

All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

全輪駆動モーターサイクルの動向と予測 世界の全輪駆動モーターサイクル市場の将来は、レクリエーション、ツーリング、スポーツの各市場における機会によって有望視されている。世界の全輪駆動モーターサイクル... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 言語
2024年9月1日 US$4,850






- 先進の電子システム:統合された最新のAWDモーターサイクルには、スタビリティ・コントロール、トラクション・コントロール、アダプティブ・サスペンションなど、多くのデジタル・システムが搭載されている。このようなシステムは、ライダーを安全にし、さまざまな走行条件下でより優れたコントロール性と安定性を提供する。また、最適なパフォーマンスを維持するために、パワー配分やサスペンションの設定をリアルタイムで調整することで、モーターサイクルをより安全で、さまざまな地形で使用できる汎用性の高いものにしている。
- ハイブリッドおよび電動AWDモデル:排出ガスを削減し、燃費を向上させようとするメーカーの努力により、ハイブリッドおよび電動AWDモーターサイクルのトレンドが高まっている。従来の内燃エンジンと電気モーターを組み合わせたハイブリッドモデルは、トルクの向上と燃費の改善を実現している。さらに、完全電動AWDモーターサイクルも登場し、環境に配慮するライダーのために、騒音のないゼロ・エミッションの選択肢となっている。
- オフロード性能の向上:AWDモーターサイクルは現在、アドベンチャーやトレイルライダーのためにオフロード性能を強化して設計されている。これには、最低地上高、サスペンションシステム、タイヤ技術の向上が含まれる。こうした進化により、険しい路面での性能が向上し、AWDモーターサイクルはオフロードでの冒険や長距離ツーリングに適している。
- 軽量素材への注力:メーカー各社は、カーボンファイバーや先端複合材料などの軽量素材に投資することで、モーターサイクルの性能を向上させている。AWDモーターサイクルの軽量化は、加速性、操縦性、燃費効率を向上させる。さらに、軽量素材はハンドリングを向上させ、長距離走行時のライダーの疲労を軽減するため、重要である。
- カスタマイズとパーソナライゼーション・オプション:最近の傾向として、AWDモーターサイクルにはさまざまなカスタマイズ・オプションが登場している。ライダーは、ニーズや好みに応じて、さまざまなアクセサリー、改造、美的アップグレードの中から自分のバイクに最適なものを選ぶことができる。これは、唯一無二の自分だけのライド体験を求める欲求から生まれたものだ。

- 先進の電子制御トラクション・コントロール・システム:最新のAWDモーターサイクルモデルには、ハンドリングと安定性を高める高度に発達した電子制御トラクションコントロールシステムが組み込まれている。このようなシステムは車輪のスリップをモニターすることで、ライダーがさまざまな路面状況でよりうまくコントロールできるよう、パワー配分を随時調整する。この開発は、モーターサイクルの安全性と性能を大きく飛躍させるものである。
- ハイブリッド技術の統合:ハイブリッド技術は、従来の内燃エンジンと電気モーターを組み合わせたAWDモーターサイクルに導入されつつある。その結果、トルク伝達が改善され、燃費が向上し、排出ガスが低減されます。そのため、ハイブリッドAWDモーターサイクルは、高性能モーターサイクルと環境メリットの両方を求めるライダーにとって、環境に優しいバージョンとなっている。
- 軽量コンポーネントの開発:メーカー各社は、カーボンファイバーやアルミニウム合金などの軽量素材を採用することで、AWDモーターサイクルの軽量化に注力しており、これにより加速性能、ハンドリング、総合性能が向上している。そのため、軽量コンポーネントは燃費の向上に貢献し、長時間のライディングでもライダーの疲労を軽減する。
- サスペンション・システムの強化:この分野における最新の開発には、洗練されたオフロード・サスペンション・システムなどがある。これにより衝撃吸収性と乗り心地が向上し、AWDモーターサイクルの悪路や不整地でのハンドリングが改善される。高度なサスペンション技術は、オフロードでの優れた性能を求めるアドベンチャーライダーやトレイルライダーにとって重要である。
- 電動AWDモデルの拡大:電動AWDモーターサイクルの市場は拡大しており、多くの企業が静かでゼロエミッションを体験できる新モデルを発表している。これらの電動AWDモーターサイクルは、瞬時のトルク伝達とメンテナンス需要の低減という利点がある。バッテリー技術の向上に伴い、電動AWDモーターサイクルはより幅広いライダーの間で普及すると予想される。
- アドベンチャーとオフロードモーターサイクル:アドベンチャーやオフロードでの使用に特化した全輪駆動(AWD)モーターサイクルの需要が増加している。このセグメントには、凹凸のある路面に最適なトラクションと安定性の向上というメリットがある。メーカーは、このニッチ市場に対応する先進的なサス ペンションシステムと長寿命部品を装備した特別モデルを開発する機会がある。
- 都市型二輪車と通勤用二輪車:AWD技術は、市街地環境での安定性と安全性を高めるために、市街地や通勤用のモーターサイクルに組み込まれつつある。AWDは、より優れたトラクション・コントロール機能や、異なる気象条件下でのより高度な安定性システムを提供することで、全体的な乗り心地を向上させる可能性がある。これにより、日常的な移動の際にさらなる信頼性を求める都市通勤者をターゲットにすることができる。
- ツーリングバイク:AWDを装備したツーリングバイクは、ライダーが長距離ライド時のバランスと快適性の向上を求めるにつれて人気が高まっている。さまざまな路面状況でより高いレベルのトラクションとコントロールを提供する先進的なAWDシステムによって、より優れた乗り心地を実現することができる。従って、メーカーは、長距離走破性の向上を特徴とするAWDツーリング・モデルを提供することで、この傾向を利用することができる。
- 電動バイクとハイブリッドバイク:電気またはハイブリッド技術の成長は、AWDモーターサイクルにとって大きな拡大機会をもたらす。電動AWDモデルは、排出ガスを削減しながら、瞬時にトルクを利用できる環境に優しいオプションである。また、従来の動力と電気動力のバランスを取ろうとするハイブリッド車もあり、性能と効率の両方を重視するライダーをターゲットにしている。技術の進歩に伴い、消費者の嗜好が変化すれば、この分野は拡大するだろう。
- カスタマイズとパーソナライゼーション:オートバイのカスタマイズとパーソナライゼーション オートバイは、カスタマイズとパーソナライゼーションの拡大傾向の一環として、AWDモデルにカスタマイズすることができ、ライダーが好みのアクセサリーをオートバイに装着できるようになる。この成長機会は、ライダーの多様なニーズに応えることの重要性を強調している。

3.市場への浸透と認知度:二輪車業界は、従来の二輪車モデルと比べて、マーケ ティングの浸透と消費者の認知という点で、まだ道半ばである。多くの潜在的な購買層はAWD技術の利点を知らないため、AWDを購入する自信がない。AWDシステムがどのようなメリットをもたらすかについて、消費者の認知度を高めることは、企業が新たな市場に参入したり、普及率の向上を促したいのであれば、極めて重要である。
- クリスティーニ・テクノロジーズ
- ロコン
- ヤマハ発動機
- ウラルモーターサイクル
- ホンダ

- ディスクブレーキシステム
- ドラムブレーキシステム

- アドベンチャー
- クルーザー
- ツーリング
- スポーツ

- 従来型
- 電動

- レジャー
- ツーリング
- スポーツ
- その他

- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域

- 米国 米国では、AWD二輪車への関心が高まっており、安定性の向上や性能の改善などにより、販売台数が増加している。これには、オフロードを走る愛好家向けの強力なAWDシステムを搭載したRokon Trail-Breakerが含まれる。さらに、オンロード用電子制御トラクション・コントロール・システムが成長し、オフロードでも高速道路走行中でもその機能を改善するのに役立っている。さらに、さまざまなメーカーが、電気駆動と従来のAWDを組み合わせたハイブリッド・モデルの開発に取り組んでおり、エネルギー使用効率は向上しているが、排出量は減少している。
- 中国 AWDモーターサイクルの国内市場は、地元メーカーが国内で販売されている国際ブランドと競争しようとしているため、急速に拡大している。ESC(エレクトロニック・スタビリティ・コントロール)やアダプティブ・サスペンション・システムなどの技術を統合している。例えば、CFMotoは、あらゆる地形でより良いライディング体験を提供するために四輪駆動システムを近代化した新モデルを発表した。中国政府による環境に優しい製品への取り組みも、環境意識の高い全輪駆動バイクを全国に育てている。
- ドイツ エンジニアリングの先進国であるドイツでは、精度と安全性を重視したAWDモーターサイクル技術の進歩が見られる。その中でもBMWは、高度に開発されたAWDバイクのハンドリング/ステアリング・システムでリードしている。最新のシリーズにはダイナミック・トラクション・コントロールが装備され、現在の路面状況に応じてパワーの配分を調整し、リアルタイムで対応できるようになっている。さらにドイツ企業は、全輪駆動バイクの性能と燃費を向上させるため、軽量素材の統合に注目している。
- インド インドでは、全輪駆動モーターサイクルの採用はまだ始まったばかりだが、厳しい地形やさまざまな走行条件から、その採用が有力視されている。Hero MotoCorpは、AWDシステムをオフロードやアドベンチャーバイクに適用する可能性を検討してきた。これには、インド市場の特殊性に合致した費用対効果と耐久性が大きく関係している。地元メーカーが外国企業と提携し、先進技術を導入することで、インドにおけるAWD技術の成長が促進されるだろう。
- 日本 日本では、特にホンダとヤマハによって、AWDモーターサイクルに対する新たな関心と開発が行われている。例えば、アスファルト路面や未舗装路面での走行に特化した全輪駆動システムが登場している。さらに、日本のメーカーは現在、リアルタイム・トラクション・コントロールやスタビリティ・アシスタンスといった高度なエレクトロニクスの開発に取り組んでいる。同様に重要なことは、これらのAWDモーターサイクルが軽量素材を採用し、総合性能を向上させていることである。

- クリスティーニ・テクノロジーズ
- ロコン
- ヤマハ発動機
- ウラルモーターサイクル
- ホンダ
回答はい、Lucintel は追加費用なしで 10% のカスタマイズを提供します。










3.5: 全輪駆動モーターサイクルの世界市場:技術別

3.6.2: ツーリング
3.6.3: スポーツ



4.4:APAC 全輪駆動モーターサイクル市場

4.5: ROWの全輪モーターサイクル市場





7.3: ヤマハ発動機
7.4: ウラルモーターサイクル
7.5: ホンダ
7.6: KTM
7.7: BMW





All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Trends and Forecast
The future of the global all wheel drive motorcycle market looks promising with opportunities in the recreation, touring, and sport markets. The global all wheel drive motorcycle market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 5.3% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the increasing trend of exploration and adventure among millennials and rising popularity of off-road sports like motocross and enduro racing.
Lucintel forecasts that disc braking system is expected to witness higher growth over the forecast period.
Within this market, recreation will remain the largest segment because they provides more stability and traction than their two-wheeled counterparts.
North America is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to the existence of major players and base of a well-established automotive industry in this region.

Emerging Trends in the All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market
The all wheel drive (AWD) motorcycle market is experiencing rapid changes due to technological advancements and consumer preferences shift. Emerging trends highlight the industry’s focus on better performances, safety concerns as well as conservation issues like environmental degradation. Understanding these trends is important because it helps us understand how the AWD motorcycle landscape will change over time and what we can expect in terms of future developments.
• Advanced Electronic Systems: Integrated Modern AWD motorcycles are now coming with a lot of digital systems like stability control, traction control, and adaptive suspension. Such systems make the rider safe and provide better control and stability on different riding conditions. There is also real-time adjustment of power distribution as well as suspension settings to maintain optimal performance that makes motorcycles be safer and more versatile for use in different terrains.
• Hybrid and Electric AWD Models: There is a rising trend towards hybrid and electric AWD motorcycles in an effort by manufacturers to cut down on emissions and enhance fuel economy. Combining traditional internal combustion engines with electric motors, the hybrid models offer increased torque and improved fuel economy. Furthermore, fully electric AWD motorcycles have come up, which is a noiseless zero-emission alternative for those riders who care about the environment.
• Enhanced Off-Road Capabilities: AWD motorcycles are now being designed with enhanced off road capabilities to cater for adventure and trail riders. This includes improvements in ground clearance, suspension systems, and tire technology. These advancements enable better performance on rugged terrain, making AWD motorcycles more suitable for off-road adventures and long-distance touring.
• Focus on Lightweight Materials: Manufacturers are improving their motorcycle’s performance through investing in lightweight materials, such as carbon fiber or advanced composites. Reducing the weight of AWD motorcycles enhances acceleration, maneuverability as well as fuel efficiency. Additionally, light weight materials are important since they improve handling reducing rider fatigue during long distance rides.
• Customization & Personalization Options: The trend nowadays is that various customization options are emerging regarding AWD motorcycles. Riders can choose from a variety of accessories, modifications or aesthetic upgrades they want to do with their bikes depending on what will suit them best according to their needs or preferences. This comes out of desire for unique one-of-a-kind personal ride experience.
These emerging trends are reshaping the all wheel drive motorcycle market by enhancing performance, safety, and environmental sustainability. Handling and rider confidence are being improved through the integration of advanced electronic systems and lightweight materials. Hybrid and electric models address environmental concerns while offering innovative performance solutions. Enhanced off-road capabilities and customization options cater to diverse rider preferences, ensuring that AWD motorcycles continue to evolve in line with technological advancements and market demands.

Recent Developments in the All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market
Recent developments in all wheel drive (AWD) motorcycles highlight significant advancements in technology and design. These innovations reflect a broader trend towards enhanced performance, safety, and environmental sustainability. Understanding these key developments offers insights into the future of AWD motorcycles and their growing impact on the market.
• Advanced Electronic Traction Control Systems: Newest AWD motorcycle models have been integrated with highly developed electronic traction control systems that enhance handling as well as stability. Such systems monitor wheel slip thereby adjusting power distribution at any given time for better control by a rider across varied road conditions. This development represents a significant leap forward in motorcycle safety and performance.
• Integration of Hybrid Technologies: Hybrid technology is finding its way into AWD motorcycles where it combines traditional internal combustion engines together with electric motors. This results into improved torque delivery as well as fuel efficiency along with lower emissions. Therefore hybrid AWD motorcycles provide environmentally friendly version for riders who want both high-performance motorbikes plus environment benefits.
• Development of Lightweight Components: Manufacturers are focusing on reducing the weight of AWD motorcycles through application of lightweight materials such as carbon fiber and aluminum alloys, which improves on acceleration, handling and overall performance. Henceforth lightweight components contribute to improved fuel efficiency and less fatigue for riders during long rides.
• Enhanced Suspension Systems: Some of the latest developments in this area include sophisticated off-road suspension systems. These enable better shock absorption and riding comfort leading to improved rough and uneven terrain handling by AWD motorcycles. Advanced suspension technology is critical for adventure or trail riders with a desire for superior performance capabilities off-road.
• Expansion of Electric AWD Models: The market for electric AWD motorcycles is growing, with many companies introducing new models that provide quiet, and zero emission experiences. These electric AWD motorcycles benefit from instantaneous torque delivery and lower maintenance demands. As battery technology improves, electric AWD bikes are expected to become more popular among a wider range of riders.
These major changes are transforming all-wheel drive motorcycle landscape by improving their performance, safety, as well as environmental friendliness. Enhanced handling and efficiency can be achieved through advanced electronic systems and hybrid technologies while better overall performance can be achieved through light materials used in making components; enhanced suspension systems. The expansion into electrics also indicates a shift towards eco-friendly options which would hence reshape future all wheel drive motorcycles.
Strategic Growth Opportunities for All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market
Technological advancements together with changing consumer preferences have led to significant growth in the all wheel drive (AWD) motorcycles industry. There has been a change that provides new ways of developing the markets thereby reshaping them strategically giving room for growth opportunities within various applications. Identifying these opportunities gives an insight about what the future holds for AWD motorcycles.
• Adventure and Off-Road Motorcycles: There has been an increase in demand for all wheel drive (AWD) bikes intended strictly for use in adventure and off-road terrains. This segment has the benefit of improved traction and stability which is ideal for uneven surfaces. Manufacturers have an opportunity to develop special models equipped with advanced suspension systems and longer-lasting parts that cater to this niche market.
• Urban and Commuter Motorcycles: AWD technology is being integrated into urban and commuter motorcycles to enhance stability as well as safety in city environments. They may improve overall riding experience by providing better traction control features, more sophisticated stability systems on different weather conditions. This allows for targeting city commuters looking for added confidence during everyday trips.
• Touring Motorcycles: Touring bikes fitted with AWD are increasingly popular as riders seek improved balance, comfort when taking long distance rides. Better ride quality can be achieved through advanced AWD systems that offer higher levels of traction and control on various surface road conditions. Thus manufacturers can take advantage of this trend by offering AWD touring models featured along long distance improvement attributes.
• Electric and Hybrid Motorcycles: The growth in electric or hybrid technologies presents significant expansion opportunities for AWD motorcycles. Electric AWD models are eco-friendly options where they come with instant torque availability while reducing emissions. There are also hybrids which attempt to balance traditional with electrical power thus targeting both performance and efficiency oriented riders. As technology advances, this segment would increase given consumer preferences changes.
• Customization and Personalization: Customization and Personalization Motorcycles can be customized to AWD models as part of a growing trend towards customization and personalization, allowing riders to fit their motorcycles with accessories that they prefer. This growth opportunity emphasizes the importance of meeting diverse rider needs
These strategic growth opportunities are driving the evolution of the all wheel drive (AWD) motorcycle market. Manufacturers can cater for the needs and options of different riders by focusing on adventure, urban commuting, touring, electric and hybrid models, and customization. These opportunities are shaping the future of AWD motorcycles—leading to innovative product developments and expanded markets coverage.

All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market Driver and Challenges
There are several factors that influence the all wheel drive (AWD) motorcycles market, including technological advancement, economic conditions, and regulatory requirements. These developmental drivers and obstacles mould the making-up, adoption and growth of AWD motorcycles. As technology develops at a rapid pace, pushing performance and safety to new limits; this will be in combination with economic tendencies and administrative frameworks which will definitely affect those who feel for the market dynamics as well as buyers’ preferences. To effectively navigate through this changing terrain of AWD motorcycles, manufacturers need to appreciate these elements.
The factors responsible for driving the all wheel drive motorcycle market include:
1. Technological Advancements: Technological advancements have been identified as one of the major reasons why AWD motorcycles is on its boom stage today. Developments such as electronic traction control mechanisms, modern suspension systems coupled with integrated stability controls can improve performance in terms of high speed driving and safety. The features enable them maneuver in different conditions thus broaden their appeal amongst riders. Through providing improved ride quality along with better handling under all circumstances manufacturers propel expansion by ensuring that consumers enjoy superior riding experiences.
2. Consumer Demand for Versatility: Increasing consumer demand for versatile motorbikes capable of running on both roads as well as off-road has led to the adoption of AWD technology. Motorbike users look forward to having increased stability levels, control or adaptability regardless of type of surface used in riding them or the location they live in . This is because they are designed to enhance traction & performance even in challenging terrains what calls for multifunctional vehicles. Manufacturers have seized this opportunity by investing heavily into AWD since many adventure riders exist who are also multi-purpose motorcycle riders.
3. Economic Factors: Changes In fuel prices or overall economic climate can bring about significant effects on the AWD motorcycle market. Increasing oil prices may stimulate interest towards more fuel-efficient models whereas recessions often lead to decreased premium bike purchases by customers. Countries that grow economically experience rise in disposable income hence escalating the demand for advanced plus luxurious bikes. Hence, in order to adjust their product choices to the market situation and people’s income levels, manufacturers have to cope with these economic aspects.
4. Regulatory Requirements: The AWD motorcycle market is significantly influenced by regulatory requirements such as emissions standards, safety regulations, and noise limits. Tighter emission rules enforcement has compelled development of cleaner technologies like hybrid or electric AWD models. Designing and manufacturing processes are also influenced by safety standards which require advanced safety features be incorporated. In this regard, adherence to set rules forms the basis for entry into markets as well as gaining trust from prospective buyers taking into account that it dictates how specific technological innovation will be driven.
5. Competitive Market Landscape: This is the key driver underpinning both innovation & differentiation of AWD motorcycles forcing manufacturers to act accordingly. Various players in this sector therefore are subjected to continuous pushing towards better technology with different attributes amongst themselves. Companies seek competitive advantage through innovation leading to more products sold hence a bigger market share. This level of research is necessary so that one can keep up with competitors in highly populated fluid markets.
Challenges in the all wheel drive motorcycle market are:
1. Cost of Advanced Technology: The cost of introducing improved AWD technology on a large scale is quite high which poses a major obstacle. In fact, features like adaptive suspension systems or electronic traction control only increase production costs thereby resulting in increased consumer prices. At other times, this may make them affordable only for upper-level purchasers because of higher price tags. Manufacturers have at this point had to figure out cost management mechanisms without compromising on quality hence enabling affordability by all groups.
2. Regulatory Compliance Challenges: Complying with diverse regulatory rules across different regions is a major obstacle for manufacturers. Different countries have their own levels of air pollution, noise and safety standards which affect design and certification processes. It could take longer to develop products as well as increase expenditure, thus affecting market entry into numerous jurisdictions efficiently. Manufacturers should be able to navigate these intricacies while ensuring they are ready for the market.
3. Market Penetration and Awareness: The motorcycle industry still has some way to go in terms of marketing penetration and consumer awareness compared with traditional two-wheel models. Many potential buyers do not know about AWD technology’s benefits and therefore lack confidence in buying it. Raising consumer awareness about how AWD systems benefit them is vital if the firm wants to enter new markets or encourage adoption rates to increase.
A variety of drivers and challenges exists that have implications on the all wheel drive (AWD) motorcycles market. Advances in technology as well as increased demand from consumers are leading towards growth; economic conditions coupled with regulation shape the market dynamics. High costs associated with technology, regulatory compliance and problems related to penetrating the market need to be addressed by any company operating within the sector. These drivers should be aligned against overcoming different issues if manufacturers want to seize opportunities for growth in this dynamic AWD motorcycle industry.
List of All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Companies
Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies all wheel drive motorcycle companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the all wheel drive motorcycle companies profiled in this report include-
• Christini Technologies
• Rokon
• Yamaha Motor
• Ural Motorcycles
• Honda

All Wheel Drive Motorcycle by Segment
The study includes a forecast for the global all wheel drive motorcycle by type, design, technology, application, and region.
All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Disc Braking Systems
• Drum Braking Systems

All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Design [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Adventure
• Cruiser
• Touring
• Sport

All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Technology [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Conventional
• Electric

All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Recreation
• Touring
• Sport
• Others

All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market
All wheel drive (AWD) motorcycles have seen significant advancements all over the world because of changing consumer tastes, technological advancements, and different regulatory environments. Every country has made its own steps in the development and integration of AWD technology into motorcycles as manufacturers adjust to these changes. This analysis will outline some aspects of this manner for USA, China, Germany, India and Japan.
• United States In the United States, there has been a growing interest in AWD motorcycles which has led to increased sales due to better stability and improved performance among other factors. This includes Rokon Trail-Breaker that has a powerful AWD system aimed at enthusiasts who go off-road. Moreover, growth in on-road electronic traction control systems is helping to improve on how it functions both off the road and while driving on highways. Additionally, various manufacturers are working on hybrid models that combine electric drives with traditional AWDs for better efficiency in energy use but fewer emissions.
• China The domestic market for AWD motorcycles is rapidly expanding as local players try to compete with international brands sold in the country. It is about integrating technologies such as ESC (electronic stability control) or adaptive suspension systems among others. Examples include CFMoto which has launched new models that have modernized their four-wheel drive systems for better riding experiences across any terrain type. The advancement towards eco-friendly products by the Chinese government also breeds environment-conscious all-wheel drive motorbikes across the nation.
• Germany In Germany, a leader in engineering excellence, there are advances happening around AWD motorcycle technology emphasizing precision and safety features. BMW is leading among them with their highly developed AWD bike handling/steering systems. The latest range comes equipped with dynamic traction control that modulates power split depending on current street conditions to give real time response capability. Furthermore, German companies are looking at light weight material integration so as to improve performance and fuel economy of all wheel drive bikes.
• India In India adoption of all-wheel drive motorcycles is still in its infancy but the challenging terrains and variety of riding conditions offer a strong case for their uptake. Hero MotoCorp has been considering the possible application of AWD systems on off-road and adventure bikes. This has much to do with cost effectiveness and durability that aligns with the Indian market's peculiarities. The local manufacturers partnering with foreign corporations will push forward the growth of AWD technology in India as they introduce advanced technology.
• Japan In Japan, there is a renewed interest and development taking place concerning AWD motorcycles especially by Honda and Yamaha among others. For example, there are now all wheel drive systems specifically made for driving on both asphalted or un-asphalted surfaces. Additionally, Japanese manufacturers are currently engaged in development of sophisticated electronics such as real-time traction control and stability assistance. Equally important is that these AWD motorbikes have embraced light weight materials which improve their total performance.
Features of the Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market
Market Size Estimates: All wheel drive motorcycle market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: All wheel drive motorcycle market size by various segments, such as by type, design, technology, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: All wheel drive motorcycle market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different types, designs, technologies, applications, and regions for the all wheel drive motorcycle market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the all wheel drive motorcycle market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.
Q1. What is the growth forecast for all wheel drive motorcycle market?
Answer: The global all wheel drive motorcycle market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 5.3% from 2024 to 2030.
Q2. What are the major drivers influencing the growth of the all wheel drive motorcycle market?
Answer: The major drivers for this market are increasing trend of exploration and adventure among millennials and rising popularity of off-road sports like motocross and enduro racing.
Q3. What are the major segments for all wheel drive motorcycle market?
Answer: The future of the all wheel drive motorcycle market looks promising with opportunities in the recreation, touring, and sport markets.
Q4. Who are the key all wheel drive motorcycle market companies?
Answer: Some of the key all wheel drive motorcycle companies are as follows:
• Christini Technologies
• Rokon
• Yamaha Motor
• Ural Motorcycles
• Honda
Q5. Which all wheel drive motorcycle market segment will be the largest in future?
Answer: Lucintel forecasts that disc braking system is expected to witness higher growth over the forecast period.
Q6. In all wheel drive motorcycle market, which region is expected to be the largest in next 5 years?
Answer: North America is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to the existence of major players and base of a well-established automotive industry in this region.
Q7. Do we receive customization in this report?
Answer: Yes, Lucintel provides 10% customization without any additional cost.

This report answers following 11 key questions:
Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the all wheel drive motorcycle market by type (disc braking system and drum braking system), design (adventure, cruiser, touring, and sport), technology (conventional and electric), application (recreation, touring, sport, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)

3.3: Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Type
3.3.1: Disc Braking Systems
3.3.2: Drum Braking Systems

3.4: Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Design
3.4.1: Adventure
3.4.2: Cruiser
3.4.3: Touring
3.4.4: Sport

3.5: Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Technology
3.5.1: Conventional
3.5.2: Electric

3.6: Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Application
3.6.1: Recreation
3.6.2: Touring
3.6.3: Sport
3.6.4: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Region
4.2: North American All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market
4.2.1: North American All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Type: Disc Braking System and Drum Braking System
4.2.2: North American All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Application: Recreation, Touring, Sport, and Others

4.3: European All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market
4.3.1: European All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Type: Disc Braking System and Drum Braking System
4.3.2: European All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Application: Recreation, Touring, Sport, and Others

4.4: APAC All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market
4.4.1: APAC All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Type: Disc Braking System and Drum Braking System
4.4.2: APAC All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Application: Recreation, Touring, Sport, and Others

4.5: ROW All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market
4.5.1: ROW All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Type: Disc Braking System and Drum Braking System
4.5.2: ROW All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Application: Recreation, Touring, Sport, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Design
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Technology
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Application
6.1.5: Growth Opportunities for the Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market by Region

6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market

6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Christini Technologies
7.2: Rokon
7.3: Yamaha Motor
7.4: Ural Motorcycles
7.5: Honda
7.6: KTM
7.7: BMW







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