
中型・大型トラック 世界産業年鑑 2018-2027

Medium & Heavy Trucks Global Industry Almanac 2018-2027

中型・大型トラック 世界産業年鑑 2018-2027 概要 世界の中型・大型トラック産業プロファイルは、市場規模(金額と数量、2027年までの予測)を含むトップラインの定性的および定量的サマリー情報を提供しま... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2023年12月26日 US$2,995
581 英語




中型・大型トラック 世界産業年鑑 2018-2027




- 中型・大型トラック市場には、商用車(CV)、バス・コーチ(BC)、大型商用車(HCV)、大型バス・コーチ(HBC)が含まれる。CVとBCの重量は3.51トンから16トンで、この重量範囲に入るものにはピックアップとバンが含まれる。HCVとHBCの重量は16トンを超え、改造トラックとバスは除外される。市場台数には、各年度の新規登録台数を含む。市場価値は、市場台数に対する平均メーカー販売価格(MSP)で計算され、すべての税金と賦課金は含まれない。
- すべての市場データおよび予測は名目ベース(すなわち、インフレ調整なし)で表され、本レポートの作成に使用されたすべての通貨換算は、2022年の恒常年間平均為替レートを使用して計算されている。
- 世界の中型・大型トラック市場の2022年の総売上高は2,657億ドルで、2017年から2022年の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は0.6%であった。
- 市場の消費台数は2017年から2022年にかけてCAGR 0.9%のマイナスで減少し、2022年には合計5,068.4千台となった。
- 旧式で燃費の悪い車両の廃車を促進する政府の施策と国家排出ガスⅣ号基準の導入により、近年、従来型トラックの販売が減少している。中国の大型トラック産業は国のマクロ経済環境の影響を受けるが、経済成長は芳しくない。重要な道路輸送部門である製造業の購買担当者指数(PMI)は、7月も49.3と4ヵ月連続で縮小圏にとどまった。


- 世界の中型・大型トラック市場の規模、成長、主要セグメント、主要プレイヤーを特定することで、エントリーレベルの調査にかかる時間を節約することができます。
- ファイブフォース分析により、世界の中型・大型トラック市場の競争力および魅力を判断
- 主要企業のプロフィールから、中型・大型トラック市場の主要プレイヤーのグローバル事業と財務実績の詳細を明らかにします。
- 世界の中型・大型トラック市場の今後の成長見通しを、金額と台数の両方による5年間の予測で理解することで、プレゼンテーションやピッチに重みを加えることができます。


- 2022年の中型・大型トラックの世界市場規模(金額ベース)は?
- 2027年の中型・大型トラックの世界市場規模は?
- 中型・大型トラックの世界市場における競争力に影響を与える要因は何か?
- 過去5年間の市場の推移は?
- 世界の中型・大型トラック市場を構成する主要セグメントは?



Table of Contents
1.1. Market value
1.2. Market value forecast
1.3. Market volume
1.4. Market volume forecast
1.5. Category segmentation
1.6. Geography segmentation
1.7. Competitive landscape
2 Introduction
2.1. What is this report about?
2.2. Who is the target reader?
2.3. How to use this report
2.4. Definitions
3 Global Medium & Heavy Trucks
3.1. Market Overview
3.2. Market Data
3.3. Market Segmentation
3.4. Market outlook
3.5. Five forces analysis
4 Macroeconomic Indicators
4.1. Country data
5 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Asia-Pacific
5.1. Market Overview
5.2. Market Data
5.3. Market Segmentation
5.4. Market outlook
5.5. Five forces analysis
6 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Europe
6.1. Market Overview
6.2. Market Data
6.3. Market Segmentation
6.4. Market outlook
6.5. Five forces analysis
7 Macroeconomic Indicators
7.1. Country data
8 Medium & Heavy Trucks in France
8.1. Market Overview
8.2. Market Data
8.3. Market Segmentation
8.4. Market outlook
8.5. Five forces analysis
9 Macroeconomic Indicators
9.1. Country data
10 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Germany
10.1. Market Overview
10.2. Market Data
10.3. Market Segmentation
10.4. Market outlook
10.5. Five forces analysis
11 Macroeconomic Indicators
11.1. Country data
12 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Australia
12.1. Market Overview
12.2. Market Data
12.3. Market Segmentation
12.4. Market outlook
12.5. Five forces analysis
13 Macroeconomic Indicators
13.1. Country data
14 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Brazil
14.1. Market Overview
14.2. Market Data
14.3. Market Segmentation
14.4. Market outlook
14.5. Five forces analysis
15 Macroeconomic Indicators
15.1. Country data
16 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Canada
16.1. Market Overview
16.2. Market Data
16.3. Market Segmentation
16.4. Market outlook
16.5. Five forces analysis
17 Macroeconomic Indicators
17.1. Country data
18 Medium & Heavy Trucks in China
18.1. Market Overview
18.2. Market Data
18.3. Market Segmentation
18.4. Market outlook
18.5. Five forces analysis
19 Macroeconomic Indicators
19.1. Country data
20 Medium & Heavy Trucks in India
20.1. Market Overview
20.2. Market Data
20.3. Market Segmentation
20.4. Market outlook
20.5. Five forces analysis
21 Macroeconomic Indicators
21.1. Country data
22 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Indonesia
22.1. Market Overview
22.2. Market Data
22.3. Market Segmentation
22.4. Market outlook
22.5. Five forces analysis
23 Macroeconomic Indicators
23.1. Country data
24 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Italy
24.1. Market Overview
24.2. Market Data
24.3. Market Segmentation
24.4. Market outlook
24.5. Five forces analysis
25 Macroeconomic Indicators
25.1. Country data
26 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Japan
26.1. Market Overview
26.2. Market Data
26.3. Market Segmentation
26.4. Market outlook
26.5. Five forces analysis
27 Macroeconomic Indicators
27.1. Country data
28 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Mexico
28.1. Market Overview
28.2. Market Data
28.3. Market Segmentation
28.4. Market outlook
28.5. Five forces analysis
29 Macroeconomic Indicators
29.1. Country data
30 Medium & Heavy Trucks in The Netherlands
30.1. Market Overview
30.2. Market Data
30.3. Market Segmentation
30.4. Market outlook
30.5. Five forces analysis
31 Macroeconomic Indicators
31.1. Country data
32 Medium & Heavy Trucks in North America
32.1. Market Overview
32.2. Market Data
32.3. Market Segmentation
32.4. Market outlook
32.5. Five forces analysis
33 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Russia
33.1. Market Overview
33.2. Market Data
33.3. Market Segmentation
33.4. Market outlook
33.5. Five forces analysis
34 Macroeconomic Indicators
34.1. Country data
35 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Scandinavia
35.1. Market Overview
35.2. Market Data
35.3. Market Segmentation
35.4. Market outlook
35.5. Five forces analysis
36 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Singapore
36.1. Market Overview
36.2. Market Data
36.3. Market Segmentation
36.4. Market outlook
36.5. Five forces analysis
37 Macroeconomic Indicators
37.1. Country data
38 Medium & Heavy Trucks in South Africa
38.1. Market Overview
38.2. Market Data
38.3. Market Segmentation
38.4. Market outlook
38.5. Five forces analysis
39 Macroeconomic Indicators
39.1. Country data
40 Medium & Heavy Trucks in South Korea
40.1. Market Overview
40.2. Market Data
40.3. Market Segmentation
40.4. Market outlook
40.5. Five forces analysis
41 Macroeconomic Indicators
41.1. Country data
42 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Spain
42.1. Market Overview
42.2. Market Data
42.3. Market Segmentation
42.4. Market outlook
42.5. Five forces analysis
43 Macroeconomic Indicators
43.1. Country data
44 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Turkey
44.1. Market Overview
44.2. Market Data
44.3. Market Segmentation
44.4. Market outlook
44.5. Five forces analysis
45 Macroeconomic Indicators
45.1. Country data
46 Medium & Heavy Trucks in The United Kingdom
46.1. Market Overview
46.2. Market Data
46.3. Market Segmentation
46.4. Market outlook
46.5. Five forces analysis
47 Macroeconomic Indicators
47.1. Country data
48 Medium & Heavy Trucks in The United States
48.1. Market Overview
48.2. Market Data
48.3. Market Segmentation
48.4. Market outlook
48.5. Five forces analysis
49 Macroeconomic Indicators
49.1. Country data
50 Company Profiles
51 Appendix
51.1. Methodology
51.2. About MarketLine





Medium & Heavy Trucks Global Industry Almanac 2018-2027


Global Medium & Heavy Trucks industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market size (value and volume , and forecast to 2027). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market.

Key Highlights

- The medium and heavy trucks market includes commercial vehicles (CVs), buses and coaches (BCs), heavy commercial vehicles (HCVs) and heavy buses and coaches (HBCs). CVs and BCs weigh 3.51 to 16 tonnes and include pick-ups and vans where they fall into this weight range. HCVs and HBCs weigh over 16 tonnes; the converted trucks and buses are excluded. The market volume include the number of newly registrated vehicle in any given year. The market value is calculated in terms of average manufacturer selling price (MSP) against market volume, and excludes all taxes and levies.
- All market data and forecasts are represented in nominal terms (i.e., without adjustment for inflation) and all currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2022 annual average exchange rates.
- The global medium & heavy trucks market had total revenues of $265.7 billion in 2022, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.6% between 2017 and 2022.
- Market consumption volumes declined with a negative CAGR of 0.9% between 2017 and 2022, reaching a total of 5,068.4 thousand units in 2022.
- Government measures to promote the scrapping of old and less fuel-efficient vehicles and the introduction of the National Emission IV Standards have declined the sales of traditional trucks in recent years. China's heavy truck industry is impacted by the country's macroeconomic environment, but economic growth has been subpar. The Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) for the manufacturing industry, a crucial road transport sector, remained in the contraction zone for the fourth month in July at 49.3.


- Save time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, major segments, and leading players in the global medium & heavy trucks market
- Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the global medium & heavy trucks market
- Leading company profiles reveal details of key medium & heavy trucks market players’ global operations and financial performance
- Add weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the global medium & heavy trucks market with five year forecasts by both value and volume

Reasons to Buy

- What was the size of the global medium & heavy trucks market by value in 2022?
- What will be the size of the global medium & heavy trucks market in 2027?
- What factors are affecting the strength of competition in the global medium & heavy trucks market?
- How has the market performed over the last five years?
- What are the main segments that make up the global medium & heavy trucks market?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1.1. Market value
1.2. Market value forecast
1.3. Market volume
1.4. Market volume forecast
1.5. Category segmentation
1.6. Geography segmentation
1.7. Competitive landscape
2 Introduction
2.1. What is this report about?
2.2. Who is the target reader?
2.3. How to use this report
2.4. Definitions
3 Global Medium & Heavy Trucks
3.1. Market Overview
3.2. Market Data
3.3. Market Segmentation
3.4. Market outlook
3.5. Five forces analysis
4 Macroeconomic Indicators
4.1. Country data
5 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Asia-Pacific
5.1. Market Overview
5.2. Market Data
5.3. Market Segmentation
5.4. Market outlook
5.5. Five forces analysis
6 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Europe
6.1. Market Overview
6.2. Market Data
6.3. Market Segmentation
6.4. Market outlook
6.5. Five forces analysis
7 Macroeconomic Indicators
7.1. Country data
8 Medium & Heavy Trucks in France
8.1. Market Overview
8.2. Market Data
8.3. Market Segmentation
8.4. Market outlook
8.5. Five forces analysis
9 Macroeconomic Indicators
9.1. Country data
10 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Germany
10.1. Market Overview
10.2. Market Data
10.3. Market Segmentation
10.4. Market outlook
10.5. Five forces analysis
11 Macroeconomic Indicators
11.1. Country data
12 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Australia
12.1. Market Overview
12.2. Market Data
12.3. Market Segmentation
12.4. Market outlook
12.5. Five forces analysis
13 Macroeconomic Indicators
13.1. Country data
14 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Brazil
14.1. Market Overview
14.2. Market Data
14.3. Market Segmentation
14.4. Market outlook
14.5. Five forces analysis
15 Macroeconomic Indicators
15.1. Country data
16 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Canada
16.1. Market Overview
16.2. Market Data
16.3. Market Segmentation
16.4. Market outlook
16.5. Five forces analysis
17 Macroeconomic Indicators
17.1. Country data
18 Medium & Heavy Trucks in China
18.1. Market Overview
18.2. Market Data
18.3. Market Segmentation
18.4. Market outlook
18.5. Five forces analysis
19 Macroeconomic Indicators
19.1. Country data
20 Medium & Heavy Trucks in India
20.1. Market Overview
20.2. Market Data
20.3. Market Segmentation
20.4. Market outlook
20.5. Five forces analysis
21 Macroeconomic Indicators
21.1. Country data
22 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Indonesia
22.1. Market Overview
22.2. Market Data
22.3. Market Segmentation
22.4. Market outlook
22.5. Five forces analysis
23 Macroeconomic Indicators
23.1. Country data
24 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Italy
24.1. Market Overview
24.2. Market Data
24.3. Market Segmentation
24.4. Market outlook
24.5. Five forces analysis
25 Macroeconomic Indicators
25.1. Country data
26 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Japan
26.1. Market Overview
26.2. Market Data
26.3. Market Segmentation
26.4. Market outlook
26.5. Five forces analysis
27 Macroeconomic Indicators
27.1. Country data
28 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Mexico
28.1. Market Overview
28.2. Market Data
28.3. Market Segmentation
28.4. Market outlook
28.5. Five forces analysis
29 Macroeconomic Indicators
29.1. Country data
30 Medium & Heavy Trucks in The Netherlands
30.1. Market Overview
30.2. Market Data
30.3. Market Segmentation
30.4. Market outlook
30.5. Five forces analysis
31 Macroeconomic Indicators
31.1. Country data
32 Medium & Heavy Trucks in North America
32.1. Market Overview
32.2. Market Data
32.3. Market Segmentation
32.4. Market outlook
32.5. Five forces analysis
33 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Russia
33.1. Market Overview
33.2. Market Data
33.3. Market Segmentation
33.4. Market outlook
33.5. Five forces analysis
34 Macroeconomic Indicators
34.1. Country data
35 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Scandinavia
35.1. Market Overview
35.2. Market Data
35.3. Market Segmentation
35.4. Market outlook
35.5. Five forces analysis
36 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Singapore
36.1. Market Overview
36.2. Market Data
36.3. Market Segmentation
36.4. Market outlook
36.5. Five forces analysis
37 Macroeconomic Indicators
37.1. Country data
38 Medium & Heavy Trucks in South Africa
38.1. Market Overview
38.2. Market Data
38.3. Market Segmentation
38.4. Market outlook
38.5. Five forces analysis
39 Macroeconomic Indicators
39.1. Country data
40 Medium & Heavy Trucks in South Korea
40.1. Market Overview
40.2. Market Data
40.3. Market Segmentation
40.4. Market outlook
40.5. Five forces analysis
41 Macroeconomic Indicators
41.1. Country data
42 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Spain
42.1. Market Overview
42.2. Market Data
42.3. Market Segmentation
42.4. Market outlook
42.5. Five forces analysis
43 Macroeconomic Indicators
43.1. Country data
44 Medium & Heavy Trucks in Turkey
44.1. Market Overview
44.2. Market Data
44.3. Market Segmentation
44.4. Market outlook
44.5. Five forces analysis
45 Macroeconomic Indicators
45.1. Country data
46 Medium & Heavy Trucks in The United Kingdom
46.1. Market Overview
46.2. Market Data
46.3. Market Segmentation
46.4. Market outlook
46.5. Five forces analysis
47 Macroeconomic Indicators
47.1. Country data
48 Medium & Heavy Trucks in The United States
48.1. Market Overview
48.2. Market Data
48.3. Market Segmentation
48.4. Market outlook
48.5. Five forces analysis
49 Macroeconomic Indicators
49.1. Country data
50 Company Profiles
51 Appendix
51.1. Methodology
51.2. About MarketLine






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2024/12/30 10:26

159.18 円

166.42 円

203.02 円
