


Tobacco and Tobacco Products Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast, 2017-2026

タバコとタバコ製品市場の概要、競合分析、予測、2017-2026年 概要 世界のタバコおよびタバコ製品産業プロファイルは、市場シェア、市場規模(2017~21年の金額と数量、2026年までの予測)など、トップライ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
2023年5月1日 US$1,495
3営業日程度 305 英語








- タバコとタバコ製品市場は、タバコ、葉巻とシガリロ、無煙タバコ、喫煙用タバコの小売販売で構成される。紙巻きタバコはフィルター付き紙巻きタバコとプレーンタバコで構成される。葉巻・シガリロ部門は、大型葉巻と小型葉巻で構成される。同様に、無煙タバコ部門はパイプタバコとファインカットタバコ(FCT)で構成され、喫煙タバコ部門はスナッフ/スヌスと噛みタバコ製品で構成される。市場は小売販売価格(RSP)で評価され、適用される税金が含まれる。本レポートの作成に使用されたすべての通貨換算は、恒常的な年間平均為替レート2021を用いて計算されている。本レポートに掲載されている市場数量(本)は、タバコ、葉巻、シガリロのみを対象としている。
- 世界のタバコ・タバコ製品市場の2021年の総収入は8,855億2,860万ドルで、2016年から2021年の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は6.1%であった。
- 市場の消費量は2016年から2021年にかけてCAGR -2.5%で減少し、2021年には合計4,453,803.6百万個に達した。
- 市場の業績は減速すると予測され、2021年から2026年の5年間のCAGRは2.4%と予想され、2026年末には9,986億2,670万ドルの市場になると予測される。


- 世界のタバコ&タバコ製品市場の規模、成長、主要セグメント、主要プレイヤーを明らかにすることで、エントリーレベルの調査にかかる時間を節約できます。
- ファイブフォース分析により、世界のタバコおよびタバコ製品市場の競争力および魅力度を測定します。
- 主要企業のプロフィールにより、タバコ&タバコ製品市場の主要企業の世界的な事業展開と財務実績の詳細を明らかにします。
- 世界のタバコ・紙巻きたばこ製品市場の今後の成長見通しを、金額と数量の両方による5年間の予測で理解することで、プレゼンテーションやピッチに重みを加えることができます。


- 2021年の世界のタバコ&タバコ製品市場規模は?
- 2026年のタバコ&タバコ製品の世界市場規模は?
- タバコ&タバコ製品の世界市場における競争力に影響を与える要因は何か?
- 過去5年間の市場の推移は?
- タバコ&タバコ製品の世界市場における上位競争相手は?



Table of Contents
1.1. Market value
1.2. Market value forecast
1.3. Market volume
1.4. Market volume forecast
1.5. Category segmentation
1.6. Geography segmentation
1.7. Market share
1.8. Competitive landscape
2 Introduction
2.1. What is this report about?
2.2. Who is the target reader?
2.3. How to use this report
2.4. Definitions
3 Global Tobacco & Tobacco Products
3.1. Market Overview
3.2. Market Data
3.3. Market Segmentation
3.4. Market outlook
3.5. Five forces analysis
4 Macroeconomic Indicators
4.1. Country data
5 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Asia-Pacific
5.1. Market Overview
5.2. Market Data
5.3. Market Segmentation
5.4. Market outlook
5.5. Five forces analysis
6 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Europe
6.1. Market Overview
6.2. Market Data
6.3. Market Segmentation
6.4. Market outlook
6.5. Five forces analysis
7 Macroeconomic Indicators
7.1. Country data
8 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in France
8.1. Market Overview
8.2. Market Data
8.3. Market Segmentation
8.4. Market outlook
8.5. Five forces analysis
9 Macroeconomic Indicators
9.1. Country data
10 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Germany
10.1. Market Overview
10.2. Market Data
10.3. Market Segmentation
10.4. Market outlook
10.5. Five forces analysis
11 Macroeconomic Indicators
11.1. Country data
12 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Italy
12.1. Market Overview
12.2. Market Data
12.3. Market Segmentation
12.4. Market outlook
12.5. Five forces analysis
13 Macroeconomic Indicators
13.1. Country data
14 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Japan
14.1. Market Overview
14.2. Market Data
14.3. Market Segmentation
14.4. Market outlook
14.5. Five forces analysis
15 Macroeconomic Indicators
15.1. Country data
16 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Australia
16.1. Market Overview
16.2. Market Data
16.3. Market Segmentation
16.4. Market outlook
16.5. Five forces analysis
17 Macroeconomic Indicators
17.1. Country data
18 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Canada
18.1. Market Overview
18.2. Market Data
18.3. Market Segmentation
18.4. Market outlook
18.5. Five forces analysis
19 Macroeconomic Indicators
19.1. Country data
20 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in China
20.1. Market Overview
20.2. Market Data
20.3. Market Segmentation
20.4. Market outlook
20.5. Five forces analysis
21 Macroeconomic Indicators
21.1. Country data
22 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in The Netherlands
22.1. Market Overview
22.2. Market Data
22.3. Market Segmentation
22.4. Market outlook
22.5. Five forces analysis
23 Macroeconomic Indicators
23.1. Country data
24 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Spain
24.1. Market Overview
24.2. Market Data
24.3. Market Segmentation
24.4. Market outlook
24.5. Five forces analysis
25 Macroeconomic Indicators
25.1. Country data
26 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in The United Kingdom
26.1. Market Overview
26.2. Market Data
26.3. Market Segmentation
26.4. Market outlook
26.5. Five forces analysis
27 Macroeconomic Indicators
27.1. Country data
28 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in The United States
28.1. Market Overview
28.2. Market Data
28.3. Market Segmentation
28.4. Market outlook
28.5. Five forces analysis
29 Macroeconomic Indicators
29.1. Country data
30 Company Profiles
30.1. Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S
30.2. China National Tobacco Corporation
30.3. Imperial Brands Plc
30.4. Japan Tobacco Inc.
30.5. Altria Group, Inc.
30.6. British American Tobacco p.l.c.
30.7. Philip Morris International Inc.
31 Appendix
31.1. Methodology
31.2. About MarketLine





Tobacco and Tobacco Products Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast, 2017-2026


Global Tobacco & Tobacco Products industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market share, market size (value and volume 2017-21, and forecast to 2026). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market.

Key Highlights

- The tobacco and tobacco products market consists of the retail sale of cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, smokeless tobacco, and smoking tobacco. The cigarettes segment consists of filter cigarettes and plain cigarettes. The cigars and cigarillos segment comprises large cigars and small cigars. Similarly, the smokeless tobacco segment consists of pipe tobacco and fine cut tobacco (FCT) and the smoking tobacco segment includes snuff/snus and chewing tobacco products. The market is valued according to retail selling price (RSP) and includes any applicable taxes. All currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant annual average 2021 exchange rates. Market volumes presented in the report (pieces) refer to cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos only.
- The Global tobacco & tobacco products market had total revenues of $885,528.6m in 2021, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1% between 2016 and 2021.
- Market consumption volumes declined with a CAGR of -2.5% between 2016 and 2021, to reach a total of 4,453,803.6 million pieces in 2021.
- The performance of the market is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 2.4% for the five-year period 2021 - 2026, which is expected to drive the market to a value of $998,626.7m by the end of 2026.


- Save time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, major segments, and leading players in the global tobacco & tobacco products market
- Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the global tobacco & tobacco products market
- Leading company profiles reveal details of key tobacco & tobacco products market players’ global operations and financial performance
- Add weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the global tobacco & tobacco products market with five year forecasts by both value and volume

Reasons to Buy

- What was the size of the global tobacco & tobacco products market by value in 2021?
- What will be the size of the global tobacco & tobacco products market in 2026?
- What factors are affecting the strength of competition in the global tobacco & tobacco products market?
- How has the market performed over the last five years?
- Who are the top competitors in the global tobacco & tobacco products market?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1.1. Market value
1.2. Market value forecast
1.3. Market volume
1.4. Market volume forecast
1.5. Category segmentation
1.6. Geography segmentation
1.7. Market share
1.8. Competitive landscape
2 Introduction
2.1. What is this report about?
2.2. Who is the target reader?
2.3. How to use this report
2.4. Definitions
3 Global Tobacco & Tobacco Products
3.1. Market Overview
3.2. Market Data
3.3. Market Segmentation
3.4. Market outlook
3.5. Five forces analysis
4 Macroeconomic Indicators
4.1. Country data
5 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Asia-Pacific
5.1. Market Overview
5.2. Market Data
5.3. Market Segmentation
5.4. Market outlook
5.5. Five forces analysis
6 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Europe
6.1. Market Overview
6.2. Market Data
6.3. Market Segmentation
6.4. Market outlook
6.5. Five forces analysis
7 Macroeconomic Indicators
7.1. Country data
8 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in France
8.1. Market Overview
8.2. Market Data
8.3. Market Segmentation
8.4. Market outlook
8.5. Five forces analysis
9 Macroeconomic Indicators
9.1. Country data
10 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Germany
10.1. Market Overview
10.2. Market Data
10.3. Market Segmentation
10.4. Market outlook
10.5. Five forces analysis
11 Macroeconomic Indicators
11.1. Country data
12 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Italy
12.1. Market Overview
12.2. Market Data
12.3. Market Segmentation
12.4. Market outlook
12.5. Five forces analysis
13 Macroeconomic Indicators
13.1. Country data
14 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Japan
14.1. Market Overview
14.2. Market Data
14.3. Market Segmentation
14.4. Market outlook
14.5. Five forces analysis
15 Macroeconomic Indicators
15.1. Country data
16 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Australia
16.1. Market Overview
16.2. Market Data
16.3. Market Segmentation
16.4. Market outlook
16.5. Five forces analysis
17 Macroeconomic Indicators
17.1. Country data
18 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Canada
18.1. Market Overview
18.2. Market Data
18.3. Market Segmentation
18.4. Market outlook
18.5. Five forces analysis
19 Macroeconomic Indicators
19.1. Country data
20 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in China
20.1. Market Overview
20.2. Market Data
20.3. Market Segmentation
20.4. Market outlook
20.5. Five forces analysis
21 Macroeconomic Indicators
21.1. Country data
22 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in The Netherlands
22.1. Market Overview
22.2. Market Data
22.3. Market Segmentation
22.4. Market outlook
22.5. Five forces analysis
23 Macroeconomic Indicators
23.1. Country data
24 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in Spain
24.1. Market Overview
24.2. Market Data
24.3. Market Segmentation
24.4. Market outlook
24.5. Five forces analysis
25 Macroeconomic Indicators
25.1. Country data
26 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in The United Kingdom
26.1. Market Overview
26.2. Market Data
26.3. Market Segmentation
26.4. Market outlook
26.5. Five forces analysis
27 Macroeconomic Indicators
27.1. Country data
28 Tobacco & Tobacco Products in The United States
28.1. Market Overview
28.2. Market Data
28.3. Market Segmentation
28.4. Market outlook
28.5. Five forces analysis
29 Macroeconomic Indicators
29.1. Country data
30 Company Profiles
30.1. Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S
30.2. China National Tobacco Corporation
30.3. Imperial Brands Plc
30.4. Japan Tobacco Inc.
30.5. Altria Group, Inc.
30.6. British American Tobacco p.l.c.
30.7. Philip Morris International Inc.
31 Appendix
31.1. Methodology
31.2. About MarketLine






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