![]() 第6世代ワイヤレス:6G技術開発(投資、研究開発、テスト)と6G市場商用化(インフラ、展開、アプリ、サービス)、ユースケース、産業分野別 2022年〜2030年Sixth Generation Wireless by 6G Tech Development (Investment, R&D and Testing) and 6G Market Commercialization (Infrastructure, Deployment, Apps and Services), Use Cases and Industry Verticals 2022 – 2030 Enable Ginger 本レポートでは、資金調達や研究開発、プロトタイピングやテストなど、6G技術開発について評価しています。また、インフラ整備や機器展開の機会、アプリケーションやサービス... もっと見る
この調査から得られた包括的な洞察の1つは、5Gテクノロジー(およびその結果として生じるアプリケーションとサービス)は、大部分が6Gテクノロジー市場への足掛かりになると予想されることです。言い換えれば、3Gが実質的な価値を付加せず、4G/LTEへの橋渡しに過ぎなかったように、5Gも6G市場の触媒として作用すると見ている。Mind Commerceは、以下のようないくつかの重要な理由から、このように見ています。
6Gテクノロジー市場は、通信サービスプロバイダー(CSP)にとって、また新たな巨額の支出を意味します。しかし、6G の革新的な側面の 1 つは、高度に分散したサービス・プロバイダー環境をサポートすることであり、つまり、市場がライセンスされた周波数を持つ既存の CSP にそれほど依存しなくなることを意味します。
実際、5G が 6G ソリューションへの土台を築いている例として、企業や産業界の顧客向けに進化した LTE、5G、およびエッジコンピューティングを含む多くのプライベートワイヤレスの実装が挙げられます。次世代の6Gネットワークでは、通信プロバイダーのネットワークがさらに一歩進んで、その多くがセルフプロバイダとなり、PVソーラーがスマートグリッド内でコージェネレーションを生み出したのと同じようなことが起こるでしょう。
6G 技術市場もまた、さまざまな産業分野にわたる多くの新しいイノベーションを促進する主要な要因になります。しかし、6G の機能には非常に戦略的な性質があるため、主権国家は政府の無線アプリケーション向けの 6G テクノロジー市場に最も関心を示すと思われます。このため、5Gの覇権を争う「軍拡競争」は、6G技術市場や関連アプリケーション、サービス、ソリューションをどの国が独占できるかを競うメインイベントのウォームアップのように見えるかもしれません。
Report Summary
This report evaluates 6G technology development including funding and R&D, prototyping and testing. The report also assesses 6G market commercialization including opportunities for infrastructure development and equipment deployment as well as realization of applications and services. The report also analyzes 6G market use cases by industry vertical.
Looking beyond fifth generation (5G) cellular towards sixth generation (6G) technology is challenging, particularly as the former is not yet (fully) commercially launched and the latter is in the R&D stage. However, investigating the 6G technology market is just what Mind Commerce has done the past few months and what we have uncovered is both exciting and concerning.
The excitement stems from what is possible with 6G technology, which is nothing short of amazing in terms of both the high-tech lifestyle it may engender as well as the positive impact on many different industries. The concerns have to do with the impact (or lack thereof) for 5G as well as the disintermediating economic effects of the anticipated 6G technology market.
6G Technology Market Dynamics
One of the overarching insights from this research is that 5G technology (and resulting apps and services) are anticipated to be largely a stepping stone to the 6G technology market. Stated differently, just as 3G did not add substantive value, largely a bridge to 4G/LTE, we also see 5G acting as a catalyst for the 6G market. Mind Commerce sees this as the case for a few key reasons including:
5G will have minimal effect in the near-term for the consumer segment
Advanced 5G and edge computing supported private wireless solutions for enterprise and industrial sectors will facilitate innovation in smart buildings, smart factories, and automation in general
5G will pave the way for expansion of immersive technologies (AR, VR, and haptic Internet), but a truly rich user experience will not come until the 6G technology market is fully developed.
We also see the 6G technology market facilitating substantive improvements in the areas of sensing, imaging, presence and location determination. Higher frequencies will enable much faster sampling rates as well as significantly greater accuracy, down to the centimeter level. 6G networks will evolve to include communication and sensing co-design in which radio signals will have a simultaneous purpose – communications and sensing the environment with the latter including identification of object shape, distance, movements and more!
This will have big implications for many government and industry solutions in public safety and critical asset protection such as threat detection, health monitoring, feature/facial recognition and decision making (as in law enforcement, social credit systems, and other areas), air quality measurements, gas and toxicity sensing, and much more. Accordingly, Mind Commerce sees the 6G market making a big impact on the private wireless market as solutions will emerge that support the unique business needs for short range wireless communication and sensing.
Building upon advances in 5G radio frequency innovation in which the new radio component leverages millimeter wave in the microwave spectrum, the 6G market will leverage the terahertz frequency range, which is located between microwave and infrared light. This frequency can transmit far greater amounts of data than previously conceived RF systems. Accordingly, technologies beyond 5G will have much greater data throughput potential, facilitating a broad array of new capabilities such as real-time machine control, 8K to 16K video streaming, 3D mapping, wireless transport of holographic images/videos, and many more improvements for consumer and business usage.
6G radio networks will provide the means of communications and data gathering necessary to accumulate information, but a systems approach will be required for the 6G technology market as a whole involving data analytics, artificial intelligence, and next generation computation capabilities via High Performance Computing (HPC) and quantum computing.
6G TechnologyThe aforementioned transition will be both exciting and painful, depending on the timing, readiness, and position within the value chain for ecosystem participants.
The 6G technology market will represent yet another large expenditure for communication service providers (CSPs). However, one of the transformative aspects of 6G is that will support a highly distributed service provider environment, meaning that the market will not be so reliant upon incumbent CSPs with licensed spectrum.
In fact, one of the ways in which 5G is laying the groundwork for 6G solutions is the many private wireless implementations involving evolved LTE, 5G, and edge computing for enterprise and industrial customers. Next generation 6G networks will take this one step further with a web of communications providers, many of which will be self-providers, much in the way that PV solar has engendered co-generation within the smartgrid.
The 6G technology market will also be a major facilitator of many new innovations, across a wide variety of industry verticals. However, due to the highly strategic nature of certain 6G capabilities, sovereign nations will likely be most interested in the 6G technology market for government wireless applications. This may very well make the “arms race” for 5G supremacy look like a warm-up for the main event, which will be a race to see what countries can dominate the 6G technology market and related applications, services, and solutions.
In terms of 6G market availability, Mind Commerce anticipates technologies beyond 5G will be in the R&D stage through 2028, with 6G commercial deployment starting as early as 2028, but more likely in 2030 on a wider scale. Samsung plans on releasing 6G in 2028 and has created a set of requirements, including speeds of 1,000 Gbps and latency of less than 100 microseconds. NTT DoCoMo plans to launch commercial 6G by 2030.
6G Technology Market Report
In its third year of analyzing the emerging 6G market, Mind Commerce is the leading market research company focused upon emerging 6G technologies, capabilities, solutions, applications and services. This latest report edition expands upon previous analysis focused primarily upon emerging 6G technologies and capabilities. This edition evaluates 6G technology development including funding and R&D, prototyping and testing.
The report also assesses 6G market commercialization including opportunities for infrastructure development and equipment deployment as well as realization of applications and services. The report also analyzes 6G market use cases by industry vertical. The report provides 6G market sizing for 2022 through 2030, with the lower end of the range focused primarily on technology development, and the later end of the range focused on 6G market commercialization.
Select Findings
Table of Contents
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