


Fentanyl Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

フェンタニルの動向と予測 フェンタニルの世界市場の将来は、病院、腫瘍センター、手術センター市場でのビジネスチャンスで有望視されている。フェンタニルの世界市場は、2025年から2031年にかけて年平均成長... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年12月1日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintel社の予測では、投与経路のカテゴリーでは、経口フィルムが予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みです。
- 最終用途のカテゴリーでは、がんと診断される患者数の増加により、がんセンターが最大のセグメントであり続けるだろう。
- 地域別では、人口の増加と研究努力に加え、多様ながん診断を包含する健康保険により、北米が予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。



- 規制措置の強化:中毒と誤用に関する懸念の高まりは、フェンタニル市場における規制措置の強化を促している。オピオイド危機により、世界中の政府がフェンタニルの生産、流通、処方に対する規制を強化している。こうした措置には、処方の厳格化、追跡システムの改善、違法取引に対する厳罰化などが含まれる。このような措置は、一方で効果的な疼痛管理を行い、他方で乱用につながる誤用を防止するというバランスを取ることを目的としている。
- 薬物送達システムの革新:フェンタニル市場は、薬物送達システムの革新によって変貌しつつある。例えば、開発中の徐放パッチや乱用抑止製剤は、新しいフェンタニル製品の安全レベルと有効性を高めると期待されている。こうした進歩は、中毒リスクを低減すると同時に、患者の疼痛管理を改善する。このように、薬物送達技術の変化は、フェンタニル治療とその市場の将来のダイナミクスに大きな影響を与えると予想される。
- ナロキソンの入手可能性への注目の高まり:ナロキソン(オピオイド拮抗薬で、過剰摂取を回復させるために使用される)の利用可能性を高めることに重点が置かれつつある。この拡大は、進行中の世界的なオピオイド危機に対応することで、オピオイドに関連するいくつかの問題、特にフェンタニルから作られた偽造薬に対処するものである。公衆衛生プログラムは、医療従事者や過剰摂取の危険にさらされている人々を含む第一応答者にナロキソンを導入し、より利用しやすくする政策を実施している。これは、フェンタニルによるものだけでなく、オピオイド使用に関連する公衆衛生上の影響にも対処できるため、重要なことである。
- ハームリダクション戦略の拡大:オピオイド危機に対処するためのより広範なアプローチの一環として、フェンタニル市場においてハームリダクション戦略が浸透しつつある。これらの対策には、フェンタニル検査用ストリップの使用、監視下の注射施設、注射針の交換などが含まれる。その目的は、フェンタニルを含むオピオイドの使用に関連する健康上の悪影響を減らし、依存症と闘う人々に支援とリソースを提供することである。このように、ハームリダクション戦略を拡大することで、より思いやりのある、公衆衛生に焦点を当てたアプローチへの転換を見ることができる。
- 国際協力の強化:特筆すべきは、フェンタニル市場における国際的な協力体制の強化である。各国はフェンタニルやその他の合成オピオイドに起因する世界的な脅威に対処するために提携している。これには、密売ネットワークに関する情報の共有、規制の枠組みの調和、公衆衛生上の対応の調整などが含まれる。フェンタニルに関連する合併症に効果的に対処し、その使用の効果的な管理と乱用の防止を確保するためには、国際協力が不可欠である。



- 新たな厳しい規制規則:世界各国の政府は、オピオイド危機との闘いに向けた取り組みの一環として、フェンタニルに対するより厳しい規制を導入している。これには、処方規制の強化、処方行為の監視強化、こうした薬物の違法取引に対する厳罰化などが含まれる。これらの措置は、フェンタニルを合法的な医療用途に使用できるようにする一方で、誤用や乱用を減らすことを目的としている。より厳格な管理は、フェンタニルの処方と流通に関する市場力学にも影響を与える。
- 乱用防止製剤の導入:乱用耐性製剤の導入は、フェンタニル市場に見られる大きな進展である。これらの製剤は、フェンタニルの改ざんや乱用をより困難にし、中毒や誤用の可能性を減らすことを目的としている。例えば、徐放パッチやナロキソン配合剤などがあり、これらはフェンタニルの安全な使用を確保しつつ、効果的な鎮痛剤としての役割を果たすために導入されている。これらの傾向は、フェンタニルに関連する将来の使用パターンを形成し、オピオイド依存の問題に関する懸念を緩和する。
- ハームリダクション・イニシアチブの拡大:オピオイド危機に対処する広範な戦略の一環として、ハームリダクションの取り組みが増加している。これには、ナロキソンの使用拡大、フェンタニル検査用ストリップの採用、昨年だけで約400万件の処方箋が書かれたバンクーバーのような監視付き注射場所の設置(注射器配布プログラム)などが含まれる。このような取り組みは、フェンタニルを含むオピオイドに関連するリスクを軽減すると同時に、依存症や関連する問題に苦しむ人々を支援することを目的としている。ハームリダクションは、オピオイド関連の問題を管理するための包括的なアプローチを採用するようになってきている。
- 優先事項としての国際協力各国が合成オピオイドがもたらす世界的な課題に対処しようと努力する中で、フェンタニル市場における国際協力の重要性が高まっている。その共同努力には、密売ネットワークに関する情報の共有、規制アプローチの調和、公衆衛生システムの同期化などが含まれる。フェンタニルに関連する複雑さと、その管理と制御のための効果的な戦略の必要性を考えれば、国際協力に焦点を当てることは不可欠である。
- 疼痛管理研究における革新:フェンタニルの市場は疼痛管理研究の影響を受けており、そこではフェンタニルの新たな適応や製剤が検討されている。このような研究の目的は、疼痛管理におけるフェンタニルの使用を通じて有効性と安全性を向上させることであり、フェンタニルと並行して使用できる新しい送達システムや併用療法などの代替品を見つけることでもある。こうした取り組みは、オピオイドがもたらす課題に対処することで、患者の転帰を改善しようとするものである。研究開発への継続的な注力は、フェンタニル市場におけるイノベーションを促進し、疼痛管理におけるより良い結果をもたらしている。



- 乱用抑止製剤の開発:フェンタニル市場の成長は、乱用抑止製剤の開発によって大きく拡大する可能性がある。これらの製剤は、薬物への干渉や乱用を困難にすることで、誤用や中毒を減らすために作られる。例えば、徐放性パッチや、フェンタニルが疼痛治療に有効であることを保証しながらナロキソンを配合した製品などを開発することができる。このような製剤への注目は、規制の動向に沿ったものであり、オピオイド乱用への懸念を認識したものである。
- 疼痛管理ソリューションの拡大:疼痛管理ソリューションの拡大は、フェンタニル市場の主要な成長分野の1つを形成している。効率的な疼痛管理に対する需要が増加していることから、効率性と安全性の向上を保証する高度なフェンタニル製剤と送達システムが必要とされている。そのため、企業は医療提供者の要求に沿って、個別化された疼痛管理計画や、異なる患者カテゴリーをターゲットとした併用薬などの他の用途に進出する可能性がある。この成長機会は、患者の転帰を改善し慢性疼痛を管理することへの注目が高まっていることと一致している。
- ナロキソンへのアクセスの増加:ナロキソンへのアクセスの拡大は、フェンタニル市場において戦略的な成長機会となる。ナロキソン(過剰摂取を回復させるためのオピオイド拮抗薬)の入手可能性を拡大することは、オピオイド危機が世界的に地域社会に影響を与え続けており、収束の見通しが立っていないことから必要である。今日の世界では、今後この問題に対処するためのより良い備えが求められている。その結果、企業はナロキソンを広く配布することを目的としたプログラムにもっと投資することができるだろう。公衆衛生団体との提携や、この製品をより入手しやすくするための斬新な方法は、この成長段階への参入を促進し、関連する保健上の取り組みが、過剰摂取をより効果的に防止する手段を生み出すだろう。
- 新興市場の成長:フェンタニル市場は、新興市場の急速な発展速度により、大きなチャンスを秘めている。特にアジア太平洋地域と中南米では、人々の間で疼痛管理に対する意識が高まるにつれて医療インフラが改善し、フェンタニルやその他のオピオイドに対する需要が高まる。企業は、流通チャネルを構築し、製品をローカライズし、規制の枠組みを理解することで、これらの市場に進出することができる。この成長機会は、急速に発展している地域における収益の増加と市場での存在感を高める可能性を提供する。
- デジタル・ヘルス・ソリューションの進歩:フェンタニル市場には、デジタル・ヘルス・ソリューションの開発による成長機会が存在する。遠隔医療、モバイルヘルスアプリ、モニタリングシステムなどのデジタル技術の統合により、疼痛管理とオピオイド管理が強化される可能性がある。これらの技術は、特定のケアサービスの提供、患者の服薬順守率の向上、治療後の患者の転帰の追跡に利用できる。この成長機会は、デジタル・ヘルスへの傾向の高まりと一致し、フェンタニルの使用管理における革新の可能性を提供する。



4.医療へのアクセスの拡大:世界のヘルスケア・セクターの成長率は、フェンタニルに関連するものも含め、この業界内の細分化された部門全体の売上を推進する主要な原動力の1つとして浮上している(Tyler et al.)その結果、世界的な医療施設の増加は、特にフェンタニルを含む様々な種類の疼痛管理を受けられる患者の増加を意味する。医療へのアクセスが改善し、オピオイド薬の必要性について人々がより多くの情報を得るようになったため、このような拡大は主に新興市場で起こっている。医療アクセスの拡大は、フェンタニルの広範な採用に寄与し、市場の発展を支えている。



- バイエル
- ノバルティス
- サノフィ・アベンティスグループ
- アボット・ラボラトリーズ
- メルク社
- ヴァリダス・ファーマシューティカルズ
- テバ・ファーマシューティカル・インダストリーズ


- 舌下錠
- バッカル錠
- 経口フィルム
- その他

- 病院
- 腫瘍センター
- 外科センター
- その他

- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域


- 米国米国市場のフェンタニルは、大規模な規制改革と公衆衛生介入を引き寄せているオピオイド流行の影響を大きく受けている。最近では、フェンタニルの違法取引に対する取り組みが強化されるとともに、処方オピオイドに対する規制が厳しくなっている。フェンタニルの新しい製剤は、その安全性プロファイルを改善し、誤用の可能性を制限するために、米国FDAによって承認されている。さらに、過剰摂取の事例を逆転させるために、ナロキソン入手プログラムやその他の害軽減の取り組みに大きな注目が集まっている。同様に、違法薬物に含まれるこの物質を検出するためのフェンタニル検査用ストリップの利用可能性も拡大されている。
- 中国中国は、世界市場におけるこの麻薬とその類似物質のサプライ・チェーン・ネットワークの生産と管理において重要な役割を果たしている。最近、中国政府はフェンタニル製品の生産と輸出を管理するため、より大きな努力を払っている。国際的な圧力に応えて、中国はこの製品に関する規制を強化する一方、フェンタニル物質の世界的な不法取引を抑制することを目的とした法執行措置を制定した。合成オピオイドをめぐる世界的な懸念に対処するため、公衆衛生と安全性に関するその他の取り組みも存在する。
- ドイツドイツでは、安全なオピオイド使用に関する意識向上への取り組みにより、フェンタニル市場の発展に一定の進展が見られている。最近の動きとしては、使用者や乱用者の中毒傾向を抑えることを目的とした、より管理されたフェンタニルの製剤がある。ドイツの規制機関は、特に癌性疼痛のコントロールにおいて、これらの製品の安全な使用メカニズムを提唱することに注力している。ドイツ国内のさまざまな施策のなかには、フェンタニルを含むオピオイドの使用を監視・管理するために、規制と公衆衛生の協力体制を構築する欧州のイニシアチブもある。
- インドインドにおけるフェンタニル市場は、薬物乱用(医療用と非合法の両方)に関連するさまざまな問題のために変化している。例えば、中毒の懸念から、フェンタニルの処方や調剤に関する規制を強化する取り組みが行われている。インド政府は、薬物取締システムを改善する一方で、オピオイドに関する規制強化に乗り出している。さらに、医療従事者は、フェンタニルのリスクや、誤用や依存の傾向を抑えることができる患者のモニタリング行動について教育を受けている。
- 日本:日本のフェンタニル市場は、厳しい規制監督とオピオイドに対する慎重な姿勢が特徴である。特筆すべきは、最近の動向として、中毒性を抑えながら疼痛管理を改善するよう設計されたフェンタニルの新製剤が承認されたことである。さらに日本では、合成オピオイドが悪人の手に渡る前に阻止する取り組みも強化されている。政府は医療関係者と緊密に協力し、患者のフェンタニル使用を規制する方法を模索し、それによって潜在的な誤用や過剰摂取事故を回避している。








2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題


4.5: ROWのフェンタニル市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: サノフィ・アベンティスグループ
7.5: メルク・アンド・カンパニー





Fentanyl Trends and Forecast

The future of the global fentanyl market looks promising with opportunities in the hospital, oncology center, and surgical center markets. The global fentanyl market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 6.2% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the rising aging population globally, increasing incidences of cancer, and rising oncology spending.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the route of administration category, oral film is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
• Within the end-use category, the oncology center will remain the largest segment due to the rising number of individuals diagnosed with cancer.
• In terms of regions, North America is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to increasing population and research endeavors, coupled with health insurance encompassing diverse cancer diagnoses.

Gain valuable insight for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Fentanyl Market
Several emerging trends in the fentanyl market are indicative of larger regulatory, technological, and social shifts. How fentanyl is developed, distributed, and managed is being shaped by these patterns, which also have significant implications for both medical and illicit use. Grasping these developments becomes vital for stakeholders who wish to navigate this shifting landscape of fentanyl markets.

• Enhanced Regulatory Measures: Increasing concerns regarding addiction and misuse are driving enhanced regulatory measures within the fentanyl market. The opioid crisis has led governments around the world to tighten control over the production, distribution, and prescription of fentanyl. These measures include stricter prescription practices, better tracking systems, and sterner penalties against illegal trafficking. Such steps aim to strike a balance between effective pain management on one hand and the prevention of misuse leading to abuse on the other.
• Innovations in Drug Delivery Systems: The fentanyl market is being transformed through innovations in drug delivery systems. For instance, extended-release patches and abuse-deterrent formulations under development are expected to increase the safety levels and effectiveness of new fentanyl products. These advances reduce addiction risks while simultaneously improving pain management among patients. Thus, changes in drug delivery technology are expected to significantly influence the future dynamics of fentanyl treatment and its market.
• Growing Focus on Naloxone Availability: There is an increasing emphasis on boosting naloxone availability (an opioid antagonist used to reverse overdoses). This expansion addresses several issues related to opioids, particularly counterfeit drugs made from fentanyl, by responding to the ongoing global opioid crisis. Public health programs are implementing policies to introduce naloxone to first responders, including healthcare providers and those at risk of overdose, making it more accessible. This matters since it can address public health impacts associated with opioid use beyond just those caused by fentanyl.
• Expansion of Harm Reduction Strategies: Harm reduction strategies are becoming more prevalent in the fentanyl market as part of a broader approach to addressing the opioid crisis. These measures include using fentanyl testing strips, supervised injection facilities, and needle exchanges. The aim is to reduce the adverse health outcomes associated with opioid use, including that involving fentanyl, and to provide assistance and resources for people fighting addiction. Thus, by expanding harm reduction strategies, we can see a shift towards more compassionate, public health-focused approaches.
• Increased International Collaboration: Notably, there is increased international collaboration in the fentanyl market. Countries are partnering to address global threats arising from fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. This involves sharing intelligence on trafficking networks, harmonizing regulatory frameworks, and coordinating public health responses, among other actions. International cooperation is essential to effectively address the complications associated with fentanyl, ensuring effective management of its use and prevention of abuse.

These emerging trends have changed the face of the fentanyl market through regulatory practices, technological innovations, and public health approaches. Therefore, stakeholders need to adjust accordingly, as these trends will help them meet the challenges they face in dealing with fentanyl in society today, which is continually evolving.

Recent Developments in the Fentanyl Market
Technological advances, policy changes, and healthcare reforms have all played a major role in the recent developments witnessed in the fentanyl market. They are changing how fentanyl is used for medical purposes and its contribution to the opioid epidemic. Understanding these critical developments helps us understand how this market has been responding to new challenges and opportunities.

• The New Stringent Regulation Rules: Governments from around the world are introducing stricter regulations on fentanyl as part of efforts aimed at fighting the opioid crisis. This includes tightening prescription regulations, increasing monitoring of prescribing practices, and imposing stiffer penalties for illegal trafficking of such drugs. These measures aim to reduce misuse and abuse while ensuring that fentanyl remains available for legitimate medical use. Stricter controls also influence market dynamics regarding the prescribing and distribution of fentanyl.
• Introduction of Abuse-Proof Formulations: The introduction of abuse-resistant formulations is a major development seen in the fentanyl market. These formulations aim to make it more difficult for people to tamper with or abuse fentanyl, thus reducing the chances of addiction or misuse. Examples include extended-release patches and naloxone combination products, which have been introduced to ensure the safe use of fentanyl while still serving as effective painkillers. These trends will shape future usage patterns associated with fentanyl and alleviate concerns regarding opioid dependency issues.
• Expansion of Harm Reduction Initiatives: As part of a broader strategy to address the opioid crisis, harm reduction initiatives are increasing. They include wider use of naloxone, employing fentanyl test strips, and establishing supervised injection sites, such as in Vancouver, where about 4 million prescriptions were written last year alone (Syringe Distribution Program). Such initiatives aim to mitigate risks connected with opioids, including those containing fentanyl, while also supporting those struggling with addiction and related problems. Increasingly, harm reduction is adopting a comprehensive approach to managing opioid-related concerns.
• International Cooperation as a Priority: International cooperation in the fentanyl market is becoming more important as countries strive to address the global challenges posed by synthetic opioids. Their joint efforts include sharing information about trafficking networks, harmonizing regulatory approaches, and synchronizing public health systems, among others. An increased focus on international cooperation is indispensable given the complexities associated with fentanyl and the need for effective strategies for its management and control.
• Innovations in Pain Management Research: The market for fentanyl is influenced by pain management research, which explores new indications and formulations for the drug. The goal of these studies is to improve efficacy and safety through fentanyl’s use in pain management, as well as to find alternatives such as novel delivery systems or combination therapies that could be employed alongside it. These efforts seek to improve patient outcomes by addressing the challenges posed by opioids. Continued emphasis on R&D is fostering innovation in the fentanyl market, leading to better results in pain management.

Consequently, these recent developments have influenced regulatory practices, technological innovations, and public health strategies shaping the fentanyl market. Stakeholders must therefore navigate these transformations, even if the price may be too high, considering how this substance has affected our community today.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Fentanyl Market
The fentanyl market has several strategic growth opportunities across various applications driven by technological advancements in drug administration, changing healthcare requirements, and shifts in industry rules and regulations. It is important for stakeholders who want to take advantage of trends within this marketplace while dealing with challenges associated with fentanyl usage to identify these trends correctly and capitalize on them appropriately.

• Abuse-Deterrent Formulations Development: Fentanyl market growth can be greatly expanded through the development of abuse-deterrent formulations. These formulations are created to reduce misuse and addiction by making it harder for the drug to be interfered with or abused. For example, companies can develop products such as extended-release patches and those that combine naloxone while ensuring that fentanyl remains effective in pain treatment. The focus on such formulations aligns with regulatory trends and acknowledges concerns about opioid abuse.
• Pain Management Solutions Expansion: The expansion of pain management solutions forms one of the key areas of growth in the fentanyl market. Given the increasing demand for efficient pain management, there is a need for advanced fentanyl formulations and delivery systems that guarantee enhanced efficiency and safety. Hence, businesses could delve into other applications like personalized pain management plans and combined medications targeting different patient categories, in line with healthcare providers’ requirements. This growth opportunity aligns with the increasing focus on improving patient outcomes and managing chronic pain.
• More Naloxone Access: Increased access to naloxone offers a strategic growth opportunity within the fentanyl market. Expanding the availability of naloxone (an opioid antagonist used for reversing overdoses) is necessary because the opioid crisis continues to affect communities globally, with no relief in sight. Today’s world requires better preparedness to deal with this problem going forward. Consequently, companies could invest more in programs aimed at distributing naloxone widely; partnerships with public health organizations and novel methods to make this product more accessible would facilitate entry into this growth stage, where associated health initiatives will create a means for preventing overdoses more effectively.
• Emerging Markets Growth: The fentanyl market has great opportunities due to the rapid development rates of emerging markets. As awareness of pain management increases among people, especially across Asia-Pacific regions and Latin America, the healthcare infrastructure will improve, leading to greater demand for fentanyl and other opioids. Businesses can expand into these markets by creating distribution channels, localizing products, and understanding regulatory frameworks. This growth opportunity offers the potential for increased revenue and market presence in rapidly developing regions.
• Digital Health Solutions Advancements: Growth opportunities exist in the fentanyl market through the development of digital health solutions. The integration of digital technologies such as telemedicine, mobile health apps, and monitoring systems could enhance pain management and opioid control. These technologies can be used to offer specific care services, improve medication adherence rates among patients, and track patient outcomes after treatment. This growth opportunity aligns with the increasing trend toward digital health and offers potential for innovation in the management of fentanyl use.

By fostering innovation, expanding market reach, and meeting evolving healthcare needs, these strategic growth opportunities are reshaping the fentanyl market landscape. They can help companies gain a competitive advantage by supporting the creation of safer and more effective remedies aimed at addressing pain management issues related to fentanyl.

Fentanyl Market Driver and Challenges
The fentanyl market is influenced by various drivers and challenges that shape its growth and development. Key drivers include technological advancements, economic factors, and regulatory changes, whereas significant challenges consist of compliance with regulations, competition within markets, and limitations associated with materials used. For stakeholders within the complex field of this drug class trade, it’s important to understand these dynamics.

The factors responsible for driving the fentanyl market include:
1. Technological Advancements: Fentanyl market growth is mainly driven by technological developments. Innovations in drug delivery systems, such as abuse-deterrent formulations and extended-release patches, improve the safety and effectiveness of fentanyl. These advances aim to mitigate addiction cases and misuse while also enhancing pain management among patients. Companies that invest in technology will be able to offer differentiated products, thereby adjusting to dynamic market trends and gaining a competitive advantage within the fentanyl market.
2. Increasing Demand for Pain Management: There is a significant rise in demand for pain management driving the fentanyl market. With the increased prevalence of chronic pain conditions, there is a need for effective solutions for pain relief, such as fentanyl. Factors behind this demand include an increase in the population aged over 60 years, advancements in medical treatment methods, and awareness of different pain management strategies. As a result, the need for fentanyl grows with the increasing requirement for pain control, contributing to the expansion of the market size.
3. Regulatory Support for Safe Use: Regulatory support has been recognized across various governments worldwide regarding the safe use of fentanyl, leading to its expansion within the marketplace. For instance, they do this by approving new forms of drugs and monitoring prescription practices on a typical yearly or monthly basis. Such regulations assure citizens of protection from abuse, which ultimately leads to addiction while ensuring that doctors still have access to it whenever it’s medically needed. In the context of safe use, these policies coincide with broader efforts aimed at addressing the opioid crisis and improving patient care.
4. Expansion of Access to Healthcare: The growth rate of the global healthcare sector has emerged as one of the principal drivers propelling sales across subdivisions within this industry, including those relating to fentanyl (Tyler et al., 2016). Consequently, increasing healthcare facilities globally signifies that more patients can receive various types of pain management, especially involving fentanyl. This expansion is mainly taking place in emerging markets as accessibility to healthcare improves and people become more informed regarding the need for opioid drugs. The growth in healthcare access contributes to the broader adoption of fentanyl and supports market development.
5. Focus on Public Health Initiatives: Public health initiatives have greatly impacted the fentanyl market. For example, measures such as increasing naloxone coverage and harm reduction programs have played a critical role in reshaping this industry. Primarily, these initiatives aim to minimize the negative implications that come with opioid use while improving patient recovery rates. The involvement of business enterprises with such initiatives can enhance their presence within the market while aligning with overall health goals.

Challenges in the fentanyl market include:
1. Regulatory Compliance: Regulatory compliance is a significant challenge for players operating within the fentanyl market. This requires adherence to several strict rules and guidelines meant to ensure product effectiveness and safety. Ensuring compliance with constantly changing regulations can be very difficult and expensive, complicating product development processes and limiting access to particular markets. To avoid legal issues, companies must possess regulatory expertise and ensure their products align with all applicable standards to maintain market share.
2. Market Competition: In the fentanyl sector, high competition levels are one of the major challenges that firms face. Different companies manufacturing similar products generate significant competition, leading to downward pressure on prices. Firms must therefore develop innovative ideas resulting in quality products coupled with strong marketing strategies to remain competitive. Addressing these competitive forces is essential for any firm looking to expand its future global customer base or succeed within its current markets.
3. Material Limitations: The performance of fentanyl products depends on factors such as material constraints and the efficiency and safety of specific formulations. Issues that can limit the success of such products include limited effectiveness, potential side effects, and challenges with long-lasting pain relief. Research and development must be conducted by businesses to improve product quality and meet customer expectations to overcome these limitations.

The complexity of the industry is highlighted by the drivers and challenges affecting the fentanyl market. Technological advancements, increasing demand for pain management, and regulatory support drive growth, while regulatory compliance, market competition, and material limitations pose significant challenges. Companies in the fentanyl sector should endeavor to address these factors for long-term success in this industry.

List of Fentanyl Companies
Companies in the market compete based on product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies, fentanyl companies cater to increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the fentanyl companies profiled in this report include-
• Bayer
• Novartis
• Sanofi-Aventis Groupe
• Abbott Laboratories
• Merck & Co
• Validus Pharmaceuticals
• Teva Pharmaceutical Industries

Fentanyl by Segment
The study includes a forecast for the global fentanyl market by route of administration, end use, and region.

Fentanyl Market by Route of Administration [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:
• Sublingual Tablet
• Buccal Tablet
• Oral Film
• Others

Fentanyl Market by End Use [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:
• Hospital
• Oncology Centers
• Surgical Centers
• Others

Fentanyl Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:
• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Fentanyl Market
The fentanyl market is changing significantly as regulation evolves, demand for pain management increases, and drug abuse and trafficking continue to pose challenges. Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that plays a vital role in medical practice and illicit use. Market trends are responding to policy changes, innovations in drug delivery systems, and strategies aimed at addressing the ongoing opioid crisis. This knowledge is important as it will help stakeholders navigate the complexities of the fentanyl market across various regions.

• United States: Fentanyl in the U.S. market is significantly affected by the opioid epidemic, which has attracted massive regulatory reforms and public health interventions. Recently, there has been stricter regulation on prescription opioids, along with increased efforts against illegal fentanyl trafficking. New formulations of fentanyl have been approved by the U.S. FDA to improve their safety profile and limit the potential for misuse. Moreover, significant attention has been given to naloxone access programs and other harm reduction initiatives for reversing overdose cases. Similarly, the availability of fentanyl test strips for detecting this substance in illegal drugs is being expanded.
• China: China has played a significant role in the production and control of supply chain networks for this narcotic and its analogs within the global market. Recently, the Chinese government has made greater efforts to control the production and export of fentanyl products. In response to international pressure, China tightened regulations on this product while enacting law enforcement measures aimed at curbing the illicit trafficking of fentanyl substances globally. Other endeavors also exist to address worldwide concerns surrounding synthetic opioids regarding public health and safety.
• Germany: Germany's steps toward increasing awareness about safe opioid use have seen some progress within their evolving fentanyl market. Recent developments include more controlled formulations of fentanyl, aimed at reducing addictive tendencies among users or abusers. Regulatory bodies in Germany are focusing on advocating for safe utilization mechanisms of these products, especially in cancer pain control. Among the various measures within Germany, there is a wider European initiative for collaborative regulation and public health to monitor and manage opioid use, including fentanyl.
• India: The fentanyl market in India is changing due to various problems associated with drug abuse (both medical and illicit). For instance, efforts have been made to strengthen regulations on the prescription and dispensing of fentanyl due to addiction concerns. The Indian government has embarked on tougher rules for opioids while improving drug enforcement systems. In addition, healthcare providers are being educated about fentanyl risks and patient monitoring behaviors that can reduce tendencies for misuse or dependence.
• Japan: The Japanese fentanyl market is characterized by stringent regulatory oversight and careful attitudes toward opioids. Notably, recent developments include the approval of new formulations of fentanyl designed for improved pain management with reduced addictive properties. Furthermore, efforts to intercept synthetic opioids before they reach the wrong hands have also intensified in Japan. Working closely with medical professionals, the government has sought ways to regulate fentanyl use among patients, thereby avoiding potential misuse or overdose incidents.

Features of the Global Fentanyl Market
Market Size Estimates: Fentanyl market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Fentanyl market size by route of administration, end use, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Fentanyl market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different routes of administration, end use, and regions for the fentanyl market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the fentanyl market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M&A, and more.

This report answers the following 11 key questions:
Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the fentanyl market by route of administration (sublingual tablet, buccal tablet, oral film, and others), end use (hospital, oncology centers, surgical centers, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Fentanyl Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Global Fentanyl Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Global Fentanyl Market by Route of Administration
3.3.1: Sublingual Tablet
3.3.2: Buccal Tablet
3.3.3: Oral Film
3.3.4: Others
3.4: Global Fentanyl Market by End Use
3.4.1: Hospital
3.4.2: Oncology Centers
3.4.3: Surgical Centers
3.4.4: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Global Fentanyl Market by Region
4.2: North American Fentanyl Market
4.2.1: North American Fentanyl Market by Route of Administration: Sublingual Tablet, Buccal Tablet, Oral Film, and Others
4.2.2: North American Fentanyl Market by End Use: Hospital, Oncology Centers, Surgical Centers, and Others
4.3: European Fentanyl Market
4.3.1: European Fentanyl Market by Route of Administration: Sublingual Tablet, Buccal Tablet, Oral Film, and Others
4.3.2: European Fentanyl Market by End Use: Hospital, Oncology Centers, Surgical Centers, and Others
4.4: APAC Fentanyl Market
4.4.1: APAC Fentanyl Market by Route of Administration: Sublingual Tablet, Buccal Tablet, Oral Film, and Others
4.4.2: APAC Fentanyl Market by End Use: Hospital, Oncology Centers, Surgical Centers, and Others
4.5: ROW Fentanyl Market
4.5.1: ROW Fentanyl Market by Route of Administration: Sublingual Tablet, Buccal Tablet, Oral Film, and Others
4.5.2: ROW Fentanyl Market by End Use: Hospital, Oncology Centers, Surgical Centers, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Fentanyl Market by Route of Administration
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Fentanyl Market by End Use
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Fentanyl Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Fentanyl Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Fentanyl Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Fentanyl Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Bayer
7.2: Novartis
7.3: Sanofi-Aventis Groupe
7.4: Abbott Laboratories
7.5: Merck & Co
7.6: Validus Pharmaceuticals
7.7: Teva Pharmaceutical Industries







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