


Duct Air Quality Sensors Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

ダクト用空気品質センサーの動向と予測 ダクト用空気品質センサーの世界市場の将来性は、住宅市場と商業市場におけるビジネスチャンスで有望視されている。ダクト用空気品質センサーの世界市場は、2024年から203... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月14日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測によると、タイプ別では、マルチガスモニターは室内環境で複数のガスを同時に検出・測定するため、予測期間中に高い成長が見込まれる。
- アプリケーションカテゴリーでは、オフィス、モール、ショッピングモールのダクトセンサー統合が進んでいるため、商業用分野が引き続き大きなセグメントとなる。
- 地域別では、政府機関による厳しい規制と室内空気汚染物質による健康への影響に対する意識の高まりから、北米が予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げると予想される。



- スマートビルシステムとの統合:これには、スマート・ビルディング・システムを通じてHVACシステムの遠隔測定と制御を可能にするダクト空気品質センサーが含まれる。この傾向は、エネルギー効率と室内空気質をさらに改善し、ビルを環境要因や居住者の要求により適応したものにする。
- AIと機械学習の統合:AIや機械学習プロセスを組み込んだ空気品質センサーシステムへの関心が高まっている。この傾向は、データの分析を通じて知識を収集するセンサーの誕生につながっており、室内環境などの分野における空気質の改善に役立っている。
- エネルギー効率の重視:エネルギー使用への注目が高まっているため、建物内のエネルギー節約を促進すると同時に空気質を監視する、二重焦点のダクト空気質センサーが開発されている。傾向として、エネルギー管理システムとダクト用空気質センサーを統合し、運用コストと環境への影響を削減する動きが見られます。
- 拡大する住宅空間でのアプリケーションの増加:以前は、ダクト空気品質センサーは主に商業施設や工業施設で使用されていました。しかし、このようなデバイスが家庭環境でも多く採用されるようになり、徐々に変化しつつある。この変化は、室内空気質に関する消費者の意識向上キャンペーンや、低価格で設置が簡単な家庭用センサーの出現によって促進されている。
- 計量と規格の複雑さ:室内空気品質に対する要求事項の厳格化により、メーカーは高度で適切なダクト空気品質センサーを開発する必要に迫られている。これは特に環境政策が厳しい国で顕著で、商業施設や公共施設など特定の建物で使用する前に、特定のセンサーを承認しなければならない。



- スマートセンサの統合:スマート技術の台頭は、ダクト空気品質センサーの範囲を変えつつある。これらは現在、リアルタイムモニタリングと分析情報を提供し、特に空気品質管理が重要な産業や病院などの施設において、空気品質管理に積極的な役割を果たすのに役立っている。
- 厳しい政府要件:室内空気品質規制への対応が、室内空気品質センサーの需要を押し上げている。メーカーは、こうした政策要件に準拠した新しいセンサーの設計を求められている。
- 発展途上国における市場範囲の拡大:ダクト用空気質センサー市場は、インドや東南アジアのような発展途上国で急成長している。都市化、空気環境の悪化に関連する健康問題に対する意識の高まり、公共建築物の室内空気環境を改善するための政府プログラムがこの成長の主な推進要因となっている。
- 技術の進歩:ここ数年の技術開発により、より高精度で高感度なダクト空気品質センサーが開発されている。これらのセンサーはマルチセンサーであり、さまざまな汚染物質を検出できるため、リアルタイムで空気品質の包括的な画像が得られる。
- 住宅部門での採用拡大:家庭でのダクト用空気品質センサーの採用が増加している。室内空気環境が健康に及ぼす影響に対する消費者の意識が高まるにつれ、また、手頃な価格で設置が簡単なセンサー技術が利用可能になったことで、ダクト空気環境センサーを自宅に設置する人が増えている。



- スマートシティとインフラ:スマートシティの開発傾向は、ダクト空気品質センサーに大きな成長機会をもたらす。これらのセンサーは、都市構造物のあらゆるレベルで空気品質を監視し、規制要件を確実に満たすために必要である。
- 商業ビル:商業ビル用ダクト空気質センサー市場は、室内空気品質基準の遵守と居住者の健康へのニーズが原動力となって力強い成長を遂げている。この傾向は、オフィスビル、ショッピングモール、病院、その他の商業スペースのHVACシステムに大規模なセンサー・アプリケーションの機会を生み出している。
- 医療施設:医療施設では、正確な空気品質管理が要求される。疾病対策への関心の高まりと、病院や診療所における空気中の汚染物質を監視する必要性が、高度なダクト空気品質センサーの需要を促進している。
- 産業分野での応用:産業環境では、作業員を保護し環境基準を満たすためにダクト空気品質センサーの設置が義務付けられている。製造、製薬、食品加工など、空気品質の管理が重要な産業には成長の機会がある。
- 住宅市場:ダクト用空気質センサーは、住宅市場でますます使用されるようになっている。室内空気質の重要性に対する認識が高まり、手頃な価格で設置が簡単なセンサーが入手できるようになったことで、特に汚染された都市部の住宅所有者が空気質を管理しやすくなっている。




- 技術的推進力:技術の進歩は、より正確で高感度な空気品質センサーの開発と密接に関連している。人工知能やモノのインターネット機能などの技術は、モニタリングや予知保全を可能にするために統合され、センサーの使いやすさと魅力を向上させている。
- 規制圧力:特に先進国における規制圧力の高まりは、市場の主要な促進要因である。政府はより厳しい室内空気品質基準を実施しており、罰則を回避し市民の安全を確保するためにセンサーシステムを導入する組織が増加している。
- 健康と環境に対する社会的意識:室内空気環境の悪化による健康への影響に対する懸念の高まりが、ダクト空気環境センサーの需要を高めている。住民も産業界も、特に人口密集地や汚染地域で空気品質を管理する必要性をより強く認識するようになっている。
- スマートビルディング・プロジェクトの増加:スマートビルディング・プロジェクトの増加は、市場を牽引する大きな要因のひとつである。HVACシステムと空気品質管理システムがビル設計に統合されるにつれて、ダクト空気品質センサーの需要は、特に企業や産業の間で増加すると予想される。
- 都市化:急速な都市化が空気品質センサーの需要を促進している。都市の拡大により、人口密度の高い地域の空気品質を監視・管理するソリューションが必要となり、この市場の重要性が高まっている。


- 高価格:ダクト用空気質センサーの高価格は、特に小規模企業や家庭ユーザーにとって依然として課題である。価格は徐々に下がりつつあるが、初期コストが普及の障壁となっている。
- 遠隔地における市場の無知:一部の新興市場では、消費者が室内空気品質の重要性をまだ理解していない。このため、個人も組織も空気品質センサーを購入する価値を見出せない可能性があり、市場の成長が制限される。
- 技術の複雑さ:センサー技術は大きく進歩したが、設置、メンテナンス、ユーザー・トレーニングに課題が残っている。この複雑さは、特に技術的な専門知識の乏しい業界では、普及の妨げとなる可能性がある。


- シュナイダーエレクトリック
- シーメンス
- エアフロー開発
- アメテック
- アンフェノール
- ビルディングオートメーション製品
- フューラーシステム

- マルチガスモニター
- シングルガスモニター

- 住宅用
- 商業

- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域


- 米国:米国では、多くのデベロッパーがスマートビルディング技術を採用し、先進的なダクト空気品質センサーへの需要が高まっている。新たなトレンドとしては、リアルタイムの空気品質モニタリングのためのAI対応センサーの統合や、商業施設や教育機関における進歩的な室内空気品質基準の確立があり、これが各社の製品提供を進化させる原動力となっている。
- 中国中国では、工業化と都市化の進展に伴い、屋内と屋外の空気の質に対する懸念が高まっている。政府は新たな室内空気品質ガイドラインを導入し、ダクト空気品質センサーの需要を高めている。現地メーカーはこうした要求に応えるべく製品ラインナップを拡充し、より高性能で手頃な価格のセンサーを生産している。
- インドインドでは、室内空気環境の悪化が及ぼす影響に対する認識が高まっており、特に大都市でダクト空気環境センサーの需要が高まっている。公共施設や交通の要所における空気環境の改善を目的とした最近の政府政策も、市場の成長を後押ししている。地元メーカーは手頃な価格のセンサーを開発しており、こうした技術の全国展開が容易になっている。
- 日本:日本は都市や職場環境における空気の質の改善に強い重点を置いており、ダクト空気質センサー市場の成長を牽引している。広範な汚染物質やアレルゲンを検出できる高度なセンサーの発売と政府のスマートシティ推進が、特に人口密度の高い都市部でのセンサー需要をさらに押し上げている。







2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題



5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: 経営統合


7.2: シーメンス
7.3: エアフロー開発
7.4: アメテック
7.5: アンフェノール
7.6: ビルディングオートメーション製品
7.7: フューラーシステム





Duct Air Quality Sensors Trends and Forecast
The future of the global duct air quality sensors market looks promising with opportunities in the residential and commercial markets. The global duct air quality sensors market is expected to reach an estimated $0.7 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 7.2% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are increasing awareness of indoor air quality, favorable government regulations for air pollution monitoring, and rising adoption of smart building solutions.

• Lucintel forecasts that, within the type category, multi-gas monitor is expected to witness higher growth over the forecast period due to detecting and measuring multiple gases simultaneously within indoor environments.
• Within the application category, the commercial will remain a larger segment due to the growing integration of duct sensors in offices, malls, and shopping malls.
• In terms of regions, North America is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to stringent regulations by government agencies and growing awareness of the health impacts of indoor air pollutants.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Duct Air Quality Sensors Market
The duct air quality sensors market is undergoing transformations due to new technology, new customer desires, governmental regulations, and other critical variables. Most of these trends are leading towards a particular perspective that will define the way the business performs regarding strategies related to product development.

• Integration with Smart Building Systems: This includes duct air quality sensors enabling remote measurement and control of HVAC systems through smart building systems. This trend is further improving energy efficiency and indoor air quality, making buildings more adaptive to environmental factors and occupant requirements.
• AI and Machine Learning Integration: There has been growing interest in air quality sensor systems embedded with AI and machine learning processes. This trend has led to the creation of sensors that gather knowledge through the analysis of data, which is instrumental in improving air quality in areas like indoor environments.
• Focus on Energy Efficiency: Due to the increasing focus on energy use, duct air quality sensors with a dual focus have been developed to monitor air quality while simultaneously promoting energy savings within buildings. Trends show a movement toward integrating energy management systems and duct air quality sensors to reduce operating costs and environmental impact.
• Increased Applications in the Expanding Residential Space: In the past, duct air quality sensors were mainly used in commercial and industrial facilities. However, this is slowly changing as more of these devices are being embraced in home environments. This shift is facilitated by consumer awareness campaigns on indoor air quality and the emergence of low-cost, easy-to-install home sensors.
• Complications with Metrology and Standards: Stricter requirements for indoor air quality are prompting manufacturers to develop advanced and relevant duct air quality sensors. This is particularly evident in countries with strict environmental policies, where certain sensors must be approved before use in specific buildings, such as commercial and public ones.

These emerging patterns are not only motivating innovation but are also expanding the scope of how duct air quality sensors can be utilized across different industries. Thus, the market is expected to grow consistently, with technology being the core of air quality management in the future.

Recent Developments in the Duct Air Quality Sensors Market
Due to the growing need for improved human environments and regulatory changes, the duct air quality sensors market has seen significant advancements. Five primary factors are shaping the market, addressing technology and market needs.

• Integration of Smart Sensors: The rise of smart technologies is changing the scope of duct air quality sensors. These now provide real-time monitoring and analytic information that help in taking a proactive role in air quality management, especially in industries and facilities such as hospitals where air quality management is crucial.
• Stringent Government Requirements: Compliance with indoor air quality regulations has driven the demand for indoor air quality sensors. Manufacturers are being asked to design new sensors that adhere to these policy requirements.
• Expanding Market Scope in Developing Nations: The duct air quality sensors market is growing rapidly in developing markets like India and Southeast Asia. Urbanization, increased awareness of health problems related to poor air quality, and governmental programs to improve indoor air quality in public buildings are key drivers of this growth.
• Technological Advancements: Over the past few years, technological developments have produced duct air quality sensors that are more precise and sensitive. These sensors are multisensors, capable of detecting a variety of contaminants, providing a comprehensive picture of air quality in real-time.
• Increased Adoption in the Residential Sector: There is growing adoption of duct air quality sensors in homes. As consumers become more aware of the effects of indoor air quality on health, and with the availability of affordable and easy-to-install sensor technologies, more people are installing duct air quality sensors in their homes.

These advancements are making a significant impact on the duct air quality sensors market by enhancing innovation, expanding the applications of the devices, and improving indoor environmental conditions. There is no doubt that the market will continue expanding as these trends and developments take shape.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Duct Air Quality Sensors Market
The duct air quality sensors market is projected to have several strategic growth opportunities in critical application areas, driven by evolving technologies, regulatory requirements, and increasing awareness of air quality concerns. From this perspective, five important growth opportunities are emerging that could disrupt the market.

• Smart Cities and Infrastructure: The trend toward developing smart cities presents a major growth opportunity for duct air quality sensors. These sensors are needed to monitor air quality at all levels of urban structures, ensuring that regulatory requirements are met.
• Commercial Buildings: The duct air quality sensors market for commercial buildings is witnessing strong growth, driven by the need for compliance with indoor air quality standards and the wellbeing of occupants. This trend is creating opportunities for large-scale sensor applications in HVAC systems in office buildings, malls, hospitals, and other commercial spaces.
• Healthcare Facilities: Healthcare facilities require precise air quality control. The increased focus on disease control and the need to monitor airborne contaminants in hospitals and clinics are driving demand for advanced duct air quality sensors.
• Applications in Industry Areas: In industrial settings, it is mandatory to install duct air quality sensors to protect workers and meet environmental standards. There are opportunities for growth in industries such as manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and food processing, where managing air quality is critical.
• Residential Market: Duct air quality sensors are increasingly being used in the residential market. The growing awareness of the importance of indoor air quality and the availability of affordable, easy-to-install sensors are making it easier for homeowners, especially in polluted urban areas, to manage air quality.

These strategies present avenues for growth, leading to the broader application of duct air quality sensors in various industries, with technological advancements shaping the direction of market preferences. Market growth is expected to continue due to these opportunities.

Duct Air Quality Sensors Market Driver and Challenges
The duct air quality sensors market is driven by several opportunities but also faces challenges, including technological developments, regulatory requirements, and economic factors. These aspects must be addressed to successfully operate within the market.

Factors driving the duct air quality sensors market include:

• Technological Drive: Emerging technology is closely linked to the development of better air quality sensors, which are more accurate and sensitive. Technologies such as artificial intelligence and Internet of Things capabilities have been integrated to enable monitoring and predictive maintenance, improving the usability and attractiveness of the sensors.
• Regulatory Pressure: Increasing regulatory pressure, especially in developed countries, is a key driver for the market. Governments are enforcing stricter indoor air quality standards, prompting more organizations to install sensor systems to avoid penalties and ensure the safety of citizens.
• Social Awareness of Health and Environment: Growing concerns about the health effects of poor indoor air quality are increasing the demand for duct air quality sensors. Both residents and industries are becoming more aware of the need to control air quality, especially in densely populated or polluted areas.
• Rise in Smart Building Projects: The increase in smart building projects is one of the major drivers of the market. As HVAC systems and air quality management systems are integrated into building designs, the demand for duct air quality sensors is expected to rise, particularly among businesses and industries.
• Urbanization: Rapid urbanization is driving demand for air quality sensors. The expansion of cities requires solutions to monitor and control air quality in densely populated areas, making this market more crucial.

Challenges in the duct air quality sensors market include:

• High Price Tag: The high cost of advanced duct air quality sensors remains a challenge, particularly for small-scale firms and home users. While prices are gradually decreasing, the initial cost remains a barrier to wider adoption.
• Market Ignorance in Remote Areas: In some emerging markets, consumers do not yet appreciate the importance of indoor air quality. This limits market growth, as both individuals and organizations may not see the value in purchasing air quality sensors.
• Technological Complexity: Although sensor technology has advanced significantly, challenges remain in installation, maintenance, and user training. This complexity can hinder adoption, particularly in industries with limited technical expertise.

The growth of the duct air quality sensors market depends on several factors, including technological innovation and regulatory pressure. However, challenges such as high costs and technological complexity must be overcome to fully realize the market's potential.

List of Duct Air Quality Sensors Companies
Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies duct air quality sensors companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the duct air quality sensors companies profiled in this report include-
• Schneider Electric
• Siemens
• Airflow Developments
• Amphenol
• Building Automation Products
• FuehlerSysteme

Duct Air Quality Sensors by Segment
The study includes a forecast for the global duct air quality sensors by type, application, and region.
Duct Air Quality Sensors Market by Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Multi-Gas Monitor
• Single-Gas Monitor

Duct Air Quality Sensors Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Residential
• Commercial

Duct Air Quality Sensors Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Duct Air Quality Sensors Market
The duct air quality sensors market is rapidly evolving, driven by factors such as improving indoor air quality, growing environmental policies, and technological advancements. In the United States, China, India, Japan, and other countries, significant activities and changes are taking place in modern markets.

• United States: In the US, a large number of developers have embraced smart building technologies, leading to increased demand for advanced duct air quality sensors. New trends include the integration of AI-enabled sensors for real-time air quality monitoring and the establishment of progressive indoor air quality standards in commercial and educational institutions, which is driving companies to evolve their offerings.
• China: In China, concerns about both indoor and outdoor air quality have grown due to the country’s industrialization and urbanization. The government has introduced new indoor air quality guidelines, which has increased demand for duct air quality sensors. Local manufacturers are expanding their product offerings to meet these requirements and are producing better and more affordable sensors.
• India: In India, increasing awareness of the effects of poor indoor air quality has boosted the demand for duct air quality sensors, particularly in large cities. Recent government policies aimed at improving air quality in public buildings and transportation hubs have also supported market growth. Local manufacturers are developing affordable sensors, making it easier to deploy these technologies across the country.
• Japan: Japan places a strong emphasis on improving air quality in urban and workplace environments, driving the growth of the duct air quality sensors market. The release of advanced sensors capable of detecting a wide range of pollutants and allergens, along with the government’s push toward smart cities, is further fueling demand for these sensors, especially in urbanized areas with high population densities.

Features of the Global Duct Air Quality Sensors Market
Market Size Estimates: Duct air quality sensors market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Duct air quality sensors market size by type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Duct air quality sensors market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different type, application, and regions for the duct air quality sensors market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the duct air quality sensors market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.
This report answers following 11 key questions:
Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the duct air quality sensors market by type (multi-gas monitor and single-gas monitor), application (residential and commercial), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Duct Air Quality Sensors Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Duct Air Quality Sensors Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Duct Air Quality Sensors Market by Type
3.3.1: Multi-Gas Monitor
3.3.2: Single-Gas Monitor
3.4: Global Duct Air Quality Sensors Market by Application
3.4.1: Residential
3.4.2: Commercial

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Duct Air Quality Sensors Market by Region
4.2: North American Duct Air Quality Sensors Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Type: Multi-Gas Monitor and Single-Gas Monitor
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Residential and Commercial
4.3: European Duct Air Quality Sensors Market
4.3.1: European Market by Type: Multi-Gas Monitor and Single-Gas Monitor
4.3.2: European Market by Application: Residential and Commercial
4.4: APAC Duct Air Quality Sensors Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Type: Multi-Gas Monitor and Single-Gas Monitor
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Residential and Commercial
4.5: ROW Duct Air Quality Sensors Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Type: Multi-Gas Monitor and Single-Gas Monitor
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Residential and Commercial

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Duct Air Quality Sensors Market by Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Duct Air Quality Sensors Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Duct Air Quality Sensors Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Duct Air Quality Sensors Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Duct Air Quality Sensors Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Duct Air Quality Sensors Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Schneider Electric
7.2: Siemens
7.3: Airflow Developments
7.5: Amphenol
7.6: Building Automation Products
7.7: FuehlerSysteme








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