


Green Technology and Sustainability Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

グリーンテクノロジーと持続可能性の動向と予測 世界のグリーン・テクノロジーと持続可能性市場の将来は、化学、公共部門、金融サービス、エネルギー・公益事業、旅行・運輸の各市場における機会によって有望... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月14日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語







- Lucintelの予測では、技術カテゴリーでは、クラウドコンピューティングが予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みです。
- エンドユーザーカテゴリーでは、モノのインターネット(IoT)が、製造業者によるエネルギー消費とカーボンフットプリントの最小化により、予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。
- 地域別では、北米が予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- 先進的な再生可能エネルギー・ソリューション:これらの進歩は、再生可能エネルギー源の効率と信頼性を向上させ、従来の化石燃料との競争力を高める。エネルギー貯蔵ソリューションの強化は、再生可能エネルギー源の断続性に対応し、より安定した強靭なエネルギー網を支える。この傾向は、低炭素エネルギーシステムへの移行を加速し、非再生可能エネルギー源への依存を低減する。
- 循環型経済と廃棄物削減:サーキュラー・エコノミーの実践は、廃棄物の発生を抑え、天然資源を保護することで環境への影響を低減する。持続可能な消費パターンを促進し、製品のライフサイクルを延長する。この傾向はまた、資源効率と環境スチュワードシップを中心とした新たなビジネスチャンスとモデルを生み出し、市場の成長とイノベーションを促進する。
- グリーンビルディングとスマートインフラ:グリーンビルディングとスマートインフラは、エネルギー消費の削減、運用コストの削減、環境性能の向上に貢献する。LEEDやBREEAMなどの認証を通じて持続可能性の目標をサポートしながら、居住者の快適性と健康を向上させる。この傾向は、よりスマートで環境に優しいインフラの必要性を強調し、都市開発と建設の未来を形成している。
- 交通機関の電化:交通機関の電化は、温室効果ガスの排出を削減し、大気汚染を減少させ、化石燃料への依存度を下げる。この傾向は、より広範な持続可能性目標をサポートし、よりクリーンで効率的な交通手段を促進する。バッテリー技術が向上し、充電インフラが整備されるにつれて、電気自動車はますます現実的なものとなり、運輸部門に大きな変化をもたらす。
- 持続可能な農業と食糧生産:これらの実践は、水を節約し、農薬の使用を減らし、土地の劣化を最小限に抑えることで、食糧生産の課題に対処するものである。持続可能な農業は環境保護と食糧安全保障を支え、より強靭な食糧システムに貢献する。この傾向は、環境に優しい農法と持続可能な食品消費の必要性に対する意識の高まりを反映している。




- エネルギー貯蔵技術の躍進:エネルギー貯蔵技術の躍進:ソリッド・ステート・バッテリーやフロー・バッテリーといったエネルギー貯蔵技術の最近の進歩は、グリーン・テクノロジー分野に革命をもたらしている。ソリッド・ステート・バッテリーは、従来のリチウムイオン・バッテリーに比べてエネルギー密度が高く安全性が向上しており、フロー・バッテリーは寿命が長くスケーラブルなエネルギー貯蔵ソリューションを提供している。これらの技術革新は、太陽光や風力といった電源の断続性に対処することで、再生可能エネルギー・システムの効率と信頼性を高めます。エネルギー貯蔵能力の向上は、再生可能エネルギーを送電網に統合し、より持続可能なエネルギーシステムへの移行を支援する上で極めて重要である。
- 炭素回収・貯留(CCS)の拡大:炭素回収・貯留技術の開発と導入は急速に進んでいる。発電や重工業などさまざまな産業で、排出された二酸化炭素を回収して地下に貯蔵する新しいCCSプロジェクトが実施されている。この分野の技術革新には、捕捉方法の改善、より効率的な貯蔵技術、バイオエネルギーとの統合などが含まれる。これらの開発は、産業プロセスからの温室効果ガス排出を削減し、低炭素経済への移行を支援することによって、気候変動を緩和するために不可欠である。
- 電気自動車(EV)インフラの成長:政府と民間企業が充電ネットワークの普及と先進バッテリー技術に投資しているため、電気自動車インフラの拡大が加速している。最近の動きとしては、超高速充電ステーションの設置、バッテリーリサイクル工程の改善、電気自動車と再生可能エネルギー源の統合などが挙げられる。こうした進歩は、航続距離への不安や充電の利便性など、電気自動車普及の主な障壁に対処しており、輸送関連の排出量を削減し、よりクリーンで持続可能なモビリティ・ソリューションを促進するという、より広範な目標を支えている。
- 持続可能な建築材料の革新:グリーンビルディングの分野では、持続可能な建築資材の革新が著しい。最近の開発には、再生木材、竹、菌糸ベースの複合材料など、リサイクルやバイオベースの材料の使用が含まれる。エネルギー効率の高い断熱材や低炭素コンクリートの進歩も、より持続可能な建築手法に貢献している。これらの材料は、二酸化炭素排出量を削減し、資源を節約し、エネルギー効率を向上させることで、建築物が環境に与える影響を軽減する。これらの技術革新の採用は、より環境に優しく持続可能なインフラを構築するという目標をサポートするものである。
- 節水技術の進歩:節水に関する新技術は、世界的な水不足問題に対処する上で飛躍的な進歩を遂げている。最近の開発には、高度な水リサイクルシステム、スマート灌漑技術、海水淡水化プロセスの革新などがある。例えば、スマート灌漑におけるIoTセンサーとデータ分析の活用は、農業における水利用の最適化に役立ち、新しい海水淡水化技術は効率を改善し、エネルギー消費を削減する。これらの進歩は、水資源をより効果的に管理し、持続可能な農業を支援し、さまざまなニーズに対して信頼できる水供給を確保するために極めて重要である。




- 再生可能エネルギーの統合:再生可能エネルギーの統合を拡大することは、化石燃料への依存を減らし、温室効果ガスの排出を削減し、世界的な気候変動目標を支援することにつながる。電力貯蔵と送電網技術の革新は、再生可能エネルギー源をより現実的なものにし、投資と普及を促進する。この傾向は、より持続可能で強靭なエネルギー・インフラへの移行に向けた取り組みと一致する。
- グリーン・ビルディング技術:グリーンビルディング技術への投資は、エネルギー消費を削減し、運営コストを下げ、環境への影響を最小限に抑える。この好機は、持続可能な建築慣行に対する規制やインセンティブの高まりに支えられている。建物性能の向上とカーボンフットプリントの削減により、グリーン・テクノロジーは将来のインフラ・プロジェクトに不可欠なものとなる。
- 電気自動車と自律走行車:電気自動車と自律走行車は、排出ガスの削減、大気環境の改善、運行コストの削減に貢献する。電気自動車の充電ネットワークの拡大と自律走行技術の進歩は、より広範な導入と統合をサポートする。この成長機会は、持続可能で効率的な輸送システムを目指す動きと一致する。
- 持続可能な農業ソリューション:持続可能な農業ソリューションは、資源効率を改善し、食糧安全保障を強化し、環境悪化を抑制する。この成長機会は、より強靭で環境に優しい食糧システムの開発を支援する。世界的な食糧需要の増大に伴い、これらの技術は、農業のニーズを持続的に満たす上で極めて重要な役割を果たす。
- 水の保全と管理:効果的な水の保全と管理技術は、世界的な水の問題に対処し、資源利用を最適化し、持続可能な実践を支援する。この分野の技術革新は、農業効率を改善し、水の浪費を減らし、信頼できる水の供給を確保する。この成長機会は、水資源を管理し、持続可能な開発を支援するために不可欠である。




- 技術の進歩:技術の進歩:ソーラーパネル、風力タービン、エネルギー貯蔵システムなどの再生可能エネルギー技術の革新が、グリーン技術市場を牽引している。効率の向上と生産コストの低下により、これらの技術は消費者や企業にとってより身近で魅力的なものとなり、普及を促進するとともに持続可能性の目標達成に貢献している。
- 経済的インセンティブ:政府や金融機関は、グリーン・テクノロジーへの投資を奨励するため、補助金、税額控除、助成金の支給を増やしている。こうしたインセンティブは、持続可能な慣行や技術を採用するための経済的障壁を低くし、市場の成長を後押しするとともに、より多くの企業が環境に優しいソリューションを自社の事業に取り入れることを可能にする。
- 規制の枠組み:国レベルでも国際レベルでも、厳しい環境規制と政策が、より環境に優しい慣行の採用を企業に促している。カーボンプライシング、排出削減目標、廃棄物管理基準などの規制は、グリーンテクノロジーへの需要を高め、コンプライアンスを確保し、持続可能な事業へのシフトを促進する。
- 消費者の需要:環境に配慮した製品やサービスを好む消費者が増えている。環境問題に対する意識が高まるにつれ、消費者は持続可能性を優先する企業を支持する傾向が強まっている。このような消費者行動の変化により、企業は市場の期待に応え競争力を維持するために、環境に配慮した技術を革新し採用するようになる。
- 企業の社会的責任:企業は、ブランドの評判を高め、投資家を惹きつけるために、企業の社会的責任戦略に持続可能性を組み込むようになってきている。グリーンテクノロジーと持続可能な実践に取り組むことで、企業は環境フットプリントを改善するだけでなく、社会意識の高い投資家や顧客にアピールし、市場の成長を促進する。

- 初期コストの高さ:グリーン・テクノロジーに必要な先行投資は、多くの企業、特に中小企業にとって大きな障壁となりうる。長期的な節約と利点があるにもかかわらず、再生可能エネルギー・システム、エネルギー効率の高いアップグレード、持続可能な素材に必要な初期資本は、採用を妨げる要因となる。
- 技術的限界:進歩が進む一方で、グリーン・テクノロジーの中には、効率の限界、拡張性の問題、既存システムとの互換性など、技術的な課題に直面しているものもある。こうした技術的ハードルに対処することは、普及と主流市場への統合を促進する上で不可欠である。
- 一貫性のない政策実施:規制の枠組みのばらつきや一貫性のない施行は、グリーン・テクノロジーへの投資を検討している企業に不確実性をもたらす可能性がある。安定した政策と明確な指針がなければ、企業は持続可能性への取り組みに資源を投入することをためらい、市場全体の成長に影響を与える可能性がある。
- サプライチェーンの課題:グリーン・テクノロジー市場は複雑なサプライ・チェーンに依存していることが多く、サプライ・チェーンの混乱、資源不足、地政学的要因の影響を受ける可能性がある。こうした課題は、持続可能な材料や技術の入手を妨げ、プロジェクトのタイムラインやコストに影響を与える可能性がある。
- 国民の意識と教育:持続可能性への関心が高まっているにもかかわらず、グリーン・テクノロジーとその利点に関する一般市民の認識と教育を高める必要性が残っている。理解が不十分だと、消費者の採用が妨げられ、企業の意思決定にも影響を及ぼし、市場の成長が鈍化する可能性がある。




- ゼネラル・エレクトリック
- セールスフォース
- マイクロソフト
- シュナイダーエレクトリック
- エンギー・インパクト




- IoT
- AIとアナリティクス
- デジタルツイン
- クラウド・コンピューティング
- セキュリティ
- ブロックチェーン


- ソリューション
- サービス
- コンサルティング
- 統合と展開
- サポート&メンテナンス


- エネルギーと公益事業
- 旅行・運輸
- 工業製造
- 化学
- 小売・消費財
- 公共部門


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国は最近、再生可能エネルギーと電気自動車(EV)を中心に、グリーンテクノロジーへの取り組みを加速させている。2022年に制定されたインフレ削減法はその要であり、再生可能エネルギー・プロジェクトとEV導入に多額の税制優遇措置を提供している。さらに、エネルギー貯蔵技術への大規模投資と送電網近代化の進展が、より強靭で効率的なエネルギーシステムへの道を開いている。新興企業や既存企業も、グリーン水素や炭素回収技術で限界に挑戦しており、ネット・ゼロ・エミッション達成への強いコミットメントを反映している。
- 中国中国は、再生可能エネルギーと電気自動車を中心に、グリーン・テクノロジーへの投資をリードし続けている。2030年までに炭素排出量のピークを達成し、2060年までにカーボンニュートラルを達成するという野心的な目標を掲げ、太陽光発電と風力発電の能力を急速に拡大している。再生可能エネルギーの大規模展開を支えるために不可欠なバッテリー技術とエネルギー貯蔵においても、大きな進歩が起きている。中国の「メイド・イン・チャイナ2025」イニシアチブはグリーン技術の開発を重視しており、同国を低炭素経済への移行における世界的リーダーとして位置づけている。
- ドイツ:ドイツは、同国のエネルギー転換政策である「エバーグリーンド」への強いコミットメントにより、グリーン・テクノロジーの最前線に立ち続けている。最近の動きとしては、洋上風力発電所の拡大や、より多くの再生可能エネルギーを国家送電網に統合するための大幅な推進が挙げられる。ドイツはまた、エネルギー貯蔵とクリーンな代替燃料としての水素技術にも多額の投資を行っている。ドイツ政府は、産業排出量の削減と持続可能な都市開発の推進に重点を置いており、世界的な持続可能性目標の推進におけるドイツの役割をさらに際立たせている。
- インドインドは、パリ協定へのコミットメントと、気候変動に関する国家行動計画のような国家政策に後押しされ、グリーン・テクノロジー分野で顕著な進歩を遂げてきた。最近の進展としては、カッチにおける世界最大のソーラーパークの開発など、大規模な太陽光発電プロジェクトが挙げられる。インドはエネルギー効率の向上と電気自動車市場の拡大にも力を入れている。政府が推進する持続可能な農業と廃棄物管理ソリューションは、世界のグリーン・テクノロジー情勢における主要プレーヤーとしての地位をさらに強化している。
- 日本:日本は、エネルギー効率と再生可能エネルギーの革新を通じて、グリーン・テクノロジー分野を推進している。政府の「グリーン成長戦略」は、2050年までにカーボン・ニュートラルを達成することを目指しており、水素燃料電池や次世代電池などの技術に焦点を当てている。最近の動きとしては、洋上風力プロジェクトへの多額の投資や、エネルギー効率の高い建築技術の推進がある。産業プロセスや輸送システムへの再生可能エネルギーの統合を重視する日本の姿勢は、持続可能性の達成と炭素排出削減への包括的なアプローチを示している。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.3.5: セキュリティ
3.4.5: サポート&メンテナンス
3.5: グリーンテクノロジーと持続可能性の世界市場:エンドユーザー別
3.5.5: 小売・消費財
3.5.6: 公共部門
3.5.7: 金融サービス

4.5: ROWのグリーンテクノロジーと持続可能性市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略分析

7.2: セールスフォース
7.3: マイクロソフト
7.4: シュナイダーエレクトリック
7.5: エンギー・インパクト





Green Technology and Sustainability Trends and Forecast

The future of the global green technology and sustainability market looks promising with opportunities in the chemicals, public sector, financial services, energy and utilities, and travel and transportation markets. The global green technology and sustainability market is expected to reach an estimated 58.7 $ billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 6.1% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are an increase in environmental awareness and concerns, growth in government initiatives for low-carbon policies, and increased consumer and industrial interest in clean energy resources to conserve the environment.

• Lucintel forecasts that, within the technology category, cloud computing is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
• Within the end-user category, the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to its minimum energy consumption and carbon footprint by manufacturers.
• In terms of regions, North America is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Green Technology and Sustainability Market

The green technology and sustainability market is rapidly evolving as industries and governments worldwide prioritize environmental responsibility and resource efficiency. This shift is driven by technological advancements, regulatory pressures, and increasing consumer demand for sustainable practices. Key emerging trends are shaping how businesses and communities approach sustainability, from energy management to resource utilization. These trends reflect the growing commitment to reducing environmental impact and fostering a circular economy.

• Advanced Renewable Energy Solutions: These advancements improve the efficiency and reliability of renewable energy sources, making them more competitive with traditional fossil fuels. Enhanced energy storage solutions address the intermittency of renewable sources, supporting a more stable and resilient energy grid. This trend accelerates the transition to a low-carbon energy system and reduces dependence on non-renewable energy sources.
• Circular Economy and Waste Reduction: Adopting circular economy practices reduces environmental impact by lowering waste production and conserving natural resources. It promotes sustainable consumption patterns and extends the lifecycle of products. This trend also creates new business opportunities and models centered around resource efficiency and environmental stewardship, driving market growth and fostering innovation.
• Green Building and Smart Infrastructure: Green buildings and smart infrastructure contribute to reduced energy consumption, lower operational costs, and improved environmental performance. They enhance occupant comfort and health while supporting sustainability goals through certifications like LEED and BREEAM. This trend is shaping the future of urban development and construction, emphasizing the need for smarter and more eco-friendly infrastructure.
• Electrification of Transportation: Electrifying transportation reduces greenhouse gas emissions, decreases air pollution, and lessens reliance on fossil fuels. This trend supports broader sustainability goals and promotes cleaner, more efficient modes of transport. As battery technology improves and charging infrastructure grows, electric vehicles become increasingly viable, driving significant changes in the transportation sector.
• Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production: These practices address the challenges of food production by conserving water, reducing pesticide use, and minimizing land degradation. Sustainable agriculture supports environmental protection and food security, contributing to a more resilient food system. This trend reflects a growing awareness of the need for eco-friendly farming practices and sustainable food consumption.

Emerging trends in the green technology and sustainability market highlight the dynamic shift towards more sustainable and efficient practices across various sectors. Advanced renewable energy solutions, circular economy initiatives, green building technologies, the electrification of transportation, and sustainable agriculture are driving significant changes. These trends are essential for reducing environmental impact, enhancing resource efficiency, and achieving long-term sustainability goals.

Recent Developments in the Green Technology and Sustainability Market

The green technology and sustainability market is undergoing significant transformations driven by technological innovations, regulatory pressures, and evolving consumer expectations. Recent developments reflect a broader commitment to reducing environmental impact and enhancing resource efficiency across various sectors. These advancements are paving the way for more sustainable practices and greener technologies, addressing both current challenges and future opportunities. Here are five key recent developments in the green technology and sustainability market:

• Breakthroughs in Energy Storage Technology: Recent advancements in energy storage technologies, such as solid-state batteries and flow batteries, are revolutionizing the green technology sector. Solid-state batteries offer higher energy densities and improved safety compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries, while flow batteries provide scalable energy storage solutions with longer lifespans. These innovations enhance the efficiency and reliability of renewable energy systems by addressing the intermittency of sources like solar and wind. Improved energy storage capabilities are crucial for integrating renewable energy into the grid and supporting a transition to a more sustainable energy system.
• Expansion of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): The development and deployment of carbon capture and storage technologies are advancing rapidly. New CCS projects are being implemented across various industries, including power generation and heavy manufacturing, to capture and store carbon dioxide emissions underground. Innovations in this field include improved capture methods, more efficient storage techniques, and integration with bioenergy. These developments are critical for mitigating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from industrial processes and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy.
• Growth of Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure: The expansion of electric vehicle infrastructure is accelerating as governments and private companies invest in widespread charging networks and advanced battery technologies. Recent developments include the installation of ultra-fast charging stations, improved battery recycling processes, and the integration of electric vehicles with renewable energy sources. These advancements are addressing key barriers to electric vehicle adoption, such as range anxiety and charging convenience, and are supporting the broader goal of reducing transportation-related emissions and promoting cleaner, sustainable mobility solutions.
• Innovations in Sustainable Building Materials: The green building sector is seeing significant innovations in sustainable building materials. Recent developments include the use of recycled and bio-based materials, such as reclaimed wood, bamboo, and mycelium-based composites. Advances in energy-efficient insulation materials and low-carbon concrete are also contributing to more sustainable construction practices. These materials reduce the environmental impact of buildings by lowering carbon emissions, conserving resources, and improving energy efficiency. The adoption of these innovations supports the goal of creating greener, more sustainable infrastructure.
• Advances in Water Conservation Technologies: New technologies for water conservation are making strides in addressing global water scarcity issues. Recent developments include advanced water recycling systems, smart irrigation technologies, and innovations in desalination processes. For example, the use of IoT sensors and data analytics in smart irrigation helps optimize water usage in agriculture, while new desalination technologies improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption. These advancements are crucial for managing water resources more effectively, supporting sustainable agricultural practices, and ensuring a reliable water supply for various needs.

Recent developments in the green technology and sustainability market reflect a strong push towards innovation and efficiency in addressing environmental challenges. Breakthroughs in energy storage, carbon capture, electric vehicle infrastructure, sustainable building materials, and water conservation technologies are shaping the future of sustainability. These advancements are crucial for reducing environmental impact, enhancing resource management, and supporting the transition to a more sustainable and resilient global economy.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Green Technology and Sustainability Market

The green technology and sustainability market offers significant strategic growth opportunities across various applications as businesses and governments intensify their focus on environmental responsibility and resource efficiency. Innovations in technology and evolving regulatory frameworks are driving demand for sustainable solutions in key sectors such as energy, construction, transportation, agriculture, and water management. These opportunities are not only addressing pressing environmental challenges but also creating pathways for economic growth and technological advancement.

• Renewable Energy Integration: Expanding renewable energy integration helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, and supports global climate goals. Innovations in storage and grid technology make renewable sources more viable, driving increased investment and adoption. This trend aligns with efforts to transition to a more sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure.
• Green Building Technologies: Investing in green building technologies reduces energy consumption, lowers operating costs, and minimizes environmental impact. This opportunity is supported by growing regulations and incentives for sustainable construction practices. Enhanced building performance and reduced carbon footprints make green technologies essential for future infrastructure projects.
• Electric and Autonomous Vehicles: Electric and autonomous vehicles contribute to reduced emissions, improved air quality, and lower operating costs. Expanding electric vehicle charging networks and advancing autonomous driving technologies support broader adoption and integration. This growth opportunity aligns with the push toward sustainable and efficient transportation systems.
• Sustainable Agriculture Solutions: Sustainable agriculture solutions improve resource efficiency, enhance food security, and reduce environmental degradation. This opportunity supports the development of more resilient and eco-friendly food systems. As global demand for food grows, these technologies play a crucial role in meeting agricultural needs sustainably.
• Water Conservation and Management: Effective water conservation and management technologies help address global water challenges, optimize resource use, and support sustainable practices. Innovations in this area improve agricultural efficiency, reduce water waste, and ensure reliable water supplies. This growth opportunity is essential for managing water resources and supporting sustainable development.

Strategic growth opportunities in the green technology and sustainability market span key applications such as renewable energy, green building technologies, electric and autonomous vehicles, sustainable agriculture, and water conservation. Each opportunity addresses critical environmental and resource challenges, driving technological advancements and economic growth. By focusing on these areas, stakeholders can contribute to a more sustainable future and capitalize on the expanding demand for green solutions.

Green Technology and Sustainability Market Driver and Challenges

The green technology and sustainability market is influenced by a range of technological, economic, and regulatory factors. Major drivers include advancements in renewable energy technology, economic incentives for green investments, and stringent regulatory frameworks promoting sustainability. Conversely, challenges such as high initial costs, technological limitations, and inconsistent policy enforcement can hinder market growth. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for stakeholders aiming to navigate and leverage opportunities in the evolving landscape of green technology and sustainability.

The factors responsible for driving the green technology and sustainability market include:
• Technological Advancements: Innovations in renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and energy storage systems, are driving the green technology market. Enhanced efficiency and lower production costs make these technologies more accessible and attractive to consumers and businesses, facilitating widespread adoption and contributing to sustainability goals.
• Economic Incentives: Governments and financial institutions are increasingly providing subsidies, tax credits, and grants to encourage investments in green technologies. These incentives lower the financial barriers to adopting sustainable practices and technologies, boosting market growth and enabling more companies to integrate eco-friendly solutions into their operations.
• Regulatory Frameworks: Stringent environmental regulations and policies at both national and international levels are compelling businesses to adopt greener practices. Regulations such as carbon pricing, emissions reduction targets, and waste management standards drive the demand for green technologies, ensuring compliance and fostering a shift toward sustainable operations.
• Consumer Demand: There is a growing consumer preference for environmentally friendly products and services. As awareness of environmental issues increases, consumers are more likely to support companies that prioritize sustainability. This shift in consumer behavior drives businesses to innovate and adopt green technologies to meet market expectations and maintain competitiveness.
• Corporate Social Responsibility: Companies are increasingly integrating sustainability into their corporate social responsibility strategies to enhance their brand reputation and attract investors. By committing to green technologies and sustainable practices, businesses not only improve their environmental footprint but also appeal to socially conscious investors and customers, driving market growth.

Challenges in the green technology and sustainability market are:
• High Initial Costs: The upfront investment required for green technologies can be a significant barrier for many businesses, particularly small and medium enterprises. Despite long-term savings and benefits, the initial capital required for renewable energy systems, energy-efficient upgrades, or sustainable materials can deter adoption.
• Technological Limitations: While advancements are being made, some green technologies still face technical challenges, including efficiency limitations, scalability issues, and compatibility with existing systems. Addressing these technological hurdles is essential to facilitate widespread adoption and integration into mainstream markets.
• Inconsistent Policy Enforcement: Variability in regulatory frameworks and inconsistent enforcement can create uncertainty for businesses considering investments in green technologies. Without stable policies and clear guidance, companies may hesitate to commit resources to sustainability initiatives, impacting overall market growth.
• Supply Chain Challenges: The green technology market often relies on complex supply chains, which can be affected by disruptions, resource scarcity, and geopolitical factors. These challenges can hinder the availability of sustainable materials or technologies, impacting project timelines and costs.
• Public Awareness and Education: Despite growing interest in sustainability, there remains a need for increased public awareness and education about green technologies and their benefits. Limited understanding can hinder consumer adoption and influence decision-making among businesses, slowing market growth.

The green technology and sustainability market is characterized by a dynamic interplay of drivers and challenges. Understanding these factors is essential for stakeholders aiming to navigate the evolving landscape, capitalize on growth opportunities, and address the challenges that may arise. By focusing on technological advancements, economic incentives, and regulatory frameworks, stakeholders can contribute to a more sustainable future while mitigating potential challenges that could hinder progress.

List of Green Technology and Sustainability Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies green technology and sustainability companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the green technology and sustainability companies profiled in this report include-

• General Electric
• Salesforce
• Microsoft
• Schneider Electric
• Engie Impact

Green Technology and Sustainability by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global green technology and sustainability by technology, by component, end user, and region.

Green Technology and Sustainability Market by Technology [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• IoT
• AI and analytics
• Digital twin
• Cloud computing
• Security
• Blockchain

Green Technology and Sustainability Market by Component [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Solution
• Services
• Consulting
• Integration & deployment
• Support & maintenance

Green Technology and Sustainability Market by End User [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Energy and Utilities
• Travel and Transportation
• Industrial Manufacturing
• Chemicals
• Retail and Consumer Package Goods
• Public Sector

Green Technology and Sustainability Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Green Technology and Sustainability Market

As the global focus intensifies on climate change and environmental stewardship, the green technology and sustainability market has seen significant advancements in key nations. This sector encompasses innovations aimed at reducing carbon footprints, enhancing energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable practices. Countries like the United States, China, Germany, India, and Japan have each made notable strides in this domain, driven by governmental policies, technological breakthroughs, and growing public awareness. These advancements not only contribute to their environmental goals but also set benchmarks for global sustainability efforts.

• United States: The U.S. has recently accelerated its green technology initiatives with a focus on renewable energy and electric vehicles (EVs). The Inflation Reduction Act, enacted in 2022, is a cornerstone, offering substantial tax incentives for renewable energy projects and EV adoption. Additionally, major investments in energy storage technologies and advancements in grid modernization are paving the way for a more resilient and efficient energy system. Startups and established companies are also pushing boundaries in green hydrogen and carbon capture technologies, reflecting a robust commitment to achieving net-zero emissions.
• China: China continues to lead in green technology investments, particularly in renewable energy and electric vehicles. The nation is rapidly expanding its solar and wind power capacities, with ambitious targets to reach peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Significant advancements are also occurring in battery technology and energy storage, essential for supporting the large-scale deployment of renewable energy. China's "Made in China 2025" initiative emphasizes the development of green technologies, positioning the country as a global leader in the transition to a low-carbon economy.
• Germany: Germany remains at the forefront of green technology with its strong commitment to the Evergreened, the country’s energy transition policy. Recent developments include a significant push towards expanding offshore wind farms and integrating more renewable energy sources into the national grid. Germany is also investing heavily in hydrogen technology, both for energy storage and as a clean fuel alternative. The government’s emphasis on reducing industrial emissions and promoting sustainable urban development further highlights its role in advancing global sustainability objectives.
• India: India has made notable progress in its green technology sector, driven by its commitment to the Paris Agreement and national policies like the National Action Plan on Climate Change. Recent advancements include large-scale solar projects, such as the development of the world’s largest solar park in Kutch. India is also focusing on enhancing energy efficiency and expanding its electric vehicle market. The government’s push for sustainable agriculture and waste management solutions is further reinforcing its position as a key player in the global green technology landscape.
• Japan: Japan is advancing its green technology sector through innovations in energy efficiency and renewable energy. The government’s Green Growth Strategy aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, focusing on technologies like hydrogen fuel cells and next-generation batteries. Recent developments include significant investments in offshore wind projects and the promotion of energy-efficient building technologies. Japan's emphasis on integrating renewable energy into its industrial processes and transportation systems demonstrates a comprehensive approach to achieving sustainability and reducing carbon emissions.

Features of the Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market

Market Size Estimates: Green technology and sustainability market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Green technology and sustainability market size by technology, by component, end user , and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Green technology and sustainability market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different technology, by component, end user , and regions for the green technology and sustainability market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the green technology and sustainability market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this market or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the green technology and sustainability market by technology (iot, ai and analytics, digital twin, cloud computing, security, and blockchain), by component (solution, services, consulting, integration & deployment, and support & maintenance), end user (energy and utilities, travel and transportation, industrial manufacturing, chemicals, retail and consumer package goods, public sector, and financial services), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market by Technology
3.3.1: IoT
3.3.2: AI and analytics
3.3.3: Digital twin
3.3.4: Cloud computing
3.3.5: Security
3.3.6: Blockchain
3.4: Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market by Component
3.4.1: Solution
3.4.2: Services
3.4.3: Consulting
3.4.4: Integration & deployment
3.4.5: Support & maintenance
3.5: Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market by End User
3.5.1: Energy and Utilities
3.5.2: Travel and Transportation
3.5.3: Industrial Manufacturing
3.5.4: Chemicals
3.5.5: Retail and Consumer Package Goods
3.5.6: Public Sector
3.5.7: Financial services

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market by Region
4.2: North American Green Technology and Sustainability Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Technology: IoT, AI and analytics, Digital twin, Cloud computing, Security, and Blockchain
4.2.2: North American Market by End User: Energy and Utilities, Travel and Transportation, Industrial Manufacturing, Chemicals, Retail and Consumer Package Goods, Public Sector, and Financial services
4.3: European Green Technology and Sustainability Market
4.3.1: European Market by Technology: IoT, AI and analytics, Digital twin, Cloud computing, Security, and Blockchain
4.3.2: European Market by End User: Energy and Utilities, Travel and Transportation, Industrial Manufacturing, Chemicals, Retail and Consumer Package Goods, Public Sector, and Financial services
4.4: APAC Green Technology and Sustainability Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Technology: IoT, AI and analytics, Digital twin, Cloud computing, Security, and Blockchain
4.4.2: APAC Market by End User: Energy and Utilities, Travel and Transportation, Industrial Manufacturing, Chemicals, Retail and Consumer Package Goods, Public Sector, and Financial services
4.5: ROW Green Technology and Sustainability Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Technology: IoT, AI and analytics, Digital twin, Cloud computing, Security, and Blockchain
4.5.2: ROW Market by End User: Energy and Utilities, Travel and Transportation, Industrial Manufacturing, Chemicals, Retail and Consumer Package Goods, Public Sector, and Financial services

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market by Technology
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market by Component
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market by End User
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: General Electric
7.2: Salesforce
7.3: Microsoft
7.4: Schneider Electric
7.5: Engie Impact








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