損害保険市場の概要、競合分析、予測、2018-2027年(世界年鑑)Non-Life Insurance Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast, 2018-2027 (Global Almanac) 損害保険市場の概要、競合分析、予測、2018-2027年(世界年鑑) 概要 世界の損害保険業界プロファイルは、市場シェア、市場規模(2018年~22年、2027年予測)など、トップラインの定性的および定量的サマリ... もっと見る
サマリー損害保険市場の概要、競合分析、予測、2018-2027年(世界年鑑)概要 世界の損害保険業界プロファイルは、市場シェア、市場規模(2018年~22年、2027年予測)など、トップラインの定性的および定量的サマリー情報を提供します。また、主要な財務指標や市場内の競争圧力の分析を含む主要企業の説明も掲載しています。 主要ハイライト - 損害保険市場は、自動車保険、損害保険、賠償責任保険、その他保険に区分される一般保険市場で構成される。その他のセグメントは、健康保険、旅行保険、傷害保険などの損害保険商品で構成されている。損害保険市場の価値は総保険料収入で示されている。総保険料収入とは、保険者が支払った、または支払うべき再保険料を控除せずに計算された、その年の保険契約からの保険料収入と定義される。 - すべての市場データおよび予測は名目ベース(すなわち、インフレ調整なし)で表されており、本レポートの作成に使用したすべての通貨換算は2021年の恒常為替レート(年平均)を用いて計算されている。 - 世界の損害保険市場の2022年の総収入保険料は38億9,580万ドルで、2017年から2022年にかけての年平均成長率(CAGR)は5.3%であった。 - 2022年の総収入保険料は12億2,830万ドルで、市場全体の31.5%に相当する。 - 世界の損害保険市場は2022年に3.8%の成長を遂げた。同市場は、2017年から2022年までのCAGRが5.3%と、歴史的期間において緩やかな成長を遂げた。 スコープ - 世界の損害保険市場の規模、成長、主要セグメント、主要プレイヤーを明らかにすることで、エントリーレベルの調査にかかる時間を節約できます。 - ファイブフォース分析により、世界の損害保険市場の競争激化度、魅力度を把握 - 主要企業のプロフィールから、損害保険市場の主要企業のグローバルな事業展開と財務実績の詳細を明らかにします。 - 世界の損害保険市場の今後の成長見通しを5年予測で把握することで、プレゼンテーションやピッチに重みを加えることができる 購入の理由 - 2022年の世界の損害保険市場規模は? - 2027年の世界の損害保険市場規模は? - 世界の損害保険市場における競争の強さに影響を与える要因は何か? - 過去5年間の市場の推移は? - 世界の損害保険市場における競合上位企業は? 目次Table of Contents1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Market value 1.2. Market value forecast 1.3. Category segmentation 1.4. Geography segmentation 1.5. Market share 1.6. Competitive landscape 2 Introduction 2.1. What is this report about? 2.2. Who is the target reader? 2.3. How to use this report 2.4. Definitions 3 Global Non-Life Insurance 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Data 3.3. Market Segmentation 3.4. Market outlook 3.5. Five forces analysis 4 Macroeconomic Indicators 4.1. Country data 5 Non-Life Insurance in Asia-Pacific 5.1. Market Overview 5.2. Market Data 5.3. Market Segmentation 5.4. Market outlook 5.5. Five forces analysis 6 Non-Life Insurance in Europe 6.1. Market Overview 6.2. Market Data 6.3. Market Segmentation 6.4. Market outlook 6.5. Five forces analysis 7 Macroeconomic Indicators 7.1. Country data 8 Non-Life Insurance in Finland 8.1. Market Overview 8.2. Market Data 8.3. Market Segmentation 8.4. Market outlook 8.5. Five forces analysis 9 Macroeconomic Indicators 9.1. Country data 10 Non-Life Insurance in France 10.1. Market Overview 10.2. Market Data 10.3. Market Segmentation 10.4. Market outlook 10.5. Five forces analysis 11 Macroeconomic Indicators 11.1. Country data 12 Non-Life Insurance in Germany 12.1. Market Overview 12.2. Market Data 12.3. Market Segmentation 12.4. Market outlook 12.5. Five forces analysis 13 Macroeconomic Indicators 13.1. Country data 14 Non-Life Insurance in India 14.1. Market Overview 14.2. Market Data 14.3. Market Segmentation 14.4. Market outlook 14.5. Five forces analysis 15 Macroeconomic Indicators 15.1. Country data 16 Non-Life Insurance in Indonesia 16.1. Market Overview 16.2. Market Data 16.3. Market Segmentation 16.4. Market outlook 16.5. Five forces analysis 17 Macroeconomic Indicators 17.1. Country data 18 Non-Life Insurance in Italy 18.1. Market Overview 18.2. Market Data 18.3. Market Segmentation 18.4. Market outlook 18.5. Five forces analysis 19 Macroeconomic Indicators 19.1. Country data 20 Non-Life Insurance in Japan 20.1. Market Overview 20.2. Market Data 20.3. Market Segmentation 20.4. Market outlook 20.5. Five forces analysis 21 Macroeconomic Indicators 21.1. Country data 22 Non-Life Insurance in Mexico 22.1. Market Overview 22.2. Market Data 22.3. Market Segmentation 22.4. Market outlook 22.5. Five forces analysis 23 Macroeconomic Indicators 23.1. Country data 24 Non-Life Insurance in The Netherlands 24.1. Market Overview 24.2. Market Data 24.3. Market Segmentation 24.4. Market outlook 24.5. Five forces analysis 25 Macroeconomic Indicators 25.1. Country data 26 Non-Life Insurance in North America 26.1. Market Overview 26.2. Market Data 26.3. Market Segmentation 26.4. Market outlook 26.5. Five forces analysis 27 Non-Life Insurance in Norway 27.1. Market Overview 27.2. Market Data 27.3. Market Segmentation 27.4. Market outlook 27.5. Five forces analysis 28 Macroeconomic Indicators 28.1. Country data 29 Non-Life Insurance in Russia 29.1. Market Overview 29.2. Market Data 29.3. Market Segmentation 29.4. Market outlook 29.5. Five forces analysis 30 Macroeconomic Indicators 30.1. Country data 31 Non-Life Insurance in Singapore 31.1. Market Overview 31.2. Market Data 31.3. Market Segmentation 31.4. Market outlook 31.5. Five forces analysis 32 Macroeconomic Indicators 32.1. Country data 33 Non-Life Insurance in South Africa 33.1. Market Overview 33.2. Market Data 33.3. Market Segmentation 33.4. Market outlook 33.5. Five forces analysis 34 Macroeconomic Indicators 34.1. Country data 35 Non-Life Insurance in South Korea 35.1. Market Overview 35.2. Market Data 35.3. Market Segmentation 35.4. Market outlook 35.5. Five forces analysis 36 Macroeconomic Indicators 36.1. Country data 37 Non-Life Insurance in Spain 37.1. Market Overview 37.2. Market Data 37.3. Market Segmentation 37.4. Market outlook 37.5. Five forces analysis 38 Macroeconomic Indicators 38.1. Country data 39 Non-Life Insurance in Sweden 39.1. Market Overview 39.2. Market Data 39.3. Market Segmentation 39.4. Market outlook 39.5. Five forces analysis 40 Macroeconomic Indicators 40.1. Country data 41 Non-Life Insurance in Turkey 41.1. Market Overview 41.2. Market Data 41.3. Market Segmentation 41.4. Market outlook 41.5. Five forces analysis 42 Macroeconomic Indicators 42.1. Country data 43 Non-Life Insurance in The United Kingdom 43.1. Market Overview 43.2. Market Data 43.3. Market Segmentation 43.4. Market outlook 43.5. Five forces analysis 44 Macroeconomic Indicators 44.1. Country data 45 Non-Life Insurance in The United States 45.1. Market Overview 45.2. Market Data 45.3. Market Segmentation 45.4. Market outlook 45.5. Five forces analysis 46 Macroeconomic Indicators 46.1. Country data 47 Non-Life Insurance in Australia 47.1. Market Overview 47.2. Market Data 47.3. Market Segmentation 47.4. Market outlook 47.5. Five forces analysis 48 Macroeconomic Indicators 48.1. Country data 49 Non-Life Insurance in Brazil 49.1. Market Overview 49.2. Market Data 49.3. Market Segmentation 49.4. Market outlook 49.5. Five forces analysis 50 Macroeconomic Indicators 50.1. Country data 51 Non-Life Insurance in Canada 51.1. Market Overview 51.2. Market Data 51.3. Market Segmentation 51.4. Market outlook 51.5. Five forces analysis 52 Macroeconomic Indicators 52.1. Country data 53 Non-Life Insurance in China 53.1. Market Overview 53.2. Market Data 53.3. Market Segmentation 53.4. Market outlook 53.5. Five forces analysis 54 Macroeconomic Indicators 54.1. Country data 55 Non-Life Insurance in Denmark 55.1. Market Overview 55.2. Market Data 55.3. Market Segmentation 55.4. Market outlook 55.5. Five forces analysis 56 Macroeconomic Indicators 56.1. Country data 57 Company Profiles 57.1. Allianz SE 57.2. The People's Insurance Company (Group) of China Ltd 57.3. Fennia-ryhma 57.4. Pohjola Bank Private Banking 57.5. LocalTapiola Group 57.6. Covea Mutual Insurance Group Co 57.7. Groupama Assurances Mutuelles 57.8. R+V Versicherung AG 57.9. Talanx AG 57.10. ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co Ltd 57.11. National Insurance Company Ltd 57.12. The New India Assurance Co Ltd 57.13. United India Insurance Co Ltd 57.14. PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia 57.15. PT Asuransi Astra Buana 57.16. PT. Tugu Pratama Indonesia 57.17. Assicurazioni Generali SpA 57.18. UnipolSai Assicurazioni SpA 57.19. MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc. 57.20. Sompo Holdings Inc 57.21. Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 57.22. Chubb Ltd 57.23. Grupo Nacional Provincial SAB 57.24. Qualitas Controladora SAB de CV 57.25. Achmea BV 57.26. ASR Nederland NV 57.27. Nationale-Nederlanden Levensverzekering Maatschappij N.V. 57.28. NN Group NV 57.29. Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 57.30. If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd 57.31. Alfa Group Consortium (Wealth Management) 57.32. Ingosstrakh Joint-Stock Insurance Co Ltd 57.33. SOGAZ Insurance Group 57.34. Sberbank Rossii 57.35. AIG Asia Pacific Insurance Pte. Ltd. 57.36. NTUC Income Insurance Co-operative Limited 57.37. MS First Capital Insurance Ltd 57.38. Guardrisk Insurance Company Ltd 57.39. Hollard Insurance Group 57.40. Santam Ltd 57.41. Old Mutual Ltd 57.42. DB Insurance Co Ltd 57.43. Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co Ltd 57.44. KB Financial Group Inc 57.45. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co Ltd 57.46. Mutua De Propietarios Seguros Y Reaseguros A Prima Fija 57.47. Folksam 57.48. If Skadeforsikring NUF 57.49. Lansforsakringar AB 57.50. Trygg-Hansa Forsskrings AB 57.51. Aksigorta AS 57.52. Anadolu Anonim Turk Sigorta Sirketi 57.53. Turkiye Sigorta AS 57.54. AXA SA 57.55. RSA Insurance Group Ltd 57.56. Direct Line Insurance Group Plc 57.57. Berkshire Hathaway Inc 57.58. Liberty Mutual Insurance Co 57.59. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co 57.60. The Progressive Corp 57.61. Insurance Australia Group Ltd 57.62. Suncorp Group Ltd 57.63. QBE Insurance Group Ltd 57.64. Banco Bradesco SA 57.65. Mapfre SA 57.66. Porto Seguro SA 57.67. Zurich Insurance Group Ltd 57.68. Aviva Plc 57.69. Desjardins Group 57.70. Intact Financial Corp 57.71. The Co-Operators Group Ltd 57.72. China Life Insurance Co Ltd 57.73. China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co Ltd 57.74. Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. 57.75. Alm Brand AS 57.76. Codan Forsikring AS 57.77. Tryg A/S 57.78. Topdanmark AS 58 Appendix 58.1. Methodology 58.2. About MarketLine
SummaryNon-Life Insurance Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast, 2018-2027 (Global Almanac) Table of ContentsTable of Contents1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Market value 1.2. Market value forecast 1.3. Category segmentation 1.4. Geography segmentation 1.5. Market share 1.6. Competitive landscape 2 Introduction 2.1. What is this report about? 2.2. Who is the target reader? 2.3. How to use this report 2.4. Definitions 3 Global Non-Life Insurance 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Data 3.3. Market Segmentation 3.4. Market outlook 3.5. Five forces analysis 4 Macroeconomic Indicators 4.1. Country data 5 Non-Life Insurance in Asia-Pacific 5.1. Market Overview 5.2. Market Data 5.3. Market Segmentation 5.4. Market outlook 5.5. Five forces analysis 6 Non-Life Insurance in Europe 6.1. Market Overview 6.2. Market Data 6.3. Market Segmentation 6.4. Market outlook 6.5. Five forces analysis 7 Macroeconomic Indicators 7.1. Country data 8 Non-Life Insurance in Finland 8.1. Market Overview 8.2. Market Data 8.3. Market Segmentation 8.4. Market outlook 8.5. Five forces analysis 9 Macroeconomic Indicators 9.1. Country data 10 Non-Life Insurance in France 10.1. Market Overview 10.2. Market Data 10.3. Market Segmentation 10.4. Market outlook 10.5. Five forces analysis 11 Macroeconomic Indicators 11.1. Country data 12 Non-Life Insurance in Germany 12.1. Market Overview 12.2. Market Data 12.3. Market Segmentation 12.4. Market outlook 12.5. Five forces analysis 13 Macroeconomic Indicators 13.1. Country data 14 Non-Life Insurance in India 14.1. Market Overview 14.2. Market Data 14.3. Market Segmentation 14.4. Market outlook 14.5. Five forces analysis 15 Macroeconomic Indicators 15.1. Country data 16 Non-Life Insurance in Indonesia 16.1. Market Overview 16.2. Market Data 16.3. Market Segmentation 16.4. Market outlook 16.5. Five forces analysis 17 Macroeconomic Indicators 17.1. Country data 18 Non-Life Insurance in Italy 18.1. Market Overview 18.2. Market Data 18.3. Market Segmentation 18.4. Market outlook 18.5. Five forces analysis 19 Macroeconomic Indicators 19.1. Country data 20 Non-Life Insurance in Japan 20.1. Market Overview 20.2. Market Data 20.3. Market Segmentation 20.4. Market outlook 20.5. Five forces analysis 21 Macroeconomic Indicators 21.1. Country data 22 Non-Life Insurance in Mexico 22.1. Market Overview 22.2. Market Data 22.3. Market Segmentation 22.4. Market outlook 22.5. Five forces analysis 23 Macroeconomic Indicators 23.1. Country data 24 Non-Life Insurance in The Netherlands 24.1. Market Overview 24.2. Market Data 24.3. Market Segmentation 24.4. Market outlook 24.5. Five forces analysis 25 Macroeconomic Indicators 25.1. Country data 26 Non-Life Insurance in North America 26.1. Market Overview 26.2. Market Data 26.3. Market Segmentation 26.4. Market outlook 26.5. Five forces analysis 27 Non-Life Insurance in Norway 27.1. Market Overview 27.2. Market Data 27.3. Market Segmentation 27.4. Market outlook 27.5. Five forces analysis 28 Macroeconomic Indicators 28.1. Country data 29 Non-Life Insurance in Russia 29.1. Market Overview 29.2. Market Data 29.3. Market Segmentation 29.4. Market outlook 29.5. Five forces analysis 30 Macroeconomic Indicators 30.1. Country data 31 Non-Life Insurance in Singapore 31.1. Market Overview 31.2. Market Data 31.3. Market Segmentation 31.4. Market outlook 31.5. Five forces analysis 32 Macroeconomic Indicators 32.1. Country data 33 Non-Life Insurance in South Africa 33.1. Market Overview 33.2. Market Data 33.3. Market Segmentation 33.4. Market outlook 33.5. Five forces analysis 34 Macroeconomic Indicators 34.1. Country data 35 Non-Life Insurance in South Korea 35.1. Market Overview 35.2. Market Data 35.3. Market Segmentation 35.4. Market outlook 35.5. Five forces analysis 36 Macroeconomic Indicators 36.1. Country data 37 Non-Life Insurance in Spain 37.1. Market Overview 37.2. Market Data 37.3. Market Segmentation 37.4. Market outlook 37.5. Five forces analysis 38 Macroeconomic Indicators 38.1. Country data 39 Non-Life Insurance in Sweden 39.1. Market Overview 39.2. Market Data 39.3. Market Segmentation 39.4. Market outlook 39.5. Five forces analysis 40 Macroeconomic Indicators 40.1. Country data 41 Non-Life Insurance in Turkey 41.1. Market Overview 41.2. Market Data 41.3. Market Segmentation 41.4. Market outlook 41.5. Five forces analysis 42 Macroeconomic Indicators 42.1. Country data 43 Non-Life Insurance in The United Kingdom 43.1. Market Overview 43.2. Market Data 43.3. Market Segmentation 43.4. Market outlook 43.5. Five forces analysis 44 Macroeconomic Indicators 44.1. Country data 45 Non-Life Insurance in The United States 45.1. Market Overview 45.2. Market Data 45.3. Market Segmentation 45.4. Market outlook 45.5. Five forces analysis 46 Macroeconomic Indicators 46.1. Country data 47 Non-Life Insurance in Australia 47.1. Market Overview 47.2. Market Data 47.3. Market Segmentation 47.4. Market outlook 47.5. Five forces analysis 48 Macroeconomic Indicators 48.1. Country data 49 Non-Life Insurance in Brazil 49.1. Market Overview 49.2. Market Data 49.3. Market Segmentation 49.4. Market outlook 49.5. Five forces analysis 50 Macroeconomic Indicators 50.1. Country data 51 Non-Life Insurance in Canada 51.1. Market Overview 51.2. Market Data 51.3. Market Segmentation 51.4. Market outlook 51.5. Five forces analysis 52 Macroeconomic Indicators 52.1. Country data 53 Non-Life Insurance in China 53.1. Market Overview 53.2. Market Data 53.3. Market Segmentation 53.4. Market outlook 53.5. Five forces analysis 54 Macroeconomic Indicators 54.1. Country data 55 Non-Life Insurance in Denmark 55.1. Market Overview 55.2. Market Data 55.3. Market Segmentation 55.4. Market outlook 55.5. Five forces analysis 56 Macroeconomic Indicators 56.1. Country data 57 Company Profiles 57.1. Allianz SE 57.2. The People's Insurance Company (Group) of China Ltd 57.3. Fennia-ryhma 57.4. Pohjola Bank Private Banking 57.5. LocalTapiola Group 57.6. Covea Mutual Insurance Group Co 57.7. Groupama Assurances Mutuelles 57.8. R+V Versicherung AG 57.9. Talanx AG 57.10. ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co Ltd 57.11. National Insurance Company Ltd 57.12. The New India Assurance Co Ltd 57.13. United India Insurance Co Ltd 57.14. PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia 57.15. PT Asuransi Astra Buana 57.16. PT. Tugu Pratama Indonesia 57.17. Assicurazioni Generali SpA 57.18. UnipolSai Assicurazioni SpA 57.19. MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc. 57.20. Sompo Holdings Inc 57.21. Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 57.22. Chubb Ltd 57.23. Grupo Nacional Provincial SAB 57.24. Qualitas Controladora SAB de CV 57.25. Achmea BV 57.26. ASR Nederland NV 57.27. Nationale-Nederlanden Levensverzekering Maatschappij N.V. 57.28. NN Group NV 57.29. Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 57.30. If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd 57.31. Alfa Group Consortium (Wealth Management) 57.32. Ingosstrakh Joint-Stock Insurance Co Ltd 57.33. SOGAZ Insurance Group 57.34. Sberbank Rossii 57.35. AIG Asia Pacific Insurance Pte. Ltd. 57.36. NTUC Income Insurance Co-operative Limited 57.37. MS First Capital Insurance Ltd 57.38. Guardrisk Insurance Company Ltd 57.39. Hollard Insurance Group 57.40. Santam Ltd 57.41. Old Mutual Ltd 57.42. DB Insurance Co Ltd 57.43. Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co Ltd 57.44. KB Financial Group Inc 57.45. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co Ltd 57.46. Mutua De Propietarios Seguros Y Reaseguros A Prima Fija 57.47. Folksam 57.48. If Skadeforsikring NUF 57.49. Lansforsakringar AB 57.50. Trygg-Hansa Forsskrings AB 57.51. Aksigorta AS 57.52. Anadolu Anonim Turk Sigorta Sirketi 57.53. Turkiye Sigorta AS 57.54. AXA SA 57.55. RSA Insurance Group Ltd 57.56. Direct Line Insurance Group Plc 57.57. Berkshire Hathaway Inc 57.58. Liberty Mutual Insurance Co 57.59. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co 57.60. The Progressive Corp 57.61. Insurance Australia Group Ltd 57.62. Suncorp Group Ltd 57.63. QBE Insurance Group Ltd 57.64. Banco Bradesco SA 57.65. Mapfre SA 57.66. Porto Seguro SA 57.67. Zurich Insurance Group Ltd 57.68. Aviva Plc 57.69. Desjardins Group 57.70. Intact Financial Corp 57.71. The Co-Operators Group Ltd 57.72. China Life Insurance Co Ltd 57.73. China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co Ltd 57.74. Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. 57.75. Alm Brand AS 57.76. Codan Forsikring AS 57.77. Tryg A/S 57.78. Topdanmark AS 58 Appendix 58.1. Methodology 58.2. About MarketLine
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