

Energy Security Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

エネルギー安全保障の動向と予測 世界のエネルギー安全保障市場の将来は、石油・ガス、原子力、再生可能エネルギー、火力・水力市場にビジネスチャンスがありそうだ。世界のエネルギー・セキュリティ市場は、202... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 言語
2024年9月1日 US$4,850







- 再生可能エネルギーへの注目の高まり:風力、太陽光、水力などの代替エネルギーへの注目が高まっている。化石燃料への依存を減らし、環境悪化を減らすために、さまざまな国がこうした技術への投資を行っている。その効果は、エネルギー源の多様化によるエネルギー安全保障の向上だけでなく、世界的な気候変動目標の達成にも役立つだろう。
- エネルギー貯蔵の発展:バッテリーやその他の貯蔵技術は、エネルギー安全保障にとって極めて重要である。蓄電技術が向上すれば、再生可能エネルギー源の断続性が解消され、送電網が安定し、供給の信頼性が高まる。実際、より多くの再生可能エネルギーをオンライン化するためには、蓄電技術は不可欠である。
- サイバーセキュリティ対策:エネルギー・インフラのデジタル化が進むにつれ、エネルギー・インフラはサイバーセキュリティの分野で注目される分野のひとつとなっている。そのため、重要なエネルギー・システムをサイバー脅威から保護する、より強化された対策の開発が急速に進められている。この傾向は、エネルギー供給ネットワークの信頼性と回復力と密接に関係している。
- 戦略的備蓄の開発:各国は、石油、ガス、重要鉱物などのエネルギー資源の戦略的備蓄を増強している。これは、供給の途絶や価格の高騰に備えた当面のバッファーの役割を果たす。戦略的備蓄の開発は、国家のエネルギー安全保障戦略の策定を意味する。
- 地域エネルギー協力:エネルギー協力と地域統合は急成長している。各国は、パイプラインや電力インターコネクターなど、国境を越えたエネルギー・プロジェクトの開発に積極的に協力し、資源の賢明な利用によるエネルギー安全保障の強化を図っている。地域協力は需給バランスを改善し、エネルギー全体の回復力を高める。

- 再生可能エネルギーの拡大:再生可能エネルギー、特に風力と太陽光への投資に取り組む国がますます増えている。このシフトは、化石燃料への依存を減らし、エネルギーミックスの多様化によってエネルギー安全保障を高め、さらに環境の持続可能性を支援し、エネルギー輸入に関連する地政学的リスクを軽減することを目的としている。
- エネルギー貯蔵技術の向上:大規模バッテリーシステムとエネルギー貯蔵の革新的技術により、断続的な再生可能エネルギー源から得られるエネルギーを貯蔵・管理する手段が強化された。強化された蓄電ソリューションは、送電網の安定性とバランシングにさらに貢献し、安全で強靭なエネルギー供給を保証する。
- サイバーセキュリティの向上:エネルギー・インフラのデジタル化が進む中、重要なエネルギー・システムをさまざまなサイバー関連の脅威から守るため、サイバーセキュリティの仕組みの強化に注目が集まっている。サイバーセキュリティの技術やプロトコルを整備することは、エネルギーインフラの安全性と完全性に対する重要な投資である。
- 戦略的エネルギー備蓄:各国は、石油やガスなどの重要なエネルギー資源の戦略的備蓄を拡大し、供給が途絶えた場合の緩衝材としている。これらの備蓄は、エネルギー市場の安定にとって非常に重要であり、緊急事態や地政学的緊張の中でも供給を継続できるようにするものである。
- 地域エネルギー統合:地域のエネルギー統合と協力に注目が集まっている。パイプラインやインターコネクターは、エネルギー安全保障を強化し、資源の分配方法を最適化するために開発されている、国境を越えたエネルギー・プロジェクトのひとつである。したがって、このような地域協力は、より良い供給管理と需要、ひいては総合的なエネルギー回復力の向上に役立つ。

- 再生可能エネルギーの統合:再生可能エネルギーの統合は重要な成長機会である。太陽光発電、風力発電、水力発電プロジェクトの拡大は、多様化と化石燃料への依存度の低減を通じて、エネルギー供給の安全保障を強化する。その結果、系統インフラと蓄電ソリューションへの投資は、統合をサポートするために最も重要である。
- エネルギー貯蔵ソリューション:エネルギー貯蔵技術の進歩:この分野は大きな成長の可能性を秘めている。大型バッテリーやその他の高度な蓄電システムは、再生可能エネルギー源の断続性を緩和し、グリッドを安定化させるソリューションの一部である。エネルギー貯蔵インフラへの投資は、信頼性の高い電力を供給し、クリーンなエネルギー源への移行を促進する。
- エネルギーインフラのサイバーセキュリティエネルギー・システムのデジタル化が進む中、サイバーセキュリティは急成長分野となっている。重要なエネルギー・インフラをサイバー脅威から保護するための強固なサイバーセキュリティ対策と技術が必要となっている。この分野の成長機会には、保護メカニズムの強化とサイバーセキュリティ・ソリューションへの投資が必要である。
- 戦略的備蓄管理:戦略的エネルギー備蓄の開発と管理は、このような重要な成長機会のひとつである。石油、ガス、重要鉱物の供給は、供給の途絶と価格の変動を緩衝するために構築される必要がある。このような供給は、適切に管理されれば、各国にエネルギー安全保障と安定性を保証する。
- 地域エネルギー協力:エネルギーの地域協力は、国境を越えたプロジェクトやパートナーシップを通じて成長の道を提供する。パイプラインやインターコネクターといった国境を越えたインフラは、エネルギー問題において国を越えた視点を与えることができる。これにより、エネルギー安全保障が強化され、資源配分の最適化が達成される。地域統合は需要と供給のバランスをとり、一般的にエネルギーの回復力を高める。
- エネルギー貯蔵ソリューション:エネルギー貯蔵技術の進歩:この分野は大きな成長の可能性を秘めている。大型バッテリーやその他の高度な蓄電システムは、再生可能エネルギー源の断続性を緩和し、グリッドを安定化させるソリューションの一部である。エネルギー貯蔵インフラへの投資は、信頼性の高い電力を供給し、クリーンなエネルギー源への移行を促進する。
- エネルギーインフラのサイバーセキュリティエネルギー・システムのデジタル化が進む中、サイバーセキュリティは急成長分野となっている。重要なエネルギー・インフラをサイバー脅威から保護するための強固なサイバーセキュリティ対策と技術が必要となっている。この分野の成長機会には、保護メカニズムの強化とサイバーセキュリティ・ソリューションへの投資が必要である。
- 戦略的備蓄管理:戦略的エネルギー備蓄の開発と管理は、このような重要な成長機会のひとつである。石油、ガス、重要鉱物の供給は、供給の途絶と価格の変動を緩衝するために構築される必要がある。このような供給は、適切に管理されれば、各国にエネルギー安全保障と安定性を保証する。
- 地域エネルギー協力:エネルギーの地域協力は、国境を越えたプロジェクトやパートナーシップを通じて成長の道を提供する。パイプラインやインターコネクターといった国境を越えたインフラは、エネルギー問題において国を越えた視点を与えることができる。これにより、エネルギー安全保障が強化され、資源配分の最適化が達成される。地域統合は需要と供給のバランスをとり、エネルギー全般の回復力を高める。

- ハネウェル・インターナショナル
- シマンテック・コーポレーション
- タレス・グループ
- イージス・ディフェンス・サービス
- エリクソン
- カシディアン
- トフィノ
- BAEシステム
- レイセオン

- 物理セキュリティ
- ネットワークセキュリティ

- ソリューション
- サービス

- 石油・ガス
- 原子力
- 再生可能エネルギー
- 火力・水力

- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域

- アメリカ米国におけるエネルギー安全保障の最新動向には、他のエネルギー源への多様化とエネルギー・インフラの強靭性への関心が含まれる。最も注目されているのは、エネルギー関連の重要設備におけるサイバーセキュリティ対策と、再生可能エネルギーへのさらなる投資である。戦略的備蓄は、米国が混乱を見越して送電網の信頼性を追求している多くの方法のひとつである。
- 中国中国は、再生可能エネルギーと原子力に多くの投資を行うことで、エネルギー分野における安全保障の向上に向けて大きな一歩を踏み出した。また、戦略的石油備蓄の増強やエネルギー輸入源の多様化も進めている。中国のイニシアティブである「一帯一路」の役割は、アジアとアフリカ全域のエネルギー・インフラ・プロジェクトへの投資を通じて、こうしたエネルギー・チェーンの確保に役立っている。
- ドイツエネルギー安全保障は、再生可能エネルギーへの移行とエネルギー消費の効率化を強調する「エネル ギーヴェンデ」政策を通じて、ドイツの焦点となっている。近年の発展には、再生可能エネルギー生産の拡大、グリッド統合の改善、輸入化石燃料への依存度の低減が含まれる。ドイツはまた、供給の安定性を確保するため、エネルギー貯蔵のソリューションにも投資している。
- インドインドのエネルギー安全保障の発展輸入依存度を減らすため、自国でのエネルギー生産を着実に増やしている。太陽光発電所や風力発電所などの再生可能エネルギー・プロジェクトに投資し、エネルギー・インフラを改善している。また、エネルギー効率を向上させ、近隣諸国との地域エネルギー協力を模索している。
- 日本エネルギー安全保障は現在、エネルギーミックスの多様化とエネルギー効率の追求に重点を置いている。これには最近、より優れた安全対策を提供できる原子力施設の再稼働や、再生可能エネルギーへの投資も含まれる。日本はまた、輸入化石燃料への依存を減らすため、エネルギー供給チェーンとインフラを強化している。

- ハネウェル・インターナショナル
- シマンテック・コーポレーション
- タレス・グループ
- イージス・ディフェンス・サービス
- エリクソン
- カシディアン
- トフィノ
- BAEシステム
- レイセオン
回答APAC は、中国やインドなどの発展途上国におけるエネルギー消費の増加に加え、人口の増加、社会的進歩、地域政府の取り組みにより、予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれています。
Q.8 本レポートのカスタマイズは可能ですか?
回答はい、Lucintel は追加費用なしで 10% のカスタマイズを提供します。










3.5: 世界のエネルギー安全保障市場:発電所別




4.5: ROWエネルギー・セキュリティ市場


6.1.3: エネルギーセキュリティ世界市場の成長機会:発電所別

6.2: エネルギー・セキュリティの世界市場における新たな動向

6.3: 戦略分析

7.2: シマンテック・コーポレーション
7.3: タレスグループ
7.4: イージス・ディフェンス・サービス
7.5: エリクソン
7.6: HCL
7.7: キャシディアン
7.8: トフィーノ
7.9: BAEシステム
7.10: レイセオン





Energy Security Trends and Forecast
The future of the global energy security market looks promising with opportunities in the oil & gas, nuclear, renewable energy, and thermal & hydro markets. The global energy security market is expected to reach an estimated $125.4 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 6.4% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are increasing need to defend energy supplies against cyber and physical threats, rising adoption of energy security solutions at a faster rate, and increasing demand for energy security measures.

Lucintel forecasts that physical security will remain larger segment over the forecast period.
APAC is expected to witness highest growth over the forecast period due to population growth, social progress, and regional government efforts, along with growing energy consumption in developing countries such as China and India.

Emerging Trends in the Energy Security Market
The emerging trends within the Energy Security market illustrate the evolutionary forces of global energy needs and environmental considerations within an ever-changing technological landscape. These newer emerging trends will reshape how countries conceptualize their approach to energy security through sustainability, technology, and diversification.
• Increased Focus on Renewable Energy: There is an increasing focus on alternative sources of energy, including wind, solar, and hydro. Various countries are making investments in such technologies to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and decrease environmental degradation. The effect will not only be improved energy security with a diversification of energy sources but will also help globally in achieving climate goals.
• Energy Storage Developments: This would include technological advances in energy storage: batteries and other storage technologies are crucial for energy security. Improved storage would cure intermittency in renewable sources, allowing grids to be stabilized and supplies to become more reliable. In fact, it is essential if more renewables are to be brought online.
• Cybersecurity Measures: With more increased digitalization of the energy infrastructure, it has become one of the main areas of focus in the field of cybersecurity. In that aspect, the development of more enhanced measures that protect these critical energy systems against cyber threats is fast getting implemented. This trend goes hand in glove with reliability and resilience in the energy supply network.
• Development of Strategic Reserves: Countries are building up strategic reserves of energy resources such as oil, gas, and critical minerals. It serves as an immediate buffer in case of disruptions in supply or volatile price spikes. Development of strategic reserves is about the development of national energy security strategy.
• Regional Energy Cooperation: Energy cooperation and regional integration has become the fast-growing trend. The countries are actively cooperating in the development of cross-border energy projects like pipelines, electricity interconnectors, and others for enhanced energy security with judicious use of resources. Regional cooperation improves supply and demand balancing, enhancing overall energy resilience.
These emerging trends mold the Energy Security market, which fosters renewability, advanced technologies for storage, and cybersecurity. Strategic reserves and regional cooperation further strengthen energy resilience. Aggregately, these reshape the way countries secure their energy supplies and adapt to the evolving global challenges.

Recent Developments in the Energy Security Market
Recent trends in the Energy Security market indeed reflect an upward trajectory of resilience, diversification, and technological innovation. These are cumulatively shaping the ways in which countries frame their respective energy strategies in pursuit of guaranteed stability and reliability of supplies against shifting global dynamics.
• Renewable Energy Expansion: More and more countries are involved in renewable energy source investment, especially in wind and solar. This shift aims to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, increase energy security by diversification of the energy mix, and further support environmental sustainability and reduce geopolitical risks related to energy imports.
• Improved Technologies for Energy Storage: Large-scale battery systems and innovative technologies in energy storage have enhanced the means of storing and managing energy derived from intermittent renewable sources. Enhanced storage solutions further contribute to grid stability and balancing, hence guaranteeing a secure and resilient energy supply.
• Improved Cybersecurity: Much attention has been paid to enhancing the mechanism of cybersecurity in the protection of critical energy systems from various cyber-related threats with increasing digitalization of energy infrastructure. Setting cybersecurity technologies and protocols in place represents a critical investment in the security of energy infrastructure and integrity.
• Strategic Energy Reserves: The countries are expanding strategic reserves of the important energy resources, such as oil and gas, so as to be a buffer for disruption in supply. These reserves are very key for the stability of energy markets and ensure that supplies can be continued in emergency situations or during geopolitical tensions.
• Regional Energy Integration: There is a much-increased focus on regional energy integration and cooperation. Pipelines and interconnectors are among the cross-border energy projects being developed to enhance energy security and optimize the way in which resources are distributed. Therefore, this regional cooperation does help in better supply management and demand, hence improving the total energy resilience.
Recent advancements have indeed caused a tectonic shift in the Energy Security market, where one witnesses building resilience in sources and infrastructure. It is built upon strategic reserves, renewables, storage, and cybersecurity that underpin an energy landscape not just more secure but adaptable to challenge future energy needs.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Energy Security Market
Hence, with technological advancement, changes in global energy dynamics, and demand for sustainable solutions, so much strategic growth lies ahead for the Energy Security market. These opportunities go further into applications and sectors that give ways to market expansion and innovation.
• Integration of Renewable Energy: The integration of renewable energy is a significant opportunity for growth. Greater solar, wind, and hydro projects will enhance energy supply security through diversification and reduction in the reliance on fossil fuels. Consequently, investments in grid infrastructure and storage solutions are paramount to support integration.
• Energy Storage Solutions: Advancement of Energy Storage Technologies: This segment ushers in enormous potential for growth. Large batteries and other sophisticated storage systems are part of the solution that can mitigate the intermittency of renewable sources of energy and hence stabilize the grid. Investing in energy storage infrastructure provides reliable power and encourages transition towards clean sources of energy.
• Energy Infrastructure Cybersecurity: This has converted cybersecurity into an area of much-needed growth as energy systems are now becoming increasingly digital. The need for robust cybersecurity measures and technologies for the protection of critical energy infrastructures against cyber threats becomes necessary. The opportunity for growth in this area entails enhanced protection mechanisms and investment in cybersecurity solutions.
• Strategic Reserve Management: The development and management of strategic energy reserves present one such significant opportunity for growth. Supplies of oil, gas, and critical minerals will need to be built up in order to buffer supply disruptions and volatility in prices. Such supplies, if well managed, guarantee countries the assurance of energy security and stability.
• Regional Energy Cooperation: The regional cooperation of energy provides an avenue for growth through cross-border projects and partnerships. Cross-border infrastructures, such as pipelines and interconnectors, can give a cross-country perspective in energy matters. This will enhance energy security and achieve optimization in resource distribution. Regional integration balances demand and supply, developing greater resilience in energy generally .
Integration of Renewable Energy: The integration of renewable energy is a significant opportunity for growth. Greater solar, wind, and hydro projects will enhance energy supply security through diversification and reduction in the reliance on fossil fuels. Consequently, investments in grid infrastructure and storage solutions are paramount to support integration.
• Energy Storage Solutions: Advancement of Energy Storage Technologies: This segment ushers in enormous potential for growth. Large batteries and other sophisticated storage systems are part of the solution that can mitigate the intermittency of renewable sources of energy and hence stabilize the grid. Investing in energy storage infrastructure provides reliable power and encourages transition towards clean sources of energy.
• Energy Infrastructure Cybersecurity: This has converted cybersecurity into an area of much-needed growth as energy systems are now becoming increasingly digital. The need for robust cybersecurity measures and technologies for the protection of critical energy infrastructures against cyber threats becomes necessary. The opportunity for growth in this area entails enhanced protection mechanisms and investment in cybersecurity solutions.
• Strategic Reserve Management: The development and management of strategic energy reserves present one such significant opportunity for growth. Supplies of oil, gas, and critical minerals will need to be built up in order to buffer supply disruptions and volatility in prices. Such supplies, if well managed, guarantee countries the assurance of energy security and stability.
• Regional Energy Cooperation: The regional cooperation of energy provides an avenue for growth through cross-border projects and partnerships. Cross-border infrastructures, such as pipelines and interconnectors, can give a cross-country perspective in energy matters. This will enhance energy security and achieve optimization in resource distribution. Regional integration balances demand and supply, developing greater resilience in energy generally .

Energy Security Market Driver and Challenges
Various drivers and challenges that influence the Energy Security market include technological, economic, and regulatory factors. If one understands these elements well, it would provide an insightful perspective into the market and help formulate strategies that could further enhance energy resilience and stability.
The factors responsible for driving the energy security market include:
1. Technological Advancement: Certain technological innovations, such as development in renewable energy technologies and energy storage systems, drive the energy security market. The improved feasibility of renewable technologies, coupled with advancement in energy efficiency, augmentation of energy supply reliability, and energy diversification, results in lesser dependence on fossil fuels to obtain energy security.
2. Government Policies and Incentives: The policy of the government to support clean energy technologies and other related incentives is the driver, along with infrastructure development. Subsidies, tax breaks, and regulatory frameworks related to renewable energy and efficiency have been implemented to accelerate the transition towards secure and sustainable energy systems.
3. Increase in Energy Demand: Energy security necessitates a growing global demand, with its growing population and development of the economy. Developments needed in pursuit of increasing various energy sources and infrastructure will ensure that provision is done in a reliable and stable manner.
4. Geopolitical Tensions: This might be influenced by geopolitical tensions and conflicts that may affect supply chains and the security of energy supply. Due to these kinds of risks caused by geopolitical instability, countries try to ensure uninterrupted access to energy by investing in energy security measures such as strategic reserves and diversified sources of supply.
5. Environmental Concerns: All this has, in recent times, become more aware of environmental and climatic changes, and hence the clean energy solutions have found an opportunity to exist. The need to reduce GHG emissions and environmental impact pushes the inclusion of investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency that are contributing to overall energy security.
Challenges in the energy security market are:
1. High Transition Costs: Transitioning to renewable energy resources and advanced energy technologies comes with serious costs. The investments in newer infrastructures, upgrading of technology, and regulatory compliance could be considerably huge, hence presenting a financial burden on governments and private sector players.
2. Infrastructure Limitation: Traditional energy infrastructure may not be altogether capable of taking full advantage of new technologies and sources of renewable energy. In addition, building or upgrading such infrastructure that might support advanced energy systems is both complex and expensive. This can also become another critical factor affecting the speed at which improvement in energy security takes place.
3. Cybersecurity Threats: The energy infrastructure is increasingly becoming digitalized and hence introducing cybersecurity risks. Critical energy systems will require sustained investment in security measures and technologies that protect them from possible cyberattacks. This would be crucial for the integrity and reliability of energy supplies.
The Energy Security market is driven by forces such as technology, governmental policies, and increasing demand; however, it also faces various challenges in the form of high transition costs, infrastructure limitations, and cybersecurity threats. All these factors are quit essential for addressing energy security to ensure a secure, stable, and resilient energy future.
List of Energy Security Companies
Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies energy security companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the energy security companies profiled in this report include-
• Honeywell International
• Symantec Corporation
• Thales Group
• Aegis Defense Services
• Ericsson
• Cassidian
• Tofino
• BAE System
• Raytheon

Energy Security by Segment
The study includes a forecast for the global energy security by technology, component, power plants, and region.
Energy Security Market by Technology [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Physical Security
• Network Security

Energy Security Market by Component [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Solutions
• Services

Energy Security Market by Power Plants [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Oil & Gas
• Nuclear
• Renewable Energy
• Thermal & Hydro

Energy Security Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Energy Security Market
With geopolitical turbulence on a rise, technology development, and ecological challenges, the Energy Security market has given more importance to securing stable and reliable energy supplies. Energy security by countries across the world including the United States, China, Germany, India, and Japan is being fostered as per their requirements and with respect to special needs and issues faced by the respective country.
• United States: The newest developments on energy security in the United States include an interest in diversification into other sources of energy and resilience in energy infrastructure. Most attention has been paid to the measures concerning cybersecurity in critical installation related to energy and further investment in renewable energy sources. Strategic reserves are one of the many ways that the U.S. is seeking grid reliability in anticipation of disruptions.
• China: China has taken big steps toward bettering its security in the energy sphere by investing a lot into renewable energy and nuclear power. It is also enhancing strategic oil reserves and diversifying sources of energy importation. The role of China's initiative, "The Belt and Road," has been instrumental in securing these energy chains through investment in energy infrastructure projects across Asia and Africa.
• Germany: Energy security is a focus for Germany through its Energiewende policy, emphasizing the transition toward renewable energies and efficiency in energy consumption. Development in the recent times includes extension of renewable energy production, improved grid integration, and reduced dependence on imported fossil fuels. The Country of Germany is also investing in solutions for energy storage to ensure supply stability.
• India: Development of India's Energy Security: In line with this, the country steadily increases indigenous energy production to reduce import dependence. The country invests in renewable energy projects, including solar farms and wind farms, and improves its energy infrastructure. Besides, it improves its energy efficiency and explores regional energy cooperation with neighboring countries.
• Japan: Energy security currently focuses on diversification of the country's energy mix and the pursuit of energy efficiency. This has recently included restarting nuclear facilities that could provide better safety measures and also investing in renewable energies. Japan is also strengthening its energy supply chain and infrastructure to reduce dependency on imported fossil fuels.
Features of the Global Energy Security Market
Market Size Estimates: Energy security market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Energy security market size by technology, component, power plants, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Energy security market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different technology, component, power plants, and regions for the energy security market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the energy security market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this market or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.
Q1. What is the energy security market size?
Answer: The global energy security market is expected to reach an estimated $125.4 billion by 2030.
Q2. What is the growth forecast for energy security market?
Answer: The global energy security market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 6.4% from 2024 to 2030.
Q3. What are the major drivers influencing the growth of the energy security market?
Answer: The major drivers for this market are increasing need to defend energy supplies against cyber and physical threats, rising adoption of energy security solutions at a faster rate, and increasing demand for energy security measures.
Q4. What are the major segments for energy security market?
Answer: The future of the global energy security market looks promising with opportunities in the oil & gas, nuclear, renewable energy, and thermal & hydro markets.
Q5. Who are the key energy security market companies?
Answer: Some of the key energy security companies are as follows:
• Honeywell International
• Symantec Corporation
• Thales Group
• Aegis Defense Services
• Ericsson
• Cassidian
• Tofino
• BAE System
• Raytheon
Q6. Which energy security market segment will be the largest in future?
Answer: Lucintel forecasts that physical security will remain larger segment over the forecast period.
Q7. In energy security market, which region is expected to be the largest in next 5 years?
Answer: APAC is expected to witness highest growth over the forecast period due to population growth, social progress, and regional government efforts, along with growing energy consumption in developing countries such as China and India.
Q.8 Do we receive customization in this report?
Answer: Yes, Lucintel provides 10% customization without any additional cost.

This report answers following 11 key questions:
Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the energy security market by technology (physical security and network security), component (solutions and services), power plants (oil & gas, nuclear, renewable energy, and thermal & hydro), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Energy Security Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Energy Security Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)

3.3: Global Energy Security Market by Technology
3.3.1: Physical Security
3.3.2: Network Security

3.4: Global Energy Security Market by Component
3.4.1: Solutions
3.4.2: Services

3.5: Global Energy Security Market by Power Plants
3.5.1: Oil & Gas
3.5.2: Nuclear
3.5.3: Renewable Energy
3.5.4: Thermal & Hydro

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Energy Security Market by Region
4.2: North American Energy Security Market
4.2.1: North American Energy Security Market by Technology: Physical Security and Network Security
4.2.2: North American Energy Security Market by Power Plants: Oil & Gas, Nuclear, Renewable Energy, and Thermal & Hydro

4.3: European Energy Security Market
4.3.1: European Energy Security Market by Technology: Physical Security and Network Security
4.3.2: European Energy Security Market by Power Plants: Oil & Gas, Nuclear, Renewable Energy, and Thermal & Hydro

4.4: APAC Energy Security Market
4.4.1: APAC Energy Security Market by Technology: Physical Security and Network Security
4.4.2: APAC Energy Security Market by Power Plants: Oil & Gas, Nuclear, Renewable Energy, and Thermal & Hydro

4.5: ROW Energy Security Market
4.5.1: ROW Energy Security Market by Technology: Physical Security and Network Security
4.5.2: ROW Energy Security Market by Power Plants: Oil & Gas, Nuclear, Renewable Energy, and Thermal & Hydro

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Energy Security Market by Technology
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Energy Security Market by Component
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Energy Security Market by Power Plants
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Energy Security Market by Region

6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Energy Security Market

6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Energy Security Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Energy Security Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Honeywell International
7.2: Symantec Corporation
7.3: Thales Group
7.4: Aegis Defense Services
7.5: Ericsson
7.6: HCL
7.7: Cassidian
7.8: Tofino
7.9: BAE System
7.10: Raytheon








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