


Industrial Battery Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

産業用電池の動向と予測 世界の産業用電池市場の将来は、電気通信・データ通信、無停電電源装置、エネルギー、機器、グリッド・ストレージ市場におけるビジネスチャンスで有望視されている。世界の産業用電池... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2025年2月27日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測によると、バッテリーの種類別では、鉛蓄電池が低コスト、信頼性、メンテナンスの容易さなど様々な利点があるため、予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。
- 用途別では、電気通信・データ通信が最も高い成長が見込まれる。
- 地域別では、急速な産業化と主要企業の存在により、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- 固体電池:固体電池は、従来のリチウムイオン電池に比べてエネルギー密度が高く安全性が高いため、大きな関心を集めている。これらの電池に含まれる固体電解質は、漏電、発火、その他用途を混乱させる可能性のある不測の事態に対する保護を提供する。電池の研究が進むにつれて、性能と安全性が向上するため、産業用固体電池の実用化が期待される。
- 再生可能エネルギーとの統合:産業用バッテリーは、太陽光や風力などの再生可能エネルギー源との接続が増加している。電池はこれらのエネルギー源によって発電されたエネルギーを貯蔵し、発電量が不足した場合に追加電力を供給する。このような統合は、送電網の安定性を維持し、再生可能エネルギー・システムの有効性を高めるのに役立つため、産業部門における高度なエネルギー貯蔵技術に対する需要が高まっている。
- リサイクル技術の進歩:産業用電池市場では、材料のリサイクル技術が脚光を浴びている。リサイクルプロセスの改善は、貴重な材料の回収を容易にし、環境破壊を減らし、原材料の運用コストを下げる。企業は効率的なリサイクル技術を開発することで、排出されるバッテリーの増加に対処し、循環経済を促進することで、バッテリーの取り扱い方法の持続可能性を向上させている。
- バッテリー管理システム(BMS)の採用増加:バッテリー管理システム(BMS)の構築と普及は、バッテリーの効率と寿命を向上させる上で極めて重要である。BMS技術は、バッテリーの健全性と動作を安全かつ効率的に監視・管理する。先進的なBMSソリューションの多くは、データの可視化とリアルタイム分析のためにIoT技術を組み込んでおり、効果的な予知保全を提供し、バッテリーやその他のエネルギー管理ソリューションを統合した電力システムの信頼性と性能を高めている。
- エネルギー密度と効率の重視:産業用バッテリーのエネルギー密度と効率の向上は大きな目標です。高エネルギー密度により、より小型、軽量、より高度なバッテリーの製造が可能になり、より長時間のバックアップが可能になる。化学と設計の進歩により、さまざまな産業でより優れた、より効率的なバッテリーが生み出されています。




- リチウムイオン技術の発展:リチウムイオン技術の進化は、エネルギー密度、充電時間、性能の向上をもたらした。最近の変化には、電極材料やバッテリー管理システムの強化が含まれ、より優れた耐久性のあるバッテリーを実現している。この進歩により、リチウムイオン電池はエネルギー貯蔵から電気自動車まで、さまざまな産業用途に適している。
- 固体電池の台頭:固体電池は、より高いエネルギー密度と改善された安全性を持つ新技術として台頭してきている。最近の固体電解質と製造技術の進歩により、研究が大きく進展している。このタイプの電池は、従来の液体電解質設計を改良し、火災のリスクを低減し、耐久性を高めることで、産業界にとって魅力的なものとなっている。
- エネルギー貯蔵システムの増加:送電網の安定化と再生可能エネルギー源に注目し、バルクエネルギー貯蔵システムの需要が高まっている。最近の動きとしては、フロー電池や大規模リチウムイオンシステムなど、先進的なシステムの導入が挙げられる。これらのシステムは、瞬間的なエネルギー需給のバランスを取るために不可欠であり、より環境に優しい代替エネルギーの導入を支援する。
- バッテリー・リサイクル技術の新展開:新しい電池リサイクル技術は、電池廃棄物の悪影響を減らし、原材料を回収するのに役立っている。使用済み電池や廃棄物生産工程から貴金属を抽出する技術革新は、循環型経済に積極的に貢献し、電池生産におけるバージン材料への依存を軽減する。
- 産業用電池市場の拡大:産業用電池の世界的な製造能力の拡大は、需要の増大と現地生産の必要性によって推進されてきた。新工場への投資と技術統合が生産効率を高めている。このような拡大は、急成長する産業用電池市場に合致しており、世界中で新たなエネルギー貯蔵用途のニーズに応えている。




- 再生可能エネルギー貯蔵:産業界や公益事業による再生可能エネルギーの導入が進むにつれ、再生可能な資源を利用したエネルギー貯蔵ソリューションの需要も高まっている。産業用バッテリーは、風力、太陽光、その他の再生可能エネルギー源から発電された電力を安全に貯蔵するために不可欠なコンポーネントです。この成長機会は電力管理要件を生み出し、バッテリー技術の進歩とともにグリッド管理の必要性を高めている。
- 電気自動車と輸送:電気自動車(EV)の製造と供給は、産業用電池にとって大きなチャンスとなる。バッテリー技術の向上により、電気自動車の航続距離の延長、充電時間の短縮、効率の向上が可能になりつつある。EVの人気が高まるにつれ、高性能バッテリーへの需要が高まっている。この傾向は、環境に優しい政策の施行や、環境に優しい交通手段に対する消費者の需要にも後押しされている。
- 待機電力と無停電電源装置(UPS):産業用バッテリーは、無停電電源装置を必要とするシステムに不可欠なバックアップ電源としてますます利用されるようになっている。電子機器やデータセンターへの依存度が高まっているため、バックアップ電源の需要が高まっている。新しいバッテリー技術はUPSシステムの機能性と信頼性を高め、この市場にさらなる成長機会をもたらしている。
- 送電網エネルギー貯蔵:送電網エネルギー貯蔵は、産業用バッテリーの主要な拡大アプリケーションであり、送電網のバランスをサポートする。一括電力貯蔵システムは、発電と負荷の使用を安定させ、より回復力のある電力網に貢献します。この分野の成長は、フロー電池や大規模リチウムイオンシステムなど、新しいタイプの電池の開発によって促進されている。
- 産業用および商業用アプリケーション:自動化、ロボット工学、遠隔監視システムは産業用・商業用アプリケーションに該当し、産業用電池の成長分野を生み出している。安全で効果的な電池の需要は、さまざまな産業で電池駆動機器の使用が増加していることが背景にある。さらに、電池技術と管理システムの進歩により、これらの用途向けの革新的な戦略の開発が可能になり、市場の成長を促進している。




- 技術の進歩:電池化学と設計の進歩は、市場成長の重要な要因である。先進的な電池技術には、高速充電、高エネルギー密度、設計と構造の安全性向上が盛り込まれており、産業用電池のライフサイクル全体を向上させている。こうした開発は、より信頼性の高いエネルギー貯蔵システムにつながり、さまざまな産業での利用を増加させている。
- 再生可能エネルギー需要の増大:エネルギーに対するニーズの高まりが、太陽光発電や風力発電などの代替エネルギー貯蔵技術に対する需要を後押ししている。再生可能エネルギー源は追加ストレージを必要とし、産業用バッテリーがますます求められている。このような再生可能エネルギーに対する需要の高まりが市場を後押しし、高度な電池システムの開発を促進している。
- 電気自動車普及の増加:電気自動車(EV)の普及拡大は、産業用電池市場の主要な推進要因である。技術的なアップグレード、バッテリー効率の向上、環境に優しい交通手段に対する消費者の関心の高まりが、EV用バッテリーの成長を刺激している。また、EV分野の拡大により、高容量電池と関連技術の需要も増加している。

- 先端技術のコスト高:先端技術の高コスト:固体電池やその他の高容量オプションを含む先端電池技術の採用は、その高コストのために制限されている。こうしたコストは、一部の産業や消費者の参入を妨げ、市場の成長を抑制する可能性がある。生産コストの削減は、市場性を向上させる上で極めて重要である。
- サプライチェーンと材料の制約:サプライチェーンの混乱や材料不足は、電池製造に使用される原材料の入手可能性に影響を与える。特定の材料の入手可能性や地政学的状況などの要因は、電池の価格設定に影響を与える。健全で存続可能な市場を維持するためには、こうしたサプライチェーンの課題に対処することが必要である。
- 環境とリサイクルに関する懸念:産業用電池市場は、生態系への影響やライフサイクル後の電池のリサイクルに関する課題に直面している。使用済み製品から新しい製品への転換に取り組むことは、電池の製造と使用におけるエコロジカル・フットプリントの低減を促進するために不可欠である。




- エナシス
- C&Dテクノロジーズ
- エグゼイド・インダストリーズ
- GSユアサ
- クラウンバッテリー




- 鉛酸
- リチウムイオン
- その他


- 通信・データ通信
- 無停電電源装置
- エネルギー
- エネルギー機器
- グリッド・ストレージ
- その他


- 定置用
- 原動機


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:過去1年間、米国の産業用電池市場では、蓄電システムと再生可能エネルギーによる発電に大きな動きがあった。リチウムイオンバッテリーの性能向上と長期使用のためのソリッドステートバッテリーの開発に力が注がれている。さらに、リサイクル技術への多額の投資は、二次電池の環境への影響を軽減することを目的としている。また、グリッド・サポートや待機電力など、再生可能エネルギー源の需要増に対応するため、高度なエネルギー貯蔵システムの構築も推進されている。
- 中国中国の産業用電池市場の急成長は、電池技術と製造への強いコミットメントに起因する。最近の技術的進歩には、リチウム電池やフロー電池システムの開発が含まれ、コスト面でのメリットと性能の向上がある。中国政府は、エネルギー貯蔵ソリューションへの投資を含め、グリーン技術を促進するためのさまざまな政策を実施している。その結果、中国はバッテリー生産のための技術とインフラを進歩させる一方、原材料の現地調達を最適化している。
- ドイツドイツは産業用電池の開発に比類なき力を注いでおり、環境の持続可能性と効率性を重視している。最近のイノベーションには、再生可能エネルギーや電気自動車の蓄電システム用の耐久性のある電池の開発が含まれる。ドイツはまた、安全性を確保しながら単位体積当たりのエネルギーを高めることを目指し、従来の選択肢に代わるナトリウム電池や固体イオン電池を模索している。再生可能エネルギーを統合するバッテリーへの移行は、低炭素経済への移行とエネルギー安全保障の強化というドイツの目標を支えるものである。
- インドインドでは、産業用電池市場の活性化に向けた最近の取り組みとして、増産と電池技術の進歩に重点を置いている。同国は、エネルギー貯蔵や電動モビリティに使用される既存の電池の性能向上を目指している。National Electric Mobility Mission Planのような政府のイニシアチブは、高性能バッテリー技術を推進している。さらに、コスト削減と効率向上のため、原材料と電池部品の国産化を目指す傾向もある。
- 日本:日本は産業用電池市場で大きく躍進し、先進的な新型電池を開発している。研究努力は、より高いエネルギー密度とより長い動作寿命を持つ次世代リチウムイオン電池とソリッドステート変種に焦点を当てている。電池システムにおける革新的なアイデアとアプローチは、日本の強力な研究開発エコシステムによるものである。日本のメーカーはまた、リサイクルや持続可能性への取り組みへの投資を通じて、生態学的問題に取り組み、電池システムの効率を向上させている。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.4.5: 送電網ストレージ
3.5: 産業用電池の世界市場:最終用途別

4.5: ROW産業用電池市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーション統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: エグゼイド・インダストリーズ
7.4: GSユアサ
7.5: クラウンバッテリー





Industrial Battery Trends and Forecast

The future of the global industrial battery market looks promising with opportunities in the telecom & data communication, uninterruptible power supply, energy, equipment, and grid storage markets. The global industrial battery market is expected to reach an estimated $38.2 billion by 2031 with a CAGR of 8.6% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the rising adoption of renewable energy sources and the growing demand for backup power.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the battery type category, the lead-acid is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to its various advantages, such as lower cost, reliability, and easier maintenance.
• Within the application category, telecom & data communication is expected to witness the highest growth.
• In terms of region, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to rapid industrialization and the presence of key players in this region.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Industrial Battery Market

Emerging Trends in the Industrial Battery Market
There are major emerging trends within the scope of the industrial battery market and its related devices and equipment components. These trends arise from new technologies, changes in energy needs, and growing concerns about the environment. Stakeholders should be aware of these trends to position themselves within the market and optimize new prospects for business growth and innovative development.

• Solid-State Batteries: Solid-state batteries are creating significant interest due to their higher energy density and safety compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries. The solid electrolyte in these batteries offers protection against leakage, fire, and other unwanted circumstances that may disrupt their applications. As research on batteries advances, solid-state industrial batteries are anticipated to be commercially viable thanks to their improved performance and safety.
• Integration with Renewable Energy: Industrial batteries are increasingly being connected to renewable sources of energy, such as solar and wind. Batteries store energy generated by these sources and provide additional power when generation is insufficient. This integration helps maintain grid stability and enhances the effectiveness of renewable energy systems, thus increasing the demand for advanced energy storage technologies in the industrial sector.
• Progress in Recycling Technologies: Technologies for recycling materials are gaining prominence in the industrial battery market. Improvements in recycling processes facilitate the retrieval of valuable materials, reduce environmental destruction, and lower the operational costs of raw materials. Companies are developing efficient recycling technologies to address the growing number of discharged batteries and encourage a circular economy, thereby improving the sustainability of battery handling practices.
• Increasing Adoption of Battery Management Systems (BMS): The creation and propagation of Battery Management Systems (BMS) are crucial for improving the efficiency and service life of batteries. BMS technologies monitor and manage battery health and operation safely and efficiently. Many advanced BMS solutions incorporate IoT technologies for data visualization and real-time analytics, providing effective predictive maintenance and enhancing the reliability and performance of power systems with integrated batteries and other energy management solutions.
• Focus on Energy Density and Efficiency: Improving the energy density and efficiency of industrial batteries is a major target. High energy density allows for the production of smaller, lighter, and more advanced batteries with longer backups, which is critical in situations requiring high power for extended periods. Advances in chemistry and design are resulting in better and more efficient batteries for various industries.

Trends such as solid-state batteries, the use of batteries for energy-consuming and generating technologies, advanced recycling technologies, the expansion of battery management systems, and a focus on energy density are transforming how industrial batteries are applied. These trends enhance battery characteristics and their ecological impact, as well as the intelligence of modern energy systems, leading to breakthroughs in the market.

Recent Developments in the Industrial Battery Market

Recent historical events have shaped the industrial battery market, including notable shifts in technology, manufacturing processes, and battery applications. These developments reflect the rising energy needs, environmental conscientiousness, and technological evolution in society. Understanding these trends helps grasp the current and future direction of the industrial battery market.

• Development of Lithium-Ion Technologies: The evolution of lithium-ion technology has brought improvements in energy density, charge time, and performance. Recent changes include enhancements in electrode materials and battery management systems that result in better, more durable batteries. This progress makes lithium-ion batteries suitable for various industrial uses, from energy storage to electric vehicles.
• Rise of Solid-State Batteries: Solid-state batteries are emerging as a new technology with higher energy density and improved safety. Recent advancements in solid electrolytes and manufacturing techniques have led to significant progress in research. This type of battery improves upon conventional liquid-electrolyte designs by reducing fire risks and increasing durability, making it attractive to industries.
• Increase in Energy Storage Systems: The demand for bulk energy storage systems is rising, with a focus on grid stabilization and renewable energy sources. Recent developments include the installation of advanced systems, such as flow batteries and large-scale lithium-ion systems. These systems are essential for balancing instantaneous energy supply and demand, aiding the adoption of greener energy alternatives.
• New Developments in Battery Recycling Techniques: New battery recycling technologies are helping to reduce the negative effects of battery waste and recover raw materials. Innovations in extracting precious metals from dead batteries and waste production processes contribute positively to the circular economy and lessen dependence on virgin materials for battery production.
• Expansion of the Industrial Battery Market: The expansion of global manufacturing capabilities for industrial batteries has been driven by growing demand and the need for local production. Investments in new plants and technology integration are increasing production efficiency. This expansion aligns with the rapidly growing industrial battery market and meets the need for new energy storage applications worldwide.

Innovations in lithium batteries, solid-state batteries, energy storage systems, new recycling technologies, and manufacturing expansions reflect recent activity in the industrial battery sector. These changes enhance sustainability and cost-efficient production, facilitating progress to meet current and future demands for industrial use.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Industrial Battery Market

The industrial battery market is witnessing numerous applications that create strategic growth opportunities in a changing market with improved technology. Focusing on appropriate applications allows companies to capitalize on trends and gain market share. For stakeholders, familiarizing themselves with these growth opportunities, especially emergent trends impacting the industrial battery landscape, is crucial.

• Renewable Energy Storage: With the increasing adoption of renewable energy by industries and utilities, the demand for energy storage solutions utilizing renewable sources is also growing. Industrial batteries are vital components for securely storing power generated from wind, solar, and other renewable sources. This growth opportunity creates power management requirements and increases the need for grid management alongside advancements in battery technology.
• Electric Vehicles and Transportation: The manufacturing and provision of electric vehicles (EVs) present a significant opportunity for industrial batteries. Improvements in battery technology are allowing for longer ranges, quicker recharging, and greater efficiency in electric vehicles. The growing popularity of EVs has increased the demand for high-performance batteries. This trend is also driven by the enforcement of environmentally friendly policies and consumer demand for green transportation.
• Standby Power and Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS): Industrial batteries are increasingly utilized as essential backup power sources for systems requiring uninterrupted power supplies. The demand for backup power is rising due to increasing reliance on electronic equipment and data centers. New battery technologies are enhancing the functionality and reliability of UPS systems, presenting further growth opportunities within this market.
• Grid Energy Storage: Power grid energy storage represents a major and expanding application for industrial batteries, supporting grid balance. Bulk power storage systems help stabilize generation and load usage, contributing to a more resilient electricity grid. Growth in this area is facilitated by developments in new battery types, such as flow batteries and large-scale lithium-ion systems.
• Industrial and Commercial Applications: Automation, robotics, and remote monitoring systems fall under industrial and commercial applications, creating growth areas for industrial batteries. The demand for safe and effective batteries is fueled by the increasing use of battery-powered equipment across various industries. Additionally, advancements in battery technology and management systems enable the development of innovative strategies for these applications, driving market growth.

The strategic growth opportunities in the industrial battery market, including renewable energy storage, electric vehicles, backup power systems, grid energy storage, and industrial applications, are shaping the future of industrial batteries. These opportunities highlight the potential across various industries as the market continues to address gaps and pave the way for new innovations. With these opportunities, stakeholders can promote growth while enhancing the trajectory of development in industrial battery technologies.

Industrial Battery Market Driver and Challenges

Numerous drivers and challenges characterize the industrial battery market's growth and development. These factors include innovations, economic conditions, and policies concerning the industry. Identifying these drivers and challenges is essential for market stakeholders, as it enables them to capitalize on opportunities and address constraints.

The factors responsible for driving the industrial battery market include:
• Technological Advancements: Progress in battery chemistry and design is a crucial factor in market growth. Advanced battery technologies incorporate faster recharging, higher energy density, and improved safety in design and construction, enhancing the overall lifecycle of industrial batteries. These developments lead to more dependable energy storage systems, increasing utilization across various industries.
• Growing Demand for Renewable Energy: The increasing need for energy has driven demand for alternative energy storage technologies, such as solar and wind power. Renewable energy sources require additional storage, with industrial batteries increasingly sought after. This rising demand for renewable energy propels the market and fosters the development of advanced battery systems.
• Increase in Electric Vehicle Adoption: The growing use of electric vehicles (EVs) is a key driving factor for the industrial battery market. Technological upgrades, improved battery efficiency, and increased consumer interest in green transportation have stimulated the growth of EV batteries. The expansion of the EV sector has also increased the demand for high-capacity batteries and associated technologies.

Challenges in the industrial battery market are:
• High Cost of Advanced Technologies: The adoption of advanced battery technologies, including solid-state batteries and other high-capacity options, has been limited due to their high costs. These expenses can hinder participation from some industries and consumers, restricting market growth. Reducing production costs is crucial for improving marketability.
• Supply Chain and Material Constraints: Supply chain disruptions or material shortages impact the availability of raw materials used in battery manufacturing. Factors such as the availability of specific materials and geopolitical situations affect battery pricing. Addressing these supply chain challenges is necessary to maintain a healthy and viable market.
• Environmental and Recycling Concerns: The industrial battery market faces challenges related to ecological impacts and recycling of batteries after their lifecycle. Addressing the transformation of spent products into new goods is essential to encourage a lower ecological footprint in battery manufacturing and use.

The drivers of the industrial battery market, such as technological evolution, utilization in renewable energy sectors, and government support, contribute to market growth and innovation. Conversely, challenges such as high costs, supply chain limitations, and environmental considerations pose obstacles to sustainable development. Understanding these dynamics is vital for identifying opportunities and addressing market needs effectively.

List of Industrial Battery Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies industrial battery companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the industrial battery companies profiled in this report include-

• EnerSys
• C&D Technologies
• Exide Industries
• GS Yuasa
• Crown Batteries

Industrial Battery by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global industrial battery market by battery type, application, end use, and region.

Industrial Battery Market by Battery Type [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Lead-Acid
• Lithium-Ion
• Others

Industrial Battery Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Telecom & Data Communication
• Uninterruptible Power Supply
• Energy
• Equipment
• Grid Storage
• Others

Industrial Battery Market by End Use [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Stationary
• Motive

Industrial Battery Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Industrial Battery Market

The industrial battery market is expanding rapidly due to constant technological improvements, changing regulations, and increasing demands across various industries. The pharmaceutical industry is also influenced by developments in battery chemistry, energy density, and shelf life. The United States, China, Germany, India, and Japan are well-positioned in terms of market dynamics, with each country contributing to market expansion in different ways. These changes reflect broader global trends in energy storage and efficiency that are impacting industrial sectors.

• United States: Over the past year, significant activity in the industrial battery market in the U.S. has focused on storage systems and energy generation from renewable sources. Efforts have been directed at enhancing the performance of lithium-ion batteries and developing solid-state batteries for long-term use. Additionally, substantial investments in recycling technologies aim to mitigate the environmental impacts of rechargeable batteries. There is also a push to create advanced energy storage systems to meet the growing demand for renewable energy sources, such as grid support and standby power.
• China: Rapid growth in China’s industrial battery market stems from a strong commitment to battery technology and manufacturing. Recent technological advancements include developments in lithium batteries and flow battery systems, which offer cost benefits and enhanced performance. The Chinese government has implemented various policies to promote green technologies, including investments in energy storage solutions. Consequently, China is advancing its technology and infrastructure for battery production while optimizing local raw material sourcing.
• Germany: Germany's focus on industrial battery development is unparalleled, emphasizing environmental sustainability and efficiency. Recent innovations include the creation of durable batteries for renewable energy and electric vehicle storage systems. Germany is also exploring sodium and solid-state ion batteries to replace conventional options, aiming for higher energy per unit volume while ensuring safety. The transition to batteries that integrate renewable energy supports Germany's goal of transitioning to a low-carbon economy and enhancing energy security.
• India: In India, recent efforts to boost the industrial battery market focus on increasing production and advancing battery technology. The nation aims to enhance the performance of existing batteries used for energy storage and electric mobility. Government initiatives, such as the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan, promote high-performance battery technologies. Additionally, there is a trend toward localizing raw materials and battery components to lower costs and improve efficiency.
• Japan: Japan is making significant strides in the industrial battery market, developing advanced new batteries. Research efforts focus on next-generation lithium-ion batteries and solid-state variants with higher energy densities and longer operational lifespans. Innovative ideas and approaches in battery systems are attributed to Japan's strong research and development ecosystem. Japanese manufacturers are also addressing ecological issues and improving battery system efficiency through investments in recycling and sustainability initiatives.

Features of the Global Industrial Battery Market

Market Size Estimates: Industrial battery market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Industrial battery market size by battery type, application, end use, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Industrial battery market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different battery types, applications, end uses, and regions for the industrial battery market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the industrial battery market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the industrial battery market by battery type (lead-acid, lithium-ion, and others), application (telecom & data communication, uninterruptible power supply, energy, equipment, grid storage, and others), end use (stationary and motive), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Industrial Battery Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Global Industrial Battery Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Global Industrial Battery Market by Battery Type
3.3.1: Lead-Acid
3.3.2: Lithium-Ion
3.3.3: Others
3.4: Global Industrial Battery Market by Application
3.4.1: Telecom & Data Communication
3.4.2: Uninterruptible Power Supply
3.4.3: Energy
3.4.4: Equipment
3.4.5: Grid Storage
3.4.6: Others
3.5: Global Industrial Battery Market by End Use
3.5.1: Stationary
3.5.2: Motive

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Global Industrial Battery Market by Region
4.2: North American Industrial Battery Market
4.2.1: North American Industrial Battery Market by Battery Type: Lead-Acid, Lithium-Ion, and Others
4.2.2: North American Industrial Battery Market by Application: Telecom & Data Communication, Uninterruptible Power Supply, Energy, Equipment, Grid Storage, and Others
4.3: European Industrial Battery Market
4.3.1: European Industrial Battery Market by Battery Type: Lead-Acid, Lithium-Ion, and Others
4.3.2: European Industrial Battery Market by Application: Telecom & Data Communication, Uninterruptible Power Supply, Energy, Equipment, Grid Storage, and Others
4.4: APAC Industrial Battery Market
4.4.1: APAC Industrial Battery Market by Battery Type: Lead-Acid, Lithium-Ion, and Others
4.4.2: APAC Industrial Battery Market by Application: Telecom & Data Communication, Uninterruptible Power Supply, Energy, Equipment, Grid Storage, and Others
4.5: ROW Industrial Battery Market
4.5.1: ROW Industrial Battery Market by Battery Type: Lead-Acid, Lithium-Ion, and Others
4.5.2: ROW Industrial Battery Market by Application: Telecom & Data Communication, Uninterruptible Power Supply, Energy, Equipment, Grid Storage, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Industrial Battery Market by Battery Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Industrial Battery Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Industrial Battery Market by End Use
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Industrial Battery Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Industrial Battery Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Industrial Battery Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Industrial Battery Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: EnerSys
7.2: C&D Technologies
7.3: Exide Industries
7.4: GS Yuasa
7.5: Crown Batteries





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