![]() エアロゲル市場:市場規模、動向、成長分析Aerogel Market: Market Size, Trends and Growth Analysis 世界のエアロゲル市場は、2024年から2030年までの年平均成長率が11.7%で、2030年には推定12億190万ドルに達すると予想されている。エアロゲル市場の主な促進要因は、製造プロセスの進歩、エアロゲルの用途の拡大... もっと見る
サマリー世界のエアロゲル市場は、2024年から2030年までの年平均成長率が11.7%で、2030年には推定12億190万ドルに達すると予想されている。エアロゲル市場の主な促進要因は、製造プロセスの進歩、エアロゲルの用途の拡大、断熱能力の向上である。当レポートでは、エアロゲル市場について、市場動向、競合情勢、企業プロファイル、新興動向、業界成長の主要因などの分析を掲載しています。また、エアロゲルの市場規模や2024年までの世界のエアロゲル市場の予測を、地域別・市場別に以下のように区分して掲載しています: エアロゲルの地域別市場 - 北米 - ヨーロッパ - APAC エアロゲル市場のセグメント - 断熱・遮音 - ライフサイエンスとパーソナルケア - その他 この市場レポートで紹介するエアロゲル企業には、Aspen Aerogel、Cabot Corporation、Dow Corning Corporation、Honeywell International Inc.などがある。 包括的な調査に基づき、Lucintel社はエアロゲル市場が2014年から2019年の間に高成長を示すと予測しています。 本レポートの特徴の一部 ________________________________________ - 市場規模の推定:エアロゲルの世界市場規模を出荷量(Mil lbs)と出荷額($ Mil)で推計。 - 動向と予測分析:世界のエアロゲル市場動向(2018年~2023年)と地域別・セグメント別予測(2024年~2030年 - セグメント別分析:エアロゲルの世界市場規模を断熱材、医薬品、その他など様々な用途セグメント別に出荷量と出荷額の両方で紹介。 - 地域別分析:エアロゲルの世界市場を北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、その他の地域など主要地域別に分類。 - 成長機会:エアロゲル市場の用途別、地域別の成長機会に関する分析。 - 戦略的分析:世界のエアロゲル供給企業のM&A、新製品開発、競争環境、拡大戦略など。 - 新たな用途:様々な市場における世界のエアロゲルの新たな用途。 - ポーターのファイブフォースモデルに基づく業界の競争力分析。 目次Table of Content1. Executive Summary 2. Global Aerogel Market Background and Classification 2.1: Introduction 2.1.1: Aerogel manufacturing process 2.1.2: Markets served 2.1.3: Supply chain 3. Market Trend and Forecast Analysis 3.1: Current market analysis 2013 3.1.1: Global aerogel market by value 3.1.2: Regional aerogel market 2023 3.2: Market trend 2018–2023 3.2.1: Macroeconomic trends 3.2.2: Global aerogel market trends 2018-2023 By segments: Thermal and acoustic insulation Life sciences and personal care Others 3.2.3: North American Aerogel market trend 3.2.4: Europe aerogel market trend 3.2.5: Market drivers and challenges 3.3: Market forecast 2024-2030 3.3.1: Macroeconomic forecast 2024-2030 3.3.2: Global market forecast by value By segments: Thermal and acoustic insulation Life sciences and personal care Others 3.3.3: North America market forecast by value 3.3.4: Europe market forecast by value 3.3.5: APAC market forecast by value 4. Cost Structure and Profitability Analysis 4.1: Global aerogel market profitability analysis 4.2: Cost structure of global aerogel market: 2018-2023 4.3: Regional trend: cost structure for global aerogel market 4.4: Asset analysis 4.5: Debt analysis 5. Competitor Analysis 5.1: Product portfolio analysis 5.2: Market share analysis 5.3: Geographical reach 5.4: Operational integration 5.5: Growth leadership analysis 5.6: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 5.7: Strategic initiatives 6. Growth Opportunity & Strategic Analysis 6.1: Growth opportunities analysis 6.2: Emerging trends in global aerogel market 6.3: Mergers and acquisitions in global aerogel market 7. Company Profiles of Leading Players 8. Customer Analysis 8.1: Customers in different segments 8.2: Customer’s geographic reach 8.3: Major customer profiles
SummaryThe global aerogel market is expected to reach an estimated $1,201.9 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 11.7% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers of the aerogel market are advancement in the manufacturing processes, growing applications of aerogel, and better thermal insulation capacity. This report provides an analysis of the aerogel market, including the analysis of market trends, competitive landscapes, company profiles, emerging trends, and key drivers of industry growth. Table of ContentsTable of Content1. Executive Summary 2. Global Aerogel Market Background and Classification 2.1: Introduction 2.1.1: Aerogel manufacturing process 2.1.2: Markets served 2.1.3: Supply chain 3. Market Trend and Forecast Analysis 3.1: Current market analysis 2013 3.1.1: Global aerogel market by value 3.1.2: Regional aerogel market 2023 3.2: Market trend 2018–2023 3.2.1: Macroeconomic trends 3.2.2: Global aerogel market trends 2018-2023 By segments: Thermal and acoustic insulation Life sciences and personal care Others 3.2.3: North American Aerogel market trend 3.2.4: Europe aerogel market trend 3.2.5: Market drivers and challenges 3.3: Market forecast 2024-2030 3.3.1: Macroeconomic forecast 2024-2030 3.3.2: Global market forecast by value By segments: Thermal and acoustic insulation Life sciences and personal care Others 3.3.3: North America market forecast by value 3.3.4: Europe market forecast by value 3.3.5: APAC market forecast by value 4. Cost Structure and Profitability Analysis 4.1: Global aerogel market profitability analysis 4.2: Cost structure of global aerogel market: 2018-2023 4.3: Regional trend: cost structure for global aerogel market 4.4: Asset analysis 4.5: Debt analysis 5. Competitor Analysis 5.1: Product portfolio analysis 5.2: Market share analysis 5.3: Geographical reach 5.4: Operational integration 5.5: Growth leadership analysis 5.6: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 5.7: Strategic initiatives 6. Growth Opportunity & Strategic Analysis 6.1: Growth opportunities analysis 6.2: Emerging trends in global aerogel market 6.3: Mergers and acquisitions in global aerogel market 7. Company Profiles of Leading Players 8. Customer Analysis 8.1: Customers in different segments 8.2: Customer’s geographic reach 8.3: Major customer profiles
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