアプローチであらかじめ定義された期間における生成価値、主要トレンド、イベントに関する詳細な評価を行います。 この手法は、Persistence Market Researchが世界市場のセグメント化のために考慮する、北米、中南米、ヨーロッパ、南アジア・太平洋、東アジア、中東・アフリカの6地域以上の現地ソースからのインプットに基づく、標準の市場構造、手法、定義に基づいています。統計、特性、差異を地域レベルで収集し、同じレベルで集計し、世界レベルで統合して、世界市場の測定値を作成しています。 主な調査対象は以下の通りです。 プライマリーリサーチ セカンダリーリサーチ 貿易調査 ソーシャルメディアリサーチ 目次1. Executive Summary1.1. Global Market Outlook 1.2. Demand Side Trends 1.3. Supply Side Trends 1.4. Technology Roadmap 1.5. Analysis and Recommendations 2. Market Overview 2.1. Market Coverage / Taxonomy 2.2. Market Definition / Scope / Limitations 3. Key Market Trends 3.1. Key Trends Impacting the Market 3.2. Product Innovation / Development Trends 4. Key Success Factors 4.1. Product Adoption / Usage Analysis 4.2. Product USPs / Features 4.3. Strategic Promotional Strategies 5. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Demand Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast, 2022–2032 5.1. Historical Market Volume (Tons) Analysis, 2017–2021 5.2. Current and Future Market Volume (Tons) Projections, 2022–2032 5.3. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis 6. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market - Pricing Analysis 6.1. Regional Pricing Analysis By Therapy 6.2. Global Average Pricing Analysis Benchmark 7. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Demand (in Value or Size in US$ Mn) Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast, 2022–2032 7.1. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis, 2017–2021 7.2. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) Projections, 2022–2032 7.2.1. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis 7.2.2. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis 8. Market Background 8.1. Macro-Economic Factors 8.1.1. Global GDP Growth Outlook 8.1.2. Global Industry Value Added Overview 8.1.3. Global Infrastructure Investment Overview 8.1.4. Global Construction Spending Analysis 8.1.5. Other Macro Economic Factors 8.2. Forecast Factors - Relevance & Impact 8.2.1. Top Companies Historical Growth 8.2.2. GDP Growth forecast 8.2.3. Construction Industry forecast 8.2.4. Distribution Channel Growth Outlook 8.2.5. Collaboration Activities 8.3. Value Chain 8.3.1. Raw Material Suppliers 8.3.2. List of Manufacturers 8.3.3. List of Distributors 8.4. COVID-19 Crisis – Impact Assessment 8.4.1. Current Statistics 8.4.2. Short-Mid-Long Term Outlook 8.4.3. Likely Rebound 8.5. Market Dynamics 8.5.1. Drivers 8.5.2. Restraints 8.5.3. Opportunity Analysis 8.5.4. Trends 9. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast 2022–2032, by Therapy 9.1. Introduction / Key Findings 9.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis by Type, 2017–2021 9.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast by Therapy 2022–2032 9.3.1. Recombinant Factor 9.3.2. Immunoglobulin Infusion Therapy 9.3.3. Activated Prothrombin Complex Concentrate 9.3.4. Thrombopoietin Receptor Agonists 9.3.5. Others 9.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis by Therapy 10. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast 2022–2032, By Disease Indication 10.1. Introduction / Key Findings 10.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis By Disease Indication, 2017–2021 10.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Disease Indication, 2022–2032 10.3.1. Acquired Agranulocytosis 10.3.2. Acquired Hemophilia 10.3.3. Acquired Von Willebrand Syndrome 10.3.4. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 10.3.5. Myelodysplastic Syndrome 10.3.6. Others 10.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Disease Indication 11. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast 2022–2032, By Distribution Channel 11.1. Introduction / Key Findings 11.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis By Distribution Channel, 2017–2021 11.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Distribution Channel 2022–2032 11.3.1. Hospital Pharmacy 11.3.2. Retail Pharmacy 11.3.3. Others 11.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Distribution Channel 12. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast 2022–2032, by Region 12.1. Introduction 12.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis by Region, 2017–2021 12.3. Current Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast by Region, 2022–2032 12.3.1. North America 12.3.2. Latin America 12.3.3. Europe 12.3.4. East Asia 12.3.5. South Asia and Pacific 12.3.6. Middle East and Africa (MEA) 12.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Region 13. North America Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast 2022–2032 13.1. Introduction 13.2. Pricing Analysis 13.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2017–2021 13.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2022–2032 13.4.1. By Country U.S. Canada 13.4.2. By Type 13.4.3. By Disease Indication 13.4.4. By Distribution Channel 13.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 13.5.1. By Country 13.5.2. By Type 13.5.3. By Disease Indication 13.5.4. By Distribution Channel 13.6. Market Trends 13.7. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping 13.8. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 14. Latin America Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032 14.1. Introduction 14.2. Pricing Analysis 14.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2017–2021 14.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032 14.4.1. By Country Brazil Mexico Rest of Latin America 14.4.2. By Type 14.4.3. By Disease Indication 14.4.4. By Distribution Channel 14.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 14.5.1. By Country 14.5.2. By Type 14.5.3. By Disease Indication 14.5.4. By Distribution Channel 14.6. Market Trends 14.7. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping 14.8. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 15. Europe Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032 15.1. Introduction 15.2. Pricing Analysis 15.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2017-2021 15.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032 15.4.1. By Country Germany Italy France U.K. Spain BENELUX Russia Rest of Europe 15.4.2. By Type 15.4.3. By Disease Indication 15.4.4. By Distribution Channel 15.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 15.5.1. By Country 15.5.2. By Type 15.5.3. By Disease Indication 15.5.4. By Distribution Channel 15.6. Market Trends 15.7. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping 15.8. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 16. South Asia and Pacific Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032 16.1. Introduction 16.2. Pricing Analysis 16.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2017–2021 16.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032 16.4.1. By Country India ASEAN Oceania Rest of South Asia & Pacific 16.4.2. By Type 16.4.3. By Disease Indication 16.4.4. By Distribution Channel 16.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 16.5.1. By Country 16.5.2. By Type 16.5.3. By Disease Indication 16.5.4. By Distribution Channel 16.6. Market Trends 16.7. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping 16.8. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 17. East Asia Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032 17.1. Introduction 17.2. Pricing Analysis 17.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2017–2021 17.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032 17.4.1. By Country China Japan South Korea 17.4.2. By Type 17.4.3. By Disease Indication 17.4.4. By Distribution Channel 17.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 17.5.1. By Country 17.5.2. By Type 17.5.3. By Disease Indication 17.5.4. By Distribution Channel 17.6. Market Trends 17.7. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping 17.8. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 18. Middle East and Africa Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032 18.1. Introduction 18.2. Pricing Analysis 18.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2017–2021 18.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032 18.4.1. By Country GCC Countries Turkey Northern Africa South Africa Rest of Middle East and Africa 18.4.2. By Type 18.4.3. By Disease Indication 18.4.4. By Distribution Channel 18.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 18.5.1. By Country 18.5.2. By Type 18.5.3. By Disease Indication 18.5.4. By Distribution Channel 18.6. Market Trends 18.7. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping 18.8. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 19. Emerging Countries Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.1. Introduction 19.1.1. Market Value Proportion Analysis, By Key Countries 19.1.2. Global Vs. Country Growth Comparison 19.2. U.S. Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.2.1. By Type 19.2.2. By Disease Indication 19.2.3. By Distribution Channel 19.3. Canada Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.3.1. By Type 19.3.2. By Disease Indication 19.3.3. By Distribution Channel 19.4. Mexico Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.4.1. By Type 19.4.2. By Disease Indication 19.4.3. By Distribution Channel 19.5. Brazil Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.5.1. By Type 19.5.2. By Disease Indication 19.5.3. By Distribution Channel 19.6. Germany Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.6.1. By Type 19.6.2. By Disease Indication 19.6.3. By Distribution Channel 19.7. Italy Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.7.1. By Type 19.7.2. By Disease Indication 19.7.3. By Distribution Channel 19.8. France Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.8.1. By Type 19.8.2. By Disease Indication 19.8.3. By Distribution Channel 19.9. U.K. Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.9.1. By Type 19.9.2. By Disease Indication 19.9.3. By Distribution Channel 19.10. Spain Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.10.1. By Type 19.10.2. By Disease Indication 19.10.3. By Distribution Channel 19.11. BENELUX Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.11.1. By Type 19.11.2. By Disease Indication 19.11.3. By Distribution Channel 19.12. Russia Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.12.1. By Type 19.12.2. By Disease Indication 19.12.3. By Distribution Channel 19.13. China Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.13.1. By Type 19.13.2. By Disease Indication 19.13.3. By Distribution Channel 19.14. Japan Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.14.1. By Type 19.14.2. By Disease Indication 19.14.3. By Distribution Channel 19.15. S. Korea Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.15.1. By Type 19.15.2. By Disease Indication 19.15.3. By Distribution Channel 19.16. India Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.16.1. By Type 19.16.2. By Disease Indication 19.16.3. By Distribution Channel 19.17. ASEAN Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.17.1. By Type 19.17.2. By Disease Indication 19.17.3. By Distribution Channel 19.18. Australia and New Zealand Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.18.1. By Type 19.18.2. By Disease Indication 19.18.3. By Distribution Channel 19.19. GCC Countries Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.19.1. By Type 19.19.2. By Disease Indication 19.19.3. By Distribution Channel 19.20. Turkey Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.20.1. By Type 19.20.2. By Disease Indication 19.20.3. By Distribution Channel 19.21. Northern Africa Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.21.1. By Type 19.21.2. By Disease Indication 19.21.3. By Distribution Channel 19.22. South Africa Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.22.1. By Type 19.22.2. By Disease Indication 19.22.3. By Distribution Channel 20. Market Structure Analysis 20.1. Market Analysis by Tier of Companies (Linear Alpha-Olefins) 20.2. Market Share Analysis of Top Players 20.3. Market Presence Analysis 21. Competition Analysis 21.1. Competition Dashboard 21.2. Competition Benchmarking 21.3. Competition Deep Dive 21.3.1. Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.2. Amgen, Inc. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.3. Celgene Corporation Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.4. Eli Lilly and Company Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.5. Sanofi S.A. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.6. GlaxoSmithKline plc. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.7. Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.8. Onconova Therapeutics, Inc. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.9. Incyte Corporation Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.10. CTI BioPharma Corp. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 22. Assumptions and Acronyms Used 23. Research Methodology
SummaryAcquired Orphan Blood Disease Market: Report Scope Table of Contents1. Executive Summary1.1. Global Market Outlook 1.2. Demand Side Trends 1.3. Supply Side Trends 1.4. Technology Roadmap 1.5. Analysis and Recommendations 2. Market Overview 2.1. Market Coverage / Taxonomy 2.2. Market Definition / Scope / Limitations 3. Key Market Trends 3.1. Key Trends Impacting the Market 3.2. Product Innovation / Development Trends 4. Key Success Factors 4.1. Product Adoption / Usage Analysis 4.2. Product USPs / Features 4.3. Strategic Promotional Strategies 5. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Demand Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast, 2022–2032 5.1. Historical Market Volume (Tons) Analysis, 2017–2021 5.2. Current and Future Market Volume (Tons) Projections, 2022–2032 5.3. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis 6. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market - Pricing Analysis 6.1. Regional Pricing Analysis By Therapy 6.2. Global Average Pricing Analysis Benchmark 7. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Demand (in Value or Size in US$ Mn) Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast, 2022–2032 7.1. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis, 2017–2021 7.2. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) Projections, 2022–2032 7.2.1. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis 7.2.2. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis 8. Market Background 8.1. Macro-Economic Factors 8.1.1. Global GDP Growth Outlook 8.1.2. Global Industry Value Added Overview 8.1.3. Global Infrastructure Investment Overview 8.1.4. Global Construction Spending Analysis 8.1.5. Other Macro Economic Factors 8.2. Forecast Factors - Relevance & Impact 8.2.1. Top Companies Historical Growth 8.2.2. GDP Growth forecast 8.2.3. Construction Industry forecast 8.2.4. Distribution Channel Growth Outlook 8.2.5. Collaboration Activities 8.3. Value Chain 8.3.1. Raw Material Suppliers 8.3.2. List of Manufacturers 8.3.3. List of Distributors 8.4. COVID-19 Crisis – Impact Assessment 8.4.1. Current Statistics 8.4.2. Short-Mid-Long Term Outlook 8.4.3. Likely Rebound 8.5. Market Dynamics 8.5.1. Drivers 8.5.2. Restraints 8.5.3. Opportunity Analysis 8.5.4. Trends 9. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast 2022–2032, by Therapy 9.1. Introduction / Key Findings 9.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis by Type, 2017–2021 9.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast by Therapy 2022–2032 9.3.1. Recombinant Factor 9.3.2. Immunoglobulin Infusion Therapy 9.3.3. Activated Prothrombin Complex Concentrate 9.3.4. Thrombopoietin Receptor Agonists 9.3.5. Others 9.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis by Therapy 10. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast 2022–2032, By Disease Indication 10.1. Introduction / Key Findings 10.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis By Disease Indication, 2017–2021 10.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Disease Indication, 2022–2032 10.3.1. Acquired Agranulocytosis 10.3.2. Acquired Hemophilia 10.3.3. Acquired Von Willebrand Syndrome 10.3.4. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 10.3.5. Myelodysplastic Syndrome 10.3.6. Others 10.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Disease Indication 11. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast 2022–2032, By Distribution Channel 11.1. Introduction / Key Findings 11.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis By Distribution Channel, 2017–2021 11.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Distribution Channel 2022–2032 11.3.1. Hospital Pharmacy 11.3.2. Retail Pharmacy 11.3.3. Others 11.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Distribution Channel 12. Global Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast 2022–2032, by Region 12.1. Introduction 12.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis by Region, 2017–2021 12.3. Current Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Analysis and Forecast by Region, 2022–2032 12.3.1. North America 12.3.2. Latin America 12.3.3. Europe 12.3.4. East Asia 12.3.5. South Asia and Pacific 12.3.6. Middle East and Africa (MEA) 12.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Region 13. North America Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017–2021 and Forecast 2022–2032 13.1. Introduction 13.2. Pricing Analysis 13.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2017–2021 13.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2022–2032 13.4.1. By Country U.S. Canada 13.4.2. By Type 13.4.3. By Disease Indication 13.4.4. By Distribution Channel 13.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 13.5.1. By Country 13.5.2. By Type 13.5.3. By Disease Indication 13.5.4. By Distribution Channel 13.6. Market Trends 13.7. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping 13.8. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 14. Latin America Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032 14.1. Introduction 14.2. Pricing Analysis 14.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2017–2021 14.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032 14.4.1. By Country Brazil Mexico Rest of Latin America 14.4.2. By Type 14.4.3. By Disease Indication 14.4.4. By Distribution Channel 14.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 14.5.1. By Country 14.5.2. By Type 14.5.3. By Disease Indication 14.5.4. By Distribution Channel 14.6. Market Trends 14.7. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping 14.8. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 15. Europe Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032 15.1. Introduction 15.2. Pricing Analysis 15.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2017-2021 15.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032 15.4.1. By Country Germany Italy France U.K. Spain BENELUX Russia Rest of Europe 15.4.2. By Type 15.4.3. By Disease Indication 15.4.4. By Distribution Channel 15.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 15.5.1. By Country 15.5.2. By Type 15.5.3. By Disease Indication 15.5.4. By Distribution Channel 15.6. Market Trends 15.7. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping 15.8. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 16. South Asia and Pacific Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032 16.1. Introduction 16.2. Pricing Analysis 16.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2017–2021 16.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032 16.4.1. By Country India ASEAN Oceania Rest of South Asia & Pacific 16.4.2. By Type 16.4.3. By Disease Indication 16.4.4. By Distribution Channel 16.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 16.5.1. By Country 16.5.2. By Type 16.5.3. By Disease Indication 16.5.4. By Distribution Channel 16.6. Market Trends 16.7. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping 16.8. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 17. East Asia Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032 17.1. Introduction 17.2. Pricing Analysis 17.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2017–2021 17.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032 17.4.1. By Country China Japan South Korea 17.4.2. By Type 17.4.3. By Disease Indication 17.4.4. By Distribution Channel 17.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 17.5.1. By Country 17.5.2. By Type 17.5.3. By Disease Indication 17.5.4. By Distribution Channel 17.6. Market Trends 17.7. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping 17.8. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 18. Middle East and Africa Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 2017-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032 18.1. Introduction 18.2. Pricing Analysis 18.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2017–2021 18.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032 18.4.1. By Country GCC Countries Turkey Northern Africa South Africa Rest of Middle East and Africa 18.4.2. By Type 18.4.3. By Disease Indication 18.4.4. By Distribution Channel 18.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis 18.5.1. By Country 18.5.2. By Type 18.5.3. By Disease Indication 18.5.4. By Distribution Channel 18.6. Market Trends 18.7. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping 18.8. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis 19. Emerging Countries Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.1. Introduction 19.1.1. Market Value Proportion Analysis, By Key Countries 19.1.2. Global Vs. Country Growth Comparison 19.2. U.S. Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.2.1. By Type 19.2.2. By Disease Indication 19.2.3. By Distribution Channel 19.3. Canada Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.3.1. By Type 19.3.2. By Disease Indication 19.3.3. By Distribution Channel 19.4. Mexico Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.4.1. By Type 19.4.2. By Disease Indication 19.4.3. By Distribution Channel 19.5. Brazil Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.5.1. By Type 19.5.2. By Disease Indication 19.5.3. By Distribution Channel 19.6. Germany Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.6.1. By Type 19.6.2. By Disease Indication 19.6.3. By Distribution Channel 19.7. Italy Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.7.1. By Type 19.7.2. By Disease Indication 19.7.3. By Distribution Channel 19.8. France Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.8.1. By Type 19.8.2. By Disease Indication 19.8.3. By Distribution Channel 19.9. U.K. Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.9.1. By Type 19.9.2. By Disease Indication 19.9.3. By Distribution Channel 19.10. Spain Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.10.1. By Type 19.10.2. By Disease Indication 19.10.3. By Distribution Channel 19.11. BENELUX Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.11.1. By Type 19.11.2. By Disease Indication 19.11.3. By Distribution Channel 19.12. Russia Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.12.1. By Type 19.12.2. By Disease Indication 19.12.3. By Distribution Channel 19.13. China Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.13.1. By Type 19.13.2. By Disease Indication 19.13.3. By Distribution Channel 19.14. Japan Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.14.1. By Type 19.14.2. By Disease Indication 19.14.3. By Distribution Channel 19.15. S. Korea Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.15.1. By Type 19.15.2. By Disease Indication 19.15.3. By Distribution Channel 19.16. India Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.16.1. By Type 19.16.2. By Disease Indication 19.16.3. By Distribution Channel 19.17. ASEAN Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.17.1. By Type 19.17.2. By Disease Indication 19.17.3. By Distribution Channel 19.18. Australia and New Zealand Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.18.1. By Type 19.18.2. By Disease Indication 19.18.3. By Distribution Channel 19.19. GCC Countries Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.19.1. By Type 19.19.2. By Disease Indication 19.19.3. By Distribution Channel 19.20. Turkey Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.20.1. By Type 19.20.2. By Disease Indication 19.20.3. By Distribution Channel 19.21. Northern Africa Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.21.1. By Type 19.21.2. By Disease Indication 19.21.3. By Distribution Channel 19.22. South Africa Acquired Orphan Blood Disease Market Analysis 19.22.1. By Type 19.22.2. By Disease Indication 19.22.3. By Distribution Channel 20. Market Structure Analysis 20.1. Market Analysis by Tier of Companies (Linear Alpha-Olefins) 20.2. Market Share Analysis of Top Players 20.3. Market Presence Analysis 21. Competition Analysis 21.1. Competition Dashboard 21.2. Competition Benchmarking 21.3. Competition Deep Dive 21.3.1. Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.2. Amgen, Inc. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.3. Celgene Corporation Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.4. Eli Lilly and Company Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.5. Sanofi S.A. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.6. GlaxoSmithKline plc. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.7. Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.8. Onconova Therapeutics, Inc. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.9. Incyte Corporation Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 21.3.10. CTI BioPharma Corp. Overview Product Portfolio Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region) Sales Footprint Strategy Overview 22. Assumptions and Acronyms Used 23. Research Methodology
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