


Brewery Equipment Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

醸造設備の動向と予測 世界の醸造設備市場の将来は、地ビール醸造設備、クラフトビール醸造設備のマッシング設備、貯蔵設備、コンプレッサー、冷却設備市場にビジネスチャンスがあり、有望視されている。世界... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月29日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語







- Lucintelは、自動化は滴定、導電率センサーの校正、化学濃度の校正に役立つだけでなく、廃棄物を削減し、醸造業者が製品を製造するために必要な正確な量の化学物質、水、資源を提供するため、操作モードのカテゴリ内で、自動化が予測期間中に最も高い成長を目撃すると予測している。
- 地域別では、ビール消費量の増加とこの分野の重要なプレイヤーの存在により、欧州が予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げると予想される。




- 自動化とデジタル化の進展:自動化とデジタル化は、高度な制御システム、リアルタイムのモニタリング、データ分析を通じて醸造所のオペレーションを変革している。自動化システムは生産工程を合理化し、効率を高め、人的ミスを減らす。さらに、デジタル・ツールは醸造条件や製品品質に関する貴重な洞察を提供し、醸造所がオペレーションを最適化し、市場の需要に効果的に対応することを可能にする。
- 持続可能性の重視:持続可能性は、醸造機器市場で関心が高まっている。ほとんどの醸造所は、水とエネルギーの消費を削減し、廃棄物を最小限に抑え、可能な限りリサイクル可能な材料を利用する機器に投資している。醸造システムの革新は、エネルギー効率と節水を強化する技術に重点を置いている。こうした傾向は、環境に関する法律や、環境に優しい慣行を求める消費者の需要に起因している。
- クラフトビールとスペシャルティビールの成長:クラフトビールやスペシャルティビールが醸造設備の設計を後押ししている。一般的な傾向として、設備はより多様なビアスタイルとより小さなバッチサイズに対応できるようになっている。この傾向は、多様で高品質な製品を生産できる柔軟で拡張性のある醸造システムに対する需要を増大させ、地ビールメーカーやクラフトビールメーカーを支えている。
- 醸造技術の進歩:醸造技術の進歩には、改良された発酵タンク、高効率ボイラー、高度なろ過システムなどがあり、これらすべてが醸造プロセスを向上させる。新技術によって醸造所は醸造条件をより正確に管理できるようになり、一貫性と品質の向上につながる。その他にも、高圧発酵や連続醸造システムなど、新たなアプローチが模索されている。
- IoTとAIの統合:醸造設備におけるIoTとAI技術の統合は、業務効率を急速に向上させている。IoT機器は機器の性能と醸造条件をリアルタイムで監視し、AIアルゴリズムは醸造パラメーターを最適化し、メンテナンスの必要性を予測する。これらの統合により、醸造所における精度と操業の信頼性が向上する。




- 先進的醸造システムの導入:新しいハイテク醸造システムが市場を席巻しており、それぞれがデジタル制御と自動化を一体化している。このようなシステムにより、醸造精度の向上、製造工程の最適化、リアルタイムのデータ分析が可能になる。その他の主な特徴としては、自動化された洗浄・衛生工程があり、全体的な効率の向上とダウンタイムの短縮に役立っている。
- 持続可能性の重視:醸造所内での持続可能性を高める機器の使用が増加している。イノベーションには、醸造システム、水リサイクル技術、エネルギー使用効率の高い廃棄物削減ソリューションなどがある。これらの技術革新は、醸造所が環境規制を満たし、二酸化炭素排出量を削減することをサポートする。また、環境に配慮した製造方法を求める消費者層の増加をターゲットにするのにも役立つ。
- クラフトビール生産の増加:クラフトビールの消費量の増加は、ひいては特殊な醸造機器の需要に影響を与え、その需要を増大させる。新しい醸造設備は、多様なビールとより小さなバッチサイズを管理できるように設計されており、地ビール醸造所とクラフトビール製造業者の拡大を支えている。この開発は、ビールの提供におけるパーソナライゼーションとバラエティの拡大傾向を象徴している。
- スマート・テクノロジーの統合:醸造設備のIoT統合やAIなどのスマート醸造技術の助けを借りて、醸造所運営の効率が向上する。IoT機器は醸造状況をリアルタイムで監視し、AIアルゴリズムは醸造パラメーターを最適化し、メンテナンスの必要性を予測する。これらのテクノロジーはプロセスの精度を高め、運用コストを節約し、醸造所全体のより良い管理を可能にする。
- モジュール式でスケーラブルなシステム開発:醸造システムのモジュール化とスケーラビリティは、醸造会社があらゆる方向に進むことをますます可能にしている。これには、生産能力の柔軟性や醸造環境のカスタマイズが含まれる。このような開発は、新興企業や既存の醸造所が、成長と拡大に対する市場の需要に対応するのに役立ちます。




- クラフトビールと地ビールの拡大:クラフトビールと地ビールの需要は急速に増加しており、機器製造企業にとって大きなチャンスが広がっている。このような醸造所の小規模で職人的な生産を考慮した、特別に設計・開発された機器は、拡大し続けるこの市場セグメントを獲得する大きな可能性を秘めている。複数のビアスタイルの生産をサポートし、少量ロットに対応できる革新的な機器は、クラフトビールメーカーにとって興味深いものだろう。
- 持続可能な醸造技術の採用:持続可能性への関心の高まりは、環境に優しい醸造機器の成長にとって肥沃な土壌となる。水とエネルギーの消費量を削減し、廃棄物を最小限に抑え、リサイクル可能な素材を使用する機器を開発・販売することは、環境規制や持続可能な実践を目指す消費者の動向に合致する。これは市場シェアを拡大し、差別化されたブランディングを生み出すのに役立つ。
- 高度なオートメーションと制御システムの統合:この傾向は、醸造設備市場における高度な自動化・制御システムの成長機会を創出する。デジタル制御、リアルタイム・モニタリング、データ分析を特徴とする機器は、業務効率と精度を向上させることができる。このようなソリューションは、大規模醸造所と小規模醸造所の両方で、生産プロセスと運用コストを削減する。
- モジュール式でフレキシブルなシステム:醸造システムは、多様化と規模拡大の要求に応えるため、よりモジュール化され、フレキシブルになってきている。多様な生産ニーズに対応する、カスタマイズが容易で拡張可能な機器の開発により、新規参入企業も既存の醸造所も、さまざまな市場ニーズに対応し、さまざまなセグメントでの成長を促進することができる。
- 新興市場への注力:アジア太平洋と中南米の新興市場は、大きな成長機会を提供する。これらの地域ではビールの消費量が増加し、新しい醸造所が設立されるため、近代的な醸造機器に対する需要が高まっている。地域のニーズや嗜好に対応するソリューションは、これらの拡大する地域で市場シェアを獲得することができる。




- 技術の進歩:自動化、デジタル制御システム、高度なセンサーなど、醸造技術の革新が市場成長率に拍車をかける。また、醸造技術の進歩により、醸造効率がさらに改善され、製品の品質が向上し、運用コストが削減されている。醸造工程におけるリアルタイム・モニタリング技術は、高品質で再現性の高い製品の製造を可能にする。
- クラフトビールとスペシャリティビールへの需要の高まり:クラフトビールや特殊ビールへの需要の高まりは、特殊醸造機器への需要の伸びを促進する。醸造所は、多種多様なビアスタイルをサポートし、バッチサイズを小さくする設備に投資し、市場の革新と成長を促進している。これはすべて、ビールの多様性とパーソナライゼーションを求める消費者のトレンドにとって良い兆しである。
- 持続可能性の重視:持続可能性の重視と環境規制の高まりに伴い、環境に優しい醸造機械への需要が高まっている。水やエネルギーの使用量を削減し、廃棄物を減らし、リサイクル可能な材料を提供する技術は、消費者の期待や規制の要求に沿ったものである。持続可能性への取り組みは、市場の成長とブランドの差別化にも役立つ。
- 醸造所事業の拡大:大規模な醸造所や地ビール醸造所は、設備メーカーにとって、なおも多くの機会を開いている。醸造所の拡大期には、先進的で拡張可能な機器への需要が高まる。このような拡大が市場の成長をさらに支え、より新しい技術やシステムへの投資に役立っている。
- 可処分所得の増加:特に新興市場では可処分所得が増加しており、プレミアムビールやクラフトビールへの需要が高まっている。消費者支出の増加は、ビール会社にさらなる高度な設備への投資を促し、生産能力の増大をもたらす。これは最終的に市場の成長につながり、最終的には新しい醸造ソリューションへの関心を生む。

- 設備コストの高さ:高度な醸造設備のコストは、小規模で新興の醸造所にとっては非常に高い。設備投資額が高いため、先端技術へのアクセスが制限され、収益性が阻害される。設備メーカーは、低コストで性能の低い価値を提供する必要がある。
- 規制遵守:これは、非常に複雑な規制要件と規格の状況を乗り切る必要がある、機器メーカーと醸造所共通の問題である。そのため、機器の設計や製造において、健康、安全、環境に関する様々な規制を満たすことは、開発コストや運用コストに上乗せされる。これらに対応するためのコストは、変化する業界標準への継続的な投資と注意を必要とする。
- 技術の統合:結局のところ、新しい技術を既存のシステムに統合するのは難しい。シームレスな統合の要件とともに、いくつかの非互換性の問題は、機器の運用効率や性能に悪影響を及ぼす可能性がある。このような課題には、慎重な計画と互換性のある技術への投資が必要である。




- アルファ・ラバル
- クロネス
- ポール・ミューラー
- プラージュ・インダストリーズ
- メウラ
- デラ・トフォラ
- クリベラー
- レフイ




- マクロブルワリー
- クラフトビール醸造所


- 手動
- 自動
- 半自動


- マクロブルワリー機器
- クラフトビール醸造設備
- マッシング機器
- 貯蔵機器
- コンプレッサー
- 冷却装置


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国: 醸造設備市場が米国で上昇を続ける一方で、自動化とデジタル制御システムの需要が高まっている。このため、醸造所では、プロセスの最適化とリアルタイムのモニタリングのための統合ソフトウェアとともに、先進的な醸造システムを採用する傾向が強まっている。最新設備の新たな方向性は、水とエネルギーの消費を削減することで持続可能性を重視することでもある。さらに、クラフトビール醸造所が発展を続け、より専門的で柔軟な醸造ソリューションへと市場を牽引している。
- 中国急速な都市化と中産階級の増加に伴い、ビール消費量が大幅に増加し、中国の醸造設備市場はかつてないほど拡大している。その他の最近の動きとしては、高度な醸造技術と大規模生産システムがある。中国の醸造所は、生産能力を高め、製品の一貫性を高める手段として、自動化や効率化に投資している。クラフトビールへの関心の高まりも、さまざまなスタイルのビールを製造できる機器の需要を後押しする。
- ドイツドイツは醸造の伝統で有名で、醸造の効率化と持続可能性の向上に注力している。最近の動きとしては、醸造におけるIoTやAIといったインダストリー4.0技術の活用による精度の向上と自動化が挙げられる。ドイツの醸造所は、エネルギー使用と廃棄物管理を最適化するシステムを通じてカーボンフットプリントを削減する様々な環境に優しい設備を導入している。同市場では、品質とイノベーションが引き続き高い優先順位を占めている。
- インドインドの醸造設備市場は、若年層のビール好きの増加と可処分所得の増加によって牽引されている。最近発売された醸造システムには、小規模醸造所から大規模醸造所まで、拡張性がありながら手頃な価格のものがある。技術開発により、醸造システムの効率と一貫性が向上している。品質管理の強化と生産工程の自動化がますます重要視されている。
- 日本日本のビール醸造設備市場は、精巧な職人技へのこだわりを反映し、精密ベースで品質に重点を置いている。最近の動向には、ビール製造の効率と一貫性を高める高度な醸造技術の採用が含まれる。クラフトビールとプレミアムビールの両方の需要の高まりに対応するための新しい機器も、日本のビール会社によって検討されている。自動化システムと改良された醸造方法は、より高品質な生産と業務効率の向上に貢献している。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.5: 醸造設備の世界市場:設備タイプ別
3.5.4: 貯蔵設備
3.5.5: コンプレッサー
3.5.7: その他

4.5: ROWの醸造設備市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: クロネス
7.4: ポール・ミューラー
7.5: プラージュ・インダストリーズ
7.6: メウラ
7.7: デラ・トッフォラ
7.8: クリベラー
7.9: LEHUI





Brewery Equipment Trends and Forecast

The future of the global brewery equipment market looks promising with opportunities in the microbrewery equipment, craft brewery equipment mashing equipment, storage equipment, compressors, and cooling equipment markets. The global brewery equipment market is expected to reach an estimated $29.5 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 5.6% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the worldwide growth in the number of microbreweries and brewpubs, a shift in consumer preferences away from traditional brews and other distilled liquors, and toward artisanal and handcrafted beers.

• Lucintel forecasts that, within the mode of operation category, automatic is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period because automation helps with titration, conductivity sensor calibration, and chemical concentration calibration, as well as, reduces waste and provides brewers with the exact amount of chemistry, water, and resources they need to manufacture their product.
• In terms of region, Europe is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period because of rising beer consumption and the existence of important players in this area.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Brewery Equipment Market

Emerging trends in the brewery equipment market indicate several critical areas of technological development, shifting consumer preferences, and a growing emphasis on sustainability. These trends drive innovation and reshape the landscape of the marketplace.

• Increased Automation and Digitalization: Automation and digitalization are transforming brewery operations through advanced control systems, real-time monitoring, and data analytics. Automated systems streamline production processes, increase efficiency, and reduce human error. In addition, digital tools provide valuable insights into brewing conditions and product quality, enabling breweries to optimize their operations and respond effectively to market demand.
• Sustainability Focus: Sustainability is a growing concern in the brewery equipment market. Most breweries invest in devices that reduce water and energy consumption, minimize waste, and utilize recyclable materials whenever possible. Innovations in brewing systems focus on energy efficiency and technologies that enhance water conservation. These trends result from environmental legislation and consumer demand for eco-friendly practices.
• Growth of Craft and Specialty Beers: Craft and specialty beers are driving the design of brewery equipment. A general trend is that equipment can handle a wider variety of beer styles and smaller batch sizes. This trend supports microbreweries and craft beer producers by increasing demand for flexible and scalable brewing systems that can produce diverse, high-quality products.
• Advancements in Brewing Technology: Advances in brewing technology include improved fermentation tanks, high-efficiency boilers, and advanced filtration systems, all of which enhance the brewing process. New technologies allow breweries to manage brewing conditions more precisely, leading to improved consistency and quality. Other novel approaches under exploration include high-pressure fermentation and continuous brewing systems.
• IoT and AI Integration: The integration of IoT and AI technologies in brewing equipment is rapidly improving operational efficiency. IoT devices monitor equipment performance and brewing conditions in real-time, while AI algorithms optimize brewing parameters and predict maintenance needs. These integrations enable precision and operational reliability in breweries.

Automation and digitalization, sustainability, craft beer growth, brewing technology development, and IoT/AI integration are the current trends shaping the brewery equipment market, driving innovation, and improving operational efficiency to meet consumer preferences and environmental objectives.

Recent Developments in the Brewery Equipment Market

Recent advancements in brewery equipment show significant investments in technologies, a shift in consumer demand, and a focus on sustainability. These developments are driving growth and innovation in the industry.

• Introduction of Advanced Brewing Systems: New, high-tech brewing systems are taking over the market, each with integral digital control and automation. Such systems allow for increased accuracy in brewing, optimization of the production process, and real-time data analysis. Other key features include automated cleaning and sanitation processes that help improve overall efficiency and reduce downtime, thus enhancing the economy of both large and small breweries.
• Increased Emphasis on Sustainability: There is an increased use of equipment that enhances sustainability within breweries. Innovations include brewing systems, water recycling technologies, and waste reduction solutions that are efficient in energy use. These innovations support breweries in meeting environmental regulations and reducing their carbon footprint. They also help target the growing consumer base that demands environmentally friendly production methods.
• Increase in Craft Beer Production: Increased consumption of craft beer, in turn, influences and increases the demand for specialty brewing equipment. New brewing equipment is designed to manage a variety of beers and smaller batch sizes, which supports the expansion of microbreweries and craft beer producers. This development epitomizes the greater trend of personalization and variety in beer offerings.
• Integration of Smart Technologies: The efficiency of brewery operations improves with the help of smart brewing technologies, such as IoT integration and AI in brewing equipment. IoT devices monitor brewing conditions in real-time, while AI algorithms optimize brewing parameters and predict maintenance needs. These technologies enhance process precision, save on operational costs, and enable better management of the brewery as a whole.
• Modular and Scalable Systems Development: Modularity and scalability in brewery systems are increasingly allowing brewing companies to progress in any direction. This can include flexibility in production capacity or customization of the brewing environment. Such developments assist startups and established breweries in meeting market demands for growth and expansion.

Further advances in brewing systems, a focus on sustainability, the growing demand for craft beer, smart technologies, and modular systems are driving inspiration and change in the brewery equipment market. These developments contribute to changing industry needs and are related to providing more effective and sustainable brewing practices.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Brewery Equipment Market

The brewery equipment market has just begun to show strategic growth opportunities due to advancements in technology, shifts in consumer preferences, and the expansion of market segments. The path to innovation and market expansion is provided by emerging opportunities.

• Expansion in Craft Beer and Microbreweries: The demand for craft beer and microbreweries is increasing rapidly, opening up significant opportunities for equipment manufacturing companies. Specially designed and developed equipment, which takes into account the small scale and artisanal production of such breweries, has great potential to capture this ever-expanding market segment. Innovations that support the production of multiple beer styles and can handle small batches may be of interest to craft brewers.
• Adoption of Sustainable Brewing Technologies: The growing focus on sustainability creates a fertile ground for the growth of eco-friendly brewing equipment. Developing and marketing equipment that reduces water and energy consumption, minimizes waste, and uses recyclable materials aligns well with environmental regulations and consumer trends toward sustainable practices. This can help increase market share and create differentiated branding.
• Advanced Automation and Control Systems Integration: This trend will create growth opportunities for advanced automation and control systems in the brewery equipment market. Equipment featuring digital control, real-time monitoring, and data analytics can improve operational efficiency and precision. Such solutions will reduce production processes and operational costs for both large and small breweries.
• Modular and Flexible Systems: Brewing systems are becoming more modular and flexible to meet the demands of diversification and scaling. The development of easy-to-customize, expandable equipment that suits variable production needs allows both new entrants and established breweries to serve a variety of market needs and fuel growth in various segments.
• Focus on Emerging Markets: The emerging markets of Asia-Pacific and Latin America provide significant growth opportunities. With the increasing consumption of beer and the establishment of new breweries in these regions, there is a growing demand for modern brewing equipment. Solutions that cater to regional needs and preferences can capture market share in these expanding regions.

These five strategic growth opportunities—expansion into craft beer, sustainable technologies, automation integration, modular systems, and emerging markets—highlight key focus areas for driving innovation and growth in the market. Companies can enable growth and maintain their competitive advantage in the evolving brewery equipment market by capitalizing on these opportunities.

Brewery Equipment Market Driver and Challenges

There are several drivers and challenges involved in shaping the face of the brewery equipment market. These drivers and challenges include technological changes, consumer trends, and regulatory factors, all of which are connected with the effect of the market dynamics and growth prospects.

The factors responsible for driving the brewery equipment market include:
• Technological Advancements: Innovations in brewing technology, such as automation, digital control systems, and advanced sensors, spur the market growth rate. In addition, advances in brewing technology have further improved brewing efficiency, enhanced product quality, and reduced operational costs. Real-time monitoring technologies in brewing processes enable the preparation of high-quality, reproducible products.
• Growing Demand for Craft and Specialty Beers: The increasing demand for craft and specialty beers fuels growth in the demand for specialty brewing equipment. Breweries are investing in equipment that supports a wide variety of beer styles and reduces batch sizes, driving innovation and growth in the market. This all bodes well for consumer trends toward variety and personalization in beer.
• Sustainability Focus: With the rise in emphasis on sustainability and environmental regulations, the demand for eco-friendly brewing machinery has increased. Technologies that reduce water and energy use, reduce waste, and provide recyclable materials are in line with the expectations of consumers and regulatory demands. Sustainability efforts also help grow the market and differentiate brands.
• Brewery Operations Expansion: Large breweries and microbreweries are still opening up more opportunities for equipment manufacturers. Breweries, during the expansion phase, have a growing demand for advanced and expandable equipment. It is due to such expansion that market growth is further supported and helps in investing in newer technologies and systems.
• Disposable Incomes on the Rise: There is an increase in disposable income, especially in emerging markets, which is increasing demand for premium and craft beers. Increased consumer expenses give the breweries the impetus to invest in further sophisticated equipment and thus increase their capacity. This ultimately leads to market growth, eventually creating interest in new brewing solutions.

Challenges in the brewery equipment market are:
• High Equipment Costs: The cost of sophisticated brewing equipment is very high for small and start-up breweries. Due to high capital expenditure, advanced technologies are restricted in terms of access, thus hampering profitability. The equipment manufacturers should deliver value with reduced performance at low costs.
• Regulatory Compliance: This is a problem for equipment manufacturers and breweries alike, who need to navigate a very complex regulatory requirement and standards landscape. To that end, for equipment design and manufacturing, meeting various health, safety, and environmental regulations adds money to development and operational costs. The cost of keeping up with these involves continual investment in and attention to the changing industry standards.
• Integration of Technologies: After all, the integration of new technologies into already existing systems is difficult to manage. Some incompatibility issues along with the requirement of seamless integration may negatively impact operational efficiency and performance of equipment. Such challenges require careful planning and investment in compatible technologies.

Major drivers, including technological advances, demand for craft beers, emphasis on sustainability, brewery expansion, and increasing incomes, all serve to drive brewery equipment market growth. The problems include high equipment costs, regulatory compliance issues, and the integration of technologies—all these dynamics in the marketplace can impact the market. Success and growth in the dynamic marketplace need to address all these factors.

List of Brewery Equipment Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies brewery equipment companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the brewery equipment companies profiled in this report include-

• Alfa Laval
• Krones
• Paul Mueller
• Praj Industries
• Meura
• Della Toffola
• Criveller

Brewery Equipment by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global brewery equipment by source, mode of operation, equipment type, and region.

Brewery Equipment Market by Source [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Macrobreweries
• Craft Breweries

Brewery Equipment Market by Mode of Operation [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Manual
• Automatic
• Semi-Automatic

Brewery Equipment Market by Equipment Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Macrobrewery Equipment
• Craft Brewery Equipment
• Mashing Equipment
• Storage Equipment
• Compressor
• Cooling Equipment

Brewery Equipment Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Brewery Equipment Market

The brewery equipment market is constantly in flux due to the rapid pace of technological development, changes in consumer preferences, and growth in demand for craft and specialty beers. Advancements in brewing technology, automation, and sustainability have resulted in significant growth and transformation of the market in major economies. The trends related to recent changes in major countries are given below:

• United States: While the brewery equipment market continues to rise in the U.S., automation and digital control systems are in growing demand. This has led to an increased tendency for breweries to adopt advanced brewing systems along with integrated software for process optimization and real-time monitoring. A new direction for the latest equipment is also focused on sustainability by reducing water and energy consumption. Furthermore, craft breweries continue to develop and drive the market towards more specialized and flexible brewing solutions.
• China: With rapid urbanization and the growth of the middle class, there has been a tremendous increase in beer consumption, leading to the unprecedented expansion of China's brewery equipment market. Other recent developments involve advanced brewing technologies and large-scale production systems. Chinese breweries are investing in automation and increasing efficiency as a means of raising production capacity and consistency in products. The growing interest in craft beers will also drive demand for equipment that can produce a range of beer styles.
• Germany: Germany is renowned for its brewing tradition and is focused on increasing brewing efficiency and sustainability. Recent developments include the use of Industry 4.0 technologies such as IoT and AI in brewing to increase precision and automation. German breweries are implementing various eco-friendly equipment that reduces carbon footprints through systems that optimize energy use and waste management. Quality and innovation remain a high priority in the market.
• India: The brewery equipment market in India is driven by the growing fondness for beer among its young population and an increase in disposable incomes. Recent launches include brewing systems that are scalable yet affordable for both small and large-scale breweries. Technological development has improved the efficiency and consistency of brewing systems. Growing importance is being placed on enhancing quality control and automating production processes.
• Japan: The beer brewing equipment market in Japan is precision-based and focused on quality, reflecting the country's commitment to fine craftsmanship. Recent developments include the adoption of advanced brewing technologies that enhance the efficiency and consistency of beer production. New equipment to meet the rising demand for both craft and premium beers is also being explored by Japanese breweries. Automation systems and improved brewing methods contribute to higher-quality output and operational efficiencies.

Features of the Global Brewery Equipment Market

Market Size Estimates: Brewery equipment market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Brewery equipment market size by source, mode of operation, equipment type, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Brewery Equipment Market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different source, mode of operation, equipment type, and regions for the brewery equipment market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the brewery equipment market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this market or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the brewery equipment market by source (macrobreweries and craft breweries), mode of operation (manual, automatic, and semi-automatic), equipment type (macrobrewery equipment, craft brewery equipment, mashing equipment, storage equipment, compressor, cooling equipment, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Brewery Equipment Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Brewery Equipment Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Brewery Equipment Market by Source
3.3.1: Macrobreweries
3.3.2: Craft Breweries
3.4: Global Brewery Equipment Market by Mode of Operation
3.4.1: Manual
3.4.2: Automatic
3.4.3: Semi-Automatic
3.5: Global Brewery Equipment Market by Equipment Type
3.5.1: Macrobrewery Equipment
3.5.2: Craft Brewery Equipment
3.5.3: Mashing Equipment
3.5.4: Storage Equipment
3.5.5: Compressor
3.5.6: Cooling Equipment
3.5.7: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Brewery Equipment Market by Region
4.2: North American Brewery Equipment Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Mode of Operation: Manual, Automatic, and Semi-Automatic
4.2.2: North American Market by Equipment Type: Macrobrewery Equipment, Craft Brewery Equipment, Mashing Equipment, Storage Equipment, Compressor, Cooling Equipment, and Others
4.3: European Brewery Equipment Market
4.3.1: European Market by Mode of Operation: Manual, Automatic, and Semi-Automatic
4.3.2: European Market by Equipment Type: Macrobrewery Equipment, Craft Brewery Equipment, Mashing Equipment, Storage Equipment, Compressor, Cooling Equipment, and Others
4.4: APAC Brewery Equipment Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Mode of Operation: Manual, Automatic, and Semi-Automatic
4.4.2: APAC Market by Equipment Type: Macrobrewery Equipment, Craft Brewery Equipment, Mashing Equipment, Storage Equipment, Compressor, Cooling Equipment, and Others
4.5: ROW Brewery Equipment Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Mode of Operation: Manual, Automatic, and Semi-Automatic
4.5.2: ROW Market by Equipment Type: Macrobrewery Equipment, Craft Brewery Equipment, Mashing Equipment, Storage Equipment, Compressor, Cooling Equipment, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Brewery Equipment Market by Source
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Brewery Equipment Market by Mode of Operation
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Brewery Equipment Market by Equipment Type
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Brewery Equipment Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Brewery Equipment Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Brewery Equipment Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Brewery Equipment Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Alfa Laval
7.2: GEA
7.3: Krones
7.4: Paul Mueller
7.5: Praj Industries
7.6: Meura
7.7: Della Toffola
7.8: Criveller
7.9: LEHUI






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2025/03/04 10:26

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