


Packaged Kimchi Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

包装キムチの動向と予測 世界の包装キムチ市場の将来は、缶詰と袋詰めの市場にビジネスチャンスがありそうだ。世界の包装キムチ市場は、2024年から2030年にかけて年平均成長率5.3%で成長すると予想され... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月29日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測では、用途別ではオフライン販売が予測期間中に高い成長を遂げる見込みである。
- タイプ別では、缶詰がより高い成長を遂げると予想される。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。



- 健康とウェルネスへの関心:腸の健康とプロバイオティクスに対する意識の高まりにより、キムチは健康志向の消費者の間で人気の選択肢となっている。キムチの発酵食品としての性質は、消化の改善や免疫サポートなど、さまざまな健康上の利点と関連している。この傾向は、伝統的なキムチ・ブランドと新しいキムチ・ブランドの双方を、マーケティングにおいて健康上の利点を強調する方向に向かわせ、オーガニックや減塩の選択肢に対する需要の高まりにつながっている。
- 製品の革新と多様性:キムチ製品には革新的な傾向が強まっており、新しいフレーバーや原材料の組み合わせが市場に登場している。これには、スーパーフードを加えたキムチ、フュージョン・フレーバー、さらには地域の嗜好に合わせた非伝統的な食材も含まれる。こうしたイノベーションは、伝統的な韓国料理を超えて製品の魅力を拡大し、多様な消費者の嗜好に応えることを目的としている。
- 非韓国料理への統合:ハンバーガー、タコス、サラダなど、韓国料理以外のさまざまな料理の食材としてキムチを使うケースが増えている。この傾向は、料理のフュージョンに対する幅広い関心とキムチの多様性を反映している。キムチをさまざまな料理に取り入れることで、生産者やシェフは、キムチの知名度と人気をより多くの人々の間で高めている。
- 持続可能で倫理的な調達:消費者は持続可能性と倫理的な調達に関心を持つようになっている。この傾向を受けて、キムチ生産者はオーガニック原料の使用や包装廃棄物の削減など、環境に優しい慣行を採用するようになっている。持続可能性へのコミットメントを強調するブランドは、環境意識の高まる消費者層にアピールしている。
- デジタル販売と消費者直販:eコマースと消費者直販チャネルの台頭は、パッケージ・キムチ市場に大きな影響を与えている。オンライン・プラットフォームによって、ブランドはより多くの消費者にリーチし、より多様な商品を提供できるようになっている。この傾向はまた、生産者と消費者の直接的な関係を促進し、よりパーソナライズされたマーケティングと顧客エンゲージメントを可能にしている。




- 流通チャネルの拡大:パッケージ・キムチ市場では、流通チャネルが大幅に拡大している。大手食料品チェーンや専門店がキムチの取り扱いを増やし、消費者にとってキムチがより身近なものになっている。オンライン小売プラットフォームも重要な役割を果たしており、より幅広い流通と容易なアクセスを可能にしている。こうした入手しやすさの向上が市場の成長を促し、キムチをより多くの家庭の主食にしている。
- プライベートブランド・ブランドの成長:プライベート・ブランドはパッケージ・キムチ市場で大きな力を持つようになっている。小売業者は自社のキムチ製品を発売しており、競争力のある価格と独自の配合に焦点を当てていることが多い。この傾向は、消費者に多くの選択肢を提供し、既存ブランド間の競争を促進することで、市場の成長に寄与している。
- 包装の革新:パッケージ・キムチ市場では、パッケージングの革新が重要な焦点となりつつある。企業は製品の鮮度を向上させ、保存期間を延長し、利便性を高める新しいパッケージング・ソリューションに投資している。リシーラブルパウチや小分けサイズなどのイノベーションは、多様な消費者ニーズに対応し、全体的な製品体験を向上させている。
- 本物志向の高まり:パッケージ・キムチ市場では本物志向が強まっている。消費者は伝統的な発酵方法と本物の韓国風味を反映した製品を求めている。この傾向は、伝統的な材料と製造技術を重視した高品質で職人的なキムチ製品の増加につながっており、韓国料理愛好家と新規消費者の両方にアピールしている。
- 新興市場への進出:パッケージ・キムチ市場は、世界各国の料理や健康食品への関心の高まりを受けて、新興市場に拡大している。インドやブラジルのような国々では、現地の流通業者や小売業者がこのニッチ市場の可能性を認識し、キムチの入手が増加している。この拡大は新たな成長機会を開き、消費者層を多様化させている。




- 料理との融合:キムチを多様な料理用途に組み込むことは、大きな成長機会をもたらす。シェフや家庭料理人がキムチの多用途性を探求するにつれ、ハンバーガーやタコスからピザやサラダまで、さまざまな料理にキムチが使われるようになっている。この傾向は、キムチが伝統的な韓国料理の枠を超え、食通や健康志向の消費者にもアピールし、より幅広い層に浸透するのに役立っている。ブランドは、キムチの独特な風味を新しい料理の文脈で際立たせるレシピや製品を開発することで、これを活用することができる。
- 健康食品:キムチのプロバイオティクスの効能は、健康食品に対する需要の高まりと一致する。腸の健康と免疫のサポートを求める消費者に対応する、キムチをベースとした健康サプリメント、機能性食品、スナック菓子を開発する機会がある。キムチの健康上の利点を強調し、機能性食品のフォーマットに組み込むことで、ブランドは健康志向の消費者を引き付け、革新的な健康志向の製品を含む製品ラインを拡大することができる。
- プレミアムおよび職人技による製品:消費者が高品質で本格的なキムチ体験を求めるにつれて、高級・職人的キムチ製品の市場が拡大している。伝統的な発酵技術、オーガニック原料、ユニークな風味で作られた職人的キムチを提供する機会が存在する。この分野は、プレミアムな選択肢を求める食通や健康志向の消費者にアピールし、ブランドはキムチ市場のハイエンド・プレーヤーとしての位置付けを確立できる。
- 便利な包装ソリューション:便利なパッケージング・ソリューションに対する需要は、パッケージ入りキムチ市場の成長機会を示している。リシーラブルパウチ、1回分の小分け包装、保存可能な包装などのイノベーションは、消費者の利便性を高め、製品の賞味期限を延ばすことができる。これらのソリューションは、忙しいライフスタイルや外出先での消費に対応し、キムチをより多くの人々にとって利用しやすく魅力的なものにする。
- 電子商取引と消費者直販チャネル:eコマースと消費者直販(DTC)チャネルの台頭は、包装キムチ市場に大きな成長の可能性をもたらしている。オンライン・プラットフォームにより、ブランドは世界中の消費者にリーチし、多様な製品を提供し、消費者と直接的な関係を築くことができる。デジタル・マーケティングとDTC販売を活用することで、ブランドは知名度を高め、販売を促進し、貴重な顧客インサイトを収集することができる。




- 健康志向の高まり:腸の健康とプロバイオティクスに対する消費者の意識の高まりは、包装キムチ市場の重要な推進要因である。消化器系の健康をサポートし、免疫力を高める食品を求める人が増える中、プロバイオティクスが豊富な食品としてのキムチの評判がその魅力を高めている。このような健康とウェルネスへの関心の高まりがキムチ製品に対する需要を牽引しており、各ブランドはその健康上の利点を強調し、それに応じてイノベーションを行うよう影響を及ぼしている。
- アジア料理の人気の高まり:アジア料理、特に韓国料理への関心の高まりが、パッケージ・キムチ市場の成長を後押ししている。世界的な食のトレンドが多文化的でエキゾチックな味を好むようになるにつれ、キムチは伝統的な韓国料理の枠を超えて人気を博している。この傾向は、小売業者や生産者がより多くのキムチ品種を導入し、多様な料理用途に組み込むことを促し、キムチの市場範囲を広げている。
- 流通チャネルの拡大:スーパーマーケット、専門店、eコマース・プラットフォームなどの流通チャネルの拡大は、市場拡大の主要な推進要因である。さまざまな小売チャネルを通じてキムチ製品が入手しやすくなり、消費者がキムチを購入して食生活に取り入れることが容易になっている。このような拡大は、市場の成長を後押しし、消費者の普及を促進する。
- 製品開発の革新:キムチ製品開発における絶え間ない革新が市場成長の原動力となっている。新しいフレーバー、健康志向の配合、便利なパッケージング・ソリューションが幅広い消費者を惹きつけている。製品ラインナップを多様化し、製品の魅力を高めることで、ブランドは新たな消費者の嗜好を取り入れ、進化する市場で競争力を維持することができる。
- 認識と教育の向上:キムチの健康効果や料理用途に関する消費者教育の高まりが市場成長に寄与している。認知度向上キャンペーンや啓蒙活動の増加に伴い、より多くの消費者がキムチのプロバイオティクス特性や多用途性について知るようになっている。こうした知識が需要の増加を促し、キムチ製品の普及を後押ししている。
- 規制とコンプライアンスの問題:規制・コンプライアンス問題:パッケージ・キムチ市場にとって、規制要件とコンプライアンス問題の克服は課題となりうる。食品の安全性、ラベリング、輸入基準に関する規制は国によって異なる。こうした規制を確実に遵守することは複雑でコストがかかる可能性があり、国内外の生産者の市場参入や事業運営に影響を及ぼす可能性がある。
- 文化と味覚の障壁:文化的・味覚的嗜好は、包装キムチ市場に課題をもたらす可能性がある。キムチは韓国料理では人気があるが、伝統的な味が好まれる地域では抵抗があるかもしれない。味覚の障壁を克服し、キムチの利点について消費者を啓蒙することは、市場の受容性を高め、新たな地域に進出するために不可欠である。
- 競争と市場の飽和:パッケージ・キムチ市場は競争が激化しており、数多くのブランドや製品が市場に参入している。こうした競争の激化は市場の飽和を招き、各ブランドが差別化を図り市場シェアを維持することを困難にする。効果的なマーケティング、イノベーション、戦略的ポジショニングは、混雑した市場で際立つために極めて重要である。




- 韓国王
- マザーインロー
- トバギ
- スンジャのキムチ
- ラッキーフーズ
- なそや
- ビビゴ




- 缶詰
- 袋入り


- オンライン販売
- オフライン販売


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国では、プロバイオティクスが豊富な食品とアジア料理への関心の高まりにより、パッケージ・キムチ市場が大きく成長している。大手食料品チェーンはキムチの品揃えを拡大し、新規ブランドも市場に参入しており、多くの場合、オーガニックや非遺伝子組み換えの選択肢に焦点を当てている。小売業者もまた、キムチの健康上の利点について消費者を啓蒙しており、これが主流に受け入れられる一因となっている。さらに、伝統的な韓国料理のレシピにとどまらず、さまざまな料理にキムチを取り入れる傾向が高まっており、より幅広い層にアピールしている。
- 中国中国のパッケージ・キムチ市場は、韓国文化が地元の食品トレンドに影響を与え続けていることから拡大している。都市部では輸入キムチの需要が増加しており、高級品や本格的な製品に注目が集まっている。国内生産者も生産量を増やしており、地域の嗜好に対応するため、地元の味をアレンジしたキムチを提供することが多い。成長を支えているのは、発酵食品の健康上の利点に対する意識の高まりであり、これは健康的な食習慣を求める中国の広範な傾向と一致している。
- ドイツ:ドイツでは、パッケージ入りキムチが、国際的で健康志向の食品への関心という広範な傾向の一環として人気を集めている。ドイツの消費者は、キムチのプロバイオティクス効果と多様な料理との相性の良さにますます惹かれている。スーパーマーケットや専門店ではキムチの品揃えを増やしており、ドイツ製キムチの増加が目立っている。また、食文化の融合を反映して、伝統的なドイツ料理にキムチを取り入れることへの関心も高まっている。
- インドインドのパッケージ・キムチ市場は初期段階にあるが、世界的な食品トレンドと健康効果に対する意識の高まりから、有望視されている。従来はキムチの主要市場ではなかったが、近代的な小売チャネルを通じた入手可能性の増大と、韓国のポップカルチャーの影響が成長を牽引している。インド人の味覚嗜好に合わせたキムチの現地アレンジも登場している。課題は、キムチの効能について消費者を啓蒙し、伝統的な食品に対する障壁を克服することである。
- 日本:日本ではキムチ市場が確立しており、輸入品も国産品も安定した需要を享受している。最近の動きとしては、独特の材料や発酵方法を特徴とするグルメ・キムチや特殊キムチへの関心の高まりがある。日本の消費者は、伝統的な日本料理と国際的な味覚の融合を反映して、キムチをさまざまな料理に取り入れるようになっている。また、減塩キムチや有機キムチなど、健康志向の選択肢も増えている。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.3.2: 袋入り

4.5: ROW包装キムチ市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.1.3: 包装キムチの世界市場の地域別成長機会
6.2: パッケージドキムチの世界市場における新たなトレンド
6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: トバギ
7.5: ラッキーフーズ
7.6: なそや
7.7: ビビゴ





Packaged Kimchi Trends and Forecast

The future of the global packaged kimchi market looks promising with opportunities in the canned and bagged markets. The global packaged kimchi market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 5.3% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the growing popularity of Korean cuisine, increasing consumer awareness of the health benefits of fermented foods like kimchi, and the expansion of distribution channels and availability of packaged kimchi in mainstream retail outlets.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the application category, offline sale is expected to witness higher growth over the forecast period.
• Within the type category, canned is expected to witness a higher growth.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Packaged Kimchi Market

The packaged kimchi market is evolving rapidly, influenced by broader food trends and changing consumer preferences. Emerging trends reflect shifts towards health consciousness, innovation in product offerings, and global culinary integration. Understanding these trends is crucial for stakeholders aiming to navigate and capitalize on the growing demand for this traditional fermented food.

• Health and Wellness Focus: The increasing awareness of gut health and probiotics has made kimchi a popular choice among health-conscious consumers. Kimchi’s fermented nature is associated with various health benefits, including improved digestion and immune support. This trend is driving both traditional and new kimchi brands to highlight health benefits in their marketing, leading to a rise in demand for organic and low-sodium options.
• Product Innovation and Variety: There is a growing trend towards innovation in kimchi products, with new flavors and ingredient combinations entering the market. This includes kimchi with added superfoods, fusion flavors, and even non-traditional ingredients tailored to local tastes. Such innovations are aimed at expanding the product’s appeal beyond traditional Korean cuisine and meeting diverse consumer preferences.
• Integration into Non-Korean Cuisine: Kimchi is increasingly being used as an ingredient in various non-Korean dishes, such as burgers, tacos, and salads. This trend reflects a broader interest in culinary fusion and the versatility of kimchi. By integrating kimchi into different cuisines, producers, and chefs are enhancing its visibility and popularity among a wider audience.
• Sustainable and Ethical Sourcing: Consumers are becoming more concerned about sustainability and ethical sourcing. This trend is prompting kimchi producers to adopt environmentally friendly practices, such as using organic ingredients and reducing packaging waste. Brands that emphasize their commitment to sustainability are appealing to a growing segment of eco-conscious consumers.
• Digital and Direct-to-Consumer Sales: The rise of e-commerce and direct-to-consumer sales channels is significantly impacting the packaged kimchi market. Online platforms are enabling brands to reach a broader audience and offer a more diverse range of products. This trend is also fostering direct relationships between producers and consumers, allowing for more personalized marketing and customer engagement.

These emerging trends are reshaping the packaged kimchi market by expanding its appeal, enhancing product diversity, and aligning with contemporary consumer values. As health consciousness, innovation, and sustainability continue to influence the market, kimchi is likely to see further growth and integration into global food cultures. Producers who adapt to these trends will be better positioned to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Recent Developments in the Packaged Kimchi Market

The packaged kimchi market reflects the growing popularity of this traditional Korean food and its adaptation to global consumer trends. From increased market presence to innovative product offerings, these developments are shaping the future of kimchi. Understanding these changes is essential for stakeholders aiming to navigate and leverage the evolving market dynamics.

• Expansion of Distribution Channels: The packaged kimchi market has seen a significant expansion in distribution channels. Major grocery chains and specialty stores are increasing their kimchi offerings, making it more accessible to consumers. Online retail platforms are also playing a crucial role, allowing for wider distribution and easier access. This increased availability is driving market growth and making kimchi a staple in more households.
• Growth of Private Label Brands: Private label brands are becoming a prominent force in the packaged kimchi market. Retailers are launching their kimchi products, often focusing on competitive pricing and unique formulations. This trend is contributing to market growth by providing consumers with more options and driving competition among established brands.
• Innovation in Packaging: Packaging innovation is becoming a key focus in the packaged kimchi market. Companies are investing in new packaging solutions that improve product freshness, extend shelf life, and enhance convenience. Innovations such as resealable pouches and smaller portion sizes are catering to diverse consumer needs and improving the overall product experience.
• Increased Focus on Authenticity: There is a growing emphasis on authenticity in the packaged kimchi market. Consumers are seeking products that reflect traditional fermentation methods and genuine Korean flavors. This trend is leading to an increase in high-quality, artisanal kimchi products that emphasize traditional ingredients and production techniques, appealing to both Korean food enthusiasts and new consumers.
• Expansion into Emerging Markets: The packaged kimchi market is expanding into emerging markets, driven by growing interest in international cuisines and health foods. Countries like India and Brazil are seeing increased kimchi availability as local distributors and retailers recognize the potential of this niche market. This expansion is opening new growth opportunities and diversifying the consumer base.

These key developments are transforming the packaged kimchi market by broadening distribution, fostering innovation, and enhancing consumer engagement. As the market evolves, these developments are contributing to increased accessibility, diversity, and authenticity, positioning kimchi as a versatile and appealing food choice on a global scale.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Packaged Kimchi Market

The packaged kimchi market is ripe with growth opportunities across various applications as it gains popularity worldwide. With its health benefits and versatility, kimchi is being explored beyond traditional uses, creating new avenues for market expansion. By focusing on specific applications such as culinary integration, health food products, and convenient packaging, stakeholders can tap into evolving consumer preferences and emerging trends. This strategic exploration can drive market growth and diversify product offerings, catering to a broader audience and enhancing Kimchi’s global presence.

• Culinary Integration: Integrating kimchi into diverse culinary applications presents a significant growth opportunity. As chefs and home cooks explore kimchi’s versatility, it is being used in a range of dishes from burgers and tacos to pizzas and salads. This trend helps kimchi reach a wider audience beyond traditional Korean cuisine, appealing to food enthusiasts and health-conscious consumers alike. Brands can capitalize on this by developing recipes and products that highlight kimchi’s unique flavor in new culinary contexts.
• Health Food Products: Kimchi’s probiotic benefits align with the growing demand for health food products. There is an opportunity to develop kimchi-based health supplements, functional foods, and snacks that cater to consumers seeking gut health and immunity support. By emphasizing its health benefits and incorporating it into functional food formats, brands can attract health-focused consumers and expand their product lines to include innovative health-oriented offerings.
• Premium and Artisanal Products: The market for premium and artisanal kimchi products is expanding as consumers seek high-quality, authentic experiences. Opportunities exist in offering artisanal kimchi made with traditional fermentation techniques, organic ingredients, and unique flavors. This segment appeals to food connoisseurs and health-conscious consumers looking for premium options, allowing brands to position themselves as high-end players in the kimchi market.
• Convenient Packaging Solutions: The demand for convenient packaging solutions presents a growth opportunity in the packaged kimchi market. Innovations such as resealable pouches, single-serve portions, and shelf-stable packaging can enhance consumer convenience and extend product shelf life. These solutions cater to busy lifestyles and on-the-go consumption, making kimchi more accessible and appealing to a broader audience.
• E-commerce and Direct-to-Consumer Channels: The rise of e-commerce and direct-to-consumer (DTC) channels offers significant growth potential for the packaged kimchi market. Online platforms enable brands to reach a global audience, offer a diverse range of products, and build direct relationships with consumers. By leveraging digital marketing and DTC sales, brands can enhance visibility, drive sales, and gather valuable customer insights.

These strategic growth opportunities are shaping the packaged kimchi market by expanding its applications and reaching new consumer segments. By focusing on culinary innovation, health benefits, premium offerings, convenient packaging, and e-commerce, brands can drive market expansion and adapt to evolving consumer preferences. Capitalizing on these opportunities will enable stakeholders to enhance their market presence and diversify their product offerings.

Packaged Kimchi Market Driver and Challenges

The packaged kimchi market is influenced by various drivers and challenges that impact its growth and development. Technological advancements, economic factors, and regulatory conditions play crucial roles in shaping the market landscape. Understanding these drivers and challenges is essential for stakeholders to navigate the market effectively and leverage opportunities while mitigating potential obstacles.

The factors responsible for driving the packaged kimchi market include:
• Rising Health Consciousness: Increasing consumer awareness of gut health and probiotics is a significant driver for the packaged kimchi market. As more people seek foods that support digestive health and boost immunity, kimchi’s reputation as a probiotic-rich food enhances its appeal. This growing focus on health and wellness is driving demand for kimchi products, influencing brands to emphasize their health benefits and innovate accordingly.
• Growing Popularity of Asian Cuisine: The expanding interest in Asian cuisine, particularly Korean food, is fueling the growth of the packaged kimchi market. As global food trends favor multicultural and exotic flavors, kimchi has gained popularity beyond its traditional Korean context. This trend is encouraging retailers and producers to introduce more kimchi varieties and integrate them into diverse culinary applications, broadening its market reach.
• Expansion of Distribution Channels: The growth in distribution channels, including supermarkets, specialty stores, and e-commerce platforms, is a key driver of market expansion. Increased availability and accessibility of kimchi products through various retail channels are making it easier for consumers to purchase and incorporate kimchi into their diets. This expansion helps drive market growth and increases consumer adoption.
• Innovation in Product Development: Continuous innovation in kimchi product development is driving market growth. New flavors, health-oriented formulations, and convenient packaging solutions are attracting a wider range of consumers. By diversifying product offerings and enhancing product appeal, brands can tap into emerging consumer preferences and stay competitive in the evolving market.
• Increased Awareness and Education: Enhanced consumer education about kimchi’s health benefits and culinary uses is contributing to market growth. As awareness campaigns and educational efforts increase, more consumers are becoming informed about kimchi’s probiotic properties and versatility. This knowledge is driving higher demand and encouraging more widespread adoption of kimchi products.
Challenges in the packaged kimchi market are:
• Regulatory and Compliance Issues: Navigating regulatory requirements and compliance issues can be a challenge for the packaged kimchi market. Different countries have varying regulations regarding food safety, labeling, and import standards. Ensuring compliance with these regulations can be complex and costly, potentially impacting market entry and operations for international and domestic producers.
• Cultural and Taste Barriers: Cultural and taste preferences can pose challenges for the packaged kimchi market. While kimchi is popular in Korean cuisine, it may face resistance in regions where traditional flavors are preferred. Overcoming taste barriers and educating consumers about kimchi’s benefits are essential for increasing market acceptance and expanding into new regions.
• Competition and Market Saturation: The packaged kimchi market is becoming increasingly competitive, with numerous brands and products entering the market. This growing competition can lead to market saturation, making it challenging for brands to differentiate themselves and maintain market share. Effective marketing, innovation, and strategic positioning are crucial to stand out in a crowded market.

The packaged kimchi market is shaped by various drivers and challenges that influence its growth trajectory. Rising health consciousness, the popularity of Asian cuisine, and distribution channel expansion are key drivers, while regulatory issues, cultural barriers, and market saturation pose significant challenges. Understanding and addressing these factors is crucial for stakeholders to navigate the market successfully and leverage growth opportunities.

List of Packaged Kimchi Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies packaged kimchi companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the packaged kimchi companies profiled in this report include-

• Wang Korea
• Mother-In-Law's
• Tobagi
• Sunja's Kimchi
• Lucky Foods
• Nasoya
• Bibigo

Packaged Kimchi by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global packaged kimchi by type, application, and region.

Packaged Kimchi Market by Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Canned
• Bagged

Packaged Kimchi Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Online Sales
• Offline Sales

Packaged Kimchi Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Packaged Kimchi Market

The packaged kimchi market is experiencing dynamic changes as it gains popularity beyond its traditional Korean roots. In recent years, global demand for fermented foods has surged, with kimchi emerging as a significant player due to its health benefits and unique flavor profile. Key markets such as the United States, China, Germany, India, and Japan are seeing various developments driven by evolving consumer preferences, increased awareness of gut health, and the rise of multicultural cuisine. This shift is shaping the market in diverse ways, leading to both opportunities and challenges for producers and retailers worldwide.

• United States: In the U.S., the packaged kimchi market has seen substantial growth due to increased interest in probiotic-rich foods and Asian cuisine. Major grocery chains are expanding their kimchi offerings, and new brands are entering the market, often focusing on organic and non-GMO options. Retailers are also educating consumers about the health benefits of kimchi, which is contributing to its mainstream acceptance. Additionally, there’s a rising trend of integrating kimchi into various dishes beyond traditional Korean recipes, appealing to a broader audience.
• China: China's packaged kimchi market is expanding as Korean culture continues to influence local food trends. Urban areas are seeing a rise in demand for imported kimchi, with a focus on premium and authentic products. Domestic producers are also increasing their output, often offering kimchi with local flavor twists to cater to regional tastes. The growth is supported by the increasing awareness of the health benefits of fermented foods, which aligns with China's broader trend towards healthier eating habits.
• Germany: In Germany, packaged kimchi is gaining traction as part of the broader trend of interest in international and health-conscious foods. German consumers are increasingly drawn to kimchi’s probiotic benefits and its compatibility with diverse cuisines. Supermarkets and specialty stores are expanding their kimchi selections, with a notable rise in German-made kimchi products. There is also growing interest in integrating kimchi into traditional German dishes, reflecting a fusion of culinary cultures.
• India: India's packaged kimchi market is in its nascent stage but showing promise due to the rising awareness of global food trends and health benefits. While traditionally not a major market for kimchi, increased availability through modern retail channels and the influence of Korean pop culture are driving growth. Local adaptations of kimchi are emerging, catering to Indian taste preferences. The challenge remains in educating consumers about kimchi's benefits and overcoming traditional food barriers.
• Japan: Japan has a well-established market for kimchi, with both imported and locally produced varieties enjoying steady demand. Recent developments include a growing interest in gourmet and specialty kimchi products, often featuring unique ingredients or fermentation methods. Japanese consumers are increasingly incorporating kimchi into various dishes, reflecting a fusion of traditional Japanese cuisine with international flavors. The market is also seeing a rise in health-conscious choices, including low-sodium and organic kimchi options.

Features of the Global Packaged Kimchi Market

Market Size Estimates: Packaged kimchi market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Packaged kimchi market size by type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Packaged kimchi market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different types, applications, and regions for the packaged kimchi market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the packaged kimchi market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this market or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the packaged kimchi market by type (canned and bagged), application (online sales and offline sales), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Packaged Kimchi Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Packaged Kimchi Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Packaged Kimchi Market by Type
3.3.1: Canned
3.3.2: Bagged
3.4: Global Packaged Kimchi Market by Application
3.4.1: Online Sales
3.4.2: Offline Sales

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Packaged Kimchi Market by Region
4.2: North American Packaged Kimchi Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Type: Canned and Bagged
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Online Sales and Offline Sales
4.3: European Packaged Kimchi Market
4.3.1: European Market by Type: Canned and Bagged
4.3.2: European Market by Application: Online Sales and Offline Sales
4.4: APAC Packaged Kimchi Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Type: Canned and Bagged
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Online Sales and Offline Sales
4.5: ROW Packaged Kimchi Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Type: Canned and Bagged
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Online Sales and Offline Sales

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Packaged Kimchi Market by Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Packaged Kimchi Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Packaged Kimchi Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Packaged Kimchi Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Packaged Kimchi Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Packaged Kimchi Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Wang Korea
7.2: Mother-In-Law's
7.3: Tobagi
7.4: Sunja's Kimchi
7.5: Lucky Foods
7.6: Nasoya
7.7: Bibigo








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