


Starter Feed Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

スターター飼料の動向と予測 世界のスターター飼料市場の将来は、反芻動物、豚、家禽、水生動物、馬の各市場におけるビジネスチャンスで有望視されている。世界のスターター飼料市場は、2031年までに推定385億... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2025年2月7日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語







- Lucintelの予測では、原料カテゴリーではオーツ麦が予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みである。オーツ麦は食物繊維とベータグルカンを多く含むため家禽飼料に広く使用され、他の穀物よりも家畜に提供しやすいからである。
- 家禽のカテゴリーでは、家禽用スターター飼料はバランスの取れた栄養製剤であり、家禽が成長の初期段階で健康的な栄養食欲を発達させるのに役立つため、家禽が最大のセグメントであり続けるだろう。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げると予想される。その理由は、多様な経済括弧、技術力、より高品質な牛用飼料に対するエンドユーザーの需要であり、将来的な拡大の可能性を高めている。




- 保存可能な原料:最近、昆虫ミールや藻類など、スターター飼料の新たな持続可能な代替蛋白源が主流になりつつある。その背景には、環境に優しい製品を求める消費者の声の高まりと、二酸化炭素排出量の削減を目的とした規制がある。持続可能な原料の使用は、環境負荷の低減という点だけでなく、飼料効率の向上という点でも有益であり、多くの畜産家にとって大きな関心事となっている。
- プロバイオティクスとプレバイオティクス:プロバイオティクスとプレバイオティクスは、家畜の腸の健康と免疫機能に役立つことから、スターター飼料に使用されることが増えている。これらの添加物は栄養吸収を促進し、一般的に成長率の向上に寄与する。消費者が抗生物質不使用の食肉を求める中、プロバイオティクスは家畜の健康を増進する自然な手段を提供し、市場の魅力を大いに高めている。
- デジタル化とスマートフィーディング:飼料の配合と流通におけるデジタル技術の採用は、市場に革命をもたらしている。スマート給餌システムは、飼料効率と家畜の成績を向上させるためにデータ分析を採用している。これにより、生産者はより良い情報に基づいた意思決定を行い、無駄を省き、収益性を向上させることができる。トレーサビリティが強化され、食品生産における透明性の向上を求める消費者の需要をサポートする。
- 規制要件の遵守:動物福祉と飼料の安全性に関する規制の強化も、スターター飼料のポートフォリオを再構築している。生産者はこれらの要件に合わせて配合を調整する必要があり、飼料添加物や調達における技術革新にさらに拍車がかかる。これにより、製品の品質が向上し、生産者は自社と消費者の双方にとって持続可能な社会の担い手として行動するようになる。
- 機能性飼料:動物の特定の健康結果をサポートする機能性飼料の利用が増加している。免疫力を高める添加物や、消化器系の健康を改善するプロバイオティクスなどである。これは、より健康的な畜産物を求める消費者の嗜好と共鳴するものであり、畜産飼料業界における、よりカスタマイズされた栄養ソリューションへの広範な流れに沿ったものである。




- 技術革新:飼料配合技術の進歩によって栄養プロファイルが改善され、ひいては家畜の成長と健康につながる。企業は、特定の種に合わせた特定の栄養素を配合した飼料を作るための研究開発資金を増やしている。飼料効率の改善と廃棄物の削減は、畜産における持続可能性の目標達成に役立つ技術革新のメリットの一部である。
- 持続可能性の重視:スターター飼料市場では持続可能性への圧力が高まっており、生産者は環境に優しい原料だけでなく生産方法も模索している。飼料生産における二酸化炭素排出量削減への取り組みは標準的なものとなり、消費者はこうした環境に優しい生産プロセスとの関連付けを望んでいる。調達戦略や持続可能な慣行への投資も大きく変化している。
- 規制の変化:抗生物質に関する新たな飼料使用規制が製品開発を形成している。天然飼料添加物やプロバイオティクスなどの代替オプションは、抗生物質を必要とせずに家畜の健康要求を満たすために使用されている。これは顧客の需要を満たすだけでなく、市場競争力を高めることにもなる。
- 機能性飼料の需要拡大:機能性スターター飼料の需要の高まりは、特定の健康上の利点を強調し続けている。その結果、メーカーは健康志向の市場に対応するため、さまざまなビタミン、ミネラル、プロバイオティクスを配合した強化飼料の開発に着手している。この傾向は、市場のプラス成長と家畜の成績向上に大きく寄与している。これは、より健康な家畜を求める消費者の嗜好と一致している。
- デジタル・ソリューションの統合:デジタル化は、データ分析とスマート給餌技術を通じて、スターター飼料市場を変革している。生産者は現在、様々なデジタルツールを使って飼料の配合を最適化し、家畜の成績をモニターしている。こうした進歩は市場全体の成長に寄与している。




- 有機・非遺伝子組み換え飼料:有機・非遺伝子組み換え製品に対する需要の高まりは、強力な成長機会を生み出す。消費者がますます健康的で持続可能な生活を求めるようになる中、生産者は有機スターター飼料を提供することでこの需要を狙うことができる。この傾向は消費者の価値観に合致しており、生産者に市場での競争優位性をもたらす。
- 栄養技術:精密栄養学や個別化飼料ソリューションなどの飼料配合技術は、計り知れない成長の可能性を秘めている。データ分析と研究開発はまた、家畜の成長性能と健康の両方を向上させる的を絞った飼料配合を作り出すために、生産者によって利用されている。このように個別化された栄養は、変化し続ける市場の最前線に生産者を位置づける。
- プロバイオティクスとプレバイオティクスの統合:家畜栄養における腸の健康に対する意識の高まりは、プロバイオティクスやプレバイオティクスをスターター飼料に配合する機会も生み出している。これらの添加物はすでに健康と生産形質にプラスの効果を示しており、抗生物質を使用せずに成績を向上させたいと考える生産者の関心を集めている。こうした傾向は、規制や消費者の自然なアプローチへのシフトと一致している。
- 持続可能な調達慣行:持続可能な原料調達を目指す傾向が強まっている。生産者は、より環境に優しい製品を求める消費者の需要に応えるため、昆虫ミールや植物性タンパク質などの代替タンパク質源に投資することができる。その結果、ブランドの評判が高まり、より広範な持続可能性の目標達成に貢献する。
- 新興市場への参入:新興経済圏、特にアジアとアフリカへの進出は、スターター飼料市場に有望な成長機会をもたらす。これらの地域では、家畜頭数の増加と動物性タンパク質に対する需要の増加が、市場参入に有利な条件を生み出している。また、現地のニーズに合わせた地域特化型の配合にもチャンスが生まれる可能性がある。




- 動物性タンパク質に対する需要の高まり:増え続ける人口と中間層の所得増加により、動物性タンパク質の需要が拡大している。消費者がより多くの肉や乳製品を求め続ける中、生産者はより生産性の高い家畜を育てるため、家畜系統の改良に投資せざるを得なくなっている。このため、より迅速な成長と健康増進を促進するプレミアム品質のスターター飼料の需要が高まっている。
- 技術の進歩:飼料の配合と加工技術の革新が、スターター飼料市場の効率化を促進している。精密栄養学は、栄養の利用可能性と動物の健康状態を向上させるカスタマイズされた飼料ソリューションを可能にする。飼料の性能を最適化し、無駄を最小限に抑えることで、これらの技術革新は生産者がより良い成果を達成するのに役立っている。
- 動物の福祉と健康:消費者の動物福祉に対する意識が高まるにつれ、生産者はより良い慣行とより高い飼料品質を採用する必要がある。プロバイオティクスや天然成分など、健康を促進する添加物は、消費者が倫理的に生産された食品を求めるようになるにつれ、飼料配合における重要性を増している。
- 持続可能性への取り組み:持続可能な農業を目指す動きはより顕著になってきており、消費者はより環境に優しい製品を求めている。このため、消費者が期待する環境基準を満たすため、飼料に代替タンパク源を使用するなど、持続可能な調達方法が採用されるようになっている。
- 規制への対応:飼料の安全性、品質、抗生物質の制限に関する新たな規制要件が、生産者に技術革新を促している。こうした規制を遵守することは、製品の安全性を確保し、ブランドの評判を高め、市場でのポジショニングを向上させることにつながる。
- 原材料価格の上昇:原材料価格の上昇:原材料コストの変動はスターター飼料業界にとって重要な問題である。深刻なサプライチェーンの混乱と需要の増加は、原料コストを押し上げ続け、利幅を侵食し、より効率的な調達と生産戦略を必要とする。
- 代替タンパク質の競争力:従来の家畜飼料に対する挑戦は、植物由来の代替タンパク質源からもたらされる。生産者は、競争力を維持するために、ベジタリアンやビーガンの消費者にアピールできるよう製品を革新し、適応させなければならない。
- 規制上の課題:スターター飼料の生産者は、複雑な規制環境を乗り切るという課題に直面している。飼料添加物、安全基準、ラベリングに関する規制の変更に伴い、研究やコンプライアンスへの継続的な投資が必要となるが、これはリソースを浪費し経営効率を低下させる可能性がある。




- カーギル
- アーチャー・ダニエルズ・ミッドランド
- エボニックインダストリーズ
- コインライク




- 薬用
- 非薬用


- 小麦
- 大豆
- トウモロコシ
- オート麦
- ほとんど
- その他


- 反芻動物
- 豚
- 家禽
- 水生
- 馬
- その他


- 北米
- ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国では、高タンパク質飼料の配合とプロバイオティクスの導入がスターター飼料の需要にますます影響を与えるようになっている。持続可能性を求める消費者の嗜好を反映して、有機飼料や非遺伝子組み換え飼料の需要が高まっている。家畜の抗生物質使用に反対する規制圧力は、動物の健康と成長を促進する代替添加物でメーカーを革新する機会を生み出している。
- 中国:中国では、急成長を遂げる畜産セクターの発展と、より質の高い動物性タンパク質に対する需要の高まりにより、スターター飼料の需要が高い成長率を示している。食品の安全性と動物福祉に対する政府の関心が、生産者に給餌方法の近代化を促している。酵素や発酵を含む改良された飼料技術は飼料要求率を高め、より効率的な食肉生産をもたらしている。
- ドイツ:ドイツは、スターター用飼料市場における持続可能な慣行の採用で業界をリードしている。厳しい規制の台頭と、より環境に優しい製品を求める消費者の要求が、この傾向の主な推進要因となっている。昆虫や藻類などの代替タンパク源の利用が増加している。さらに、飼料の配合に焦点を当てた技術革新は、消化率を最大化し、環境への影響を最小化することを目指している。家畜の抗生物質使用を減らす取り組みにより、天然飼料添加物産業は急速に拡大している。
- インドインドでは、動物の栄養と生産性に対する意識が高まるにつれて、スターター飼料の需要が増加している。消費者はより高品質な畜産物を求め、中間層の増加が需要を牽引している。新規の飼料メーカーや地元の飼料メーカーは、動物の健全な成長のためにビタミンやミネラルを豊富に含む飼料に注力している。持続可能な畜産を推進する政府の取り組みは、最新の飼料技術への投資を促している。
- 日本:日本のスターター飼料市場は、プレミアム志向で健康志向である。消費者の健康志向の高まりに伴い、主食用飼料に含まれる化学物質の削減が人気を集めている。免疫力を高める機能性成分が飼料に添加される傾向が強まっている。さらに、持続可能な農業に関する政府の政策が飼料生産戦略に影響を与えている。










2.3: 業界の推進要因と課題

3.4.5: 辛うじて
3.5: スターター飼料の世界市場:家畜別
3.5.2: 豚
3.5.5: 馬
3.5.6: その他

4.5: ROWのスターター飼料市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.2: BASF
7.3: アーチャー・ダニエルズ・ミッドランド
7.4: エボニックインダストリーズ
7.5: コーニンクライク





Starter Feed Trends and Forecast

The future of the global starter feed market looks promising with opportunities in the ruminant, swine, poultry, aquatic, and equine markets. The global starter feed market is expected to reach an estimated $38.5 billion by 2031 with a CAGR of 4.8% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the increasing use of precision nutrition methods, growth in the production of animal feed, the rising potential for poultry starter feed, and the need to increase livestock output to meet the growing demand for animal-derived goods.

• Lucintel forecasts that, within the ingredient category, oats are expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period because oats are widely used in poultry feed due to their high fiber and beta-glucan content, which makes them easier to offer to animals than other cereals.
• Within the livestock category, poultry will remain the largest segment because poultry starter feed is a balanced nutritional formulation that helps poultry develop a healthy nutritional appetite during the initial stage of growth.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to its diverse economic brackets, technological capabilities, and end-user demands for higher-quality feed for cattle, which increases the potential for future expansion.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Starter Feed Market

The starter feed market is in a transformation phase and is influenced by emerging trends that are creating wider shifts in the industry. It is, therefore, technology-enabled, sustainable, and consumer-led. As such, familiarity with these changes is key for stakeholders who seek to evolve and position themselves within this competitive landscape.

• Conservation Ingredients: Recently, new sustainable and alternative protein sources in Starter Feeds, such as insect meal and algae, have become mainstream. This is due to the increased demand from consumers for environmentally friendly products and regulations aimed at reducing their carbon footprint. The use of sustainable ingredients is beneficial not only in terms of lower environmental impact but also for increased feed efficiency, which is of great interest to many livestock producers.
• Probiotics and Prebiotics: Given their benefits in gut health and immune function in animals, probiotics and prebiotics are increasingly being used in Starter Feeds. These additives enhance nutrient absorption, generally contributing to a better growth rate. As consumers demand antibiotic-free meat, probiotics offer a natural means of enhancing livestock health, which greatly enhances the appeal of the market.
• Digitalization and Smart Feeding: The adoption of digital technologies in feed formulation and distribution is revolutionizing the market. Smart feeding systems employ data analytics to enhance feed efficiency and animal performance. This enables producers to make better-informed decisions, reduce waste, and improve profitability. Traceability is enhanced, supporting consumer demand for greater transparency in food production.
• Compliance with Regulatory Requirements: Stricter regulations on animal welfare and feed safety are also reshaping the starter feeds portfolio. Producers must adjust their formulations to these requirements, which further spur innovation in feed additives and procurement. This will improve the quality of products and encourage producers to act as agents of sustainability for both themselves and consumers.
• Functional Feeds: Functional feed is increasingly available to support specific health outcomes in animals. Added functions include immunity-enhancing additives as well as probiotics that improve the digestive health of animals. This resonates with consumers' preferences for healthier animal products and follows a pervasive trend toward more customized nutrition solutions in the animal feed industry.

In short, the emerging trends in the market are shaping the starter feed industry into a more sustainable, healthy, efficient, and responsible sector in terms of livestock production.

Recent Developments in the Starter Feed Market

Recent trends in the starter feed market suggest that technology innovations are interacting with evolving consumer preferences and shifts in regulations. These factors lead to innovative strategies and products in different global markets. Understanding these dynamics provides insightful directions for the starter feed sector in the future.

• Technological Innovations: Advances in feed formulation technologies are improving their nutritional profiles, which in turn leads to greater growth and health for the animals. Companies have increased funding for research and development to create feeds containing specific nutrient combinations tailored to particular species. Improved feed efficiency and waste reduction are some of the benefits of innovation that help achieve sustainability objectives in livestock production.
• Focus on Sustainability: Pressure for sustainability has increased in the starter feed market, where producers are exploring not only environmentally friendly ingredients but also production methods. Efforts to reduce the carbon footprint in feed production have become standard, and consumers want to associate with these environmentally friendly processes. There has been a significant change in sourcing strategies and investment in sustainable practices.
• Regulatory Changes: New feed-usage regulations for antibiotics are shaping product development. Natural feed additives and probiotics, among other alternative options, are being used to meet the health requirements of animals without the need for antibiotics. This not only meets customer demand but also increases market competitiveness.
• Growing Demand for Functional Feeds: The increasing demand for functional starter feeds continues to emphasize specific health benefits. As a result, manufacturers have begun developing enriched feeds that contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics to cater to the health-conscious market. This trend has substantially contributed to positive growth in the market and improved animal performance. It aligns with consumer preferences for healthier livestock.
• Digital Solutions Integration: Digitalization is transforming the starter feed market through data analytics and smart feeding technologies. Producers now use various digital tools to optimize feed formulations and monitor animal performance, which improves production efficiency, reduces costs, and supports informed decision-making. These advancements contribute to overall market growth.

These developments are shaping the starter feed market by driving innovation, sustainability, and compliance with regulatory standards, benefiting both producers and consumers.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Starter Feed Market

Organic and non-GMO feed is one of the fastest-growing segments of the global starter feed market, driven mainly by changing consumer behavior and advancements in animal nutrition. Stakeholders must identify such opportunities to leverage emerging trends and enhance their market presence.

• Organic and Non-GMO Feed: The rising demand for organic and non-GMO products creates a strong growth opportunity. As consumers increasingly insist on healthy and sustainable living, producers can target this demand by offering organic Starter Feeds. This trend aligns with consumer values and provides producers with a competitive advantage in the market.
• Nutritional Technology: Feed formulation technologies, such as precision nutrition and personalized feed solutions, have immense growth potential. Data analytics and R&D are also used by producers to create targeted feed formulations that improve both the growth performance and health of livestock. This personalized nutrition positions producers at the forefront of an ever-changing market.
• Probiotics and Prebiotics Integration: Growing awareness of gut health in animal nutrition also creates opportunities for the inclusion of probiotics and prebiotics in starter feeds. These additives have already shown positive effects on health and production traits, thus attracting the interest of producers who want to improve performance without using antibiotics. These trends align with regulatory and consumer shifts toward natural approaches.
• Sustainable Sourcing Practices: There is a growing trend toward sustainable sourcing of ingredients. Producers can invest in alternative protein sources, such as insect meal and plant-based proteins, to meet consumer demand for greener products. As a result, this strengthens the reputation of the brand and helps meet broader sustainability goals.
• Entering Emerging Markets: Expansion into emerging economies, particularly in Asia and Africa, presents promising growth opportunities for the starter feed market. Rising livestock populations and increasing demand for animal protein in these regions create favorable conditions for market entry. Opportunities may also arise from region-specific formulations tailored to local needs.

These strategic growth opportunities highlight the potential for innovation and adaptation in the starter feed market, enabling stakeholders to exploit changing consumer preferences and enhance their competitive advantage.

Starter Feed Market Driver and Challenges

The starter feed market is driven by several factors that affect its growth and dynamics. Understanding these factors is crucial for stakeholders who aim to navigate the complex landscape.

The factors responsible for driving the starter feed market include:
• Rising Demand for Animal Protein: The ever-growing population and increasing income of the middle class are expanding the demand for animal protein. As consumers continue to demand more meat and dairy products, producers are compelled to invest in improving livestock strains to grow more productive animals. This raises the demand for premium-quality starter feeds that promote quicker growth and better health.
• Technological Advances: Innovations in feed formulation and processing technologies are driving efficiency in the starter feed market. Precision nutrition enables customized feed solutions that enhance nutrient availability and animal health. By optimizing feed performance and minimizing waste, these innovations help producers achieve better results.
• Animal Welfare and Health: As consumers become more conscious of animal welfare, producers must adopt better practices and higher feed quality. Health-promoting additives, such as probiotics and natural ingredients, are gaining more relevance in feed formulations as consumers increasingly demand ethically produced food.
• Sustainability Initiatives: The push toward sustainable agriculture is becoming more evident, with consumers demanding more environmentally friendly products. This has led to the adoption of sustainable sourcing practices, including the use of alternative protein sources in feeds to meet the environmental standards consumers expect.
• Regulatory Compliance: New regulatory requirements for feed safety, quality, and limits on antibiotics are prompting producers to innovate. Compliance with these regulations helps ensure product safety, strengthens brand reputation, and improves market positioning.
Challenges in the starter feed market include:
• Increasing Raw Material Prices: Raw material cost volatility is a key issue for the starter feed industry. Severe supply chain disruptions and growing demand will continue to push up ingredient costs, eroding margins and necessitating more efficient sourcing and production strategies.
• Competitiveness of Alternative Proteins: The challenge to traditional animal feed comes from plant-based and alternative protein sources. Producers must innovate and adapt their products to appeal to consumers with vegetarian or vegan diets in order to remain competitive.
• Regulatory Challenges: Producers of starter feed face the challenge of navigating complex regulatory environments. Changing regulations for feed additives, safety standards, and labeling requires ongoing investments in research and compliance, which can drain resources and reduce operational efficiency.

The starter feed market is propelled by various drivers that offer growth potential but also face several challenges that must be strategically overcome. By understanding these dynamics, stakeholders can adjust their strategies, seize opportunities, and mitigate risks in this fast-changing market.

List of Starter Feed Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies starter feed companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the starter feed companies profiled in this report include-

• Cargill
• Archer Daniels Midland
• Evonik Industries
• Coinlike

Starter Feed by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global starter feed market by type, ingredient, livestock, and region.

Starter Feed Market by Type [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Medicated
• Non-Medicated

Starter Feed Market by Ingredient [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Wheat
• Soyabean
• Corn
• Oats
• Barely
• Others

Starter Feed Market by Livestock [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Ruminant
• Swine
• Poultry
• Aquatic
• Equine
• Others

Starter Feed Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Starter Feed Market

Starter feed is an industry undergoing revolutionary changes around the world. Advanced technologies, changing consumer preferences, and regulatory pressures are driving profound shifts within the industry. These changes are redefining the future of livestock nutrition, impacting both production efficiency and sustainability. For stakeholders looking to navigate this changed landscape, it is essential to understand the specific dynamics within the United States, China, Germany, India, and Japan.

• United States: A focus on high-protein feed formulations and the incorporation of probiotics is increasingly influencing the demand for starter feed in the U.S. Investment in R&D is essential to improve feed efficiency and nutritional value. The demand for organic and non-GMO feeds is rising, reflecting consumer preferences for sustainability. Regulatory pressures against antibiotic use in livestock are creating opportunities for manufacturers to innovate with alternative additives that promote animal health and growth.
• China: China is experiencing a high growth rate in starter feed demand due to the development of the country's booming livestock sector and the increasing demand for better-quality animal protein. Government interest in food safety and animal welfare is driving producers to modernize feeding practices. Improved feed technologies, including enzymes and fermentation, are enhancing feed conversion ratios, resulting in more efficient meat production.
• Germany: Germany is leading the way in adopting sustainable practices in the starter feed market. Emerging strict regulations and consumer demand for more environmentally friendly products are key drivers of this trend. Alternative protein sources, such as insects and algae, are increasingly being used. Additionally, innovations focused on feed formulations aim to maximize digestibility and minimize environmental impact. Efforts to reduce antibiotic use in livestock have rapidly expanded the natural feed additives industry.
• India: In India, demand for starter feed is increasing as awareness of animal nutrition and productivity grows. Consumers are seeking higher-quality livestock products, and the growing middle class is driving demand. New and local feed manufacturers are focusing on feeds rich in vitamins and minerals for healthy animal growth. Government initiatives promoting sustainable livestock production are encouraging investments in modern feed technologies.
• Japan: The Japanese starter feed market is premium and health-oriented. The reduction of chemicals in feed for staple animals is gaining popularity as consumers become more health-conscious. Functional ingredients that boost immunity are increasingly being added to feed formulations. Additionally, government policies on sustainable agriculture are influencing feed production strategies.

Features of the Global Starter Feed Market

Market Size Estimates: Starter feed market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Starter feed market size by type, ingredient, livestock, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Starter feed market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different type, ingredient, livestock, and regions for the starter feed market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the starter feed market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the starter feed market by type (medicated and non-medicated), ingredient (wheat, soyabean, corn, oats, barely, and others), livestock (ruminant, swine, poultry, aquatic, equine, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Starter Feed Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Global Starter Feed Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Global Starter Feed Market by Type
3.3.1: Medicated
3.3.2: Non-Medicated
3.4: Global Starter Feed Market by Ingredient
3.4.1: Wheat
3.4.2: Soyabean
3.4.3: Corn
3.4.4: Oats
3.4.5: Barely
3.4.6: Others
3.5: Global Starter Feed Market by Livestock
3.5.1: Ruminant
3.5.2: Swine
3.5.3: Poultry
3.5.4: Aquatic
3.5.5: Equine
3.5.6: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Global Starter Feed Market by Region
4.2: North American Starter Feed Market
4.2.1: North American Starter Feed Market by Ingredient: Wheat, Soyabean, Corn, Oats, Barely, and Others
4.2.2: North American Starter Feed Market by Livestock: Ruminant, Swine, Poultry, Aquatic, Equine, and Others
4.3: European Starter Feed Market
4.3.1: European Starter Feed Market by Ingredient: Wheat, Soyabean, Corn, Oats, Barely, and Others
4.3.2: European Starter Feed Market by Livestock: Ruminant, Swine, Poultry, Aquatic, Equine, and Others
4.4: APAC Starter Feed Market
4.4.1: APAC Starter Feed Market by Ingredient: Wheat, Soyabean, Corn, Oats, Barely, and Others
4.4.2: APAC Starter Feed Market by Livestock: Ruminant, Swine, Poultry, Aquatic, Equine, and Others
4.5: ROW Starter Feed Market
4.5.1: ROW Starter Feed Market by Ingredient: Wheat, Soyabean, Corn, Oats, Barely, and Others
4.5.2: ROW Starter Feed Market by Livestock: Ruminant, Swine, Poultry, Aquatic, Equine, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Starter Feed Market by Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Starter Feed Market by Ingredient
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Starter Feed Market by Livestock
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Starter Feed Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Starter Feed Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Starter Feed Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Starter Feed Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Cargill
7.2: BASF
7.3: Archer Daniels Midland
7.4: Evonik Industries
7.5: Koninklijke






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