


Europe Fixed Line Telecoms Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast to 2027

欧州固定通信市場の概要、競合分析、2027年までの予測 概要 欧州の固定通信業界プロファイルでは、市場規模(2017~22年、2027年予測)など、トップラインの質的および量的概要情報を提供します。また、主... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
2023年10月6日 US$525
3営業日程度 60 英語







- 固定通信市場は、無線システムではなく、音声電話とインターネット固定回線(有線)の事業者が得る収益として評価される。エンドユーザーからの収入のみが含まれ、卸売取引のような他の事業者からの収入は除外される。この市場は、音声電話のセグメントである回線交換とVoIP(パケット交換の音声契約)、インターネットのセグメントであるナローバンド(伝送速度< 128 Kbps) and Broadband (transmission speed >128Kbps)。通信量の数値は、これら各サービスの固定回線契約数として定義されている。すべての市場データおよび予測は名目値(インフレ調整なし)で表され、本レポートの作成に使用されたすべての通貨換算は、恒常2022年年間平均為替レートを使用して計算されている。
- 欧州の固定通信市場の2022年の総収入は1,074億ドルで、2017年から2022年の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は0.2%であった。
- 市場の消費量は2017年から2022年にかけてCAGR 0.8%で増加し、2022年には合計4億5,710万契約に達した。
- 自社調査によると、ドイツの固定電話普及率は2017年の100人当たり53.7から2022年には45.8に減少している。


- 欧州の固定通信市場の規模、成長、主要セグメント、主要プレイヤーを特定することで、エントリレベルの調査にかかる時間を節約できます。
- ファイブフォース分析により、欧州の固定通信市場の競争激しさとその魅力を把握
- 主要企業のプロファイルから、固定通信市場の主要プレイヤーのグローバル事業と財務実績の詳細を明らかにします。
- 欧州の固定通信市場の今後の成長見通しを5年予測で把握することで、プレゼンテーションやピッチに重みを加えることができます。


- 2022年の欧州固定通信市場規模は?
- 2027年の欧州固定通信市場規模は?
- 欧州固定通信市場の競争力に影響を与える要因は何か?
- 過去5年間の市場の推移は?
- 欧州の固定通信市場を構成する主なセグメントは?



Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary
1.1. Market value
1.2. Market value forecast
1.3. Market volume
1.4. Market volume forecast
1.5. Category segmentation
1.6. Geography segmentation
1.7. Market share
1.8. Market rivalry
1.9. Competitive landscape
2 Market Overview
2.1. Market definition
2.2. Market analysis
3 Market Data
3.1. Market value
3.2. Market volume
4 Market Segmentation
4.1. Category segmentation
4.2. Geography segmentation
5 Market Outlook
5.1. Market value forecast
5.2. Market volume forecast
6 Five Forces Analysis
6.1. Summary
6.2. Buyer power
6.3. Supplier power
6.4. New entrants
6.5. Threat of substitutes
6.6. Degree of rivalry
7 Competitive Landscape
7.1. Market share
7.2. Who are the leading players?
7.3. What are the strengths of leading players in the market?
7.4. What strategies do the leading players follow?
7.5. What are the most recent market developments?
8 Company Profiles
8.1. Orange SA
8.2. Deutsche Telekom AG
8.3. Rostelecom
8.4. Vodafone Group Plc
9 Macroeconomic Indicators
9.1. Country data
10 Appendix
10.1. Methodology
10.2. Industry associations
10.3. Related MarketLine research
10.4. About MarketLine



List of Tables
Table 1: Europe fixed line telecoms market value: $ billion, 2017–22
Table 2: Europe fixed line telecoms market volume: million subscriptions, 2017–22
Table 3: Europe fixed line telecoms market category segmentation: % share, by volume, 2017–2022
Table 4: Europe fixed line telecoms market category segmentation: million subscriptions, 2017-2022
Table 5: Europe fixed line telecoms market geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022
Table 6: Europe fixed line telecoms market value forecast: $ billion, 2022–27
Table 7: Europe fixed line telecoms market volume forecast: million subscriptions, 2022–27
Table 8: Europe fixed line telecoms market share: % share, by volume, 2022
Table 9: Orange SA: key facts
Table 10: Orange SA: Annual Financial Ratios
Table 11: Orange SA: Key Employees
Table 12: Orange SA: Key Employees Continued
Table 13: Deutsche Telekom AG: key facts
Table 14: Deutsche Telekom AG: Annual Financial Ratios
Table 15: Deutsche Telekom AG: Key Employees
Table 16: Deutsche Telekom AG: Key Employees Continued
Table 17: Rostelecom: key facts
Table 18: Rostelecom: Annual Financial Ratios
Table 19: Rostelecom: Key Employees
Table 20: Rostelecom: Key Employees Continued
Table 21: Rostelecom: Key Employees Continued
Table 22: Rostelecom: Key Employees Continued
Table 23: Vodafone Group Plc: key facts
Table 24: Vodafone Group Plc: Annual Financial Ratios
Table 25: Vodafone Group Plc: Key Employees
Table 26: Europe size of population (million), 2018–22
Table 27: Europe gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22
Table 28: Europe gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22
Table 29: Europe inflation, 2018–22
Table 30: Europe consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22
Table 31: Europe exchange rate, 2018–22





Europe Fixed Line Telecoms Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast to 2027


Fixed Line Telecoms in Europe industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market size (value 2017-22, and forecast to 2027). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market.

Key Highlights

- The fixed-line telecommunications market is valued as the revenues obtained by operators for voice telephony and internet fixed lines (wirelines), rather than wireless systems. Only revenues from end-users are included, with revenues from other operators, as in wholesale transactions, excluded. This market consists of voice telephony segments Circuit-Switched and VoIP (packet-switched voice subscriptions); and internet segments Narrowband (transmission speed < 128 Kbps) and Broadband (transmission speed > 128 Kbps). Volume figures are defined as fixed-line subscriptions to each of these services. All market data and forecasts are represented in nominal terms (i.e., without adjustment for inflation) and all currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2022 annual average exchange rates.
- The European fixed line telecoms market had total revenues of $107.4 billion in 2022, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.2% between 2017 and 2022.
- Market consumption volume increased with a CAGR of 0.8% between 2017 and 2022, to reach a total of 457.1 million subscriptions in 2022.
- According to in-house research, fixed line telephone penetration in Germany has decreased from 53.7 per 100 people in 2017 to 45.8 per 100 people in 2022.


- Save time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, major segments, and leading players in the fixed line telecoms market in Europe
- Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the fixed line telecoms market in Europe
- Leading company profiles reveal details of key fixed line telecoms market players’ global operations and financial performance
- Add weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the Europe fixed line telecoms market with five year forecasts

Reasons to Buy

- What was the size of the Europe fixed line telecoms market by value in 2022?
- What will be the size of the Europe fixed line telecoms market in 2027?
- What factors are affecting the strength of competition in the Europe fixed line telecoms market?
- How has the market performed over the last five years?
- What are the main segments that make up Europe's fixed line telecoms market?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary
1.1. Market value
1.2. Market value forecast
1.3. Market volume
1.4. Market volume forecast
1.5. Category segmentation
1.6. Geography segmentation
1.7. Market share
1.8. Market rivalry
1.9. Competitive landscape
2 Market Overview
2.1. Market definition
2.2. Market analysis
3 Market Data
3.1. Market value
3.2. Market volume
4 Market Segmentation
4.1. Category segmentation
4.2. Geography segmentation
5 Market Outlook
5.1. Market value forecast
5.2. Market volume forecast
6 Five Forces Analysis
6.1. Summary
6.2. Buyer power
6.3. Supplier power
6.4. New entrants
6.5. Threat of substitutes
6.6. Degree of rivalry
7 Competitive Landscape
7.1. Market share
7.2. Who are the leading players?
7.3. What are the strengths of leading players in the market?
7.4. What strategies do the leading players follow?
7.5. What are the most recent market developments?
8 Company Profiles
8.1. Orange SA
8.2. Deutsche Telekom AG
8.3. Rostelecom
8.4. Vodafone Group Plc
9 Macroeconomic Indicators
9.1. Country data
10 Appendix
10.1. Methodology
10.2. Industry associations
10.3. Related MarketLine research
10.4. About MarketLine


List of Tables/Graphs

List of Tables
Table 1: Europe fixed line telecoms market value: $ billion, 2017–22
Table 2: Europe fixed line telecoms market volume: million subscriptions, 2017–22
Table 3: Europe fixed line telecoms market category segmentation: % share, by volume, 2017–2022
Table 4: Europe fixed line telecoms market category segmentation: million subscriptions, 2017-2022
Table 5: Europe fixed line telecoms market geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022
Table 6: Europe fixed line telecoms market value forecast: $ billion, 2022–27
Table 7: Europe fixed line telecoms market volume forecast: million subscriptions, 2022–27
Table 8: Europe fixed line telecoms market share: % share, by volume, 2022
Table 9: Orange SA: key facts
Table 10: Orange SA: Annual Financial Ratios
Table 11: Orange SA: Key Employees
Table 12: Orange SA: Key Employees Continued
Table 13: Deutsche Telekom AG: key facts
Table 14: Deutsche Telekom AG: Annual Financial Ratios
Table 15: Deutsche Telekom AG: Key Employees
Table 16: Deutsche Telekom AG: Key Employees Continued
Table 17: Rostelecom: key facts
Table 18: Rostelecom: Annual Financial Ratios
Table 19: Rostelecom: Key Employees
Table 20: Rostelecom: Key Employees Continued
Table 21: Rostelecom: Key Employees Continued
Table 22: Rostelecom: Key Employees Continued
Table 23: Vodafone Group Plc: key facts
Table 24: Vodafone Group Plc: Annual Financial Ratios
Table 25: Vodafone Group Plc: Key Employees
Table 26: Europe size of population (million), 2018–22
Table 27: Europe gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22
Table 28: Europe gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22
Table 29: Europe inflation, 2018–22
Table 30: Europe consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22
Table 31: Europe exchange rate, 2018–22








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