
ナイロン6(PA 6)チップの世界市場成長 2024-2030

Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Market Growth 2024-2030

LPI(LPインフォメーション)の最新調査によると、世界のナイロン6(PA 6)チップ市場規模は2023年に1億2860万米ドルとなった。川下市場での需要拡大に伴い、ナイロン6(PA 6)チップは2030年までに189.7億米ドル... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
LP Information
2024年12月2日 US$3,660
136 英語



LPI(LPインフォメーション)の最新調査によると、世界のナイロン6(PA 6)チップ市場規模は2023年に1億2860万米ドルとなった。川下市場での需要拡大に伴い、ナイロン6(PA 6)チップは2030年までに189.7億米ドルの再調整規模になると予測され、レビュー期間中のCAGRは5.7%である。
この調査レポートは、世界のナイロン6(PA 6)チップ市場の成長可能性を明らかにしています。ナイロン6(PA 6)チップは今後の市場でも安定した成長が見込まれる。しかし、ナイロン6(PA 6)チップの普及には、製品の差別化、コスト削減、サプライチェーンの最適化が引き続き重要です。市場関係者は、ナイロン6(PA 6)チップ市場がもたらす莫大な機会を活用するために、研究開発に投資し、戦略的パートナーシップを築き、進化する消費者の嗜好に合わせた製品を提供する必要があります。
PA 6チップは、カプロラクタムから重合反応によって製造される。通常、白色の円柱状のフレーク状粒子である。ナイロン繊維(土木繊維、工業繊維を含む)、エンジニアリング・プラスチック、フィルム製造分野で広く使用されている。ナイロン工業のリンク化学工業である。川下用途の原料と中間体。
PA 6チップの上流原料は主にカプロラクタムである。ここ数年、中国企業の絶え間ない技術向上と生産に基づき、カプロラクタムの輸入依存度は継続的に低下し、中国の国内需要を満たすことができるようになった。末端用途の分野では、PA 6チップは繊維市場で比較的高い割合を占めており、主に衣類、布地、カーテンなどに使用されている。
ナイロン6(PA 6)チップ市場に関する本レポートは、様々な側面を反映し、業界に関する貴重な洞察を提供します。
市場規模と成長:この調査レポートは、ナイロン6 (PA 6) チップ市場の現在の規模と成長の概要を提供しています。過去データ、タイプ別市場区分(繊維グレード、プラスチックグレードなど)、地域別内訳などが含まれます。
競合情勢:この調査レポートは、ナイロン6(PA 6)チップ市場内の競争状況の分析を提供しています。主要企業のプロフィール、市場シェア、戦略、製品提供などが含まれています。また、新興プレーヤーとその潜在的な市場への影響も強調することができます。
技術開発:調査レポートは、ナイロン6(PA 6)チップ産業における最新の技術開発を掘り下げることができます。これには、ナイロン6 (PA 6)チップ技術の進歩、ナイロン6 (PA 6)チップの新規参入、ナイロン6 (PA 6)チップの新規投資、ナイロン6 (PA 6)チップの将来を形作るその他の技術革新が含まれます。
川下の事業者の好み:この調査レポートは、ナイロン6 (PA 6)チップ市場における顧客の購買行動と採用動向を明らかにします。顧客の購買決定、ナイロン6 (PA 6)チップ製品の嗜好に影響を与える要因も含まれます。
政府の政策とインセンティブこの調査レポートは、政府の政策とインセンティブがナイロン6 (PA 6)チップ市場に与える影響を分析しています。これには、ナイロン6 (PA 6)チップ市場の促進を目的とした規制枠組み、補助金、税制優遇措置などの評価が含まれます。また、市場成長促進におけるこれらの政策の有効性も評価します。
環境影響と持続可能性この調査レポートは、ナイロン6 (PA 6) チップ市場の環境への影響と持続可能性の側面を評価しています。
市場予測と将来展望:調査レポートでは、実施した分析に基づいて、ナイロン6 (PA 6)チップ産業の市場予測と展望を提供しています。これには、市場規模、成長率、地域動向、技術進歩や政策展開に関する予測などが含まれます。
提言と機会:本レポートは、業界関係者、政策立案者、投資家への提言で締めくくられています。市場関係者が新たなトレンドを活用し、課題を克服し、ナイロン6(PA 6)チップ市場の成長と発展に貢献するための潜在的な機会を強調しています。
ナイロン6(PA 6)チップ市場は、タイプ別と用途別に分類されます。2019-2030年の期間について、セグメント間の成長により、タイプ別、用途別の消費額の正確な計算と予測を数量と金額で提供します。
世界のナイロン6(PA 6)チップ市場の10年見通しは?
ナイロン6 (PA 6)チップの世界および地域別市場成長の要因は何か?
ナイロン6 (PA 6)チップの市場機会は最終市場規模によってどのように異なるのか?
ナイロン6 (PA 6)チップのタイプ別、用途別内訳は?



1 Scope of the Report
1.1 Market Introduction
1.2 Years Considered
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Market Research Methodology
1.5 Research Process and Data Source
1.6 Economic Indicators
1.7 Currency Considered
1.8 Market Estimation Caveats
2 Executive Summary
2.1 World Market Overview
2.1.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Sales 2019-2030
2.1.2 World Current & Future Analysis for Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Geographic Region, 2019, 2023 & 2030
2.1.3 World Current & Future Analysis for Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Country/Region, 2019, 2023 & 2030
2.2 Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Segment by Type
2.2.1 Fiber Grade
2.2.2 Plastics Grade
2.2.3 Film Grade
2.3 Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Type
2.3.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales Market Share by Type (2019-2024)
2.3.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue and Market Share by Type (2019-2024)
2.3.3 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sale Price by Type (2019-2024)
2.4 Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Segment by Application
2.4.1 Clothing and Civilian
2.4.2 Automotive
2.4.3 Electronics
2.4.4 Food Industry
2.4.5 Chemical Industry
2.4.6 Industrial
2.4.7 Others
2.5 Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Application
2.5.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sale Market Share by Application (2019-2024)
2.5.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue and Market Share by Application (2019-2024)
2.5.3 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sale Price by Application (2019-2024)
3 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Company
3.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Breakdown Data by Company
3.1.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Sales by Company (2019-2024)
3.1.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales Market Share by Company (2019-2024)
3.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Revenue by Company (2019-2024)
3.2.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue by Company (2019-2024)
3.2.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue Market Share by Company (2019-2024)
3.3 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sale Price by Company
3.4 Key Manufacturers Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Producing Area Distribution, Sales Area, Product Type
3.4.1 Key Manufacturers Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Location Distribution
3.4.2 Players Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Products Offered
3.5 Market Concentration Rate Analysis
3.5.1 Competition Landscape Analysis
3.5.2 Concentration Ratio (CR3, CR5 and CR10) & (2019-2024)
3.6 New Products and Potential Entrants
3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion
4 World Historic Review for Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Geographic Region
4.1 World Historic Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Market Size by Geographic Region (2019-2024)
4.1.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Sales by Geographic Region (2019-2024)
4.1.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Revenue by Geographic Region (2019-2024)
4.2 World Historic Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Market Size by Country/Region (2019-2024)
4.2.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Sales by Country/Region (2019-2024)
4.2.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Revenue by Country/Region (2019-2024)
4.3 Americas Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales Growth
4.4 APAC Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales Growth
4.5 Europe Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales Growth
4.6 Middle East & Africa Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales Growth
5 Americas
5.1 Americas Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Country
5.1.1 Americas Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Country (2019-2024)
5.1.2 Americas Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue by Country (2019-2024)
5.2 Americas Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Type
5.3 Americas Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Application
5.4 United States
5.5 Canada
5.6 Mexico
5.7 Brazil
6.1 APAC Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Region
6.1.1 APAC Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Region (2019-2024)
6.1.2 APAC Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue by Region (2019-2024)
6.2 APAC Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Type
6.3 APAC Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Application
6.4 China
6.5 Japan
6.6 South Korea
6.7 Southeast Asia
6.8 India
6.9 Australia
6.10 China Taiwan
7 Europe
7.1 Europe Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Country
7.1.1 Europe Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Country (2019-2024)
7.1.2 Europe Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue by Country (2019-2024)
7.2 Europe Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Type
7.3 Europe Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Application
7.4 Germany
7.5 France
7.6 UK
7.7 Italy
7.8 Russia
8 Middle East & Africa
8.1 Middle East & Africa Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Country
8.1.1 Middle East & Africa Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Country (2019-2024)
8.1.2 Middle East & Africa Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue by Country (2019-2024)
8.2 Middle East & Africa Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Type
8.3 Middle East & Africa Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Application
8.4 Egypt
8.5 South Africa
8.6 Israel
8.7 Turkey
8.8 GCC Countries
9 Market Drivers, Challenges and Trends
9.1 Market Drivers & Growth Opportunities
9.2 Market Challenges & Risks
9.3 Industry Trends
10 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis
10.1 Raw Material and Suppliers
10.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip
10.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip
10.4 Industry Chain Structure of Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip
11 Marketing, Distributors and Customer
11.1 Sales Channel
11.1.1 Direct Channels
11.1.2 Indirect Channels
11.2 Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Distributors
11.3 Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Customer
12 World Forecast Review for Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Geographic Region
12.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Market Size Forecast by Region
12.1.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Forecast by Region (2025-2030)
12.1.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Revenue Forecast by Region (2025-2030)
12.2 Americas Forecast by Country
12.3 APAC Forecast by Region
12.4 Europe Forecast by Country
12.5 Middle East & Africa Forecast by Country
12.6 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Forecast by Type
12.7 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Forecast by Application
13 Key Players Analysis
13.1 BASF
13.1.1 BASF Company Information
13.1.2 BASF Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.1.3 BASF Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.1.4 BASF Main Business Overview
13.1.5 BASF Latest Developments
13.2 DSM
13.2.1 DSM Company Information
13.2.2 DSM Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.2.3 DSM Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.2.4 DSM Main Business Overview
13.2.5 DSM Latest Developments
13.3 Ube Industries
13.3.1 Ube Industries Company Information
13.3.2 Ube Industries Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.3.3 Ube Industries Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.3.4 Ube Industries Main Business Overview
13.3.5 Ube Industries Latest Developments
13.4 Meher International
13.4.1 Meher International Company Information
13.4.2 Meher International Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.4.3 Meher International Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.4.4 Meher International Main Business Overview
13.4.5 Meher International Latest Developments
13.5 Unitika
13.5.1 Unitika Company Information
13.5.2 Unitika Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.5.3 Unitika Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.5.4 Unitika Main Business Overview
13.5.5 Unitika Latest Developments
13.6 Sinopec
13.6.1 Sinopec Company Information
13.6.2 Sinopec Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.6.3 Sinopec Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.6.4 Sinopec Main Business Overview
13.6.5 Sinopec Latest Developments
13.7 Haiyang Technology
13.7.1 Haiyang Technology Company Information
13.7.2 Haiyang Technology Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.7.3 Haiyang Technology Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.7.4 Haiyang Technology Main Business Overview
13.7.5 Haiyang Technology Latest Developments
13.8.1 LI PENG ENTERPRISE Company Information
13.8.2 LI PENG ENTERPRISE Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.8.3 LI PENG ENTERPRISE Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.8.4 LI PENG ENTERPRISE Main Business Overview
13.8.5 LI PENG ENTERPRISE Latest Developments
13.9 Fujian Zhongjin New Material
13.9.1 Fujian Zhongjin New Material Company Information
13.9.2 Fujian Zhongjin New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.9.3 Fujian Zhongjin New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.9.4 Fujian Zhongjin New Material Main Business Overview
13.9.5 Fujian Zhongjin New Material Latest Developments
13.10 Fujian Eversun Jinjiang
13.10.1 Fujian Eversun Jinjiang Company Information
13.10.2 Fujian Eversun Jinjiang Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.10.3 Fujian Eversun Jinjiang Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.10.4 Fujian Eversun Jinjiang Main Business Overview
13.10.5 Fujian Eversun Jinjiang Latest Developments
13.11 Guangdong Xinhui Meida
13.11.1 Guangdong Xinhui Meida Company Information
13.11.2 Guangdong Xinhui Meida Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.11.3 Guangdong Xinhui Meida Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.11.4 Guangdong Xinhui Meida Main Business Overview
13.11.5 Guangdong Xinhui Meida Latest Developments
13.12 Hangzhou Juheshun New Material
13.12.1 Hangzhou Juheshun New Material Company Information
13.12.2 Hangzhou Juheshun New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.12.3 Hangzhou Juheshun New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.12.4 Hangzhou Juheshun New Material Main Business Overview
13.12.5 Hangzhou Juheshun New Material Latest Developments
13.13 Changle Liheng
13.13.1 Changle Liheng Company Information
13.13.2 Changle Liheng Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.13.3 Changle Liheng Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.13.4 Changle Liheng Main Business Overview
13.13.5 Changle Liheng Latest Developments
13.14 Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical
13.14.1 Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical Company Information
13.14.2 Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.14.3 Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.14.4 Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical Main Business Overview
13.14.5 Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical Latest Developments
13.15 Highsun Holding Group
13.15.1 Highsun Holding Group Company Information
13.15.2 Highsun Holding Group Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.15.3 Highsun Holding Group Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.15.4 Highsun Holding Group Main Business Overview
13.15.5 Highsun Holding Group Latest Developments
13.16 Bestory Advanced Materials
13.16.1 Bestory Advanced Materials Company Information
13.16.2 Bestory Advanced Materials Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.16.3 Bestory Advanced Materials Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.16.4 Bestory Advanced Materials Main Business Overview
13.16.5 Bestory Advanced Materials Latest Developments
13.17 Jiangsu Yongtong New Material
13.17.1 Jiangsu Yongtong New Material Company Information
13.17.2 Jiangsu Yongtong New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.17.3 Jiangsu Yongtong New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.17.4 Jiangsu Yongtong New Material Main Business Overview
13.17.5 Jiangsu Yongtong New Material Latest Developments
13.18 Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material
13.18.1 Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material Company Information
13.18.2 Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.18.3 Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.18.4 Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material Main Business Overview
13.18.5 Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material Latest Developments
13.19 Luxi Chemical
13.19.1 Luxi Chemical Company Information
13.19.2 Luxi Chemical Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.19.3 Luxi Chemical Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.19.4 Luxi Chemical Main Business Overview
13.19.5 Luxi Chemical Latest Developments
14 Research Findings and Conclusion





According to our LPI (LP Information) latest study, the global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market size was valued at US$ 12860 million in 2023. With growing demand in downstream market, the Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ 18970 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 5.7% during review period.
The research report highlights the growth potential of the global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market. Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip are expected to show stable growth in the future market. However, product differentiation, reducing costs, and supply chain optimization remain crucial for the widespread adoption of Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip. Market players need to invest in research and development, forge strategic partnerships, and align their offerings with evolving consumer preferences to capitalize on the immense opportunities presented by the Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market.
Nylon 6 chips are usually in the form of white granules, usually polymerised from caprolactam, soluble in phenol and hot concentrated sulphuric acid, with excellent electrical insulation properties, good abrasion resistance, self-lubrication and solvent resistance.
PA 6 chips are produced from caprolactam through polymerization reaction. They are usually white cylindrical flake particles. They are widely used in nylon fibers (including civil fibers and industrial fibers), engineering plastics and film manufacturing fields. They are the link chemical industry in the nylon industry. Raw materials and intermediates for downstream applications.
In terms of global competition, nylon 6 chip manufacturers are mainly concentrated in China (including Taiwan), Germany, the Netherlands and other countries and regions. The market share of the top 5 companies in the world exceeds 40%.
The upstream raw material of PA 6 chips is mainly caprolactam. In recent years, on the basis of the continuous improvement of technology and production of Chinese enterprises, the import dependence of caprolactam has been continuously reduced, and it has been able to meet China's domestic demand. In the field of terminal applications, PA 6 chips account for a relatively high proportion in the fiber market, mainly in clothing, fabrics, curtains, etc.
Key Features:
The report on Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market reflects various aspects and provide valuable insights into the industry.
Market Size and Growth: The research report provide an overview of the current size and growth of the Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market. It may include historical data, market segmentation by Type (e.g., Fiber Grade, Plastics Grade), and regional breakdowns.
Market Drivers and Challenges: The report can identify and analyse the factors driving the growth of the Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market, such as government regulations, environmental concerns, technological advancements, and changing consumer preferences. It can also highlight the challenges faced by the industry, including infrastructure limitations, range anxiety, and high upfront costs.
Competitive Landscape: The research report provides analysis of the competitive landscape within the Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market. It includes profiles of key players, their market share, strategies, and product offerings. The report can also highlight emerging players and their potential impact on the market.
Technological Developments: The research report can delve into the latest technological developments in the Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip industry. This include advancements in Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip technology, Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip new entrants, Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip new investment, and other innovations that are shaping the future of Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip.
Downstream Procumbent Preference: The report can shed light on customer procumbent behaviour and adoption trends in the Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market. It includes factors influencing customer ' purchasing decisions, preferences for Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip product.
Government Policies and Incentives: The research report analyse the impact of government policies and incentives on the Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market. This may include an assessment of regulatory frameworks, subsidies, tax incentives, and other measures aimed at promoting Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market. The report also evaluates the effectiveness of these policies in driving market growth.
Environmental Impact and Sustainability: The research report assess the environmental impact and sustainability aspects of the Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market.
Market Forecasts and Future Outlook: Based on the analysis conducted, the research report provide market forecasts and outlook for the Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip industry. This includes projections of market size, growth rates, regional trends, and predictions on technological advancements and policy developments.
Recommendations and Opportunities: The report conclude with recommendations for industry stakeholders, policymakers, and investors. It highlights potential opportunities for market players to capitalize on emerging trends, overcome challenges, and contribute to the growth and development of the Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market.
Market Segmentation:
Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market is split by Type and by Application. For the period 2019-2030, the growth among segments provides accurate calculations and forecasts for consumption value by Type, and by Application in terms of volume and value.
Segmentation by type
Fiber Grade
Plastics Grade
Film Grade
Segmentation by application
Clothing and Civilian
Food Industry
Chemical Industry
This report also splits the market by region:
United States
Southeast Asia
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
GCC Countries
The below companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing the company's coverage, product portfolio, its market penetration.
Ube Industries
Meher International
Haiyang Technology
Fujian Zhongjin New Material
Fujian Eversun Jinjiang
Guangdong Xinhui Meida
Hangzhou Juheshun New Material
Changle Liheng
Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical
Highsun Holding Group
Bestory Advanced Materials
Jiangsu Yongtong New Material
Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material
Luxi Chemical
Key Questions Addressed in this Report
What is the 10-year outlook for the global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market?
What factors are driving Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market growth, globally and by region?
Which technologies are poised for the fastest growth by market and region?
How do Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip market opportunities vary by end market size?
How does Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip break out type, application?


Table of Contents

1 Scope of the Report
1.1 Market Introduction
1.2 Years Considered
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Market Research Methodology
1.5 Research Process and Data Source
1.6 Economic Indicators
1.7 Currency Considered
1.8 Market Estimation Caveats
2 Executive Summary
2.1 World Market Overview
2.1.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Sales 2019-2030
2.1.2 World Current & Future Analysis for Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Geographic Region, 2019, 2023 & 2030
2.1.3 World Current & Future Analysis for Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Country/Region, 2019, 2023 & 2030
2.2 Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Segment by Type
2.2.1 Fiber Grade
2.2.2 Plastics Grade
2.2.3 Film Grade
2.3 Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Type
2.3.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales Market Share by Type (2019-2024)
2.3.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue and Market Share by Type (2019-2024)
2.3.3 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sale Price by Type (2019-2024)
2.4 Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Segment by Application
2.4.1 Clothing and Civilian
2.4.2 Automotive
2.4.3 Electronics
2.4.4 Food Industry
2.4.5 Chemical Industry
2.4.6 Industrial
2.4.7 Others
2.5 Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Application
2.5.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sale Market Share by Application (2019-2024)
2.5.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue and Market Share by Application (2019-2024)
2.5.3 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sale Price by Application (2019-2024)
3 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Company
3.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Breakdown Data by Company
3.1.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Sales by Company (2019-2024)
3.1.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales Market Share by Company (2019-2024)
3.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Revenue by Company (2019-2024)
3.2.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue by Company (2019-2024)
3.2.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue Market Share by Company (2019-2024)
3.3 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sale Price by Company
3.4 Key Manufacturers Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Producing Area Distribution, Sales Area, Product Type
3.4.1 Key Manufacturers Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Location Distribution
3.4.2 Players Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Products Offered
3.5 Market Concentration Rate Analysis
3.5.1 Competition Landscape Analysis
3.5.2 Concentration Ratio (CR3, CR5 and CR10) & (2019-2024)
3.6 New Products and Potential Entrants
3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion
4 World Historic Review for Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Geographic Region
4.1 World Historic Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Market Size by Geographic Region (2019-2024)
4.1.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Sales by Geographic Region (2019-2024)
4.1.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Revenue by Geographic Region (2019-2024)
4.2 World Historic Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Market Size by Country/Region (2019-2024)
4.2.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Sales by Country/Region (2019-2024)
4.2.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Revenue by Country/Region (2019-2024)
4.3 Americas Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales Growth
4.4 APAC Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales Growth
4.5 Europe Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales Growth
4.6 Middle East & Africa Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales Growth
5 Americas
5.1 Americas Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Country
5.1.1 Americas Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Country (2019-2024)
5.1.2 Americas Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue by Country (2019-2024)
5.2 Americas Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Type
5.3 Americas Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Application
5.4 United States
5.5 Canada
5.6 Mexico
5.7 Brazil
6.1 APAC Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Region
6.1.1 APAC Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Region (2019-2024)
6.1.2 APAC Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue by Region (2019-2024)
6.2 APAC Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Type
6.3 APAC Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Application
6.4 China
6.5 Japan
6.6 South Korea
6.7 Southeast Asia
6.8 India
6.9 Australia
6.10 China Taiwan
7 Europe
7.1 Europe Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Country
7.1.1 Europe Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Country (2019-2024)
7.1.2 Europe Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue by Country (2019-2024)
7.2 Europe Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Type
7.3 Europe Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Application
7.4 Germany
7.5 France
7.6 UK
7.7 Italy
7.8 Russia
8 Middle East & Africa
8.1 Middle East & Africa Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Country
8.1.1 Middle East & Africa Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Country (2019-2024)
8.1.2 Middle East & Africa Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Revenue by Country (2019-2024)
8.2 Middle East & Africa Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Type
8.3 Middle East & Africa Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales by Application
8.4 Egypt
8.5 South Africa
8.6 Israel
8.7 Turkey
8.8 GCC Countries
9 Market Drivers, Challenges and Trends
9.1 Market Drivers & Growth Opportunities
9.2 Market Challenges & Risks
9.3 Industry Trends
10 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis
10.1 Raw Material and Suppliers
10.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip
10.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip
10.4 Industry Chain Structure of Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip
11 Marketing, Distributors and Customer
11.1 Sales Channel
11.1.1 Direct Channels
11.1.2 Indirect Channels
11.2 Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Distributors
11.3 Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Customer
12 World Forecast Review for Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip by Geographic Region
12.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Market Size Forecast by Region
12.1.1 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Forecast by Region (2025-2030)
12.1.2 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Annual Revenue Forecast by Region (2025-2030)
12.2 Americas Forecast by Country
12.3 APAC Forecast by Region
12.4 Europe Forecast by Country
12.5 Middle East & Africa Forecast by Country
12.6 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Forecast by Type
12.7 Global Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Forecast by Application
13 Key Players Analysis
13.1 BASF
13.1.1 BASF Company Information
13.1.2 BASF Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.1.3 BASF Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.1.4 BASF Main Business Overview
13.1.5 BASF Latest Developments
13.2 DSM
13.2.1 DSM Company Information
13.2.2 DSM Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.2.3 DSM Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.2.4 DSM Main Business Overview
13.2.5 DSM Latest Developments
13.3 Ube Industries
13.3.1 Ube Industries Company Information
13.3.2 Ube Industries Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.3.3 Ube Industries Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.3.4 Ube Industries Main Business Overview
13.3.5 Ube Industries Latest Developments
13.4 Meher International
13.4.1 Meher International Company Information
13.4.2 Meher International Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.4.3 Meher International Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.4.4 Meher International Main Business Overview
13.4.5 Meher International Latest Developments
13.5 Unitika
13.5.1 Unitika Company Information
13.5.2 Unitika Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.5.3 Unitika Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.5.4 Unitika Main Business Overview
13.5.5 Unitika Latest Developments
13.6 Sinopec
13.6.1 Sinopec Company Information
13.6.2 Sinopec Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.6.3 Sinopec Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.6.4 Sinopec Main Business Overview
13.6.5 Sinopec Latest Developments
13.7 Haiyang Technology
13.7.1 Haiyang Technology Company Information
13.7.2 Haiyang Technology Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.7.3 Haiyang Technology Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.7.4 Haiyang Technology Main Business Overview
13.7.5 Haiyang Technology Latest Developments
13.8.1 LI PENG ENTERPRISE Company Information
13.8.2 LI PENG ENTERPRISE Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.8.3 LI PENG ENTERPRISE Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.8.4 LI PENG ENTERPRISE Main Business Overview
13.8.5 LI PENG ENTERPRISE Latest Developments
13.9 Fujian Zhongjin New Material
13.9.1 Fujian Zhongjin New Material Company Information
13.9.2 Fujian Zhongjin New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.9.3 Fujian Zhongjin New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.9.4 Fujian Zhongjin New Material Main Business Overview
13.9.5 Fujian Zhongjin New Material Latest Developments
13.10 Fujian Eversun Jinjiang
13.10.1 Fujian Eversun Jinjiang Company Information
13.10.2 Fujian Eversun Jinjiang Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.10.3 Fujian Eversun Jinjiang Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.10.4 Fujian Eversun Jinjiang Main Business Overview
13.10.5 Fujian Eversun Jinjiang Latest Developments
13.11 Guangdong Xinhui Meida
13.11.1 Guangdong Xinhui Meida Company Information
13.11.2 Guangdong Xinhui Meida Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.11.3 Guangdong Xinhui Meida Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.11.4 Guangdong Xinhui Meida Main Business Overview
13.11.5 Guangdong Xinhui Meida Latest Developments
13.12 Hangzhou Juheshun New Material
13.12.1 Hangzhou Juheshun New Material Company Information
13.12.2 Hangzhou Juheshun New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.12.3 Hangzhou Juheshun New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.12.4 Hangzhou Juheshun New Material Main Business Overview
13.12.5 Hangzhou Juheshun New Material Latest Developments
13.13 Changle Liheng
13.13.1 Changle Liheng Company Information
13.13.2 Changle Liheng Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.13.3 Changle Liheng Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.13.4 Changle Liheng Main Business Overview
13.13.5 Changle Liheng Latest Developments
13.14 Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical
13.14.1 Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical Company Information
13.14.2 Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.14.3 Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.14.4 Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical Main Business Overview
13.14.5 Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical Latest Developments
13.15 Highsun Holding Group
13.15.1 Highsun Holding Group Company Information
13.15.2 Highsun Holding Group Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.15.3 Highsun Holding Group Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.15.4 Highsun Holding Group Main Business Overview
13.15.5 Highsun Holding Group Latest Developments
13.16 Bestory Advanced Materials
13.16.1 Bestory Advanced Materials Company Information
13.16.2 Bestory Advanced Materials Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.16.3 Bestory Advanced Materials Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.16.4 Bestory Advanced Materials Main Business Overview
13.16.5 Bestory Advanced Materials Latest Developments
13.17 Jiangsu Yongtong New Material
13.17.1 Jiangsu Yongtong New Material Company Information
13.17.2 Jiangsu Yongtong New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.17.3 Jiangsu Yongtong New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.17.4 Jiangsu Yongtong New Material Main Business Overview
13.17.5 Jiangsu Yongtong New Material Latest Developments
13.18 Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material
13.18.1 Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material Company Information
13.18.2 Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.18.3 Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.18.4 Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material Main Business Overview
13.18.5 Zhejiang Fangyuan New Material Latest Developments
13.19 Luxi Chemical
13.19.1 Luxi Chemical Company Information
13.19.2 Luxi Chemical Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.19.3 Luxi Chemical Nylon 6 (PA 6) Chip Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
13.19.4 Luxi Chemical Main Business Overview
13.19.5 Luxi Chemical Latest Developments
14 Research Findings and Conclusion






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2024/12/19 10:26

155.94 円

162.31 円

199.02 円
