
The Global Metering and Smart Grid Market Report and Database – Edition 1, 2019

世界のメータリングとスマートグリッド市場 2019年(第1版):レポートとデータベース

この調査レポートは送配電産業向けのメータリングとスマートグリッドシステム技術について調査・分析しています。調査結果はデータベース(MSエクセル)とレポート(PDF)、2ファイルに分かれて提供されていま... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 冊子体価格 電子版価格 ページ数 図表数 言語
NRG Expert
2019年8月6日 GBP1,690
40 11 英語





  • データベース
    • 年間需要
    • CAPEX
      • 送配電セクター全体の2018年の実績
      • 送配電セクター向けメータリングの2018年の実績
      • 送配電セクター向けメータリングの2019年から2023年までの予測
      • 地域別と国別ベースでの2018年と2023年までの予測
    • 子メーター(証明用電気計器/サブメータ)
    • スマートグリッド評価
  • レポート
    • 企業分析
    • 主要プレイヤの世界市場シェア
    • セクターの略歴
    • 当レポートとデータベースに使用されたNRGエキスパートのメソドロジー
    • セクターの定義

Electricity metering continues to evolve and develop not only as a standalone industry in the retail energy sector, but more so as an integrated part of the entire network of Transmission and Distribution systems. From metering taking place at the generator, to the household energy meter, technology is getting smarter and allowing for more than just simple measurement of electricity throughput.

T&D Networks, together with metering, are continuously evolving in both size and nature as they grow to cope with ever-rising demand. In the past, growth was a matter of adding more lines, transformers, and ancillary equipment. Today, the technology of the systems is often able to allow for increased sophistication to substitute physical growth. Metering and communications technology play an ever-growing role in the adaptation and development of these new technologies.

This report and database provide a focused look at metering and smart-grid systems technology within the Electricity Transmission and Distribution industry as smart grid systems become ubiquitous.

This report and database provide a focused look at metering and smart-grid systems technology within the Electricity Transmission and Distribution industry as smart grid systems become ubiquitous. Smart technologies are increasingly playing a vital part in the management and operation of Transmission and distribution networks. From household smart-meters to full scale automation systems, the value of smart technologies in the T&D space is ever-increasing. Focusing specifically Electricity Metering segments within the T&D industry, this database includes not only the important sectors to this market segment from the NRG Expert Electricity T&D Database, but also a unique look at the value of the smart grid within the T&D industry annual demand.

The Database

The Database is the focus of the product, and, as such, presents the 2018 actual and 2019-2023 forecast information of annual demand and capital expenditure for the Electricity Metering, Smart Grid, and Electricity Sub-Metering sectors, as well as the value of the entire Transmission and Distribution sector as a part of the smart grid market. It consists of a Global Data Set with the following sections:

  • Annual Demand, in Metering Units and USD
  • Capex
  • Sub-Meters
  • Smart Grid Value

The Capex section provides an overview of the total expenditure by utilities including the cost of land, finance, legal services, equipment purchase, construction and installation. Data provided includes:

  • 2018 actual figures for the entire transmission and distribution sector
  • 2018 actual figures for the Metering transmission and distribution sector
  • 2019-2023 forecasts for the Metering transmission and distribution sector
  • Presented on a by-region and by-country basis as a whole for 2018 and forecast to 2023.

The Smart Grid section provides the value of the transmission and distribution sector as a part of the smart grid market as a whole, including a break-down of the Metering share as well as the Smart Grid value in T&D networks without metering. Figures are presented split into regions, and by-country with 2018 actual figures and 2019-2023 forecast.

The Report

The accompanying report provides a valuable historical overview that helps provide forecasts for the future, and an analysis of the current market and the global electricity metering and smart grid market. The report also includes definitions of the sectors used in calculating annual demand, briefings on transmission and distribution as well as metering companies (including regional market shares) and a description of our methodology.

Presented in the Global High-Tech Power Market Report:

  • Company analysis
  • Global market share for major players
  • NRG Expert methodology used to compile this report and database
  • Definition of this sector

Key Reasons to Purchase this Market Research

This NRG Expert Report and Database allows you to make key business decisions based on our forecasts and analysis of the utility metering and smart grid sectors. Reasons to purchase the database include:

  • Gain a global understanding of the electricity metering and smart grid industries as components of the transmission and distribution sector
  • Understand the trends, developments and opportunities in this sector
  • Manipulate the in-depth data on high-tech electricity transmission and distribution
  • Prepare market size evaluations and sector forecasts

Background to this Market Research

  • Metering Systems are evolving rapidly as high-tech solutions are being implemented
  • High-tech solutions will be essential in the race to meet growing demand
  • As the systems are replaced, knowledge of high-tech T&D and utility metering trends will be essential




Table of Contents


Terms, Definitions, and Methodology Accompanying the Database ...... 6

Transmission and Distribution Sectors ............ 6
Electricity Metering ............... 7
Sub-Metering ................. 8
Forecasting and Modelling approach ............ 9
Methodology .................. 9

The History of the Electrical Supply Industry ........... 11

The Early Origins................ 12
Parallel Developments .............. 13
The First Networks ................ 14
Regional Evolution of Networks .............. 15
International Collaboration and Unification .......... 16

National Historic Development of Transmission and Distribution Networks for Selected Countries .. 16

Germany .................. 16
The United States ................. 19
Great Britain ................ 20
France .................. 22

The Current State of Global Transmission Networks .......... 22

Interconnections ................ 24
International Transmission Grids ............ 24
Technological Barriers ............... 26
Future Interconnectivity ............... 27

Technological Developments and the Smart Grid ........... 28

Developments and impacts of the smart grid on Transmission and Distribution Systems.. 28
Storage ................... 29
Microgrids and Distributed Generation .......... 30
Asset Management and Infrastructure Maximization ......... 31

Future Outlook ................ 32

Line Lengths ................ 32
Capital Expenditure ............... 34
Annual Demand Sectors ............... 35

Transmission and Distribution Industry Players .......... 36

Major Manufacturers and Industry Players ........... 36

ABB ................... 36
GE Power ................. 37
Schneider ................. 38
Siemens ................... 38
European Market Shares for Major Manufacturers.......... 38
Asian Market Shares for Major Manufacturers ......... 38
North American Market Shares for Major Manufacturers ....... 39

Sources ................... 40


Table 1 Regional Market Share Ranges Sub-Metering Companies 2012 ...... 8
Table 2 Global Rank by Size of Transmission and Distribution Networks in 2018 .... 27
Table 3 European Market Shares in terms of Value for Major Manufacturers ... 38
Table 4 Asian Market Shares in terms of Value for Major Manufacturers ...... 38
Table 5 North American Market Shares in terms of Value for Major Manufacturers .... 39


Figure 1 Transmission and Distribution Network Length by Region (km) ...... 23
Figure 2 Screenshot of ENTSO-E Website showing a large portion of the grid network of Europe ..25
Figure 3 Installed Transmission Line Length by Region (km) ....... 33
Figure 4 Installed Distribution Line Length by Region (km) ........ 34
Figure 5 Global Development of Capital Expenditure 2018-2023 (million US$) ... 35
Figure 6 Annual Demand Breakdown by Sector .......... 36





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