
世界の組み込み型決済ビジネスと投資機会 - 2022年第1四半期最新版

Global Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities – Q1 2022 Update

レポート内容 PayNXT360の2021年第4四半期組み込み金融調査によると、組み込み型決済業界は年率40.4%の成長を遂げ、2022年には124,755.7百万米ドルに達すると予測されています。 組み込み型決済業界は、20... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2022年2月15日 US$9,900
550 英語








- 2021年5月、オランダに本拠を置く決済プラットフォームプロバイダーAdyenは、日本での調達能力を拡大するために新しいソリューションを発表しました。この新たなローンチは、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、香港、マレーシア、シンガポールにおけるAdyenの現地調達能力のローンチに続くものです。
- 今回の発表は、アジア太平洋地域におけるアディエンの現地調達能力を拡大するものです。この新しいサービスの開始は、日本のバイヤーにより良いサービスを提供したいという国内外のマーチャントからの要望の高まりに後押しされたものです。





- 2021年5月、グローバルプラットフォームを提供するAdyen Singapore Pte Ltdが、シンガポール通貨監督庁(MAS)の認可を取得しました。この認可により、同社は決済サービス法2019(PSA)に基づく加盟店獲得サービスや国内送金サービスを実施できるようになりました。
- 2022年1月、オーストラリアを拠点とするフィンテックプラットフォームのAirwallexは、シンガポールでのプレゼンスを拡大した。同社は、シンガポール通貨監督庁からMPI(Major Payment Institution)ライセンスの付与を取得した。


2021 年初めに決済分野に変化をもたらした予期せぬ市場シナリオは、1 年を通して持続しました。こうした変化は、欧州各国の決済エコシステム内の競争力学に影響を与え続ける、電子商取引活動の急増、革新的な決済手段の普及、次世代決済インフラの開発という3つの幅広いテーマの発展を加速させた。





- 2021年12月、オランダの決済プラットフォームプロバイダーであるAdyenは、ポルトガルのホスピタリティ情報技術&サービスプロバイダーであるNoniusとパートナーシップを結びました。この提携により、両社はホスピタリティ業界の企業がゲストテクノロジーと決済技術を統合することを支援する予定です。この提携により、アディエンはノニウスのホスピタリティ業界の顧客基盤を活用し、市場シェアを拡大する計画です。
- 2021年9月、アディエンは、米国に本拠を置くホスピタリティソフトウェアおよびソリューションプロバイダーのAgilysys Inc.とパートナーシップを締結しました。この提携により、Agilysysの顧客のグローバル決済へのアクセスを拡大する予定です。







- 2020年11月、ブラジルのフィンテック企業EBANXとライドヘイリングアプリUberが、PIX(ブラジル政府が立ち上げた決済システム。
- この提携により、EBANXはUberのクライアントが持つ決済、ローカライズ、良好なユーザー体験といったニーズを自社のソリューションで実現します。"ブラジルの多くの人々は銀行口座を持っていないため、Uberのクライアントは新しく導入されたインスタント決済プラットフォームの恩恵を受けると予想され、一方EBANXはUberの既存のクライアント基盤を活用すると予想されています。






- 消費者セグメント別組込み型決済、2020年~2029年
-- B2B
-- B2C

- エンドユーザー分野別組み込み型決済(2020年~2029年
-- 小売・消費財分野での組み込み型決済
-- デジタル製品・サービスにおける組み込み型決済
-- 公共料金の支払いにおける組み込み型決済
-- 旅行・ホスピタリティ分野での組み込み型決済
-- レジャー・エンターテイメント分野での組み込み型決済
-- ヘルス&ウェルネス分野での組み込み型決済
-- オフィス用品・機器での組み込み型支払い
-- その他における組み込み型支払


図9:公共料金支払 - 組込み型決済業界の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年
図11:レジャー&エンターテイメント - 組込み型決済産業の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年
図14:その他 - 組込み型決済業界の売上高(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年

表5:デジタル製品・サービス - 組込み型決済業界の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年
表6:公共料金支払 - 組込み型決済業界の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年


- エンベデッドファイナンスの市場ダイナミクスを深く理解する。予測(2019-2028年)と共に市場機会や主要トレンドを理解する。

- 最終用途分野別の機会に関する洞察 - 最終用途分野別の市場ダイナミクスを把握し、様々な最終用途分野にわたる新たな機会を評価します。

- 市場別戦略の策定。成長セグメントを特定し、組み込み金融戦略を策定するために特定の機会をターゲットとし、業界における市場固有の主要トレンド、ドライバー、リスクを評価します。

- セクターの洞察を得る。本レポートでは、独自の調査結果をもとに、組み込み型融資、組み込み型保険、組み込み型金融、組み込み型富裕層の各セクターにおけるビジネスチャンスを明らかにしています。



This report provides detailed 21 sections, covering global insights along with data centric analysis at global and country level (290+ charts and 230+ tables in all):

1. Global Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
2. Argentina Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
3. Australia Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
4. Brazil Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
5. Canada Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
6. China Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
7. France Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
8. Germany Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
9. India Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
10. Indonesia Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
11. Italy Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
12. Kenya Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
13. Mexico Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
14. Nigeria Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
15. Philippines Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
16. Russia Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
17. South Africa Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
18. Thailand Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
19. United Arab Emirates Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
20. United Kingdom Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
21. United States Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities

All the regional and country sections above follow the following table of contents covering 14 charts and 11 tables for each country / region:

1 About this Report
1.1 Summary
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Embedded Payment Definitions
1.4 Disclaimer

2 Embedded Payment Industry Market Size and Forecast, 2020-2029

3 Embedded Payment Industry Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segment
3.1 Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment
3.2 B2B Payment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
3.3 B2C Payment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

4 Embedded Payment Industry Market Size and Forecast by End Use Segment
4.1 Market Share Analysis by End Use Segment
4.2 Retail & Consumer Goods Lending – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.3 Digital Products & Services – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.4 Utility Bill Payment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.5 Travel & Hospitality – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.6 Leisure & Entertainment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.7 Health & Wellness – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.8 Office Supplies & Equipment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.9 Other – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

5 Further Reading
5.1 About PayNXT360
5.2 Related Research





Report Description

According to PayNXT360’s Q4 2021 Embedded Finance Survey, Embedded Payment industry is expected to grow by 40.4% on annual basis to reach US$124,755.7 million in 2022.

The embedded payment industry is expected to grow steadily over the forecast period, recording a CAGR of 23.1% during 2022-2029. The embedded payment revenues in the region will increase from US$124,755.7 million in 2022 to reach US$380,573.2 million by 2029.

Foreign players are launching new solutions to expand their foothold in Asian countries

The Covid-19 pandemic has hastened the expansion of the e-commerce sector in Japan, and as more Japanese people embrace online buying, electronic payments are becoming increasingly popular. With the growing demand for seamless payment options in Japan, the competition is growing intense among market players to provide an enhanced customer experience. Moreover, market players are launching new products to acquire more clients in Japan and tap the attractive opportunity. For instance,

• In May 2021, Dutch-based payment platform provider Adyen launched a new solution to expand its procurement capabilities in Japan. This new launch followed the launch of Adyen's local acquisition capabilities in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore.
• This announcement expands Adyen's local acquisition capabilities in Asia-Pacific. This new launch is fueled by growing demand from international and domestic merchants to serve Japanese buyers better.

Market players are obtaining new licenses in Singapore to expand their foothold in the country

Singapore's lengthy history of support for new sectors explains why many of the world's most innovative enterprises are looking forward to expanding their foothold in Singapore. The country has become a global hotspot for fintech start-ups.

However, the customers in Singapore still prefer making payments through cash. While Singapore has no plans to replace cash usage with contactless payment technologies soon completely, the Monetary Authority of Singapore has sponsored several initiatives altering the way people in the city-state use money.

With this growing support from the Singapore government, market players are obtaining the required licenses to expand their foothold in the country. For instance,

• In May 2021, a global platform provider, Adyen Singapore Pte Ltd, received approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). Under this approval, the company can implement merchant acquisition and domestic money transfer services under the Payment Services Act 2019 (PSA).
• In January 2022, Australia-based fintech platform Airwallex expanded its presence in Singapore. The company obtained its grant of a Major Payment Institution (MPI) license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

With the Singapore government's expanding support for fintech businesses, the country is anticipated to see an influx of new product launches and technological development in payment platforms in the next few quarters.

The unanticipated market scenario that caused a shift in the payments sector in early 2021 persisted throughout the year. These changes accelerated the development of three broad themes that continue to influence the competitive dynamics within the payment ecosystem across European countries: the rapid rise of e-commerce activities, the proliferation of innovative payment methods, and the development of next-generation payment infrastructure.

Embedded payment platform providers are focusing on the growth prospects of the hospitality industry in Europe

With the growing prospects for embedded payments across various sectors, the hospitality sector is no exception. Most European countries have been on the list of top tourist destinations and have a massive hospitality industry.

With the lifting of lockdown restrictions across European countries, the hospitality industry is ready to thrive again. Market players are planning to regain their positions in the market by providing add-on services to the clients.

Additionally, Embedded payment platforms providers are making strategies to tap the prospects in the hospitality industry through partnerships. For instance,

• In December 2021, Netherlands-based payment platform provider Adyen partnered with Portugal-based hospitality information technology & services provider Nonius. Under this partnership, both companies are planning to assist businesses in the hospitality industry in integrating guest technology with payment technologies. Under this partnership, Adyen plans to utilize Nonius’s client base in the hospitality industry and expand its market share.
• In September 2021, Adyen partnered with the United States-based hospitality software and solutions provider Agilysys Inc. Under this partnership will extend Agilysys customers’ access to global payments.

The Africa & Middle East embedded payment industry is going through a trial phase, and incumbents in the payments market ecosystem must evolve to stay relevant in the industry, as the everchanging demand from clients is making the current system outdated.

Established and new-age fintech companies have invested heavily in embedded payment solutions in the last four to six quarters, resulting in market growth.

Moreover, customers expect e-commerce platforms to provide a smooth buying experience. Embedded payment can be the solution to this ever-growing client requirements. This also allows the companies to provide value-added benefits to clients and increase loyalty. Consequently, PayNXT360 expects strong market growth over the next four to eight quarters.

The embedded payments industry is still in its nascent stages of development in most of the big economies such as Egypt and the UAE. However, in the last six to eight quarters, it was observed that a spike in the number of start-ups in the embedded payment market, spurred by the collaborative efforts of the governments and other stakeholders, enhanced the payment systems.

The region has several diverse factors driving the market growth, including a vast economy, a large young population, and an abundant skilled workforce. As a result, the region has enormous potential to grow its fintech industry in 2022 and beyond.

Presently, the number of embedded payments providers is quite less in Latin America. With the growth in fundraising activities, the market is expected to grow from a short to medium term perspective. Market players are increasingly joining hands to combine their expertise and develop new embedded payments solutions to capture the massive untapped population. For instance,

• In November 2020, Brazil-based fintech company EBANX and ride-hailing app Uber announced a partnership on PIX (a payment system launched by the Brazilian government.
• Under this partnership, EBANX will allow Uber clients' needs of payments, localization, and good user experience through their solutions." Since a large population of Brazil does not have a bank account, Uber’s clients are anticipated to benefit from the newly introduced instant payment platforms, whereas EBANX is expected to utilize Uber’s existing client base.

This report provides global insights into key trends and drivers along with a detailed data centric analysis of market opportunities in embedded payment industry at global and country level. Region and countries included in this report are:

1. Global
2. Argentina
3. Australia
4. Brazil
5. Canada
6. China
7. France
8. Germany
9. India
10. Indonesia
11. Italy
12. Kenya
13. Mexico
14. Nigeria
15. Philippines
16. Russia
17. South Africa
18. Thailand
19. United Arab Emirates
20. United Kingdom
21. United States


This report provides global insights, along with an in-depth data centric analysis of the Embedded Payment industry, covering 50+ KPIs for each region and country (290+ charts and 230+ tables in all). Below is a summary of key market segments:

Embedded Payment Market Size and Forecast

• Embedded Payment by Consumer Segments, 2020 – 2029
-- B2B
-- B2C

• Embedded Payment by End-Use Sector, 2020 – 2029
-- Embedded Payment in Retail & Consumer Goods
-- Embedded Payment in Digital Products & Services
-- Embedded Payment in Utility Bill Payment
-- Embedded Payment in Travel & Hospitality
-- Embedded Payment in Leisure & Entertainment
-- Embedded Payment in Health & Wellness
-- Embedded Payment in Office Supplies & Equipment
-- Embedded Payment in Other

All the regional and country reports cover the following charts and tables:

Figure 1: PayNXT360’s Methodology Framework
Figure 2: Embedded Payment – Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 3: Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment (%), 2020-2029
Figure 4: B2B Payment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 5: B2C Payment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 6: Market Share Analysis by End Use Segment (%), 2021
Figure 7: Retail & Consumer Goods Lending – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 8: Digital Products & Services – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 9: Utility Bill Payment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 10: Travel & Hospitality – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 11: Leisure & Entertainment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 12: Health & Wellness – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 13: Office Supplies & Equipment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 14: Other – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029

Table 1: Embedded Payment – Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 2: B2B Payment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 3: B2C Payment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 4: Retail & Consumer Goods Lending – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 5: Digital Products & Services – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 6: Utility Bill Payment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 7: Travel & Hospitality – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 8: Leisure & Entertainment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 9: Health & Wellness – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 10: Office Supplies & Equipment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 11: Other – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029

Reasons to buy

• In-depth Understanding of Embedded Finance Market Dynamics: Understand market opportunities and key trends along with forecast (2019-2028).

• Insights into Opportunity by end-use sectors – Get market dynamics by end-use sectors to assess emerging opportunity across various end-use sectors.

• Develop Market Specific Strategies: Identify growth segments and target specific opportunities to formulate embedded finance strategy; assess market specific key trends, drivers, and risks in the industry.

• Get Sector Insights: Drawing from proprietary survey results, this report identifies opportunities across embedded lending, embedded insurance, embedded finance, and embedded wealth sectors.


Table of Contents

This report provides detailed 21 sections, covering global insights along with data centric analysis at global and country level (290+ charts and 230+ tables in all):

1. Global Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
2. Argentina Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
3. Australia Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
4. Brazil Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
5. Canada Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
6. China Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
7. France Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
8. Germany Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
9. India Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
10. Indonesia Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
11. Italy Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
12. Kenya Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
13. Mexico Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
14. Nigeria Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
15. Philippines Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
16. Russia Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
17. South Africa Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
18. Thailand Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
19. United Arab Emirates Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
20. United Kingdom Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities
21. United States Embedded Payment Business and Investment Opportunities

All the regional and country sections above follow the following table of contents covering 14 charts and 11 tables for each country / region:

1 About this Report
1.1 Summary
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Embedded Payment Definitions
1.4 Disclaimer

2 Embedded Payment Industry Market Size and Forecast, 2020-2029

3 Embedded Payment Industry Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segment
3.1 Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment
3.2 B2B Payment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
3.3 B2C Payment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

4 Embedded Payment Industry Market Size and Forecast by End Use Segment
4.1 Market Share Analysis by End Use Segment
4.2 Retail & Consumer Goods Lending – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.3 Digital Products & Services – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.4 Utility Bill Payment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.5 Travel & Hospitality – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.6 Leisure & Entertainment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.7 Health & Wellness – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.8 Office Supplies & Equipment – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.9 Other – Embedded Payment Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

5 Further Reading
5.1 About PayNXT360
5.2 Related Research






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