


Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

冷間防錆・シーリングテープの動向と予測 冷間塗布防食・シーリングテープの世界市場の将来性は、石油・ガス、化学、水供給市場のビジネスチャンスで有望視されている。冷間防食・シーリングテープの世界市場... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月29日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測では、タイプ別ではペトロラタムマスチックテープが最も高い成長が見込まれている。
- 用途別では、石油・ガスが最も高い成長が見込まれている。
- 地域別ではAPACが最も高い成長が見込まれている。




- 持続可能性と環境に優しい素材:テープ製造において、持続可能で生分解性のある材料を使用しようという動きが大きくなっている。メーカーは、性能を維持しながら環境への影響を最小限に抑える、環境に優しい接着剤や基材を開発している。この傾向は、プラスチック廃棄物を削減し、持続可能な活動を推進する世界的な取り組みと一致している。リサイクル素材を取り入れることで、企業は規制上の要求を満たし、環境意識の高い消費者に対応することができ、ブランド価値と市場競争力を高めることができる。
- 高度な配合と性能向上:テープ配合における最近の進歩は、粘着性、柔軟性、過酷な条件への耐性の向上に重点を置いている。ナノテクノロジーを取り入れるなどの技術革新により、テープの物理的特性が向上し、腐食や環境ストレスに対してより効果的になっている。これらの高性能テープは、過酷な環境下での長寿命と信頼性を確保し、産業界のメンテナンスコストとダウンタイムを削減する、重要な用途に不可欠なものとなりつつある。
- スマート・テクノロジーとモニタリング:防錆テープにスマートテクノロジーを統合する動きが活発化している。これらの革新的なソリューションにより、テープの性能と状態をリアルタイムで監視できるため、事前予防的なメンテナンスが可能になり、故障のリスクが軽減される。テープに埋め込まれたセンサーは、環境条件や材料の完全性に関するデータを提供し、石油・ガスやインフラなどのセクターにおいて、情報に基づいた意思決定を促進し、資産管理を強化することができます。
- カスタマイズと特殊用途:産業が専門化するにつれ、特定の用途に合わせたカスタマイズテープソリューションの需要が高まっている。メーカーは、自動車、航空宇宙、建設などの分野で、独自の要件に対応する特注製品の開発に力を入れている。この傾向は性能を高めるだけでなく、特定の痛点に対応することで顧客との関係を強化し、最終的に市場成長を促進する。
- 製造業における自動化の進展:自動化はコールド・アプライド・テープ市場の生産プロセスを変革しつつある。企業は、効率、品質、拡張性を向上させるため、高度な製造技術に投資している。自動化によって人件費と生産時間が削減される一方で、一貫した製品品質が確保される。この傾向により、メーカーは市場の需要に迅速に対応し、サプライチェーン・ロジスティクスを改善し、急速に進化する市場環境の中で全体的な競争力を高めることができる。




- 革新的材料の採用:最近の顕著な動きとして、テープ性能を高める革新的材料の採用が増加していることが挙げられる。メーカー各社は、過酷な条件下で優れた耐食性と接着性を発揮する先進的なポリマーや接着剤を利用している。この変化は、テープの寿命を向上させるだけでなく、建設やエネルギーなどの分野における高性能ソリューションに対する需要の高まりにも対応している。
- 規制遵守への注力:世界的に環境規制が強化される中、企業は製品開発においてコンプライアンスを優先している。最近の技術革新には、VOC排出量や材料の安全性に関する規制基準を満たすか、それを上回るテープの配合が含まれる。この開発は市場性を高めるだけでなく、消費者が環境に優しい製品をますます優先するようになる中で、企業を有利に位置づけ、競争力を養う。
- 多機能テープの開発:メーカー各社は現在、シーリング特性と保護特性を併せ持つ多機能防錆テープを生産している。これらの製品は塗布工程を合理化し、複数の材料の必要性を減らし、コスト削減と効率向上につながる。多様な産業ニーズに対応することで、これらの技術革新は業務効率を高め、顧客に付加価値を提供している。
- 塗布技術の向上:スプレー式やロールオン式など、最近の塗布技術の進歩により、産業界は防錆テープの利用を容易にしている。これらの方法は、均一な塗布を保証しながら、効率を改善し、人件費を削減する。その結果、より多くの企業がこれらのソリューションを効果的に導入できるようになり、市場の成長をさらに後押ししている。
- グローバルな協力体制の強化:メーカー、研究者、業界関係者のグローバルな協力関係が、コールド・アプライド・テープ市場の技術革新を促進している。パートナーシップによって技術移転が促進され、ベストプラクティスが共有されることで、先端製品の開発が加速している。このような協力的なアプローチは競争力を高め、企業が市場のトレンドを先取りするのに役立つ。




- 建設部門:建設業界は、保護塗料やシーリング・ソリューションの需要が高まる中、大きな成長機会となっている。都市化やインフラ整備が進む中、防錆テープは鉄骨やコンクリート構造物を環境破壊から守るために不可欠である。メーカーは、優れた粘着性、耐湿性、容易な塗布を提供する特殊テープの開発に注力し、建設専門家特有のニーズに応えることができる。このセグメントの成長は、建築資材の耐久性と持続可能性の向上に対するニーズが原動力となっている。
- エネルギーと公益事業:エネルギー分野、特に石油・ガス分野では、パイプラインや設備の腐食防止が不可欠であるため、大きな成長の可能性がある。インフラの老朽化に伴い、アップグレードやメンテナンスが必要となる中、冷間防食テープは資産の寿命を延ばし、安全性を確保する上で重要な役割を果たすことができる。企業は、業界標準を満たす高温・耐薬品性テープのイノベーションを模索することで、この重要な分野における市場での存在感を高めることができる。
- 自動車産業:自動車業界では、軽量素材と耐食性ソリューションへの注目が高まっている。防錆テープは、過酷な条件にさらされる自動車部品を効果的に保護することができる。メーカーには、既存の生産工程や素材とシームレスに統合し、自動車の耐久性と性能を高めるテープを開発する機会があります。自動車産業の持続可能性へのシフトに対応することで、企業はこのダイナミックな環境で大きな市場シェアを獲得することができる。
- 海洋用途:船舶は過酷な環境にさらされるため、海洋産業は低温防錆テープにとって大きな成長機会である。これらのテープは、海水による腐食を防ぐのに不可欠な保護を提供し、寿命と安全性を確保する。メーカーは、水中での塗布が容易で、海洋環境に対する耐性を強化した特殊テープを開発できる。持続可能で効率的な海運ソリューションの需要が高まる中、海洋用途に注力することで、メーカーに大きなメリットをもたらすことができる。
- 産業機器と機械:厳しい環境下で使用されることの多い産業機器や機械には、腐食防止の必要性が高まっています。防錆テープは機器の完全性を維持し、ダウンタイムとメンテナンスコストを削減するのに役立ちます。メーカー各社は、製造業から重機械まで、さまざまな産業用途に適した汎用性の高い高性能テープの製造に注力できる。このように注力することで、企業は機器の寿命を延ばす効率的なソリューションに対する需要の高まりに応えることができる。




- 技術の進歩:材料科学における技術革新が、より効果的な防食テープの開発を後押ししている。新しい配合により過酷な条件下での性能が向上し、建設やエネルギーなどの業界にとって魅力的な製品となっている。研究開発に投資する企業は、特定の用途のニーズを満たす優れた製品を生み出すことができるため、競争力を高め、より大きな市場シェアを獲得することができる。
- インフラ投資の増加:世界のインフラ投資は、特に新興経済圏で増加している。この急増は、建設・保守プロジェクトにおいて信頼性の高い防錆ソリューションに対する需要を生み出している。各国政府がインフラ整備を優先させる中、効果的なシーリング・保護製品のニーズは拡大しており、メーカーにはこの需要に応える大きな成長機会がもたらされている。
- 環境規制の高まり:環境規制の強化により、産業界は環境に優しい防錆ソリューションを求めるようになっている。持続可能な素材を使用したテープは、規制に適合するだけでなく、環境意識の高い消費者を惹きつける。この変化はメーカーに製品開発の革新を促し、さまざまな分野でコールド・アプライド・テープが広く受け入れられることにつながっている。
- メンテナンスと安全性への関心の高まり:産業界の安全意識が高まるにつれて、腐食に関連する故障の防止が重視されるようになっている。企業は、効果的なシーリングと防錆ソリューションを組み込んだメンテナンス戦略に投資している。この傾向は、資産の寿命を延ばし、操業の安全性を確保するのに役立つ高品質テープの需要増加につながる。
- 発展途上地域での市場拡大:新興市場では急速な工業化と都市化が進み、防錆製品に対する需要が高まっている。これらの地域ではインフラや製造業への投資が進んでいるため、メーカーには事業範囲を拡大し、ニーズに合ったソリューションを提供する機会がある。発展途上地域におけるこうした成長の可能性は、市場全体の収益を大幅に押し上げる可能性がある。
- 代替製品との競争:代替製品との競争:同市場は、コーティングや塗料などの代替防食ソリューションとの激しい競争に直面している。これらの代替製品は同様のメリットをより低コストで提供する可能性があるため、冷間塗布テープメーカーにとっては製品の差別化が難しくなる。市場浸透のためには、独自の価値提案を確立し、テープの利点を消費者に啓蒙することが不可欠である。
- 変動する原材料費:原材料価格の変動は、防錆テープの製造コストに影響する。コストの変動は価格設定の問題につながり、メーカーは競争力を維持しながら収益性を維持することが難しくなる。企業は、サプライチェーンのリスクを管理し、製品の品質を損なうことなく費用対効果を確保する戦略を立てる必要がある。
- 規制遵守のハードル:製造業者にとって、複雑な規制遵守の状況をナビゲートすることは困難である。さまざまな規格や認証を遵守するには、多大なリソースと専門知識が必要です。コンプライアンス違反は、罰則や風評被害につながる可能性があるため、企業はコンプライアンス戦略に投資し、継続的に規制を監視する必要があります。




- ポリケン
- ニットー
- サムファン防錆工業
- イノベーティブ・マニュファクチャリング
- 3M
- スカパー
- デンソー
- PSI製品
- デンソー
- 済寧宣達パイプコーティング材料




- ペトロラタムマスチックテープ
- ペトロラタムワックステープ
- ペトロラタムパイプラインテープ


- 石油・ガス
- 化学
- 水道
- その他


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国では、テープ性能を向上させるため、ナノテクノロジーや環境に優しい素材を取り入れることに重点が置かれている。各社は、粘着力を向上させ、極端な温度や紫外線暴露に対する耐性を備えたテープを開発している。また、規制への対応が技術革新を後押ししており、メーカー各社は厳しい環境基準を満たそうとしているため、市場競争が激化し、研究開発への投資が増加している。
- 中国中国市場は、急速な工業化とインフラ・プロジェクトに後押しされ、著しい成長を遂げている。最近の動きとしては、耐食性を高め、耐用年数を延ばす高度な配合の導入が挙げられる。現地メーカーは、効率と品質を向上させるために自動化された生産技術を採用するようになっている。国際企業との提携も増加しており、技術移転とテープ配合の革新が促進されている。
- ドイツドイツは、防錆テープ市場における持続可能性と卓越した技術でリードしている。最近の技術開発には、バイオベースの接着剤や材料の使用が含まれ、同国の厳しい環境政策に合致している。また、ドイツ企業は、シーリングと防錆の両方を提供する多機能テープの生産に注力しており、これにより材料の使用量と施工の複雑さを軽減し、建設と自動車部門の効率を高めている。
- インドインドでは、防錆テープ市場はインフラと製造能力への投資の増加とともに発展している。最近の進歩は、品質を維持しながらコストを削減する現地調達の材料を特徴としている。各社はまた、エネルギー分野、特に腐食防止が重要な石油・ガス分野での新たな用途を模索している。新興企業と既存企業との協力体制が、製品開発と市場浸透におけるイノベーションを促進している。
- 日本日本は、厳しい環境下でのテープの耐久性と性能を向上させる先端技術に注力している。自動車産業やエレクトロニクス産業のニーズに応える高温耐性テープや自己修復特性を持つテープなどの開発が行われている。さらに、日本企業は環境に配慮し、リサイクル素材を製品に組み込んだり、現場でのテープ性能をリアルタイムで監視するスマート技術を研究したりしている。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題


4.5: ROWの低温防錆・シーリングテープ市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: サムファン防錆工業
7.4: イノベーティブ・マニュファクチャリング
7.5: 3M
7.6: スカパー
7.7: デンソー
7.8: PSIプロダクツ
7.10: Jining Xundaの管のコーティング材料





Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Trends and Forecast

The future of the global cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market looks promising with opportunities in the oil & gas, chemical, and water supply markets. The global cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 4.3% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the growing demand for pipeline maintenance, increasing infrastructure development, and rising awareness about corrosion prevention in industrial pipelines.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the type category, petrolatum mastic tape is expected to witness the highest growth.
• Within the application category, oil & gas is expected to witness the highest growth.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market

The cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements, environmental concerns, and changing consumer demands. As industries increasingly prioritize durability and efficiency, several key trends are emerging. These trends reflect the market's shift towards sustainability, innovation, and enhanced performance, reshaping how these products are developed and utilized across various sectors, including construction, automotive, and energy.

• Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Materials: There is a significant push toward using sustainable and biodegradable materials in tape production. Manufacturers are developing eco-friendly adhesives and substrates that minimize environmental impact while maintaining performance. This trend aligns with global efforts to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainable practices. By incorporating recycled materials, companies can meet regulatory demands and cater to environmentally conscious consumers, enhancing their brand value and market competitiveness.
• Advanced Formulations and Performance Enhancements: Recent advancements in tape formulations focus on improving adhesion, flexibility, and resistance to extreme conditions. Innovations such as incorporating nanotechnology enhance the physical properties of tapes, making them more effective against corrosion and environmental stressors. These high-performance tapes are becoming essential in critical applications, ensuring longevity and reliability in harsh environments, thus reducing maintenance costs and downtime for industries.
• Smart Technologies and Monitoring: The integration of smart technologies into anti-corrosion tapes is gaining traction. These innovative solutions enable real-time monitoring of the tape's performance and condition, allowing for proactive maintenance and reducing the risk of failure. Sensors embedded in the tapes can provide data on environmental conditions and material integrity, facilitating informed decision-making and enhancing asset management in sectors like oil and gas and infrastructure.
• Customization and Specialized Applications: As industries become more specialized, there is an increasing demand for customized tape solutions tailored to specific applications. Manufacturers are focusing on developing bespoke products that cater to unique requirements in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and construction. This trend not only enhances performance but also strengthens customer relationships by addressing specific pain points, ultimately driving market growth.
• Increased Automation in Manufacturing: Automation is transforming the production processes in the cold-applied tape market. Companies are investing in advanced manufacturing technologies to improve efficiency, quality, and scalability. Automation reduces labor costs and production times while ensuring consistent product quality. This trend allows manufacturers to respond swiftly to market demands, improve supply chain logistics, and increase overall competitiveness in a rapidly evolving market landscape.

These emerging trends are reshaping the cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market by fostering innovation, enhancing performance, and promoting sustainability. As companies adapt to these developments, they are not only meeting consumer demands but also positioning themselves for long-term success in a competitive landscape.

Recent Developments in the Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market

The cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market is experiencing significant developments driven by technological advancements, increasing demand across various sectors, and a heightened focus on sustainability. As industries strive for enhanced performance and durability, manufacturers are innovating their products and production methods. These developments are critical for addressing corrosion-related challenges and ensuring reliable sealing in harsh environments, ultimately improving product offerings and market dynamics.

• Adoption of Innovative Materials: One of the notable recent developments is the increased adoption of innovative materials that enhance tape performance. Manufacturers are utilizing advanced polymers and adhesives that provide superior corrosion resistance and adhesion under extreme conditions. This shift not only improves the longevity of the tapes but also meets the rising demands for high-performance solutions in sectors such as construction and energy.
• Focus on Regulatory Compliance: With stricter environmental regulations worldwide, companies are prioritizing compliance in their product development. Recent innovations include the formulation of tapes that meet or exceed regulatory standards for VOC emissions and material safety. This development not only enhances marketability but also positions companies favorably in a landscape where consumers increasingly prioritize eco-friendly products, fostering a competitive edge.
• Development of Multi-Functional Tapes: Manufacturers are now producing multi-functional anti-corrosion tapes that combine sealing and protective properties. These products streamline application processes and reduce the need for multiple materials, leading to cost savings and improved efficiency. By catering to diverse industrial needs, these innovations enhance operational effectiveness and provide added value to customers.
• Enhanced Application Techniques: Recent advancements in application techniques, such as spray-on or roll-on methods, are making it easier for industries to utilize anti-corrosion tapes. These methods improve efficiency and reduce labor costs while ensuring uniform application. As a result, more businesses can effectively implement these solutions, further driving market growth.
• Increased Global Collaboration: The global collaboration among manufacturers, researchers, and industry stakeholders is fostering innovation in the cold-applied tape market. Partnerships are facilitating technology transfer and sharing best practices, resulting in the accelerated development of advanced products. This collaborative approach enhances competitiveness and helps companies stay ahead of market trends.

These developments are significantly impacting the cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market by driving innovation, improving performance, and enhancing compliance. As companies embrace these changes, they are well-positioned to meet the evolving demands of various industries and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market

The cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market presents significant growth opportunities across various applications, driven by increasing industrialization, infrastructure development, and heightened awareness of environmental protection. As industries seek reliable solutions to combat corrosion and enhance sealing effectiveness, innovative applications emerge. Key opportunities span sectors like construction, energy, automotive, and more, where demand for durable, efficient, and eco-friendly products continues to rise. Capitalizing on these opportunities can lead to enhanced market penetration and long-term sustainability for manufacturers.

• Construction Sector: The construction industry is a major growth opportunity, as the demand for protective coatings and sealing solutions increases. With ongoing urbanization and infrastructure projects, anti-corrosion tapes are essential for safeguarding steel and concrete structures from environmental damage. Manufacturers can focus on developing specialized tapes that offer superior adhesion, moisture resistance, and easy application, catering to the unique needs of construction professionals. This segment's growth is driven by a need for enhanced durability and sustainability in building materials.
• Energy and Utilities: The energy sector, particularly oil and gas, presents substantial growth potential due to the critical need for corrosion protection in pipelines and equipment. As aging infrastructure requires upgrades and maintenance, cold-applied anti-corrosion tapes can play a vital role in extending asset life and ensuring safety. Companies can explore innovations in high-temperature and chemical-resistant tapes to meet industry standards, thereby enhancing their market presence in this essential sector.
• Automotive Industry: The automotive sector is increasingly focusing on lightweight materials and corrosion-resistant solutions. Anti-corrosion tapes can offer effective protection for vehicle components exposed to harsh conditions. Manufacturers have the opportunity to develop tapes that integrate seamlessly with existing production processes and materials, enhancing vehicle durability and performance. By addressing the automotive industry's shift towards sustainability, companies can capture significant market share in this dynamic environment.
• Marine Applications: The marine industry is a significant growth opportunity for cold-applied anti-corrosion tapes due to the harsh environments vessels face. These tapes provide essential protection against saltwater corrosion, ensuring longevity and safety. Manufacturers can develop specialized tapes that are easy to apply underwater and offer enhanced resistance to marine conditions. As the demand for sustainable and efficient shipping solutions rises, focusing on marine applications can yield considerable benefits for manufacturers.
• Industrial Equipment and Machinery: There is a growing need for corrosion protection in industrial equipment and machinery, which often operate in challenging environments. Anti-corrosion tapes can help maintain the integrity of equipment, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. Manufacturers can focus on creating versatile, high-performance tapes that are suitable for various industrial applications, from manufacturing to heavy-duty machinery. This focus will enable companies to meet the rising demand for efficient solutions that enhance equipment longevity.

These strategic growth opportunities are reshaping the cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market by fostering innovation and expanding application ranges. By capitalizing on these opportunities, manufacturers can enhance their market presence and drive long-term growth.

Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market Driver and Challenges

The cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market is influenced by several major drivers and challenges that stem from technological, economic, and regulatory factors. As industries prioritize efficiency and sustainability, understanding these dynamics is crucial for navigating the market landscape. Key drivers include advancements in materials technology, rising infrastructure investments, and increasing environmental regulations. Conversely, challenges such as competition from alternative products, fluctuating raw material costs, and regulatory compliance hurdles also play significant roles in shaping the market.

The factors responsible for driving the cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market include:
• Technological Advancements: Technological innovations in material science are driving the development of more effective anti-corrosion tapes. New formulations enhance performance in extreme conditions, making these products more appealing to industries like construction and energy. Companies that invest in R&D can create superior products that meet specific application needs, thus gaining a competitive edge and capturing larger market shares.
• Rising Infrastructure Investments: Global infrastructure spending is increasing, particularly in emerging economies. This surge creates a demand for reliable anti-corrosion solutions in construction and maintenance projects. As governments prioritize infrastructure development, the need for effective sealing and protective products expands, presenting manufacturers with significant growth opportunities to cater to this demand.
• Growing Environmental Regulations: Stricter environmental regulations are prompting industries to seek eco-friendly anti-corrosion solutions. Tapes made from sustainable materials not only comply with regulations but also attract environmentally conscious consumers. This shift encourages manufacturers to innovate in product development, leading to a broader acceptance of cold-applied tapes across various sectors.
• Increasing Focus on Maintenance and Safety: As industries become more safety-conscious, the emphasis on preventing corrosion-related failures grows. Companies are investing in maintenance strategies that incorporate effective sealing and anti-corrosion solutions. This trend leads to increased demand for high-quality tapes, which can help extend the life of assets and ensure operational safety.
• Market Expansion in Developing Regions: Emerging markets are experiencing rapid industrialization and urbanization, creating a demand for anti-corrosion products. As these regions invest in infrastructure and manufacturing, manufacturers have opportunities to expand their reach and offer tailored solutions. This growth potential in developing regions can significantly boost overall market revenue.
Challenges in the cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market are:
• Competition from Alternative Products: The market faces intense competition from alternative corrosion protection solutions, such as coatings and paints. These alternatives may offer similar benefits at lower costs, making it challenging for cold-applied tape manufacturers to differentiate their products. Establishing unique value propositions and educating consumers about the advantages of tapes is essential for market penetration.
• Fluctuating Raw Material Costs: Volatility in raw material prices can impact production costs for anti-corrosion tapes. Fluctuating costs can lead to pricing challenges, making it difficult for manufacturers to maintain profitability while remaining competitive. Companies must develop strategies to manage supply chain risks and ensure cost-effectiveness without compromising product quality.
• Regulatory Compliance Hurdles: Navigating the complex landscape of regulatory compliance can be challenging for manufacturers. Adhering to various standards and certifications requires significant resources and expertise. Non-compliance can lead to penalties and reputational damage, prompting companies to invest in compliance strategies and continuously monitor regulations.

Overall, these drivers and challenges significantly impact the cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market. By leveraging the drivers while addressing the challenges, companies can strategically position themselves for success in an evolving market landscape.

List of Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape companies profiled in this report include-

• Polyken
• Nitto
• Sam Hwan Anti-Corrosion Industrial
• Innovative Manufacturing
• 3M
• Scapa
• Denso
• PSI Products
• Jining Xunda Pipe Coating Materials

Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape by type, application, and region.

Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market by Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Petrolatum Mastic Tape
• Petrolatum Wax Tape
• Petrolatum Pipeline Tape

Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Oil & Gas
• Chemical
• Water Supply
• Others

Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market

The cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market reflects growing demands for durability and efficiency in various industries, including construction, automotive, and energy. These tapes are essential for protecting surfaces from corrosion and ensuring reliable sealing, particularly in harsh environments. As environmental regulations tighten and technology evolves, key players in the U.S., China, Germany, India, and Japan are innovating to enhance product performance, sustainability, and application methods.

• United States: In the U.S., advancements focus on the incorporation of nanotechnology and eco-friendly materials to enhance tape performance. Companies are developing tapes with improved adhesion and resistance to extreme temperatures and UV exposure. Additionally, regulatory compliance is driving innovations, as manufacturers seek to meet stringent environmental standards, leading to increased market competition and investment in research and development.
• China: China's market is witnessing significant growth, fueled by rapid industrialization and infrastructure projects. Recent developments include the introduction of advanced formulations that enhance corrosion resistance and extend service life. Local manufacturers are increasingly adopting automated production techniques to improve efficiency and quality. Collaborations with international firms are also on the rise, facilitating technology transfer and innovation in tape formulations.
• Germany: Germany leads in sustainability and engineering excellence in the anti-corrosion tape market. Recent technical developments include the use of bio-based adhesives and materials, aligning with the country’s stringent environmental policies. Additionally, German companies are focusing on producing multifunctional tapes that offer both sealing and corrosion protection, thereby reducing material usage and installation complexity, and enhancing efficiency in the construction and automotive sectors.
• India: In India, the anti-corrosion tape market is evolving with increased investment in infrastructure and manufacturing capabilities. Recent advancements feature locally sourced materials that reduce costs while maintaining quality. Companies are also exploring new applications in the energy sector, particularly in oil and gas, where corrosion protection is critical. Collaborative efforts between startups and established firms are fostering innovation in product development and market penetration.
• Japan: Japan is focusing on advanced technologies to enhance tape durability and performance in challenging environments. Developments include high-temperature-resistant tapes and those with self-healing properties, catering to the needs of the automotive and electronics industries. Additionally, Japanese firms are emphasizing eco-friendly practices, integrating recycled materials into their products, and exploring smart technologies that provide real-time monitoring of tape performance in the field.

Features of the Global Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market

Market Size Estimates: Cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market size by type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different types, applications, and regions for the cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this market or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape market by type (petrolatum mastic tape, petrolatum wax tape, and petrolatum pipeline tape), application (oil & gas, chemical, water supply, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market by Type
3.3.1: Petrolatum Mastic Tape
3.3.2: Petrolatum Wax Tape
3.3.3: Petrolatum Pipeline Tape
3.4: Global Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market by Application
3.4.1: Oil & Gas
3.4.2: Chemical
3.4.3: Water Supply
3.4.4: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market by Region
4.2: North American Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Type: Petrolatum Mastic Tape, Petrolatum Wax Tape, and Petrolatum Pipeline Tape
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Oil & Gas, Chemical, Water Supply, and Others
4.3: European Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market
4.3.1: European Market by Type: Petrolatum Mastic Tape, Petrolatum Wax Tape, and Petrolatum Pipeline Tape
4.3.2: European Market by Application: Oil & Gas, Chemical, Water Supply, and Others
4.4: APAC Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Type: Petrolatum Mastic Tape, Petrolatum Wax Tape, and Petrolatum Pipeline Tape
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Oil & Gas, Chemical, Water Supply, and Others
4.5: ROW Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Type: Petrolatum Mastic Tape, Petrolatum Wax Tape, and Petrolatum Pipeline Tape
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Oil & Gas, Chemical, Water Supply, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market by Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Cold-Applied Anti-Corrosion and Sealing Tape Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Polyken
7.2: Nitto
7.3: Sam Hwan Anti-Corrosion Industrial
7.4: Innovative Manufacturing
7.5: 3M
7.6: Scapa
7.7: Denso
7.8: PSI Products
7.10: Jining Xunda Pipe Coating Materials








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