


Dynamic Positioning System Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

ダイナミック・ポジショニング・システムの動向と予測 世界のダイナミック・ポジショニング・システム市場の将来は、旅客船、商船、プラットフォーム供給船/オフショア支援船、艦艇&オペレーション市場でのビ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2025年2月7日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測では、コンポーネントカテゴリーでは、パワーシステムが予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みである。
- 用途別では、商船が予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間中最大の地域であり続ける。




- 人工知能と機械学習の統合:AIとMLは予測能力を強化し、ダイナミック・ポジショニング・システムを自動化する。リアルタイムのデータ分析により、船舶の測位と運航効率の最適化が可能になる。さらに、AIとMLは、状況の変化により迅速に対応する動的システムを可能にすることにより、人的介入の必要性を減らし、より信頼性の高いシステムを生み出す可能性がある。この傾向は、複雑な状況や運航上の要求を克服できる高度な動的測位システムの開発を必要とし、その結果、より効率的な海上運航につながる。
- グリーン・テクノロジーの進歩:海事分野における環境問題に対応するため、ハイブリッド推進システムや動的測位システムへの再生可能エネルギーの導入など、グリーン技術の進歩が進んでいる。これらの技術は、排出ガスを削減し、燃料消費を最小限に抑え、世界的な持続可能性の目標に沿い、規制要件を満たすのに役立つ。グリーン技術の重視は、ダイナミック・ポジショニング・システムによる環境性能の向上につながり、厳格な環境保全基準に準拠したエコロジカル・フットプリントの少ないソリューションを求める利害関係者にとって魅力的なものとなる。
- サイバーセキュリティへの注目の高まり:動的測位システムにおけるデジタル技術への依存度が高まるにつれて、サイバーセキュリティへの懸念が顕著になっている。サイバーセキュリティへの注目の高まりは、ハッキングの脅威から身を守るために、暗号化や侵入検知システムなどの高度な保護を導入することを意味する。機密情報を保護し、動的測位システムの機能的完全性を維持するためには、より強力なセキュリティ・プロトコルを導入しなければならない。このことは、海上業務の継続的な信頼性を確保しつつ、新たなサイバー攻撃に対抗するための強固なセキュリティ対策の必要性を強調している。
- 洋上風力発電プロジェクトの拡大:高度な動的測位システムは、洋上風力発電プロジェクトの拡大、特に風力タービン発電機の設置、保守、運用に不可欠である。これらのシステムは、厳しい海洋条件下でのジャッキアップ船の位置決めと安定化に不可欠である。その結果、洋上風力エネルギー産業がもたらす特有の課題に対処し、再生可能エネルギー源に貢献し、海事部門の持続可能性を高めることができる革新的な動的位置決めソリューションに対する需要が高まっている。
- 自律的海上作業の台頭:海上での自律型船舶と運用の台頭は、人間の介入を最小限に抑える動的測位システムの進歩につながっている。これらの無人船舶は、AI技術と高度なセンサーを使用して、船舶の位置と動きを自己管理する。この傾向は、効率的な海上オペレーションを促進するだけでなく、コストを削減し、海上での安全性を高める。自律的な海上オペレーションの成長は新たな市場機会を生み出し、今後数十年の動的測位システム業界にとってゲームチェンジャーとなっている。




- 自動化とAI統合の強化:最近の動的測位システムの進化には、人工知能(AI)を組み込んだ自動化技術の向上が含まれる。AIと機械学習の概念を動的測位アルゴリズムに導入することで、船舶位置の最適化と運用効率は、この技術を使用して最適化されている多くのパラメータの1つである。これらの技術革新により、動的測位システムはリアルタイムで分析を行い、潜在的な合併症を予測したり、自律的な調整を行うことができる。これにより、より正確で信頼性が高くなるため、機器の適用範囲が広がり、ヒューマンエラーを最小限に抑え、全体的な安全性を向上させることができる。そうすることで、これらの技術革新は動的測位システムの能力を推進し、ますます厳しくなる海洋環境での運用を可能にする。
- グリーン技術の採用:ダイナミック・ポジショニング・システム市場における特筆すべき発展は、グリーン・テクノロジーの採用である。企業は、環境への影響を軽減するために、エネルギー効率の高いソリューションや再生可能エネルギー源を取り入れている。ハイブリッド推進システムや代替燃料などの技術革新により、排出量の削減やより厳しい環境規制への適合が達成されている。この変化は、メーカーが持続可能性を企業文化の一部としてますます受け入れていることを示している。こうした技術の活用は、海事産業の二酸化炭素排出量を削減し、世界的によりクリーンなエネルギーの導入を加速することに貢献している。
- サイバーセキュリティ対策の向上:サイバーセキュリティ対策の向上は、動的測位システム市場にとって重要なブレークスルーとなる。動的測位システムがより接続され、デジタル技術に依存するようになるにつれ、サイバー攻撃のリスクが高まっている。最近の進歩には、高度な暗号化技術の採用、侵入検知システム、サイバー脅威から保護するための定期的なセキュリティ更新などが含まれる。これらの対策は、動的測位システムのデータを非公開にすることで、その完全性を確保する上で極めて重要である。サイバー攻撃に対する保護プロトコルの強化は、デジタル時代における深刻な懸念である海上業務の信頼性を維持するために不可欠である。
- センサー技術の進歩:センサー技術の発展は、ダイナミック・ポジショニング・システム市場に大きな影響を及ぼしている。今日の新しいセンサーは、以前のバージョンと比較して、より高い精度、正確性、信頼性を提供し、測位精度を高め、海洋環境のモニタリングを支援する。これらのセンサーには、ハイテクGPSシステム、モーション・センサー、環境センサーなどがあり、海上の状況をリアルタイムで知ることができる。このような進歩により、動的測位システムは、複雑な海上活動をサポートしながら、困難な状況下でも優れた性能を発揮することができる。センサー技術の進歩は、動的測位システムの性能を向上させ、海上でのより安全な運用を確保する上で極めて重要である。
- 新興市場への進出:ダイナミック・ポジショニング・システムは、新興市場、特に成長する海事産業が大きなチャンスをもたらすアジアと中南米にその裾野を広げている。この拡大は、海洋探査の増加、海上インフラの整備、高度な動的測位システムに対する需要の高まりによって推進されている。その結果、各地域のニーズに対応し、特定の地域要件に合わせて技術を適合させることができる。新興市場の台頭は、海洋活動の急増に対応しており、これらの地域における動的測位システムの成長をさらに促進している。




- オフショア石油・ガス探査:オフショア石油・ガス探査産業は、依然としてダイナミック・ポジショニング・システムの重要な成長分野である。高精度DPシステムは、厳しい海洋環境での掘削・生産活動中に船舶の位置を維持するために不可欠である。これらのシステムの精度と信頼性は、複雑な運用ニーズに対応する自動化とAIの開発によって向上している。さらに、深海埋蔵量の探査の増加や、より過酷な環境が、先進的なDPソリューションの需要を押し上げている。この成長機会は、さらなる埋蔵量の継続的な探索と、より安全な海洋掘削作業をサポートする技術の進歩から生じている。
- 洋上風力エネルギー:洋上風力エネルギー分野は、ダイナミック・ポジショニング・システム市場にとって特筆すべき成長機会である。洋上風力発電所の拡大に伴い、風力タービンの設置、メンテナンス、運転をサポートするため、より多くのDPシステムが必要とされている。乱流の多い海洋条件下では、設置船は正確な位置決めと安定性を必要とするが、これはDPシステムによって保証される。センサーなどの技術の進歩により、このような機能が可能になり、より効率的なタービン設置や安全性の向上が実現しました。これは、再生可能エネルギー源を増やし、二酸化炭素排出量を削減するという世界的な取り組みと一致している。
- 海洋調査と探査:先進的なDPシステムは、海洋研究と海中探査に不可欠なツールになりつつあります。海洋研究者は、科学研究や海洋探査を行うために、ハイテクDPシステムに依存しています。データ収集や探査中の調査船や潜水艇の安定性は、これらのシステムによってのみ保証される。海洋研究の成長は、海洋生態系の研究、新種の発見、気候変動の影響の理解の必要性によってもたらされている。センサーやその他の技術の革新により、DPシステムの精度が向上し、研究者は広範な調査を実施し、以前はアクセスできなかった海域を探査できるようになった。
- 警備・監視業務:安全保障と監視の分野では、海上安全保障上の脅威から、DPシステムの利用が増加しています。港湾やオフショア施設などの重要なインフラを監視する役割を担う船舶やプラットフォームは、正確な測位を行うためにDPシステムに依存しています。強化されたDPシステムは監視対応を改善し、海上資産の安全を確保しながらセキュリティの脅威に対処する。この成長機会は、世界的な海上交通量の増加と、重要インフラを保護するために必要なセキュリティ対策の強化によってもたらされる。
- 自律的海上オペレーション:自律的な海上オペレーションは、動的測位システムに新たな成長機会をもたらしている。高度なDP技術を搭載した自律型船舶の台頭により、人間の介入を最小限に抑えたオペレーションが可能になる。AIと機械学習により、これらのシステムは測位と航行を管理し、効率を高めて運航コストを削減する。自動化技術の進歩は、費用対効果の高い革新的なソリューションへの需要と相まって、海上運航における自律型船舶やドローンの成長を促進し、DPシステム市場に大きな成長見通しをもたらしている。








- Moxa
- コングスバーグ
- ナビスエンジニアリング
- プラクシスオートメーションテクノロジー
- ゼネラル・エレクトリック
- NORRシステムズ
- マリンテクノロジー
- バルチラ
- ロールスロイス




- 電力システム
- DP制御システム
- スラスターシステム


- クラス1
- クラス2
- クラス3


- 旅客船
- 商船
- プラットフォーム供給船/オフショア支援船
- 海軍船舶および作戦
- その他


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国米国では、DPシステム市場において、自動化の改善と人工知能(AI)との統合が達成されている。より効率的で安全なオペレーションを実現するため、米国企業はAIや機械学習コンポーネントを統合した先進的なDPシステムの採用を増やしている。さらに、サイバーセキュリティに対する意識が強く意識され、その結果、サイバー脅威に対抗することを目的とした新しいプロトコルや技術が開発されている。
- 中国中国のDPシステム市場は、オフショア石油・ガス探査活動の増加により急成長している。例えば、中国海運業界特有の要件に合わせてカスタマイズされた、リーズナブルな価格のDPソリューションの導入などがその進化例です。このような進歩の背景には、国産DP技術の国内開発を目的とした資金援助やイニシアチブの強化など、政府による支援政策があり、これにより外国製システムへの依存度が低下しています。
- ドイツ持続可能性と技術革新は、ドイツのDPシステム市場の2大柱である。この進歩には、DPシステムにグリーンテクノロジーやエネルギー効率の高いソリューションを取り入れることが含まれ、国の環境目標に合致している。さらに、ドイツ企業は、ハイブリッド推進システムの開発と再生可能エネルギーの統合により、環境への影響を低減する最前線に立っている。
- インドインドのDPシステム市場の成長は、海洋探査と海上安全保障への関心の高まりが原動力となっている。最近の開発には、さまざまな海洋アプリケーションに適した拡張性とコスト効率の高いDPシステムが含まれる。インド企業による現地製造能力への投資と国産技術開発は、輸入への依存を減らすのに役立っている。
- 日本日本のダイナミック・ポジショニング市場は、海上の安全性と効率性を向上させる必要性に牽引され、技術的進歩を目の当たりにしている。災害対応と復旧に重点を置く日本企業は、先進的なセンサー技術と自動化を組み込んだ革新的なDPシステムを開発している。また、オフショアの再生可能エネルギーへの投資も進んでおり、信頼性の高いDPシステムに対する需要が高まっている。政府、産業界、研究機関の協力が技術革新を促進し、日本がアジア太平洋地域におけるDP技術開発の最前線に立ち続けることを確実にしている。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.5: 動的測位システムの世界市場:用途別
3.5.5: その他

4. 2019年から2031年までの地域別市場動向と予測分析
4.4.1:APAC ダイナミックポジショニングシステム市場:コンポーネント別:電源システム、DP制御システム、スラスターシステム
4.4.2:APAC ダイナミックポジショニングシステム市場:用途別旅客船、商船、プラットフォーム供給船/オフショア支援船、艦艇&オペレーション、その他
4.5: ROWダイナミックポジショニングシステム市場
4.5.1:ROW ダイナミックポジショニングシステム市場:コンポーネント別:電源システム、DP制御システム、スラスターシステム

5. 競合分析
5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.1.3: 動的測位システムの世界市場における成長機会:用途別
6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: ナヴィス・エンジニアリング
7.4: Praxisオートメーションテクノロジー
7.5: ゼネラルエレクトリック
7.6: NORRシステムズ
7.7: ABB
7.8: マリン・テクノロジーズ
7.9: バルチラ
7.10: ロールス・ロイス





Dynamic Positioning System Trends and Forecast

The future of the global dynamic positioning system market looks promising with opportunities in the passenger vessel, merchant vessel, platform supply vessel/offshore support vessel, and naval vessel & operation markets. The global dynamic positioning system market is expected to reach an estimated $13.2 billion by 2031 with a CAGR of 10.5% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are expanding activities within the offshore shipping sector, rising global maritime trade, and the rapid expansion of oil and gas refineries.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the component category, the power system is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
• Within the application category, merchant vessel is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
• In terms of regions, APAC will remain the largest region over the forecast period.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Dynamic Positioning System Market

The dynamic positioning system market is characterized by numerous emerging trends that drive innovation and growth. These trends include technological advancements, increasing environmental sensitivity, and evolving maritime operational requirements. They encompass artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning integration, improvements in green technologies, a surge in cybersecurity focus, among others. Consequently, a better understanding of these trends is crucial to exploiting new opportunities and navigating the changing market environment.

• Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AI and ML enhance predictive capabilities and automate dynamic positioning systems. Real-time data analysis enables the optimization of vessel positioning and operational efficiency through these technologies. Additionally, AI and ML reduce the need for human intervention by enabling a dynamic system that responds more quickly to changes in conditions, potentially yielding a more reliable system. This trend necessitates the development of advanced dynamic positioning systems that can overcome complex circumstances and operational demands, thus leading to more efficient maritime operations.
• Advancements in Green Technologies: In response to environmental concerns in the maritime sector, progress has been made in green technologies, such as hybrid propulsion systems and the incorporation of renewable energy into dynamic positioning systems. These technologies help reduce emissions and minimize fuel consumption, aligning with global sustainability goals and meeting regulatory requirements. The emphasis on green technologies leads to enhanced environmental performance by dynamic positioning systems, making them attractive to stakeholders seeking solutions with lower ecological footprints that comply with rigorous environmental preservation standards.
• Increased Focus on Cybersecurity: With the growing reliance on digital technologies in dynamic positioning systems, cybersecurity concerns have become more prominent. This heightened attention to cybersecurity involves implementing advanced protections, such as encryption and intrusion detection systems, to guard against hacking threats. Stronger security protocols must be implemented to safeguard sensitive information and maintain the functional integrity of dynamic positioning systems. This underscores the need for robust security measures to counter emerging cyberattacks while ensuring the continued reliability of maritime operations.
• Expansion of Offshore Wind Energy Projects: Advanced dynamic positioning systems are crucial for the expansion of offshore wind energy projects, particularly for the installation, maintenance, and operation of wind turbine generators. These systems are vital in positioning and stabilizing jack-up vessels in challenging marine conditions. As a result, there is a growing demand for innovative dynamic positioning solutions capable of addressing the unique challenges posed by the offshore wind energy industry, contributing to renewable energy sources, and enhancing the sustainability of the maritime sector.
• Rise of Autonomous Maritime Operations: The rise of autonomous vessels and operations at sea has led to advancements in dynamic positioning systems that require minimal human intervention. These unmanned vessels use AI technologies and advanced sensors to self-manage ship positioning and movement. This trend not only promotes efficient marine operations but also reduces costs and enhances safety at sea. The growth of autonomous maritime operations is creating new market opportunities, making it a game-changer for the dynamic positioning systems industry in the coming decades.

Significant changes are occurring in the dynamic positioning system market due to these emerging trends. System capabilities are improving through the integration of AI and machine learning, while environmental concerns are being addressed through advancements in green technologies. Securing dynamic positioning systems from cyberattacks has become increasingly critical. Additionally, there is growing demand due to the expansion of offshore wind energy projects. The advent of autonomous maritime operations has revolutionized the sector by introducing innovative technologies. Together, these trends contribute to a more sophisticated, sustainable, and secure dynamic positioning systems market that meets the evolving requirements of the shipping industry.

Recent Developments in the Dynamic Positioning System Market

Evolving technologies and changing needs in diverse maritime applications are driving rapid changes in the dynamic positioning system market. Innovations in system automation, the adoption of environmentally friendly technologies, increased cyber threats, and advances in sensor technology have been observed, among others. These factors are shaping the future capabilities of dynamic positioning systems and targeting new operational challenges. This overview provides insights into five major developments within the DP system market, emphasizing their impact on industry growth and performance.

• Enhanced Automation and AI Integration: The recent evolution of dynamic positioning systems involves improved automation techniques that incorporate artificial intelligence (AI). Vessel position optimization and operational efficiencies are among the many parameters being optimized using this technology, through the introduction of AI and machine learning concepts into dynamic positioning algorithms. These innovations allow dynamic positioning systems to perform real-time analysis, predicting potential complications or making autonomous adjustments. This broadens the scope of the equipment's application, as it becomes more accurate and reliable, thereby minimizing human error and improving overall safety. By doing so, these innovations propel the capabilities of dynamic positioning systems, enabling them to operate in increasingly challenging marine environments.
• Adoption of Green Technologies: A notable development in the dynamic positioning system market is the adoption of green technologies. Companies are incorporating energy-efficient solutions and renewable energy sources to mitigate environmental impacts. Reductions in emissions and compliance with stricter environmental regulations have been achieved through innovations such as hybrid propulsion systems and alternative fuels. This shift indicates that manufacturers are increasingly embracing sustainability as part of their corporate culture. The use of these technologies has contributed to lowering the maritime industry’s carbon footprint and accelerating the adoption of cleaner energy worldwide.
• Improved Cybersecurity Measures: Improved cybersecurity measures represent a significant breakthrough for the dynamic positioning system market. As dynamic positioning systems become more connected and reliant on digital technologies, the risk of cyber-attacks has increased. Recent advancements include the adoption of sophisticated encryption techniques, intrusion detection systems, and regular security updates to protect against cyber threats. These measures are critical in securing the integrity of dynamic positioning systems’ data by keeping it private. Enhanced protective protocols against cyber-attacks are essential for maintaining the reliability of maritime operations, which is a serious concern in the digital age.
• Advances in Sensor Technology: The development of sensor technology has had significant implications for the dynamic positioning systems market. New sensors today offer higher precision, accuracy, and dependability compared to previous versions, enhancing positioning accuracy and assisting in marine environment monitoring. These sensors include high-tech GPS systems, motion sensors, and environmental sensors, which provide real-time information on sea conditions. Such advancements enable dynamic positioning systems to perform better under challenging circumstances while supporting intricate maritime activities. The progress in sensor technology is crucial for improving dynamic positioning system performance and ensuring safer operations at sea.
• Expansion into Emerging Markets: Dynamic positioning systems have expanded their reach into emerging markets, particularly in Asia and Latin America, where growing maritime industries present significant opportunities. This expansion is driven by increasing offshore exploration, the development of maritime infrastructure, and the rising demand for advanced dynamic positioning systems. As a result, local needs can be addressed, and technologies can be adapted to meet specific regional requirements. The rise of emerging markets has corresponded with a surge in maritime activities, further driving the growth of dynamic positioning systems in these regions.

Recent developments in the dynamic positioning system market represent key milestones, including automation, green technologies, cybersecurity measures, sensor technology, and market expansion. These advancements have enhanced dynamic positioning technology, evolving its capabilities and addressing new challenges. In this context, stakeholders are working to enhance operational efficiency and safety by embracing innovations found in marine operations. Consequently, continuous adaptation and innovation aimed at realizing dynamic positioning goals have characterized the industry, reflecting global trends and the drive to meet objectives.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Dynamic Positioning System Market

The dynamic positioning (DP) system market is growing rapidly due to technological advancements and increasing demand across various maritime applications. As industries strive to improve operations, safety, and sustainability, strategic growth opportunities are emerging. Evolving market needs, regulatory requirements, and technological innovations are shaping these opportunities. Capitalizing on this growth potential and shaping the future of DP systems can be achieved by identifying and leveraging key applications. The following sections outline five key growth opportunities by application that represent vital areas of development in the dynamic positioning system market:

• Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration: The offshore oil and gas exploration industry remains a significant growth area for dynamic positioning systems. High-precision DP systems are essential to maintaining vessel positions during drilling and production activities in challenging marine environments. The accuracy and reliability of these systems have been enhanced by developments in automation and AI, which address complex operational needs. Additionally, the increasing exploration of deep-water reserves and more hostile environments has driven demand for advanced DP solutions. This growth opportunity stems from the continued search for additional reserves and advancing technologies that support safer offshore drilling operations.
• Offshore Wind Energy: The offshore wind energy sector represents a notable growth opportunity for the dynamic positioning system market. As offshore wind farms expand, more DP systems are required to support the installation, maintenance, and operation of wind turbines. In turbulent marine conditions, installation vessels need accurate positioning and stability, which are guaranteed by DP systems. Advances in sensors, among other technologies, have made these capabilities possible, allowing for more efficient turbine installations and enhancing safety. This aligns with global efforts to increase renewable energy sources and reduce carbon emissions.
• Marine Research and Exploration: Advanced DP systems are becoming essential tools for marine research and underwater exploration. Marine researchers rely on high-tech DP systems to conduct scientific studies and explore the ocean. The stability of research vessels or submersible ships during data collection and exploration can only be guaranteed by these systems. Growth in marine research is driven by the need to study marine ecosystems, discover new species, and understand the impacts of climate change. Innovations in sensors and other technologies have enhanced the precision of DP systems, enabling researchers to conduct extensive studies and explore previously inaccessible areas of the ocean.
• Security and Surveillance Operations: The security and surveillance sectors are increasingly using DP systems due to maritime security threats. Vessels and platforms tasked with monitoring critical infrastructure, such as ports and offshore facilities, rely on DP systems for accurate positioning. Enhanced DP systems improve surveillance responses, addressing security threats while ensuring the safety of maritime assets. This growth opportunity is driven by the increase in global maritime traffic and the heightened security measures required to protect critical infrastructure.
• Autonomous Maritime Operations: Autonomous maritime operations are creating new growth opportunities for dynamic positioning systems. The rise of autonomous vessels, equipped with advanced DP technology, allows for operations with minimal human intervention. Using AI and machine learning, these systems manage their positioning and navigation, increasing efficiency and reducing operational costs. Advancements in automation technologies, coupled with the demand for cost-effective, innovative solutions, have facilitated the growth of autonomous ships and drones in maritime operations, creating significant growth prospects for the DP system market.

The strategic growth opportunities in the dynamic positioning system market are centered on these five key applications: offshore oil and gas exploration, offshore wind energy, marine research, security and surveillance, and autonomous maritime operations. Each of these applications has distinct demands for DP systems, driven by technological advancements and changing industry needs. By capitalizing on these opportunities, stakeholders can improve operational efficiency, safety, and sustainability in maritime transport, thus shaping the future of the dynamic positioning system market.

Dynamic Positioning System Market Driver and Challenges

The dynamic positioning system market is influenced by a combination of complex technological, economic, and regulatory dynamics. Major drivers include technological advancements, increasing offshore activities, and the growing demand for operational safety. Conversely, high costs, compliance with regulations, and cyber risks present significant challenges for competitors. This paper will examine key drivers and challenges affecting dynamic positioning systems and explore their implications for industry growth and development.

Factors Driving the Dynamic Positioning System Market:
1. Technological Advancements: Technological advancements are major drivers behind the rapid expansion of the dynamic positioning systems market. Innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and improved sensors have made dynamic positioning systems more accurate, reliable, and efficient. These improvements enable vessels to be positioned more accurately within narrow margins under dynamic oceanic conditions, often automatically. Cutting-edge technologies being developed continuously are driving increased adoption rates and enhancing features that meet various needs in maritime operations.
2. Increase in Offshore Activities: The growth in offshore activities, such as oil and gas exploration, wind energy projects, and marine research, has escalated the demand for advanced dynamic positioning systems. These systems are essential for providing the high-precision positioning and stability required for offshore operations. The growing need to discover new resources, coupled with a robust renewable energy sector, has contributed to the rapid expansion of offshore activities, creating a strong market for dynamic positioning systems that support these critical operations.
3. Emphasis on Operational Safety: Operational safety is one of the most important drivers in the dynamic positioning system market. Enhanced safety requirements and regulations make it necessary to use advanced DP systems that can maintain vessel stability and reliability, even under extreme conditions. The growing concern about safety standards and the reduction of maritime accidents have led to the widespread adoption of sophisticated dynamic positioning systems that can handle complex and hazardous environments effectively.
4. Regulatory Compliance: Regulatory compliance plays a significant role in driving the dynamic positioning system market. Strict regulations regarding safety, emissions, and efficiency require companies to invest in advanced dynamic positioning systems that meet these criteria. Users of dynamic positioning systems must adhere to international and regional regulations to ensure they remain modernized enough to operate under current maritime demands, while also complying with legal and environmental requirements.
5. Increasing Need for Autonomous Operations: The advancement of autonomous technology and the need to innovate maritime operations have led to an increase in dynamic positioning systems that support autonomous navigation and positioning. These systems improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. The growing demand for autonomous operations is stimulating the development of modern dynamic positioning systems.
Challenges in the Dynamic Positioning System Market:
1. Expensive Transaction Costs: One of the key challenges faced by developers, installers, and maintainers of dynamic positioning systems is the high cost of these systems. This can be a barrier for smaller operators and projects with limited budgets, as advanced dynamic positioning systems require significant investment. Stakeholders must manage costs effectively without compromising system performance and reliability over time.
2. Complex Regulations: The regulatory landscape is a considerable challenge in the dynamic positioning system market. Different regions or countries have varying regulations governing the operation of dynamic positioning systems, which can pose difficulties in ensuring compliance across multiple jurisdictions. This regulatory complexity may slow down the development and deployment of dynamic positioning systems, as they must meet diverse regulatory requirements.
3. Data Vulnerability: Data vulnerability has become an increasing concern in the dynamic positioning system market. As these systems become more digitized, they are more susceptible to cyberattacks and data breaches. Protecting against these risks requires robust cybersecurity measures to maintain the integrity and reliability of the systems while safeguarding against cybercrimes.

Technological advancements, offshore expansion, operational safety, regulatory compliance, and the increasing need for autonomous operations are major drivers of growth in the dynamic positioning system market. However, challenges such as high transaction costs, complex regulations, and data vulnerabilities need to be addressed. While these drivers have fueled the market’s growth, the associated challenges may impede its development. To ensure continued success, the industry must align growth strategies with emerging trends while overcoming obstacles such as cost implications and regulatory complexities.

List of Dynamic Positioning System Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies dynamic positioning system companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the dynamic positioning system companies profiled in this report include-

• Moxa
• Kongsberg Gruppen
• Navis Engineering
• Praxis Automation Technology
• General Electric
• NORR Systems
• Marine Technologies
• Wärtsilä
• Rolls-Royce

Dynamic Positioning System by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global dynamic positioning system market by component, equipment type, application, and region.

Dynamic Positioning System Market by Component [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Power System
• DP Control System
• Thruster System

Dynamic Positioning System Market by Equipment Type [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Class 1
• Class 2
• Class 3

Dynamic Positioning System Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Passenger Vessels
• Merchant Vessels
• Platform Supply Vessels/Offshore Support Vessels
• Naval Vessels & Operations
• Others

Dynamic Positioning System Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Dynamic Positioning System Market

There has been rapid growth and change in the dynamic positioning (DP) system market due to technological advancements, regulatory changes, and increased demand from key global regions. DP systems are critical for maintaining vessels’ exact positioning in complex marine environments, with recent developments indicating improvements in technology, safety, and efficiency. This survey presents an overview of recent transformations and innovations in the DP market across the United States, Germany, China, India, and Japan, highlighting how each region is adjusting to meet the growing offshore requirements of maritime industries.

• United States: In the USA, improved automation and integration with artificial intelligence (AI) have been achieved within the DP system market. To make operations more efficient and safe, American companies are increasingly adopting advanced DP systems that integrate AI and machine learning components. Furthermore, there has been a strong emphasis on cybersecurity awareness, resulting in new protocols and technologies aimed at countering cyber threats.
• China: The Chinese DP system market has grown rapidly due to the country’s increasing offshore oil and gas exploration activities. For example, this evolution includes introducing reasonably priced DP solutions customized to meet the specific requirements of the Chinese shipping industry. Underpinning these advancements is supportive government policy, with increased funding and initiatives aimed at the domestic development of indigenous DP technology, thereby reducing reliance on foreign-made systems.
• Germany: Sustainability and technological innovation are the two major pillars of the German DP system market. This progress includes the incorporation of green technologies and energy-efficient solutions in DP systems, aligning with the country’s environmental goals. Furthermore, German companies have been at the forefront of developing hybrid propulsion systems and integrating renewable energy to reduce environmental impact.
• India: The growth of India’s DP system market is driven by an increasing focus on offshore exploration and maritime security. Recent developments include scalable and cost-effective DP systems suitable for a variety of marine applications. Investments in local manufacturing capabilities and homegrown technology development by Indian companies are helping reduce reliance on imports.
• Japan: The Japanese dynamic positioning market is witnessing technological advancements driven by the need for enhanced maritime safety and efficiency. With a strong emphasis on disaster response and recovery, Japanese firms are developing innovative DP systems that incorporate advanced sensor technology and automation. The country is also investing in offshore renewable energy, leading to increased demand for reliable DP systems. Collaborations between the government, industry, and research institutions are fostering innovation, ensuring that Japan remains at the forefront of DP technology development in the Asia-Pacific region.

Features of the Global Dynamic Positioning System Market

Market Size Estimates: Dynamic positioning system market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Dynamic positioning system market size by component, equipment type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Dynamic positioning system market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different components, equipment types, applications, and regions for the dynamic positioning system market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the dynamic positioning system market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the dynamic positioning system market by component (power system, DP control system, and thruster system), equipment type (class 1, class 2, and class 3), application (passenger vessels, merchant vessels, platform supply vessels/offshore support vessels, naval vessels & operations, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Dynamic Positioning System Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Global Dynamic Positioning System Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Global Dynamic Positioning System Market by Component
3.3.1: Power System
3.3.2: DP Control System
3.3.3: Thruster System
3.4: Global Dynamic Positioning System Market by Equipment Type
3.4.1: Class 1
3.4.2: Class 2
3.4.3: Class 3
3.5: Global Dynamic Positioning System Market by Application
3.5.1: Passenger Vessels
3.5.2: Merchant Vessels
3.5.3: Platform Supply Vessels/Offshore Support Vessels
3.5.4: Naval Vessels & Operations
3.5.5: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Global Dynamic Positioning System Market by Region
4.2: North American Dynamic Positioning System Market
4.2.1: North American Dynamic Positioning System Market by Component: Power System, DP Control System, and Thruster System
4.2.2: North American Dynamic Positioning System Market by Application: Passenger Vessels, Merchant Vessels, Platform Supply Vessels/Offshore Support Vessels, Naval Vessels & Operations, and Others
4.3: European Dynamic Positioning System Market
4.3.1: European Dynamic Positioning System Market by Component: Power System, DP Control System, and Thruster System
4.3.2: European Dynamic Positioning System Market by Application: Passenger Vessels, Merchant Vessels, Platform Supply Vessels/Offshore Support Vessels, Naval Vessels & Operations, and Others
4.4: APAC Dynamic Positioning System Market
4.4.1: APAC Dynamic Positioning System Market by Component: Power System, DP Control System, and Thruster System
4.4.2: APAC Dynamic Positioning System Market by Application: Passenger Vessels, Merchant Vessels, Platform Supply Vessels/Offshore Support Vessels, Naval Vessels & Operations, and Others
4.5: ROW Dynamic Positioning System Market
4.5.1: ROW Dynamic Positioning System Market by Component: Power System, DP Control System, and Thruster System
4.5.2: ROW Dynamic Positioning System Market by Application: Passenger Vessels, Merchant Vessels, Platform Supply Vessels/Offshore Support Vessels, Naval Vessels & Operations, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Dynamic Positioning System Market by Component
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Dynamic Positioning System Market by Equipment Type
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Dynamic Positioning System Market by Application
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Dynamic Positioning System Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Dynamic Positioning System Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Dynamic Positioning System Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Dynamic Positioning System Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Moxa
7.2: Kongsberg Gruppen
7.3: Navis Engineering
7.4: Praxis Automation Technology
7.5: General Electric
7.6: NORR Systems
7.7: ABB
7.8: Marine Technologies
7.9: Wärtsilä
7.10: Rolls-Royce








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