

Anti-Drone Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

アンチドローンの動向と予測 世界のアンチドローン市場の将来は、軍事・防衛、商業、政府市場における機会で有望視されている。世界のアンチドローン市場は、2024年から2030年までのCAGRが25.5%で、2030年までに... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 言語
2024年9月1日 US$4,850







- 人工知能(AI)の統合:したがって、AIは、より高い精度で検出、識別、無力化能力を強化しながら、対ドローンシステムの不可欠な部分として機能する。人工知能主導のシステムは、パターンを分析し、応答時間を短縮し、誤検知を最小限に抑える。この傾向は、複雑な空域を管理し、脅威と良性の物体を区別する際に、より高次のアルゴリズムを必要とするドローンの高度化を考えると、重要であると考えられている。
- 指向性エネルギー兵器(DEWs)の開発:高エネルギー・レーザーとマイクロ波システムは、指向性エネルギー兵器の対ドローン市場において注目を集める2大要因である。その有効性のためには、巻き添え被害を最小限に抑えた精密なターゲティングが必要である。開発は、ドローンの脅威のさまざまな規模において、拡張可能で適応可能な対策へのニーズの高まりによって推進される。
- 多層防御システムの重視:レーダー、電子戦、キネティック・ソリューションを統合した多層防御ソリューションの利用が増加している。これにより、さまざまな脅威シナリオのほか、さまざまなタイプやクラスのドローンに対処する際に、より優れた視点を提供することができる。多層システムは、ドローンに関連するさまざまな脅威に対して堅牢な保護を提供するために、さまざまな技術を結集することにより、包括的な防御を提供する。
- 既存の監視インフラとの統合強化; 対ドローン技術は、より大規模な監視・セキュリティシステムに統合されつつある。こうすることで、検知と対応がより流暢になり、既存のシステムに統合されるため、全体的なセキュリティが向上する。統合により状況認識が強化されるため、セキュリティの拡張枠内でドローンの脅威をよりよく制御できるようになる。
- 商用ドローン対策ソリューションの採用拡大:このようなドローン対策ソリューションは、機密性の高い場所や重要なインフラを保護する需要があるため、商業分野での応用が広がっている。このようなアプリケーションは、従来の軍事および政府用途以外の幅広い拡大を意味する。商用利用は、さまざまな業界の需要に対応できるコスト効率と拡張性の高いソリューションの開発と展開における技術革新を促進している。

- 先進レーダーシステム:ここ数十年、レーダー技術の進歩により、ドローンの探知と追跡が大幅に強化されている。新しいレーダーシステムは、小型で低空飛行するドローンの早期発見を可能にする、より高い解像度と長距離能力を備えている。このような進歩は、空域の安全にとって極めて重要であり、認識された脅威に対してタイムリーな対応を行うことができる。
- 電子対策:これらの点からも、ジャミングやスプーフィング技術など、電子的対抗手段が幅広く改善されていることがわかる。このようなシステムは、ドローンとそのオペレーターの間の通信を妨害し、ドローンを行動不能にする。ドローンの脅威により正確かつ効果的に対処するため、より高度な電子的対抗手段が開発されている。
- ドローン・キリング・ドローンUAVの脅威に対抗する新たなアプローチは、殺戮ドローンの開発である。カウンター・ドローンは、敵のドローンを単独で、あるいは遠隔操作で迎撃し、無力化することができる。したがって、この開発は、複数の無人機の群れを処理し、空域全体のセキュリティを強化するためのダイナミックで柔軟なソリューションを提供することができる。
- 人工知能(AI)の統合:AIは、検知、識別、対応の各分野の改善のため、対ドローンシステムへの統合が進んでいる。AI主導のシステムはリアルタイムでデータを分析し、有効性と精度を高めることで、より正確に対策を検知できるようになる。これは、ドローンの脅威による複雑化したレベルを前進させるために不可欠な統合となる。これに対処しない限り、保護は確保できない。
- 規制枠組みの改善:ドローンに関連するこうした不安のため、各国政府はかなり厳しい規制メカニズムを導入している。これらの新しい規制は、登録、運用上の制限、法律違反に対する罰則の問題に焦点を当てている。したがって、このような規制措置は、ドローンの無許可飛行から生じるリスクの最小化を支援し、より良い空域セキュリティを提供する。
- 防衛・軍事用途:防衛・軍事分野は、対ドローンソリューションの成長にとって大きな可能性を秘めている。高度な対策は、ドローンによる脅威から国家安全保障と軍事資産の安全・安心を確保する上で最も重要な要素のひとつとなる。レーダーシステム、電子戦、ドローンを殺傷する技術の開発には戦略的な投資が必要であり、作戦上の安全に加えて戦略的な優位性も確保される。
- 重要インフラの保護:対ドローン技術のもう一つの大きなチャンスは、発電所、輸送センター、通信ネットワークなどを含むがこれらに限定されない重要なインフラに対する保護にある。これらの環境向けに設計されたソリューションは、混乱を防ぎ、必要不可欠なサービスを確実に保護することができる。このように、高性能なアンチドローンシステムは、これらの分野における強力なセキュリティに対する要求が高まるにつれて使用されるようになっている。
- 公共安全と法執行対ドローン技術は、公共安全および法執行部門、特に市街地の警備や大規模な集会が含まれるイベントでも広く採用されている。検知システムと電子的対策は、ドローンの不正な活動を防止し、公共の安全を確保しようとする上で、非常に重要な技術の一つと考えられている。
- 商業・産業用途商業および産業-物流、農業、製造業:これらすべてが、オペレーションと資産を保護するためのアンチドローンソリューションの必要性を徐々に認識しつつある。ドローンの盗難、監視、混乱などの問題に対処できるアンチドローンソリューションは、これらの分野でより多くのドローンがサービスを開始するにつれて重要になるか、または重要になる可能性が高い。
- 航空と空港のセキュリティドローンは航空機や空港の運営に大きな脅威をもたらすため、航空・空港セキュリティはドローン対策技術において最も重要な分野の一つである。空域を保護するためには、安全に飛行できるように検知と無効化のメカニズムを開発する必要がある。したがって、この領域は、オーダーメイドの対ドローンソリューションを開発するための大きな余地を提供する。

- アドバンスト・レーダー・テクノロジーズ
- エアバスグループ
- Blighter Surveillance Systems
- デドローン
- デテクト
- ドロンシールド
- エンタープライズ・コントロール・システムズ
- イスラエル航空宇宙産業
- ライトアイ・システムズ
- ロッキード・マーチン社

- ハードウェア
- ソフトウェア

- 地上型
- ハンドヘルド
- UAVベース

- アンチドローンレーダー
- RFスキャン
- 熱画像
- その他

- 軍事・防衛
- 商業
- 政府機関
- その他

- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域

- 米国米国は幅広い対ドローン能力を開発し、特にレーダーシステムと高度な電子戦技術の統合に重点を置いている。一方、国防総省は、コヨーテ・ドローンや、高エネルギー・レーザーで脅威を無力化するレーザー・システムである指向性エネルギー・システムなど、さまざまなシステムを積極的にテストし、実戦配備してきた。また、新技術の迅速な開発と実戦配備を進めるための官民パートナーシップも活発化している。米国は、ハッキングの可能性から対ドローンシステムを守る手段として、サイバーセキュリティ対策を優先している。
- 中国探知システムと電子的対抗手段は、いずれも先進的かつハイテクで、中国によって高度に開発されている。商業用および軍事用ドローン用の高度なレーダーと妨害システムが、配備された中国軍の一部として地上に設置されている。また、ドローンの探知と無力化の精度と有効性を高めるAI駆動システムにも多くの投資が行われている。この点で、中華人民共和国は、空域を管理下に置き、新たな脅威を無力化することを目的とした戦略的作戦の一環として、対ドローンシステムをより一般的な監視構造と大きく統合することを強調している。
- ドイツその一方で、ドイツはレーダーシステムやドローン検知アルゴリズムなど、これまでにない技術を対ドローンソリューションに統合する最前線に立っている。ドイツの軍と警察は、キネティックと非キネティックの両方の対抗手段からなる複雑な対ドローンシステムを購入している。重要なことは、ドイツは統合された対ドローンシステムに関するヨーロッパのパートナーとの協力も追求していることであり、これは地域の安全保障をサポートし、国境を越えた脅威に対応するものである。研究開発に重点を置くことで、ドローンの探知・軽減技術の進歩を推進している。
- インドインドは、最先端の検知・無力化能力を備えた対ドローンシステムの開発において、いくつかの試みを行っている。レーダー・システムからドローン・キリング・ドローンまで、さまざまな対ドローン技術がインドの防衛セクターによって試されてきた。また、機密性の高い地域や重要なインフラを守るため、既存の防衛体制に最新技術を統合することも求められている。さらにインドは、技術力を高め、この分野からの脅威の増大に効果的に対応するため、国際的なパートナーシップのアプローチにも取り組んでいる。
- 日本日本は、レーダーと電子対策システムを設置することにより、対ドローン技術を開発してきた。検知の精度と速度を高める人工知能を搭載した高度なドローン検知システムも国内で開発中である。さらに、日本の戦略は、海岸や重要なインフラにおけるドローンに対する防衛の強化に及んでいる。日本政府は、対ドローン能力が新たな脅威と技術の進歩に後れを取らないよう、研究開発に積極的に投資している。

回答: アンチドローン市場の主要企業はどこですか?主な対ドローン企業は以下の通りです:
- アドバンスト・レーダー・テクノロジーズ
- エアバスグループ
- Blighter Surveillance Systems
- デドローン
- デテクト
- ドロンシールド
- エンタープライズ・コントロール・システムズ
- イスラエル航空宇宙産業
- ライトアイ・システムズ
- ロッキード・マーティン
Q.8 本レポートのカスタマイズは可能ですか?
回答はい、Lucintel は追加費用なしで 10% のカスタマイズを提供します。









3.4.2: ハンドヘルド

3.5: アンチドローンの世界市場:技術別

3.6.2: 商業
3.6.3: 政府



4.4:APAC アンチドローン市場

4.5: ROW アンチドローン市場





7.3: ブライター・サーベイランス・システムズ
7.4: デドローン
7.8: イスラエル航空宇宙産業
7.10: ロッキード・マーチン





Anti-Drone Trends and Forecast
The future of the global anti-drone market looks promising with opportunities in the military & defense, commercial, and government markets. The global anti-drone market is expected to reach an estimated $8.6 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 25.5% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are growing product demand to guard against the possible disruption of autonomous vehicles, rising privacy issues as a result of unwanted drone surveillance, and increasing use of drones for smuggling and the delivery of illicit goods.

Lucintel forecasts that ground based is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period because of increasing speed of response to ground-level drone threats, including army bases and other sensitive areas.
North America will remain the largest region over the forecast period because of an increase in the frequency of terrorist attacks and security breaches caused by unknown drones, strict restrictions, safeguarding vital infrastructure, prominent occasions, and military uses.

Emerging Trends in the Anti-Drone Market
The anti-drone market is driven by several emerging trends that show not only an increase in the sophistication of drone technology but also a reflection of the ever-evolving nature of security threats. As technology evolves, so do the means and solutions for counteracting drones. Understanding these trends becomes fundamental for stakeholders who want to make their moves in the market and tap into newer opportunities for growth and innovation.
• Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration: AI will, therefore, feature as an integral part of anti-drone systems while enhancing their detection, identification, and neutralization capabilities with greater precision. The artificial intelligence-driven systems analyze patterns, reduce response time, and minimize false positives. This trend is viewed as important given the growing sophistication of drones, which call for higher-order algorithms in managing complex airspace and distinguishing threats from benign objects.
• Development of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs): High-energy lasers and microwave systems are two of the biggest gaining factors of prominence in the anti-drone market for directed energy weapons. For their effectiveness, there is a need for precision targeting with assured minimal collateral damage. Development will be driven by a growing need for scalable and adaptable countermeasures at different scales of drone threats.
• More Emphasis on Multi-Layered Defense Systems: There is an increased utilization of multilayered defense solutions that integrate radar, electronic warfare, and kinetic solutions. These allow for better perspectives when dealing with different types and classes of drones, besides varied threat scenarios. Multilayer systems will provide comprehensive defense by bringing various technologies together to offer protection, which is robust against a wide variety of drone-related threats.
• Enhanced Integration with Existing Surveillance Infrastructure; Anti-drone technologies are increasingly being integrated into larger surveillance and security systems. In this way, detection and response can be much more fluent and integrated into existing systems, thus extending their overall security. Integration enhances situational awareness and therefore offers better control of the drone threat within extended frames of security.
• Growing Adoption of Commercial Anti-Drone Solutions: These anti-drone solutions are finding applications in commercial sectors because of the demand to protect sensitive sites and critical infrastructure. Such applications represent wide expansion outside of its conventional military and government use. Commercial usage is driving innovation in developing and deploying cost-effective and scalable solutions that can help meet the demands of different industries.
These emerging trends drive innovation within the anti-drone market, further extending the solution set. Integration of advanced technologies with comprehensive defense strategies holds the key to assurance of counter-measures against the evolving drone threat landscape.

Recent Developments in the Anti-Drone Market
Recent development in anti-drone markets is a reflection of the accelerating pace in which technology develops, together with increasing urgency to address drone-related security challenges. Innovation across many sectors is arriving, underlining the dynamism of the market and the response to emerging threats.
• Advanced Radar Systems: Recent decades have seen great enhancements in drone detection and tracking with advancements related to radar technology. Newer radar systems have higher resolution and long-range capabilities that enable the early detection of small-sized, low-flying drones. Such advancement is crucial for airspace security and gives timely responses to any perceived threat.
• Electronic Countermeasures: We can also see in these respects that there is a wide range of improvements in electronic countermeasures, including jamming and spoofing technologies. Such systems interfere with communications between drones and their operators, taking them out of action-in effect, neutering them. More sophisticated electronic countermeasures are being developed to act on drone threats more precisely and effectively.
• Drone-Killing Drones: A new approach to countering the threats of UAVs would be the development of killing drones. Counter-drones may independently or remotely intercept and neutralize an enemy drone. Thus, this development could provide a dynamic, flexible solution for handling several swarms of drones and enhancing overall airspace security.
• Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is increasingly integrated into anti-drone systems for improvements in the spheres of detection, identification, and response. AI-driven systems analyze data in real time, and with enhanced effectiveness and precision, this allows them to detect countermeasures more accurately. This will be an essential integration to take the increasing levels of complexity from drone threats forward. Protection can't be ensured unless this is dealt with.
• Improved Regulatory Frameworks: Due to these insecurities related to drones, the governments are putting in place quite strict regulatory mechanisms. These new regulations focus on the issues of registration, operational restrictions, and penalties for violation of laws. Such regulatory measures, therefore, support the minimization of risks emanating from unauthorized flying of drones and offer better airspace security.
These developments mark the rapid progress of anti-drone technologies and put greater emphasis on comprehensive solutions against emerging threats. The continuous evolution of technologies and regulatory measures shapes the future in the anti-drone market.
Strategic Growth Opportunities for Anti-Drone Market
In the various applications, the anti-drone market has great scope for all-round growth. With continuously improving drones and complex modern security requirements, diverse sectors have been seeking strategic development and investment areas. Grasping such opportunities is going to be the key to market realization and innovation.
• Defense and Military Applications: The defense and military is a huge potential for anti-drone solution growth. Advanced countermeasures will be one of the most critical factors in ensuring the safety and security of national security and military assets against the threats by drones. Strategic investment is needed in the development of radar systems, electronic warfare, and technologies that kill drones-assuring strategic advantages in addition to operational security.
• Protection of Critical Infrastructure: Another great opportunity for anti-drone technologies lies in protection against critical infrastructure, including but not limited to power plants, transport centers, and communication networks. Solutions designed for these environments can prevent disruptions and ensure protection of the essential services. Thus, high-performance anti-drone systems are used as demands for strong security in these fields increase.
• Public Safety and Law Enforcement: Anti-drone technologies are also being widely adopted in the public safety and law enforcement sectors, particularly with events involving urban area security and large public gatherings. Detection systems and electronic countermeasures are thus considered some of the very important technologies in attempting to prevent unauthorized activities of drones and ensuring public safety.
• Commercial and Industrial Applications: Commercial and Industrial-Logistics, Agriculture, Manufacturing: All these are slowly recognizing the need for anti-drone solutions to protect operations and assets. Anti-drone solutions that can help deal with problems like drone theft, surveillance, and disruption will be or are likely to become crucial as more drones enter service in these sectors.
• Aviation and Airport Security: Aviation and airport security are one of the most vital sectors in anti-drone technology because drones pose a great threat to aircraft and airport operations. For protection in airspace, detection and neutralization mechanisms need to be developed to ensure flying operations safely. This domain thus provides large scope for developing tailored anti-drones solutions.
These could be potential avenues for strategic growth, given the wide utilization and further areas of influence that are coming from research into anti-drone technology. Developmentally, this is furthered as the market expands in order to bring innovation with regard to future security matters.

Anti-Drone Market Driver and Challenges
The anti-drone market is driven by, and simultaneously faced with, a number of key technological, financial, and regulatory factors. It is promoted by new technological developments, which favor growth in sophisticated anti-drone systems, while economic factors determine the extent of investments and deployment. The regulatory landscape also greatly affects market dynamics, with authorities putting in place policies that hopefully will address emerging new drone threats. Clear understanding of these drivers and challenges is imperative for any stakeholder who wants to position himself effectively in the moving landscape of anti-drone technology.
The factors responsible for driving the anti-drone market include:
1. Increasing Drone Threats: This is because the growing incidents of unauthorized drone activities for espionage, terrorism, and criminal purposes significantly drive demand in anti-drone solutions. Moreover, drones are becoming increasingly available and competent; with that, they become more dangerous to public safety, national security, and critical infrastructure. This, in turn, presents a high demand for enhanced countermeasures regarding detection, tracking, and neutralization capabilities against threats; hence, leading to an increase in investment in anti-drone technologies and systems.
2. Technological Advancements: Some of the key drivers in the anti-drone market include rapid developments in radar, AI, and electronic warfare. Technologies such as high-energy lasers, sophisticated detection algorithms, and better jamming techniques make counter-drone systems more effective. These yield more precise and scalable solutions to manage drone threats, further helping in the surging growth of the market and extending the reach of anti-drone solutions.
3. Increased Defense Spending: Growth in defense spending globally, especially in countries with extreme security threats, raises demand for anti-drone systems. Large-scale investments that the government is making to modernize its defense capabilities include the procurement of advanced counter-drone technologies. This could be interpreted from the military budget allocation, where it has been pointed out that development and deployment of full-fledged anti-drone solutions for safeguarding national security and military assets have been prioritized.
4. Increasing Commercial Applications: The growth in the usage of commercial drones in logistics, agriculture, and surveillance needs some sort of protection. While the use of drones is fast being integrated into industries from agriculture to surveillance, so also does the possibility of their misuse and interference arise either accidentally or intentionally. The expansion in the use of drones across commercial applications pushes the development toward anti-drone solutions that would address asset protection and continuity of operations.
5. Regulatory Developments: The demand for anti-drone systems is triggered by stricter regulatory frameworks with regard to drone operations and airspace management. As lawmakers address the challenges caused by unauthorized drone flights, governments are releasing new regulations in a bid to ensure that flying drones is done safely. This includes the need for compulsory registration of drones and placing operational limitations. All these regulations finally create a market for solutions to help entities meet the legal requirements and improve overall airspace security.
Challenges in the anti-drone market are:
1. High Costs of Advanced Technology: Development and deployment require huge costs on research, manufacturing, and maintenance for advanced anti-drone systems. Thus, they may be too expensive for smaller organizations or entities with tight budgets due to the sophistication technologies required by such weapons, like directed energy weapons and AI-driven detection. This financial limit could reduce the rate of penetration for advanced anti-drones.
2. Regulatory and Legal Constraints: Regulatory and legal issues are one of the major challenges faced by the anti-drone market. Most jurisdictions ban or restrict the use of certain counter-drone technologies, such as jamming devices, since there is a fear that they may interfere with legitimate communications. The complexity and divergence of regulations have drawn back the deployment of anti-drone systems and their effectiveness. Legal uncertainty has also demoralized both the manufacturers and users.
3. Evolving Drone Technology: Most of the struggles arise when attempting to update the anti-drone system with the rapid evolution in drone technologies. Drones are evolving with the addition of new features for evading detection, such as stealth capabilities and enhanced countermeasures. This ongoing evolution demands its equal from anti-drone technologies via updates and advances that match emerging threats effectively. This is a challenge developers and operators must be trying to keep ahead of at all times.
These are some of the key drivers for the growth and advancement of anti-drone technology: improving prospects based on technological advancements, potency of rising threats, spending on defense, and improving regulatory prospects. However, high costs, regulatory constraining factors, and fast-advancing drone technologies act to impede market players in the sector. Therefore, balancing drivers and challenges is paramount among ways investors will be able to strive for effective solutions and success in the dynamic anti-drone landscape.
List of Anti-Drone Companies
Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies anti-drone companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the anti-drone companies profiled in this report include-
• Advanced Radar Technologies
• Airbus Group
• Blighter Surveillance Systems
• Dedrone
• DeTect
• Droneshield
• Enterprise Control Systems
• Israel Aerospace Industries
• Liteye Systems
• Lockheed Martin Corporation

Anti-Drone by Segment
The study includes a forecast for the global anti-drone by component, type, technology, end use industry, and region.
Anti-Drone Market by Component [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Hardware
• Software

Anti-Drone Market by Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Ground Based
• Handheld
• UAV Based

Anti-Drone Market by Technology [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Anti-Drone Radar
• RF scan
• Thermal Image
• Others

Anti-Drone Market by End Use Industry [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Military & Defense
• Commercial
• Government
• Others

Anti-Drone Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Anti-Drone Market
The anti-drone market has been one of the fastest-evolving markets owing to increasing concern for threats pertaining to drones, coupled with fast-growing UAV technology adoption. Most countries are developing mechanisms for detecting, tracking, and neutralizing unauthorized drones. Recent developments in this sector have reflected a heightening focus on the development of sophisticated countermeasures with integrated advanced technologies. This is because of the surge in the usage of drones around the world, which makes the staunch anti-drone solution imperative, considering the rapid innovations across several countries in order to overcome such security challenges and regulatory requirements with much effectiveness.
• United States: The US developed wide-ranging anti-drone capabilities, with a particular focus on the integration of radar systems and advanced electronic warfare technologies. Meanwhile, the DoD has actively tested and fielded various systems, including the Coyote drone and the Directed Energy System, a laser system that neutralizes threats with high-energy lasers. There has also been an uptick in public-private partnerships to further the rapid development and fielding of new technologies. The U.S. places a priority on cybersecurity measures against anti-drone systems as a means of protecting them against possible hacking.
• China: Detection systems and electronic countermeasures, both advanced and hi-tech, were being highly developed by China. Advanced radar and jamming systems for both commercial and military drones have been set up on the ground as part of the deployed Chinese army. A number of investments are also being made by the country in AI-driven systems that beef up precision and effectiveness in the detection and neutralization of drones. In this regard, it is indicated that the People's Republic of China underlines a great integration of anti-drone systems with more general surveillance structures as a part of strategic set of operations aimed at keeping airspace under control and neutralizing an emerging threat.
• Germany: While this happens, Germany stands in the frontline of integration of so far unparalleled technologies into its anti-drone solutions, such as radar systems and drone detection algorithms. The German military and police have been purchasing complex counter-drone systems comprising both kinetic and non-kinetic measures of counters. Significantly, Germany also pursues cooperation with European partners on integrated anti-drone systems, which will support regional security and meet cross-border threats. The emphasis on research and development is pushing forward advancements in drone detection and mitigation technologies.
• India: India has been making several attempts in the development of anti-drone systems equipped with state-of-the-art detection and neutralization capabilities. From radar systems to drone-killing drones, different counter-drone technologies have been tried out by the Indian defense sector. There has also been a call for integrating the latest technologies into the existing defense setup to protect sensitive areas and important infrastructure. Further, India is also working on international partnership approaches to boost its technological capabilities and respond effectively to the growing threat from this area.
• Japan: Japan has been developing anti-drone technology by setting up a radar and electronic countermeasure system. Advanced drone detection systems, which will have artificial intelligence to increase the accuracy and speed of detection, are also under development in the country. Moreover, Japanese strategy ranges from boosting defenses against drones at coasts and critical infrastructure. The Japanese government is actively investing in research and development to ensure its anti-drone capabilities keep pace with emerging threats and technological advancements.
Features of the Global Anti-Drone Market
Market Size Estimates: Anti-drone market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Anti-drone market size by various segments, such as by component, type, technology, end use industry, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Anti-drone market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different component, type, technology, end use industry, and regions for the anti-drone market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the anti-drone market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this market or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.
Q1. What is the anti-drone market size?
Answer: The global anti-drone market is expected to reach an estimated $8.6 billion by 2030.
Q2. What is the growth forecast for anti-drone market?
Answer: The global anti-drone market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 25.5% from 2024 to 2030.
Q3. What are the major drivers influencing the growth of the anti-drone market?
Answer: The major drivers for this market are growing product demand to guard against the possible disruption of autonomous vehicles, rising privacy issues as a result of unwanted drone surveillance and increasing use of drones for smuggling and the delivery of illicit goods.
Q4. What are the major segments for anti-drone market?
Answer: The future of the anti-drone market looks promising with opportunities in the military & defense, commercial, and government markets.
Q5. Who are the key anti-drone market companies?
Answer: Some of the key anti-drone companies are as follows:
• Advanced Radar Technologies
• Airbus Group
• Blighter Surveillance Systems
• Dedrone
• DeTect
• Droneshield
• Enterprise Control Systems
• Israel Aerospace Industries
• Liteye Systems
• Lockheed Martin Corporation
Q6. Which anti-drone market segment will be the largest in future?
Answer: Lucintel forecasts that ground based is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period because of increasing speed of response to ground-level drone threats, including army bases and other sensitive areas.
Q7. In anti-drone market, which region is expected to be the largest in next 5 years?
Answer: North America will remain the largest region over the forecast period because of an increase in the frequency of terrorist attacks and security breaches caused by unknown drones, strict restrictions, safeguarding vital infrastructure, prominent occasions, and military uses.
Q.8 Do we receive customization in this report?
Answer: Yes, Lucintel provides 10% customization without any additional cost.

This report answers following 11 key questions:
Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the anti-drone market by component (hardware and software), type (ground based, handheld, and UAV based), technology (anti-drone radar, RF scan, thermal image, and others), end use industry (military & defense, commercial, government, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Anti-Drone Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Anti-Drone Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)

3.3: Global Anti-Drone Market by Component
3.3.1: Hardware
3.3.2: Software

3.4: Global Anti-Drone Market by Type
3.4.1: Ground Based
3.4.2: Handheld
3.4.3: UAV Based

3.5: Global Anti-Drone Market by Technology
3.5.1: Anti-Drone Radar
3.5.2: RF scan
3.5.3: Thermal Image
3.5.4: Others

3.6: Global Anti-Drone Market by End Use Industry
3.6.1: Military & Defense
3.6.2: Commercial
3.6.3: Government
3.6.4: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Anti-Drone Market by Region
4.2: North American Anti-Drone Market
4.2.1: North American Anti-Drone Market by Component: Hardware and Software
4.2.2: North American Anti-Drone Market by End Use Industry: Military & Defense, Commercial, Government, and Others

4.3: European Anti-Drone Market
4.3.1: European Anti-Drone Market by Component: Hardware and Software
4.3.2: European Anti-Drone Market by End Use Industry: Military & Defense, Commercial, Government, and Others

4.4: APAC Anti-Drone Market
4.4.1: APAC Anti-Drone Market by Component: Hardware and Software
4.4.2: APAC Anti-Drone Market by End Use Industry: Military & Defense, Commercial, Government, and Others

4.5: ROW Anti-Drone Market
4.5.1: ROW Anti-Drone Market by Component: Hardware and Software
4.5.2: ROW Anti-Drone Market by End Use Industry: Military & Defense, Commercial, Government, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Anti-Drone Market by Component
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Anti-Drone Market by Type
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Anti-Drone Market by Technology
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Anti-Drone Market by End Use Industry
6.1.5: Growth Opportunities for the Global Anti-Drone Market by Region

6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Anti-Drone Market

6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Anti-Drone Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Anti-Drone Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Advanced Radar Technologies
7.2: Airbus Group
7.3: Blighter Surveillance Systems
7.4: Dedrone
7.5: DeTect
7.6: Droneshield
7.7: Enterprise Control Systems
7.8: Israel Aerospace Industries
7.9: Liteye Systems
7.10: Lockheed Martin Corporation







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