


Customer Success Management Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

カスタマー・サクセス・マネジメントの動向と予測 世界のカスタマーサクセス・マネジメント市場の将来は、ヘルスケア、小売、BFSI、IT・通信、政府市場などのビジネスチャンスで有望視されている。世界のカス... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月29日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語







- Lucintel社は、顧客維持の重要性の高まりとクラウドベースのコンピューティング技術の採用拡大により、アプリケーションカテゴリーの中では顧客体験管理が予測期間中最大のセグメントであり続けると予測している。
- 地域別では、競争の激化とコスト削減へのプレッシャー、また同地域におけるカスタマージャーニーの追跡と解約率の低下を目的とした高度な分析ソリューションへの需要の高まりから、予測期間中も北米が最大地域であり続けるだろう。




- 人工知能と機械学習の統合:CSMプラットフォームにAIと機械学習が組み込まれることで、顧客ニーズの予測評価の視野が広がり、ありふれたタスクが自動化される。AIを搭載したツールでは、顧客データの分析により、プロアクティブなサポートのためのパーソナライズされた推奨事項が導き出されるため、顧客満足度と顧客維持率が向上する。この傾向は、企業にカスタマー・サクセスの取り組みを拡大する効率的な方法を提供する。
- カスタマージャーニーのマッピング:企業は、痛点をよりよく理解し、より効果的に顧客にサービスを提供するために、カスタマージャーニー全体をマッピングすることにますます関心を寄せています。各タッチポイントの可視化を分析することで、企業はカスタマーサクセスへのより実践的なアプローチを開発し、より良い顧客体験のために各インタラクションを最適化することができる。これは、顧客のニーズに合わせてサービスを調整し、全体的な満足度を向上させるのに役立ちます。
- オムニチャネル・サポート:オムニチャネル・サポートは、複数のプラットフォームやタッチポイントにおいて、摩擦のない一貫したカスタマー・エクスペリエンスを提供することを可能にします。さまざまなコミュニケーション・チャネルを同じCSMシステムに統合することで、顧客は企業との接し方に関係なく、一貫性のある迅速なサポートを受けることができる。
- プロアクティブな顧客エンゲージメント:データに基づく洞察により、企業は顧客のニーズを予測し、問題が深刻化する前に対処することができるため、顧客とのプロアクティブな関わりは最優先事項である。これには、カスタマー・サクセス・チームが潜在的な問題や機会にフラグを立てるシステムを導入し、タイムリーかつパーソナライズされた介入ができるようにすることが含まれる。
- CLVの重視の高まり:ビジネスの成功のための重要な指標として、顧客生涯価値(CLV)の測定と最大化が重視されるようになっている。多くの企業が、顧客維持率の向上、解約率の低下、アップセル/クロスセルの機会を通じてCLVを改善するツールや戦略に投資している。




- 高度な分析とAIの統合:高度なアナリティクスとAIの統合は、CSMプラットフォームとカスタマー・サクセス戦略のあり方に革命をもたらすだろう。AI主導のツールは、顧客の行動を深く観察してニーズを予測し、それに応じてサポートを提供する。この開発により、カスタマー・サクセス・チームの効率性と有効性がさらに向上する。
- クラウドベースのCSMソリューション:クラウドベースのCSMソリューションは、その拡張性と柔軟性により、採用が増加している。これらのプラットフォームは、リアルタイムのデータアクセス、システム統合、場所を選ばないアクセス性を提供し、多様な顧客ベースを持ち、成長を続ける企業にとって理想的である。この開発は、ダイナミックで適応力のあるカスタマーサクセス戦略に貢献します。
- オムニチャネル・サポートの合理化:オムニチャネル・サポートに関連する開発により、顧客とのやり取りがよりスムーズになり、質的にも向上した。現在では多くの企業が、さまざまなチャネルを1つのプラットフォームに統合し、複数のタッチポイントでサポートを提供することで、シームレスな体験を提供している。
- データ・プライバシーとコンプライアンスが中心に:データ・プライバシー法の厳格化に伴い、CSM ソリューションは徐々にコンプライアンス志向へとシフトしている。このシフトは、データの暗号化、アクセス制限、最近のGDPRのような様々な規制への準拠に反映されている。こうした対策は、企業が法的な複雑さを回避しながら、顧客の信頼を維持するのに役立つ。
- カスタマー・サクセス・チームへの投資の増加:カスタマー・サクセス・チームの設立と拡大に向けた投資の増加は、顧客エンゲージメントと顧客維持の大幅な改善につながっている。これには、専門的な役割、トレーニング、カスタマーサクセスを可能にするツールなどが含まれる。このトレンドの台頭は、カスタマーサクセスへの注目の高まりを示唆している。




- CRMシステムとの統合:CSM を CRM システムと統合することで、顧客とのやり取りやデータを包括的に理解することができる。CSMツールを既存のCRMシステムと統合することで、企業はカスタマー・サクセスの指標をより効果的に追跡できるようになる。その結果、効果的でパーソナライズされたサポート戦略の立案に役立つ。
- 新興市場への展開:新興市場へのCSMソリューションの拡大は、大きな成長機会をもたらす。これらの地域の企業がデジタルツールを導入し、顧客の囲い込みに取り組む中で、現地のニーズや規制要件を満たす高度なCSMプラットフォームに対する需要が高まっている。
- 業界に特化したソリューションの開発:業界に特化したCSMソリューションを開発することで、企業はヘルスケア、金融サービス、テクノロジーなどの分野特有の課題やニーズに対応することができる。カスタマイズされたソリューションは、的を絞ったサポートとリソースを提供することで、顧客エンゲージメントと顧客満足度を向上させる可能性がある。
- サブスクリプション・ベース・モデルの成長:サブスクリプション・ベースのビジネス・モデルの台頭により、CSMソリューションは、継続的な収益管理と顧客維持をサポートする必要がある。顧客生涯価値(CLV)の最大化と解約の減少に焦点を当てたCSMツールは、このモデルで事業を展開する企業にとって需要が高い。
- 顧客分析の改善:成長を促進するために、高度な顧客分析によって、顧客の行動パターンや嗜好に関する貴重な洞察を得ることができる。様々な顧客接点からのデータを分析することで、企業は顧客の成功を促進し、全体的な顧客体験を向上させる戦略を立てることができる。




- 技術の向上:より優れた技術:AI、機械学習、クラウドコンピューティングなどの技術革新がCSM市場を牽引している。これらの進歩は、顧客データの分析を強化し、プロセスを自動化し、パーソナライズされたサポートを可能にする。
- 顧客維持への注力の高まり:企業は、顧客維持と長期的な関係をより重視するようになっている。このような顧客維持への関心の高まりは、顧客とのやり取りを管理し、解約を減らすことで顧客満足度を向上させ、ビジネスの成長に貢献するCSMソリューションの需要を促進している。
- サブスクリプション型ビジネスモデルの増加:サブスクリプション・ベース・モデルの増加により、継続的な収益と顧客満足度が重要になるため、適切なカスタマー・サクセス戦略が必要とされている。サブスクリプション型ビジネスモデルをサポートするCSMツールは、顧客生涯価値(CLV)を最適化し、解約を減らすのに役立つ。
- パーソナライズされた顧客体験の需要:時間の経過とともに、パーソナライズされたプロアクティブな顧客サポートに対する需要が高まっている。その結果、データ分析を利用して個々のニーズに合わせたパーソナライズされたインタラクションを提供するCSMソリューションの需要が高まり、市場の成長を牽引している。
- 国際市場への進出:国際市場への進出により、さまざまな顧客要件を満たし、現地の規制を遵守するための顧客サービス管理ソリューションに対する需要が高まっている。そのため、拡張性と適応性に優れたCSMプラットフォームへのニーズが高まっている。

- 規制への対応:GDPRやCCPAなどの複雑なデータ・プライバシー規制により、CSMソリューションがコンプライアンスを維持することが難しくなっている。CSMの目的は効果的な顧客サポートであるため、コンプライアンスは強力なデータ保護と法的要件の遵守によってのみ達成できる。
- 既存システムとの統合:CSM ツールと既存の CRM システムや企業システムとの統合には問題がある。顧客とのやり取りやサポートの統合ビューを維持するには、システム間のシームレスな接続とデータ交換が必要である。
- 高度な CSM ソリューションの高いコスト:先進的なCSMソリューションの導入コストは、中小企業にとって大きな懸念事項である。予算の制約を考慮しながらテクノロジーへの投資をバランスさせることは、カスタマーサクセスを向上させる際に多くの企業が直面する課題である。




- ゲインサイト
- セールスフォース・ドットコム
- ユーザーIQ
- オープンテキスト




- クラウド
- オンプレミス


- 中小企業
- 大企業


- 営業・マーケティング管理
- 顧客経験管理
- リスク・コンプライアンス管理
- その他


- ヘルスケア
- 小売
- 情報技術・通信
- 政府機関
- その他


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国では、急成長するCSM市場に高度なアナリティクスと人工知能を取り入れる方向で大きく前進している。AIを活用することで、企業は顧客の行動を予測し、それに応じてパーソナライズされたサポートを提供することができる。ツールや顧客中心のプラットフォームの自動化により、効率と満足度が向上する一方、顧客生涯価値の測定と改善がより重視されている。
- 中国:中国では、顧客維持がこの競争時代における成功の鍵であることを企業がますます認識するようになり、CSM市場が勢いを増している。最近の動きとしては、中国市場向けにローカライズされたCRMシステムやカスタマー・サポート・ツールの統合が挙げられる。企業はデジタルトランスフォーメーションを採用し、ビッグデータを活用して顧客の行動や嗜好を把握している。シームレスなオムニチャネル体験は、継続的な顧客満足とロイヤルティの向上に不可欠である。
- ドイツ:ドイツのCSM市場は、データ・プライバシーとコンプライアンスに対する強い傾向を示している。企業は、幅広い顧客インサイトを提供する一方で、厳格なGDPRを厳守するCSMソリューションを統合している。また、カスタマーサクセスに関しては、既存の企業システムと統合し、顧客とのやり取りを一元的に把握し、プロアクティブな管理を実現するプラットフォームの採用が進んでいる。
- インドIDCによると、インドのCSM市場は、ビジネスのデジタル化の進展とサービス産業の拡大により急成長している。インドの企業は、拡張性と柔軟性に優れたクラウドベースのCSMツールに投資している。また、急成長する多様な顧客層に対するカスタマーサクセス戦略の策定にも注目が集まっている。新興企業やテクノロジー企業の台頭が、新たなCSMテクノロジーの革新とその採用に拍車をかけている。
- 日本日本のCSM市場はまだ初期段階にあり、先進テクノロジーの統合とカスタマー・エクスペリエンスの向上に重点が置かれている。企業は、高度なアナリティクスやAIを活用したソリューションを活用し、顧客のニーズを予測することで、卓越したカスタマーサポートを提供する能力を高める高度なシステムを開発している。また、パーソナライゼーションの傾向もあり、企業は日本の消費者の特定の嗜好により合致するようにカスタマー・サクセス・プログラムをカスタマイズしている。










2.3: 業界の推進要因と課題

3.6.1: 医療
3.6.2: 小売
3.6.3: BFSI
3.6.5: 官公庁
3.6.6: その他

4.5: ROWのカスタマーサクセス管理市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーション統合

6.3: 戦略分析

7.2: セールスフォース・ドットコム
7.3: UserIQ
7.4: IBM
7.5: オープンテキスト





Customer Success Management Trends and Forecast

The future of the global customer success management market looks promising with opportunities in the healthcare, retail, BFSI, information technology and telecom, and government markets. The global customer success management market is expected to reach an estimated $3.6 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 15.8% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the increasing demand for personalized customer experiences, the rise of subscription-based business models, and the growing use of cloud-based solutions to enhance client success management.

• Lucintel forecasts that, within the application category, customer experience management will remain the largest segment over the forecast period due to the increasing importance of customer retention and the growing adoption of cloud-based computing technologies.
• In terms of region, North America will remain the largest region over the forecast period due to the increasing competition and pressure to reduce costs, and rising demand for advanced analytical solutions to track customer journeys and lower churn rates in this region.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Customer Success Management Market

Building on emerging trends, several new ways in which companies are reaching out to their customers have emerged in the field of Customer Success Management. These changes are driven by rapid technological advancements, changing customer expectations, and a growing interest in long-term customer relationships.

• Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Integration: The inclusion of AI and machine learning in CSM platforms is expanding the horizons of predictive customer need assessment and automating mundane tasks. With AI-powered tools, the analysis of customer data leads to personalized recommendations for proactive support, thereby improving customer satisfaction and retention. This trend provides companies with an efficient way to scale their customer success efforts.
• Customer Journey Mapping: Companies are increasingly interested in mapping the entire customer journey to better understand pain points and serve customers more effectively. Analyzing the visualization of each touchpoint enables businesses to develop more practical approaches to customer success, optimizing each interaction for a better customer experience. This helps in tailoring services to customer needs and improving overall satisfaction.
• Omnichannel Support: Omnichannel support enables companies to provide frictionless and consistent customer experiences across multiple platforms and touchpoints. Integrating various communication channels within the same CSM system ensures that customers receive coherent and responsive support, regardless of how they interact with the company.
• Proactive Customer Engagement: Engaging proactively with customers is a top priority because, through data-driven insights, companies can anticipate customer needs and address issues before they escalate. This involves implementing systems that flag potential problems and opportunities for customer success teams, so interventions can be timely and personalized.
• Increased Emphasis on CLV: There is a growing emphasis on measuring and maximizing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) as a key metric for business success. Many companies have invested in tools and strategies that improve CLV through better customer retention, reduced churn, and upsell/cross-sell opportunities.

Technology and data-driven trends are expected to significantly impact customer interactions, potentially driving business growth in the CSM market. Companies that can adapt to these emerging trends in the coming years will likely be better positioned to deliver excellent customer experiences and ensure long-term success.

Recent Developments in the Customer Success Management Market

The latest trends in the CSM market are inclined toward advanced technologies and strategies for improving relationships with customers and driving growth. The key trends involve the integration of new tools and methodologies that improve customer engagement and retention.

• Advanced Analytics and AI Integration: Advanced analytics, along with the integration of AI, will revolutionize the way CSM platforms and customer success strategies work. AI-driven tools deeply observe customer behavior to anticipate their needs and offer support accordingly. This development is set to further enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of customer success teams.
• Cloud-based CSM Solutions: Cloud-based CSM solutions are increasingly adopted due to their scalability and flexibility. These platforms are ideal for companies with varied and growing customer bases, offering real-time data access, system integrations, and accessibility from any location. This development contributes to dynamic and adaptive customer success strategies.
• Streamlined Omnichannel Support: Developments related to omnichannel support have made customer interactions smoother and qualitatively better. Many companies now offer a seamless experience by integrating different channels into one platform, providing support across multiple touchpoints.
• Data Privacy and Compliance Take Center Stage: With the increasing stringency of data privacy laws, CSM solutions are gradually shifting toward becoming compliance-oriented. This shift is reflected in the inclusion of data encryption, restricted access, and adherence to various regulations such as the recent GDPR. These measures help companies retain customer trust while avoiding legal complications.
• Increased Investment in Customer Success Teams: Increased investment in establishing and scaling customer success teams has led to significant improvements in customer engagement and retention. This includes specialized roles, training, and customer-success-enabling tools. The emergence of this trend signals a focused attention toward customer success.

The above developments are key drivers shaping the CSM market, enhancing customer interactions and support strategies. Leveraging these trends as strategic advantages will help your company meet the needs of target customers and drive business success.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Customer Success Management Market

The development of technologies and the rise in customer expectations are driving strategic growth opportunities for CSM in several application areas. Identifying these opportunities can help organizations plan better for their customer success strategy and growth.

• Integration with CRM Systems: The integration of CSM with CRM systems provides a comprehensive understanding of customer interactions and data. Integrating CSM tools with existing CRM systems enables companies to track customer success metrics more effectively. This, in turn, helps in devising effective and personalized support strategies.
• Expansion into Emerging Markets: Expanding CSM solutions into emerging markets offers significant growth opportunities. As companies in these regions adopt digital tools and work to retain customers, there is an increasing demand for advanced CSM platforms that meet local needs and regulatory requirements.
• Development of Industry-Specific Solutions: Developing industry-specific CSM solutions allows organizations to address the unique challenges and needs in sectors such as healthcare, financial services, and technology. Tailored solutions have the potential to improve customer engagement and satisfaction by providing targeted support and resources.
• Growth of Subscription-Based Models: With the rise of subscription-based business models, CSM solutions must support recurring revenue management and customer retention. CSM tools focused on maximizing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and reducing churn will be in high demand for businesses operating under this model.
• Improved Customer Analytics: To drive growth, advanced customer analytics can provide valuable insights into customer behavioral patterns and preferences. By analyzing data from various customer touchpoints, companies can create strategies that foster customer success and enhance the overall customer experience.

These strategic growth opportunities highlight areas where the CSM market can further develop and innovate. Companies that leverage these opportunities will be better positioned to strengthen customer relationships and drive business growth.

Customer Success Management Market Driver and Challenges

Several drivers and challenges are influencing the CSM market, impacting its growth and development. Key drivers include technological advancements and changing customer expectations, while challenges pertain to conformance with regulations and complexities in integration.

The factors driving the customer success management market include:
• Better Technology: Innovations in technology, such as AI, machine learning, and cloud computing, are driving the CSM market. These advancements enhance the analysis of customer data, automate processes, and enable personalized support, which in turn improves customer success strategies.
• Increasing Focus on Customer Retention: Organizations are placing more emphasis on customer retention and long-term relationships. This increased focus on customer retention drives the demand for CSM solutions, which help manage customer interactions and improve customer satisfaction by reducing churn, contributing to business growth.
• Increased Subscription-Based Business Models: The rise in subscription-based models has led to a need for proper customer success strategies, as recurring revenue and customer satisfaction depend on them. CSM tools that support subscription-based business models help optimize customer lifetime value (CLV) and reduce churn.
• Demand for Personalized Customer Experience: Over time, there has been a growing demand for personalized and proactive customer support. As a result, CSM solutions that use data analytics to provide personalized interactions tailored to individual needs are in high demand, driving market growth.
• Expanding into International Markets: The expansion into international markets increases the demand for customer service management solutions to meet various customer requirements and comply with local regulations. This creates a need for scalable and adaptable CSM platforms.

Challenges in the customer success management market include:
• Regulatory Compliance: Complex data privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, make it challenging for CSM solutions to maintain compliance. Since the goal of CSM is effective customer support, compliance can only be achieved through strong data protection and adherence to legal requirements.
• Integration with Existing Systems: Integrating CSM tools with existing CRM and enterprise systems can be problematic. Seamless connectivity and data exchange among systems are required to maintain an integrated view of customer interactions and support.
• High Costs of Advanced CSM Solutions: The implementation costs of advanced CSM solutions are a significant concern for smaller organizations. Balancing investment in technology while considering budget constraints is a challenge many businesses face when improving customer success.

These drivers and challenges are shaping the customer success management market, particularly in terms of technology adoption, customer expectations, and regulatory compliance. Companies that effectively address these factors will be well-positioned to succeed in this evolving market.

List of Customer Success Management Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies customer success management companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the customer success management companies profiled in this report include-

• Gainsight
• UserIQ
• Open Text

Customer Success Management by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global customer success management by deployment mode, size of organization, application, end use, and region.

Customer Success Management Market by Deployment Mode [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Cloud
• On premises

Customer Success Management Market by Size of Organization [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Small and Medium Enterprise
• Large enterprise

Customer Success Management Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Sales and Marketing Management
• Customer Experience Management
• Risk and Compliance Management
• Others

Customer Success Management Market by End Use [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Healthcare
• Retail
• Information Technology and Telecom
• Government
• Others

Customer Success Management Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Customer Success Management Market

The rapid evolution of the CSM market in terms of technology, the changing customer expectations, and an increasing focus on long-term customer relationships have challenged companies in key markets to consider innovative strategies and tools that enhance customer experience and drive business growth. These trends reflect a global shift toward more proactive and personalized ways of engaging with customers.

• United States: The U.S. is making significant strides toward the inclusion of advanced analytics and artificial intelligence in the booming CSM market. With AI, companies can predict customer behaviors and provide personalized support accordingly. The automation of tools and customer-centric platforms boosts efficiency and satisfaction levels, while greater emphasis is placed on measuring and improving Customer Lifetime Value.
• China: The CSM market is gaining momentum in China as firms increasingly recognize that retaining customers is the key to success in these competitive times. Recent developments include the integration of localized CRM systems and customer support tools tailored to the Chinese market. Companies are embracing digital transformation and using big data to understand the behaviors and preferences of their customers. Seamless omnichannel experiences are critical to developing continuous customer satisfaction and loyalty.
• Germany: The CSM market in Germany shows strong trends toward data privacy and compliance. Companies are integrating CSM solutions that strictly adhere to stringent GDPR while offering broad customer insights. For customer success, the market has also seen an increased adoption of platforms that integrate with existing enterprise systems, providing a unified view of customer interactions and proactive management.
• India: According to IDC, India's CSM market is growing rapidly due to increasing business digitalization and the expansion of the service industry. Businesses in India are investing in scalable and flexible cloud-based CSM tools. Attention is also being given to developing customer success strategies for the fast-growing and diverse customer base. The rise of startups and technology companies is spurring innovation in new CSM technologies and their adoption.
• Japan: The CSM market in Japan is still in its early stages, with a focus on integrating advanced technologies and improving customer experience. Companies are using advanced analytics and AI-powered solutions to develop sophisticated systems that enhance their ability to provide exceptional customer support through predictive customer needs. There is also a trend toward personalization, with businesses tailoring customer success programs to better meet the specific preferences of Japanese consumers.

Features of the Global Customer Success Management Market

Market Size Estimates: Customer success management market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Customer success management market size by various segments, such as by deployment mode, size of organization, application, end use, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Customer success management market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different deployment mode, size of organization, application, end use, and regions for the customer success management market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the customer success management market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this market or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the customer success management market by deployment mode (cloud and on premises), size of organization (small and medium enterprise and large enterprise), application (sales and marketing management, customer experience management, risk and compliance management, and others), end use (healthcare, retail, BFSI, information technology and telecom, government, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Customer Success Management Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Customer Success Management Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Customer Success Management Market by Deployment Mode
3.3.1: Cloud
3.3.2: On premises
3.4: Global Customer Success Management Market by Size of Organization
3.4.1: Small and Medium Enterprise
3.4.2: Large enterprise
3.5: Global Customer Success Management Market by Application
3.5.1: Sales and Marketing Management
3.5.2: Customer Experience Management
3.5.3: Risk and Compliance Management
3.5.4: Others
3.6: Global Customer Success Management Market by End Use
3.6.1: Healthcare
3.6.2: Retail
3.6.3: BFSI
3.6.4: Information Technology and Telecom
3.6.5: Government
3.6.6: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Customer Success Management Market by Region
4.2: North American Customer Success Management Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Application: Sales and Marketing Management, Customer Experience Management, Risk and Compliance Management, and Others
4.2.2: North American Market by End Use: Healthcare, Retail, BFSI, Information Technology and Telecom, Government, and Others
4.3: European Customer Success Management Market
4.3.1: European Market by Application: Sales and Marketing Management, Customer Experience Management, Risk and Compliance Management, and Others
4.3.2: European Market by End Use: Healthcare, Retail, BFSI, Information Technology and Telecom, Government, and Others
4.4: APAC Customer Success Management Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Application: Sales and Marketing Management, Customer Experience Management, Risk and Compliance Management, and Others
4.4.2: APAC Market by End Use: Healthcare, Retail, BFSI, Information Technology and Telecom, Government, and Others
4.5: ROW Customer Success Management Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Application: Sales and Marketing Management, Customer Experience Management, Risk and Compliance Management, and Others
4.5.2: ROW Market by End Use: Healthcare, Retail, BFSI, Information Technology and Telecom, Government, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Customer Success Management Market by Deployment Mode
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Customer Success Management Market by Size of Organization
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Customer Success Management Market by Application
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Customer Success Management Market by End Use
6.1.5: Growth Opportunities for the Global Customer Success Management Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Customer Success Management Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Customer Success Management Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Customer Success Management Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Gainsight
7.3: UserIQ
7.4: IBM
7.5: Open Text








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