


Video Game Market: Trends, Opportunities and Competitive Analysis [2024-2030]

ビデオゲーム市場の動向と予測 世界のビデオゲーム市場の将来は、スマートフォン、タブレット、PC、コンソール市場にビジネスチャンスがあり、有望視されている。世界のビデオゲーム市場は、2024年から2030年ま... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年1月23日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語







- スマートフォン
- タブレット
- PC
- コンソール
- その他(ゲームボーイ、携帯端末、パーラーゲーム)
- シューティング
- アクション
- スポーツ
- ロールプレイング
- アドベンチャー
- レース
- ストラテジー
- その他(カジュアルゲーム、パーティーゲーム、シミュレーションゲーム)
- オンライン
- オフライン
ゲーマータイプ別 [2018年から2030年までの$B出荷分析]:
- エクストリーム
- カジュアル
年齢層別 [2018年から2030年までの$B出荷分析]:
- 10~20歳
- 21~35歳
- 36~50歳
- 51-60歳
- 北米
o 米国
o カナダ
o メキシコ
- 欧州
o ドイツ
o ロシア
o イギリス
o フランス
- アジア太平洋
o 日本
o 中国
o 韓国
- その他の地域
- ソニー
- テンセント
- マイクロソフト
- Netease
- アクティベーション・ブリザード
- ゴーグル
- エレクトロニック・アーツ
- 任天堂
- バンダイナムコ
- Lucintelの予測では、あらゆる年齢層でアクション性の高いビデオゲームへの関心が高まっているため、シューティングゲームが最大のセグメントであり続けると予想される。リアルな
- シューティングゲーム市場を牽引しています。
- 新興国におけるスマートフォンユーザーの増加により、スマートフォンは引き続き最大かつ最も成長率の高い分野である。
- アジア太平洋地域は引き続き最大の地域であり、同地域のブロードバンドインターネットの大幅な改善により、予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。インターネットが普及することで、ゲーマーは高速インターネット接続でこの好評のゲームカテゴリーを体験できるようになり、オンライン・ビデオゲーム市場の着実な成長が可能になった。
- 市場規模の推定:ビデオゲーム市場規模を金額($B)で推定
- 動向と予測分析:各セグメント・地域別の市場動向(2018年~2023年)と予測(2024年~2030年
- セグメント別分析:デバイス、ジャンル、年齢層、プラットフォームタイプ、ゲーマータイプなど各種セグメント別の市場規模(金額ベース
- 地域別分析:ビデオゲーム市場の北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、その他の地域別内訳
- 成長機会:ビデオゲーム市場のデバイス、ジャンル、年齢層、プラットフォームタイプ、ゲーマータイプ、地域別の成長機会の分析。
- 戦略分析:ビデオゲーム市場のM&A、新製品開発、競争環境など。
- ポーターのファイブフォースモデルに基づく業界の競争激化度分析。
- ソニー
- テンセント
- マイクロソフト
- マイクロソフト
- アクティベーション・ブリザード
- ゴーグル
- エレクトロニック・アーツ
- 任天堂
- バンダイナムコ
答: はい:はい、Lucintel は追加費用なしで 10% のカスタマイズを提供します。

本レポートは以下の 11 の主要な質問に回答しています。
Q.1 世界のビデオゲーム市場において、デバイスタイプ別(スマートフォン、タブレット、PC、コンソール、その他)、ジャンル別(シューティング、アクション、スポーツ、ロールプレイング、アドベンチャー、レース、ストラテジー、その他)、プラットフォームタイプ別(オンライン、オフライン)、ゲーマータイプ別(エクストリーム、カジュアル)、年齢層別(10~20歳、21~35歳、36~50歳、51~65歳)、地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、その他地域)に、最も有望で高成長が期待できる分野は何か?
Q.2 今後成長が加速するセグメントとその理由は?
Q.3 より速いペースで成長する地域とその理由は?
Q.4 市場ダイナミクスに影響を与える主な要因は何ですか?市場の推進要因と課題は何か?
Q.5 市場にとってのビジネスリスクと脅威は何か?
Q.6 市場の新たなトレンドとその理由は?
Q.7 市場における顧客の需要の変化は?
Q.8 市場の新たな動きは?これらの開発をリードしている企業はどこですか?
Q.9 市場の主要プレーヤーは?主要プレーヤーは事業成長のためにどのような戦略的取り組みを実施していますか?
Q.10 この分野で競合する製品やプロセスにはどのようなものがあり、材料や製品の代替によって市場シェアを失う脅威はどの程度ありますか?
Q.11 この市場において、過去5年間にどのようなM&A活動が行われましたか?



Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Market Background and Classifications
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classification
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1: Macroeconomic Trends and Forecast
3.2: Global Video Game Market Trends and Forecast
3.3: Global Video Game Market by Device Type
3.3.1: Smartphone
3.3.2: Tablet
3.3.3: PC
3.3.4: Console
3.3.5: Others
3.4: Global Video Game Market by Genre
3.4.1: Shooter Games
3.4.2: Action Games
3.4.3: Sports Games
3.4.4: Role-Playing Games
3.4.5: Adventure Games
3.4.6: Racing Games
3.4.7: Strategy Games
3.4.8: Others
3.5: Global Video Game Market by Age Group
3.5.1: Age Group 10-20
3.5.2: Age Group 21-35
3.5.3: Age Group 36-50
3.5.4: Age Group 51-65
3.6: Global Video Game Market by Platform Type
3.6.1: Offline Games
3.6.2: Online Games
3.7: Global Video Game Market by Gamer Type
3.7.1: Extreme Gamers
3.7.2: Casual Gamers

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region
4.1: Global Video Game Market by Region
4.2: North American Video Game Market
4.2.1: Market by Device Type: Smartphone, Tablet, PC, Console, and Others
4.2.2: Market by Genre: Shooter, Action, Sports, Role-Playing, Adventure, Racing, Strategy, and Others
4.2.3: United States Video Game Market
4.2.4: Canadian Video Game Market
4.2.5: Mexican Video Game Market
4.3: European Video Game Market
4.3.1: Market by Device Type: Smartphone, Tablet, PC, Console, and Others
4.3.2: Market by Genre: Shooter, Action, Sports, Role-Playing, Adventure, Racing, Strategy, and Others
4.3.3: German Video Game Market
4.3.4: United Kingdom Video Game Market
4.3.5: French Video Game Market
4.4: APAC Video Game Market
4.4.1: Market by Device Type: Smartphone, Tablet, PC, Console, and Others
4.4.2: Market by Genre: Shooter, Action, Sports, Role-Playing, Adventure, Racing, Strategy, and Others
4.4.3: Chinese Video Game Market
4.4.4: Japanese Video Game Market
4.4.5: South Korean Video Game Market
4.5: ROW Video Game Market
4.5.1: Market by Device Type: Smartphone, Tablet, PC, Console, and Others
4.5.2: Market by Genre: Shooter, Action, Sports, Role-Playing, Adventure, Racing, Strategy, and Others
4.5.3: Brazilian Video Game Market
4.5.4: Turkish Video Game Market

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Geographical Reach
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Video Game Market by Device
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Video Game Market by Genre
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Video Game Market by Platform Type
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Video Game Market by Gamer Type
6.1.5: Growth Opportunities for the Global Video Game Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends of the Global Video Game Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Video Game Market

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Sony
7.2: Tencent Holdings Limited
7.3: Apple Inc.
7.4: Microsoft
7.5: NetEase
7.6: Activision Blizzard
7.7: Google
7.8: Electronic Arts
7.9: Nintendo Company Limited
7.10: BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc.





Video Game Market Trends and Forecast
The future of the global video game market looks promising with opportunities in the smartphone, tablet, PC, and console market. The global video game market is expected to reach an estimated $229.3 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 4.4% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are increasing growth of smartphones and easy availability of games on the internet.

Emerging Trends in the Video Game Market
Emerging trends, which have a direct impact on the dynamics of the industry, include development of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) products such as head mounted displays (HMD) and head-up displays (HUD) and development of game based learning for academics and skill development.

Video Game Market by Segment
The study includes a forecast for the global video game market by device type, genre type, platform type, gamer type, age group, and region as follows:
By Device Type [$B shipment analysis from 2018 to 2030]:
• Smartphones
• Tablets
• PC
• Consoles
• Others (Gameboy, Handheld Device, Parlor Games)
By Genre [$B shipment analysis from 2018 to 2030]:
• Shooter
• Action
• Sports
• Role-Playing
• Adventure
• Racing
• Strategy
• Others (Casual Games, Party Games, Simulation Games)
By Platform Type [$B shipment analysis from 2018 to 2030]:
• Online
• Offline
By Gamer Type [$B shipment analysis from 2018 to 2030]:
• Extreme
• Casual
By Age Group [$B shipment analysis from 2018 to 2030]:
• Age 10-20
• Age 21-35
• Age 36-50
• Age 51-60
By Region [$B shipment analysis for 2018 to 2030]:
• North America
o United States
o Canada
o Mexico
• Europe
o Germany
o Russia
o United Kingdom
o France
• Asia Pacific
o Japan
o China
o South Korea
• The Rest of the World
List of Video Game Companies
Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies video game companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the video game companies profiled in this report includes.
• Sony
• Tencent
• Microsoft
• Netease
• Activation Blizzard
• Goggle
• Electronic Arts
• Nintendo
• Bandai Namco
Video Game Market Insight
• Lucintel forecasts that shooter game is expected to remain the largest segment due to increasing interest towards action packed video games across all age groups. The constantly developing graphics quality that delivers real
• life like mission along with a platform to have an ultimate gaming experience, is driving the market for shooter games.
• Smartphone will remain the largest and highest growing segment due to increasing smartphone user in emerging nations.
• Asia Pacific will remain the largest region and it is also expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to significant improvement of broadband Internet in this region. Growing internet has enabled a steady rise in the online video game market, as it allow gamers to experience this well liked category of games with a high-speed internet connection.
Features of Video Game Market
• Market Size Estimates: Video game market size estimation in terms of value ($B)
• Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018-2023) and forecast (2024-2030) by various segments and regions.
• Segmentation Analysis: Market size by various segments, such as device, genre, age group, platform type, gamer type in terms of value
• Regional Analysis: Video game market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World.
• Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different device, genre, age group, platform type, gamer type, and regions for the video game market.
• Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape for the video game market.
• Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.
Q1. What is the video game market size?
Answer: The global video game market is expected to reach an estimated $229.3 by 2030.
Q2. What is the growth forecast for video game market?
Answer: The video game market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.4% from 2024 to 2030.
Q3. What are the major drivers influencing the growth of the video game market?
Answer: The major drivers for this market are increasing growth of smartphones and easy availability of games on the internet.
Q4. What is the major device or application industries for video game?
Answer: smartphone will remain the largest and highest growing segment due to increasing smartphone user in emerging nations.
Q5. What are the emerging trends in video game market?
Answer: Emerging trends, which have a direct impact on the dynamics of the industry, include development of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) products such as head mounted displays (HMD) and head-up displays (HUD) and development of game based learning for academics and skill development.
Q6. Who are the key video game companies?
Answer: Some of the key video game companies are as follows:
• Sony
• Tencent
• Microsoft
• Netease
• Activation Blizzard
• Goggle
• Electronic Arts
• Nintendo
• Bandai Namco
Q7. Which video game by genre segment will be the largest in future?
Answer: Lucintel forecasts that the shooter game is expected to remain the largest segment due to increasing interest towards action packed video games across all age groups.
Q8. In video game market, which region is expected to be the largest in next 5 years?
Answer: Asia Pacific is expected to remain the largest region and witness the highest growth over next 5 years.
Q9. Do we receive customization in this report?
Answer: Yes, Lucintel provides 10% Customization Without any Additional Cost.

This report answers following 11 key questions
Q.1 What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the global video game market by device type (smartphone, tablet, PC, console, and others), by genre (shooter, action, sports, role-playing, adventure, racing, strategy, and others), by platform type (online and offline), by gamer type(extreme and casual), by age group(age 10-20, age 21-35, age 36-50, age 51-65) and by region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2 Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3 Which regions will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4 What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the drivers and challenges of the market?
Q.5 What are the business risks and threats to the market?
Q.6 What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7 What are the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8 What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9 Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are being implemented by key players for business growth?
Q.10 What are some of the competitive products and processes in this area and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share via material or product substitution?
Q.11 What M & A activities have taken place in the last 5 years in this market?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Market Background and Classifications
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classification
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1: Macroeconomic Trends and Forecast
3.2: Global Video Game Market Trends and Forecast
3.3: Global Video Game Market by Device Type
3.3.1: Smartphone
3.3.2: Tablet
3.3.3: PC
3.3.4: Console
3.3.5: Others
3.4: Global Video Game Market by Genre
3.4.1: Shooter Games
3.4.2: Action Games
3.4.3: Sports Games
3.4.4: Role-Playing Games
3.4.5: Adventure Games
3.4.6: Racing Games
3.4.7: Strategy Games
3.4.8: Others
3.5: Global Video Game Market by Age Group
3.5.1: Age Group 10-20
3.5.2: Age Group 21-35
3.5.3: Age Group 36-50
3.5.4: Age Group 51-65
3.6: Global Video Game Market by Platform Type
3.6.1: Offline Games
3.6.2: Online Games
3.7: Global Video Game Market by Gamer Type
3.7.1: Extreme Gamers
3.7.2: Casual Gamers

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region
4.1: Global Video Game Market by Region
4.2: North American Video Game Market
4.2.1: Market by Device Type: Smartphone, Tablet, PC, Console, and Others
4.2.2: Market by Genre: Shooter, Action, Sports, Role-Playing, Adventure, Racing, Strategy, and Others
4.2.3: United States Video Game Market
4.2.4: Canadian Video Game Market
4.2.5: Mexican Video Game Market
4.3: European Video Game Market
4.3.1: Market by Device Type: Smartphone, Tablet, PC, Console, and Others
4.3.2: Market by Genre: Shooter, Action, Sports, Role-Playing, Adventure, Racing, Strategy, and Others
4.3.3: German Video Game Market
4.3.4: United Kingdom Video Game Market
4.3.5: French Video Game Market
4.4: APAC Video Game Market
4.4.1: Market by Device Type: Smartphone, Tablet, PC, Console, and Others
4.4.2: Market by Genre: Shooter, Action, Sports, Role-Playing, Adventure, Racing, Strategy, and Others
4.4.3: Chinese Video Game Market
4.4.4: Japanese Video Game Market
4.4.5: South Korean Video Game Market
4.5: ROW Video Game Market
4.5.1: Market by Device Type: Smartphone, Tablet, PC, Console, and Others
4.5.2: Market by Genre: Shooter, Action, Sports, Role-Playing, Adventure, Racing, Strategy, and Others
4.5.3: Brazilian Video Game Market
4.5.4: Turkish Video Game Market

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Geographical Reach
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Video Game Market by Device
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Video Game Market by Genre
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Video Game Market by Platform Type
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Video Game Market by Gamer Type
6.1.5: Growth Opportunities for the Global Video Game Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends of the Global Video Game Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Video Game Market

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Sony
7.2: Tencent Holdings Limited
7.3: Apple Inc.
7.4: Microsoft
7.5: NetEase
7.6: Activision Blizzard
7.7: Google
7.8: Electronic Arts
7.9: Nintendo Company Limited
7.10: BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc.





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