

Pet Insurance Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

ペット保険の動向と予測 世界のペット保険市場の将来は、代理店市場、ブローカー市場、ダイレクト保険市場、バンカシュアランス市場にチャンスがあり、有望である。世界のペット保険市場は、2024年から2030年に... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 言語
2024年9月1日 US$4,850






- 獣医療に利用される遠隔医療サービス:動物のカバープランに遠隔医療オプションを含めることは、動物の飼い主が遠隔地から獣医師の診察を受けられるようにすることで、時間を節約することができるため、地元だけでなく国際的にも勢いを増している。外出が制限されたり、完全に制限されたりしていたCOVID-19では特に重要であった。このように、遠隔医療は今やペット保険に不可欠なパッケージの一部となり、より多くの人々にペット保険への加入を促す付加価値となっている。この傾向は、遠隔医療の台頭により、ペットの健康管理をより身近で手頃なものにすることで続くだろう。
- 個別化された動物保険:特定のニーズに応えるカスタマイズされた商品を望む顧客の間で、パーソナライズされた動物保険への関心が高まっている。保険会社は現在、品種、年齢、既往歴などを考慮し、個々のペットに特化したプランを提供している。その背景には、ペットにはそれぞれ固有のリスクがあるため、画一的な補償では十分とはいえないという事情がある。その結果、個別化されたプランが標準化され、ペット保険業界の加入率が高まる可能性がある。
- ペット保険に組み込まれたウェルネス・プログラム:ほとんどのペット保険にはウェルネス・プログラムが組み込まれており、定期的な健康診断やワクチン接種など、動物の健康維持を目的とした予防医療を促進している。例えば、ウェルネス・プログラムを組み込むことで、重篤な病気を未然に防ぎ、長期的な医療費を最小限に抑えることを目的としている。この動きは、保険会社による健康維持への緊急時のみのアプローチから、ペットの生命保険への包括的なアプローチへの転換を意味する。
- エキゾチック・ペットへの補償拡大:エキゾチック・ペットのようなユニークな種類のペットをカバーするペット保険の開発は、市場の新しいトレンドである。エキゾチックアニマルとして爬虫類、鳥類、小型哺乳類が増加するにつれ、その健康問題に対応する保険に対する需要も増加している。このギャップは、保険会社によって、主流の動物だけでなく、いくつかのエキゾチックな動物のヘルスケアのニーズをカバーすることを意図した新商品を発売することによって対処されている。その結果、より多くの顧客を惹きつけ、ペット保険業界の成長を高めることになる。

- 補償オプションの拡大:保険会社は、カスタマイズを好む人を含め、すべての人に対応する幅広いペット保険を提供するようになっている。ウェルネスケアをカバーする新しい保険もあれば、行動調査などの代替医療を担当する保険もある。つまり、ペットのための保険に加入することを躊躇していた人々が、ペットの健康要件に幅広い側面から対応するこうした選択肢の拡大により、顧客が全体的に増加し、消費者層が広がっているのである。この傾向は、ペット保険を責任ある動物飼育の標準的な一部として位置づけ、この業界の持続的成長を後押ししている。
- 遠隔医療サービスの統合:アグリゲーターによるテレヘルス・サービスの保険への組み込みは増加傾向にある。保険に追加されたサービスの中には、電話やスカイプを使った獣医師との遠隔相談があり、病気になったときに普通の人がするような医療アドバイスを求める際の不便さを解消している。この技術革新により、顧客は保険商品自体の付加価値を高めつつ、獣医療へのアクセスを向上させることができる。遠隔医療システムを通じて提供される利便性と即時性により、顧客満足度の向上がもたらされ、その結果、返戻件数が増加し、プロバイダー間の競争がさらに激化している。
- 保険金請求処理におけるAIの利用:人工知能(AI)は、ペット保険業界全体のクレーム処理を合理化する上で、より一般的なものとなっている。AIアルゴリズムを使用することで、保険会社はより早く払い戻しを受けることができるため、ミスが少なく、より迅速なクレーム査定が可能になる。これにより、効率性が高まり、保険会社の運営経費が削減されるとともに、カスタマージャーニーがより快適になる。その結果、AI技術は、この特殊な市場における競合他社の重要な差別化要因になると予想される。
- マイクロインシュランスの開始:発展途上国における保険料の安さへの懸念は、ペットのためのマイクロ保険という新しい概念をもたらした。このような低コストのプランは、ペットの健康に対する基本的な補償を、誰でも利用できる手頃な価格帯で提供するものである。マイクロインシュランスは、従来の保険では手が届かなかったこれらの地域に導入され、それによってこの市場の活動領域が拡大した。その結果、ペット保険はより包括的なものとなり、世界中のペットの飼い主への普及が進むだろう。
- 新興市場への進出:このような未開発市場の好例は、ペットを飼うことの人気が高まっている新興市場である。急成長する中産階級の市場セグメントを開拓するため、企業はここで消費者のニーズに合った安価な保険商品を提供することを決定するかもしれない。保険会社がそうする一つの方法は、現地に根ざしたマーケティング戦略、現地の動物病院とのパートナーシップの確立、あるいはこうした顧客層をターゲットとしたマイクロインシュランスの設計によって、こうした地域への浸透を図ることである。グローバルな展開を望むペット保険会社にとって、新興市場での事業拡大を検討することは、市場シェアを大幅に拡大できる可能性があり、非常に良いことである。
- ウェルネス・プログラムの開発:ペット保険プランにウェルネス・プログラムを組み込むことは、予防医療の必要性をターゲットとした戦略的成長のもう一つの道を示す。定期検診、予防接種、その他の予防措置を保険でカバーすることで、保険会社は競争から脱却し、顧客の経験価値を高めることができる。このプログラムは、長期的な利益につながる状態を改善するだけでなく、それに伴う医療費の削減にもつながる。これは、従来の保険モデルとは異なり、より包括的な補償を望む新規顧客を引き付けることができる方法であり、市場の拡大に役立つ。
- シニアペットのための専門保険:ペットの高齢化に伴い、医療ニーズは複雑化し、費用も増加する。慢性疾患や継続的な治療、高齢に関連する病気を抱えた老犬や老猫をカバーする特別な保険を作ることは、良い成長機会となる。多くの場合、この市場セグメントは従来の保険商品では十分に注目されておらず、ニッチと呼ばれている。このような側面に集中的に取り組むことで、保険会社は、ターゲットを絞ったソリューションを求める特定の購入者を囲い込み、顧客ロイヤルティを高めることで、市場のさらなるシェアを獲得できるかもしれない。
- ペット用ウェアラブルとの統合:ペット保険とペット用ウェアラブル機器や健康監視機器との統合は、ユニークな成長機会を提供する。これらの機器はリアルタイムで動物の健康データを提供するため、リスク評価や保険金請求処理の精度を向上させ、即座に保険契約を締結するための理想的なツールとなる可能性が高い。さらに、保険会社はペット用ウェアラブル端末を使用するインセンティブを導入することができ、予防を奨励することで、特定の疾病状態に関連する高額な診察回数を減らすことができる。そのため、技術に精通したペットの飼い主にとっては魅力的であり、成長目的に適した技術領域で新たな市場を開拓することになる。

- トゥルパニオン
- Deutsche Familienversicherung
- ペットプラン
- アニマル・フレンズ・インシュアランス・サービス
- フィーゴ・ペット保険
- ダイレクト・ライン
- ネイションワイド相互保険会社
- エンブレイスペット保険代理店
- アニコム損保
- iPET保険

- 事故と病気
- 傷害のみ
- その他

- 犬
- 猫
- その他

- 代理店
- ブローカー
- ダイレクト
- バンカシュアランス
- その他

- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域

- アメリカ米国では、定期的なケアや予防治療をカバーするウェルネス・プランを含め、補償の選択肢が大きく広がっている。保険会社は、犬や猫からエキゾチックアニマルまで、さまざまなペットのカスタマイズを増やしている。ペットの飼い主が包括的な保険を求める一方で、保険会社の競争がこのような傾向をもたらしている。オーダーメイドのソリューションが加入率を高め、消費者の満足度を高め、最終的に米国のペット保険業界のさらなる成長を後押ししている。
- 中国中国におけるペット保険は、デジタル・プラットフォームと統合されつつある。これは、各社がテクノロジーを利用して、オンライン保険契約管理システムや保険金請求処理サービス、カスタマーサポートを提供していることを意味する。テクノロジーに精通した消費者は、このようなデジタル変革をうまく利用しているため、ペット保険の普及率は高い。さらに、eコマース・サイトとの連携により、中国の顧客がペット用の他の商品を購入する際に保険カバーを注文することが容易になったため、この特定の市場ニッチの拡大に大きく貢献している。また、この種のアプリケーションの特徴である可用性と使いやすさは、将来の発展を刺激するはずだ。
- ドイツ:ドイツでは、各保険会社による商品の啓蒙キャンペーンや、各社による大規模な広告プログラムを通じて、ペット保険に対する意識が大幅に高まった。その結果、ペット保険の重要性を認識する飼い主が増え、契約件数の増加につながった。ドイツ市場では、初めてペットを購入する人を惹きつけるために、費用対効果の高い新しい保険も登場している。したがって、認知度が高まり、手頃な価格で購入できるようになったことで、不測の獣医療費について動物のための保険を求める人が増え、市場は急成長している。
- インドインドでは、特にペットを対象としたマイクロインシュランスの登場が大きな節目となっている。このような安価なペット保険は、特に農村部や半都市部で、価格に敏感なペットの飼い主のために作られたものである。このようなマイクロ保険には通常、携帯電話で簡単にアクセスできる基本的な医療サービスが含まれている。このようなアプローチにより、ペット保険はより包括的で手ごろな保険料となり、インドの人々に受け入れられている。ペット保険業界は、インド国内でマイクロインシュランスがさらに成長すれば拡大する。
- 日本日本では、高齢のペットや慢性疾患を持つペットに特化したペット保険が登場している。これらの保険は、継続的に必要な治療や加齢に伴う健康問題をカバーするもので、高齢のペットを飼う飼い主に人気のある選択肢となっている。その結果、ペットの飼い主に安心感を与えるこうしたカスタマイズされたプランによって、顧客ロイヤルティと満足度が高まっている。このようなオーダーメイドのソリューションへの注目が、日本のペット保険市場の着実な拡大につながっているのかもしれない。

- トゥルパニオン
- Deutsche Familienversicherung
- ペットプラン
- アニマル・フレンズ保険サービス
- フィーゴ・ペット保険
- ダイレクト・ライン
- ネイションワイド相互保険会社
- エンブレイスペット保険代理店
- アニコム損保
- iPET保険
Q.7 本レポートのカスタマイズは可能ですか?
回答:はい:はい、Lucintel は追加費用なしで 10% のカスタマイズを提供します。





3.5: ペット保険の世界市場:販売チャネル別
3.5.2: ブローカー
3.5.4: バンカシュアランス
3.5.5: その他
4.5: ROWのペット保険市場
6.1.3: ペット保険の世界市場の成長機会:販売チャネル別
6.3: 戦略的分析
7.3: ペットプラン
7.4: アニマルフレンズ保険サービス
7.5: フィーゴ・ペット保険
7.6: ダイレクトライン
7.7: ネイションワイド相互保険会社
7.8: エンブレイスペット保険代理店
7.9: アニコム保険
7.10: アイペット損害保険





Pet Insurance Trends and Forecast
The future of the global pet insurance market looks promising with opportunities in the agency, broker, direct, and bancassurance markets. The global pet insurance market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 18.0% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are significantly growing pet pollution, increasing awareness towards pet insurance policies, and surging cost of veterinary care.
Lucintel forecasts that accident and illness will remain the largest segment over the forecast period due to an increase in the population of companion animals.
Within this market, direct sales will remain the largest segment due to the extensive use of direct sales strategies by prominent pet insurance providers.
Europe will remain the largest region over the forecast period due to the growing adoption of pet insurance and the presence of major players in the region.

Emerging Trends in the Pet Insurance Market
The industry’s future is being shaped by new trends that are rapidly emerging in the pet insurance market. These include shifts in consumer behavior, technological advancements, and the increasing significance of pets within households worldwide. The demand for such policies increases together with ownership rates which means they must offer full protection tailored specifically to different situations.
• Telehealth Services Used for Veterinary Medicine: Including telehealth options on animal cover plans is gaining momentum internationally as well as locally which enable animal owners to seek consultation with veterinarians remotely thus saving time. It was particularly important during COVID-19 when going out was limited or restricted altogether. As such, telehealth now becomes an integral part of pet insurance package that adds value encouraging more people to take up such insurance for their pets. This trend will continue with rise of telehealth thereby making pet health care more accessible and affordable.
• Personalized Animal Insurance: There is growing interest in personalized animal insurance policies among customers who want customized products that cater to their specific needs. Insurers now offer plans that are designed specifically for individual pets, taking into account breed, age and previous medical history. The motivation behind this practice is that uniform coverage may not be sufficient as each pet has unique risks associated with it. As a result, the standardization of personalized plans is likely and may increase uptake in the pet insurance industry.
• Wellness Programs Integrated into Pet Insurance: Most pet insurance policies have integrated wellness programs which promote preventive care through them by offering regular check-ups, vaccinations among other measures aimed at keeping animals healthy. For instance, including wellness programs aims at minimizing long-term healthcare costs by deterring severe illnesses. This move signifies a shift from an emergency-only approach to health maintenance by insurers towards an all-inclusive approach to insuring pets’ lives.
• Expansion of Coverage to Exotic Pets: The development of pet insurance coverage that embraces unique kinds like exotic pets is a new trend in the market. As the numbers of reptiles, birds and small mammals as exotic animals increase, so does the demand for policies addressing their health issues. This gap has been addressed by insurers through launching new products that are meant to cover healthcare needs not only for mainstream animals but also some exotic ones. Consequently, this will attract more clients and enhance growth of pet insurance industry.
The emerging trends in the Pet Insurance market, such as telehealth services, personalized plans, wellness programs, coverage expansion to exotic pets and AI-driven claims processing have been responsible for reshaping this industry completely. This implies that markets growth is being driven by customization accessibility as well as technology innovation. These trends summarized above reflects a growing desire for accessibility, personalization and innovation with technology being at the center stage driving growth.

Recent Developments in the Pet Insurance Market
The pet insurance market has seen significant advancements in response to growing pet ownership, rising veterinary costs, and increasing awareness of the need for pet health coverage. Demand for holistic insurance plans has increased as more consumers see pets as family members. Emerging trends have involved expansion of policy choices, digitization, and improved user experience thereby preparing pet insurance market so that it realizes fast growth with insurers being forced to change with changing needs of their clients.
• Expansion of Coverage Options: Increasingly, insurance companies offer a wide range of pet insurance arrangements that cater to everyone including those who prefer customization. Some new policies cover wellness care while others take charge of alternative medications such as behavioral studies. This means that there is an overall increase in clients and hence broadening of the consumer base due to these expanded options addressing wider aspects of pet health requirements deterring people from buying insurance policies for their pets. This trend positions pet insurance as a standard part of responsible animal keeping thus propelling sustainable growth within this industry.
• Integration of Telehealth Services: The prevalence or rather inclusion of telehealth services by aggregators into their insurances is on the rise. Among its offerings, which have been added into the policy are remote consultations with veterinarians over phone calls or Skype sessions thus dealing with inconveniences related to seeking medical advice like regular people do when they fall ill. Through this innovation, customers get better access to veterinary care while enhancing value-addition in terms of insurance products itself. An increase in customer satisfaction has resulted from convenience and immediacy provided through telehealth care systems leading to higher numbers returning thus making competition among providers even stiffer.
• Use of AI in Claims Processing: Artificial intelligence (AI) has become more common place in streamlining claims processing across the pet insurance industry. Using AI algorithms allows faster claim appraisals with fewer errors because insurers receive reimbursement earlier. This creates more efficiency and reduces insurance firms’ operational expenses, while also making the customer journey more pleasant. Consequently, AI technology is expected to become a significant differentiating factor for competitors on this particular market.
• Launch of Microinsurance Plans: Affordability concerns in developing countries have brought about a new concept of microinsurance for pets. These low-cost plans provide basic coverage for pet health at an affordable price point that can be accessed by anyone. Microinsurance have been introduced in these regions where traditional insurances were out of reach thereby increasing the space within which this market operates. This will result in increased penetration to pet owners all over the globe as it makes pet insurance more inclusive.
The pet insurance market has experienced significant transformation due to the extension of cover options, integration of telehealth, application of AI in claims management, launch of microinsurance and collaboration with animal clinics. These changes will make pet insurance more accessible to a wider population, faster and more appealing. Eventually these developments will help continue driving the growth trajectory of the business section while consolidating this sector’s position as an enabler in pet care.
Strategic Growth Opportunities for Pet Insurance Market
Rising pet ownership levels, increasing veterinary costs and growing awareness on pet health create a perfect environment for strategic expansion in the pet insurance industry. To mainstream this product category organizations have been seeking opportunities to expand their footprint and reinforce their services. This is seen through some applications as well as services that are currently evolving following specific needs trends among those who own pets.
• Expansion into Emerging Markets: A good example of such underdeveloped markets represents emerging markets with growing popularity of having pets. In order to tap into this rapidly rising middle class market segment; companies may decide to offer cheap insurance products meeting consumer requirements here. One way insurers can do so is by means localized marketing strategies, establishing partnership with local veterinary practices or even designing microinsurance policies targeted at these customers for better penetration into these areas. For Pet Insurers wishing to expand globally it will be very nice if they consider expanding their activities in emerging markets making which could substantially increase their market shares.
• Development of Wellness Programs: Integration of wellness programs into pet insurance plans presents another avenue for strategic growth targeting preventive healthcare requirements. By offering policy coverage for regular check-ups, immunizations, and other forms or pre-emptive measures; insurers stand chance of diversifying themselves from competition hence adding value to clients’ experience. Not only does this program improve conditions leading long-term benefits but also lower medical overheads associated with the same. This is a method that can attract new customers, who desire more inclusive coverage in relation to traditional insurance models which helps in growing the marketplace.
• Specialized Insurance for Senior Pets: As pets age, their healthcare needs become more complex and expenses rise as well. Creating special policies covering old dogs and cats with chronic conditions, ongoing treatments and elderly related illnesses represents a good growth opportunity. In many cases this market segment does not receive adequate attention from conventional insurance products referring to it as niche. Concentrating on such aspects might assist an insurer to gain additional shares of a market by retaining certain buyers who want targeted solutions thereby increasing their customer loyalty.
• Integration with Pet Wearables: The integration of pet insurance with pet wearables and health monitoring devices offers unique growth opportunities. Through provision of real-time animal health data these gadgets are likely to improve accuracy risk assessment or claims processing making them ideal tools for instant policies creation. Further still, insurers can introduce incentives for using pet wearable devices an aspect that will encourage prevention practices thus reducing the number of costly visits relating to any particular disease condition. Therefore this will be appealing for tech-savvy pet owners hence opening up new markets within technological arenas fit for growth intents.
The future of pet insurance is being shaped by strategic growth opportunities including expansion into emerging markets, development of wellness programs for pets, specialized insurance plans for senior pets; integration with pet wearables and coverage expansion for exotic pets. From these opportunities it is clear that the industry has responded to changing consumer demands and technological advancements placing them in good stead for more growth and innovation in future.

Pet Insurance Market Driver and Challenges
Various factors drive or hinder the growth and development of the pet insurance market. These factors include technological advancements; economic conditions; regulatory changes; as well as change in consumer behavior. For those who wish to succeed in this market landscape they need to understand its main drivers or challenges.
The factors responsible for driving the pet insurance market include:
1. Rising Veterinary Costs: The high cost of animal medical treatment is one of the reasons behind increasing Pet Insurance sales volumes worldwide. As veterinary treatments become increasingly sophisticated so do their costs necessitating pet owners’ search for cheaper ways to manage it all. Pet insurance provides financial cover against any unexpected medical expenses such as accidents. The growing cost of veterinary care encourages many more pet owners to take up pet insurance thus making a significant contribution to increasing size of this market. This trend will continue given the anticipated increase in vet costs making pet insurance be a vital aspect of keeping pets.
2. Growing Pet Ownership: Among other things, the millennial and Gen Z cohorts’ growing tendency to own pets is a key factor driving demand for pet insurance in the market. The demand for pet-based products and services including pet insurance has increased with more families having pets. Moreover, such demographic change has driven expansion of the market among young animal owners who are targeted by insurers through digital marketing tools and personalized coverage plans. Based on these premises, the growth in number of pets around will be maintained as more owners take it upon themselves to protect them.
3. Technological Advancements: Innovation in technology such as AI-enabled claims processing, telehealth services and pet wearable tech is responsible for fueling growth in this industry. All this leads to improved customer experience that makes insurance efficient, accessible and personalized. Technology facilitates better products from insurers; enhance risk management; and minimize business cost through automation. Consequently, more companies are expected to continue integrating technology into their services leading to innovation which supports further growth opportunities within the pet insurance sector.
Challenges in the pet insurance market are:
1. High Premium Costs: A major challenge facing the pet insurance market is high premium costs which act as a barrier for many people who own pets. Insurance provides financial protection but can be an unnecessary expense if one cannot afford it initially due to its cost. This problem is more intense, especially in low income markets where disposable income levels are low thereby reducing potential clients targeting such firms. Insurers must balance coverage with affordability so that pet insurances are made accessible to more people.
2. Lack of Awareness in Emerging Markets: Many emerging markets still lack awareness about importance of having a pet insurance policy. Cultural diversity, economic limitations and less accessibility to veterinary services contribute towards low penetration rate. Educating customers on the value of an insurance policy for their pets while providing products catering to local preferences are fundamental steps toward overcoming this. For these markets to grow, this gap in knowledge must be filled.
3. Complex Claims Process: Another challenge is complex claim procedures that may lead to client dissatisfaction. Customers have been frustrated by lengthy paperwork processing, delayed reimbursements and difficult to interpret conditions and terms of policies which has led to high churn rates. Thus it is important for insurers to simplify the claims process through technology and clear communication in order to improve customer experience. Insurers who can streamline their claims processes are most likely going to win out over others in the market.
Veterinary costs, growing pet ownership numbers, technological advancement trends, increased consciousness about pet health as well as regulatory support remain key drivers of the pet insurance market. Nevertheless, there are also other major challenges including high premium costs, lack of awareness in emerging markets, and complexities in making claims. Understanding and responding appropriately to these forces will be a crucial aspect for those stakeholders wishing to exploit the available opportunities as well as successfully negotiate the changing landscape of the pet insurance industry.
List of Pet Insurance Companies
Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies pet insurance companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the pet insurance companies profiled in this report include-
• Trupanion
• Deutsche Familienversicherung
• Petplan
• Animal Friends Insurance Services
• Figo Pet Insurance
• Direct Line
• Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
• Embrace Pet Insurance Agency
• Anicom Insurance
• iPET Insurance

Pet Insurance by Segment
The study includes a forecast for the global pet insurance by coverage type, animal type, sales channel, and region.
Pet Insurance Market by Coverage Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Accident & Illness
• Accident Only
• Others

Pet Insurance Market by Animal Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Dogs
• Cats
• Others

Pet Insurance Market by Sales Channel [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Agency
• Broker
• Direct
• Bancassurance
• Others

Pet Insurance Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Pet Insurance Market
Recent developments in the pet insurance market indicate an increased recognition of pet health and a need for more comprehensive policies in various regions. This is because the number of people owning pets has shot up mainly among millennials who regard them as members of their families. Therefore, many nations experience significant breakthroughs within their pet insurance domain such as creating new plans, innovative technologies, and strategic alliances that have taken place due to these factors.
• United States: In the U.S., there has been a wide expansion of coverage options including wellness plans that cover routine care and preventive treatments. With insurers increasing customization among different pets ranging from dogs and cats to exotic animals. Insurers’ competition has resulted in this trend while pet owners are looking for comprehensive policies. Tailored solutions increase uptake rates giving way to higher consumer satisfaction that eventually boosts further growth within the US pet insurance industry.
• China: One major development that has occurred is the integration of digital platforms with pet insurance offerings in China. This means that companies use technology to provide online policy management systems claims processing services and customer support. Tech-savvy consumers make good use of this form of digital transformation hence there is high adoption levels for pet insurance policies. Moreover, through collaboration with e-commerce sites; it is now easier for Chinese customers to order insurance covers when they buy other goods meant for their pets; therefore helping expand this particular market niche significantly. Also, availability and ease-of-use characterizing these types of applications should stimulate future progress.
• Germany: Through educative campaigns by various insurers about their products and massive advertising programs carried out by various firms, Germany experienced a considerable rise in regards to awareness of insuring pets. As a result, more pet owners are recognizing the importance of insuring their pets, leading to a rise in policy subscriptions. Some new cost-effective policies have been introduced into the German market to attract first-time buyers. Therefore, with increased awareness and affordability, there is rapid growth in the market as more people seek insurance for their animals about unforeseen veterinary expenses.
• India: The advent of microinsurance in India specifically targeting pets represents a major milestone. These cheap pet insurance plans are created for pet owners who are price-conscious, particularly in rural and semi-urban areas. Such microinsurance covers usually include basic health services that one can access using mobile phones easily. This approach makes pet insurance more inclusive and affordable hence greater acceptance rates among the Indian populace. The pet insurance industry will only expand if microinsurance grows further within this country thus it has become an integral part of its development process.
• Japan: In Japan, pet insurance has seen the advent of specialized policies for older pets and those with chronic diseases. These covers take care of any ongoing treatment needed and age-related health problems which have become a popular choice for owners who have elderly pets. As a result, customer loyalty and satisfaction have been increased due to these customized plans that grant peace of mind to pet owners. Such a focus on bespoke solutions may be responsible for a steady expansion in the Japanese pet insurance market.
Features of the Global Pet Insurance Market
Market Size Estimates: Pet insurance market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Pet insurance market size by coverage type, animal type, sales channel, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Pet insurance market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different coverage types, animal types, sales channels, and regions for the pet insurance market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the pet insurance market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.
Q1. What is the growth forecast for pet insurance market?
Answer: The global pet insurance market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 18.0% from 2024 to 2030.
Q2. What are the major drivers influencing the growth of the pet insurance market?
Answer: The major drivers for this market are significantly growing pet pollution, increasing awareness towards pet insurance policies, and surging cost of veterinary care.
Q3. What are the major segments for pet insurance market?
Answer: The future of the pet insurance market looks promising with opportunities in the agency, broker, direct, and bancassurance markets.
Q4. Who are the key pet insurance market companies?
Answer: Some of the key pet insurance companies are as follows:
• Trupanion
• Deutsche Familienversicherung
• Petplan
• Animal Friends Insurance Services
• Figo Pet Insurance
• Direct Line
• Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
• Embrace Pet Insurance Agency
• Anicom Insurance
• iPET Insurance
Q5. Which pet insurance market segment will be the largest in future?
Answer: Lucintel forecasts that accident and illness will remain the largest segment over the forecast period due to an increase in the population of companion animals.
Q6. In pet insurance market, which region is expected to be the largest in next 5 years?
Answer: Europe will remain the largest region over the forecast period due to the growing adoption of pet insurance and the presence of major players in the region.
Q.7 Do we receive customization in this report?
Answer: Yes, Lucintel provides 10% customization without any additional cost.

This report answers following 11 key questions:
Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the pet insurance market by coverage type (accident & illness, accident only, and others), animal type (dogs, cats, and others), sales channel (agency, broker, direct, bancassurance, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Global Pet Insurance Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges
3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Pet Insurance Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Pet Insurance Market by Coverage Type
3.3.1: Accident & Illness
3.3.2: Accident Only
3.3.3: Others
3.4: Global Pet Insurance Market by Animal Type
3.4.1: Dogs
3.4.2: Cats
3.4.3: Others
3.5: Global Pet Insurance Market by Sales Channel
3.5.1: Agency
3.5.2: Broker
3.5.3: Direct
3.5.4: Bancassurance
3.5.5: Others
4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Pet Insurance Market by Region
4.2: North American Pet Insurance Market
4.2.1: North American Pet Insurance Market by Coverage Type: Accident & Illness, Accident Only, and Others
4.2.2: North American Pet Insurance Market by Sales Channel: Agency, Broker, Direct, and Bancassurance
4.3: European Pet Insurance Market
4.3.1: European Pet Insurance Market by Coverage Type: Accident & Illness, Accident Only, and Others
4.3.2: European Pet Insurance Market by Sales Channel: Agency, Broker, Direct, and Bancassurance
4.4: APAC Pet Insurance Market
4.4.1: APAC Pet Insurance Market by Coverage Type: Accident & Illness, Accident Only, and Others
4.4.2: APAC Pet Insurance Market by Sales Channel: Agency, Broker, Direct, and Bancassurance
4.5: ROW Pet Insurance Market
4.5.1: ROW Pet Insurance Market by Coverage Type: Accident & Illness, Accident Only, and Others
4.5.2: ROW Pet Insurance Market by Sales Channel: Agency, Broker, Direct, and Bancassurance
5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Pet Insurance Market by Coverage Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Pet Insurance Market by Animal Type
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Pet Insurance Market by Sales Channel
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Pet Insurance Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Pet Insurance Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Pet Insurance Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Pet Insurance Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing
7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Trupanion
7.2: Deutsche Familienversicherung
7.3: Petplan
7.4: Animal Friends Insurance Services
7.5: Figo Pet Insurance
7.6: Direct Line
7.7: Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
7.8: Embrace Pet Insurance Agency
7.9: Anicom Insurance
7.10: iPET Insurance







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