Market Data: Lighting Controls for Commercial Buildings
米国調査会社ナビガントリサーチ(Navigant Research)の調査レポート 「世界の商業ビルの照明制御の市場分析と予測:センサ、多機能制御、リレー、スイッチ、バラスト、ドライバ、コントローラ、サービス」 ... もっと見る
米国調査会社ナビガントリサーチ(Navigant Research)の調査レポート「世界の商業ビルの照明制御の市場分析と予測:センサ、多機能制御、リレー、スイッチ、バラスト、ドライバ、コントローラ、サービス」は、世界の商業ビルの照明制御市場を分析している。商業ビルの照明制御市場の主な市場促進要因と阻害要因について述べている。センサ、リレー、スイッチ、バラスト、ドライバについて査定している。2028年までの世界市場の収益を機器タイプ毎、ビルタイプ毎、建設タイプ毎、地域毎に予測している。
The lighting controls market is being driven by increased adoption of LEDs, building codes, energy savings, the growth of Internet of Things (IoT), and increased desire for controllability and data collection and insights. The commercial lighting market continues to experience disruption, initiated by LED lighting. Lighting controls are the next frontier in this shifting market. Building codes and the desire and requirements to save energy are helping to push forward the lighting controls market. As controls continue to advance in sophistication, the drive toward increased building data is expected to propel the connected controls market, increasing adoption of all controls.
Globally, lighting controls revenue is expected to increase from 2019 to 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.4%. All regions are expected to see growth throughout the forecast period. The Middle East & Africa is anticipated to grow the fastest, due to its small initial market for lighting controls. Asia Pacific is estimated as having roughly half the revenue for lighting controls in 2019 due to the large building stock and quick renovation rates.
This Market Data report by Navigant Research, a Guidehouse company, analyzes the global market for lighting controls within commercial buildings. The report briefly covers the market issues, including key drivers of the lighting controls market for commercial buildings. The study examines sensors, relays, switches, ballasts, and drivers. Global market forecasts for revenue, segmented by equipment type, building type, construction type, and region, extend through 2028.
Key Questions Addressed
What are the drivers pushing forward the lighting controls market?
What are the barriers the lighting controls market faces?
What lighting control strategies can be implemented?
What is the global outlook for various lighting controls equipment in different types of commercial buildings?
How does lighting control adoption vary across new construction and retrofit applications?
Who Needs This Report
Lighting and lighting control vendors
LED manufacturers and suppliers
Commercial building owners and managers
Standards development organizations
Investor community
Table of Contents
1.Executive Summary
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Market Forecast Highlight
2.Data Assumptions and Overview
2.1 Policy, Technology, and Market Trends
2.2 Forecast Methodology
2.3 Forecast Components
3.Market Forecasts
3.1 Forecasts by Equipment Type
3.2 Forecasts by Region and Equipment Type
3.3 Forecasts by Building Type
3.4 Conclusions and Recommendations
4.Building Types
4.1 Office
4.2 Retail
4.3 Education
4.4 Healthcare
4.5 Hotels & Restaurants
4.6 Institutional/Assembly
4.7 Warehouse
4.8 Transport
5.Acronym and Abbreviation List
6.Table of Contents
7.Table of Charts and Figures
8.Scope of Study, Sources and Methodology, Notes
List of Charts and Figures
Lighting Control Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, World Markets: 2019-2028
Occupancy Sensor Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
Photosensor Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
Multi-Feature Sensor Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
Relay Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
Switch Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
Lighting Control Revenue by Building Type, World Markets: 2019-2028
List of Tables
Lighting Control Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, World Markets: 2019-2028
Occupancy Sensor Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
Photosensor Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
Multi-Feature Sensor Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
Relay Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
Switch Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
Ballast and Driver Revenue by Lamp Type and Region, World Markets: 2018-2027
Lighting Control Revenue by Building Type, World Markets: 2019-2028
Lighting Control Revenue by Building Type, North America: 2019-2028
Lighting Control Revenue by Building Type, Europe: 2019-2028
Lighting Control Revenue by Building Type, Asia Pacific: 2019-2028
Lighting Control Revenue by Building Type, Latin America: 2019-2028
Lighting Control Revenue by Building Type, Middle East & Africa: 2019-2028
Lighting Control Revenue by Construction Type and Region, World Markets: 2018-2027
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