


Autonomous Mobile Robots (Hardware and Software) Market in Warehousing Industry- Edition 2023

主要なハイライト M14インテリジェンスは、ACESモビリティ調査分析プラットフォームにより、自律型、コネクテッド、電動、共有型モビリティ業界に関する最も詳細な分析を提供しています。本レポート... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
M14 intelligence
2023年3月15日 US$4,500
3営業日程度 英語






  • 倉庫業におけるAMR市場は、倉庫業務の自動化に対する需要の高まりと、費用対効果に優れた効率的なソリューションの必要性により、急速に成長している産業です。
  • 小売業やEコマース業界におけるAMR技術の採用拡大により、北米が引き続き市場を支配し、高い成長を示しています
  • ASEANは、製造業や物流業が盛んで、5%前後のGDP成長に合わせてロボットによる自動化が進んでいることから、主要な成長市場になると予想されます。
  • ドイツはAMR技術の早期導入国であるため、欧州市場で大きなシェアを獲得しているほか、英国、スウェーデン、フランスなど、欧州の魅力的な市場もあります。
  • 倉庫のAMR市場は非常に細分化されており、OEM、テクノロジー企業、ソフトウェアおよびAI企業、マッピングおよびローカライゼーションプロバイダー、システムインテグレーター、サービスプロバイダーなど、複数の関係者が市場で活動しています。
  • 倉庫業におけるAMR市場の主な促進要因としては、倉庫作業における自動化の導入の増加、費用対効果に優れた効率的なソリューションの必要性、電子商取引やオンライン小売の需要の増加などが挙げられます
  • インダストリー4.0の導入が進み、スマートファクトリーのトレンド、コネクテッド・ロジスティクスのトレンドも成長を後押ししている AMRソリューションのコストが高く、市場で標準化が進んでいないことは、倉庫におけるAMRの成長にとって大きな課題の一つです。









AMRの新技術は、市場の変化する要求に応えるため、常に開発されています。AMR市場における主要な新技術の1つは、人工知能(AI)と機械学習(ML)アルゴリズムの統合です。これにより、AMRはリアルタイムで意思決定を行い、パフォーマンスを向上させ、変化する環境に適応することができます。例えば、Fetch Roboticsは「FetchCore」と呼ばれるAMRを開発し、AIとMLアルゴリズムを使って倉庫作業を最適化し、人間の介入を減らしています。
AMR市場で人気を博しているもう一つの新技術は、協働ロボット(コボット)の利用です。コボットは人間と一緒に作業するように設計されており、倉庫作業の効率と安全性を向上させます。例えば、Mobile Industrial Robots社は、倉庫、工場、病院などで人間と一緒に作業することを目的とした「MiR100」というAMRを開発しています。
また、3Dマッピングとローカライゼーション技術の使用も、AMR市場でますます人気が高まっています。この技術により、AMRは倉庫などの環境を高い精度と正確さでナビゲートすることができます。Locus Robotics社は、3Dマッピングとローカライゼーション技術を使用して倉庫内を移動し、効率を向上させるAMR「LocusBot」を開発しました。






市場の主要なプレーヤーには、KUKA AG、Amazon Robotics、Fetch Robotics、GreyOrange、Locus Roboticsなどがあります。これらの企業は、市場で定評のあるプレイヤーであり、世界的に強い存在感を示しています。これらの企業は先進的な技術で知られており、製品を改善し、競争に打ち勝つために研究開発に継続的に投資しています。


市場には、ABB、Mobile Industrial Robots、Clearpath Robotics、Omron Adept Technologiesといった企業も名を連ねています。これらの企業は、各地域で強い存在感を示しており、製品の改良と市場での競争力維持のために研究開発への投資を継続しています。また、市場での存在感を高めるため、他社との戦略的パートナーシップや協業も進めています。





一方、AMRソリューションのコストが高いことや、市場における標準化が進んでいないことが、倉庫におけるAMR市場の成長を抑制する主な要因となっています。さらに、熟練労働者の不足とAMR技術の利点に関する認識不足も、倉庫におけるAMR技術の採用の障壁となっています。 市場における標準化の欠如は、異なるシステム間の相互運用性の欠如につながり、AMRソリューションの導入を検討している組織にとって大きな課題となり得ます。また、市場の成長を制限する要因として、特定の業界におけるAMR技術の導入に関連する規制やコンプライアンスの問題があります。





















1. 調査範囲と前提条件

2. 調査方法-データ収集、分析、予測

3. 各国の倉庫におけるAMRの普及状況

3.1. 米州地域の倉庫自動化市場規模は2030年に180億ドルを超える
3.2. 倉庫自動化市場全体では、2027年までに自律移動ロボット(AMR)が20%の市場シェアを占めると予想される
3.3. 今後5年間でAMRのビジネスチャンスは10倍に拡大すると予想される

4. 自律型移動ロボット(AMR)市場の分析、2022年~2030年

4.1. 自律型移動ロボット(AMR)市場出荷台数(Units)
4.2. 自律型移動ロボット(AMR)の市場規模 ($ Million)

5. 自律型移動ロボット(AMR)市場動向

5.1. AMRが倉庫のサプライチェーンを増強・最適化する
5.2. AMR市場の急激な成長に寄与する電子商取引分野からのグローバルな成長機会
5.3. AMRは、倉庫業界において増大する運用上の課題を解決し、ダイナミックな市場の変動に対応するソリューションである
5.4. より良いコスト効率と迅速なROIが、倉庫自動化の重要なツールとしてAMRの採用に有利に働いている。
5.5. OpEx重視のロボット・アズ・ア・サービス(RaaS)ビジネスモデルの登場による市場浸透の拡大が、AMR市場をさらなる高みへと導く

6. AMR センシング・ナビゲーション技術

6.1. 衝突回避センシングシステム
6.1.1. LiDARの市場規模・予測
6.1.2. カメラ市場規模・予測
6.1.3. レーダー市場規模・予測
6.1.4. 超音波センサーの市場規模・予測
6.1.5. エンコーダの市場規模・予測
6.2. センサーフュージョン技術
6.3. 地図・定位・ナビゲーションシステム
6.3.1. 同時定位・マッピング(SLAM)
6.3.2. 人工知能(AI)

7. ビジネスモデル別AMR市場

7.1. 直販・OEM
7.2. システムインテグレーション(MRO)
7.3. ロボット・アズ・ア・サービス(RaaS)

8. オペレーションの種類別AMR

8.1. 在庫搬送ロボットの市場規模・予測
8.2. ピッキングロボット市場規模・予測
8.3. 仕分けロボットの市場規模・予測
8.4. 協働ロボットの市場規模・予測
8.5. 倉庫の在庫管理用ドローン、市場規模・予測

9. 倉庫業におけるAMR市場の地域別分析


9.1.2. カナダ


9.2.4. その他の欧州地域



10. AMRの価格分析(現行ASPと予測)

11. 倉庫業におけるAMRの投資・資金調達分析、2020年~2022年

12. AMR主要プレイヤーの研究開発分析

13. コンペティション・アセスメント

13.1. 主要OEMの競合ベンチマーキング
13.2. 技術立上げの競争評価
13.3. AMR市場におけるスタートアップ企業の資金調達分析
13.4. AMR業界における主要プレイヤーの戦略的展開と将来計画
13.5. AMR市場における各社の分析・プロファイル

14. 付録






Key Highlights

With the ACES mobility research and analysis platform, M14 Intelligence is bringing the most in-depth analysis of autonomous, connected, electric, and shared mobility industry. This report plays a part in assisting stakeholders in understanding the possible Autonomous Mobile Robot’s (AMR) market penetration in warehousing industry, technology innovations in sensing and navigation systems and competition among the leading OEMs and start-ups across the geographies.

  • The AMR market in warehousing is a rapidly growing industry, driven by the increasing demand for automation in warehouse operations and the need for cost-effective and efficient solutions.
  •  North America continues to dominate the market and show strong growth, driven by the increasing adoption of AMR technology in the retail and e-commerce industries
  •  ASEAN is expected to be a key growth market, owing to the boom in the manufacturing and logistics industries and the thrive to adopt of robotics automation to match the GDP growth of around 5%
  •  Germany is early adopter of AMR technology and hence is leading in European market capturing significant market share, few of the attractive markets in Europe are UK, Sweden, and France.
  • The AMR market in warehousing is highly fragmented, with several stakeholders operating in the market including OEMs, technology players, software and AI companies, mapping and localization providers, system integrators, and service providers
  • The major factors driving the AMR market in warehousing include the increasing adoption of automation in warehouse operations, the need for cost-effective and efficient solutions, and the growing demand for e-commerce and online retail
  •  The increasing adoption of Industry 4.0, the trend towards the smart factory and the growing trend of connected logistics are also propelling the growth of the The high cost of AMR solutions and the lack of standardization in the market are some of the major challenges for growth of AMRs in warehousing

Market Overview

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) have gained popularity among warehouses and logistical companies to improve operational efficiency, speed, precision, and safety. AMRs can understand and navigate their environment independently using sophisticated sensors, artificial intelligence, machine learning and compute for path planning. Equipped with cameras and sensors, AMRs can detect and avoid unexpected obstacles, such as fallen boxes or crowds of people, by adjusting their path and continuing with their task.

The evolution of large companies such as Amazon, Alibaba and other e-commerce giants has largely been driven by the effectiveness and efficiency of their warehousing operations. Warehousing is as old as humanity itself. However, the concept of warehousing gained new meaning as a result of the industrial revolution. An increase in manufacturing meant that there was an increase in the demand for raw materials and an increase in the production of different goods. Today, Warehousing is a specialized activity. The function of the warehouse has moved from being a simple storage facility to fulfilling other functions such as receiving goods and managing inventory, as a display for commercial buyers, packaging orders, order confirmation and labeling and dispatching them.

Warehousing for large and small corporations can have a negative impact on operations if best practices are not employed to handle the different functions that define the activity. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) provide the best and cost-effective solutions for companies seeking to eliminate market inefficiencies. Built with the latest technologies in terms of software and sustainable materials for the hardware, these robots can perform most if not all of the warehousing tasks such as picking and packing, transportation, and inventory management. The inbuilt software allows the robots to use sensors, cameras, and other technology to navigate and perform tasks within a warehouse. 

Automation is applicable to virtually every industry across the world. However, its use in warehousing industry makes it an ideal and complementary feature in the warehouse.The development of AI has meant that these robots can perform different tasks, with minimum supervision, few to no errors, work faster and longer and in the end increase efficiency, cut costs and allow for better allocation of a company’s resources.

The key industries that are driving the demand for AMRs are e-commerce, manufacturing, logistics and warehousing. It is a move towards increasing customer satisfaction and experience. The faster the customer receives their shipment in the condition ordered, the higher their level of satisfaction. This move has also led to an increase in the number of technology companies seeking a share of this lucrative market. With an emphasis on aesthetics and functionality, these companies have developed and produced AMRs for every aspect of warehousing and the application of AI is now the leading feature of differentiation.

This research study about the global autonomous mobile robots provides pertinent insight and information about the penetration of technology in warehousing industry. The industry is expected to triple its size by the year 2030 and these positive projections point to an industry with tremendous growth potential. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) are expected to account 20% market share in coming 5 years in the total warehouse automation market. The study also highlights an upward market trajectory trend that is being sustained by improvements in technology, demand, and competitiveness among industry players.

Technology innovations-
The technology applied in AMRs range from the simple mechanical aspects of these robots to more complex software and hardware components. These robots are meant to perform tasks that would have ordinarily been performed by humans thus increasing their level of sophistication. AI has proved to be a game changer in the creation of AMRs. Companies have invested billions of dollars in Research and Development (R&D) to ensure that their AMRs not only meet the industry standards but also individual needs of the warehousing industry. This is the key factor that drives the technological aspect of AMRs, providing solutions to a wide range of clients with individual needs and preferences. While specific technology can be applicable to a wide range of warehousing processes, a rapidly changing environment has brought the need for scalability and adaptability of technology.

New AMR technologies are constantly being developed to meet the changing demands of the market. One of the key new technologies in the AMR market is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms. This enables AMRs to make real-time decisions, improve their performance, and adapt to changing environments. For example, Fetch Robotics has developed an AMR called "FetchCore" which uses AI and ML algorithms to optimize warehouse operations and reduce human intervention. 
Another new technology that is gaining popularity in the AMR market is the use of collaborative robots (cobots). Cobots are designed to work alongside humans, improving efficiency and safety in warehouse operations. For example, Mobile Industrial Robots has developed an AMR called "MiR100" which is designed to work alongside humans in warehouses, factories, and hospital.
The use of 3D mapping and localization technology is also becoming increasingly popular in the AMR market. This technology enables AMRs to navigate through warehouses and other environments with high accuracy and precision. Locus Robotics has developed an AMR called "LocusBot" which uses 3D mapping and localization technology to navigate through warehouses and improve efficiency.

Applications and  Demand-
The AMR market in warehousing can be segmented into transportation, picking and packing, and inventory management. Transportation is expected to hold the largest share of the market due to the increasing adoption of AMR technology in warehouse transportation operations. Picking and packing is also expected to show positive growth, driven by the increasing adoption of AMR technology in e-commerce and online retail operations.
The increasing demand for AMRs in warehouses is driven by the increasing adoption of technology for inventory management operations. Remotely operated aerial vehicles or drones are also becoming popular in countries such as U.S. and China for inventory management application in warehouses. Drones are expected to capture significant share of the warehouse automation equipment market in coming years.
The market is also expected to witness growth in other application areas such as quality control, packaging and palletizing, and assembly and testing. With the increasing adoption of AMR technology, it is expected that the market will witness new application areas in the future.

Geographic Perspective-
Geographically, the demand for AMRs is limited to developed markets in developed countries across the world. However, the growth of e-commerce giants, logistic operations and warehousing has seen an increase in demand despite the limited target market segments. Contrary to the common view that North America is the leading market for AMRs due to the large number of warehousing facilities across the country and the growth of the ecommerce industry, research actually shows that Europe is the leading market for AMRs. It accounted for more than a quarter of the market share in 2022, which was attributed to the increasing need for material handling equipment from the manufacturing industry's established players. 

The success of AMRs in North America and Europe has had a positive influence on other developed countries and emerging economies, which have acknowledged its tremendous potential. What drives demand in these nations besides providing better services is their readiness to embrace new technologies and the desire to move towards economic efficiency. 

The ASEAN market is perhaps the market that would benefit the most from the use of AMRs. As the manufacturing capital of the world, Asia has a warehousing industry that is constantly growing which signifies the importance of using AMRs in handling warehousing activities. Its contribution to global trade also means that the ASEAN market is exponentially capturing the market share of the global autonomous mobile robot (AMR) market.

The AMR industry is dominated by players both big and small who not only seek to maximize profits but also to produce better products that serve individual customer needs. A company’s competitiveness is thus determined by its organization, size, investments in research and development, its marketing and branding activities, its ability to meet customer needs and its relationship with customers. Competition is an aggressive nature of business with companies seeking to increase their market share and have a positive return on their investment. Fortunately, this has increased the level of creativity and innovation in the industry, which has led to the development of better robots that can handle multiple warehousing functions.

Some of the leading players in the market include KUKA AG, Amazon Robotics, Fetch Robotics, GreyOrange, and Locus Robotics. These companies are well-established players in the market and have a strong global presence. They are known for their advanced technology, and they are continuously investing in research and development to improve their products and stay ahead of the competition.

The collective investment in warehouse robotics was close to $250 million in 2018 which doubled to reach half a million in 2020, despite of the impact of Covid-19 pandemic. In 2022, the capital invested in warehouse robotics again increased by 2x to reach around $1billion. The mammoth funding in this segment which is doubling every two years signifies that the warehouse robotics holds high growth potential for emerging players.

Other notable players in the market include companies such as ABB, Mobile Industrial Robots, Clearpath Robotics, and Omron Adept Technologies. These companies also have a strong presence across regions, and they are continuously investing in research and development to improve their products and stay competitive in the market. They are also entering into strategic partnerships and collaborations with other companies to expand their presence in the market.

In addition to the established players, the market also has several new and emerging players. These companies are focusing on developing new and advanced AMR technologies to meet the changing demands of the market. They are also entering into strategic partnerships and collaborations with established players to gain a foothold in the market.Overall, the AMR market in warehousing is highly competitive, with a large number of players operating in the market. 

Contributing Factors-
The increasing adoption of Industry 4.0, the trend towards the smart factory, and the growing trend of connected logistics are major factors driving the growth of the AMR market in warehousing. Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth industrial revolution, involves the integration of advanced technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and IoT (Internet of Things) Manufacturing into manufacturing processes. This integration enables the automation and digitization of manufacturing operations, resulting in increased efficiency, improved quality, and reduced costs.

Another key factor driving the growth of the AMR market in warehousing is the growing trend of connected logistics. Connected logistics refers to the integration of advanced technologies such as IoT, big data, and cloud computing into logistics operations. This integration enables real-time tracking and monitoring of goods, improves inventory management, and increases efficiency and accuracy in logistics operations.

Global growth opportunities from ecommerce sectors attributing to the exponential growth of AMR Market. Better cost efficiency and quick ROI is favoring the adoption of AMR as important warehouse automation tool. The increasing market penetration with emerging OpEx-oriented robots-as-a-service (RaaS) business model will drive the AMR market to newer heights.

Limiting Factors-
On the other hand, the high cost of AMR solutions and the lack of standardization in the market are some of the major factors restraining the growth of the AMR market in warehousing. Additionally, the lack of skilled labor and the lack of awareness about the benefits of AMR technology also act as barriers to the adoption of AMR technology in warehouses.  The lack of standardization in the market results in a lack of interoperability between different systems, which can be a major challenge for organizations looking to implement AMR solutions. Another factor that may limit the growth of the market is the regulatory and compliance issues associated with the deployment of AMR technology in certain industries.

Key Questions Answered

What is the current status of Autonomous Mobile Robots in warehousing industry?

What growth potential does this technology holds in coming 5 to 10 years?

Which factors are attributing to the growth of AMR market and what is the degree to impact?

How is the market penetration of AMR in major economies?

Which companies are leading in terms of volume production AMRs and which companies are the entering the market?

What are the entry barriers for the start-ups and how much growth potential does this sector holds?

How much funding or capital investment has been made in warehouse robotics segment over past 5 years?

How are the regulatory frameworks being developed across major markets?

Which markets are expected to drive the demand for AMR?

What is the status of ASEAN warehousing automation developments? And how are these countries automating warehouses?

Which markets are expected to have highest market penetration of AMRs?

Which are the largest warehouses with high demand for automated equipment and what is the demand for AMRs in these warehouses?

What is the projected sales demand for all types of AMRs in warehouses?

Which sensing solutions are widely being used for AMRs and what is the potential demand?

What is the average selling price for AMRs currently and how is it expected to change over the years?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Executive Summary-Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Outlook In Warehouse Industry

1. Scope of Research and Assumptions

2. Research Methodology - Data Collection, Analysis, and Forecast

3. Penetration of AMR in Warehouses Across Countries

3.1. The total warehouse automation market size in the Americas region will cross $18 billion by 2030
3.2. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) are expected to account 20% market share by 2027 in the total warehouse automation market
3.3. The opportunities are expected to grow 10x for AMRs within next 5 years

4. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Analysis, 2022-2030

4.1. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Shipment (Units)
4.2. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Value ($ Million)

5. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Trends

5.1. AMRs are augmenting and optimizing the warehousing supply chain
5.2. Global growth opportunities from e-commerce sectors attributing to the exponential growth of AMR Market
5.3. AMRs are the solution for the growing operational challenges in the warehousing industry and addressing dynamic market fluctuations
5.4. Better cost efficiency and quick ROI is favoring the adoption of AMR as important warehouse automation tool
5.5. The increasing market penetration with emerging OpEx-oriented robots-as-a-service (RaaS) business model will drive the AMR market to newer heights

6. AMR Sensing and Navigation Technologies

6.1. Collision Avoidance Sensing System
6.1.1. LiDAR Market Size and Forecast
6.1.2. Camera Market Size and Forecast
6.1.3. Radar Market Size and Forecast
6.1.4. Ultrasonic Sensor Market Size and Forecast
6.1.5. Encoders Market Size and Forecast
6.2. Sensor Fusion Technology
6.3. Mapping, Localization and Navigation System
6.3.1. Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)
6.3.2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

7. AMR Market by Business Model

7.1. Direct Sales/OEM
7.2. System Integration (MRO)
7.3. Robot-as-a-Service (RaaS)

8. AMRs by Types of Operations

8.1. Inventory Transportation Robots Market Size and Forecast
8.2. Picking Robots Market Size and Forecast
8.3. Sortation Robots Market Size and Forecast
8.4. Collaborative Robots Market Size and Forecast
8.5. Drones for Warehouse Inventory Management, Market Size and Forecast

9. Geographical Analysis of AMR Market in Warehouse Industry

9.1.North America

9.1.1.United States
9.1.2. Canada


9.2.3.United Kingdoms
9.2.4. Other European Countries

9.6.South Korea
9.7.ASEAN Market


9.8.Rest of the World

10. Pricing Analysis of AMRs (Current ASP and Forecast)

11. Investment and Funding Analysis of AMR in Warehouse Industry, 2020-2022

12. Research and Development Analysis of Leading AMR Players

13. Competition Assessment

13.1. Competition Benchmarking of Leading OEMs
13.2. Competition Assessment of Technology Start-up
13.3. Funding Analysis of Start-ups in AMR Market
13.4. Strategic Developments and Future Planning by Leading Players in the AMR Industry
13.5. Analysis and Profiles of companies in AMR Market

14. Appendices







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