
DC-DCコンバータ市場:垂直方向、フォームファクター(SIP、DIP、DINレール、ボックス、シャシーマウント、ディスクリート、ブリック)、入力電圧、出力電圧、出力電力、出力数、製品タイプ、絶縁動作電圧、地域別 - 2026年までの予測

DC-DCコンバータ市場:垂直方向、フォームファクター(SIP、DIP、DINレール、ボックス、シャシーマウント、ディスクリート、ブリック)、入力電圧、出力電圧、出力電力、出力数、製品タイプ、絶縁動作電圧、地域別 - 2026年までの予測

DC-DC converter Market by Vertical, Form Factor (SIP, DIP, DIN Rail, Box, Chassis Mount, Discreter, Brick), Input Voltage, Output Voltage, Output Power, Output Number, Product Type, Isolation Working Voltage and Region - Forecast to 2026

DC-DCコンバータの世界市場規模は、2021年の99億米ドルから2026年には176億米ドルに成長し、2021年から2026年にかけて12.1%のCAGRで推移すると予測されています。この市場は、産業用ロボットの需要増加、航空... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
2021年8月5日 US$4,950
通常2営業日以内 280 352 英語







" 絶縁型DC-DCコンバータ。DC-DCコンバータ市場の最大のセグメントである製品タイプ別。" 予測期間中のDC-DCコンバータ市場では、絶縁型DC-DCコンバータが最も高いCAGR率で成長すると予測されています。絶縁型DC-DCコンバータは、トランスと一緒に動作することで、入力電源と出力電源の間の経路を分離します。絶縁型DC-DCコンバーターは、トランスとともに動作し、入力電源と出力電源の間の経路を分離します。これは、安全規制の観点から有用であり、また、変動する入力電圧から電子機器の出力を排除します。

" 多電源出力。DC-DCコンバータ市場で最も成長しているのは、出力数別のセグメントです。" 出力数に基づくと、予測期間中のDC-DCコンバータ市場では、複数出力のDC-DCコンバータが最も高いCAGR率で成長すると予測されています。産業界全体での電力応用製品の需要の増加に伴い、DC-DCコンバータの需要も増加しています。電気機器が正常に動作するためには、入力電圧を変化させながら、安定した環境で動作することが求められます。したがって、複数の出力を持つDC-DCコンバータは、多様な入力電圧レベルを持ち、同様に正確な複数の出力を生成するために効率的です。

" DC-DCコンバータ市場のフォームファクタ別では、「DINレール」が最も高い成長を遂げています。" フォームファクタに基づくと、予測期間中のDC-DCコンバータ市場では、DINレールのDC-DCコンバータが最も高いCAGRで成長すると予測されています。DINレールとは、標準的な金属製レールのことで、サーキットブレーカーの取り付けや産業用制御機器に最も一般的に広く使用されています。これらのシリーズのDC-DCコンバータは、より広い入力電圧を持つ機能を持ち、その柔軟な仕様により、互換性のない電圧を持つ機器を産業システムに容易に組み込むことができます。

" DC-DCコンバータ市場の入力電圧別では、40-160vが最も高い成長率を示しています。" 入力電圧別に見ると、予測期間中のDC-DCコンバータ市場では、40-160vセグメントが最も高いCAGR率で成長すると予測されています。また、産業用や航空宇宙用のアプリケーションの増加に伴い、高入力電圧のDC-DCコンバータの需要も増加しています。高入力電圧のDC-DCコンバータは、最大92%の効率を持ち、DINレール型、シャーシマウント型、ブリック型など、さまざまな形状のものがあります。" <2v:DC-DCコンバータ市場の急成長分野>(出力電圧別)。

" 出力電圧別に見ると、DC-DCコンバータ市場では、<2v出力電圧>セグメントが、予測期間中、最も高いCAGR率で成長すると予測されています。このような低電圧出力のパワーコンバータは、ステップソーン型DC-DCコンバータとしても知られており、他の出力電圧のコンバータと比較して効率が高いのが特徴です。低電力を必要とする家電製品の需要増加に伴い、出力電圧が2V未満のDC-DCコンバータの需要が予測期間中に増加すると考えられます。" >1000W:DC-DCコンバータ市場の急成長分野(出力電力別)。




DC-DCコンバータの需要が増加していることや、TDKラムダ株式会社、村田製作所、FDK株式会社などの大手企業が市場に参入していることが、アジア太平洋地域のDC-DCコンバータ市場を牽引していると考えられます。Ltd.、FDK株式会社などの大手企業の存在が、アジア太平洋地域のDC-DCコンバータ市場を牽引すると予想されます。これらの企業は、製品ラインアップを増やすためにR&Dに注力しており、DC-DCコンバータを製造するために技術的に進歩したシステム、サブシステム、およびその他のコンポーネントを使用しています。プライマリーの内訳 本調査では、部品メーカーからTier1企業、OEMまで、さまざまな業界の専門家による知見が得られています。


・ By Company Type: Tier 1–39%; Tier 2–37%; and Tier 3–24%

・ By Designation: C Level–35%; Directors–27%; and Others–38%

・ By Region: North America–55%; Europe–27%; Asia Pacific–9%; and Rest of the World–9% TDK Lambda Corporation (Japan), Texas Instruments Incorporated (US), Delta Electronics (Taipei), Flex Ltd. (Singapore) and Infineon Technologies AG (Germany) are some of the leading players operating in the DC-DC converter market report.










The global DC-DC converter market size is projected to grow from USD 9.9 billion in 2021 to USD 17.6 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 12.1% from 2021 to 2026. The market is driven by various factors, such as rise in demand industrial robots, growing aerospace industry and rising energy and power industrial sector. The DC-DC converter Market will majorly be driven by the rising power sector in the forecasted year.

There has been a significant rise in the demand for energy throughout major and growing countries. Various countries are not being able to fulfill the rising demand for energy as a reason of which there are projects rising in the alternate power and energy sector in order to supply according to the increasing demand of energy. Industries around the world are finding an alternate source of energy which could be safer and more reliable forms of energy. According to Bloomberg, China and US made 2020 a record year for renewable power growth.

In 2020 China added 136 gigawatts of power production to fufill the power demand in a cleaner and efficient way. With the increasing number of smartphones sales and global economic leader such as UK, USA, China and others testing the 5G spectrum. Hence, rising energy and power industry with telecommunication will drive the demand for DC-DC converters during the forecasted period. The DC-DC converter market includes major players TDK Lambda Corporation (Japan), Texas Instruments Incorporated (US), Delta Electronics (Taipei), Flex Ltd. (Singapore) and Infineon Technologies AG (Germany) These players have spread their business across various countries includes North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Rest of the World. COVID-19 has impacted their businesses as well. Industry experts believe that COVID-19 has affected DC-DC converter production and services globally in 2020. .

“Isolated DC-DC Converters: The largest segment of the DC-DC Converter market, by Product Type. “ The isolated type DC-DC converter are projected to grow at the highest CAGR rate for the DC-DC converter market during the forecast period. An insulated DC-DC converters works along with a transformer in order to discrete the path between the input and output power supply. This is useful in terms of safety regulation and also it eliminated the output of the electronic device from the fluctuating input voltage.

“Multiple Power Output: The fastest-growing segment of the DC-DC Converter market, by Output Number. “ Based on the output number, the multiple output DC-DC converters are projected to grow at the highest CAGR rate for the DC-DC converter market during the forecast period. With the increasing demand for power application product throughout the industry, the demand for DC-DC converters is also increasing. The electrical devices are required to work in a regulated environment with varied input voltage in order to work properly. Hence, DC-DC converter with multiple outputs do have varied input voltage levels and are efficient to produce accurate multiple outputs as well.

“DIN Rail: The fastest-growing segment of the DC-DC converter market, by Form Factor. “ Based on the form factor, the DIN Rail DC-DC converter is projected to grow at the highest CAGR for the DC-DC converter market during the forecast period. DIN rail is a standard metal rail, which is most commonly and widely used for circuit breaker mounting and industrial control equipment. These series of DC-DC converters have the capability of having a wider input voltage and their flexible specification allows devices with incompatible voltages to be easily integrated into industrial systems.

“40-160v: The fastest-growing segment of the DC-DC converter market, by Input Voltage. “ Based on the input voltage, the 40-160v segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR rate for the DC-DC converter market during the forecast period. With the rising industrial and aerospace application the demand for high input voltage DC-DC converter is also increasing. DC-DC converters with high input voltages have efficiency up to 92% and are available in various form type such as DIN Rail, Chassis mount, Brick and others. “<2v: The fastest-growing segment of the DC-DC converter market, by Output Voltage.

“ Based on output voltage, the <2v output voltage segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR rate for the DC-DC converter market during the forecast period. Power converters with such low voltage output are also known as step soen DC-DC converters and have a greater efficiency when compared to converters with other output voltages. With rising demand for consumer electronics which require low power the demand for DC-DC converters with output voltage <2v will rise during the projected period. “>1000W: The fastest-growing segment of the DC-DC converter market, by Output Power.

“ Based on output voltage, the >1000W output power segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR rate for the DC-DC converter market during the forecast period. These have wide input voltage which allows them to be compatible under various industrial application. They are also suitable to work under higher working temperatures making them one of the best converters to provide accurate output voltage under varied input supply.

“Asia Pacific: The largest contributing region in the DC-DC Converter market.”

Asia Pacific is projected to be the largest regional share of the global DC-DC converter market during the forecast period. The key factor responsible for Asia Pacific, leading the global DC-DC converter market owing to the rapid growth of the technologically advanced power converter in the region. In Asia Pacific, the rise in manufacturing industries and growing aerospace and defence industry is encouraging manufacturers of DC-DC converters to introduce technologically advanced and efficient products cross various product type.

The increasing demand for DC-DC converter and the presence of some of the leading players operating in the market, such as TDK Lambda Corporation, Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd, FDK Corporation, are expected to drive the global DC-DC converter market in Asia Pacific. These players are focusing on R&D to increase their product lines and using technologically advanced systems, subsystems, and other components for manufacturing DC-DC converter. Breakdown of primaries The study contains insights from various industry experts, ranging from component suppliers to Tier 1 companies and OEMs.

The break-up of the primaries is as follows:

• By Company Type: Tier 1–39%; Tier 2–37%; and Tier 3–24%

• By Designation: C Level–35%; Directors–27%; and Others–38%

• By Region: North America–55%; Europe–27%; Asia Pacific–9%; and Rest of the World–9% TDK Lambda Corporation (Japan), Texas Instruments Incorporated (US), Delta Electronics (Taipei), Flex Ltd. (Singapore) and Infineon Technologies AG (Germany) are some of the leading players operating in the DC-DC converter market report.

Research Coverage

The study covers the DC-DC converter market across various segments and subsegments. It aims at estimating the size and growth potential of this market across different segments based on vertical, form factor, input voltage, output voltage, output power, output number, product type, isolation working voltage and region. This study also includes an in-depth competitive analysis of the key players in the market, along with their company profiles, key observations related to their product and business offerings, recent developments undertaken by them, and key market strategies adopted by them.

Reasons to Buy this Report

This report is expected to help market leaders/new entrants with information on the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall DC-DC converter Market and its segments. This study is also expected to provide region wise information about the end use, and wherein DC-DC converter are used.

This report aims at helping the stakeholders understand the competitive landscape of the market, gain insights to improve the position of their businesses and plan suitable go-to-market strategies. This report is also expected to help them understand the pulse of the market and provide them with information on key drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities influencing the growth of the market.






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