軍事・航空宇宙用センサーの世界市場成長(現状と展望)2024-2030年Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Growth (Status and Outlook) 2024-2030 近年、軍事・航空宇宙分野はパラダイムシフトを経験し、最先端技術を活用して作戦能力を強化している。この変革を実現する重要な要素のひとつが先進的なセンサーであり、意思決定や状況認識のための重要なデータ... もっと見る
サマリー近年、軍事・航空宇宙分野はパラダイムシフトを経験し、最先端技術を活用して作戦能力を強化している。この変革を実現する重要な要素のひとつが先進的なセンサーであり、意思決定や状況認識のための重要なデータを収集する上で重要な役割を担っている。ISRは現代の軍事作戦の要となっており、軍隊が実用的な情報を収集し、戦略的優位を維持することを可能にしている。合成開口レーダー(SAR)や電気光学/赤外線(EO/IR)センサーなどの高度なセンサーは、ISR技術の最前線にある。世界の軍事・航空宇宙用センサ市場規模は、2024年の7億7,900万米ドルから2030年には1億4,770万米ドルに成長すると予測されており、2024年から2030年までの年平均成長率は11.4%と予測されています。 LPI(エルピーアイ情報)の最新調査レポート「軍用・航空宇宙用センサ産業の予測」は、過去の売上高に注目し、2022年の世界の軍用・航空宇宙用センサの総売上高をレビューし、2023年から2029年までの軍用・航空宇宙用センサの予測売上高を地域別・市場分野別に包括的に分析しています。軍用・航空宇宙用センサの売上高を地域別、市場分野別、サブセクター別に分類し、世界の軍用・航空宇宙用センサ産業の詳細な分析を百万米ドル単位で提供しています。 この調査レポートは、世界の軍用・航空宇宙用センサを包括的に分析し、製品セグメンテーション、企業形成、収益、市場シェア、最新動向、M&A活動などに関する主要動向を明らかにしています。また本レポートでは、軍用・航空宇宙用センサのポートフォリオと能力、市場参入戦略、市場での地位、地理的な足跡に焦点を当てた主要グローバル企業の戦略を分析し、加速する世界の軍用・航空宇宙用センサ市場におけるこれらの企業の独自の地位をより深く理解しています。 この調査レポートは、軍用・航空宇宙用センサーの世界的な見通しを形成する主要な市場動向、促進要因、影響要因を評価し、タイプ別、用途別、地域別、市場規模別の予測に分類して、新たな機会のポケットを浮き彫りにします。何百ものボトムアップの定性的・定量的市場インプットに基づいた透明性の高い手法により、この調査予測は世界の軍事・航空宇宙用センサーの現状と将来の軌道について非常にニュアンスのある見解を提供します。 高度なセンサーを搭載したISRシステムは、軍事要員や航空宇宙オペレーターに、周囲の状況に関するリアルタイムで正確な情報を提供する。この強化された状況認識により、より良い意思決定、運用効率の向上、対応時間の短縮が可能になります。防衛・航空宇宙組織が複雑な環境で戦術的優位性を獲得しようと努力するにつれ、高度なセンサーの需要が大幅に増加している。このように、インテリジェンス、監視、偵察(ISR)機能に対するニーズの高まりが、軍用・航空宇宙用センサー市場の収益を押し上げている。 当レポートでは、軍用・航空宇宙用センサ市場の包括的な概要、市場シェア、成長機会を、製品タイプ、用途、主要企業、主要地域、国別に紹介しています。 タイプ別セグメント 諜報・偵察システム 通信とナビゲーション 電子戦 コマンドコントロール その他 用途別セグメント 陸上 空挺 海軍 宇宙 本レポートはまた、市場を地域別に分けています: 南北アメリカ アメリカ カナダ メキシコ ブラジル APAC 中国 日本 韓国 東南アジア インド オーストラリア ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア ロシア 中東・アフリカ エジプト 南アフリカ イスラエル トルコ GCC諸国 タイプ別セグメント 諜報・偵察システム 通信とナビゲーション 電子戦 コマンド・コントロール その他 用途別セグメント 陸上 空挺 海軍 宇宙 本レポートはまた、市場を地域別に分けています: 南北アメリカ アメリカ カナダ メキシコ ブラジル APAC 中国 日本 韓国 東南アジア インド オーストラリア ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア ロシア 中東・アフリカ エジプト 南アフリカ イスラエル トルコ GCC諸国 以下の企業は、主要な専門家から収集した情報、および企業のカバレッジ、製品ポートフォリオ、市場浸透度の分析に基づいて選択されています。 UTC エアロスペースシステムズ メギットPLC イートン・コーポレーション ゾディアック・エアロスペース クレーン・エアロスペース ヴィオア・イメージング・テクノロジー ロックウェスト・ソリューション ヴェクトルナヴ・テクノロジーズLLC マイクロフローンアンビサLLC イノベーティブ・センサ・テクノロジー IST AG TEコネクティビティ エクセリタス センサータ・テクノロジーズ アメテック センテック ハネウェル・インターナショナル タレスグループ レイセオン ロッキード・マーチン サフラン・エレクトロニクス&ディフェンス BAE システムズ PLC 目次1 Scope of the Report1.1 Market Introduction 1.2 Years Considered 1.3 Research Objectives 1.4 Market Research Methodology 1.5 Research Process and Data Source 1.6 Economic Indicators 1.7 Currency Considered 1.8 Market Estimation Caveats 2 Executive Summary 2.1 World Market Overview 2.1.1 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size 2019-2030 2.1.2 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size CAGR by Region (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 2.1.3 World Current & Future Analysis for Military and Aerospace Sensors by Country/Region, 2019, 2023 & 2030 2.2 Military and Aerospace Sensors Segment by Type 2.2.1 Intelligence and Reconnaissance Systems 2.2.2 Communication and Navigation 2.2.3 Electronic Warfare 2.2.4 Command Control 2.2.5 Others 2.3 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Type 2.3.1 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size CAGR by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 2.3.2 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Market Share by Type (2019-2024) 2.4 Military and Aerospace Sensors Segment by Application 2.4.1 Land 2.4.2 Airborne 2.4.3 Naval 2.4.4 Space 2.5 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Application 2.5.1 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size CAGR by Application (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 2.5.2 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Market Share by Application (2019-2024) 3 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Player 3.1 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Market Share by Player 3.1.1 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue by Player (2019-2024) 3.1.2 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue Market Share by Player (2019-2024) 3.2 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Key Players Head office and Products Offered 3.3 Market Concentration Rate Analysis 3.3.1 Competition Landscape Analysis 3.3.2 Concentration Ratio (CR3, CR5 and CR10) & (2022-2024) 3.4 New Products and Potential Entrants 3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 4 Military and Aerospace Sensors by Region 4.1 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 4.2 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Annual Revenue by Country/Region (2019-2024) 4.3 Americas Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 4.4 APAC Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 4.5 Europe Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 4.6 Middle East & Africa Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 5 Americas 5.1 Americas Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 5.2 Americas Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 5.3 Americas Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 5.4 United States 5.5 Canada 5.6 Mexico 5.7 Brazil 6 APAC 6.1 APAC Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 6.2 APAC Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 6.3 APAC Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 6.4 China 6.5 Japan 6.6 South Korea 6.7 Southeast Asia 6.8 India 6.9 Australia 7 Europe 7.1 Europe Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 7.2 Europe Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 7.3 Europe Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 7.4 Germany 7.5 France 7.6 UK 7.7 Italy 7.8 Russia 8 Middle East & Africa 8.1 Middle East & Africa Military and Aerospace Sensors by Region (2019-2024) 8.2 Middle East & Africa Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 8.3 Middle East & Africa Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 8.4 Egypt 8.5 South Africa 8.6 Israel 8.7 Turkey 8.8 GCC Countries 9 Market Drivers, Challenges and Trends 9.1 Market Drivers & Growth Opportunities 9.2 Market Challenges & Risks 9.3 Industry Trends 10 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Forecast 10.1 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 10.1.1 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 10.1.2 Americas Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.1.3 APAC Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.1.4 Europe Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.1.5 Middle East & Africa Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.2 Americas Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Country (2025-2030) 10.2.1 United States Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.2.2 Canada Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.2.3 Mexico Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.2.4 Brazil Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.3 APAC Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 10.3.1 China Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Forecast 10.3.2 Japan Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.3.3 Korea Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.3.4 Southeast Asia Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.3.5 India Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.3.6 Australia Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.4 Europe Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Country (2025-2030) 10.4.1 Germany Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.4.2 France Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.4.3 UK Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.4.4 Italy Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.4.5 Russia Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.5 Middle East & Africa Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 10.5.1 Egypt Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.5.2 South Africa Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.5.3 Israel Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.5.4 Turkey Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.6 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Type (2025-2030) 10.7 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Application (2025-2030) 10.7.1 GCC Countries Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 11 Key Players Analysis 11.1 UTC Aerospace systems 11.1.1 UTC Aerospace systems Company Information 11.1.2 UTC Aerospace systems Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.1.3 UTC Aerospace systems Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.1.4 UTC Aerospace systems Main Business Overview 11.1.5 UTC Aerospace systems Latest Developments 11.2 Meggitt PLC 11.2.1 Meggitt PLC Company Information 11.2.2 Meggitt PLC Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.2.3 Meggitt PLC Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.2.4 Meggitt PLC Main Business Overview 11.2.5 Meggitt PLC Latest Developments 11.3 Eaton Corporation 11.3.1 Eaton Corporation Company Information 11.3.2 Eaton Corporation Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.3.3 Eaton Corporation Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.3.4 Eaton Corporation Main Business Overview 11.3.5 Eaton Corporation Latest Developments 11.4 Zodiac Aerospace 11.4.1 Zodiac Aerospace Company Information 11.4.2 Zodiac Aerospace Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.4.3 Zodiac Aerospace Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.4.4 Zodiac Aerospace Main Business Overview 11.4.5 Zodiac Aerospace Latest Developments 11.5 Crane Aerospace 11.5.1 Crane Aerospace Company Information 11.5.2 Crane Aerospace Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.5.3 Crane Aerospace Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.5.4 Crane Aerospace Main Business Overview 11.5.5 Crane Aerospace Latest Developments 11.6 Viooa Imaging Technology 11.6.1 Viooa Imaging Technology Company Information 11.6.2 Viooa Imaging Technology Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.6.3 Viooa Imaging Technology Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.6.4 Viooa Imaging Technology Main Business Overview 11.6.5 Viooa Imaging Technology Latest Developments 11.7 Rockwest Solution 11.7.1 Rockwest Solution Company Information 11.7.2 Rockwest Solution Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.7.3 Rockwest Solution Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.7.4 Rockwest Solution Main Business Overview 11.7.5 Rockwest Solution Latest Developments 11.8 Vectornav Technologies LLC. 11.8.1 Vectornav Technologies LLC. Company Information 11.8.2 Vectornav Technologies LLC. Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.8.3 Vectornav Technologies LLC. Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.8.4 Vectornav Technologies LLC. Main Business Overview 11.8.5 Vectornav Technologies LLC. Latest Developments 11.9 Microflown Anvisa, LLC 11.9.1 Microflown Anvisa, LLC Company Information 11.9.2 Microflown Anvisa, LLC Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.9.3 Microflown Anvisa, LLC Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.9.4 Microflown Anvisa, LLC Main Business Overview 11.9.5 Microflown Anvisa, LLC Latest Developments 11.10 Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG 11.10.1 Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG Company Information 11.10.2 Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.10.3 Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.10.4 Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG Main Business Overview 11.10.5 Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG Latest Developments 11.11 TE Connectivity 11.11.1 TE Connectivity Company Information 11.11.2 TE Connectivity Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.11.3 TE Connectivity Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.11.4 TE Connectivity Main Business Overview 11.11.5 TE Connectivity Latest Developments 11.12 Excelitas 11.12.1 Excelitas Company Information 11.12.2 Excelitas Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.12.3 Excelitas Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.12.4 Excelitas Main Business Overview 11.12.5 Excelitas Latest Developments 11.13 Sensata Technologies, Inc 11.13.1 Sensata Technologies, Inc Company Information 11.13.2 Sensata Technologies, Inc Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.13.3 Sensata Technologies, Inc Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.13.4 Sensata Technologies, Inc Main Business Overview 11.13.5 Sensata Technologies, Inc Latest Developments 11.14 Ametek 11.14.1 Ametek Company Information 11.14.2 Ametek Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.14.3 Ametek Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.14.4 Ametek Main Business Overview 11.14.5 Ametek Latest Developments 11.15 Sentech 11.15.1 Sentech Company Information 11.15.2 Sentech Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.15.3 Sentech Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.15.4 Sentech Main Business Overview 11.15.5 Sentech Latest Developments 11.16 Honeywell International Inc 11.16.1 Honeywell International Inc Company Information 11.16.2 Honeywell International Inc Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.16.3 Honeywell International Inc Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.16.4 Honeywell International Inc Main Business Overview 11.16.5 Honeywell International Inc Latest Developments 11.17 Thales Group 11.17.1 Thales Group Company Information 11.17.2 Thales Group Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.17.3 Thales Group Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.17.4 Thales Group Main Business Overview 11.17.5 Thales Group Latest Developments 11.18 Raytheon Company 11.18.1 Raytheon Company Company Information 11.18.2 Raytheon Company Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.18.3 Raytheon Company Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.18.4 Raytheon Company Main Business Overview 11.18.5 Raytheon Company Latest Developments 11.19 Lockheed Martin Corporation 11.19.1 Lockheed Martin Corporation Company Information 11.19.2 Lockheed Martin Corporation Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.19.3 Lockheed Martin Corporation Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.19.4 Lockheed Martin Corporation Main Business Overview 11.19.5 Lockheed Martin Corporation Latest Developments 11.20 Safran Electronics & Defense 11.20.1 Safran Electronics & Defense Company Information 11.20.2 Safran Electronics & Defense Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.20.3 Safran Electronics & Defense Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.20.4 Safran Electronics & Defense Main Business Overview 11.20.5 Safran Electronics & Defense Latest Developments 11.21 BAE Systems PLC 11.21.1 BAE Systems PLC Company Information 11.21.2 BAE Systems PLC Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.21.3 BAE Systems PLC Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.21.4 BAE Systems PLC Main Business Overview 11.21.5 BAE Systems PLC Latest Developments 12 Research Findings and Conclusion
SummaryIn recent years, the military and aerospace sectors have experienced a paradigm shift, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to enhance their operational capabilities. Among the key enablers of this transformation are advanced sensors, which play a critical role in gathering crucial data for decision-making and situational awareness. ISR has become a cornerstone of modern military operations, enabling armed forces to gather actionable intelligence and maintain a strategic advantage. Advanced sensors, such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensors, are at the forefront of ISR technologies. Table of Contents1 Scope of the Report1.1 Market Introduction 1.2 Years Considered 1.3 Research Objectives 1.4 Market Research Methodology 1.5 Research Process and Data Source 1.6 Economic Indicators 1.7 Currency Considered 1.8 Market Estimation Caveats 2 Executive Summary 2.1 World Market Overview 2.1.1 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size 2019-2030 2.1.2 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size CAGR by Region (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 2.1.3 World Current & Future Analysis for Military and Aerospace Sensors by Country/Region, 2019, 2023 & 2030 2.2 Military and Aerospace Sensors Segment by Type 2.2.1 Intelligence and Reconnaissance Systems 2.2.2 Communication and Navigation 2.2.3 Electronic Warfare 2.2.4 Command Control 2.2.5 Others 2.3 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Type 2.3.1 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size CAGR by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 2.3.2 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Market Share by Type (2019-2024) 2.4 Military and Aerospace Sensors Segment by Application 2.4.1 Land 2.4.2 Airborne 2.4.3 Naval 2.4.4 Space 2.5 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Application 2.5.1 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size CAGR by Application (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 2.5.2 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Market Share by Application (2019-2024) 3 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Player 3.1 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Market Share by Player 3.1.1 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue by Player (2019-2024) 3.1.2 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue Market Share by Player (2019-2024) 3.2 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Key Players Head office and Products Offered 3.3 Market Concentration Rate Analysis 3.3.1 Competition Landscape Analysis 3.3.2 Concentration Ratio (CR3, CR5 and CR10) & (2022-2024) 3.4 New Products and Potential Entrants 3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 4 Military and Aerospace Sensors by Region 4.1 Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 4.2 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Annual Revenue by Country/Region (2019-2024) 4.3 Americas Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 4.4 APAC Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 4.5 Europe Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 4.6 Middle East & Africa Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 5 Americas 5.1 Americas Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 5.2 Americas Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 5.3 Americas Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 5.4 United States 5.5 Canada 5.6 Mexico 5.7 Brazil 6 APAC 6.1 APAC Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 6.2 APAC Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 6.3 APAC Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 6.4 China 6.5 Japan 6.6 South Korea 6.7 Southeast Asia 6.8 India 6.9 Australia 7 Europe 7.1 Europe Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 7.2 Europe Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 7.3 Europe Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 7.4 Germany 7.5 France 7.6 UK 7.7 Italy 7.8 Russia 8 Middle East & Africa 8.1 Middle East & Africa Military and Aerospace Sensors by Region (2019-2024) 8.2 Middle East & Africa Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 8.3 Middle East & Africa Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 8.4 Egypt 8.5 South Africa 8.6 Israel 8.7 Turkey 8.8 GCC Countries 9 Market Drivers, Challenges and Trends 9.1 Market Drivers & Growth Opportunities 9.2 Market Challenges & Risks 9.3 Industry Trends 10 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Forecast 10.1 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 10.1.1 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 10.1.2 Americas Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.1.3 APAC Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.1.4 Europe Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.1.5 Middle East & Africa Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.2 Americas Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Country (2025-2030) 10.2.1 United States Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.2.2 Canada Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.2.3 Mexico Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.2.4 Brazil Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.3 APAC Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 10.3.1 China Military and Aerospace Sensors Market Forecast 10.3.2 Japan Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.3.3 Korea Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.3.4 Southeast Asia Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.3.5 India Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.3.6 Australia Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.4 Europe Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Country (2025-2030) 10.4.1 Germany Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.4.2 France Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.4.3 UK Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.4.4 Italy Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.4.5 Russia Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.5 Middle East & Africa Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 10.5.1 Egypt Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.5.2 South Africa Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.5.3 Israel Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.5.4 Turkey Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 10.6 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Type (2025-2030) 10.7 Global Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast by Application (2025-2030) 10.7.1 GCC Countries Market Military and Aerospace Sensors Forecast 11 Key Players Analysis 11.1 UTC Aerospace systems 11.1.1 UTC Aerospace systems Company Information 11.1.2 UTC Aerospace systems Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.1.3 UTC Aerospace systems Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.1.4 UTC Aerospace systems Main Business Overview 11.1.5 UTC Aerospace systems Latest Developments 11.2 Meggitt PLC 11.2.1 Meggitt PLC Company Information 11.2.2 Meggitt PLC Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.2.3 Meggitt PLC Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.2.4 Meggitt PLC Main Business Overview 11.2.5 Meggitt PLC Latest Developments 11.3 Eaton Corporation 11.3.1 Eaton Corporation Company Information 11.3.2 Eaton Corporation Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.3.3 Eaton Corporation Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.3.4 Eaton Corporation Main Business Overview 11.3.5 Eaton Corporation Latest Developments 11.4 Zodiac Aerospace 11.4.1 Zodiac Aerospace Company Information 11.4.2 Zodiac Aerospace Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.4.3 Zodiac Aerospace Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.4.4 Zodiac Aerospace Main Business Overview 11.4.5 Zodiac Aerospace Latest Developments 11.5 Crane Aerospace 11.5.1 Crane Aerospace Company Information 11.5.2 Crane Aerospace Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.5.3 Crane Aerospace Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.5.4 Crane Aerospace Main Business Overview 11.5.5 Crane Aerospace Latest Developments 11.6 Viooa Imaging Technology 11.6.1 Viooa Imaging Technology Company Information 11.6.2 Viooa Imaging Technology Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.6.3 Viooa Imaging Technology Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.6.4 Viooa Imaging Technology Main Business Overview 11.6.5 Viooa Imaging Technology Latest Developments 11.7 Rockwest Solution 11.7.1 Rockwest Solution Company Information 11.7.2 Rockwest Solution Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.7.3 Rockwest Solution Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.7.4 Rockwest Solution Main Business Overview 11.7.5 Rockwest Solution Latest Developments 11.8 Vectornav Technologies LLC. 11.8.1 Vectornav Technologies LLC. Company Information 11.8.2 Vectornav Technologies LLC. Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.8.3 Vectornav Technologies LLC. Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.8.4 Vectornav Technologies LLC. Main Business Overview 11.8.5 Vectornav Technologies LLC. Latest Developments 11.9 Microflown Anvisa, LLC 11.9.1 Microflown Anvisa, LLC Company Information 11.9.2 Microflown Anvisa, LLC Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.9.3 Microflown Anvisa, LLC Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.9.4 Microflown Anvisa, LLC Main Business Overview 11.9.5 Microflown Anvisa, LLC Latest Developments 11.10 Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG 11.10.1 Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG Company Information 11.10.2 Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.10.3 Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.10.4 Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG Main Business Overview 11.10.5 Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG Latest Developments 11.11 TE Connectivity 11.11.1 TE Connectivity Company Information 11.11.2 TE Connectivity Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.11.3 TE Connectivity Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.11.4 TE Connectivity Main Business Overview 11.11.5 TE Connectivity Latest Developments 11.12 Excelitas 11.12.1 Excelitas Company Information 11.12.2 Excelitas Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.12.3 Excelitas Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.12.4 Excelitas Main Business Overview 11.12.5 Excelitas Latest Developments 11.13 Sensata Technologies, Inc 11.13.1 Sensata Technologies, Inc Company Information 11.13.2 Sensata Technologies, Inc Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.13.3 Sensata Technologies, Inc Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.13.4 Sensata Technologies, Inc Main Business Overview 11.13.5 Sensata Technologies, Inc Latest Developments 11.14 Ametek 11.14.1 Ametek Company Information 11.14.2 Ametek Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.14.3 Ametek Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.14.4 Ametek Main Business Overview 11.14.5 Ametek Latest Developments 11.15 Sentech 11.15.1 Sentech Company Information 11.15.2 Sentech Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.15.3 Sentech Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.15.4 Sentech Main Business Overview 11.15.5 Sentech Latest Developments 11.16 Honeywell International Inc 11.16.1 Honeywell International Inc Company Information 11.16.2 Honeywell International Inc Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.16.3 Honeywell International Inc Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.16.4 Honeywell International Inc Main Business Overview 11.16.5 Honeywell International Inc Latest Developments 11.17 Thales Group 11.17.1 Thales Group Company Information 11.17.2 Thales Group Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.17.3 Thales Group Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.17.4 Thales Group Main Business Overview 11.17.5 Thales Group Latest Developments 11.18 Raytheon Company 11.18.1 Raytheon Company Company Information 11.18.2 Raytheon Company Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.18.3 Raytheon Company Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.18.4 Raytheon Company Main Business Overview 11.18.5 Raytheon Company Latest Developments 11.19 Lockheed Martin Corporation 11.19.1 Lockheed Martin Corporation Company Information 11.19.2 Lockheed Martin Corporation Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.19.3 Lockheed Martin Corporation Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.19.4 Lockheed Martin Corporation Main Business Overview 11.19.5 Lockheed Martin Corporation Latest Developments 11.20 Safran Electronics & Defense 11.20.1 Safran Electronics & Defense Company Information 11.20.2 Safran Electronics & Defense Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.20.3 Safran Electronics & Defense Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.20.4 Safran Electronics & Defense Main Business Overview 11.20.5 Safran Electronics & Defense Latest Developments 11.21 BAE Systems PLC 11.21.1 BAE Systems PLC Company Information 11.21.2 BAE Systems PLC Military and Aerospace Sensors Product Offered 11.21.3 BAE Systems PLC Military and Aerospace Sensors Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.21.4 BAE Systems PLC Main Business Overview 11.21.5 BAE Systems PLC Latest Developments 12 Research Findings and Conclusion
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